[no subject]

2002-09-05 Thread sajeev alex

Dear Friends.

Hope you all will love the screensaver which I received from one of my 

Remain in the blessing of the Living God and Our Blessed Queen Virgin Mary. 

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-09-05 Thread tony varghese

Dear friends,

I take this opportunity to Thank God for His wonderful plans in caring, loving
and nurturing my small family all these four years. He has been always
faithful, even when we were not, He has been a generous Provider, even when we
didn't share our's with others...

I request you all to join in our thanksgiving along with  my wife Sheji, my
daughter Liz Therese and me.

With Love,

Tony Varghese

P.O.BOX 461, P C 117, WADI KABIR,
TEL: 00968-680939
FAX: 00968-680954
GSM: 9364967

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[JOYnet] International Film Festival-prolife documentary selected.

2002-09-05 Thread vipin v roldant

Dear Friend/s,
  Hope you are fine with lots of committed 
activities.By the Grace of God there are some glad news to share 
  Our new documentary film on Abortion 'Let me 
Smile',is selected to Soorya International Film Festival at 
Trivandrum.The Soorya film festival is a one month long festival 
of classic films and documentaries willstart from 
21stSep.2002.'Let me Smile'is the first malayalam documentary film 
on Abortion.Please pray for the screening in the festival at 
Kalabhavan Theatre,Trivandrum.Also, this is the greatest chance of 
us to proclaim the importance of life before public.
  This work is produced by Prolife Ministry and It is 
created by 'The Expressions',([EMAIL PROTECTED])a youth 
initiative media outreach group for media evangelization.Please 
remember its background workers in your prayers.
   'Let me Smile' also selected to the evening film 
festival of Filca Film Society,Trivandrum.It will be screened on 
16th September 2002 at Museum Auditorium,Trivandrum at 4.00-4.30 
pm.After the screening there will be a discussion based on 
documentary film.If you are available,try to be there in 
programme.Because we are outreaching to the public through the 
documentary.Your prayer support and presence will be an asset for 
the presentation.

 Behind the Screen;

Direction   -Vipin V.Roldant
Producer-Dr.Scott Chacko John
Script  -Vipin-Sooraj
Music   -Joby Silsila
Art -Noble Jose
Camera  -Sabu James
Editing -Joemon
Asso.Direction-Sooraj Tom
Produced By  -Prolife Ministry,Jesus Youth
Created By   -The Expressions

N.B The CD and Video Cassette are available for 

   Expecting your prayer support,
   with love and Prayer,

 Vipin V.Roldant

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[JOYnet] JYUK celebration

2002-09-05 Thread joseph john

Dear Jys,
Please pray for JYUK as the celebration of one year of its formation begins tomorrow 
(6-8) September with thanksgiveing Mass and fellowship. Below is a mail send one year 
back with the request of prayers to Joynet and Now God has blessed JYUK in an enormous 
way...Thanks all for ur valuable prayers.do keep praying. Last year we just formed 
with 8 JYs. Now we are expecting a three digit figure...Do pray for this great Gift 
that God has given. 
love n prayers

 Original Message 
Subject: [JOYnet] JY gettogether in UK
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 18:18:05
From: joseph v.j [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear JYs,

Please pray for the 2nd gathering of all JYs in UK. We are having our 
get together cum prayer session from tomorrow to Sunday evening. Around
6-8 JYs are coming for this gathering. Please inform all the JYs in UK.
For more information please contact me (07810424364) or
Dr.Jacob(07939057575) or Anu(07960124667).

Aim is to reach out to the Youths in UK.

With love and prayers


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[JOYnet] God Said,No

2002-09-05 Thread tom sheen

Dear friends,

Read this and criticize yourselves.

I asked God to take away my pain.

God said, No.
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to grant me patience.

God said, No.
Patience is a by-product of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness.

God said, No.
I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain.

God said, No.
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.

God said, No.
You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.

God said, No.
I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.

I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as he loves me.

God said...
A, finally you have the idea. Believe in yourself first and you'll
believe in what God said

Regards in Christ


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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-09-05 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (September 06).

james peter lingam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] More sharings on the WYD pilgrimage tour-7

2002-09-05 Thread John Wilfred

Dear friends,

Today as I continue with the sharing of the experiences of the last group of
Jesus Youth which had gone to the World Youth Day (WYD) Toronto, Taize,
Lourdes, Assisi and Rome from India, let me introduce to you Shinto and

Sanoj also known as Jacob Thomas is from Changanacherry in Kerala. He is
presently the co-ordinator of the Campus Team in Changanacherry Zone.  He is
also a member of the Central Campus Team and is a student as well as employed.
I should tell you the kind of perseverance of Sanoj in making his WYD
participation a reality. He has not been keeping well for quite some time and
so he could not come with us to the French Embassy.  Even financial
constraints did not stop him from making it to Toronto and to other pilgrimage
places. While we were visiting Rome, we saw him abandoning his chappals (foot
wear) and walking bare footed for two days in the roads and in the sun as part
of his pilgrimage.  It was very touching to see this action of his.  Sanoj may
be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shinto is a gem of a person and has a lot of contributions to the Jesus Youth
mission activities in India. He has visited many parts of India as part of
this ministry.  He is from Kasargaod in Kerala and is employed in a bank.
According to him, The World Youth Day has been more than a convention. It was
meeting the Lord Jesus himself and making waves of conversion and change in
everyone that gathered there.  In the presence of the Holy Father John Paul
II, the spiritual change especially among the people of Europe was quite
visible even from the outward gestures.  This really touched me.

As I visited Rome and Paris, I was reminded where the foundation and growing
up of the Church really lied. The Church is actually built on the sacrifice
and martyrdom of so many.  It was really a great opportunity to visit those
places.  Shinto may be contacted by telephone at 91-499-721031

I would like to remember our visits to St.Peter's Baslica and to St.Paul's
Baslica (Baslica de Sant Paulo) in Rome. Beneath the main alters lie tombs of
these great apostles of the Lord. (though Paul is not an apostle). I was
trying to picture the zeal of the early Christians who offered Mass on that
altar. Firstly, we find our Lord Jesus breaking his body and blood and
shedding for all of us at the altar. And beneath the altar lie the remains of
His immediate followers who also gave up their life for Jesus.  As we offer
Mass at that alter, should we also feel urged to lay down our life for the
faith?  These thoughts were really challenging me and questioning me about the
deapth of my own faith.  Even the Tre-fontane, the place where St.Paul was
beheaded where three fountains were formed as the head toppled three times as
it fell on the ground. What a miracle and blessing even while giving up his
life for Jesus. Can we at least take up small sufferings gladly and offer it
as a sacrifice to Jesus. Lets try to do it .

Well, bye for the moment. See you soon. Thank you.

Love and regards

John Wilfred

Cochin/ India

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[JOYnet] (Read) Ten inches!

2002-09-05 Thread Donald

Hello Joynetters,

Came across this and decided to share it with you all. God is truly great. You begin 
to appreciate Him better when you see some things from the perspective of others.

A girl was sitting on  park bench with one hand resting on an open bible. She was 
loudly exclaming her praise to God. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God is great! she yelled 
without worrying whether anyone heard her or not. Shortly after, along came a man who 
had recently completed some studies at a local university. Feeling himself very 
enlightened in the ways of truth and very eager to show this enligthenment, the asked 
the girl the source of her joy.

Hey, asked the girl with a bright laugh, don't you have any idea what God is able 
to do? I just read that God opened up the waves of the red sea and led the whole 
nation of Isreal right through the middle.

The enlighened man laughed lightly, sat down next to the girl and began to try to open 
her eyes to the realities of the miracles of the bible. That can all be easily 
explained, the man said, Modern scholars has shown that the red sea at that time was 
only ten inches deep at that time. It was no problem for the Isrealites to wade 

The girl was stumped. Her eyes wandered from the man to the bible laying open in her 
laps. The man, content that he had enlightened a poor, naive young person to the finer 
points scientific insight, turned to go. Scarcely had he taken two steps when the girl 
began to rejoice and praise God louder than before. The man turned to ask the reason 
for the renewed jubilation.

Wow. exclaimed the girl happily. God is greater than I taught. Not only did He lead 
the nation of Isreal through the red sea, He topped it off by drowning the whole 
Egyptian army in ten inches of water.

Isn't our God really great. Whatever your situation God is greater than it so just go 
on and praise hi as loud as you can and watch Him not only give you the miracle you 
asked but also top it off with a final ... the Egyptians you see today, you will see 
no more.

Have a wonderful day. God bless you all real good.

The DON.

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[JOYnet] Urgent Prayer request.

2002-09-05 Thread george

Loving all,
am forwarding an urgent prayer request to u. Kindly keep praying for this couple.

luv n prayers

 Please add my sister and her husband to your prayer
 list.  They have four
 children and are talking about getting a divorce. 
 They have a good marriage
 but it are under attack right now and everyone is
 suffering (especially the
 children).  The husband is moving out next week but
 I would like to request
 prayer for divine intervention that would convict
 him to stay in spite of
 the situation at hand.  They both love the Lord..
 however he is a more
 devout Christian than she is.  Their names are Kevin
 and Denna Davis.
 Please pray with me on this matter!  Thank you and
 God bless you richly for
 your prayers.
 Alees Edwards

Scientist/Engineer,Structures Group
ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore 560 017.India

Ph: office: 00 91 80 508 3616
Home :  00 91 80 535 4876
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