[JOYnet] Daily Bread

2002-10-20 Thread Primeson James
Daily Bread

Life in the Spirit

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the
law of sin and of death".

Romans 8 : 1 - 2

May God Bless You In This Day and Forever

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[JOYnet] Introducing Anthony Vaniapurakal from New Zealand

2002-10-20 Thread Thomas Mathew
I like to introduce Mr  Anthony and his wife Philo, Vaniapurakal,
workiing in New Zealand. They like to be part of the Joynet Fr Thomas
MathewNew Zealand

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[JOYnet] Introducing Anthony Vaniapurakal from New Zealand

2002-10-20 Thread Thomas Mathew
I like to introduce Mr  Antony and his wife Philo, Vaniapurakal, workiing
in New Zealand. They like to be part of the Joynet wioth.  Their E-mail
ID is  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fr Thomas MathewNew Zealand

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[JOYnet] Blessings! Ask for them!

2002-10-20 Thread KC
Dear Friends,
I came across a pleasant and thoughtful little article. It seemed
worthwhile to invite you to check it out. As each of us engage everyday
in building the Kingdom of God in & around us, a deeper perception of
our Daddy God is truly edifying.
Love n God Bless,
Shaji Chacko, Dubai

Go Ahead and Ask!  (Prayer of Jabez)
1 Chronicles 4:10a 
Last week we began looking into the prayer of Jabez for a deeper
understanding of how to pray and gain a fuller blessed life. 
"Frequently these short cameo appearances by seemingly unknowns reveal
deeper insights into the word of God."  -- Carl Hagensick 
* Jabez believed God hears and answers the prayers of His own. 
* Jabez left the answering of his requests up to God. 
* Jabez wanted to be more and do more for God. 
With those revealed insights in mind and heart let's venture into the
four part prayer of Jabez with the first request asking to be blessed. 
Have you asked God to bless you of late?  Probably so . because we are
people who ask God to bless, the missionaries in the world, to bless our
kids, to bless our food and even our sneezes! 
So maybe the better question is . Have we watered down the emphasis and
impact of what it is to be blessed by God?  Probably so . and with it we
make vague and general requests of God with no desperate cry of the
heart as we hear from the mouth of Jabez. 
Blessed means (barak) . to invoke divine favor upon . to bring the
benefits of God upon. 
Bruce Wilkinson suggests . To bless in the biblical sense means to ask
for or to impart supernatural favor.  When we ask for God's blessing,
we're not asking for more of what we could get for ourselves. 
Asking to be blessed is asking for the unlimited and unfathomable riches
of God's goodness to laid upon our lives . that take us into realms that
are beyond the temporal of our lives. 
Proverbs 10:22 GWT  It is the Lord's blessing that makes a person rich,
and hard work adds nothing to it.
To seek the blessings of God has nothing to do with you and has
everything to do with God. 
* The Lord will bless His people with peace . Psalm 29:11b 
* For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth . Psalm
To ask for the blessings of God is asking for "Nothing more and nothing
less than what God wants for us."  -- Bruce Wilkinson 
So with that qualifying thought in mind . go ahead and ask . recognizing
your need to be blessed, the One who will bless you, knowing with
certainty you will be blessed. 
1 Chronicles 4:10a  And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh,
that You would bless me indeed, 
1. Go Ahead and Ask ... Recognizing the Need to Be Blessed 
Jabez prayed . Oh, that You would bless me indeed 
As Jabez looked at his own existence . perhaps thinking that there had
to be more to his life that what he had lived to this point .and  cried
out, "Oh bless me!" 
* His cry was in recognition of the need to be blessed. 
* His cry was an attempt to receive the supernatural favor of
Circumstances may appear to wreck our lives, but God is not helpless
among the ruins. Our broken lives are not lost or useless. God's love is
still working. He comes in and takes the calamity and uses it
victoriously, working out his wonderful plan of love.  -- Eric Liddell
in Disciplines of the Christian Life 
Jabez . his name meaning pain and sorrow . recognized at some point in
his life he needed God working heartily in his life . something he could
not gain on his own. 
Do the circumstances of your life lead you to encounter God for the soul
purpose of securing not the tangible things of this life . but the
weightier and eternal work in your life that only God can produce? 
There's another man in the Bible who sought to be blessed by God.  Jacob
. his name meaning "supplanter or one who tricks" . had tricked his
brother out of the blessing of birthright.  In fear he fled and now
years later he is coming to meet his brother to make reconciliation of
the relationship.  In Genesis 32 . we find him alone with God. 
Genesis 32:24-28  Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him
until the breaking of day. 25 Now when He saw that He did not prevail
against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob's
hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. 26 And He said, "Let Me
go, for the day breaks." But he said, "I will not let You go unless You
bless me!" 27  So He said to him, "What is your name?" He said, "Jacob."
28  And He said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel;
for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed."
* Jacob was alone with God. 
* Jacob recognized and desired to be blessed by God. 
* Jacob wrestled with God. 
* God allowed Himself to be overcome by Jacob. 
* God changed Jacob's name . and future. (Jacob to Israel .
meaning "he persists with God and prevails") 
Are you a Jabez or a Jacob . recognizing your nee

[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-10-20 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (October 21).

shajan pozhiyil vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread

2002-10-20 Thread Primeson James

Daily Bread

"You hear, O LORD, the desire of afflicted;
You encourage them, and you listen to their cry."

Psalm 10 : 17

May God Bless you in This Day and Forever

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[JOYnet] Jomin

2002-10-20 Thread Primeson James
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Jomins mom and dad informed,
Jomin has achieved more his health than yesterday,
His parents (Davis and Jolly) giving their humple thanks to everybody.

May God Bless You all.

Love in Christ,

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[JOYnet] Re: Prayer for Princey

2002-10-20 Thread Michael Abraham

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Chrit,

Many thanks for your prayer support for Princy in Dammam.  I thank the 
brothers and sisters who responded to this prayer request. Thank God there 
is no problem for her now, except she is closely observed.  In fact the 
search was done by the Warden, who was a Catholic and now embraced to Islam. 
 Please pray for the Warden that she may change.   I  had the message from 
Dammam and asked for your valuable prayers.  Please also remember in your 
daily prayers our brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia.

With love and prayers,

Yours in Jesus Christ,

Michael Abraham

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[JOYnet] pray for sreekanth

2002-10-20 Thread dr.jomon
pray hard for sreekanth

i'd posted same message 18 months before.
 he has to get one subject, ie; digital signal processing .  exam is on 21st
it is his last chance to be a computer engineer.

   he belongs to our prayer group, a very dedicated, also a Biblical
christian, now he is Paul Joseph,3 yrs old.

[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of IMSTP.gif]

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[JOYnet] We have to think, We have to choose....

2002-10-20 Thread Priya Joseph
By profession I'm a teacher and know well that these days pupils teach us
more than we teach them :) But let me share how Issac, a 3year old kid
taught me - How to trust Jesus fully!

Previous month I was attending Kerygma course at Emmaus, the Spiritual
Center Ernakulam. It was a 2 days programme. First day after dinner, I went
to the dormitory to take something. The room was dark; but I didn't find it
necessary to switch on the light since a dim light was there from the next
room. But at a glance the dormitory was dark.

I went inside and then at the door side, Issac and his friend came and
loudly they reported to me "Its dark, its dark"
I understood they are afraid of darkness that's why they are repeating the
same. I turned to them, their face was visible to me since they were
standing in the room side where there is light. But for them mine was not
clear. Simply to know their mind I said : " Those who love Jesus will not
fear darkness and those who are fearless will come to me across this

They both looked each other & I encouraged them. Issac, after a thought, ran
towards me loudly calling His name -"Eshooo" (Jesus) and rapped on my legs.
The other boy astonished and again repeated "Its darkness" and turned away
to the other room.

I was thinking, When Jesus is asking us to do something 'Adventurous' in our
lives how are we behaving? Like Issac or other boy???
Issac is only 3 year old, but he knows how to run in that dark way calling
HIS name. Yes we have to think it over, How we are???

One thing is sure, God is faithful, at the end of our adventures journey of
life we will meet Him, He will be there to recieve us. But its our choice
whether to take the dark, narrow, throny ways by calling His name or avoid
it by taking the way of the world.

We have to think, We have to choose

Praise God!

Priya Joseph

About Issac, he is my prayer group member, S/o John Wilfred and Annie
John, both are well known to Joynetters.

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[JOYnet] need contact from muscat

2002-10-20 Thread joynet
hi  all

please give me the contacts of  muscat jy 's
with love
raphy joseph

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[no subject]

2002-10-20 Thread Michael Abraham
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:06:43 +0530
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
To: "Jesus Youth Joynet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Loving all,
Pl. read the mail below..Does anybody know abt. this? Anyway, let's
pray and ask
for Lord's blessing on those who try to do this.

luv n prayers

Hello ALL,

  A disgusting film set to appear in America later this year depicts


and  his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been

theatres for  a while. It's called "Corpus Christi" which means "The
Body." It's a  revolting mockery of our Lord. But we can make a
That's why I am  sending this e-mail to you. Will you please add your
name to
the bottom of the  list at the end of this e-mail? If you do,  then
together we
may be able to  prevent this film from showing in America.

  Hey, it's worth a shot! Apparently, some regions in Europe have


banned the film. All we need is a lot of signatures! Remember, Jesus


"Deny  me on earth and I'll deny you before of my Father". Please

copy this
message  "Ctrl C" (ie. Please don't just forward it!!!) Paste the text
in a new
e-mail "Ctrl V", then add your name to the list and send it to all your

  When the list you sign reaches 500 names, please send it to:

  1. Kipi Kaakimaka
  2. Noa Kaakimaka
  3. Louise M. Bush
  4. Darnell "Kookie" Pa
  5. Raymond Rivera
  6. Ever A. Cruz
  7. Barbara Nahinu
  8. Sonia Keliikipi
  9. Barbara T. UIagalelei
  10. Zilpher L.(Selepa) Tenari
  11. Malie Letuli
  12. Lili lam
  13. Ashley Lam
  14. Anna T.Palepoi T.
  15. L'Ariel Lesina II J. Palepoi
  16. Lanuimoana III P.M. Palepoi
  17. M. Lockington
  18. K. Leauanae
  19. Samantha Marfleet
  20. Ena Galuega
  21. gina tuala
  22. linda vaafusuaga
  23. arama muavae
  24. matele misa
  25.jeff matai
  26.janina momoisea
  27.ali lauiti'iti
  28.mose timoteo
  29.daryl afeaki
  30.henri maea
  40.Elaine Tagaloa,Avondale,Auckland,NZ
  41. Faiva Ai'i
  42. Roslyn Maposua
  43. Cleland Ai'i
  44. Al! ofa Ai'i
  45. Abigail George
  46. Pat Filies
  47. Pae Seuala
  48. Joyce Fuimaono
  49. Manino Seiuli
  50. Tofu Paito nee Naito
  51. Fiona Wilson
  52. Troy Wilson
  53. Livingston po Ching
  54. Fusipala Po Ching
  55. Mark Bryant
  56. Jennifer Bryant
  57. peter Wilson
  58. leah Wilson
  59. Debbie Murree
  60. AmyTruscott
  61. Peter Friend
  62. Josh Fuller
  63. John Hourigan
  64. Rachel Nash
  65. John Hobbs
  66. Marion Cargill
  67. Alyson McCulloch
  68. Lias Hagan
  69. Angela Pratt, Brisbane QLD
  70. Kylie Batterham
  71. Jo Bickerton
  72. Andy Bickerton
  73. Beth Carter
  74. Kevin Shellard
  75. Christine Brett
  76. Cameron Brett
  77. Louise Walker
  78. Bruce Walker
  79. Timothy Moye
  80. Donna Moye
  81. Tracie Simmonds
  82. Paul Cullen
  83. Ian (Bill) Malcolm
  84. Sandro & Susan Schietroma
  85. mason and Sandy Taylor.
  86. David Bremner
  87. Courtney Hill.
  88. Jordan Hill
  89. Sarah Klemke
  90. Nicole Lieschke
  91. Sarah Friedrich
  92. Victoria Friedrich
  93. Carl Thiele
  94. Richie M
  95. Chanel L, Rowan L
  96. Anette LeLievre
  97. Roseanna Winkler
  98. Sarah Wi nkler
  99. Sarah Miller
  100. David Miller
  101. Bekkie Clark
  102. Renee Casey
  103. Rebekah Williams
  104. Elizabeth Williams
  105. Jo Williams
  106. Nathan Williams
  107. W Driessen
  108. H driessen
  109. Lachlan Grierson
  110. James Burrell
  111. Sam Hays
  112. Jackie Hays
  113. Pat Sheehan
  114. Prue Sheehan
  115. Kara Sheehan
  116. Joel Sheehan
  117. Barry E. Kelly
  118. Margaret Kelly.
  119. James Davis
  120. Jane Davis.
  121. Daniel Kelly
  122. Leanne Dunning.
  123. Darren Kelly.
  124. Michelle Kelly
  125. Edward j. Kelly.
  126. Bob Rogers, Brisbane, Australia
  127. Leanne Rogers, Brisbane, Australia
  128. Ron Ross, Noosa, Queensland
  129. Paul Burchill, Noosa, Queensland
  130. Jenny Bergkvist, Sydney, Australia
  131. Linda Bergkvist, Stockholm, Sweden
  132. Sigrid Persdotter, J?! nk?ping, Sweden
  133. Vershinina Irina, Russia, Tatarstan
  134. Pe der Sj?berg, ?vik, Sweden
  135. Eva Ulander, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  136. Emanuel Bj?rnler ?vik, Sweden
  137. Maria Bj?rnler ?vik, Sweden
  138. Fr edrik Carlsson, G?teborg, Sweden
  139. Birsen Carlsson, G?teborg, Sweden
  140. B-O Svensson, Gnosj?, Sweden
  141. Akram Shakar ,Abbottabad, Pakistan.
  142. Mark Sherratt, Milton Keynes, England
  143. Laura Conway,Milton keynes,England
  144.Ruth Snodgrass
  145.Cherith maxwell
  146.Caroline Davidson, N.Ireland
  147.judith harkness, N. Ireland
  148. ruth allen, northern ireland!
  149. Nikita Strange, Northern Ireland
  150. Helen Ford ballymenaish (NI)
  151. L