2002-11-13 Thread biji

They say that prayer changes things, but does it  REALLY change anything?
Oh yes! It really does!

Does prayer change your present situation or sudden circumstances?
No, not always, but it does change the way you look at those events.

Does prayer change your financial future?
No, not always, but it does change who you look to for meeting your daily

Does prayer change shattered hearts or broken  bodies?
No, not always, but it will change your source of  strength and comfort.

Does prayer change your wants and desires?
No, not always, but it will change your wants into what God desires!

Does prayer change how you view the world?
No, not always, but it will change whose eyes you see the world through.

Does prayer change your regrets from the past?
No, not always, but it will change your hopes for the future!

Does prayer change the people around you?
No, not always, but it will change you~the problem isn't always in others.

Does prayer change your life in ways you can't  explain?
Oh, yes, always! And it will change you from the inside out!

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[JOYnet] Can Anyone help me out??????

2002-11-13 Thread Sanad_Henry
Hi friends,
   Praise the Lord
My friend asked me to post this request...
He is looking for a good proposal from eligible bachelors
for his sister 
28/157 who is working as a nurse in Gulf .
Please dear friends help him out with a suitable proposal
for her 
 from syro malabar /RC's.Mail me back..
Thanking you in advance,

With prayers,
Sanath Henry
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[JOYnet] A Day of Miracles

2002-11-13 Thread Cuckoo Susan James
After the National Campus Conference everyone here is on fire. The love that Jesus has 
allowed us to experience is awesome. Twelve of us who went for NCC gathered at the 
MSFS Farmhouse here for a day of sharing and prayers, it was a sweet experience for 
all of us. Continue to pray for our spiritual growth as intercession is the greatest 
spiritual resource that can help us now.

Meanwhile, we had been preparing for a newsletter... finance was a continuous worry. 
We needed 1000rs... with all the other expenses that we have to meet , this was a 
little too much. Yesterday afternoon the Co-ordinator of Mysore Jesus Youth, Seby and 
I were debating on how to get the money... when we finally decided to stop debating 
and continue with our work. We went to a parish to meet the Fr. there ( he was going 
abroad after a few days) to wish him a safe journey. After sometime ( as we were 
looking at some photos) he went inside and came back...u guess?!! with a 1000rs. 

My first instinct was to say n!! (I forgot I was a fulltimer, a pauper in other 
words...hahaha), then I saw it was a 1000rs note( stupid me didn't know at that time 
that such a thing existed in this world)... I thought it was a wonderful joke and 
gladly took the 'fake note' from Fr. Then turning to Seby to share the joke I found 
him very happy...only then did I realise it was not a 'fake note' , that it was indeed 
a real one  ... and I could do nothing to praise my ever humorous and caring God!

Hppyyy! thank you Jesus for we acknowledge you as the only Source of all good 
things, whether the financial or spiritual resources in our life. Praise You!

Love in Jesus,



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[JOYnet] Change Places !!!!

2002-11-13 Thread Principal
Have a nice week end.Nelli

Perhaps you would like to change places with me
There was once a king named Dionysius who ruled in Syracuse at that time the
richest city in Sicily. He lived in a fine palace where there were many fine
and beautiful things, and he was waited upon by a host of servants. Naturally,
there were many in Syracuse who envied his good fortune. One of these was
Damocles, one of Dionysius' best friends. He was always saying to Dionysius,
You must be the happiest man in the world. One day Dionysius tired of
hearing such talk said, Perhaps you would like to change places with me.
Oh, I would never dream of that, said Damocles. But if I could only have
your riches and your pleasures for one day, I should never want any greater
happiness. Very well, trade places with me just for one day. And so the
next day, Damocles was led to the palace, and all the servants were instructed
to treat him as their master. They dressed him in royal robes, and placed on
his head a golden crown. He sat at the table in the banquet hall and rich
foods and wines were set before him. Ah, this is the life, sighed Dionysius
who sat at the other end of the long table. I've never enjoyed myself so

As he raised a cup to his lips and he lifted his eyes to the ceiling Damocles
stiffened. The smile faded from his lips, and his face turned ashen, his hands
trembled. He wanted no more food, no more wine, no more music. He only wanted
to be out of the palace, far away. For directly above his head hung a sword,
held to the ceiling by only a single horsehair. Frightened that any sudden
move might snap the thin thread and bring down the sword, he sat frozen in his
chair. What's the matter, my friend? asked Dionysius. You seem to have lost
your appetite. That sword! That sword! whispered Damocles. Don't you see

 Of course I see it, said Dionysius. I see it every day. It always hangs
over my head, and there is always a chance someone may cut the slim thread.
Perhaps one of my advisors may grow jealous of my power and try to kill me. Or
someone may spread lies about me, to turn the people against me. Or maybe a
neighbouring kingdom may send an army to seize my throne. Or I might make an
unwise decision that will bring my downfall. If you want to be a leader you
have to accept these risks. They come with the power. Damocles said, I see
now that I was mistaken, and that you have much to think about besides your
riches and fame. Please take your place and let me go to my own house. And as
long as he lived Damocles never wanted to change places, even for a moment,
with the king.
Author Unknown

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[JOYnet] Re: Vastu Shasthra

2002-11-13 Thread Mathew Joseph
Hi all,

This mail from Alfred Samji was very informative.  Thanks samji.

Read the following link.  There is something interesting here.
It is India's 'Vaastu-deficient' Parliament House which is responsible for
the country's present problems like political instability, communal
disharmony, the terrorist attack on Parliament, unemployment, poverty and
illiteracy, opines a Vaastu expert.

Going by this theory, we can expect a fully developed and rich India, with
100% employment,
once the parliament house is re-built as per Vastu :-)
I have seen some houses here in Bangalore which are built as per vastu but
doesn't have the
basic common facilities.  One house was having the toilet entrance from the
My neighbouring house here has the kitchen facing the front of the house.

Some time back one of the Thermal power stations in Karnataka had some
break-downs in one of its thermal turbines.  The authorities brought one
vaastu expert and
he suggested to build a boundary fencing for the whole plant with copper
Good trouble shooting for a turbine failure, right :-)
Why not lay off the whole maintenance engineers there and have a team of
vaastu experts
take care of all the industries and manufacturing plants here :-)

One thing I always find it difficult to understand.  Why is the educated
blindly follow such superstitions??

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

- Original Message -
From: Alfred Samji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 1:23 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Vastu Shasthra

 Have something with regards to the topic Vastu Shasthra. It is said to be
 part of astrology which is strictly against Christian teaching. It is said
 that Vastu itself is a deity of another god (we are surely not to serve
 another god, are we?). Am copying below some excerpts from the web with
 regards to the topic. Please read for a clearer picture.

 Vastu Shastra is an ancient science based on   astrology and laws laid
 down in Hindu scriptures to ensure good fortune for the homebuilder and
 dweller. It is a Vedic concept of construction which finds its roots in
 Atharva Veda.
 To receive all round happiness, increase in wealth, health and peace one
 should give importance to Vastu in making of the house. It is because for
 this reason one gains or looses, if the house is made according to
 principles of Vastu or otherwise.
 The effects of Vastu can be explained in the following way:
 There are three forces in action to create harmony namely wind water and
 fire. If these forces are kept in their appropriate place then there will
 no disturbance. But if water is put in place of fire and wind in place of
 water or in any other combination the forces will act accordingly and
 disharmony. Vastu Shastra agrees with astrology that our destiny is
 influenced by nine planets and as such every home is also under their
 influence. As per astrology each direction is assigned a particular planet
 and only those objects which are in harmony with that planet should be
 placed there. Keeping in mind these principles various effects on  our
 destiny can be determined and rectified as mentioned by lord Vishkarma.

 Q 8. Which are the auspicious / inauspicious times to start construction ?

 A. According to Shastras, Vastu - the God in command of building
 construction works, is said to be sleeping most of time and wakes up only
 during a particular time of particular months in a year. When Vastu is
 sleeping no construction work should be started, nor the doors be fixed.
 normally sleeps - all the time during Jaishtha, Ashwini, Margshirsh and
 Paush. In these months, if construction is started or main door fixed,
 following adverties will take place : -  -  -
 Jaishtha (Mid of May-June)  fear of death
 Ashwini (Mid of Sep-Oct) - unnecessary fight, bickerings.
 Margshirsh (Mid of Nov-Dec) - fear of many things
 Paush (Mid of Dec-Jan) --- fear of fire accidents and

 It is said that Vastu awakes in the following months namely :  -  -  -
 Baishakh ( mid April-May)
 Shravan (mid of July-Aug)
 Kartik (mid of Oct-Nov)
 Maagh (mid of Jan-Feb)
 Phalgun (mid of Feb-March)
 At a particular time, a learned Pandit should be consulted for exact
 of construction and fixing of main doors.

 Answer20 - It cannot be denied that Vaastu Shastra is related to astrology
 to some extent. If in the horoscopes of people the stars Saturn, Mars,
 Harshal and Neptune are prominent and if the entrance of the houses of
 people are in the South they get success in their work. When the stars of
 the head of the family are prominent he does not feel the effects of the
 faulty construction to that extent. When the stars of the head the of
 are under bad influence the dou-blybad effects of faulty stars and faulty
 construction are to be borne. But when the 

Re: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

2002-11-13 Thread Sanju Joseph
At times, I hit the bed and it is after a few minutes I realise that I am not
sleeping.. Now if I do not sleep properly 2 things can happen - I will be very
tired at the office the next day, I will not be able to attend the early
morning mass. So I make a prayer to the Lord -  Lord I bind all
thoughts/blocks affecting my sleep which is not from you I bind it now with
the blood of Lord Jesus Christ and in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. I drop
into a sound sleep.. I also ask for the grace to wake up in the morning and
bind all laziness/blocks in reaching the Church in time for the mass ...  A
small exercise but a very effective one too...

I personally feel anything that does not glorifies God and His Kingdom is
against God. And I would rather stay away from it...Besides we are dealing
with the most cunning and wretched creature of the world the devil.. And he
has some smart but failed plans to destroy/weaken the faithful.

Here is what the catholic church teaches about the same. (Source : Catechism
of the Catholic Church - I carry this book with me whenever I speak to my dear
brothers in the Protestant Church on my faith:-):-) And yes I have quite a lot
of em :-) ).

May be the list would have contained Reiki, Vastu etc. etc. had the same be
popular in Rome at the time this book was written.

2116. All forms of DIVINATION are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or
demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to 'unveil'
the future.[Cf. Deut 18:10 ; Jer 29:8 .] Consulting horoscopes, astrology,
palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance,
and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history,
and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate
hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe
to God alone.

2117. All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult
powers, so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power
over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are
gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are even more to
be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when
they have recourse to the intervention of demons. Wearing charms is also
reprehensible. Spiritism often implies DIVINATION or magical practices; the
Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to so-called
traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or the
exploitation of another's credulity. 

2138. Superstition is a departure from the worship that we give to the true
God. It is manifested in idolatry, as well as in various forms of DIVINATION
and magic. 

More details:


Love and prayers


Dear Joynetters,
Let me share few of my experiances.You don't need to accept
vasthushastra in
toto.But certain things in vasthu sastra are scientific and based on
facts-like magnetic field and sunlight.Last year i heard a talk by
scholar IG of Police Mr Alexander Jacob where he specified the
direction in
which you should sleep,How to study and which direction to face.Thease
all based on Facts and statistics.I myself had very troubled sleep for
years.But when i changed the direction i am getting good sleep now.Mr
Alexander Jacob who is a Bible scholar, and one who gives classes in
alover the state gives the importance of the direction.So you cannot
away from Vasthushastra just because it is an Hindu way.Why not we
some of the Good aspects in it.
With Love in Jesus


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Re: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

2002-11-13 Thread Sanju Joseph
Sometimes I hit the bed and it is after a few minutes I realise that I am not 
sleeping.. Now if I do not sleep properly 2 things can happen - I will be very tired 
at the office the next day, I will not be able to attend the early morning mass. So I 
make a prayer to the Lord -  Lord I bind all thoughts/blocks affecting my sleep which 
is not from you I bind it now with the blood of Lord Jesus Christ and in the name of 
Lord Jesus Christ. I drop into a sound sleep.. I also ask for the grace to wake up in 
the morning and bind all laziness/blocks in reaching the Church in time for the mass 
...  A small exercise but a very effective one too...
I personally feel anything that does not glorifies God and His Kingdom is against God. 
And I would rather stay away from it...Besides we are dealing with the most cunning 
and wretched creature of the world the devil.. And he has some smart plans to destroy 
the faithful.
Here is what the catholic church teaches about the same. (Source : Catechism of the 
Catholic Church - I carry this book with me whenever I speak to my dear brothers in 
the Protestant Church :-):-) And I have quite a lot of em :-) ). 
May be the list would have contained Reiki, Vastu etc. etc. had the same be popular in 
Rome at the time this book was written.
2116. All forms of DIVINATION are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, 
conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to 'unveil' the future.[Cf. 
Deut 18:10 ; Jer 29:8 .] Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, 
interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to 
mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, 
other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the 
honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.

2117. All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, 
so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power over others - even 
if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the 
virtue of religion. These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by 
the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of 
demons. Wearing charms is also reprehensible. Spiritism often implies DIVINATION or 
magical practices; the Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to 
so-called traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or 
the exploitation of another's credulity. 

2138. Superstition is a departure from the worship that we give to the true God. It 
is manifested in idolatry, as well as in various forms of DIVINATION and magic. 

More details:


Love and prayers

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[JOYnet] Urgent prayer support

2002-11-13 Thread Jennifer
Hello Friends

I need your prayer support.  Please pray that God's will may be done in
a situation which is beyond my control.  I am praying for the same I
need your prayers too.

Thanks in advance.

Love  Prayers

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2002-11-13 Thread Jennifer
Hi Friends,

This mail came to me at a time when I really needed God's assurance. 
May His assurance bring immense peace and tranqulity in our lives.

Love  Prayers

Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives! On a Saturday night
ago, this pastor was working late, and decided to call his  wifebefore
left for home. It was about 10:00 PM, but his wife didn't  answerthe
phone. The
pastor let it ring many times. He thought it was odd  that she didn't
answer, but
decided to wrap up a fewthings and try again in  a few minutes. When he
tried again she answeredright away. He asked her why  she hadn't
answered before,
and she said thatit hadn't rung at their house.  They brushed it off as
a fluke
and went ontheir merry ways. 

The following  Monday, the pastor received a call at the church
office,which was the phone  
that he'd used that Saturday night.  The man that he spoke with wanted  
to know why he'd called on Saturday night. The pastor couldn't figure
out  what 
the man was talking about. Then theman said, It rang and rang,  
but I didn't answer. The pastor rememberedthe mishap and
apologized for disturbing him, explaining that he'dintended to call his

The man said, That's OK. Let me tell you my story. You see, I 
to commit suicide on Saturday night, but before I did, I  prayed,'God if
you're there, and you don't want me to do this, give me a  signnow.' At
that point
my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller  ID,and it said,
God'. I was afraid to answer! The reason why  it showed on the man's
caller ID
that the call came fromAlmighty  God is because the church that the
attends is calledAlmighty  God Tabernacle!!

If you believe that God answers prayers then pass this on.
PRAYER:  May today there be peace within you.
May you trust God that you are exactlywhere you are meant to be. I
believe that friends are quiet angels  wholift us to our feet  when  our
wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

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[JOYnet] Catechism of the Catholic Church

2002-11-13 Thread Sibi Joseph
Hi Friends,

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is available on the following link.


Love, Sibi

Whatever he commands is promptly done; there are no limits to his power to save 
(Sirach 39:18)
Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India

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[JOYnet] My Lord has answered...........

2002-11-13 Thread Neovet
Hi friends in Jesus,

You may recollect my prayer request regarding sanction of a loan request I
put forward to my 
HRD department before two weeks.

Almighty Lord has worked really a miracle in this

HRD has sanctioned a loan of Rs.30,000 (maximum limit for my grade is
10,000 only) and it will not 
be deducted from my salary for at least next 6 months. They are also
planning for some aid by way of
some financial assistance. Praise the Lord ! 

Thank you very much for your valuable prayers  and please raise thanks to
our Lord alongwith me.

Thanks a lot once again

Thanks  Regards


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[JOYnet] Re: Vastu shastra

2002-11-13 Thread george kuriakose
Dear Friends in Christ,
 Please find a short write up on Vastu Shastra 
 picked up from the internet before furthur

 According to Shastras,if we worship,revere and
respect the lords of these eight directions,they will
shower on us their blessings and benefits.

Vastu in Sanskrit means nature , a surrounding or
environment.The word Vaasthu came from Vasthu ,
denoting anything existing such as house,
shelter,building etc.Shastra in sanskrit means
systems.Vastu shastra is an ancient art and
science,containing principles and practises of
constructing buildings which ensures a harmonious
balance between man and nature and thereby bring all
round happiness,health,wealth and prosperity.

Ancient sages of India laid down several principles
for constructing buildings taking advantage of the
nature,the Pancha Bhootas namely Earth,Space,Air,Fire
and water,gravitational and magnetic effects and
rotational influences of Sun,Moon,Earth and other
planets on the life in Earth with a view to bring
balance and harmony between man, nature and his
buildings and thereby ensuring peace,prosperity,and
happiness.These principles,calledVastu Shastra,were
evolved over thousands of years out of experience and
foresight of ancient Sages of India and are very
valuable for the well being of man-kind. According to
Shastras,if we worship,revere and respect the lords of
these eight directions,they will shower on us their
blessings and benefits.

Esshan ie Ishwar(North-east) - He grants us
wisdom,knowledge and serve all comforts and relieves
us from sufferings. 
Indra(East) - He is the king of angels. He gives
wealth and all pleasures of life. 
Agni/Fire(South-east) - He gives us beautiful
personality and all the best of life. 
Yamaa or Yamaha(South) - He is god of death.He is
embodiment of dharma.He eradicates evils and grants
all good things. 
Nissan or Niruti (South-west) - He vanishes fear about
our enemies. 
Varun(West) - He is god of rain. He showers his
blessings through rain and brings prosperity and
pleasure in life all round. 
Vayu/Wind(North-west) - He bestows on us long
life,health and strength.He is the basic of all life. 
Kuber(North) - He is god of wealth.He grants us wealth
and all comforts of life. 
Who does not want all these things in life??? These
gods belong to all religions,races and castes and
creeds. Now-a-days,when people want to construct a
house or other building, they devote more time for
minute details of foundation,superstructure,
comforts,look,appearance etc.without going into
detailed examination as to whether such a house or
building will bring them prosperity,
health,wealth,wisdom and happiness in the life paving
the way for progress and peaceful living or not.

Vaastu is such a vast field which really needs
specialisation if someone want to study it .There are
some basic favourable and unfavourable directions
which we use in our daily life. 
Shape of plot - Favourites are regular shaped square
or rectangular plota AND irregular shaped plots are
normally avoided. 
Water-bodies - Water bodies in north or east are
considered good. 
Obstruction - Obstruction like big trees,open
well,pillars and posts before a arrow like roads are
to be avoided. building 
Ideal site - In a square plot the house should be
constructed in the for house centre and in rectangular
plot it should be nearer to construction south,south
west and west sides preferably leaving more in a plot
open space on north and east. 
L or Considered not suitable for house as corners
will be U shaped missing and occupants will be
missing oppurtunities. plots 


God Bless

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Re: [JOYnet] Re: Vastu shastra

2002-11-13 Thread Jerry Panikulam
Vastu Shastra  is a relevant topic brought out as we are
more than 1000 in this wonderful net and if we are
convinced, we can make others convince.

I would like to share some of my thoughts as I was trying
to find an answer on this as I was totally disturbed to see
many of Christians going behind superstitions like Vastu
Shastra, astrology, horoscope, etc etc. I was shocked to
read one of our JesusYouth's statement  So you cannot turn
away from Vasthushastra just because it is an Hindu way.Why

not we adopt some of the Good aspects in it.

I have got a Filipino Civil Engineer sitting next to me in
my office. Once I noticed he taking an instrument to find
the direction of north pole with him. When asked he told it
is to find the location of his new flat entrance matching
his  wife's stars. I admit I failed to convince this
Catholic that he was doing a sin, when he wanted me to stop
the conversation saying that we are not priests to live
according to Bible. What I understood from him was he got
this belief from Chinese who were working in construction
of houses in Philippines.

Now as we interact with Hindu's  we also started adopting
their ways. This is the main reason St. Paul restricts
believers from interacting with Pagans as we may try to
adopt such things if our belief in Lord Jesus is not firmly

First of all let us come to Holy Word of God. Whenever we
take the Bible in our hand let us keep two thoughts in our
mind. Whatever is needed for our salvation is written in
the Bible and whatever is not need for our salvation is not
written in the Bible. If we believe that Bible is Word of

God spoke through the prophet Zephaniah  I'll drive away
those who kneel down the roof to worship the stars. (Zep.

In Ad62 the first century Church in Colossian was facing
same crisis when some Christians where led by astrology and
horoscope. Paul strongly says  If you have accepted Christ
Jesus as Lord, let Him be your doctrine. Be rooted and
built up in Him; ………..See that no one deceives you with
philosophy or any hollow discourse; these are merely human
doctrines not inspired by Christ but by the wisdom of
world. For in Him dwells the fullness of God in bodily
form. He is the head of all cosmic power and authority, and
in Him you have everything. (Col. 2:6-10)

Stars  Planets may have power or not, that has nothing to
do with us, as long as we believe in  God who revealed his
almighty power in Christ when he raised Him from dead and
had Him seated at His right hand in heaven, far above all
rule, power, authority, domination, or any other
supernatural forces that could be named, not only in this
world but in the world to come as well. Thus has God put
all things under the feet of Christ and set Him above all
things……….. (Eph. 1:20-22). Same message Peter writes in
first letter 3:22.

The question is -is our aim of life the wealth  prosperity
of this life? Is it for that we are being Christian ? These
Vastu Shastra, astrology or horoscope claims to give
wealth  prosperity but will any of these claim to lead us
to eternal life, which we are longing for. Are we believing
in Jesus for any material benefits of this world.  Some
Christians in Corinthians thought of that ,  Paul writes 
If it is only for this life that we hope in Christ, we are
the unfortunate of all people. (1Cor 15:19) Paul writes
again They only think of earthly things. For us our
citizen ship is in heaven (Philip 3:19,20)

Jesus has promised to take care of all our needs if we live
a life in Him, what do we want more than that? As Jesus
says, before you ask God know what you want. In letter to
Philippines Paul continues  God himself will provide you
with everything you need according to his riches….(4:19)

We are not believing in a God among many Gods. We are
putting our faith in one and only one true God. When I read
Jesus words I'm the way, the truth  the life I always
read it as Jesus is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth  the
ONLY life So no need of looking into other religions
because in Jesus there is fullness and His doctrine is
perfect  complete. 

If not getting a good sleep no need to change the direction
of the bed, if no success in studies no need to change the
location of study room, for wealth  prosperity no need to
bind ourselves to Vastu  Shastra, never hesitate to come
back after you started your journey if you forgot to take
something ,  don't look at the time or day to start
anything,  don't be afraid if a cat crosses you on your
way, Let astrology and horoscope not decide our future,
………...because Jesus is still alive and He is above all
the power  authority. He has poured on us His spirit, He
has given us the power over evil spirit. He has given us
the greatest weapon HIS BLOOD. 

Let me conclude by 1Corinthians 8:5,6  People speaks of
other God in heaven and on earth and in sense there are
many gods  lords. Yet for us, there is but one God, the
Father, from whom everything comes, and to whom we go. And
there is 

[JOYnet] do u dare to have the guts!!!!!

2002-11-13 Thread Shobith Thomas
dear all in jesus 

it has been a long time since i have written something worthwhile in joynet. I would 
like to share with all of u an incident that happened in the life of a NEW Jesus 
youth here. I forgot her name. She atteneded only two of our gatherings

That particular day Renny chettan(editor of kairos) was with us for the Leadership 
Training. He asked us Do you dare to remark that you are a Jesus youth in your 
application for a job or for any other purpose.

This Girl dared

She wanted to appear for the CGFNS exams and for that she was to go for coaching.For 
the coaching there was an entrance exam.In her application she dared and wrote I AM A 
JESUS YOUTH.After her test she had the interview.The madam who was conducting the 
Interview saw what she had written.She was admitted even though she did not do well in 
exams.The madam shook hands with her and said I AM ALSO A JESUS YOUTH.She also 
wished her goodluck for her CG exams

so do all of us have the guts to say that we are jesus youth and be so?


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[JOYnet] TODAY`S SAINT!!!!!!!!!!!!

2002-11-13 Thread suma thomas
November 13, 2002 
St.Stanislaus  Kostka 
   Born to a family of Polish nobility,in  October 1550 at  Rostkovo; son of a 
senator. Attended the Viennese Jesuit college from age 14 with his brother Paul, who 
badly mistreated him. While staying at the home of a Lutheran, he became gravely ill, 
but was not allowed to call for a priest. He prayed to his patron, Saint Barbara, who 
appeared to him in a vision with two angels, and administered Communion. He was then 
cured from his disease by Our Lady who told him to become a Jesuit against his 
family's wishes. 
   Because  of  the  father`s  violent  objection,the  Jesuits  in Vienna did  not  
dare  to  recieve  him,so  he  slipped out  of the  house  early  one  morning,changed 
 into  the  clothing  of  a  peasant in  the  nearby  woods,and  set  out  on  foot 
for  Augsberg ,some 450  miles  away, where  he  hoped  to  find St.Peter 
Canisius.From  where  he  was  sent  to  Rome  with  recommendation -another   800  
miles  to  cover  by  foot!! Here  he  was   admitted  as  a  novice by  the  Father  
General,St.Francis  Borgia,  and  soon  won  the  hearts by  his cheerful  
sanctity,angelic  innocence  purity.God  bestowed  numerous  supernatural favours  
upon  him...But  on the  day  of Our Lady`s  Assumption,August 15, 1568, in  the tenth 
 month  of  his  novitiate  he  died  of  fever.,canonized  on  31st  December  1726. 
   broken bones. last sacraments,dangerous  illnesses,palpitation  of  the  heart, 
Oblate aspirants 
   Try  to see that  from  their  early  youth or  from  adolescence  they  are  
inspired by  an  ideal--  to seek Christ, to find Christ, to become Christ`s  
friend,to  follow  Christ,to  love  Christ, to  stay  with  Christ...(St.Josemaria  
I  am  not  born  for  time, but  for  eternity..(St.Stanislaus)
Post your ad on Yahoo! India Autos.Check out the used Maruti, Fiat and Ford models on 
sale now.

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[JOYnet] Holy Piracy !!

2002-11-13 Thread abbyabraham
Dear JYs,

Though I am a bit late to reply, I want to tell U what I believe about
copying Christian music for faith formation.

I love music and have a lots and lots of Christian Gospel CDs. I do not copy
any music. This is because, I believe that these  singers have taken a lots
of pains and prayers for these excellent production. Most of these singers
are committed Christians and spends a lot of time with the Lord before a
major production.  A good friend of mine is a full time gospel singer and
has told me that he lives ONLY with the money he gets out of  God's Music.
And will it be bad if we copy all his music without his permission and
distribute it freely? In fact, the music we copy will be of poor quality and
will not help  the musicians to produce better music further in their
career. The name of this  game is piracy.

More over, we should not copy music as it is against the laws that control
the health of this media and the morals that control this God given joy.
Indiscriminate copying of music has created a lot of financial problems for
various musicians. And, we should not be a party to it.

Faith formation is onething and coping music is another issue alltogether.
Let us not mix it up. Take for that matter, the Holy Bible. We know that
God's Word as printed Holy Bible is one of the most strongly copyrighted
material on earth. Why? All the Bible publishing companies have protected
their versions through various Copyright act. Why ? For example, the NIV
version of
the Holy Bible was produced by the efforts of more than 100 Bible scholars
around the world taking more than 20 years! Very huge spiritual,
intellectual  and financial efforts had gone into that project.  And,
Christian singers and song writers are on different.

We need music for our spiritual growth and song writers need food for their
earthily growth!!  Let Us Live and Let Them Live!!!

God Bless Us All!!

United in His Love


- Original Message -
From: Jason :) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Reason : Copyright

 Dear JYs

 I am a bit confused about something which has been worrying me for quite
 time and this is regarding Copyrights.

 Why are Spiritual Songs Copyrighted if it is meant to help us to grow
 spiritually and closer to the Lord.

 Why are even preachings and teachings of renowned spiritualists and
 copyrighted. Arent they meant to help us in matter of faith formation.

 urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-11-13 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (November 14).

Cuckoo Susan James [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] A Jesus Youth Joke and our Questions Answers

2002-11-13 Thread KC
A JY joke from our earlier years!
A Young person's soul after death was offered a chance to choose Heaven
or Hell. Each place had a brief Show highlighting their Lifestyles.
While Heaven was a serene place with worship music to be, Hell was very
KOOL, with people having Internet in Deluxe A/C suites and partying in
loud exciting music in discotheques. Obviously the soul chose Hell over
Reaching there, it was shocked at the deception! It WAS Hell!
Whew, the Audio-Visual Ministry! 
Well, it is really good that some of us request for clarification on
certain areas such as Vaastu Shastra etc...! These days in most
Newspapers, Magazines and websites you find such things of Ancient
Wisdom getting much discussed. One truly is left to wonder if it is
true or false, right or wrong. The reason is the mainly due to the
seemingly knowledgeable presentation of the subject.
It is in this background that I'd like to draw your attention to Half
Truths. What are they? 
They are statements made with a sprinkling of Science, Facts, and
Testimonials as perceived by the advocates of such beliefs. However the
KEY distinctive factor is that such statements as a WHOLE are never
True!  It is never black or white, will always have shade of either!
Because you could never link it successfully to the teachings and
traditions of Church and to the Word of God!
There might be examples of Vaastu Shastra which have some common-sense
in it, but certainly not all of it. In the form of Aesthetic culture,
that inculcates a sense of beauty and order, certain New Age practices
seep into our midst. E.g., Feng Shui and so on. They come in forms of
new Knowledge Science, Art etc. However, we need to be cautious but not
alarmed about possible deceptions, and discuss it with those whom we
trust to have sound Christian judgment. 
Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life (John 14:6)
God Bless us all,
Shaji Chacko

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[JOYnet] Praise and Thanks for our Lord's great protection!

2002-11-13 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel
Hi All,
I would like to praise and thank the Lord for His great protection
on us this past weekend. We (Molly aunty, George, John and I) had gone
to Chicago from New Jersey by car last Thursday early morning, to look
at some engineering colleges in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois for George.
George did not want to see Purdue University. So, we only had to visit
Case Western Reserve University, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champain and North Western University in Chicago. We were in
chicago on friday night after seeing CWRU and the Urbana campuses. We
took part in the evening adoration, Mass at the Syro-Malabar church and
the night vigil at Sunil  Sindhu's house. We planned to come back on
saturday night, but we got drawn into a Charismatic leaders meeting with
the Bishop of Chicago and was at the meeting late into Saturday night.
George had to go with some of his friends to visit the MWU campus.
On Sunday, we were again delayed since we went to the Mass at 9:00
(EST) in the morning. At the end of the meeting the beloved bishop had
prayed for everyone's safe journey back. Because we were late, we made
almost a non-stop journey back, taking only one stop for lunch and two
short breaks for gas and change of drivers. We started at 10:50 AM and
were in New Jersey safely by 11:50 PM, that is in 13 hours, unlike our
usual 16 to 17 hours for the 800 mile journey. I only had about 15
minutes of tough driving in Pennsylvania during a short period of heavy
rain. As you may know, we pass through the states of Indiana, Ohio and
Pennsylvania to get to New Jersey.
Yesterday, while talking to my friend, he asked me if had known that
there was a dangerous chain of hurricane incidence in the US. I do not
watch TV at all and was unaware of what was happening, Sunday and early
Monday. My friend told me that the hurricane was following us. The lord
did not allow it to catch up to us. He protected us just like the
Israelites from the armies of Pharaoh.  In Ohio, cars were flying and 9
people died. One person died in Pennsylvania also. We again praise and
thank Him for His mercy!
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Uncle, New Jersey, USA

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[JOYnet] prayer answered

2002-11-13 Thread clarice john
Dear friends,

i had asked to pray for my brother in law who needs his visa.thank you for your 
prayers,he got the same today.

with lots of luv and prayers ,

U2 on LAUNCH - Exclusive medley  videos from Greatest Hits CD

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[JOYnet] No matrimonial ads please

2002-11-13 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Friends,
We have come across some innocent looking matrimonial ads or requests.It 
may be note  the Joynet  should not be abused as a broker group.

 It's true that a large number of our members are eligible 
bachelors/spinsters. However, it is not the right forum for soliciting 
matrimonial alliances.

Whoever wants to get married and give his or her brother or sister in 
marriage let him/her pray to the Lord to show the right partner, a 
sanctified partner from a sanctified family. The Lord who has the plan for 
you in His mind will reveal it to you at the right time and through the 
right forum.

So, wait patiently for the Lord and don't torpedo His plans.
God bless you
Joseph Lonth uncle
Dubai, UAE 

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[JOYnet] vasthu Shastra

2002-11-13 Thread mary joseph
 Dear FreindsIm glad the topic of vasthu shastra came up as I had been 
looking up ads in Bangalore for houses on sale  and
 many of them said Vasthu compliant but not shasthra. So I thought it meant that the 
builders were compliant with some contruction codes mandated by the government.
   So what do I think about it now that I know what it means,
I  think it is part cultural, part religious and   part science.Much of science 
developed because people observed events in nature for hundreds of years.If I found a 
house that was Vasthu complaint and at the same time was one which my family and I 
liked I would buy it.As there are 
more Hindus than Christians the resale value will be better.
  Weas Catholics do  we not bless the water and the fire and  use,it in our  
sacraments.?Do we not use
holy medals, scapulas and pray at the same time for protection from God.In the 
Charismatic movement a lot of counselors are consulted to predict the future and they 
do.They say they see certain visions and they predict what will happen. Do we not 
flock to holy Places where miracles are said to happen.Do we not  accept dowry even 
tho it is illegal, but very cultural and traditional.? Do we not believe in many 
Saints and invoke the intercession with God. There is science in our  our christian 
rituals and rites.A strong faith and belief in a higher power (God) has been shown to 
be good for our minds and bodies.We are able to recognize that what will be good for 
us will happen in Gods time. and He will see us thru our adversities.
Live and let live,
In His grip and grace

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Re: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

2002-11-13 Thread dr.jomon
what do the Vastu Shastra say, we will have to suffer if we do not follow it

   Let it be
true Christians must not fear/run away from sufferings, as it is the way our
Lord Jesus taught from His own life, for salvation

---Original Message---

From: Jennifer
Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:33:45 AM
To: Joynet
Subject: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

Hi Joynetters,

A very Good Morning to all.

There was this one question in mind which I would like to share with you
all. I am sure that many among you may have answer to this. It's about
Vastu Shastra, the new thing that is become so popular among the
Contractors and builders and also among many Christians. I somehow get
a feeling that it is not good, that it is against our Christian faith.
But then then it's just a feeling and there are no facts. How do I
convince myself of this so that I can convince my fellow brothers about
it's ill effects. There are Christians who place their altars in the
position the Vastu Shastra suggests.

Awaiting your replies.

Love  Prayers

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Re: [JOYnet] No matrimonial ads please

2002-11-13 Thread VIJAY JOHNSON ANDRE
Dear Joynetters,

I agree with uncle Josephs comments about the matrimonials or other things. In this 
way we dilute our attention towards GOD and also our CATHOLIC topics of discussion 
which are to strengthen our FAITH.

Meanwhile let us also offer our prayers for her so that the Mighty Lord may bless her 
with a wonderful partner.

God Bless,

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[JOYnet] Sorry Really Sorry.....

2002-11-13 Thread Sanad_Henry
Hi all,
 Praise the LordGreetings in the Name of Jesus...I am really
sorry that i have posted such  a mail to u  all..I dont like and want to
use my Joynet as a broker group.The reason i posted a mail because my
friend was crying in front of me for her Sister...so my dear friends i
am really appologising for that mailand Really feeling sorry And u
pls dont take it bad..Pray for her.
Have a gr8 day with Christ

With Prayers,
Sanath Henry(Kollam)
Jyouth H'bad
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[no subject]

2002-11-13 Thread Elsy Mathai
Your prayers are requested for my son to cure him from jaundice.

Elsy Mathai

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*  

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread

2002-11-13 Thread Primeson James
Self Control

Do not follow your base desires, but restrain your appetites.

If you allow your soul to take pleasure in base desire,
it will make you the laughingstock of your enemies.

Do not revel in great luxury, or you may become impoverished by its expense.

Do not become a beggar by feasting with borrowed money,
when you have nothing in your purse.

Sirach 18 : 30 - 33

May God Bless You this Day and Forever

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