[JOYnet] Prayer vs Terrorism...

2002-11-25 Thread Sanju Joseph
An amazing story you'll want to share with others

From the Presidential Prayer Team:

Always looking for inspiring stories to demonstrate
the power of prayer, The Presidential Prayer Team
shares this amazing story in the news today. Please
pass it on to inspire others.

50 Christian truckers got together to pray that
somehow the sniper terrorizing the Washington, DC area
would be caught. Ron Lantz would be retiring as a
driver in a few days and didn't even live in the area,
but he felt sure that God would answer their prayers.
In fact, he told the othersthere that God was going to
use him to catch the sniper . A few days later he
was listening to the radio as he was driving again
through the region and felt compelled to pull off the
highway to a rest stop. It was just a couple of miles
from where the prayer meeting had taken place. As he
pulled in, he was shocked to see a car similar to what
was being described on the radio right there before
his eyes. Carefully trying to read the license plate,
a chill went up his back as the numbers matched.
He quickly called 911 and remained there for what he
said were the longest 15 minutes of his life until the
police arrived. He even pulled his truck across the
exit, there would now be no escape for these elusive
murderers. The rest is now history-the snipers were
taken into custody without incident. Ron's testimony
is being beamed around the world today. It shows the
power of prayer. And in a class act, showing his true
character, when asked what he would do with the award
money, he said the half million dollars would simply
be given to the victims' families. The snipers killed
10 and wounded 3 around our nation's capital over the
past three weeks, leaving the entire region in a state
of terror. Yet out of the great darkness has also come
a great beam of light as the world has heard a clear
testimony of the power of prayer. The Presidential
Prayer Team is pleased to honor trucker Ron Lantz as
today's American Inspiration, and we strongly
encourage you to share his uplifting story of prayer
with your friends and colleagues.

Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life
from fear of the
enemy. - Psalms 64:1

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[JOYnet] sharing by jose chettan

2002-11-25 Thread Shobith Thomas
hi all

I want to thank u all for the prayers u asked the Lord for my leave. The Project 
Leader did not even ask me to stay for the project completion.

I wish to share u about a sharing by Jose chettan from chennai when he was with us 
yeaterday in pondy for the Jesus Youth TN gathering. In his office there was a 
renovation work and cubicles would be alloted to all the 6 managers.Another manager a 
Vastu guy wanted to have a place according to Vasthu Sasthra. So he went on arguing as 
Jose chettan was allocated this seat. At last he won and Jose chettan was given a seat 
opposite to that. A position opposite according to Vasthu Sasthra is not at all good 
for the one who sits there.

But Jose chettan has earned a mighty lot that this guy after he sat there.He is given 
a lot of responsibilty and reapect. He asked me to put this in Joynet.


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[JOYnet] Be a part of our brothers who fast for Ramzan

2002-11-25 Thread Williams Antony
Dear friends in Jesus,
It is always a nice feeling to be a part of and be in union with 
some body who is doing good.  When I hear and see the sincerity 
and dedication of our Muslim brothers during this month of Ramzan, 
I always feels so happy.
Let us praise the God our Creator for our brothers and take part 
in their cleansing of selves and charity.


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[no subject]

2002-11-25 Thread Roshan
I met a old lady from Andhra pradesh today in a church. She said she
recieved a message for me and asked me to read  keerthanalu 1-21. Can any
of you who know Telugu pls tell which book in the Bible is Keerthanalu.

Thanx and Best Regards
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[JOYnet] VS -- Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis

2002-11-25 Thread seby m p
Hi my friends,

I have been closely keeping a track of the interesting
disucussions on Vastu Shathra which for me is a new science. We 
have reflected a lot on the same and made others (like me) also 
think. I personally thank all the joynetters for this.

In the light of some of the mails, I tend to think in a totally
different way.

So far, the discussion was in a thesis direction of Vasthu 
Shastra, a
period of thesis of VS. Now, I doubt if we are entering into an
antithesis period of VS (the opposite of what VS propouds).

In the thesis period, my understanding is that as Christians,
we should not depend on a Vastu Shastra specialist. Then, in the
antithesis period, are we to go to a VS specialist not to follow
and do what he says but to do just the reverse of what he says so 
good things will happen in our lives? ha.. ha.. ha.. is that 
good reasoning ?...

Then once these thesis and antithesis periods of VS are over, 
we enter into a synthesis period and there what will be our stand 
this Shastra ?.

I think our stand should be that of common sense within the
framework of our catholic faith.

Seby Mavely

JY Co-ordinator/Mysore/India

NB: Any personal mails for me, please send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[JOYnet] Thank You

2002-11-25 Thread dilbet
Be Jesus….Live Jesus …and Proclaim  Jesus

Hello Dear friends,

Thank you for all your Prayers, Two weeks ago I posted a mail to Pray for
NET programme.
I got many mails offering prayer support. During this programe every one
experienced it.

On the last day (24th) we went for outreach in Safderjung Hospital New
Delhi, Participants got a good experience during outreach , they prayed
for sick people, shared Jesus is the only  saviour
Some of them shared that they have some language problem and fear to share
but started to sharing about Jesus , they got courage and speak fluently.
We came back to our venue after outreach in a DTC Bus (Govt Bus of Delhi)
..one wonderful experience is that in front of that DTC Bus two stickers -
mentioning about- Jesus Is Only Savior, and a Photo of Jesus, on seeing
this all of us were happy because in Delhi never saw a DTC Bus like This.
Lord arranged this Bus for us.
We started to singing some Hindi Songs in the Bus ‘ Rajavong ka Raja Yesu
Halleluiah, Prabhuvong ka Prabhu Yesu halleluiah”(King of Kings  Jesus
Halleluiah, Lord of Lords Jesus Halleluiah) Conductor and passengers
enjoyed the song  . Moreover we got a chance to celebrate Day of ‘Christ
the King’.

Thank you for your prayers. Continue to remember Delhi Jesus Youth and
Outreach ministry in your prayers, Saji Mathew is Co-coordinating out
reach ministry, every Sunday we were going for Out reach in different
areas (Slums ,Railway stations ,  nearby villages etc.) of  Delhi. Let us
pray for evangelization of North India.

With Lot Of Love and Prayer
Dilbet John, New Delhi

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[JOYnet] Re: Do something for the Lord's glory...

2002-11-25 Thread biju jose
Dear Godwin Manuel,

I have a great pleasure to be part of it,      Do something for
the People of God,

My simple suggest is that we can study every day one Word of God and try
to recognize that what Jesus really talking to us. These words we will
share to our friends and make these words true in our PRACTICAL every day
life. I am 100% guaranty you,  there will be miracles and Giant things
will happen to our life in a very special way.

John : 1 ( 1-10)

Biju Jose,

JY -Fujairah.





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2002-11-25 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Fruiends,
Hope you remember me asking for your prayers for Kairos-2002, the national 
conference of Charismatic Prayer group leaders in America. We had the conference last 
weekend (Fri-Sun). Thanks to all the prayers, it went on well even against so many 
adverse situations. We had unusual weather on the opening day, heavy rains that 
blocked the roads and made people stranded on the roads for many hours. So many came 
late, some had to find their own way, some had to walk long miles etc. But beyond all 
these we had a very nice time together. Many new faces, new voices, new ideas, etc. We 
thank the Lord and all of you.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
USAd by an ambulance.
Arriving in front of God, she demanded, I thought you said I had another 40
years? Why didn't you pull me from out of the path of the ambulance?
God replied, I] didn't recognize you]

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-11-25 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (November 26).


Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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2002-11-25 Thread suma thomas


Dear children! I call you also today to conversion. Open your heart to God, little 
children, through Holy Confession and prepare your soul so that little Jesus can be 
born anew in your heart. Permit Him to transform you and lead you on the way of peace 
and joy. Little children, decide for prayer. Especially now, in this time of grace, 
may your heart yearn for prayer. I am close to you and intercede before God for all of 
you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”





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[JOYnet] KAIROS 2002 - An Experience with Jesus Youth of America !!

2002-11-25 Thread stanly kulangara
Dear All,

I am extreemly happy and thank God for giving me a chance, to attend  
KAIROS-2002 and meet and share with you all. Also I thank all of you 
(Not mentioning any name, It is there in mind.) for arranging and 
organizing it in such a wonderful way.

It has given me real chance for evaluatiing the Jesus Youth within 
me. Yes! I got the opertunity to some extent to 

  * Experience and accept the GOD EXPERIENCE in you all,
  * Have new outlook to see people and respond to the facts, 
  * Understand my faults and correct it,
  * See the Open way Ahead for us to do things for HIS Kingdom etc...
  * To give my little comments to make the JYA more active and alive.
   (I know, some of my commts. were a headache!!! for some of you and 
 I would  like to say sorry for the same to all.)

I am sure you all must have gained much more than the above

Let us continue to do our job for the Kingdom of GOD by fullfilling 
the commitments we made there and by what everlittle things we could do 
for the same.

We will be in touch and hopefully meet again at another occasion. I 
request you all your prayers for me and my family.

You all are always welcome to share your thoughts and comments to me 
on my email or on phone (480 375 6219 (off) or 480 451 0972 (res).

Thanks again with lots of prayers,
Scottsdale, AZ
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[JOYnet] Prayer for healing

2002-11-25 Thread Debra Newbury
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

Please pray for my friend Linda She needs healing from anger.

God Bless you

Your sister in Christ


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[JOYnet] Request your prayer support

2002-11-25 Thread Thomaskutty
 Dear Friends, 

Forwarded is a mail that I received from one of our fathers in New York.  He is 
requesting prayer support for his health.  Please do remember him in your prayers for 
the tests that are going to be conducted on him.


In Jesus amp; Mary,





Greetings from new york !

Wish you a happy thanksgiving day ! I am writing this letter to request your 
prayers for me during these days. Since last several months my blood 
platelet count is going up. At present it is 640(thousand).  The normal 
range in a person is in between 140-400(thousand). Hence you can see the 
gigantic difference. My primary physician referred me to a haematologist and 
he took blood smear test last month and further advised me to go for a 
bone-marrow test. It will be done on the 2nd of december and the result will 
be ready on 20th of the same month. With your spiritual support for this 
intention i too hope and pray that i will have a good news together with the 
good news of christmas.

Thanking you,

fraternally yours,

Fr.Joe Karikunnel CST
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[JOYnet] plz pray for my university exam

2002-11-25 Thread deepa john
dear friends,
My fifth semester engineering exam begins
on 3rd December.Plz pray for me that I can have a
 yours truly,deepa
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[JOYnet] Daily Bread

2002-11-25 Thread Primeson James
Come, my people, enter your chambers,
and shut your doors behind you;
hide yourselves for little while
until the wrath is past.

For the LORD comes out from his place
to punish the inhabitants of
the earth of their iniquity;
the earth will disclose the blood shed on it,
and will no longer cover its slain.

Isaiah  26 : 20 - 21

May God Bless You this Day and Forever

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