[JOYnet] Merry Christmas (not X' MAS !)

2002-12-24 Thread rohin
"I am here with Good  News for you, which will bring great joy to ALL THE PEOPLE. This 
very day in David's town your SAVIOUR was born - Christ the Lord !" (Luke: 2/10,11)

Wish you all a Happy Christmas from Doha, Qatar.

Johnson & Family,
Doha, Qatar

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2002-12-24 Thread rohin
Really Good...Real Truth...

Wish you Infant Jesus a Happy Birth day and all of You a Merry CHRISTMAS

Johnson, Doha, Qatar.
- Original Message -
From: "Anil Isaac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 9:36 PM

> >
> >
> > Dearest Joynetters,

> > As you know, its almost time for My birthday again.
> > Last year they had a
> > real big party for Me & it seems like they will
> > again this year. After
> > all, they've been shopping & preparing for it for
> > months now & there
> > have been announcements & advertisements almost
> > every day about how soon
> > its coming! They really do go overboard about it,
> > but its nice to know
> > that atleast one day of the year some people are
> > thinking about Me a
> > little. You know, its been many years now since they
> > first started
> > celebrating My birthday. Back then they seemed to
> > realize & appreciate
> > how much I had done for them. But most people
> > nowadays seem to hardly
> > know what My birthday is all about. I enjoy seeing
> > people getting
> > together & having a good time & I'm happy about how
> > much fun it is for
> > little children, but it seems most folks are missing
> > the point of it
> > all.
> >
> >
> > Like last year for example, when My birthday came,
> > they threw a big
> > party. But can you believe it? I wasn't even
> > invited! Imagine - The
> > guest of honour & they forgot all about Me! Here
> > they had begun
> > preparing for the festivities 2 months in advance,
> > but when the big day
> > came, I was left out in the cold! Well, its happened
> > so many times in
> > recent years, I wasn't even surprised.
> >
> >
> > Even though I wasn't invited, I thought I'd just
> > quietly slip in. So I
> > came in & stood off to the side. Everyone was
> > drinking, laughing &
> > having a grand time, when all of a sudden, in came
> > this fat old fellow
> > in a bright red suit, wearing a phoney white beard &
> > shouting Ho, Ho,
> > Ho! He looked like he'd had more than enough to
> > drink & when he
> > collapsed into a big armchair all the little
> > children went running over
> > to him excitedly yelling 'Santa! Santa!' You'd have
> > thought he was the
> > guest of honour & the whole holiday was in his
> > honour. Then he began
> > telling them one of the most ridiculous stories that
> > he lived in the
> > North Pole with a crew of dwarfs & every year on My
> > birthday he rides in
> > his sleigh pulled by a bunch of flying reindeer,
> > delivering presents to
> > children all around the world! I mean, there wasn't
> > a word of truth in
> > anything he said!
> >
> >
> > Finally I just had to leave. I walked out the door &
> > it was hardly
> > surprising that no one even noticed that I'd gone.
> > As I walked down the
> > street afterwards, I felt about as lonely & forlon
> > as a stray dog! I
> > could hardly remember the last time I'd felt that
> > low. Maybe you don't
> > think I cry, Sanden, but I did that night. That's
> > why I was so touched
> > when I came to your home that evening & you & your
> > family took Me in &
> > treated Me royally! I was deeply moved when you all
> > sang 'Happy
> > Birthday' to Me. It had been such a long time anyone
> > had thought of
> > doing that. I want to tell you that I really
> > treasure friends like you.
> > Its comforting to know there are a few other folks
> > around who remember
> > Me on My birthday too. Sweet folks like you who are
> > close to Me, who
> > celebrate My birthday with a nice time of fellowship
> > & a simple meal
> > together. I never miss being with them on that day.
> >
> >
> > Another thing that amazes Me is how, on My birthday,
> > instead of giving
> > Me presents, most people give gifts to one another!
> > Wouldn't you find it
> > odd, if when your birthday came along, all your
> > friends decided to
> > celebrate it by giving each other presents & never
> > gave you a thing?
> > Someone once told Me "Well, You are not around so
> > how can we give You
> > presents?" My answer is "Give gifts of food &
> > clothing to the poor, help
> > those in need, go visit the lonely. I'll count that
> > as if you gave it to
> > me personally".
> >
> >
> > Sad to say, now they have even started taking My
> > name out of My birthday
> > greeting & replacing it with an "X" Its X-mas today.
> >
> >
> >
> > I want you to know & let others know too, how much I
> > love you all & how
> > much I desire your love. Be My friends and enjoy My
> > love and friendship
> > which is true and everlasting!
> >
> >
> > Your friend forever,
> >
> >

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> For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Daily Bread & Merry X'mas

2002-12-24 Thread Primeson James
Do not be afraid; for see - I am bringing you good news of great joy for alll
the prople:
to you is born this in the city of David a Savior,
who is Messiah, the Lord.

Luke 2 : 10 - 11

Wish You A Merry X'mas to all my Brothers and Sisters
May God Bless this Precious Day and Forever

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[JOYnet] can u pls pray for me

2002-12-24 Thread anil joseph
hi all,

I am from Delhi and 2nd batch fulltimer from kerala, I am an old member
in Joynet but a silent person.

I am requesting ur prayers for a new decision, which I took with Our Lord
– for a job change

Mainly I need time with my family and JY family, so pls remember in ur

Love Anil Joseph


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[JOYnet] Wow!!! This is wonderful

2002-12-24 Thread Prejomy Jose

This is really wonderful. This Christmas season unveiled a no. of silent 
Joynetters to come forward with their Christmas greetings. My hearty 
congrats to all of you and give you all a warm welcome to be active in 

With Lots of love & prayers in Jesus

Prejomy Jose
Abu Dhabi

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[JOYnet] Merry Chirstmas

2002-12-24 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Joynet friends,
Wish you the Joy, Peace and Happiness of Jesus on this Christmas day and 
every day of your life.
Just when we thought we were alone in the world, Christ came to declare 
God's love for us. Not only did God send His Son into the world at exactly 
the right time (Galatians 4:4-5), but He also demonstrated "His own love 
towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" 
(Romans 5:8).
With love blessings
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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2002-12-24 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dearly Beloved Friends all over the world,
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
USA time.
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[JOYnet] A Christmas Wish

2002-12-24 Thread varghese
It gives me great pleasure to wish all of you 


Merry Christmas


and a 
Happy New Year
May the infant jesus bless and guide all of you to live in the spirit of our lord and 

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Re: [JOYnet] If any of you can help

2002-12-24 Thread seena George
Dear Joynetters,

Why not take this topic for our next intercession as an entire group. Not
only these 3 sisters , but I guess there are many more sisters suffering
under this evil. So let us all, take a day and time and pray for them as
well as for the others.

Nothing is impossible for God , and prayers work wonders when prayed with


Jesus Loves You. Original Message Follows From: "Alfred Samji"

I found the below mail I received for a prayer fellowship very disturbing
and have put if forward to you all, for all of you to see if any of you
can help these 3 girls in distress. You can correspond with the below
given email address to the sender for more details. God will bless you
all if they can be helped at this Holy season the anniversary of Christ's
coming to save each one of us. Praise the Lord & wish you all a Merry

Samji / Dubai -Original Message- From: Edwin Gomez

Dear Brethren in Christ,

I need a special and very urgent prayer request for three young ladies
who are facing a very different trial in their life. And for safety
reasons I am addressing them as S.S., N.K. & S.M. During their school
days these ladies went to a cool bar to take some deserts and fruit
juices (all of them on different occasions). But some people with the
help of the shop owner mixed some drugs in the drink and took their nude
photos in their unconscious stage. Those people are the members of the
Gang who kidnap and sell ladies for prostitution. Now these people are
trying to black mail these ladies by showing these photographs for
selling these ladies to foreign brothel owners. At this moment we are
trying to get back those photos and negatives but a lot of gangsters are
involved and they had threatened us if we complain this to the police or
some other people in power they will edit this photo to a complete
pornographic photo and will publish it in web site and distribute it
freely to the people around. For the safety reasons I cannot explain more
in this request so in our helpless situation we need a miracle prayer
from you dear brethren, for The Almighty God to interfere and solve this
situation according to his Will. Requesting urgent Prayer Edwin Gomez A.

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-12-24 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (December 25).

ajjo john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
shibi a chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hanzan George Parambi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jimmichen Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Fr.s.Arikat - Happy Christmas

2002-12-24 Thread arikat sebastian
>dear loving Joynetters, >Hope this would find you fine. During this
Christmas >season, Jesus whispers in my heart to extend to you a >cordial
invitation to A BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. Please >come to it and we shall
meet each other there. The >details of the celebration are given below.
>Guest of Honor: Jesus Christ >Date: Everyday. Traditionally, December
25, but He’s >always around, so the date is flexible…. >Time: Whenever
you’re ready. (Please don’t be late or >you’ll miss out on all the fun!)
>Place: In your heart… He’ll meet you there. (You’ll >hear Him knocks.)
>Attire: Come as you are…grubbiness is okay. He’ll be >washing our
clothes anyway. He said something about >new white robes and crowns for
everyone who stays till >the last. >Tickets: Admission is free. He’s
already paid for >everyone…. (He says you wouldn’t have been able to
>afford it anyway… it costs Him everything He had.) But >you do need to
accept the ticket!! >Refreshments: New wine, bread, and a far-out drink
He >calls “Living Water” followed by a supper that >promises to be out of
this world! >Gift Suggestions: Your life. He’s one of those people >who
already have everything else. (He’s very generous >in return though. Just
wait until you see what He has >for you!) >Entertainments: Joy, Peace,
Truth, Light, Life, Love, >Real Happiness, Communion with God,
Forgiveness, >Miracles, Healing, Power, Eternity in Paradise,
>Contentment, and much more! (All ‘G’ rated, so bring >your family and
friends.) >R.S.V.P. Very important! He must know ahead so He can >reserve
a spot for you at the table. Also, He’s >keeping a list of His friends
for future reference. He >calls it the “Lamb’s Book of Life”. Party being
given >by His Kids (that’s us!!) >My dear loving friend, will you come
for the >celebration? With much love, I am looking forward to >the
greatest happiness of meeting you to share our >love and friendship once
again. See you there >dear.! >HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BLESSED NEW
YEAR! >With much love, Fr.Sebastian Arikat > >

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2002-12-24 Thread Siby Varghese
It's a time of joy and happiness.


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[JOYnet] christmas wishes for all members

2002-12-24 Thread tomy chacko
Dear members,
 Thanks to God for joining with you in this family.
I wish you all the members a Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year.

Tomy Qatar.
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[JOYnet] Gino Philip

2002-12-24 Thread gpmhai
TO ALL JOYNETTERS,My Dearest Friends





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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-24 Thread jose joseph

Merry Christmas to All.

Saint of the Day December 24, 2002

 St. Adele

St. Adele, Widow. A daughter of King Dagobert II of
Germany, St. Adele became a nun upon the death of her
husband, making provisions for her son, the future
father of St. Gregory of Utrecht. She founded a
convent at Palatiolum near Trier and became its first
Abbess, ruling with holiness, prudence, and
compassion. St. Adele seems to have been among the
disciples of St. Boniface, the Apostle of Germany, and
a letter in his correspondence is addressed to her.
After a devout life filled with good works and
communion with God, she passed on to her heavenly
reward in 730. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
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[JOYnet] Merry X'mas

2002-12-24 Thread Neovet
My Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Wish you all a very Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year !



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[JOYnet] Gospel in Miniature

2002-12-24 Thread George Joseph Fernandes
Dear all,
George Fernandes 
C - Christ the Lord Emmanuel, is born for us today 
H - He is the promised Messiah, a Saviour to his people 
R - Redeemed the whole mankind from the wrath of God 
I - Indescribable gift, our Gracious God has given us 
S - Sacrificed His life for our sake 
T - Taking all our iniquities like an offering lamb 
J - Jesus is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings 
E - Exalted, lifted up, His name is above all name 
S - Shepherd's, wise men fell down on their knees 
U - Unrighteous Reconciled to God, peace to men on earth 
S - Saved us from eternal death to have life everlasting 

For God ... The greatest lover 
so loved  The greatest degree 
the world ... The greatest no. 
that he gave ... The greastest act 
his only begotten son...The greatest gift 
that whosoever ... The greatest invitation 
believes ... The greaterst simplicity 
in him ... The greatest person 
shall not perish ... The greatest deliverance 
but ... The greatest difference 
have ... The greatest certainty 
eternal life ... The greatest possession

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[JOYnet] Ecumenical Malayalee Christmas Carols

2002-12-24 Thread Primeson James
A Joint Ecumenical Malayalee Christmas Carols service has taken place on 23rd
of December evening 8.30 to 10:45 at Jebel Ali Catholic Church, Dubai.

Catholic, Syrian Orthodox and Marthoma Churches were participated this
fuction. Fr. john declared that since the idea came up, these churches were
took very much interest to fulfill their plan, and received good cooperation
from everybody. Chief guest was His Grace Mathews Mar Evaneos, and given the
very good spiritual message.
Bishop was saying that there is some problems between the churches, but we
have to come up out of this boundary, because our aim is one, but are going
different ways.

Each churches were sung three songs each, as well as Bible Readings.

Rev. Fr. Thomas George, Rev. Fr. Varghese and His Grace Methews Mar Evaneos
from Marthoma Chuch,,, Rev. Fr. Prince Mookanottile from Syrian Orthodox
Church,,, and Rev. Fr. John Fernandez and Rev. Fr. Cornardo from Catholic
Church were present for the function.

Asianet is covered this program and will relay tomorrow 25th, 9:30 pm UAE
time and 11:00 pm Indian time.


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[JOYnet] Merry Christmas

2002-12-24 Thread JOY BABU




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[JOYnet] Daily Bread

2002-12-24 Thread Primeson James
The Birth of Jesus Foretold

In the sixth month the angel Gabbriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee
called Nazareth, to a virgine engaged to a man whose name wa joseph, of the
house of David. The cirgine's name was Mary. And he came to her and said,

"Greetings, favored one ! The Lord is with you".

But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greetings
this might be. The angel said to her,

"Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And now, you
will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He
will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most Hight, and the Lord God
will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will regin ove the
house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end".

Mary Said to the angel,

"How can this be since I am a virgin?"

The angel said to her

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most High will
overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will called
Son of God. And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also
conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be
barren. For nothing will be impossible with God".

Then Mary said

"Here am I, the servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to your

Then the angel departed from her.


Luke 1 : 26 - 38

May God Bless You this X'mas Occation & Forever.

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2002-12-24 Thread binu joseph

// Praise the Lord Jesus Christ // 

Dear Jesus Youth Brethren, 




Lots of Love and Best Wishes in CHRIST 


Binu, Leo & Hadassahmol 
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[JOYnet] If any of you can help

2002-12-24 Thread Alfred Samji
Dear netters,
I found the below mail I received for a prayer fellowship very disturbing 
and have put if forward to you all, for all of you to see if any of you can 
help these 3 girls in distress. You can correspond with the below given 
email address to the sender for more details. God will bless you all if they 
can be helped at this Holy season the anniversary of Christ's coming to save 
each one of us. Praise the Lord & wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Samji / Dubai
-Original Message-
From: Edwin Gomez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 11:23 PM
Subject: Prayer Request

Prayer Request

Dear Brethren in Christ,

I need a special and very urgent prayer request for three young
ladies who are facing a very different trial in their life. And
for safety reasons I am addressing them as S.S., N.K. & S.M.
During their school days these ladies went to a cool bar to take
some deserts and fruit juices (all of them on different
occasions). But some people with the help of the shop owner mixed
some drugs in the drink and took their nude photos in their
unconscious stage. Those people are the members of the Gang who
kidnap and sell ladies for prostitution. Now these people are
trying to black mail these ladies by showing these photographs for
selling these ladies to foreign brothel owners. At this moment we
are trying to get back those photos and negatives but a lot of
gangsters are involved and they had threatened us if we complain
this to the police or some other people in power they will edit
this photo to a complete pornographic photo and will publish it in
web site and distribute it freely to the people around. For the
safety reasons I cannot explain more in this request so in our
helpless situation we need a miracle prayer from you dear
brethren, for The Almighty God to interfere and solve this
situation according to his Will.

Requesting urgent Prayer

Edwin Gomez A.

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[no subject]

2002-12-24 Thread Michael Abraham
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Joynet,

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year

With love and prayers,

Michael Abraham & family

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[JOYnet] Merry Christmas

2002-12-24 Thread K.G.Mathews
Dear Friends,


A child is born in Bethlehem, Alleluia!

Wish you a Merry Christmas & a happy New Year…

With love,

K.G Mathews-Abu Dhabi/UAE
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