[JOYnet] TODAY`S SAINT........

2003-02-10 Thread rose maria
February 10, 2003 
St. Scholastica 
Virgin  (480-542?) LIFE:  

Scholasticawas  the twin  sister  of  st  Benedict  of  Nursia(Italy).Twins often 
share the same interests and ideas with an equal intensity. 
Born in 480 of wealthy parents, Scholastica and Benedict were brought up together 
until he left for Rome to continue his studies. 
Little is known of Scholastica’s early life. She founded a religious community for 
women near Monte Cassino at Plombariola, five miles from where her brother governed a 
The twins visited each other once a year in a farmhouse because Scholastica was not 
permitted inside the monastery. They spent these times discussing spiritual matters. 
According to the Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great, the brother and sister spent 
their last day together in prayer and conversation. Scholastica sensed her death was 
close at hand and she begged Benedict to stay with her until the next day. 
He refused her request because he did not want to spend a night outside the monastery, 
thus breaking his own Rule. Scholastica asked God to let her brother remain and a 
severe thunderstorm broke out, preventing Benedict and his monks from returning to the 
Benedict cried out, “God forgive you, Sister. What have you done?” Scholastica 
replied, “I asked a favor of you and you refused. I asked it of God and he granted 
Brother and sister parted the next morning after their long discussion. Three days 
later, Benedict was praying in his monastery and saw the soul of his sister rising 
heavenward in the form of a white dove. Benedict then announced the death of his 
sister to the monks and later buried her in the tomb he had prepared for himself. 
St.Benedict  followed  her in death  few  weeks  later  ,on  march  21st was  buried  
next  to  her: thus  twins  were  united  who  had  founded two  branches  of  the  
great  order  , which has  continued  to  flourish throughout  14  centuries  has  
given  some  5,000  Saints  to  the  church.

PATRONAGE:  against  rain, convulsive  children,nuns, and storms.


Scholastica and Benedict gave themselves totally to God and gave top priority to 
deepening their friendship with him through prayer. They sacrificed some of the 
opportunities they would have had to be together as brother and sister in order better 
to fulfill their vocation to the religious life. In coming closer to Christ, however, 
they found they were also closer to each other. In joining a religious community, they 
did not forget or forsake their family but rather found more brothers and sisters


 EVEN  KNOWING  IT --St.Theresa of  Avila

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[JOYnet] Re: Clarification Luke 12:53 from my life..

2003-02-10 Thread Sebastian
Dear Sindhu,

Thank you so much for clarifying me the particlar Word
of God, by sharing with your own testimony. By Reading
your mail it made me to remember these words

22Then Jesus said to his disciples: Therefore I tell
you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat;
or about your body, what you will wear. 23Life is more
than food, and the body more than clothes. 24Consider
the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no
storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much
more valuable you are than birds! 

So when we keep our Lord our God in the midst of our
life, we no need to worry about the worldly things. HE
will take care of everything.

With lots of prayers and Wishes

 --- sindhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Dear
brother Sebastian,
 In my life these words of Jesus has become true.
 They will be divided,
 father against son and son against father, mother
 against daughter and
 daughter against mother, mother-in-law against
 daughter-in-law and
 daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. -Luke 12:53
 I was born and brought up in  a very orthodox Hindu
 family.At our home all
 of us were so close ,and whenever we're together we
 used to eat from one
 plate and sit in same room ..Especially me and my
 brother.We were good
 friends  .He was 15 years older to me ,so some times
 ,he was just like a dad
 to me since my father was working  in Madras.. Both
 of us were so fun loving
 that we used to go for even club football matches
 and we never missed a
 single english film released in Cochin !!My cousins
 used to say that when he
 gets married ,his wife will go to her home next
 day,seeing that he wanted me
 to do every thing for him..he will eat only if i
 serve him and i used to
 iron his clothes etc. So even When i went to Medical
 College at Kottayam
 every weekend and all free evenings ,i used to come
 When i accepted jesus as my all in all,in
 1993...those  verses became very
 true. My ideas ,life style every thing changed. I
 started to spend more time
 with the Lord ,in prayer, prayer
 meetings,programs..And i was no more
 interested in going for such movies and had little
 time to go for club
 matches,even though i liked them. Further my heavy
 syllabus at med school
 also held me back from comng home often.My whole
 outlokk changed and so
 often we  used to have long arguments on atheism ,
 communism and stuff
 ,which earlier i had an inclination to..like my
 brother since he was my role
 Even though most of them apprecited certain good
 changes in me ,like more
 patience ,kindness etc, all at my home and all
 relatives were very much
 worried about my future and tried so hard to
 persuade me to forsake Jesus.It
 was very hard for me. I felt like an alien many
 times in my own home. My mom
 and brother yelling at me...that;s some thing i
 could not stand. Coming home
 was just like a night mare to me .But Jesus and his
 JY saw me thru all
 One day one of my cousins ,caught me and started to
 scold me. he told that
 i'm mad ..and he challenged me that nobody is going
 to marry you .Catholics
 never...May be some day when you ;re in your late
 thirties ,some old
 protestant pastors,a widowed man with many children
 ,may come to marry
 you..!!(laugh)..it was too much for me..i felt like
 crying..but suddenly i
 told him.. you see my Jesus has told me that He
 will take care of me..and
 it is written in Bible that ..'Any body who has
 looked upto his face has
 never been put to shame anf their faces always
 were bright.Suddenly he
 stopped..(power of Word eh..).
 To cut the story short... after some more time  i
 started to get proposals
 even from catholics,which  surprised my family. But
 God had a different plan
 ..when Sunil's proposal came ...it was a surprise to
 all..even i never
 thought that there will be some body with same story
 as mine ever existed on
 this earth !The day our marriage was getting fixed
 all my relatives were
 home.The cousin who used to tease me was also there.
 So i asked him ,'now
 what do you have to say.?'..he smiled and told me
 ..oh that day itself you
 told na,,,that your Jesus will do it for you...(the
 defeated smile
 And his wife ,my aunt and all the women said in one
 voice,, Sindhu now we
 think your Jesus really exists and its He who did it
 for you!!! And days
 after both of us took all sacraments together with
 the blessing of our
 family ,friends elders and many JY in 2000
 may.Praise the Lord.
 So in my case the story had a nice ending.and
 they lived happily
 everafter...(... after 7 years of faith walk..)even
 though its not true with
 many converts. Just thought i'll share how these
 verses became flesh in my
 And today i said a special prayer for all those who
 stood by my side in this
 faith walk..especially my family.. who really helped
 me test my faith.
 Gratefully His,
Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to 

[JOYnet] hello everyone

2003-02-10 Thread deepak
Hello my dear ones in christ
Sorry i couldn't write to u all for sometime.and
when i open i saw lots of mails..i have not read them yet.
i read Sindhu chechi'e e mail...and was very touched. This is what i like abt
Joy net ...it Gives me a very wide perspective of how Jesus works in other
peoples life. and we are actually knowing who the person God is..actually when
we share our lives we are really giving away a part of our life for others to
see ...and this has to be complemented with love and trust among each of us.
i always consider u all to be my most intimate friends in christ.
i always thank God for giving me such a wonderful Group to share my problems
and happiness.and who really pray for me ...i also pray 4 u all
...especially the people working to sustain this group may all u r lives
be filled with the glory of Christ Jesus.
please pray for me so that i may not loose christ through my sin and pride.
Please help me o GOD to be humble in Heart and spirit and perfect in speech so
that i might not hurt anyone of your young ones.
luv deepak

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[JOYnet] Kindly Pray

2003-02-10 Thread FEMIN P ANTONY
Dear friends
Pastor of JY Mumbai Fr. Xavier Kannatt's mother expired on 09/02/2002. Kindly pray. 
Fr. Xavier's can be contacted on 0487-2309717

love  prayers

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread 11.02.2003

2003-02-10 Thread Biji Thomas
After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent then
two by two before his face into every city and place where he himself was
about to go. Then He said to them, The harvest truly is great, but the
laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out
laborers into His harvest. Luke 10 : 1-2 May Almighty Lord bles you and
have a nice day

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[JOYnet] Youth Retreat in Mumbai

2003-02-10 Thread FEMIN P ANTONY
Dear friends
Thabore Retreat Centre is conducting a One Day Youth Retreat in English at Thabore 
Ashram on 13/02/2003 for Mumbai Youth.
Those who wish to attend can note down the venue

Thabore Ashram
Kampa Village


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[JOYnet] Old Priest = Wisdom Unlimited.

2003-02-10 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

Even before coming into the renewal; I used to
maintain a fairly good relation with old priests and
nuns. Maybe bcos I was very close to my grandmother
and never got to meet my grandpas. And one thing I
used to do after the conversation is to kneel down and
ask them to pray a blessing over me. And when they
pray I make a silent prayer to myself - Lord I claim
the power of all the masses said by this father so
that I will receive your mercy and blessings. Going
by this rule - Old priest means more masses which in
turn means more blessings :-))).   Often this happens;
after my confession after the priest absolves the sin
(in a rich Latin language). I know a lot of such old
priests most of them Jesuits bcos we(Dad, brother and
myself) were always closely attached to the Jesuit
institutions. Let me share my experiences however with
3 priests - old and rich in spirituality.

First, is a Jesuit priest from Mangalore - retired
Department Head of Literature, St Josephs College
Trichy. I woke him up in the middle of the night
during one of my tough days and begged for confession.
A relation which went on from strength to strength for
the past 4 years. This man was a real source of
knowledge on any given subject. Often we meet up and
talk for an hour atleast once in 2 weeks. He was the
person who was to a large extent responsible in
helping me to appreciate the value of the Catholic
Church - its powerful and time tested doctrines. He
sniffed somehow that me and my brother was inclined
towards the renewal movement; of which he was not so
much impressed. He forced both of us to get the book
on Catechism of the Catholic Church. A decision we
will never regret. Each time he used to ask me in rich
Oxford accent - Did you get that black book ?  and
while discussing the Gospel passages - Know your
gospel; Boy!. He was not gifted with rich gifts and
charisms of the Holy Spirit but defenitely he was
blessed with the wisdom, understanding and most of all
HUMILITY from the Holy Spirit.

Second is an old parish priest. I used to visit him
once in a while, again for confession. I would like to
remember one of those days when after the confession I
requested him to pray over me. He laid the Holy
Vestment (the holy cloth which runs over their
shoulders)on my head and placed a crucifix over it.
And he made a powerful prayer over me. I felt some
birds flying off my head as he was praying :-) And
then he blessed me with Holy Water. It was an amazing
and powerful experience.

The third is Fr. C J Varkey whom some of you might be
knowing as the persons behind Nirmala Retreat Center
at Koluthuvayal, Calicut. He is God's gift for me and
also for many people. A visit to his house was almost
as though I went into a land of spiritual warfare. A
man powerful with the gifts and charisms of the Holy
Spirit. All throughout the praying over, he was
drawing crosses in my forehead. At the end of which I
was healed of a long problem of throat ailment. I was
able to learn many things from this humble priest and
most of all the protection one will receive by the
prayers to Mother Mary. I also realised the power of
all those old(and sometimes forgotten ?) catholic
prayers to St. Michael, St. George, Guardian Angel,
Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary so as  to
defeat the enemy.

Let us always remember that a priest in the
Eucharistic Celebration through the sacrament of Holy
Orders represents Christ Himself who is present to his
Church as Head of his Body, Shepherd of his flock,
high priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of

Let us also understand that they are also Human beings
attacked by sin and who needs our constant prayers and

This presence of Christ in the minister is not to be
understood as if the latter were preserved from all
human weaknesses, the spirit of domination, error,
even sin. The power of the Holy Spirit does not
guarantee all acts of ministers in the same way. While
this guarantee extends to the sacraments, so that even
the minister's sin cannot impede the fruit of grace,
in many other acts the minister leaves human traces
that are not always signs of fidelity to the Gospel
and consequently can harm the apostolic fruitfulness
of the Church.  (Catechism of the Catholic Church).


Sanju Joseph

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Power of Joynet Prayers !! Re: [JOYnet] Please pray for the missionaries.

2003-02-10 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

 Lets all realize the power of our prayers. A
snippet of the mail I got from babu chettan now.


Please pray pray pray pray pray pray that
something will happen here, as my wish is that these
people will propagate the gospel, where, they are
making hindrence to reach the gospel. Two person of
that group already tasted the healing and deliverance
from the Lord, during a prayer meeting held in their
area. Their names are Chetan Singh and Bhawani

 Late News
 Praise the Lord, when I was starting to send this
mail, a phone call came from one of beleiver Mr Laxmi
Narayan that, Bhawani Shankar and other five people
were arrested by the policce for some criminal case as
they were involved somewhere in last week. Praise the
Lord. Lord is working.
 Plase do continue to pray for us and our
ministry, as my prayer is that all will come to the
Lord very soon.


Thanks for your prayers . Pls continue to pray.

Love and prayers


 --- Sanju Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Bros and Sis,
 A few weeks ago I had mailed you all about a Church
 pastor (Babu Chettan) who works in North India among
 Hindus and Muslims. I seek your prayer support for
 and his ministry. As their life is under serious
 threat from the Shiv Sainiks. It seems the whole
 township in which he works is full of sorcerers. And
 people in large numbers are getting delivered from
 this evil therefore bringing financial loss to the
 sorcerers. One of the evangelist Sunil who was
 delivered from this evil, and now working
 against this evil has come under their attack. The
 sorcerers have influenced and joined hands with the
 Shiv Sainiks to attack the evangelists and
 They have threatened to kill them. Please take some
 time to pray for Babu chettan and his ministry
 Also for the people who are instigating trouble that
 they will know God and accept Jesus as their only
 and Saviour. The names are - Shyam Baba, Bhawani
 Rathore, Ravi and Chetan Singh (whose sister had an
 evil  afflication was healed by the Lord and both
 husband and wife are believers now) .  Since this
 an urgent prayer request; I thought I will plead
 prayers right away  - as we all know we are praying
 for World Peace now.I think we need to pray for all
 the missionaries and the religious working in tough
 and hostile conditions to spread the Kingdom of God,
 as part of one of our Joynet Prayer Days. Many of
 JY brethren also work in these conditions in the
 and the North East part of India.They all need our
 In prayers
 Sanju Joseph


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