[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2003-03-03 Thread Pushpa Kumar
Dear All
Please Pray that I donot have any problem in my work place
Thank You
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[JOYnet] Ash Wednesday Reflections - March 05, 2003

2003-03-03 Thread Jennifer
Dear Friend,

Once again we begin the season of Lent with this Ash Wednesday celebration.
Lent as we know is a time for repentance and renewal yet the preface of Lent
will call it the joyful season of Lent. We should remind ourselves that
originally Lent was a time for preparation for Baptism and for Easter. Later
on as the practice of adult Baptisms died out, it became a time of baptismal
renewal as well as a time of repentance and a proximate preparation for
Easter. As we begin this new season may we find our joy in coming back to the
Lord.   Have 'prayer-filled' weekend! -Fr. Jude

Sunday Reflections: Ash Wednesday   Repent and Believe

Readings: Joel 2: 12-18   2 Corinthians 5: 20 - 6:2
Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18

The first reading from the prophet Joel reminds us that sometimes God invited
the people of Israel to come back to Him through the great disasters that
befell them. "Come back to me with all your heart, fasting weeping and
mourning." Scriptures tell us that the people of Israel time and again
abandoned God and sometimes, in order to bring them back to the right path,
God allowed misfortunes to fall upon them. It was after one such disaster that
the prophet Joel conveyed to the people the message that God would come to
their rescue. The disaster that befell the Israelites at that time was the
invasion of locusts, that came in large numbers from the desert and devoured
everything. The people were devastated and the prophet Joel called them to
prayer and to penance. He assured them that if them came back to Yahweh,
Yahweh would provide them with food they needed. He reminded them that every
one should do penance, the priests and the laity, the young and the old, even
the children. They needed to ask God's pardon as a family, as one community
and God would forgive them all.

Today, an evil far worse than locusts besets individuals and humankind. This
evil is sin. Sin destroys the life we have received from God at our baptism,
it destroys the good we have done in our lives by increasing the evil around
us; it destroys our community and human family especially the unity that is
needed that we might live in peace and harmony. Today we are confronted by the
specter of war, of terrorism, of famine and disease. We may not like to admit
it but all these are the result of our sin. Every sin, even the most private
sin, adds to the suffering and misery in this world, just as the tiniest good
deed draws down God's blessings on the whole of humankind and makes us a
better people. We have to acknowledge that we are responsible for the world
and the sins of our lives have created the fragmented world we live in. We are
invited as individuals and as a community to repent and humbly acknowledge our

The Nail Post
A father wanted his son to really understand the importance of making right
choices, of obeying and doing what's right. And so if his son made a bad
choice or a wrong decision, he gives him a hammer and a nail to take out into
the backyard and pound into a fence post. Every day the son went through the
whole day making good decisions, he'd let the boy go out and take out one of
those nails. Until the boy was fifteen, there were always two or three nails
in the post, -seemed he'd be nailing new ones as often as he'd pull out
others. The youth started to mature and make better decisions and finally one
day all the nails were removed from the post. That was when his dad took him
back and said, "I want you to notice something about the post." The son looked
at the post for a moment and realized that all the nails that once were driven
in and then later removed had left small holes in the post. The holes were the
remaining effects of the nails. His dad said," I want to tell you something
son, about bad choices and decisions. Even though you may be totally forgiven
from your bad choices or decisions, and there are no nails visible, there are
the remaining effects, the consequences, of those choices or decisions; just
like the holes in that fencepost."
Author Unknown

The Gospel of today speaks to us of three paths that can lead us back to God:
prayer, fasting and alms. However Jesus reminds us that these three practices
by themselves will not lead us to God unless we perform them with a humble
heart. We can perform them diligently but from the wrong motives: out of a
sense of pride, we are better than the rest; we can do the external routine
while our hearts are far from God; we can get involved in them ritualistically
so that others may notice our good works. We all know the ulterior motives we
can have even when doing the best of good works.

Lent is a time for renewing our prayer life. But when we pray, do not pray to
be seen or heard by others. We are reminded in today's gospel. "But when you
pray, go to your private room and when you have shut the door, pray to your
Father, who is in that secret place, and your father who sees al


2003-03-03 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri
test mail, pls ignore

Cricket World Cup 2003- News, Views and Match Reports. 

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Re: [JOYnet] How to Pray - A 'must read' matter

2003-03-03 Thread Prejomy Jose
Dear friends,

I feel this a 'must read & practice' matter in our daily prayer life.

Prejomy Jose
Abu Dhabi

From: "Catherine Joshua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kathleen Martin continues sharing with us the crumbs she gathered from 
thetable of the prayer group that Our Lady formed and lead in Medjugorje:

Our Lady taught each person in the prayer group how to pray with our hole 
being: She taught us that we have to be united in our whole selves when we 
pray.  We have to pray with everything we have. We need to pray with all of 
our memory and we have to let our memory function.  We have to let our 
imagination function during prayer.  We have to develop our desire, and  use 
our intelligence, and use our body to express our prayer.

It wasn't easy.  To be whole in prayer takes dedication.  Sometimes we get 
tired of praying and we become divided inside.  If there's a part of us 
that's tired we will sit this way and then we'll sit another way, we won't 
be able to have the body give 100%.  If we don't discipline our memory it 
will wander off here and there remembering this and that. We won't then be 
using the memory 100% for our prayers or for the mystery we are meditating 
on.   During prayer we need to use our imagination to picture that we're 
with Jesus and Mary.  In fact we are!  Our prayer is being listened to by 
the Father!  We need to exercise all of our faculties so that little by 
little we become one within ourselves.

If there is another person in the room (in the prayer group) that has become 
whole, undivided in their prayer along with you, then there's two!  Jesus 
has promised where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there.  Jesus 
will come to those who are praying in this integrated way!  Our Lady says 
that when we pray the most important thing is to have Jesus come.  We want 
Jesus to come to our prayer because otherwise we won't change.  Jesus 
doesn't know how to do anything else but to heal us, to fill us up, to 
change us.   If you're distracted, if you're tired, but you're with people 
who pray with their entire being,  Jesus will arrive,  and you will be 
healed, you'll be free to pray.

You won't be bogged down by your problems or worries.  No, having Jesus 
there, he attracts you completely! Our Lady says it's very important when we 
get together that the aim of the group is to be whole in themselves.

Our Lady spent one day teaching the prayer group how to pray the Our Father. 
Through Jelena she told us,  "Okay begin the prayer 'Our Father who art in 
Heaven'."  Then Our Lady would stop us and she would say something like 
this: well, Denis, you know you were thinking of something else, and you 
didn't use your imagination, and your will wasn't too strong about praying.  
To another she would say:  you remembered something that happened yesterday. 
And she corrected the prayer group, one at a time.

Then she would tell them to do it again.  For 8 hours all they said was "Our 
Father who art in Heaven"!  They never got beyond that.  Finally at the end 
of 8 hours they prayed it once and everyone was united in themselves and 
united among themselves, and she said, "Okay, that's it.  From now on pray 
like that!"

We're dissipated, we're fragmented, and we can't be fragmented.  The Lord 
gave us the commandment: Hear, O Israel, you shall love the Lord your God 
with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all 
your body. This is what Our Lady is talking about.   You see, we've lost the 
capacity to be one in ourselves.  And so this is the root of all our 
problems.  We don't know how to be one in body, mind, soul, and spirit.  And 
that's the problem.

We see so much divorce.  It's because those entering marriage weren't one in 
themselves when they said "Yes."  Perhaps  the person said "Yes" to marriage 
with only part of himself while the rest of his person remained silent.  
Then all of a sudden he finds himself later saying "No" to the marriage, and 
it's a strong "No", maybe 95% of their personality saying "No" because 5% 
only said "Yes."   We didn't know this about ourselves until Our Lady began 
to teach us little by little to become one in ourselves so that we could 
totally say "Yes" to the Lord.  And it wasn't just a one time thing.  Our 
Lady worked on the
young people everyday to become whole in themselves.

Our Lady taught us how to be united as a prayer group:  This is part of the 
work that should be done when there is a group that wants to walk a path 
together.   You have to be whole in yourself.  And then you have to make a 
decision to walk together as a group.   That's a difficult decision to make 
because it means giving time to each other, it means giving time to the 

Once we are whole then we are called to be in communion.  We are called to 
be in communion to give witness to the communion between God and us.  And if 
you read the Acts of the Apostles they speak about how much the first 
Christians loved each other 

[JOYnet] The allegory of the Frog ...

2003-03-03 Thread Wilson Thomas
Once upon a time there was a race of frogs
The goal was to reach the top of a high tower.

Many people gathered to see and support them.

The race began..

In reality, the people probably didn't believe that it was possible that the
frogs reached the top of the tower, and all the phrases that one could here
were of this kind : "What pain !!! They'll never make it!"

The frogs began to resign, except for one who kept on climbing

The people continued :   "... What pain !!! They'll never make it!..."

And the frogs admitted defeat, except for the frog who continued to insist.

At the end, all the frogs quit, except the one who, alone and with and
enormous effort, reached the top of the tower. The others wanted to know how
did he do it.  One of them approached him to ask him how he had done it, to
finish the race.  And discovered that he... was deaf!

Never listen to people who have the bad habit of being negative... because
they steal the best aspirations of your heart!  Always remind yourself of
the power of the words that we hear or read. That's why, you always have to
think positive

Moral: "faith comes by hearing, .." (Romans 10:17) So, do not entertain
the -ve advices of this world.

Praise the Lord

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[JOYnet] Hullo Everybody

2003-03-03 Thread Catherine Joshua
Hullo my dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
this is my first personal mail to this egroup. Actually i am really so happy
to see the work of the Spirit in every mail i read. I am a graduate of T.K.M
C.E which by the Lord's wonderful grace has a very beautiful group and
this prayer group was my first extended family in Christ. Now i am so happy
that the Lord will never let me go short of families in Christ...when i
see this egroup.
Right now i am working in USSoftware, Technopark and i request your prayer
support for a very beautiful prayer group to be started here in Technopark.

A note also below is the latest message from medjugorje given to us
lovingly by the Blessed Mother. Read the message once again slowly and
meditatively reflecting on every word of the Blessed Mother. Isn't this is a
very beautiful message? I was just thinking on how much Our Sweet Mother
wants us to be oasises of peace to the world. Search in the deepest depths
of your hearts...can u say for sure that ur heart is at peace? Peace ...as
she says...is the most preciuos gift of God . At mass remember the last
words of the Father blessing us.'Go in the peace of Christ'  St Paul
says'The peace that Christ gives you is to guide you in the decisions
that you make...'Let's just take a moment of Our busy schedule and ask
Our Father today to fill us with His peace . As Our Mother instructs us -
Seek peace, pray for it and you will receive it so that wherever we are, as
Christ bearers, we may radiate His peace in our offices, homes,

Love , Peace , Joy n' prayers
your sister in Christ

- Original Message -
From: "Catherine Joshua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 6:33 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] About Medjugorje!

> This is the latest message from the Holy Virgin Mother to the 6
> in Medjugorje , Yougoslavia. From 1981 the Mother of Jesus has been
> appearing to 6 youths. this is the longest apparition in the history of
> world. For more information check out www.childrenofmedjugorje.com
> Our Lady's February 25, 2003 message from Medjugorje
> "Dear children!  Also today I call you to pray and fast for peace.  As I
> already said and now repeat to you, little children, only with prayer and
> fasting can wars also be stopped.  Peace is a precious gift from God.
> pray and you will receive it.  Speak about peace and carry peace in your
> hearts.  Nurture it like a flower which is in need of water, tenderness
> light.  Be those who carry peace to others. I am with you and intercede
> all of you.Thank you for having responded to my call."

> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
> For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
> To subscribe to the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact


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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2003-03-03 Thread Meena Mathew
Dear Joynetters
HI. I am planning on writing the GRE this monday 10th. I had written it last 
month on the 27th but i have to write it once again as i only got  a score 
of 1140 but i need a score of 1400. So please remember me in your prayers 
and especially that only God's will be done in my life and that I may be 
able to accept whatever the outcome.
With Prayers
Your sister in Christ
Meena Mathew

Cricket World Cup 2003- News, Views and Match Reports. 

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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2003-03-03 Thread rose maria
3 RD  MARCH   2003


EMPRESS (---1039)


   Daughter of Sigfrid, Count of Luxemburg.( on  the  border  of  France  and  
Germany) Received a religious education, and took a private vow of virginity. Married 
Saint Henry, Duke of Bavaria, who agreed to honour her vow. On the death of Emperor 
Otho III, Henry was chosen King of the Romans, and Cunegundes was crowned queen at 
Paderborn in 1002.As   Queen   and  Empress  she  continued  her  life  of  prayer  
and  penance  to which  she  had  been  accustomed  from  childhood, and  used  her  
exaltedpositon  to  increase   further  her  charities  towards  the  poor  and  
needy. Holy Roman Empress in 1014, receiving the crown from Pope Benedict VIII. 

At one point, gossips accused her of adultery, but she proved her innocence by asking 
for God's help, then walking over pieces of flaming irons without injury. 

During his time as emperor, Henry gave away the bulk of his wealth in charity; when he 
died in 1024, Cunegundes was left relatively poor. On the 1025 anniversary of his 
death, which coincided with the dedication of a monastery she had built for 
Benedictine nuns at Kaffungen, Cunegundes took the veil, and entered that monastery, 
spending her remaining 15 years praying, reading, and working beside her sisters. 
   St.Conegundes  died on  march   3rd  1039; buried at Bamberg, Bavaria near Saint 

   Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland 

   REFLECTION:  ***He  who  does  notadvance  in  the  way   of  perfection   
falls  back   ,  for,  love  cannot  continue  in  the  same  degree..***(St.Teresa  
of  Avila)

we   adoreThee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world!

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-03-03 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (March 04).

joby john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
george john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] About Medjugorje!

2003-03-03 Thread Catherine Joshua
 This is the latest message from the Holy Virgin Mother to the 6 visionaries
in Medjugorje , Yougoslavia. From 1981 the Mother of Jesus has been reportedly
appearing to 6 youths. this is the longest apparition in the history of the
world. For more information check out www.childrenofmedjugorje.com
Our Lady's February 25, 2003 message from Medjugorje

"Dear children!  Also today I call you to pray and fast for peace.  As I have
already said and now repeat to you, little children, only with prayer and
fasting can wars also be stopped.  Peace is a precious gift from God. Seek,
pray and you will receive it.  Speak about peace and carry peace in your
hearts.  Nurture it like a flower which is in need of water, tenderness and
light.  Be those who carry peace to others. I am with you and intercede for
all of you.Thank you for having responded to my call."

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Medjugorje!

2003-03-03 Thread Catherine Joshua
) Children of Medjugorje 2003
Permission is given to spread the text of these reports under two conditions:
1) no words are changed, 2) "Children of Medjugorje" is cited along with our
web site
  or email address

Children of Medjugorje

President: Denis Nolan
Vice-President: Sister Emmanuel

Advisory Board:
Cardinal Jaime Sin
Cardinal Bernardino Echeverria, O.F.M.+
Archbishop Frane Franic
Archbishop D. Peter Chung
Bishop Nicholas D'Antonio, O.F.M.
Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, O.M.I.
Bishop Donald Montrose
Bishop William Ellis
Fr. Daniel Ange
Ralph Martin

  March 1, 2003

Dear Children of Medjugorje,
Praised be Jesus and Mary!

1)  Last Sunday, February 23, 2003, though it was a private ceremony, two
friends had the opportunity to attend Marija-Sofija's baptism in Vicka's
little village parish, where the pastor is a diocesan priest.  (See picture
below!).  One friend from Ohio shared with us: "I was surprised to see how
normal and simple the celebration was.  To witness the kind of unity between
members of the Vicka's family was so beautiful and renewing for an American
like me.  Vicka was beaming with joy at the grace given to her little daughter
on that day.  We found ourselves renewing our own baptismal promises during
Mass!"  Jakov and his wife, Annalisa, are the god-parents.

2)  Kathleen Martin continues sharing with us the crumbs she gathered from the
table of the prayer group that Our Lady formed and lead in Medjugorje:

Our Lady taught each person in the prayer group how to pray with our whole
being: She taught us that we have to be united in our whole selves when we
pray.  We have to pray with everything we have. We need to pray with all of
our memory and we have to let our memory function.  We have to let our
imagination function during prayer.  We have to develop our desire, and  use
our intelligence, and use our body to express our prayer.

It wasn't easy.  To be whole in prayer takes dedication.  Sometimes we get
tired of praying and we become divided inside.  If there's a part of us that's
tired we will sit this way and then we'll sit another way, we won't be able to
have the body give 100%.  If we don't discipline our memory it will wander off
here and there remembering this and that. We won't then be using the memory
100% for our prayers or for the mystery we are meditating on.   During prayer
we need to use our imagination to picture that we're with Jesus and Mary.  In
fact we are!  Our prayer is being listened to by the Father!  We need to
exercise all of our faculties so that little by little we become one within

If there is another person in the room (in the prayer group) that has become
whole, undivided in their prayer along with you, then there's two!  Jesus has
promised where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there.  Jesus will
come to those who are praying in this integrated way!  Our Lady says that when
we pray the most important thing is to have Jesus come.  We want Jesus to come
to our prayer because otherwise we won't change.  Jesus doesn't know how to do
anything else but to heal us, to fill us up, to change us.   If you're
distracted, if you're tired, but you're with people who pray with their entire
being,  Jesus will arrive,  and you will be healed, you'll be free to pray.
You won't be bogged down by your problems or worries.  No, having Jesus there,
he attracts you completely! Our Lady says it's very important when we get
together that the aim of the group is to be whole in themselves.

Our Lady spent one day teaching the prayer group how to pray the Our Father.
Through Jelena she told us,  "Okay begin the prayer 'Our Father who art in
Heaven'."  Then Our Lady would stop us and she would say something like this:
well, Denis, you know you were thinking of something else, and you didn't use
your imagination, and your will wasn't too strong about praying.  To another
she would say:  you remembered something that happened yesterday.  And she
corrected the prayer group, one at a time.

Then she would tell them to do it again.  For 8 hours all they said was "Our
Father who art in Heaven"!  They never got beyond that.  Finally at the end of
8 hours they prayed it once and everyone was united in themselves and united
among themselves, and she said, "Okay, that's it.  From now on pray like

We're dissipated, we're fragmented, and we can't be fragmented.  The Lord gave
us the commandment: Hear, O Israel, you shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your body.
This is what Our Lady is talking about.You see, we've lost the capacity to
be one in ourselves.  And so this is the root of all our problems.  We don't
know how to be one in body, mind, soul, and spirit.  And that's the problem.
We see so much divorce.  It's bec

[JOYnet] Miracle! Weeping Potrait of Jesus in Goa

2003-03-03 Thread Mariza Vaz
>Keep praying

>Camurlim wakes up to news of Jesus' portrait weeping tears of blood
>- The sleepy village of Camurlim in Salcete woke up on Thursday to hear
>news of a portrait of Sacred Heart of Jesus weeping blood.
>As news of the extraordinary event spread like wildfire, thousands of
>- irrespective of creed, thronged Our Lady of Candelaria Church at
>Ambora-Camurlim throughout the day and till late evening.
>The faithfuls could see dried red-colour blood-like substance in the
>of the eyes and chest, making it appear that the tears were flowing
>the Sacred Heart.
>The event occurred in the house of Mascarenhas family at
>on late Wednesday night. Fourteen-year-old, Steffi Karande, a tenth
>student, said she first saw tears rolling down from the portrait at
>11.30 pm
>last night. The portrait was kept in the wall cupboard of a bedroom,
>its glass frame broke when it came down all of a sudden from the main
>somewhere in January last.
>As fear stricken Steffi reportedly saw tears coming down on the
>she woke up her elder sister, Sonia, who has just gone to sleep in the
>room. Both said they were completely taken aback when the tears turned
>and decided to inform the other family members, who knelt down before
>portrait and recited the Holy Rosary.
>Soon, the news were conveyed to the immediate neighbours and by
>midnight, a
>lot of people gathered at the house to have a glimpse of the portrait.
>of the neighbour Jack is reported to have touched the portrait to
>the truth in the happening as is evident by the blur on the portrait.
>It was past midnight that the news was communicated to the Parish Priest
>Our Lady of Candeleria, Fr Antonio Lopes, who personally went to the
>and later took the portrait in his custody.
>This morning, the portrait was kept for veneration in the Church
>premises as
>streams of devotees began to pour in the village. Men and women, the old
>the young and children were seen standing in a big queue to have a
>of the portrait. The faithful were seen fervently saying the Rosary and
>prayers as they patiently waited for their turn.
>Around 3 pm, the queue stretched to a kilometer away from the Church and
>people still poured from all corners of the State till 8 in the evening.
>Some of the people who had a glimpse of the portrait told Herald that it
>certainly a different one from the normal picture of Sacred Heart of
>A teacher, Katy Lobo from Loutolim said "this is a sign Jesus is trying
>reveal himself in these difficult times".
>Involved in the Charismatic renewal movement, Lobo interpreted the event
>being a clear message of suffering that Jesus wants everyone to change
>How it happened: Steffi narrates the unusual event at Camurlim
>- "Jesus was apparently trying to convey something to us", was how a
>14-year old Steffi and her elder sister, Sonia (16) said while narrating
>last night's unusual event in their house.
>An uncontrollable Steffi said she was studying till late night in view
>the forthcoming SSC exams. "Just then, Sonia went to sleep and my sight
>suddenly went on the half-open wall cupboard, where I noticed something
>different on the portrait of Jesus", she recalled.
>"Suddenly, tears began rolling down from Jesus' eyes", an emotion-choked
>Steffi said, prompting her to wake up her elder sister.
>"I too saw the tears on the portrait of Jesus", Sonia, who is studying
>Std XI Arts at Rosary school said. "All of a sudden, the tears turned
>red. I
>went close to the cupboard to have a close view and the substance was
>too", she recalled but said the substance would not go when she tried to
>wipe it.The two sisters then knelt down, cried aloud and prayed before
>informing the other members of the family.
>"May be Jesus was trying to give some sign for us. I feel Jesus was
>us to pray, may be because of the impending war", Sonia said. Streams of
>people were also seen visiting the Mascarenhas family throughout the day
>after having a glimpse of the portrait at the Church premises.
>An elderly woman, Maria Joaquina Mascarenhas, who stays in the house
>informed that the portrait was kept in the wall cupboard after it fell
>the main altar last month. "Since the glass broke, we replaced the
>with a new one", she said.
Mariza Vaz

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[JOYnet] Prayer request

2003-03-03 Thread Anil Thomas
Dear netters,

Request your Prayers now for a moment for Jose Sebastian who is
attending an interview with L&T on the 11th of March on Mumbai.

Anil Thomas

 A n i l   T h o m a s Chalarakkal \ Bangalore \ India
 Ph : 09448014535


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[JOYnet] Help reqd from JY Chennai

2003-03-03 Thread Anil Thomas
One JY is looking for an accomodation with JY near Guindy in
chennai. Anyone from chennai please respond either to me or to

Anil Thomas Chalarakkal \ Bangalore \ India


 A n i l   T h o m a s
 Senior Systems Engineer 
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