[JOYnet] Trivandrum Retreat

2003-03-17 Thread deepak justin nath
Hello friends
thank you all for praying for the youth retreat.It 
was glorious experience both for the participants and 
God really showed us that we should trust Him and anything is 
possible for God.
I wanted to share my experience with u all. we were not sure that 
a retreat is possible in trivandrum for the youth especially 
so we thought abt giving a rendezvous pgm which is for 2 and a 
half days.but our experienced campaigners told us that it would 
but futile since
we are not conducting  it for 5 dayss. and they told us that a 5 
day  retreat is a must or otherwise don't do any pgm and call it a 
so we thought it was not going to happen.we had millions of reason 
y this cannot happen.coz students will have to take leave for 2 
full days.and
time was really short to organize a retreat, and we didn't have a 
resource person,and we didn't get a place to conduct retreat. and 
all of the students except the first year students were having 
exams.we were also having exams.but when we prayed we were so much 
inspired by God to conduct the retreat.then we prayed to mother 
Mary to be there with us through the whole retreat and to pray for 
all the things that should be taken care of. we started mobilizing 
without knowing where or who will conduct the retreat.it was 
really hard...but God gave us strength to carry on . many people 
told us that it is difficult , and no one will come etc.. and 
things were not at all certain till the last moment.I was really 
tensed on the retreat was to take place on 12th and on 9th morning 
I was so tensed bcoz the venue was not fixed and team was not 
arranged .when I sat for prayer ,God told me not to worry abt 
tomorrow...and all my tension left me...I was very relaxed I 
didn't believe that the retreat was going to take place at that 
time .I comforted myself thinking that it is His problem and I am 
not going to get tensed for that.and after that I called up a 
place and praise God it was available. then abt the team .on 10th 
evening we were sitting and discussing...the team was not fixed 
and we didn't know who to call.Rodney chettan told that today we 
will know if we can conduct the retreat or not.i was least 
bothered ...i said ok its no problem we will call off the retreat 
if we cannot arrange the team.then we all went home .
i was not very keen to carry on with the idea of a retreat.i was 
too tired to worry. that day on Bro Joy who was praying for us 
gave a message for us for mother Mary ." children i am pleased by 
your endevours to bring my children to Christ , my help  will be 
with u " this is not the exact words . but when I was told abt 
this by cennil i was not sure...i told mom i know u r there but we 
don;t have a team and day after tomorrow is  the retreat and so I 
don't think this is goingto take place...but thanks anyway ..I am 
happy that I was wrong. everything that happened after that was 
like a dream.Thakachayan for idukki was free that weekend.His 
phone was dead we couldn't contact him ...but  our chettans prayed 
and then called again then the phone worked ...Thankachayan was 
not actually ready to come since he was very tired and injured by 
some sting ...but since to dead phone came to life when we called 
...he understood that it was providence and so he Agreed Praise 
i was still concerned abt the people coming for the retreat . i 
told the people at venue that abt 40 will come..but i really 
thought that there will be abt 20 ..25 ..one day before i was 
almost certain that it was going to be 10 to 15 people ..since 
many withdrew...they did not get permission since they had to cut 
class...ok but God told me that u r work for the sake of my 
kingdom will not be forgotten since God is not injust...well i 
memorized the scripture to tell to my friends who were also 
involved in organizing this so that they wont be disappointed.but 
God once again proved me wrong ..there were not 10 ,not 25 ,not 45 
but 67 students and the entire venue was packed .
the retreat was a really good . people were 
really touched .and we can only evaluate this retreat after 6 
or 7 months ...but we pray that not a single one will be lost from 
those who came ...I once again thank all of you who prayed for the 
retreat a supported us ...
with prayers
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[JOYnet] I need the mail id of Fr. Alex Tharamangalam

2003-03-17 Thread Anil Thomas
Dear all, 

Can anyone give me the mail id of Fr. Alex Tharamangalam.

God Bless.
 Anil Thomas Chalarakkal \ Bangalore \ India
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2003-03-17 Thread Vinto Thomas
 --- rose maria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 15:19:34 + (GMT)
> From: rose maria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 18TH  MARCH  2003
> Cyril was born in Jerusalem around 315,
> and became bishop of that city in about 349. The
> years between the Council of Nicea (325) and the
> Council of Constantinople (381) were troubled years,
> in which the Church, having committed itself at
> Nicea, over the strenuous protests of the Arians, to
> the proposition that the Son is "one in being"
> (homo-ousios) with the Father, began to backtrack
> and consider whether there was some other formula
> that would adequately express the Lordship of Christ
> but not be "divisive." Experience with other ways of
> stating what Christians believed about the Son and
> his relation to the Father finally led the Church to
> conclude that the Nicene formulation was the only
> way of safeguarding the doctrine that Thomas spoke
> truly (John 20:28) when he said to Jesus, "My Lord
> and My God!" But this was not obvious from the
> beginning, and Cyril was among those who looked for
> a way of expressing the doctrine that would be
> acceptable to all parties. As a result, he was
> exiled from his bishopric three times, for a total
> of sixteen years, once by the Athanasians and twice
> by the Arians. He eventually came to the conclusion,
> as did most other Christians of the time, that there
> was no alternative to the Nicene formula, and in 381
> he attended the Council of Constantinople and voted
> for that position. 
> Cyril is author of the Catecheses, or Catechetical
> Lectures on the Christian Faith. These consist of an
> introductory lecture, then eighteen lectures on the
> Christian Faith to be delivered during Lent to those
> about to be baptized at Easter, and then five
> lectures on the Sacraments to be delivered after
> Easter to the newly baptized. These have been
> translated into English (F L Cross, 1951), and are
> the oldest such lectures surviving. (It is thought
> that they were used over and over by Cyril and his
> successors, and that they may have undergone some
> revision in the process.) 
> Every year, thousands of Christian pilgrims came to
> Jerusalem, especially for Holy Week. It is probably
> Cyril who instituted the liturgical forms for that
> week as they were observed in Jerusalem at the
> pilgrimage sites, were spread to other churches by
> returning pilgrims, and have come down to us today,
> with the procession with palms on Palm Sunday, and
> the services for the following days, culminating in
> the celebration of the Resurrection on Easter
> Sunday. We have a detailed account of Holy Week
> observances in Jerusalem in the fourth century,
> thanks to a a Spanish nun named Egeria who made a
> pilgrimage to Jerusalem and kept a journal which is
> a historian's delight
> Saint Cyril: Catechetical Lectures, 350AD 
> -
> It is not only among us, who are marked with the
> name of Christ, that the dignity of faith is great;
> all the business of the world, even of those outside
> the Church, is accomplished by faith. By faith,
> marriage laws join in union persons who were
> strangers to one another. By faith, agriculture is
> sustained; for a man does not endure the toil
> involved unless he believes he will reap a harvest.
> By faith, seafaring men, entrusting themselves to a
> tiny wooden craft, exchange the solid element of the
> land for the unstable motion of the waves. Not only
> among us does this hold true but also, as I have
> said, among those outside the fold. For though they
> do not accept the Scriptures but advance certain
> doctrines of their own, yet even these they receive
> on faith. 
> Those who imagine that the lives of saints are
> simple and placid, untouched by the vulgar breath of
> controversy, are rudely shocked by history. Yet it
> should be no surprise that saints, indeed all
> Christians, will experience the same difficulties as
> their Master. The definition of truth is an endless,
> complex pursuit, and good men and women have
> suffered the pain of both controversy and error.
> Intellectual, emotional and political roadblocks may
> slow up people like Cyril for a time. But their
> lives taken as a whole are monuments to honesty and
> courage.
> we   adoreThee  O  Christ  and  we  bless  
> Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  Thou  ha s 
> redeemed  the  world!
> -
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2003-03-17 Thread Varghese N S



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[JOYnet] Daily Bread 18.03.03 (Innocence)

2003-03-17 Thread Primeson James
The righteous hate falsehood,
but the wicked act shamefully
and disgracefully.

Righteousness guards one whose
way is upright,
but sin overthrows the wicked.

Proverbs 13 : 5 - 6

May God Bless You This Day and Forever


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[JOYnet] Fwd: [JYA] generosity

2003-03-17 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,

my friend Litty (aka Tresa) from Chicago send this on JYA (Jesus Youth of
America) and i wanted to share it with you all... we have a saying here
that when the Lord wants you to do something at a particular time and you
hesitate or put it off to do at your convenience, He will find someone
else to do HIS work. I also had a thought put in me to share about Mother
Teresa and i was going to do it soon (ask Josun i was telling him that i
was going to do it today) but i did not do it at His time!!! I was
jumping with joy when Litty's first line read that "we can't discuss the
topic of generosity, without mentioning one of the most generous people
who ever lived in our lifetime-Mother Teresa" b/c the same thought was
planted in me by the SPIRIT Praise the LORD

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=)

>From: "Tresa Velacherry" >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject:
[JYA] generosity >Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:28:53 -0600 > > >We can't
discuss the topic of generosity, without mentioning one of the most
>generous people who ever lived in our lifetime. > >Below are some quotes
from Mother Theresa > >1.)What is a Christian? someone asked a Hindu man.
He responded: "a >Christian is someone who gives". > >2.)I ask you one
thing: do not tire of giving, but do not give your >leftovers. > >3.)Give
until it hurts, until you feel the pain. > >4.)Let no one ever come to
you without leaving better and happier. Be the >living expression of
God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your >eyes, kindness
in your smile. > >5.)It is not how much you do, but how much love you put
into the doing and >sharing with others that is important. Try not to
judge people. If you judge >others then you are not giving love. >
>6.)The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger
for >bread. > > > > > >
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[JOYnet] Access Password

2003-03-17 Thread Smiju Joseph
Access Denied.

Smi : "I want to enter..."


Smi : "In to your heart"

"It is opened by you 2000 years before"

Smi : "But I lost my access password to your heart"

"So you want to break my heart again?"

Smi : "No... No Jesus, I don't want to do it again. Just I want my password"

"Ok! " So you decided not to Sin again".

Smi : "forgive me Jesus. I'll not do it again."

"your password is... -AGAPPE"

Smi : "Thank you my Lord."

Friends, I would like to access your heart.
I am comming with Jesus.
When will you give me the access password?
I expect your password is also "AGAPPE".
MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. 

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[JOYnet] New Service Team - Abu Dhabi, UAE

2003-03-17 Thread Smiju Joseph
Hi friends,
Hope you all are fine.
In the name of Jesus Christ, for HIM, in the presents of Fr. Antony 
Puthanpurakal our vicar, God selected these gentle men to form new service 
team :

Sijo Mooken (Coordinator), Prasad John (Asst. Coordinator), Josemon Cyriac, 
Poly, Anto Chacko, Reji Sebastian, Joly Abraham.

Please pray for the new team.

with lots of lov & prayers
Smitha & Smiju

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-03-17 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (March 18).

jose mathew olickan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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2003-03-17 Thread josunjose
Dear Friends,

The beautiful sharings by Bincy and Tina really touched my heart. It
brought back fond nostalgic memories of my wonderful grandparents who are
no more.

I was specially attached to my dads father. Papachy was such a loving and
noble soul. He lost Ammachy in 1987. Both he and Ammachy were great
devotees of Mother Mary. He used to pray for each of his children and
grandchildren. Both pappachy and ammachy were born on August 11th. The
last words he uttered before passing on in 1996 were, children pray the

Even at his age, he would remember all his childrens and grandchildrens
birthdays. He especially liked all of us grandchildren. Many a time he
used to sing for us old Malayalam devotional songs. He would lull us all
to sleep with, nyan urrangan pogum munmbai. His favorite song used to
be, motshathin Rajave, Logathi karthave every night after the family
prayer he would sing it. Pappachy was very loving to my mother. Mummy wept
like a child when she knew he was no more.

All who knew him loved him especially for his sense of righteousness. More
than anything else, I feel the legacy that he and ammachy have bequeathed
to his posterity is the gift of faith. Thankyou Jesus.

I had a special affinity for him because of a certain happening where he
literally saved my skin. I will never forget him. Pappachy, if you are
reading this youre your heavenly abode, remember to pray for all of us

Many years ago, when I was maybe 12 or 13, we were in our tharwad,
(ancestral home), Uncles, aunties, cousins, the whole nellanikat clan was

One day as is classic of me, I got into some kind of mess. Haa! I remember
what it was, my dad had given us clear instructions not to by choondas
(fishing hooks) coz they could be dangerous. I disobeyed and bought myself
one, and went fishing one day. I wasnt very good at it, there was one
chettan having a bath in the near by stream where I was fishing.

After dropping the line, it seemed something had tugged at the line. I
gave one pull to the hook, it came and landed on that chettans back! he
was furious! Luckily it didnt spike him, but he threatened me by picking
up a stone and hurled adjectives that made no difference to me coz I
didnt understand a word of them!

Nevertheless, I was scared out of my wits. I dropped my hook, picked my
slippers in my hand and ran for my life. Once back home, I knew this guy
will come and spill the beans to my dad.

The wonderful thing about me then was, when I knew a spanking was due my
way I would vanish from the scene, and go into hiding (something like what
binladen is doing these days).

That day, my latest hideout was the firewood heap. I made a hole in it for
myself and remained there.

As I had clairvoyantly perceived, the report reached the ears of my dad.
He was furious!. where is that fellow? he barked! No one knew.
OPERATION-JOSUN HUNT was called on. My siblings, cousins and daddin were
all part of the search team trying to smoke me out of my hole! They looked
in all the places I previously hidden. Even those days I had the wisdom to
know that you should never hide in the same place twice. I therefore had
ever-ingenious ways of finding new hideouts.

That day the whole clan was after my blood! Poking with sticks under the
bed, checking the attic, behind doors, somebody went as far as checking
near the cow dung pit, etc  Pandoras box was opened.

With all the noise and pandemonium around, I was happily in my bunker. 
Suddenly, there was an unusual silence and whispering. I knew was amiss. I
sensed someone had spotted me. My sixth sense told me to scoot off!.

True enough these smart alecks found my hide out and were zeroing in on
me. But before their plans could materialize I jumped out of my hiding and
sprinted off. They all saw me, and as though they were hunting a wild boar
or something, screamed in unision, there he is!. The chase was on. My
cousins, siblings with daddin in the lead. I was desparate, daddin is a
very good sprinter. If I keep running, in no time Id be caught. I did
some quick thinking, I saw a very huge tree infront of me. I jumped for
one of its branches and like our primate brethren, I scrambled up.  Daddin
and the rest of the team were below the tree. I made my ultimatum, If u
guys dont leave me in peace I swear Ill jump!

Daddin was not to take threats. He dared me to jump, and with that he
started climbing after me. He knew, I was a coward and would never jump
for the life in me. I did the only rational thing possible in such a
predicament. I scaled greater heights, my dad too was nearing in. I was

To my great fortune, pappachy was coming home that time after a walk in
the town. He called out to us all and enquired what enlightenment were all
the nellanikaddans seeking, standing under that tree. One of my cousins
enlighted him about the whole episode.

Pappachy told daddin to climb down. Daddin amiably obeyed. And in a very
kind voice told me, Josunmo

[JOYnet] Fwd: Devotional for March 17, 2003

2003-03-17 Thread Sebastian CS
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:From: 
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 01:22:44 -0600
Subject: Devotional for March 17, 2003

Jesus Christ is the Greatest Love Worth Finding  |  Broadcast Info  |   



Psalm 55:22 - "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall 
never suffer the righteous to be moved."

I read about a man who had a very fine dog who loved the water. One day the dog was 
playing in the lake and the man decided to leave. He called the dog, but the dog 
wouldn't come. He called him several times; he wouldn't come. It was a well-trained 
dog, but he just would not come. The man finally threw a stick out in the water. When 
the dog saw it, he swam over, got the stick, and came back and laid it at his master's 
feet. It just may be that God has given you a burden because He can't get your 
attention. He wants you to come and lay it at your Master's feet.

Is your heart aching today? Cast your burden at His feet and allow His peace to fill 
your heart.

For encouragement in your Christian walk and/or additional resources by Adrian Rogers, 
please click on the following link and you will be directed to the LWF website at 
www.lwf.org.  (If you are unable to click through this link, please cut and paste the 
link to the address block of your browser.)

Why not share this with someone today by forwarding it to a friend or family member. 
Perhaps someone sent it to you and if so, why not subscribe and receive Love Worth 
Finding's Daily Devotional every day, click here 

For other resources in Spanish, please go to our LWF bookstore at  
http://lwf.org/bookstore/store.html and click on "Librerma/Spanish".

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Re: [JOYnet]

2003-03-17 Thread Tina Jose
This is a link to the English online version of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Hope this is useful to you.
---Original Message---
From: yahoo
Date: Monday, March 17, 2003 20:09:58
Subject: [JOYnet]
Hai Friends,
For one of our upcoming youth programme,(EXODUS - April 3) we would like
to have the material " Jonathan Livingston seagull" story. If malayalam
version is available, we would like to have that.
With lots of luv and prayers,
Tony Varghese
Muscat, Oman
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2003-03-17 Thread yahoo
Hai Friends,

 For one of our upcoming youth programme,(EXODUS - April 3) we would like
to have the material " Jonathan Livingston seagull" story. If malayalam
version is available, we would like to have that.

With lots of luv and prayers,

Tony Varghese
Muscat, Oman

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[JOYnet] A helper---March 15th

2003-03-17 Thread John Wilfred
Dear Joynetters,

Praise God!

Let me narrate to you an incident that shows that the Lord is very faithful.

Fr. George,svd (Jesus youth National Animator) had asked me three months back
to accompany him to a mission in Assam.  Seeing the family situation now after
Daddy's death, I couldn't say yes even though I was willing.  But John said to
me to go ahead, no looking back.  Father booked the tickets for March 22nd.  I
wanted to take Isaac (my son) along with me, but his exams are getting over
only by March 28th.  His principal Sr. Nirmala gave me the permission to take
him, but we didn't want to spoil his 1st academic year in school with a
promoted report card which would hurt his feelings.  Moreover the hhectic
journey can make him sick, which may spoil my purpose.  More than that I have
a severe backache you know.

So we started praying for a full time servant who would look after Isaac, his
needs and the home, so that my absence may not make mummy's days hectic .  Our
cell mates were also praying.  We asked the Lord to give us a helper by
March15th so that she would be able to adjust with Isaac and the home before I
leave.  Till March 12th, there was no hope.  On March 13th, we got some hope.
On March 14th a aunty named Elsy came to meet us and on March 15th she started
coming home.  Praise God!  The Lord cares for 'HIS KINGDOM'.  She is very
prayerful and loving and motherly.  Isaac loves her a lot and doesn't leave
her home even in the evenings.  I hope he doesn't forget me when I return home
in mid-April.

Please pray for Fr. George ande team---our journey, health, the participants,
organisers, our families back home.  We will be giving two programmes in Hindi
and English as a follow-up for the rural youth who came to attend the Jesus
Youth Cultural Exchange Programme in Kerala in 2001 and 2002.  The programme
includes a retreat and training camp.  Praise God!

Bye for now!

God Bless!

Annie John, Kochi, India.

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[JOYnet] Generosity. something that God taught me

2003-03-17 Thread Binu Asokan
Hi joyful people,
A few weeks back, something happened after our parish prayer meeting,
which I feel is worth sharing. Sheena came with a plate with biscuits,
and started distributing. I was talking to someone when it came to me. I
took one or two and continued my talking. Then Sheena said, "Hey, you
are supposed to pass it to others. Not just taking your piece" My
God, it's true. Actually I was just thinking of myself alone. I forgot
that I had to pass it to others.
Beautiful!!! God has taught me something from that. I tend to be
selfish. God has given me so many things. I have forgotten to pass it to
others. Sometimes He gives me surplus, and I tend to take how much ever
I want, and then say to the Lord, "Lord, thank you, I had enough. You
are too good. Now I don't want it any more." But what God wants me is to
accept the generosity of God with humility, and do my duty. Ie. To give
it to those in need; for whom God has given it. And to be like Him, ie.
Generous. It's easy to give if we understand how God is delighted when
it comes to giving. That's why He has declared reward of 100 fold on
earth, and eternal life forever.
Binu Asokan
Fractal Technologies Ltd.
Plot 11B, Mahal Industrial Estate
Near Paper Box, Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400 093

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[JOYnet] Test. New ID

2003-03-17 Thread Binu Asokan
This is a test.
Binu Asokan
Fractal Technologies Ltd.
Plot 11B, Mahal Industrial Estate
Near Paper Box, Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400 093
www.fractal.co.in  ,

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