[JOYnet] WAR

2003-03-24 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ
Praise the Lord

Dear joynetters,

There is a war going on. What does it mean to be in a war affected country. Have u 
wondered. With all that tons of bombs showered upon innocent people, friends like u 
and me, friends with hopes for tomorrow like u and me, friends with dreams like u and 
me, brothers, sisters, father, mother, grandparents, kids, neighbours, friends that 
they love so much very much the same we love our beloved ones, they are now at this 
moment are in pain. Even when we wake up to another beautiful day and go on our daily 
activities enjoying ourselves, somebody has lost their someone they love so much, 
maybe their father, mother, son, daughter, or friends.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us pray for those affected by war. Let us pray to our 
Lord and saviour, the merciful God, the living God to have mercy upon them. Let us 
find some time for them at least in prayer. Let us pray that God give the light of 
wisdom to those in power and open their eyes to bring peace. Let us at least say one 
decade of rosary for our brothers and sisters who are in pain in Iraq.

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2003-03-24 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ
Praise the Lord

Dear brothers and sisters,

Let me share with u some of the reflections from a one-day program here in coimbatore.

The program started at saturday evening with a session on God's love. It was a 
beautiful session. One thing that really hit me was about the magnitude and dimension 
of our father's unconditional love for us. I knew he loved and cared for me, but the 
price he had to pay, the length he had gone to save me, eventhough i knew, i think i 
did not think of it much, it just crossed my mind sometimes and that was it, i did not 
care to think of it much. In the session when Ravi told us that when God the father 
gave his only begotten son to save whoever believed in Him that Jesus was just another 
human being with all the limitations that a man had. The only thing that was different 
was that He knew about the pain he will have to undergo to save us. Now, that was 
someting i had not given much thought. This really hit me hard. I looked at myself, 
would i help somebody if i knew, IF I KNEW that it would mean giving off my life? i 
think it is a BIG NO. Ok may be for those intimate ones, ev!
en then it depends on the situation. Then, would i be ready to give my life for a 
stranger, let us leave the matter of giving life, would i even care to just give my 
savings for a total stranger, i think i would think more than twice even about that. 
Do u see how GREAT is His sacrificial love for us, the magnitude of His love is just 
great, certainly not something that can ever be contained. Then, on sunday, there were 
two other sessions. It was a very blissful session. 

Ravi shared with us mainly:

Our call and answering the call.

Leaving our  worldly nets

Obeying Him and the result of obedience - the cross.

Following HIm

The program also helped to look at myself again, to search myself, have i answered to 
the call. If i have answered, have i left the nets or have i even tried to ask God to 
show me my nets which i should leave, if i have left my net am i obeying HIm, do i 
feel the cross of obeying Him, and am i following Him.

And this search has helped to find how far i am from being a disciple. As Ravi told i 
am still in the crowd who came to hear Jesus speaking and receive his grace. Yes, i 
have received abundant grace from Him all through my life. And i know the magnitude of 
his sacrificial love, his redeeming love, and his merciful love. Reflecting on these 
thoughts has helped me to identify the areas that i have to grow and take decisions to 
make myself a DISCIPLE OF JESUS rather than be one among the crowd.

With lots of love and prayers,

Always ur brother in Jesus


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[JOYnet] Fwd: An Important Cause Plz plz don't delete read it[Scanned]

2003-01-16 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ
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[JOYnet] Fwd: Mother_Mary

2002-11-21 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ
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hi everybody,
i am fine over here and i am happy to be at home infact i met some of them i 
am sending a an attchemnt
plz c it ...
and i am at home for holidays...those who r in bangalore and outside can 
call me up on this no 080-5350152...

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2002-10-29 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ
Dear joy netters,

When i went through the beautiful sharing about the invisible cross, what skipped past 
my mind is the beautiful and reassuring time when my mom used to put this invisible 
cross on my forehead whenever i leave for school or in fact wherever i left for. I 
really beleive that those numerous invisible crosses my mom drew on my forehead have 
protected me from many evils.

It was really wonderful to realize how God has been guiding us and protecting us 
throughout our life. Let us praise God and give thanks to the Lord our God for 
showering his uncompromised love upon us all these days.

Ur brother in Christ,


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[JOYnet] SALT ?????????

2002-10-29 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ

Dear Joy netters, There is something i want to share with u. I remember a lot of 
little things that have touched me deeply during the Capus conference. Some of those 
are the many small talks given by CC chettan. One of them goes like this:

Do u know why Jesus has told us that we should be the salt of this earth?

Well, if one happens to get into his mouth a handful of salt, what would happen? he 
would obviously run for water.

It is our foremost duty to proclaim the Good News. When we do this, we are literally 
putting a handful of salt into people.

Whe they take us in, first thing they will do is spit us out, 


Their thirst will only be quenched when they find Jesus and accept Jesus as their Lord 
and Saviour.

With lots of love and prayers,

Ur brother in Christ,



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2002-10-16 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ


Dear Joynetters,

I am Dencil. I have been following all the mails whenever i got the time. It is 
wondeful to know that 1000+ share Jesus everyday. So, what happened to me now? Dear 
friends, the Lord our God showered His grace upon me to attend the National Campus 
Conference that was held at Ernakulum, Kerala. The program was for 4 days, 12, 13, 14, 
 and 15th of this month.  We had actually been expecting 15 people from coimbatore, 
but only 10 of us were able to go for the conference. The 10 lukcy and chosen ones of 
our Lord and saviour were Shobith, Ginu Sindhu , Josephine, Mercy, Vimal Raj, Geo, and 
myself. Robin and Gibson ( Rex bander) later joined us. We attended the mass at 
Gandhipuram church and received the blessings from the father. As it was pooja 
holidays there was a lot of rush as every body were going home and the buses were all 
full. But He who split the red sea to guide His chosen ones showered Hid Grace upon 
us. We got seats and we started off from Gandhipuram at 10:30 p.m. We!
 reached Ernakulum at 3:00 a.m. As we could not go to the St Theresa's college until 
it was 6:00 a.m., we had to spent our time at the bus stand itself. The girls went to 
the ladies waiting room. We bought 2 news papers and sat there in the bus stand, 
singing praises to the Lord. We also said a rosary of mercy together, it was a 
wonderful experience. Then, we managed to get a nap. After that at 6:00 in the morning 
we went to the venue. When we reached there, it was raining heavily. Slowly everyone 
started to arrive in ones and two's. The program started at 9:30 a.m. with the music 
ministry starting off with the beautiful song, "I am trading my sorrows." It was a 
beautiful experience singing and offering praises to the Lord. There was praise and 
worship sessions, and talks throughout the program. There were representations from 
B'lore, Manipal, Nagpur, Andhra Pradesh, Katpadi, Bombay, and from CBE. Our 
accommodation was in a school at Kacheripadi. The first day passed, and we!
 were being kindly lead by the spirit. We could feel it in each song, in each praise, 
in each mass, and in each prayer we made. The second day, we had confession, I was 
able to make a good confession. In between the praises, the worships, and the songs, 
my mind was wandering here and there sometimes. In fact i felt jealous towards some of 
them who had been there, i do not exactly know the reason why i felt that way. But i 
prayed to the Lord to take all the things that was keeping me away from Him. After the 
confession, i was a better person. I was again a bit disturbed, i still do not why. 
But, when the Lord chose me to be close to HIm, my heart leapt with joy. If I try to 
to put in words how i felt, i think i would not be able to do justice to the true 
essence of it. I thanked and praised the Lord for his UNCONDITIONAL AND UNCOMPROMISED 
GRACE that he was showering upon this UNFAITHFUL SINNER. Then, the third day came, the 
highlight of that day was the one-to-one evangelisat!
ion that was scheduled on that day. Everyone was very eager to go out into the streets 
and proclaim the Word of God. There were classes explaining how to go about it and 
share the Good news in a more apealing way. We found those classes very much 
interesting. Although, we all wanted and were eager by then to go out and proclaim the 
Good News, we were still somewhat unsure as to how we would go about when the time 
came. There was still a heavy downpour. We prayed to the Lord to stop the rain so that 
we could go out to proclaim the Good News. It was planned for 4:45, and the time came 
soon, Hallelujah, the rain stopped. We were divided into teams of 24 members. The team 
that I was in was to go to the South Railway station. We reached there. We were given 
1 hour. We went inside the railway station. One by one each of us started looking for 
the person that God wanted us to share the Good news. I was very nervous, but still i 
wanted very much and prayed to the Lord constantly to !
lead me to the person he had chosen for me to proclaim His Word. I walked to and fro 
and up and down, but i could not muster the courage to go sit beside someone and tell 
him about Jesus. I cried in my heart to give me the grace to share Jesus to atleast 
one person. Then, as i was walking i saw a person sitting all alone. So, i went and 
sat beside him. I did not know how to start the conversation. I asked to Lord to give 
me an opening. I looked at his hand to see if had a watch so that i can start off by 
asking the time, but he had no watch. I sat there for a whole minute praying to the 
Lord to help me start at least. I just looked out, the rain was still pouring down 
heavily. Then, somehow I smile at him and commented on the rain. Then, he also started 
talking about the rain and how it had been there for 4 days continously in various 
parts of Kerala. Then i asked him where he was going, his name, his place, his family, 
and the co