[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001, Report: Day 4

2001-10-27 Thread Jesus Youth 2001

Day 4: 27 October 2001

"To the mission fields"

Today, Toms Michael from Trivandrum and team led the Morning Prayer session.
We began the praise and worship by wishing each other peace in the name of
the Lord. The session went off beautifully and ended by 8.00am.

>From 8.10 to 8.45 we listened to various speakers.

Pradiba from Gujarat related her conversion experience. Her testimony
inspired the whole crowd to pray in a special way for the state of Gujarat.
This was a good introduction to the theme of the day 'To the mission fields'

Mathew Joseph, JOYnet ministry co-ordinator from Bangalore spoke about the
virtual community of JOYneters.

Giju George, the Jesus Youth web-administrator from Chennai spoke about the
Jesus Youth web site. The site is the virtual face of Jesus Youth, he said.

He described the Internet as a very powerful media to reach out to the
younger generation of this world. He gave the JY website address and
illustrated the different features of the JY website.

Babychayan, the animator of JYNT (Jesus Youth National Team) spoke next. He
travels extensively in India and he meets the struggling Jesus Youth in
different parts of India to encourage them and to be with them.

8.45- Breakfast. Simultaneously, the Joynet members participating in the
Conference gathered backstage. It was a lively and very friendly gathering.
We introduced ourselves, shared our e-mail ids, and shared about how the
JOYnet community has helped each one of us to grow in Jesus. Many shared
their future plans to help the community grow.

At 9.30 Bishop Joshua Mar Ignathiyous from Trivandrum .
He spoke for forty-five minutes. He appreciated the efforts of the Jesus
Youth Volunteers and the principal of St. Joseph's College, Sr. Vijaya
without whose efforts the Conference would not have been possible. A short
musical session followed.

At 10.40 Fr.Dheeraj Sabu IMS started the session on Mission, he said that
love is the origin and the reason behind mission work. The motivation behind
the salvific mission of Jesus Christ is also love. The theme of Ecclesia in
Asia is centered on the same topic "Jesus Christ the Saviour and His Mission
of Love and Service".  Mission is the essence of Christianity, he said. He
led us through evangelistic history of the Church. He spoke about Neo
Evangelism and its need to be rooted in love. This love means respecting
another person's conscience and beliefs.

11.45 In the Acts of the Apostles we find the Holy Spirit warning them not
to go to Asia, but now through the mouth of the Holy Father the Holy Spirit
is prompting us to evangelise Asia. This is how Alicekutty chechi responded
to the session by Fr. Dheeraj.

11.55 Kairose the Jesus Youth magazine is facing a financial crisis, and we
need to help by subscribing to the magazine, this point was brought out well
by Mr. Chackochan Njavally.

12.15 We celebrated the Holy Eucharist, the main celebrant was Fr. Dheeraj
Sabu. In his sermon he spoke about how symbols are important in
evangelisation, he stressed on the need for Incultration, for evangelisation
to be effective.   We had intercessory prayers in Bengali, Hindi, Marathi,
Assamese, Gujarathi, Kannada and Brahma.  The offertory was very colourful.
Gifts were offered by the representatives of all the  Indian states together
with the representatives of the zones of Kerala.

2.00 Lunch.

2.45 The participants gathered in groups based on their zones or states, to
discuss and chart out the future plans for the zones and states.

At 4.30pm Jomon, the Kerala Youth Co-ordinator summed up the content of the
zonal sessions. He made it clear that it was important to grow in a small
community. Every Jesus Youth has to be a part of a prayer group.

5.00pm We joined the parishioners of St.Thomas Cathedral for a grand
procession in Irinjalakkuda, in honour of Mother Mary. After which Major
Archbishop Mar Jacob Thoonkuzhy gave the concluding message.

After supper we had the 'Grand Finale' animated by the Rex Band. In between
there was an action song by all the children who came for the conference.
Youth from the different parts of India can in their costumes and performed
various artforms.

The program ended with the mass at 11.30PM

For detailed reports and photos visit: http://www.jesusyouth.org/jy_2001.htm

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[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001 - A Report: day 3

2001-10-26 Thread Jesus Youth 2001

"Growing as a community"

The morning began fresh with Taize Prayer. The crowd was in the auditorium
by seven in the morning. We as a movement are very familiar with the Taize
style of prayer. The continual repetition of songs creates a meditative and
prayerful atmosphere. The songs are an adaptation of verses from the Bible.
There is time for silence and intercession. We invoked the Holy Spirit to
renew the Church, to bring new life into the dry hearts and minds all over
the world.

The masters of ceremony for the day were Jose Kurien from Chennai, Beena
Manoj from Ernakulam and Biju Chulliyil from Kasargode. They co-ordinated
all the activities on stage.
After prayer, Manoj Sunny, the programme co-ordinator, gave a general
introduction to the day's theme 'Growing as a community'. Today, we are
focusing on community, he said, and Jesus Youth should grow as a community.
We are not to grow alone but together with other movements in the church
that are trying to build up the Kingdom of God.

He also called Sherry and Allan from Ernakulam on stage. They represented
the scores of Jesus Youth working behind the scenes, putting in their best
to decorate the stage during adoration and mass especially. During a short
panel session they shared on what motivates them to put so much time and
effort into the Jesus Youth movement. Manoj Sunny also introduced Binu K.
P., the music ministry coordinator. He had recently fractured his leg but
that had not stopped him from running about. The beautiful music here was
the fruit of his suffering and effort.

At nine in the morning they showed a clipping of Sr. Nirmala's testimony.
She'd heard about Jesus at her school and had been interested. Gradually she
decided to be a Christian and joined the Missionaries of Charity. In the
clipping Sr. Nirmala shared "Now I know.He's my Saviour and Saviour of the
whole world".

Pialo from France shared her marvelous experience of conversion. She had
come to India interested in Buddhism. Now, after an intimate experience with
the Jesus Youth in Kerala she is going back to France fully converted to

9.45-10.15 - music

10.15-11.20 - Talk-Growing as a community- Fr. Fio Mascarenhas,
Whenever he was asked about the Charismatic Renewal in India, he said, he
always mentioned Jesus Youth as an important part of the movement. He
concentrated on the self-giving aspect of community. Self-giving is the
essence of sainthood, community and mission. It is the essence of all our
sacraments and fellowship. You cannot be a Christian or even a human if you
are not ready for self-giving. The most important work of the Holy Spirit is
not the working of miracles; it is the building of communities. He mentioned
as examples of community builders the canonized saints, Mother Teresa and
Pope John Paul II. He ended the session by specially praying that each Jesus
Youth would be a community builder.

11.20- T.C Joseph shared his response to Fr. Fio's class.
Jesus Youth has also grown, he reminded, through the self-giving of a few
Christians in the beginning. He was also struck by the realization that one
person could make a huge difference in this world for Jesus.
At 11.30 we celebrated the Holy Mass. Fr. Fio gave the homily on the role of
the Holy Spirit in community building. During the offertory, the
representatives of all the ministries in Jesus Youth presented different
types of flowers at the altar. The ministries included Campus, Prolife,
Professionals, Joynet, Audio-visual, Music, Outreach, Christeen, Kairos, and
various Formation programmes etc. The stage was adorned with natural grapes
hanging from the ceiling. The grapes represented the community aspect of
Jesus Youth.

Like the previous day, we divided the crowd into streams (groups based on
ministries). In streams, they had music and a talk (on reviving their
original charisms) and panel session. Afterwards, they shared their insights
in small groups on what is happening right now in their respective
ministries. They decided on the changes to be made.

Back in the pandal at 5.45, we enjoyed singing praises to our Lord in Hindi.
The Jesus Youth of Kerala took it upon themselves to encourage their
brothers and sisters from outside Kerala. And what did they do? They started
dancing! The music and dance session was a time of fellowship.

After the break, from 6.00 pm to 6.15 we spent time writing down our
decisions. A dance presentation based on a challenge every Jesus Youth
faces, in trying to share the gospel and live as a community, followed. A
brief prayer asking Jesus to help us keep our focus on Him and not be
distracted by worldly attractions followed the dance. Next, for a period of
one and half-hours we viewed various videos and slide shows. A musical video
declaring that Jesus is Lord. We heard and saw a video clipping, the
testimonies of JYs from different parts of the world. A few of them were
Smiju Joseph from UAE, Leesa from America, Fr. Tharayil, pastor of American
Jesus Youth. Then 

[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001 Updates

2001-10-25 Thread Jesus Youth 2001

Please visit 


for Reports, Program booklet, JY Theme song download and photo tour.

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[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001, Report: Day 2

2001-10-25 Thread Jesus Youth 2001

"To be the saints of the new millennium"

By 7.00AM the pandal was filled with people. Elvis Kottooran led the youth
in praise and worship. The makeshift pandal throbbed with praises to our
Lord Jesus. The name of Jesus was glorified in the assembly of His people.

After breakfast Syrus from Bombay shared his testimony. He expressed his
faith in Jesus and said that his ambition was to share the gospel of the
Lord to the people in Bombay. He also exhorted the crowd to do the same.

Onstage, the activities were co-ordinated by Alex Antony in Malayalam, C.C.
Joseph in English and Annie John in Hindi. Announcements were made in all
the three languages.

At 9:30AM Dr.Edward Edezhath continued with his keynote address. He asked,
why take so much trouble for a Conference? It is such a bother translating
everything into three languages. Why did the conference co-ordintors decide
to take so many youth from outside Kerala? To increase chaos? There must be
a reason for all this. This is a family gathering, he said, and everything
including the strenuous preparations is adding onto the family celebration.
Jesus Youth began as a very small and insignificant group in Kerala. The
small group used to gather and pray to discern the will of God concerning
the group. God gave them two promises. One was that they were to shine out
in this world of darkness. The second was that the Lord would be present
with them throughout their exodus. Now, we realise that the Lord has kept
his promises. Jesus Youth has spread all over the world and is a growing
into a fellowship of mature Christians. He also introduced the general theme
of the Conference -"Do not be afraid to be the saints of the new
millennium". He concluded the brief keynote by wishing that the Conference
would be a time of an abundance of grace. An experience calling everybody
present to a deeper holiness.

After a short musical break we continued with a superb teaching on sainthood
by Fr. Boby Jose, OFM. He exhorted us to be the apostles of an alternative
culture. A culture where the true meaning of holiness is carried out. Yes!
The word 'sainthood' means 'different'. We as Jesus Youth should have the
moral courage to say'no' to many things in this world. To flow against the
tide. He concluded that a better perspective on eternity would help us to
take on the challenge of holiness.

The session ended with a meditative prayer. Afterwards, Johnychan shared his
response to the session. He is a KYCT member and an ex-zonal coordinator of
Changanacherry. He described how touched he was by Fr. Jose's teaching. It
is the first time, he said, that he had heard about holiness from such a
different perspective. He dreams now of climbing the steps of holiness to
reach his his destiny- eternal life.

The second day witnessed a beautiful Holy Mass at 11.30 pm. Fr. James
Kakkuzhy, Chairman of KST together with 20 other priests co-celebrated the
Holy Mass. A general introduction to the Syro-Malabar mass was read out in
three languages. During the offertory, representatives of all sections of
the gathering, which included children, youth, families, singles and the
religious, gave in fruits and flowers as a sign of offering themselves unto
God. Fr. Kakkuzy gave the homily on the topic 'Through the cross to glory'.
He also said that we are trying to take people to heaven, whereas God is
trying hard to bring heaven to earth.

Afterward the crowd was split into various streams. The streams included
campus, parish, family, professionals, animators and pastors, outside
Kerala- English, Tribal Youth-Hindi and JY kids. There were team-leaders to
lead the sessions which began with a talk on sainthood. The speech content
was the same, on sainthood, but each talk was adapted to the particular
The youth were divided into groups of three or four. Till 6.00pm there was
time for reflection, counseling and praying for each other.

Many other meetings took place during the same time in different locations
in the college. The 21 zonal leaders gathered in one place. So did the zonal
campus coordinators and the leaders of the numerous ministries.

The streams came back in the auditorium by 6.10. We then had a music session
led by the Rex Band. The general mood was one of faith in the Lord's power
to turn our weaknesses into His strengths. The theatrical presentation which
followed reflected this mood. It was the story of David and Goliath adapted
in the folkstyle. The skit was really touching to all present in the audi.
The director Mr. Leo, Art director Mr. Joseph and some actors were called on
stage after the presentation to share. The panel session revealed their role
and commitment in building up the Kingdom of God.

We viewed a music-video done by Audio-Visual ministry and the Rex Band title
'No more alone'. It was on people walking in the same old ways, living
without thinking where life is leading them.

Sr. Joyce and Sr. Daphne led a healing prayer at 8.00pm. The day ended with
the prayer 

[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001, Report: Day 1

2001-10-24 Thread Jesus Youth 2001

Dear JOYneters,

The Jesus Youth 2001, the day we have all been waiting for!

It was a beautiful sight to see the St. Joseph's College Auditorium at
Irinjalakuda fill up with thousands (around 4500!) of young people. Wherever
you looked you saw only faces.joyful and expectant faces. That of Jesus
Youth from all the 21 zones of Kerala. Was that all? No! We were beginning
to spot Hindi-speaking young guys and girls. More than 350 youth came for
the event from all parts of India. You may have seen the number of youth
from each state in the Jesus Youth site.

On stage, the thirty plus English and Malayalam choirs led them in Praise
and Worship. The prayer to the Holy Sprit invited Him to come into the midst
of the fellowship of the believers and anoint the gathering. It was followed
by procession and commitment prayer.

The programme continued with a theatrical presentation adapting the elements
of Dance and Movement Theatres. It was directed by Mr. Leo Thaddeus and
enacted by the Jesus Youth Audio-Visual Team. The photos will be available
in the Jesus Youth site.

At 8:30PM, Mar. James Pazhayattil, Bishop of Irinjalakuda inaugurated the
event. He expressed his joy in the event taking place in Irinjalakuda and
appreciated the new initiatives of Jesus Youth all over the world. The
gathering was addressed by Fr.Jose Irimpan (Parish Vicar, local host) who
welcomed everybody into the gathering for which he and his parishioners had
been working and praying for for the last many months.

The Inaugural ceremony concluded with the projection of the Jesus Youth Logo
animation. This was preceded by the newly composed Jesus Youth theme song.

Dr. Edward Edezhath gave a general introduction commending on the hard work
and co-ordination which went into the preparation of this programme. The
letters of Fr. Tharayil and Fr. Pallivathilkal were read out expressing the
good wishes of the Jesus Youth in America and the latter's sorrow in having
to skip the programme due to an important Jesuit Conference. Thank you Fr.
Tharayil and Fr. Pallivathilkal.

The day ended with some general announcements and prayer.

- Report by Cuckoo Susan James

visit www.jesusyouth.org for Jesus Youth Title Song and a photo tour

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