[JOYnet] The Holy Rosary site

2003-04-02 Thread Prince PS

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-10-28 Thread Prince PS
Hi Friends,

This is the first time I am sharing an experience with the Joynet

My name is Betty, and stay with my husband in Abudhabi... Both of us are
in a very excited state of life now as there are only 28 days for the
arrival of our baby... 

Every time I see our baby kick or my tummy moving up and down, I wonder
how great my Father is to us... Guys I just want you all to know that
right from the time of our wedding we had planned to concieve by February
so that our darling would be able to participate with us the season of
lent in the warmth of my womb and that our child would arrive in time for
christmas... and that was 3 years back, we had said ourselves and our
Father... and this year on the third year of marriage, guess what!!, I
concieved in February (during the lent) and am due for delivery in
November 25th... Praises be to Lord...

Friends, when we confirmed my pregnancy both of us directly went to
church to thank and praise Our Father for our good luck and for selecting
us to be his instruments... sitting in church we had planned to seek the
blessing of our parish priest, but were unable to find him as it was
already past 9:45 pm, but God had prepared our respected Bishop Gremoli
for blessing us and our little darling... on hearing our good news he
began to bless us... friends, kneeling in front of him for blessings,
both of us could do nothing but cry our thanks and happiness to God our

Friends the never ending love and happiness I am undergoing with my baby
kicking and playing is so tremendous...and great that I keep wondering
how great God has made each woman in their life by making them an
instrument for his creations to arrive in this beautiful world

Friends, let us pray for all children in the world to get the love we
have treasured and recieved from our parents...and that every woman
treasures the life of their baby in them and that no child is denied his
or her right to be born in this world...

Friends the time has arrived for me to request all of you to keep my
husband, myself and our baby - to be born, in your loving prayers to our
father and to bless all the families on this earth to be complete in

With Lots of Prayers from our family to each one of yours.

Betty Prince - Abu Dhabi

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[JOYnet] St. Bernadette Body Still Fresh After 122 Yrs Of Death

2002-10-24 Thread Prince PS
Subject  : St. Bernadette Body Still Fresh After 122 Yrs Of Death - (( M
ust See ))


These are the pictures of St.Bernadette who died 122 years ago in 

France and was buried, her body was only discovered 30 years ago after
the  church officials decided to examine her body.

Her body is still fresh until today and if you ever go to
Lourdes,France you can see her body in the church in Lourdes. Her body
does not decay  because during her lifetime, the mother of Jesus would
always appear to  her and give messages and advice to all mankind on the
right way to live on  this earth. Many miracles has taken place in this
place of  Lourdes and still do until today.

 She died 122 years ago but you can see her body fresh.

 Her body was found 30 years ago .

 These pictures show her body after 122 years.!!!

Luv  prayers

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[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 

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[JOYnet] Baby Brother

2002-10-23 Thread Prince PS
Baby Brother


When I was pregnant with my third child, my first born, Penny, was six
years old. My little golden-haired girl whose smile painted rainbows all
over my heart. This was a problem pregnancy that was supposed to be spent
in bed, but it was one doctor's order that I could not comply with. I
did, however, spend as much time as possible off my feet. Each evening
after dinner I would take to my bedroom, grab pillows for placing under
my feet and knees and do my best to get comfortable. (Something that
wasn't about to happen for quite a few more months). During this time
Penny and her sister, Melody (age 5 years) were free to join me. We would
talk, read, tell stories, sing, or play games. They loved to feel the
baby move, and one good kick through my tummy always thrilled them to no
end. One such evening we settled into our night camp, as they had come
to refer to this little ritual, when Penny sat down beside me saying,
Mommy, lay real still and open your mouth just as wide as you can,
okay? Surprised by her request, I was going to asked why but, when I
peered into her eyes I was intrigued by the look on her face; she seemed
filled with a sense of wonder and excitement, so intense and loving it
nearly moved me to tears, but I was not prepared for what followed. I
could only lie on my side at this stage in the game but, without
questioning her I lay straight, and still as I could. Feeling somewhat
foolish, hoping my husband would not choose this time to come into the
room, I then opened my mouth. Penny looked me over and said, No, Mommy,
that's not enough. You have to open it REAL wide. More puzzled than ever
I asked Why? She answered by saying shyly, with stars in her eyes:
Well, I heard you and Daddy talking the other night, when you told Daddy
the doctor said our baby might not live, that he thought he was already
dead. And I've been thinking a lot about that, and talking to God about
it, and I want to talk to my baby brother. Maybe if he knows how much
we love him and want him, and if he knows how much it makes you cry about
him going to heaven before he comes here, maybe he will try harder to
just come here. And even if he doesn't, I just want to sing to him and
tell him I love him Mommy, and let him know how much we want him. You
said that he can hear us from in there, so please open your mouth just as
wide as you can. I could not speak past the lump in my throat. I hoped
she could not see my tears. Penny lay on her side next to me as I opened
my mouth, stretching it as wide as it would possibly go. I wept quietly
and unashamed as I listened to the loveliest song I have ever heard,
straight from the heart of a six year old with a giant heart: Hi little
baby brother, This is your big sister, Penny, I'm just laying here on the
bed with Mommy, Just waiting for you to get born. We really love you
baby brother, We don't want you to go to heaven yet, We just want to hold
you, And sing to you and love you, And I can't wait to play with you, You
have another big sister too, Her name is Melody, That's the loud mouth
you keep hearing. There's lots of games I want to teach you, And I'll
teach you how to grow up. You can have everything I get for Christmas,
And my birthdays, too. Please just come to us baby brother. You've
never seen the sun shine, Or the pretty stars at night, They're so
beautiful. Our Mommy is really beautiful, She wants you so bad, She cries
when nobody's looking, But we can hear her in the night, Please don't
make her cry baby brother, Cause she's so pure and wonderful. Sometimes
she gets mad, But she ain't ever mean, She won't ever hit you like Donna
hits, Or kick you or yell at you either. God loves you but we do too, God
wants you but we do too, He's got lots of other baby brothers, But we
will only have you, Who's gonna win, baby brother? (There was more but I
am unable to remember it all, I wrote down as much as I could) When she
finished her little song, she raised her angelic head and asked
breathlessly, Do you think he heard that, Mommy, or should I sing some
more? I kissed the top of her head, basking in the love light in her
eyes and answered, You can sing more if you want to, Penny, but I'm sure
he heard that and I think he's going to listen. Her face lit with a big
smile as she cuddled close to my bulging tummy and began telling him one
of her favorite stories. I knew this was a precious moment I would
never forget. Footnote : The baby did not move for 7 months nor did the
doctors detect a heartbeat. It nearly took a court battle to prevent them
forcing an abortion of my baby but Baby Brother, Mike, was born on
July 1, healthy against all odds. Penny was true to her
wordsharing all she had, teaching all she knew, giving all the love
she possessed. God is good, all of the time!

With his love !

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2002-09-28 Thread Prince PS

Dear friends in Christ,

Wedding bells for Patrick Louis K. (member of Abu Dhabi Music Ministry) 
Betsy will be ringing tomorrow (29.09.02) at Little Flower Church,
Ponnore, Thrissur - Time : 12:05 pm.

I take this opportunity on behalf of our Joynet Family and Jesus Youth
Abu Dhabi (Music Ministry  all JYs) to Congratulate and wish them all
success in their Married Life.

May Lord shower his blessings throughout their life.

Lets remember this young couple in our prayers.

***Prince - Abu Dhabi ***

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