[JOYnet] Blore Jy's please

2002-08-17 Thread josunjose

Dear Bangalore Jy's please do give me ure phone Numbers if possible... I'd
like to touch base with u all:)

Love in Jesus,

Josun Jose/Delhi (but now in blore)

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[JOYnet] Hi/Hello and Stuff like that!

2002-10-12 Thread josunjose

Dear friends,

Its been quite sometime since I’ve written to joynet. Well, the reason
mainly being I don’t have a compy at my disposal and the Intenet café’s
here in the vicinity …tend to leave a hole in my pocket.

I’ve missed Joynet tremendously. But also I’ve learnt how to be detached.
That’s something good I guess.

I’m hear in Bangalore since August 14. Sorry I couldn’t meet any of the
Jy’s here. I’ve been extremely tied up. I hope to come for one of the
night vigils before I leave blore. Please do bear with me, Blore Jys.

I’m here participating in the 3 months School of evangelization by ICPE
India. It has been a beautiful time for me personally. With a break from
family, job, ministry and other nitty gritties of life’s rat race. I’ve
never had such a close time of sitting at the feet of our Lord and waiting
on him. The theme of the school is based on Issiah 40:31….

”They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar as
with eagles' wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow
faint. “

The first phase of the school was the input phase. We had different
speakers speak on various topics. We’re now moving into the outreach phase
of the school.

I felt prompted to write to joynet coz today we had a session on prolife
by Vinay Kamath. I watched one of the most gut wrenching documentaries
I’ve ever seen on anti abortion.

The name of the video is Eclipse of Reason. I heard someone in Mumbai has
secured the rights to reproduce this film in India which otherwise is
quite costly in USD. I don’t know the details, but I’m sure we can get

Those of us into the prolife ministry. I feel it would be a wonderful idea
to watch this film if possible.

Well, Bangalore is a wonderful place with wonderful people. The climate
hear is just heavenly. I get clean air to breathe. For a guy from Delhi
this is a luxury. There’s a saying we commonly use in Delhi…” breathing in
Delhi is injurious to health….”. They say 1 day in delhi is like smoking 3

I'll stop with one of the captions i saw in one of the prolife movies
about Contraception/safe sex/AIDS

"abscence doesn't make the heart grow fonder but abstinence makes the
heart beat longer!" (this was in relation to the myth about using condoms
as means for safe sex)

I once again apologize for my silence and hope to cough up some mails
soon. Love u all in Jesus,

Love and prayers and God bless,

Josun Jose/Blore

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[JOYnet] Chapathi Jesus, Vastu, horoscopes and stuff like that......

2002-11-23 Thread josunjose
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus,

I have been reading the different mails on vastushastra, horoscopes,
science for a christian and the most interesting  for me being the image
of Jesus and Mary on a burnt up chapathi, the same being enshrined at the
RRC, Bangalore for public view.

I haven’t dabbled with vastu much so I don’t know what its all about. But
I do hear that there is an occult aspect to it… I’m not too sure ok.

Well about horoscopes and zodiacs. I have been blest indeed to have
parents who discouraged us kids right from our childhood in believing in
palmistry, horoscopes, star signs etc… As devout catholics they taught us
to shun such practices. I really thank God for my wonderful parents. None
of us kids have an interest in this stuff.

I’ve got a number of friends (even some catholics) who wear rings with
their birthstones  and stuff like that on it. Whenever I get an
opportunity I ask them, why they wear these birth stones and stuff, they
tell me  that they want to attract good luck. And I further enquire “why
do u guys limit your good luck to such small stones?…..why not tie a
boulder round ure necks? (pun intended) so that ure luck is proportionate
to the size of the boulder….. Some of these guys are so bewitched into
thinking that they do indeed get good luck by wearing such crap. And
instead of keeping quiet about their foolishness they go around
broadcasting and thereby other morons also follow suit.

I personally feel that these stones or objects have no power on their own.
Its when we believe that something has power, our subconscious mind acts
on that as though it were a reality and that’s how these lucky stones are
floated as charms for good luck. I feel its all in the mind. I remember an
incident that occurred some few years back in our family before we were
going out on a trip to a place called Panipat for an outing. It’s a bit
off the topic but I hope I’m able to illustrate my point with it.

All was set for us to go to Panipat, that’s when my mom developed stomach
problems, she was having stomach ache and lose motion. So she told us that
she’ll stay back and we guys could proceed. I personally felt that it was
psychosomatic. So I did a small trick… I told mummy of a good medicine
that I had that would give her relief from the problem within 10 minutes.
She agreed to take it.

I gave her the tablet with a glass of water and went on auto suggesting
that her stomach problem is ok. True enough after 10 minutes or so she was
feeling better and was ready to accompany us for the journey, believe it
or not, throughout the trip mummy never had a problem. And what do u think
the super tablet was?… a lowly button I had picked up from the sewing
kit…. Only after a few months did I let her know the truth…Till about
recently, mummy used to go bananas with me whenever I broached up the

I narrated this just to substantiate that if we believe in something our
mind acts as though it were true… I think this is how these horoscopes,
goodluck charms, zodiacs etc work… I’m not a scholar on this issue either
its just my viewpoint.

And now about the chapathi stuff…I don’t feel it’s a miracle. It is more
of an anti witness to sensible people than an aid.

This morning it was my turn to prepare breakfast. I made chapathis. I took
one and I figured out the map of Andaman Nicobar on it. I took another one
and looked at it…it had the image of a maruti 800 with an elephant sitting
on its bonnet …I also made out a face similar to osama bin laden….
Tomorrow I’m gonna burn up the toasts to see if I can get the face of the
woman of my dreams:):):)!!hahaha.

A few years back in delhi there was this claim that ‘ganeshji & hanumanji’
was drinking milk… (those days I was not yet a JY) so I too went to the
temple to see this stuff (not out of belief but out of skepticsm)and I put
my finger below the marble mouth of hanumanji and the milk was just
drooling over my finger, down, below there was a small drain kind of that
led to the soil and there the milk was gobbled up by the earth. Becoz
there was a shine on the white marble it was not apparent that the milk
was flowing down. After the hoax was established a number of those godmen
were put in the coolers (jail).

I feel very sad at the plight of some of us catholics who believe these
things. It only proves our ignorance of Jesus and his word. Some of the
most superstitious people I’ve met are catholics… (I’m sad to say this but
I feel its true. I still know a catholic family who used to keep candles, 
salted fish, pickles etc.. saying that the end of the age is near…. they
were stocking food stuffs so that they could live a bit longer than the
rest at the end of the world I’m glad these people have come back to
their senses. Thanx to the renewal.

Once on a visit to St. Georges church in Muthalakodam in Thodupuzha,
Kerala with my dad, I met an old lady praying at the statue of St. George
and at the end of the prayer she did something that real

[JOYnet] Oh Kuwait, Kuwait, How blest you are!!

2002-11-30 Thread josunjose
Dear wonderful people of God,

A positive phenomena that has arrayed Kuwait with his presence.

My dear brother in Christ Pradeep Mathew, a second batch volunteer of
Delhi and my wonderful prayer partner has set his feet there in Kuwait
today. Pradeep is a male nurse by profession and a missionary by baptism
and he’s in Kuwait to do God’s will. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing
else. And also today Nov 30 is the day, many years ago, a wonderful couple
was blest with their last child. Pradeep.

I had the fortune of being a volunteer the same year as pradeep. More than
anything else, I love Pradeep for his bridge building mentality. He always
goes out of the way to heal a breach. God bless him.

One of the things I abhor the most, is when my parents and siblings
nitpick about me to my fellow Jesus youth!! It strips me of my dignity at
times and punctures my beloved EGO. Though it has been a blessing in
disguise, coz I’m extra careful not to tarnish my face value at home.

I remember once, I was helping my mom in the kitchen, washing the dishes
while she was making chapathis. My younger brother (John Bosco), came and
threw his plate into the sink, splashing water on my face and clothes, and
ran out. I couldn’t chase him. I screamed!! “ bl!@#*& !#$$%…  you don’t
know how to put a plate in the sink!“ and my mom took the chapathi rolling
pin and hailed down a hit on my back Saying “is this for what you have
become a Jesus youth?” How i wished the Good Lord in his justice would
send down fire and brimstone and consume me up or there would be an
earth quake at that moment and the kitchen crumbles on my head!! She
further rubbed it in, “let me meet Pradeep and your other Jesus Youths
ninne sheri aakenongil Pradeep mathri aalkarre vennam!” (if you are to be
set right, u need fellows like pradeep who will put u in place!) I Learnt
my lesson for life... Pradeep has indeed been a wonderful brother to me.

Hey people send Pradeep birthday greetings and zap him up on his email

Untouchability is a crime, so keep in touch!

Love in Jesus,

Josun Jose/New Delhi

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2002-12-08 Thread josunjose
My precious ones in Jesus,

Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. After the morning mass, I
was in the chapel alone doing my personal prayer.

I’m a bit over attached to Mother Mary as she is for me till now, the only
woman with whom I’ve been extremely close, (apart from my biological
mother and two sisters.) hahaha I always marvel at the beauty and prudence
of this great woman. Mother Mary has taught me so many things in my life.
At times when I’m down and out, and no one understands I reach out to her
and cry in her lap. My relationship with mummy has tremendously helped me
in my closer walk with Jesus.

At home I sometimes say, “I’ve got two mothers” (This is especially when
I’m at loggerheads with my biological mother:). I try to make mummy feel
bad at those times by telling her... even if you are not there I got
mother mary:). Once, a few years back after a small fracas with mummy, I
doled out this rhetoric and stormed out of the house... I went and sat in
the church to cool my heels and head. After a couple of hours I went back
home and mummy asked me…”did your other mother give u food?” I retorted,
“she gave me food of which u know nothing about?” mummy further asked
“what did she tell you?” i shot back “ she told me to go home and ask you
for lunch!” My biological mom, is truly an amazing woman of God, she is
infact the one who first planted the seed of faith in my heart. May God
bless her soul always for that.

We catholics are truly a blest lot, what a grace to have Mother Mary as a
model for us towards holiness. One of the things Mama Mary has taught me
is the value of Suffering in silence I by nature am very impetuous and
I’m known to shoot off my mouth when I feel I’m exploited or hurt or
things don't go in my favor. But of late I can see a slow but perceptible
change in me. I’m gradually learning how to accumulate graces for my life
and for others thru silence.

I often wonder. This woman had every reason to grumble, to bitch, to whine
and gripe. But never once is it mentioned that she cribbed to God about
anything. On the other hand it is written, “she cherished these things in
her heart and pondered over them” This is a mystery I’m learning to accept
these days. When things don’t go my way, when I’m mis understood, when the
going gets tough, when there’s no apparent sign of Gods direction in my
life.if only I can “cherish those things in my heart and ponder over

Living in the world being single, being young with my heart prone to evil.
Its almost impossible for me to live a life of holiness and chastity. It
has been my experience that, to live a holy and chaste life, A lot depends
on how we treat mama Mary. I’ve wrestled with many sins of the flesh. And
often times in despair and hopelessness I cry out to God for help. At
those moments I’ve experienced the ever protecting hand of mother Mary on
my life. She’s kept me safe thus far, I know she’ll continue doing it for
her ‘little Josun’. Mother Mary taught me a small prayer that I pray when
faced with temptations, it goes like this
“Lord Jesus, if not for your grace, I will betray  you and I will crucify
I pray this often whenever I realize myself falling into sin.

Well, coming back to my personal prayer this morning in the chapel. There
was no one else in the chapel except an old priest sitting at the far
corner. I decided to have a personal chit chat with mother Mary as it was
her day today. I started off with my good morning Mummy, we talked about
the weather, about the struggles I was facing etc.. I told mother mary how
much I admired her for her virtue of silence and her bravery to say Yes to
the will of God etc… she just smiled:). I sensed her telling me to open
the bible Genisis Chapter 3. This was the first reading of today. I read
the whole chapter concerning the fall of man, and I was meditating on it.

Mother Mary has got a sense of humor also. She gave me an inspiration this
morning that made me laugh out loud, thereby disturbing the old priest
sitting in the corner. I went up to the priest and shared my insight with
him. He’s a cool buddy of mine. He too started laughing:)

This is really hilarious, just try visualizing it. Adam and eve eat the
fruit and realize they are naked With that act of disobedience the
whole of Gods master plan for humanity is frustrated, and the whole world
has been lost to the power of Sin And these two wise cracks are busy
sewing fig leaves to cover themselves., and God is busy looking around
for them in the garden. absolutely funny isn’t it :):)

After a brief stint of laughter that old priest said something like this.
“what would it have been had God created Mother Mary out of Adams

Well, I don’t know. And I’m not that interested either. What I’m more
interested in is that Mama Mary, thru her obedience to the will of God,
brought Jesus, My Lord and saviour into the world. She bore all that pain,
all that agony in silence only becoz


2002-12-18 Thread josunjose
Dear Brothers and sisters in Jesus,

I honestly had never seen AIDS patients in person before . I’ve seen
pictures of them but I haven’t been with them at close quarters. Moreover
I also had a number of prejudices and bias towards people with AIDS.

A few months ago we had gone to a AIDS/HIV rehab centre for an outreach.
My friend who took us there used to work as a volunteer with that
Organisation sometime ago. This being a secular Organization, all those
who visit are expected to be secular in their outlook when dealing with
the inmates. He gave us strict instructions NOT to bring the name of Jesus
into the scenario. He also told us not to read the bible to them, etc.. 
We had to be secular and that was it!

On hearing this I was very upset. I was cribbing inside. I was feeling
very much ill at ease… the only way of reaching out to people that I know
of is by sharing the kerygma, testimony, inviting them to accept Jesus as
their Savior and Lord and praying for them. Now if those fundamentals are
scrapped I am stuck and in a terrible fix. I don’t know anything else to

I prayed about it and asked the Holy Spirit for guidance. I felt the Lord
telling me… “Josun, I want you to be Jesus to them…. through your life
witness in this short time I want them to see Me in you. Just Love them as
I love you.”

With the mandate received I went forward. An idea just flashed across my
mind. I went up to this friend who brought us there and I told him. “I
won’t tell them anything about Jesus on my own, I won’t ask them to Invite
Him into their lives, I won’t preach to them anything. I will just be with
them and talk to them and love them, but if they in turn ask me about my
life then what will I do?” He told me to “go ahead, but keep a low
profile. Don’t attract unnecessary attention ok.” I assured him, “don’t
worry about that”

Eeeei! What a break thru. I was overjoyed. I cautioned myself
two things. First is I will obey the instructions and NOT ask them to
invite Jesus into their lives the conventional way, I will not tell them
anything about Jesus on my own. Second is I will be careful as not to
scandalize those who brought me here by attracting unnecessary attention.

I prayed and asked the Lord to lead me on. I saw a group of kids spinning
a top on the verandah. I went up to them, greeted them, and tried to win
them over   by playing with them, making a buffoon of my self in the
process, much to their delight… I took the top and tried my hand at
spinning it, but it was a flop. I took it again and gave it a throw it
went far off in the lawn and just dropped. I ran to where the top and
gone, with the kids following close behind me.

I took the top and sat on the grass. I was flanked by the kids around me.
Their names are Gaurav, Varsha, Anita and Gitanjali.  All aged between 5
to 11. My friend came up and told me, these children are HIV positive and
will live a total of about 6 months to an year more. After that they will
be dead Their parents already died of this disease. But these kids are
ignorant of the fact that their parents are no more and that they too are
victims of this dreaded killer. I swallowed hard, feeling a heaviness in
my heart

With the kids all around me. I took my knapsack off my back and took out
my notebook and tore off a page from it. I asked Gaurav if he liked
aeroplanes, ‘yes’ he said. I made for him a paper jet, wrote his name on
it and drew a funny face on it on it saying he was the pilot. He loved it.
I tore off another page and made a paper puppet for Varsha, she too loved
it. Off came another page and I transformed it into a paper boat for
Gitanjali. And for little Anita I made a small paper camera, complete with
small drawings of funny faces. The kids we thrilled with their new toys,
they loved me and were playing around me.

As I was enjoying the presence of being with these little angels a sad
thought passed my mind. These beautiful children will very soon gasp for
that one breath of precious oxygen…. but it will be denied to them. All
this suffering, pain and death, for no fault of theirs.…

My mind went back to my own siblings back at home. Gaurav the little boy
aged 7 resembled my little brother Akku. My heart was feeling a terrible
burden. I turned away from the kids, moved a bit away and started weeping.
I pulled out my rosary and clutched the cross. All that was coming out of
my mouth was “Thankyou Jesus, Thankyou Lord…. Thankyou Lord for

In the mean time, varsha’s puppet started mal functioning and she ran up
to me saying “ bhaiya ye kharab hogaya” (this is spoilt, please make
another one)

She looked at me and saw me clutching the cross of my rosary with tears in
my eyes. I tried to camouflage my grief by giving her a smile. I took her
puppet and was repairing it. She was staring at my rosary and she put her
hand on it and started feeling the beads. She asked me, “bhaiya yeh mala
kya hai?” (what is this necklace that you are wearing) I told 

[JOYnet] Delhi Gets a New Central Team

2002-12-19 Thread josunjose
Hey awesome people of God,

Jesus Youth Delhi is blest. A new Springtime has dawned for us here in Delhi.

We had our leaders gathering from 13-15 of this month. Our previous
central team had completed its two year term and we gathered together for
the reconstitution of the same and also for a New Coordinator.

The retreat and recollection was led by our CC Joseph (JYNT Coordinator).
The discernment process was led by elders from the Delhi Service Team.

The new central team comprises of:

Sunil Simon (ex officio)
Dony E. A.
Rajeev V. Jose
Jincy Scharia
Nycil Romis Thomas
Jacqueline Emmanuel
Abha Jacob
Wilma Williams
Shiby Thomas
Antony A. J.
Ratnakaran K.V.
Betty Augustine
Josun Jose
Shania Chandy
Saji Mathew

Today evening the new central team had its first meeting in the cathedral
premises for the selection of a new Coordinator. After prayer and
discernment, it was evident that Jomon C. K. was the man chosen by God to
be the Coordinator.

Jomon is a zealous Jesus Youth with a servant heart. Many a time Jomon
used to be the one getting kicks when things went awry. Never once have I
heard him complaining. He was the assistant coordinator of the erstwhile
central team and also an animator of the nurses ministry. We thank God for
him to JY Delhi.

I also take this opportunity to thank our Previous Coordinator Sunil Simon
and his team for all that we have learnt during his tenure. Jesus Youth
has learnt many lessons over the past couple of years, especially the need
to love and accept each one for who they are. We thank God for his
constant love and protective mantle over this beautiful ministry.

Do keep Jomon in your valuable prayers for strength and courage to take on
his new role in the ministry. Also do keep the rest of the team in prayer
for LOVE to rule our hearts, wisdom, guidance, faithfulness and
yeildedness to the Holy Spirit at all times.

God bless us all,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India

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2002-12-21 Thread josunjose
Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html
Dear all,

I know my Congrats to the webteam of Joynet are quite late, and by now all
of you must have realized what a poor writer I am! Anyway accept it. As
the saying goes "Its better never than late" isn't it (just checking if u
guys are awake!)

Its truly amazing to see how people from a myriad of walks of life come
together and share their lives and experiences together. It’s truly
beautiful isn’t it? I think we may be the only such loving network on the
whole internet I don’t know but in my limited knowledge I guess so.

I specially want to congratulate Josun Jose, Abudabhi for two things.

Firstly for being part of the web team and secondly for dashing my hopes
of being the only Josun Jose in the world!

I received a number of mails from joynetters far and wide asking me when I
shifted base. One interesting person in Abudabhi send me his residence
phone and mobile numbers asking me to call him up sometime.

After reading a few such mails I got into a confusion. I got so confused
that I had to go and ask my parents and family if I’m the real Josun Jose
or I suddenly became some imposter. Each one in my family had different
opinions, this complicated matters even more. Just imagine even my dog
snapped at me and kept on barking until I left the house!  All these
occurrences  put me into a deeper state of paranoia.

I decided not to give up! I’ll prove to the world that I am the real Josun
Jose and there never was, there never is and there never will be another
masterpiece like me! It was at that time a wonderful idea found its way
into that football ground between my ears (not very a very common
phenomena with me)

It was this. Instead of going by what each one is saying and thus become
like the father and son who went to the market to sell their donkey and
finally got a couple of kicks and  lost the donkey in the bargain because
they tried to please every tom, dick and harry who came across their path
its better for me to.. Oops!... I forgot what that idea was Just a
sec! Let me remember ok. Che! What was it???

HHAAA! Eureka! I got it! This is what it was. I’ll do some research and
development and find out the truth of the matter.

During the course of my research I concluded that Josun Jose, Abudabhi
could have come about by one of three possibilities.

1. There is another Josun Jose in Abudabhi
2. Josun Jose, New Delhi has inexplainably been endowed with the gift of
3. It could be a simple typo error.

We’ll take each possiblity in perspective and finally prove the right one
using my home made theory of using my kidneys instead of brains for

First possiblity:- There is another Josun Jose in Abudabhi:- In all these
23 years of my life I have never had the privilege of meeting another
Josun. Till recently I also didn’t have much hope of meeting one either. I
have an extremely unique name that is a special trademark to me alone. I’m
thrilled to know that my hope of never meeting another Josun is dashed and
that too much more than I expected. Not Just a Josun, but a Josun Jose
from Abudhabi! Wow! This is interesting.

Second Possiblity:- Josun Jose, New Delhi has been inexplainably endowed
with the Gift of Bi-location:-  This is truly inexplainable so lets just
leave it at that. I cracked my nut hard enough trying to understand the
true sense of bi-location and finally ended up nearly dislocating my
humerous bone. Its not worth cracking our nuts on this possiblity, so its
rightful place would be the recycle bin.

It could be a simple typo error:- After an indepth study and research the
only possible theory that finally fits into the puzzle is this one. To err
is humor and to forgive is more humor! hehehe

If any of you have managed to read till here, Give thanks to the Lord! You
have been blest with an extra measure of patience! That’s a christmas
gift!  Hee Hoo! (that’s called braying)

And by the way, before I forget. Merry Christmas to all of you. May this
Christmas be a different experience for each one of us.

Love in baby Jesus, Mama Mary and St. Joseph at the crib,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India

Ps:- Incase anyone is offended I’m extremely sorry ok. Just send me a mail
and I’ll say a Hail Mary* for u as part of my apology. ok.

Ps again:- I am the real Josun Jose ok!

*if I don’t doze off in the process.

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2003-01-24 Thread josunjose
Hey you people set apart for the lord,

Its really wonderful to read the profound inputs by various Joynetters on
the topic of Pre marital and extramarital sex. I’d like to share a bit of
what I feel on the subject.

Firstly, I don’t think the aspect of sexual fidelity/promiscuity is
limited to religious or moral standards alone.

There are natural laws that govern nature, from which none of us are
exempt. We have the freedom to abide by the law of flout the law. Whatever
our choice is, the consequences of our choices are not within the freedom
of choice bracket. They are an aftermath that follow irrespective of who
or what you are. Wise choices reap wise results; foolish choices reap
foolish results. At the moment I’m at our Jesus Youth house in Delhi, its
on the second floor. If I want to go down to the shop 2 blocks away, I
have two options to choose from coz I’m a free human being and ‘its my
life’. One option is to jump off from the balcony and the other is to use
the staircase provided. Both my actions have consequences over which I
have no control. If I say I’m free and jump off My freedom will last
but 2 seconds after that I’ll be a pile of dead meat and bones! (One
bloody fool less in the world!!)

The same nature has laws with regard to exercising of sexual freedom. If
we transgress them there’s no way but to bear the negative consequences
that follow.

Sometime back I had shared a bit about an experience I had at an AIDS
rehab centre, well the experience was not over with just meeting those
kidos. I also met most of the adult inmates in the centre. I made it a
point to speak to as many of them as I could and know a bit about their
lives. I did that intentionally so that I could share their stories of
pain, sorrow and shattered hopes and dreams later as opportunity would
unfold. Honestly their stories were unbearably gut wrenching.

I met a young Keralite youth there. He’s about 25 years old. On completing
a course in hotel management, he embarked on a job in a 5 star hotel in
Goa. One day while on duty, a guest in the hotel made sexual advances
towards him, he was seduced and succumbed to moments of pleasure with her.
 The boy is such a nice person to talk to. I felt really sad for him. With
his smile he was trying to conceal the agony he was going thru within. It
was a poor effort, for me it was rather obvious. He’s HIV positive. He
told me, that was the only time he had sex with anyone. He also told me he
used a condom.  (a number of the inmates there told me they used condoms).
Well that one time was enough for him to make an entrance into the world
of no return

I meditated a lot on that outreach to the AIDS home and my memory of the
inmates and their lives is still vivid and fresh. Their stories of pain,
of unfulfilled dreams, shattered lives, orphaned children, wrecked homes,
worst of all that haunting sense of guilt and self debasement, often made
me speculate at how stupid we all can be sometimes.

Imagine, Just for an orgasm or orgasmic pleasure people are ready to stake
their dreams, health, their integrity, self esteem and sense of self
worth, their unlimited potential, their families, their entire life and
the beautiful things God has in store for them in the future! Don’t I
sound sufficiently absurd??

This youth I met cannot achieve the dreams that he had of a beautiful life
ahead. He is shattered. Actually shattered is not the word for it. He
finds no meaning in his existence. He’s already a ‘living’ dead man. You
may say, “but he’s still living” well, that’s just to postpone funeral
expenses! His family is dismembered, they have ostracized him. The same
society that endorsed his promiscuity is the first one to give him a kick
in the ass when he’s a victim

All this honestly makes me wonder, “is one moment of forbidden pleasure
worth the tag? Is it really worth staking all that in the bargain? ” You
can answer the question yourselves.

I’ve got a number of acquaintances (lamentably some catholic youth also!)
who think pre-marital sex is the ‘IN THING’ and its absolutely normal
these days, a number of them have indulged in it themselves. They narrate
big stories of their ‘sexcapades’ with me They do a lot to justify
their actions, but deep down they too know that its wrong. Its pernicious.
Its fatal!. It fragments a person from within.

Thanks to the media hyped up coverage that ‘nothing sells like sex’ the
advertisements, tv programs, movies, serials, almost everything in the
media endorses sexual promiscuity. We can see hundreds of places where the
govt and some NGO’s advocate safe sex under the aegis of AIDS Awareness
programs. What they do not clarify is what they mean by ‘safe sex’. An
advertisement in buses, trains and hoardings in Delhi that I’ve seen is
‘play safe, always use a condom’! What they actually want to say is, “ hey
look, its ok if you want to go have sex (forgive me for being so uncivil!)
with whoever you want, its ok if you want to be unfaithful

[JOYnet] Coflexip

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2003-02-03 Thread josunjose
Dear friends,

Yesterday evening 3rd February was truly a moment of truth for me. I was
privileged to attend a lecture on the Christian Virtue of forgiveness. The
meeting took place at the Diocesan community center in the Cathedral

The key speakers for the occasion were Mrs. Gladys Staines, the wife of
the Late Rev. Graham Staines and mother of Timothy and Philip all three of
whom were burnt up in a jeep by miscreants in Mayurbanj, Orrisa about 4
years ago. The other speakers were Sr. Selmi Paul FCC, the sister of the
Late Sr. Rani Maria who was brutally stabbed to death in Madhya Pradesh
some years ago and Swami (Fr.) Sachidanand, CMI.

As the speakers were sharing their experiences I made a few notes so that
I could share with all of you, my beloved joynetters some of the pearls I
managed to pick up.

His grace Archbishop Vincent Concessao in his short message quoted from
one of the encyclicals of Pope Paul the sixth on Evangelization. “These
days what the world needs is not teachers. It needs witnesses, people tend
to follow witnesses, not teachers, and if they do follow teachers, it is
because they are witnesses” I don’t know the exact phraseology but that’s
the essence. He went on and honored all three for living out their
Christian faith. He shared something he had read recently in a book “we
are not anxious about setbacks and failures, about tragedies, hurts and
apparent defeat, because we that know that the ultimate victory is ours in
Jesus.” That is what gives us hope to keep running with perseverance the
race set out before us.

Mrs. Staines began her talk by sharing with us how she was interviewed
earlier that day by a journalist, what he wanted to know was, “how is it
that she was able to forgive? To forgive when your husband and two
children are brutally killed is virtually ‘beyond human capability’ he
said. Mrs. Staines said she agreed with him that it is difficult. But she
went on to explain what God’s grace did in her life. It is Jesus who gave
her the grace to forgive.

She was sharing how God was preparing her for this happening in her life
thru many preceding incidents. She used to ponder a lot on Abraham of the
Old Testament, how when the lord asked him to sacrifice his only son, he
willingly agreed. Today if God tells us he wants our dearest ones will we
be able to willingly give like Abraham did?

Oh! For me it was a shock! My dear parents, my precious siblings, Oh!
Honestly as of now I find it very tough to say yes to that!

She went on to elaborate, “If we want to follow God, we have to say a
wholehearted YES! Regardless of what it will cost us”

She said forgiveness is a decision, not an emotion. “I choose to forgive
regardless of whether I’m pained or hurt”. The choice to forgive is what
starts the healing and grace of God to flow into our lives.

She told us that we must learn to forgive in small things. That’s where we
all tend to fail. To forgive the people who are not at all close to us may
be easy. But to forgive those who are very dear and near and close to us
could sometimes be a Himalayan task.

She shared how a few months before the incident she read an article about
how when the communists took over in China they persecuted the Christians
a great deal. But the major factor that contributed to the growth of
Christianity in China was because the persecuted Christians chose to
forgive their persecutors. Persecution will not have its desired effect
(conversion of hearts) if we do not forgive those who harm us. Retaliation
only shows that there’s no difference between them and us. They persecute
us because they do not know Jesus. The only way they can know Jesus is
when we love them in return. Jesus never asks us to do anything that he
himself has first not done. Dying on the cross he said “Father forgive
them for they know not what they do”

Mrs. Staines shared about how when she broke the news to her daughter
Esther (then 13 Y.O.), between sobs she said “mummy we’ll forgive them. In
Jesus name we’ll forgive them”. She said they both continue to pray for
the perpetrators of the act that they may one day know the love of God and
the person of Jesus and that they are forgiven, because Jesus has already
forgiven them.

She told us a small story of a young girl who was losing her eyesight and
was admitted in a hospital. She was visited by a pastor and lying on the
bed, she told the pastor. “pastor, the Lord is taking my eyesight away”
and the pastor replied, “Don’t let him take it away! Give it to him!” She
urged us to give our ALL to the Lord.

She asked us to reflect on what we say when praying the Lord’s prayer.
“forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” do
we really mean what we say or are we just spewing out some verbal garbage.
(that’s my way of putting it)

She ended her talk with a beautiful poem that I requested her to give me a
copy of, after the seminar. The title of the poem is “He Giveth More
Grace” I forgot the name of the poet


2003-02-03 Thread josunjose
con'd from previous mail.

Sr. Selmi Paul, FCC, is the younger sister of the late Sr. Rani Maria.
Both belong to the same congregation. Sr. Selmi started her sharing by
saying, her chechi frequently used to reiterate, “I’ll work for the poor
till the end. I’ll live for them till the end. Why should I be afraid of
anyone?” in her death, Sr. Rani’s desire was fulfilled.

Ever since she learnt of the incident, Sr. Selmi used to pray everyday for
the three accused in the case, Samendar Singh, Jeevan Singh, Dharmendar
Singh. And she had a petition she made to Jesus, “Lord I want to express
my forgiveness to the three of them. I want them to know they are forgiven
and that you love them and forgive them. I want to express my forgiveness
in a tangible way to them” This was Sisters prayer everyday for quite

Meanwhile, one day a person, with long greyish hair and flowing beard,
bare footed and clad in the attire of a swami came to their convent. He
introduced himself as Swami Sachidanand, a CMI priest who has an ashram in
Narshimapur in Madhya Pradesh. By profession he is a water diviner. During
dinner that day at the convent Sr. Selmi was introduced as the younger
sister of Sr. Rani Maria. They spoke about many things that happened that
day. After dinner Swami Sachidanand bade good night to the sisters and
proceeded towards his room for a good nights rest.

The sleep he had come for seemed to elude him. A burden crept up in his
heart. He suddenly could feel the pain and guilt that Samendar Singh must
be going thru. That night his sleep was troubled, he slept little.

The next day the first thing in the morning, he asked the Sisters at the
convent where Samendar Singh is right now? the sisters said they had no
idea. Swami later got in touch with one of the local Jail Superintendents
who is a very close friend of his, and asked him if he could trace out
this person ‘Samendar Singh’ he gave a bit of the background so he could
be traced faster. The superintendent assured him that he’d do his best.

Two days later swami received a call from the Jail Superintendent telling
him that Samendar Singh was cooling his heels in Indore Jail. Swami asked
if the superintendent could give him a letter of introduction so that he
could meet Samendar Singh in Indore Jail.

With the letter of intro in hand. Swami proceeded to Indore Jail. There he
introduced himself as Swami Sachidanand. He said he wanted to meet
Samendar Singh.

The superintendent there led Swami to where Samendar Singh was. When swami
saw him he didn’t say anything, he only removed a photograph of Sr. Rani
Maria from his bag and just showed it to him.

On seeing the photo, Samendar Singh broke down and started weeping
uncontrollably. Swami went up to him gave him a warm embrace and whispered
into his ear. “Samendar, you are forgiven. God has forgiven you”

On hearing those words, Samendar was shocked, he replied “No! just leave
me alone. I am a criminal and have done a terrible crime. I don’t deserve
forgiveness, No, not even God can forgive me" Swami went on embracing and
uttering words of hope into his hopeless state.

On hearing the noise, convicts from other cells started coming. A crowd
started gathering. The jail superintendent led them both into a private
room where the crowd would not intrude.

There in the room, Swami took out from his bag some fruits. He took a
banana, peeled it and gave it to Samendar. He would not eat it. The guilt
of his sin seemed to be eating away at him. Swami assured him to take it
as from the hands of God as a sign of his forgiveness. After sometime
Samendar took the banana and ate it. Swami kept on instilling hope into
his Spirit.

The jail superintendent told swami that his time was up. Swami got up,
again embraced Samendar, gave him his address and contact and enquired of
him, “is there anything you need?” he went on, “Incase you need anything,
please do not hesitate to ask me ok. You are my younger brother.” Swami
waved goodbye and left the prison.

The same desire that Sr. Selmi had, to express forgiveness in a tangible
way to Samendar, gripped Swami Sachidanand also.

With this intention in mind, he went into a fast and prayer. One day while
in prayer an inspiration flashed through his mind. He saw the word ‘Rakhi’
in his mind’s eye.

Suddenly an idea came to his mind, “why not Sr. Selmi go and tie ‘Rakhi’
on the hand of Samendar during the festival of ‘rakshabandhan’ that year.

‘rakshabandhan’ is a hindu festival where the sisters tie  ‘rakhi’, a sort
of string bangle on the hand of their brothers. This is to show that she
trusts him to protect her as his sister.

Swami got intouch with Sr. Selmi and put forward his proposal to her.
Sister was overjoyed. She too confessed that that was a desire of her
heart, to express her forgiveness in a tangible way to Samendar. She was
waiting for an opportunity to do that.

Swami got intouch with the superiors and they were very supportive. He
told the local bishop of his pl


2003-02-07 Thread josunjose
Aye u awsome people of Yahweh!

A few days ago it rained here in Delhi and the fog was really bad. The
winter supposed to make an exit by now is still lingering around making
the nights really cold.

My mom told me that the vegetables at home are over and I need to go to
the market and buy some. I wasn’t very enthusiastic about it, coz after a
rain the roads are a mess with water puddles everywhere, its really yuk!
But since its mummy who said, I chose to obey. (maybe I could atone for
some of my many sins) She gave me the list and off I went in the direction
of the market.

Carrot juice is one of my favorites, I drink a lot of it. That day was no
exception. On reaching the market, I ordered a glass of carrot juice from
the juice vendor and started sipping it.

As I was sipping from the glass, my eyes strayed at the muddy puddles and
wet gravel that was all over the place. All of a sudden my eyes fell on a
scene at the street corner across the road. I gulped down my carrot juice
fast, paid the money and walked up to street corner. I was truly moved at
what I saw. As I was just looking on, I struck upon an idea.

With two big shoppers empty and folded in my hand, I immediately jumped on
a rickshaw and asked the ‘rickshaw wala’ to ride me home fast. The
‘rickshaw wala’ thought that there was some emergency and he was doing his
best to reach me home fast. Between breaths he asked “sahib, kya hogaya?”
(what happened, sir?) I replied “nothing, just reach me home immediately”

When I reached home, I ran up to the gate and rapped on it. I directed my
youngest two brothers Johny and Akku to hop onto the rickshaw and
accompany me back to the vegetable market.

Mummy must have wondered at my speedy return. I never spoke anything to
anyone. Akku and johny were on the rickshaw with me. They thought I was
taking them out for a small jolly ride. I’ve got a surprise for both of
them I informed them. Their spirits were up. They were all smiles. I
didn’t mention anything further.

Johnny and Akku are a remarkable duo. I feel very privileged to have such
wonderful brothers like them. They are good team players. Of late though,
I’ve been observing a trend. They have developed a very unholy habit. They
grumble and whine for almost anything and everything. They keep comparing
themselves on the basis of what they don’t have and what their friends
have. When something is shared among us, they’ll see who has got the
biggest piece and start saying that they were purposely given the small
pieces. At times from what they say, it is apparent that they feel
inferior because they don’t have the sophisticated gadgets and stuff that
their friends at school possess. Johny being an early teenager. It is very
difficult at times to advice him or correct him. He thinks he already
knows everything! He tends to find fault with everything and everyone. And
if we try to advice this guy his defenses go up. To be honest, for me it
takes a tremendous amount of self control to tolerate these type of
characters. I’ve tried a lot to advice him, but even before I say anything
he intercepts with “now don’t start your big preaching to me ok!” and he’s
such a master at switching off his mind if he wants to. The fellow who
coined up the axiom “Ten can take an ass to the river, but hundred cannot
make him drink!” must have had people like Johny in mind!. I’ve been
trying to innovate ways in which I can be a friend and help him to stop
his grumbling and fault finding.

As the rickshaw reached the market place, we all got off paid the rickshaw
wala and strode towards the street corner. Thankfully, nothing had

There at the street corner, squatting around a burning tyre on the wet and
muddy earth were three small boys, their bare feet half sunken in the wet
mud. Their clothes scanty, tattered and dirty, revealed bodies beneath them
that pined for warmth and cover.

These kids were taking turns puffing at one cigarette and were warming
their hands by the burning tire. That day they must have been happy coz
their faces betrayed that. A few feet away were 3 huge sacks filled up,
leaning on an electric pole.

My brothers were standing on either side of me. I don’t know what was
going on in their minds, but I know something was happening. My brothers
were dumb for a time. They never spoke a word to me. They just looked on.

I decided to take it a step even further. We walked up to where they were.
I bend down putting my hands by the fire and asked them. “dosto, mei bhi
haath garam kar saktha hu?” (friends may I warm my hands also?) “haanji
bhaiya aaja na” (why not bro. Come) I sat on my feet, careful that my
clothes don’t touch the muddy earth. Akku and johny also joined me. “Are
these your children?” they enquired, No I said, they are my brothers.
“They must be going to school isn’t it?” one of them asked.” “yes the do”
I replied. I took the opportunity and threw back the same question at
them, “aaplog padai karthe ho?” (do you folks study?), “how can we s


2003-02-14 Thread josunjose
My Dearest Aunty Victoria,

Your silence stupefies me indeed!. I find it very strange that my numerous
mails and attempts to touch base with you come to naught each time.

Please let me know aunty, have I hurt you in any way? Have I been
unchristian in any way? Incase I have, please do accept my profuse
apologies. Im sorry about it. Please do not harbor any ill feelings. I am
much younger than you.

Well aunty, I write this letter with a specific purpose. I hope you will
bear with me. I feel you will support me aunty and that is why I am
writing to you. I in no way want to exploit or take undue advantage of
your goodness and generous heart.

As Ive shared with you earlier, the Lord has been multiplying the talent
for writing that he has given me in remarkable ways. I want to use it all
for his glory. I strongly sense that God has endowed me with this talent
so that I may glorify Him through it. Till date I have written about 40
short articles, most of them my personal encounters and experiences. Quite
a few of my write ups have been published in a Christian magazine in one
of the regional languages here.

>From the reports and feedbacks I get, many people tell me they feel a
special grace coming upon them while they read. I too feel the lord is
anointing my writing day by day. I can see a lot of improvement from the
first time I wrote and now. I get a lot of inspirations aunty. Ive
started making notes of all them whenever they come.

My prayer is that the Lord transform this talent into a Charism, and that
I never have the misfortune of becoming proud and trying to steal Gods
glory. I pray daily for more and more humility, more deeper commitment and
more faith. I always seek a double measure of the Holy Spirit to take over
my writing. I pray that my identity may never be that of a writer, but
rather from the knowing that I am a Child of God.

In order to empower myself more, I would like to enroll in a writing
course if I can. I have applied for the prospectus of a postal course from
the U. K. I hope to hear from them soon.

Aunty, kindly could you check around for me in the US for some good
writing course? Please could you sponsor me to one?

Another thing aunty that I require as a need is a laptop computer.
Procuring one would help me tremendously to write more and also to write
more often as and when inspirations flash thru my mind.. Ive started
saving for one in my small way already already. Please could you help me
to procure one?

The Lord is going to use me powerfully in the print media a few years from
now. I have a vision of starting a Christian magazine some day, where
people who come across it, dont go back the same. I want to see lives
radically changed for Christ.

I dont know what your present state is aunty, but rest assured of my
prayers for you everyday. Ok. God is my witness to this.
Incase aunty you feel you wont be able to help, please dont feel bad ok.
Feel free to say you cant ok. Ill still love you the same ok, because I
know, if God brings me to a purpose, Hell also bring me thru it! Isnt it

Please do keep intouch ok. I honestly miss you a lot. Ive send countless
mails to your   HYPERLINK "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  address but have received the message that the
same has become invalid.

My walk with the Lord is improving daily. I make a lot of mistakes, my
sinfulness and fallen nature seems to take over at times, in moments of
darkness. But each time I realize Ive fallen short, I keep turning back
to the Lord. Where else can I go, He has the words of eternal life.

The Lord is taking me through a tough phase these days. I am not
discouraged, I am not anxious about defeat or setbacks because I know deep
down the ultimate victory is mine in Jesus my Lord and Saviour. Thats
what gives me hope and hope doesnt dissapoint me.

I long to hear from you aunty, I know youll not keep me guessing anymore.
Ill hear from you soon.

Yours in Christ at this end of the Fathers vineyard,

Josun Jose N.
Hno. 251, Saraswati Enclave
Gopal Nagar Extension
Near Surakhpur Road
Najafgarh-110 043
New Delhi

Phone 91-011-25018808


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2003-02-14 Thread josunjose
Dear frineds, i'm sorry for the previous mail. it was an absolute goof up.
i wrote to one of my aunts and instead of putting her address i typed
joynet addy. Wah bhai Josun! kamal karthe ho! Please do accept my
apologies ok.

here's the experience nevertheless ok.

Dearly Beloved in Jesus,

Yesterday was  Valentines Day. Infatuation (proxy love) is in the air
everywhere here in Delhi, at its zenith. The papers have dedicated
numerous pages of ads about valentines. The the fly by night florists in
the city are making big buck. Archies and other gift and card galleries
are Jam packed with with teenagers and youth, eager to get that prized
card, mascot or memento for their valentine. The cashier behind the
counter has the last laugh, supplying illusive fodder to their already
obese sentiments, he drains their pockets with a 100 watts smile on his

Well, I too had a valentines experience, something very nonfigurative
though. Read on if you feel like.

It was about 3:30 in the morning. Rajeev, Jimmy and JJ were fast asleep at
the jy house. The continuous ring of the telephone awakened all three of
us. Each one was awake, but comfortably cuddled up in our blankets hoping
that someone among us would get up and answer the phone. I purposely
didnt get up due to the cold, but I was peeping from inside the blanket
to see if Rajeev or Jimmy would get up. While peeping I made an amazing
discovery, both Rajeev and Jimmy were also affected by the same phenomena.
They too were wide awake, but peeping from within their blankets. (they
didnt realize that I noticed that). To make my pretense all the more
natural I put in a few snores and turned from side to side as one in deep

Unable to bear the nuisance any longer, and gnashing his teeth  that
ultimately he had to pick the phone, Rajeev got up and went to pick the
phone, muttering things to himself in Malayalam about whoever that was who
had gall enough to call at such an unearthly hour!. Poor fellow. I really
felt his agony from within the warmth of my blanket.

The phone was from Kerala, His response to the call made both of us throw
our jokes and pretenses and blankets aside and dart to the front room. One
of our Jesus Youths, Jaquilin Emmanuels dad expired about an hour before.

After Rajeev put down the phone, he told us that her aunty would call
again after 10 minutes. We had to go and call Jaqulin from the girls house
to attend the phone. We were in a fix as to how well break the news to
her. Finally Rajeev and Jimmy decided to just inform her to come and
attend a phone call from her aunt. No further details.

Jaqulin came and a few minutes later she answered the ringing phone. The
news was broken to her. Ive never seen such a calm person amidst storm as
yesterday. After putting the phone down, she just turned to us and said.
pappa expired and they told me to reach home by flight today.

She still remained calm and composed. No emotional tantrums, no grumbling
at God, no whining, no cursing. Just accepting the inevitable as coming
from the hand of God for His greater purpose.

Jaquie chechi is a person I have a lot of respect and high regard for.
Just being in her company makes you feel great. Jaquie is a person of
integrity. The thing that strikes me most is that she is a woman of
prayer. A fervent intercessor, she spends hours praying for others. All
this tells on her person. You can feel a sense of Godliness when ure with

God taught me a tremendous lesson yesterday. People who have a deep
relationship with the REAL VALENTINE (pronounced as R-E-A-L V-I-N-E) of
their life, (not just limited to feb14) surely are able to face even tough
times with that Shalom experience that Jesus only can give.

Gini chechi and I, accompanied Jaquie to the airport where she was to
board the 8 am flight to Kochi. In the auto, we kept praying the rosary. I
was truly touched by the prayers of thankfulness and gratitude that Jaquie
was raising up to the Lord.

We reached the airport at about 6am. With two hours at hand, we sat at the
lounge, prayed for sometime and then were silent.

To get something started, I said chechi, your dad used to speak wonderful
English. I had spoken to him sometime over the phone 2 years back and she
said, ha he always used to ask about Betty and Josun. It seems he
remembered both of us distinctly because once when we spoke over the
phone, he was speaking to us in shudh Malayalam, we could understand
most of it but responding back was a glitch, we were grappling with
tidbits of manglish. He made out our struggle and switched over to real
good English, much to our relief. That way he remembered me and my sister
Bets a lot.

Chechi was saying about all the ways her dad had been a great influence in
her faith life. How he used to spend hours in prayer. I was truly touched.
And finally she said something that really struck me to the core, I kept
repeating it to myself, papa came from God, now he has returned to God so
we must be


2003-02-21 Thread josunjose
My Dear lovable joynetters,

Earlier today I was having a terrible headache and feeling a bit
nauseated. I boarded a bus from the terminal to go home. As usual the bus
was already full.

Whenever I dont get a seat in the bus, I do the next best thing. I allow
my sharp eyes and keen intuition to reveal to me a potential short
distance traveler. Its very easy for me to identify that because long
distance travelers engage themselves in that occupation that has made
Delhi one of the most respected States in India. They snore!. Short
distance travelers on the other hand keep looking out of the window,
turning back to see what the last stop was, etc For me its childs play to
make out who is who.

My eyes roamed and I located a potential opportunity for me to enhance
Delhis respectability if you get my drift. More so with my headache and
nausea, it would be very embarrassing to puke onto a co-passengers shoes!

Well, to cut a long story short, yesterday was one such day that my sharp
sightedness and keen intuition failed prove their onions! Instead of
cribbing and magnifying the problem by grumbling about it, I took my
rosary and started praying it. By now the bus was halfway thru the journey
and jam butter packed!

One thing that really irritates me most at such times is that the
conductors keep pushing the passengers more and more to the middle of the
bus as though once you reach the middle a stroke of enlightenment dawns on
you and you suddenly evaporate, thus making space for lesser mortals! I
get peeved with it! Inbetween my hailmarys I was muttering, He who
perseveres to the end will be saved!

To my disgust, my testing had only begun. What I hate most happened. A
huge giant, maybe 7ft tall and weighing about 300 kilos (I say giant
because JJ is no pigmy!) came and stood right infront of me, his mere
presence churning my bones into powder!. This time Id had it! I just
couldnt take it anymore.  I prayed, Lord, I dont care that Im a
charismatic, I know I am a great admirer of Maximilan Kolbe and Mother
Theresa, many a time in the past I used to pray to become a martyr, but
never once did I expect it to be this kind of excruciating death! Im
gonna use my might to exercise my fundamental right to breathe freely!
Afterall the Kingdom of God is taken by the tough guys AMEN! With I put my
rosary on my neck and wriggled making space to breathe. Then slowly I took
one foot and gently placed it on the toes of this fat guy, I did it
carefully so he wouldnt know its me. I kept it there for sometime and
then I stomped! yks! the guy screamed wondering if something had
bitten his toes. He never realized its me. I kept doing it on and off when
I needed a gulp of precious oxygen. The guy was getting exasperated and
started hurling epithets (not at me ok) that if I post on joynet, I can
guarantee the whole core team will fly to Delhi and give me the royal

Stop laughing!, my latest earthly possession-the headache was getting
worse and pretty nagging. I stopped my pranks and sincerely prayed, Lord
do I have to take so much trouble. Cant you just inspire this passenger
to get up and give me the seat, on humanitarian grounds? another
scripture flashed thru my mind, all things work together for good for
those who love God and are called according to his purpose Sigh! Atleast
some relief!

My hopes of ever obtaining the seat were dashed when the seated passenger
started snoring. I knew, this chap is here to stay! In the now more jam
packed bus I couldnt move a bit. Destined to stand!

The jam packed bus was speeding along the highway and suddenly the bus
screeched and swerved off in the opposite lane, flinging nearly half the
bus into the drivers cabin. On looking out, I saw a cow majestically
catwalking on the other side. The driver, in a desperate attempt to spare
this natural speed breaker (cow) he nearly send us all to eternity long
before our time!

There were screams and shouts, adjectives coarse and fine gushing from the
mouths of the passengers The bus was brought to a halt. The drivers head
now was being used as a TABLA (Indian drum) by some of the irate male
passengers (tharigidda thoom! Tharigidda Thoom!) I could hear moans of
thod diya re haddi! (my bones are crushed!). The passenger snoozing on
the seat I desired with all my heart, had a souvenir on his bleeding lips.
In his deep sleep he had been awakened to the reality that the steel
handle on which he was leaning on and snoring was much stronger than his
lips and teeth!

As for me, I did a quick scandisk to check whether there were any errors
or damaged files on my being. Praise The Lord! None!

Had I got that seat, 100 percent I would have sought solace in a snooze,
more so with my headache. Catastrophe would have been the aftermath! A few
teeth knocked off! Another thing, had that fat gentleman not come and
stood infront of me I would have been killed or transformed into papadam
with the impact of the jolt! With him infront,


2003-02-21 Thread josunjose
Hey you remarkable children of God,

Wow! Its hot! Its happening! Loves in the air! (and in joynet also)

I honestly dont wanna open a can of worms this time! Ill start with a
small story.

There was once this guy and girl who were madly in love with each other.
When I say madly I mean the pyar kiya tho darna kya (when youve fallen
in love nothing to fear) type . They both were willing to stake their very
existence for each other. So deep was their love for each other.

One day, the guy tells the girl, darling, I know you love me so much! But
please tell me, what is it that you love the most in me? And the girl
responded. oh I really love you so much, but your teeth! Im swept off my
feet, when I see your sparkling teeth. They really fascinate me! oh I
see the guy muttered! And then the girl also asked, darling now you tell
me, what is it that you love most in me? and he answered, m well, u
know youve got such beautiful hair! Whenever I see your hair, Im swept
off my feet! Im honestly on cloud nine! On hearing that the girl put her
hand on her head and removed her wig (revealing a bald head) and placed it
in his hands saying, here take! May you always be on cloud nine, ever
swept off your feet! and the guy, not to be out done put his hand in his
mouth and removed his set of false teeth and extending it to her, said,
here, leth your objecth of fascinathion be with you alwaysth! (no teeth
remember!) and the story goes that their love ended then and there and
they lived happy (that it ended) thereafter!

Now Ill say something about me. Well Im a normal guy (atleast I think I
am!). And Ill be honest, Ive had umpteen crushes on girls ever since I
was a kid. Even now I still tend to get emotionally attached to some
people of the opposite sex at times. Ive spoken to my Spiritual director
and a few mature people about it, and all of them have reiterated that
there is nothing wrong TO FEEL emotionally attached to someone of the
opposite sex. It only proves that our flow of hormones are normal. I
subscribe to that opinion.

If there is anyone who claims never to have had a crush or never got
emotionally attached to anyone, there could be one of two possibilities,

1.  That person may have some major manufacturing defect
2.  That person is a first degree liar! Beware of that dangerous species!

Today I asked my dad, daddin how much does it cost to fall in love? and
he said something profound, but subtly enough so as not to let mummy hear.
Mone I really dont know! Im still paying the price!!! unfortunately
mummy heard it!

eros (erotic love between man and woman) is equally a beautiful gift of
God. (Though it is the lowest in the four forms of love). So theres
nothing wrong in it. Let no one feel guilty of feeling (emphasis), feeling
emotionally attached to someone of the opposite sex. If you do have
feelings of affection for someone, then be sure ure proving that God dont
make no junk!

But again, we are not creatures of feelings alone. We have been endowed
with a tremendous power. The power of choice. Animals dont have it. They
have only instincts. Since we have choice, we are responsible for what we
do with feelings! Another thing we need to note here is, emotions and
feelings are temporary. When emotions are at their apex, reason seldom

Many a time we youngsters act as though weve been possessed by a rogue
elephant when we fall in love. What often happens is, Our love is
selfish. Infact it is no love at all. If we look deep down, its our own
vested interests and hidden agenda and personal vendetta that we want to
achieve when we merely fall in love!

Each of us including me, is a broken person! And the fact is, none of us
can emancipate ourselves from this brokenness with our own effort or that
of another human being. We have all received inner wounds ever since we
were conceived. Many a time what happens when we fall in love, we tend
to choose partners based on the wounds we have within. Thats where we
sometimes do some catastrophic messing up.

Many a time the boy or girl who goes flirting around has apparently
envisaged a father or mother figure in the person they are flirting. The
problem here is an intrinsic sense of insecurity that the flirt
experiences. And this insecurity can never be filled by another human
being. Lets get that clear! The other person is just as broken, maybe even
more. When we have chimeras about the other persons infallibility, the
dichotomy between our fantasy and reality clash! And then disillusionment
sets in, and then love goes on rocks, finally we head for the cape of
dashed hopes!

One thing is for sure, just because you feel (emphsis again on feel) that
your in love with someone, it may not be necessary that that is the person
whom God has destined for you from all eternity.

As I said Ive felt emotionally close to many girls, (it still happens ok)
that in no way means that all of them were destined for me from all


2003-02-26 Thread josunjose
Dear friends in Jesus,

After seeing all the mails on falling in love Ive grown more wiser and
broader in my outlook. Each of those who shared has got a unique dimension
to bring out, this proves something- we serve a very creative God isnt
it? Isnt it not beautiful that God made each one of us different and
unique?. For me its truly wonderful! To know that each of us got no carbon
copies or pirated versions! wow! Sounds great!!!

I personally have learnt some tremendous lot thru this discussion that I
hope will keep me in Good stead all the days of my life.

As Jason rightly said, Joynet is a beautiful forum for all of us where we
can share our views, experiences, what we feel as right or wrong etc.
that is the way we learn and grow.

Our Beloved Catholic Churchs attitude is the same. The Church respects
contrary views and beliefs even though it doesnt subscribe to them.

For over two thousand years our beloved church has kept on trying and
investigating the truths on the anvil so as to ensure that they stand
the test of time and are Truth. The Catholic church seeks Truth. So after
all debates, contradictory viewpoints etc, the truth sought after,
emerges. And that truth sets us free.

Im sure all of us Joynetters are also seekers of the truth isnt it?
Since thats true, after sharing all our views etc lets get back and see
what is the Churchs stand on the aspect. I feel that will give a clear
cut view and clarify any ambiguities.

I sleuthed a bit in the CCC to see if I could get some nuggets of gold and
this the closest I got.

>From the part on PASSIONS AND MORAL LIFE.

CCC-1764: The passions are natural components of the human psyche; they
form the passageway and ensure the connection between the life of the
senses and the life of the mind. Our Lord called mans hear the source
from with the passions spring.

CCC-1765: There are many passions. The most fundamental passion is love,
aroused by the attraction of the good. Love causes a desire for the absent
good and the hope of obtaining it; this movement finds completion in the
pleasure and joy of the good possessed. The apprehension of evil causes
hatred, aversion, and fear of the impending evil; this movement ends in
sadness at some present evil, or in the anger that resists it.

CCC-1766: To love is to will the good of another. All other affections
have their source in this first movement of the human heart toward the
good. Only the good can be loved. Passions are evil if love is evil and
good if love is good.

CCC-1767: in themselves passions are neither good nor evil. They are
morally qualified only to the extent that they effectively engage reason
and will. The passions are said to be voluntary, either because they are
commanded by the will or because the will does not place obstacles in
their way. It belongs to the perfection of the moral or human good that
the passions be governed by reason.

CCC-1768: Strong feelings are not decisive for the morality or the
holiness of persons; they are simply the inexhaustible reservoir of images
and affections in which the moral life is expressed. Passions are morally
good when they contribute to a good action, evil in the opposite case. The
upright will orders the movements of the senses it appropriates to the
good and to beatitude; an evil will succumbs to disordered passions and
exacerbates them. Emotions and feelings can be taken up into the virtues,
or perverted by the vices.

CCC- 1769: In the Christian life, the Holy Spirit himself accomplishes his
work by mobilizing the whole being, with all its sorrows, fears and
sadness, as is visible in the Lords agony and passion. In Christ human
feelings are able to reach their consummation in charity and divine

And then I also got a bit on the section  TO CHOOSE IN ACCORD WITH CONCIENCE

CCC-1786: Faced with a moral choice, conscience can make either a right
judgment in accordance with reason and the divine law or, on the contrary,
an erroneous judgment that departs from them.

CCC-1787: Man is sometimes confronted by situations that make moral
judgments less assured ad decision difficult. But he must always seriously
seek what is right and good and discern the will of God expressed in
divine law.

CCC-1788: To this purpose, man strives to interpret the data of experience
and the signs of the times assisted by the virtue of prudence, by the
advice of competent people, and by the help of the Holy Spirit and his

CCC- 1789: Some rules apply in ever case:
-   One may never do evil so that good may result from it;
-   The golden rule: whatever you wish that med would do to you, do so to
-   Charity always proceeds by the way of respect for ones neighbor and his
conscience: Thus sinning against your brethren and wounding their
conscience. you sin against Christ. Therefore it is right not to. do
anything that makes your brother stumble (Rom. 14:21)

If theres someone who is well versed with the teachin


2003-03-08 Thread josunjose
Dear friends,

Yesterday was a normal day. I had gone to Okhla to meet Sanjo Paulson, one
of my dearest Jy friends and joined him thereafter for the evening for
bible study.

After the bible study we were chitchatting with friends for sometime and
then I made a move to the bus stop to catch a bus to go home. It was about
8:15 pm.

At the bus stand I pulled out my rosary and started praying. Amidst the
various noises of the night, I could hear a feeble voice some distance
away from the bus stop saying, bhaisahab, madath karro (sir help me) I
saw a man with a stick, trying to stop oncoming vehicles by waving his
hand. He seemed drunk to me because he walked perilously into the road
trying to stop vehicles, he also had a stagger in his steps. I continued
with my rosary unconcerned about these kind of rif-rafs. Two decades were
over, no bus seemed to be coming. In the distance this apparent
dipsomaniac continued to beseech, . sahibji kripa karo (sir have mercy
on me)

Is this guy really drunk? Or is there something wrong with him I mused
to myself. I kept looking in his direction, I had a doubt he wasnt drunk.
I ran up to where he was to have a look.

I was shocked! My doubts proved right. The guy was no drunk! He was blind.
He was attempting to stop ongoing vehicles so that someone would offer him
help. The guy is a youth, maybe around 17-22 years of age.

I went up to him, held his hand and asked, how can I help you? .please
take me to a phone booth he requested. I led him to a phone booth nearby.
He dictated the number, I dialed for him. The number was going thru but no
one was picking. We tried in vain for about 5 minutes, then I asked, what
do we do now? He told me he wanted to go to one of his teachers houses
somewhere near Okhla. I asked him for the address so that I could take him
there, he told me he doesnt know the address but has the phone number.
That was the number we were trying to dial. We tried once more but to no
avail. It was getting late for me and so I asked him, where are you
planning to go at this time of the night now that you arent getting your
teacher? I dont know he replied.

For me it was already very late and a bus to Najafgarh at that time was a
near impossibility. I thought of halting at our JY house for the night,
but what about him?, I asked him if he would mind coming with me to our JY
house and spend the night there. He was a bit hesitant but when I
persuaded him he obliged.

We went back to the bus stop, our bus came along and we boarded it. In the
bus we sat next to each other on same seat. Silly of me, till then I
didnt tell him my name neither did I bother to ask him his.

I introduced myself to him. He told me his name is Narain. He is doing his
1st year B.A. Honors in Hindustani vocal music from Delhi University. This
got my interest. I wanted to know more. I asked him about his life. He
told me he is basically from Himachal Pradesh, born blind to a poor family

He was brought to Delhi many years ago as a kid, and he used to earn his
livelihood by using his natural talent for singing songs, in buses and

One day passenger sitting in a bus that narain entered to sing happened to
be a hindustani music teacher. He spotted the potential this kid had and
he took him along sheltered him and he himself started teaching Narain
Hindustani music.

Sadly this guruji died after some years. And Narain lost his home as well.
Ever since life has been tough for him. He stays in a ramshackle house
somewhere in the border of Delhi and Haryana. Everyother day he travels 3
hrs one way to reach the university.

I requested him to sing for me a song once we reached home, he promised he
would. I told him of my interest in hindustani and carnatic music. I told
him that my favorite artists were The Late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and
pandit Bhimsen Joshi. He told me he knows some of their songs.

Narain is also a very well read person. He reads a lot of classic
literature and history.

We reached Yusuf Sarai, got off and walked towards our Jy house. I usually
walk very fast, and inadvertently I was doing that with him holding my
hand, he pulled at me and said, please dont walk so fast, Ill trip and
fall oh stupid me! What was I thinking about? I slowed down and we
moved at his pace.

We reached our Jy house, and I was hoping that there wouldnt be a big
crowd there. I told him to wait outside. I went in and a few of the Jy
girls were there, a few jy guys too. They were praying the Rosary.

I called Rajeev out and told him about Narain. Rajeev was kind enough and
obliged to let him stay for the night with us.

I took Narain to the bathroom, helped him freshen up. And we sat in one of
the rooms talking to each other. I asked him to sing me a Nusrat number as
promised.. He started singing in such a lovely voice and tune, Sanu ek
pal chein na aave, Sajana tere bina wow! I just loved it.

Prayer was over and most of the jys gathered around narain, and we


2003-03-17 Thread josunjose
Dear Friends,

The beautiful sharings by Bincy and Tina really touched my heart. It
brought back fond nostalgic memories of my wonderful grandparents who are
no more.

I was specially attached to my dads father. Papachy was such a loving and
noble soul. He lost Ammachy in 1987. Both he and Ammachy were great
devotees of Mother Mary. He used to pray for each of his children and
grandchildren. Both pappachy and ammachy were born on August 11th. The
last words he uttered before passing on in 1996 were, children pray the

Even at his age, he would remember all his childrens and grandchildrens
birthdays. He especially liked all of us grandchildren. Many a time he
used to sing for us old Malayalam devotional songs. He would lull us all
to sleep with, nyan urrangan pogum munmbai. His favorite song used to
be, motshathin Rajave, Logathi karthave every night after the family
prayer he would sing it. Pappachy was very loving to my mother. Mummy wept
like a child when she knew he was no more.

All who knew him loved him especially for his sense of righteousness. More
than anything else, I feel the legacy that he and ammachy have bequeathed
to his posterity is the gift of faith. Thankyou Jesus.

I had a special affinity for him because of a certain happening where he
literally saved my skin. I will never forget him. Pappachy, if you are
reading this youre your heavenly abode, remember to pray for all of us

Many years ago, when I was maybe 12 or 13, we were in our tharwad,
(ancestral home), Uncles, aunties, cousins, the whole nellanikat clan was

One day as is classic of me, I got into some kind of mess. Haa! I remember
what it was, my dad had given us clear instructions not to by choondas
(fishing hooks) coz they could be dangerous. I disobeyed and bought myself
one, and went fishing one day. I wasnt very good at it, there was one
chettan having a bath in the near by stream where I was fishing.

After dropping the line, it seemed something had tugged at the line. I
gave one pull to the hook, it came and landed on that chettans back! he
was furious! Luckily it didnt spike him, but he threatened me by picking
up a stone and hurled adjectives that made no difference to me coz I
didnt understand a word of them!

Nevertheless, I was scared out of my wits. I dropped my hook, picked my
slippers in my hand and ran for my life. Once back home, I knew this guy
will come and spill the beans to my dad.

The wonderful thing about me then was, when I knew a spanking was due my
way I would vanish from the scene, and go into hiding (something like what
binladen is doing these days).

That day, my latest hideout was the firewood heap. I made a hole in it for
myself and remained there.

As I had clairvoyantly perceived, the report reached the ears of my dad.
He was furious!. where is that fellow? he barked! No one knew.
OPERATION-JOSUN HUNT was called on. My siblings, cousins and daddin were
all part of the search team trying to smoke me out of my hole! They looked
in all the places I previously hidden. Even those days I had the wisdom to
know that you should never hide in the same place twice. I therefore had
ever-ingenious ways of finding new hideouts.

That day the whole clan was after my blood! Poking with sticks under the
bed, checking the attic, behind doors, somebody went as far as checking
near the cow dung pit, etc  Pandoras box was opened.

With all the noise and pandemonium around, I was happily in my bunker. 
Suddenly, there was an unusual silence and whispering. I knew was amiss. I
sensed someone had spotted me. My sixth sense told me to scoot off!.

True enough these smart alecks found my hide out and were zeroing in on
me. But before their plans could materialize I jumped out of my hiding and
sprinted off. They all saw me, and as though they were hunting a wild boar
or something, screamed in unision, there he is!. The chase was on. My
cousins, siblings with daddin in the lead. I was desparate, daddin is a
very good sprinter. If I keep running, in no time Id be caught. I did
some quick thinking, I saw a very huge tree infront of me. I jumped for
one of its branches and like our primate brethren, I scrambled up.  Daddin
and the rest of the team were below the tree. I made my ultimatum, If u
guys dont leave me in peace I swear Ill jump!

Daddin was not to take threats. He dared me to jump, and with that he
started climbing after me. He knew, I was a coward and would never jump
for the life in me. I did the only rational thing possible in such a
predicament. I scaled greater heights, my dad too was nearing in. I was

To my great fortune, pappachy was coming home that time after a walk in
the town. He called out to us all and enquired what enlightenment were all
the nellanikaddans seeking, standing under that tree. One of my cousins
enlighted him about the whole episode.

Pappachy told daddin to climb down. Daddin amiably obeyed. And in a very
kind voice told me, Josunmo


2003-03-26 Thread josunjose
Hey you awesome people of God,

There are many things that JJ hates, one of them is to be stranded at the
railway crossing. Ironically almost every other day I get stranded. At
times it takes a good 20 minutes till the gate is opened. Yesterday was
one such day.

While waiting for the train to pass, passengers usually get off the bus,
either for a snack or for some fresh air. I was blest to have a seat in
this bus. So I didnt want to get out. The people behind me were playing
cards. Small time hawkers come into the bus at the crossing to sell their
snacks, pens, roadmaps etc

A small boy maybe aged 7-8 years old came in selling mumphali (pea-nuts).
One of the guys playing cards called for him and asked him for a packet of
pea-nuts. The boy gave it and he asked for 2 rupees.

The man took the packet, opened it and munched a few peanuts. Then he
returned the packet saying, daktar ne manna kiya hai mujhe, mumphali
khaane se (the doctor has banned me from eating pea-nuts) the boy asked,
then why did u open the pack and eat? the other men also started poof
woofing the kid away.

Skirmishes in the bus are a common thing, and Ive become numb to caring
much for them.

The contrast of a young voice and an old burly voice in heated argument
drew my attention. I turned and looked. A mangy, shabilly dressed kid,
with dirty feet, no footwear, and unkempt hair, holding a few packets of
mumphali in one hand and trying to make a point with the other to a middle
aged man.

I watched for sometime, analyzing the situation before I did anything. I
was really impressed with the guts of that kid. A lone kid, fighting for
his right against a bunch of bullies who keep using obnoxious language at
him and try intimidating him with threats and cheap jokes 

I intervened and told the man politely, see, if you have opened the
packet u should pay for it. Why are you harassing the kid like that the
man retorted to me, thu apna kaam dekh, yahan jyada kanoon maath jamma!
(mind your own business, dont you come and teach me the law ok)

I understood there was no point arguing with imbeciles like him. I
therefore used a reverse psychology to teach the bully a lesson.

I called the boy over to my side, put my arm round him and asked him his
name. Salauddin he replied. Oh ok, now I knew why he was being harassed.

How much is one packet of mumphali? I asked, two rupees he answered.
And how many packets do you have with u? He checked and told me, che
pakit (six packets) give me all your packets Ill buy them.

The kid was moved. He gave me all the six packets, I paid him 14 rupees (2
rupees for the bullys mumphali). Then I asked him about his family, he
told me his dad, tausheef works on the railway line as a casual laborer.
His mom Nasreen is a sickly woman and stays at home. He stays in a Jhopdi
(shanty) nearby. He doesnt study, he said. Infact he hates studies
because his teacher in 3rd standard used to beat him like hell.

Salauddin has got an elder brother who pulls a rickshaw, 2 elder sisters
who are already married away. (they cant be more than 16 years old!)

After sometime of getting to know him better, I told him about our present
president, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. I shared that he too was an ordinary kid
just like him. He used to sell newspapers as a child, just as Salauddin
sold pea-nuts.

Salauddin was impressed. I looked into his eyes that had dried tears by
the by the eyelids and assured him, you too can become somebody great in
life, have a dream and pay the price, nothing is out of reach.

The kids face lit up. He said, mathlab mei bhi bada aadmi ban saktha hu
(that means I too can become great) why not, Ofcourse you can I assured.

Meanwhile, the guys playing cards including the bully had stopped their
game. And like a number of other passengers they too were keenly listening
to my conversation with Salauddin.

Little by little I could see the embarrassment that that bully was
feeling. I knew he was feeling really small. But I wasnt done with him

I told Salauddin, dont worry when you are mistreated or when people
cheat you. Dont get intimidated either by threats. When you become
somebody great, always treat people less fortunate than you with kindness
and love. He promised to remember that. All this took place in a span of
about half an hour. In the distance the siren of a train approaching,

When ever you see me in the bus dont hesitate to come up to me ok. If I
have the money Ill buy mumphali from you I promised Salauddin. He
removed my hand from his shoulder and said, abhi aatha hu mei (Ill just
come back) with that he darted out of the bus, a few moments later he
returned with a block of kadala muttai, (groundnut sweet) and shyly placed
it in my hand saying, this is for you from my side ok I took it and gave
him a hug.

The train was zipping past, scooters, cars, buses, trucks started turning
on their engines, Salauddin took my hand, kissed it and assured me, Il


2003-03-27 Thread josunjose
Dear beloved in Jesus,

I cant thank God enough for his many blessings everyday in my life. Ever
since the Lord touched my life, he has been doing beautiful things for me.
One thing that God has ensured is that jj never lacks the love of brothers
and sisters. God has given me numerous brothers and sisters scattered all
over. I feel more closer to a brother or sister in Jesus may be thousands
of miles away than a colleague or secular acquaintance I have here in
Delhi. Its the love of Jesus that binds us together. Isnt it? Many of my
brothers and sisters know me thru and thru and still love the view.
Believe me jj is a maverick, can be very bullheaded, obstinate, inane at
times. God is gracious to me, nevertheless.

Well, life of late has been handing jj some great bumps. Ive been passing
thru some thriller meat grinding experiences. I say thriller because every
experience (including the setbacks) prove to be an ultimate blessing. So
they thrill me a lot.

Hey! I dont want to sound so utopian. There are times I feel really
dejected, forlorn and hopless. Recently during one such time I wrote to
some of my beloved Christian brethren about my strife, requesting prayers.
The encouragement I received recharged me again. The love bestowed
eclipses the discouragement, misunderstanding, rejection etc..

So, If there is any of us who are finding the going tough, remember what a
very tough woman of God, Mother Theresa said, tough times dont last
long, but tough people do some other wise person said, when the going
gets tough, the tough get going!. So, never let anything to permanently
discourage us ok. It takes one moment for God to make a sick person
healthy, a poor man rich, a weak person strong. Just hang in there. Ok.

I feel a lot strengthened by a profound mail send to me by a dear JY
chechi today. Here is what chechi send. Hope it lifts someones spirits.

I was going through this beautiful passage sometime back and found it good
and soothing my mind. Hope Jesus will speak to you through this.

Hudson Taylor once said, "The Lord is my Shepherd; is on Sunday, is on
Monday and is through everyday of the week; is on January, is in December,
and every month of the year, is at home and is in America , is in peace,
and is in war in abundance and in penury!"

At another time he wrote: All Gods dealings are full of blessing: He is
good, doeth good, good only, and continually. The believer who has taken
the Lord as his shepherd can assuredly say in words of the Psalmist:
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Hence
we may be sure that the days of adversity, as well as days of prosperity,
are full of blessing. The believer does not need to wait until he sees the
reason of God's afflictive dealings with him to be satisfied; He knows
'that all things work together for good to them that love God and are
called according to his purpose."

The shepherd is responsible for the sheep; not the sheep for the shepherd!
The worst of it is that we sometimes think we are both the shepherd and
the sheep, and that we have both to guide and follow! Happy are we when we
realize that He is responsible: that He goes before: and goodness and
mercy shall follow us!

So maybe you are being severely tested, almost to the breaking point!
Maybe wondering about the tomorrows! He knows all about your tomorrows,
and is thinking in advance for you! Yes for you! For you he careth! Hide
away in your Heart the gracious promise: " How precious are thy thoughts
unto me, O God"

Let shadows come, let shadows go,
Let life be bright or dark with woe,
I am content, for this I know,
Thou thinkest, Lord of me

Yo man! Gods thoughts are on each of us. And he thinks were masterpiece

God bless,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India


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