[JOYnet] Christmas Sharing

2002-12-31 Thread dilbet
Hello Dear Friends,
Hope all of you are celebrated Christmas in a wonderful way..In Delhi also
we celebrated Christmas  .
During Christmas days lot of non Christians visiting cathedral Church ,so
past 4 years Jesus Youth make this season a great event .

So this year also we conducted an Exhibition(24th-26th) to share Jesus ,
we prepared three stalls in the Cathedral Compound ,

 1st stall is . Kerigma stall: (Basic Gospel message stall )In this stall
mainly presenting -Kerigma Today-Many people experienced God’s love and
accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.

2nd stall is  Pro-life Stall :-through this stall we presented importance
of Life ,many people convinced that abortion is a sin .

3rd stall is Jesus Film- In this stall a continuous Jesus film show  in
Hindi –every 15 minutes (we edited it for  15 minutes show), all shows are
houseful (more than 300 people watched every 15 minutes) ,On 25th evening
Jesus Youth Music Ministry presented a Music Program also

 I like to share my personal experience also , I am staying  near a
village- Border of Delhi and Haryana. My working place is near this area.
My Mother and sister is also with me ,they reached here 5 months ago,
this is one of my dream that to live in a  village and to share Jesus. We
are the only Christian family in this place , Every day we intercede for
this people during our family prayer.
So this Christmas season we planned to celebrate Christmas in this village
, we prepared some sweat items and distributed neighboring houses , We
distributed some leaflets   also.
 I visited the house of a head of that area , he welcomed me and I give
him sweats and leaflets . We talk some general things of Christmas and it
leads us to the topic of spirituality
,then I started to share Kerigma , He said to me –Aap mere sath bytea  -ye
bath muje bahuth maja agya.(sit beside me-this matter is enjoying
me.)--because this is the Good News of great Joy for all people…(Lk. 2:10)
Holly spirit starts to working in him and I explained salvation through
Jesus and importance of accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.
He accepted this invitation. He become more Happy. (Please pray for him to
became a good Disciple of Christ because he can evangelize the whole
village very easily.)

God Bless You all …Wish you a Happy New Year…..

With  lot of  love & Prayer

Dilbet John / New Delhi

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[JOYnet] Christmas Message from Pope

2002-12-30 Thread Nyttle Jose
VATICAN CITY, DEC. 25, 2002 (ZENIT.org).- Here is a
translation of John Paul II's Christmas message given
at midday at St. Peter's Basilica. 

 1. "To us a child is born, to us a son is given" (Is
9:5). Today the mystery of Christmas is renewed: this
Child who brings salvation to the world is also born
for the men and women of our own time, bringing joy
and peace for all. We approach the crib with emotion;
together with Mary we go to meet the Long-Awaited of
the Nations, the Redeemer of humanity. "Cum Maria
contemplemur Christi vultum."

With Mary let us contemplate the face of Christ: in
that Child, wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in
the manger (cf. Lk 2:7), it is God himself who comes
to visit us, to guide our feet in the way of peace
(cf. Lk 1:79). 

Mary watches him, caresses him and keeps him warm,
pondering the meaning of the wondrous signs which
surround the mystery of Christmas. 

2. Christmas is a mystery of joy! The Angels sang in
the night: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
peace among men with whom he is pleased" (Lk 2:14). To
the shepherds they described the event as "a great joy
for all the people" (cf. Lk 2:10). Joy, despite
distance from home, the poverty of the manger,
people's indifference, the hostility of power. 

A mystery of joy nonetheless, for in the City of David
"to you is born this day a Saviour" (Lk 2:11). The
Church shares in this same joy, surrounded today by
the light of the Son of God: the darkness can never
obscure it. It is the glory of the Eternal Word, who
out of love has become one of us. 

3. Christmas is a mystery of love! The love of the
Father, who has sent into the world his only-begotten
Son, to bestow on us the gift of his own life (cf. 1
Jn 4:8-9). The love of "God-with-us", Emmanuel, who
came to earth in order to die on the Cross. In the
cold stable, wrapped in silence, the Virgin Mother,
with prophetic intuition, already tastes the violent
drama of Calvary, the traumatic struggle between
darkness and light, between death and life, between
hatred and love. The Prince of Peace, born today in
Bethlehem, will give his life on Golgotha, so that
love may reign on earth. 

4. Christmas is a mystery of peace! From the cave of
Bethlehem there rises today an urgent appeal to the
world not to yield to mistrust, suspicion and
discouragement, even though the tragic reality of
terrorism feeds uncertainties and fears. Believers of
all religions, together with men and women of good
will, by outlawing all forms of intolerance and
discrimination, are called to build peace: in the Holy
Land, above all, to put an end once and for all to the
senseless spiral of blind violence, and in the Middle
East, to extinguish the ominous smouldering of a
conflict which, with the joint efforts of all, can be
avoided; in Africa too, where devastating famines and
tragic internal conflicts are aggravating the already
precarious conditions of entire peoples, although here
and there signs of hope are present; in Latin America,
in Asia, in other parts of the world, where political,
economic and social crises disturb the serenity of
many families and nations. May humanity accept the
Christmas message of peace! 

5. Adorable mystery of the Incarnate Word! Together
with you, O Virgin Mother, may we stop and reflect at
the manger where the Child lies, to share your own
amazement at the immense "condescension" of God. Grant
us your own eyes, O Mary, that we may understand the
mystery hidden within the frail limbs of your Son.
Teach us to recognize his face in the children of
every race and culture. Help us to be credible
witnesses of his message of peace and love, so that
the men and women of our own time, still torn by
conflicts and unspeakable violence, may also recognize
in the Child cradled in your arms the one Saviour of
the world, the endless source of that true peace for
which every heart profoundly yearns. 

[Translation of the original Italian distributed by
the Vatican Press Office] 

When giving his greeting in 62 languages, the Pope
said in English: "May the birth of the Prince of Peace
remind the world where its true happiness lies; and
may your hearts be filled with hope and joy, for the
Saviour has been born for us."
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[JOYnet] Christmas

2002-12-27 Thread Jento Joy
The True Meaning of Christmas It's just a small, white envelope stuck among 
the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no 
inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past 10 
years or so.

It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas---oh, not the true 
meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it --overspending...the 
frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and 
the dusting powder for Grandma---the gifts given in desperation because you 
couldn't think of anything else.

Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, 
sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. 
The inspiration came in an unusual way. Our son Kevin, who was 12 that year, 
was wrestling at the junior level at the school he attended; and shortly 
before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by 
an inner-city church.

These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to 
be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our 
boys in their spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling 

As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling 
without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler's 
ears. It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously could not afford.

Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class. And as each of 
their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around in his tatters with 
false bravado, a kind of street pride that couldn't acknowledge defeat.

Mike, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, "I wish just one of them could 
have won," he said. "They have a lot of potential, but losing like this 
could take the heart right out of them."

Mike loved kids -- all kids -- and he knew them, having coached little 
league football, baseball and lacrosse. That's when the idea for his present 

That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought an 
assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes and sent them anonymously to the 
inner-city church. On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the 
note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his gift from me. 
His smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year and in 
succeeding years. For each Christmas, I followed the tradition---one year 
sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game, another 
year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the 
ground the week before Christmas, and on and on.

The envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. It was always the last 
thing opened on Christmas morning and our children, ignoring their new toys, 
would stand with wide-eyed anticipation as their dad lifted the envelope 
from the tree to reveal its contents.

As the children grew, the toys gave way to more practical presents, but the 
envelope never lost its allure. The story doesn't end there. You see, we 
lost Mike last year due to cancer.

When Christmas rolled around, I was still so wrapped in grief that I barely 
got the tree up. But Christmas Eve found me placing an envelope on the tree, 
and in the morning, it was joined by three more.

Each of our children, unbeknownst to the others, had placed an envelope on 
the tree for their dad. The tradition has grown and someday will expand even 
further with our grandchildren standing around the tree with wide-eyed 
anticipation watching as their fathers take down the envelope.

Mike's spirit, like the Christmas spirit, will always be with us.

May we all remember Christ, who is the reason for the season, and the true 
Christmas spirit this year and always


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[JOYnet] christmas wishes for all members

2002-12-24 Thread tomy chacko
Dear members,
 Thanks to God for joining with you in this family.
I wish you all the members a Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year.

Tomy Qatar.
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[JOYnet] Christmas & New Year

2002-12-23 Thread KC
My Dear Friends,
Wishing each one of you and your families a Blessed and Merry Christmas
- may you enjoy the Peace & Joy the new born Jesus offers you & me and
the whole world. Also, wish and pray that you have a blessed New Year
ahead, may the Lord be with you and guide your through the days to come.
Love n God bless,
Shaji Chacko, Jacqueline & Little Angel 

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2002-12-22 Thread Varghese N S
Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html



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[JOYnet] Christmas Greetings.

2002-12-20 Thread Alex Edezhath

Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html

Nativity Poem

Imagine striking a match that night in the cave;
Imagine crockery, try to make use of its glaze
To feel cold cracks in the floor, the blankness of hunger.
Imagine the desert – but the desert is everywhere.

Imagine striking a match in that midnight cave,
The fire, the farm beasts in outline, the farm tools and stuff;
And imagine as you towel your face in enveloping folds,
Mary, Joseph, and the Infant in swaddling clothes.

Imagine the kings, the caravans’ stilted procession
As they make for the cave, or, rather, the beams closing in
And in on the star; the creaking of loads, the clink of a cowbell; 
(No thronging of Heaven as yet, no peal of the bell

That will ring in the end for the infant once he has earned it.)
Imagine the Lord, for the first time, from darkness, and stranded
Immensely in distance, recognizing himself in the Son
Of man; His homelessness plain to him now in a Homeless one.

Joseph Brodsky
(Translated from Russian, by Seamus Heaney)

Since I expect to be quite busy over the next couple of days, I thought I will write 
and wish you all a wonderful and joyous Christmas; while you are at it, have a happy 
new year too.

Take Care,
Alex Edezhath

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2002-12-18 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Second Day


The Word of God: To His own He came, yet His own did not accept Him.
(John 1:11)

Reflection: To love deeply, to offer one's self in love, and to have it
rejected, what greater trial is there in life?

Prayer:  Infant Jesus, it was your infinite love that prompted your
coming among us to share our lot as men, to be ready to live as the
poorest of men, and even to die as a common criminal. Please teach us to
love as you did and to take the risk of having  love rejected and being
despised for your sake. Let your grace sustain me, your example inspire
me, your teaching correct me, Amen.

Practice: Show special kindness, as Jesus did, to those who rejected Him
by doing good to someone you love the least.

Fr. Thomas Tharayil
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2002-12-17 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
Dear Loving Friends,
How far is the preparations for Christmas. See, we are already
half past the Advent. Now as we enter into the third week of Advent we
can see an evident change in the whole mood of the Church. If you listen
to the scriptures, the prayers, the chants etc., and observe the signs
and symbols used; all those have a clearly different message: an urgency
and joyful expectation.  Traditionally the third Sunday of Advent was
known as "laudate" Sunday, which means glory and praise. The antiphons
are of jpy and praise, we begin to hear the, "O, Come Emmanuel" and "Come
Lord Jesus" antiphons. All these make a special atmosphere. So let us
also get into the mood and spirit of intense prayer, praise, and glorious
To help the preparation in this last phase of Advent there is the
tradition of a Christmas Novena. This is a preparatory prayer for the
9days from 16th to 24 of Dec. These 9 days remind the 9 months Our Lord
was in the womb of Bl. Mother. This also reminds the 9 days of prayer by
the apostles before they were reborn in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. So
let us also make this Novena for a rebirth at Christmas with the Baby of
Bethlehem. I plan to give the prayers for each day. Please pray this if
you feel good. Or else you can find your own prayers and pray. In any
event please prepare in a special way during these last days.

Novena to the Christ Child: ( the first prayer is common for every day)
O, Infant Jesus, so that we might become children of God, you
became a helpless little child. In homage, gratitude and admiration, we
kneel before you. Though hindered by our sins, we know that your love
exceeds our frequent failures. Please help us, divine Child, to
appreciate the great mystery of your life, and assist us to remake our
lives according to your word. By the intercession of our Virgin Mother,
Mary most holy, assist us now in all our necessities. Amen


   The word of God: There was no room for them in the place where
travelers lodged. (Luke 2:7)

  Reflection: No room in the inn for the Lord who made heaven and earth]
No place except with the animals for the savior of the world and His
Virgin Mother]

  Prayer: Infant Savior, you left the throne of heaven to share our life,
to live as a human being. You became a helpless infant, and asked your
holy mother and St. Joseph to share your lot among the poorest. Help us,
Lord, by your example to understand the depths of love for us that
inspired your humble birth and to imitate your love of littleness in our
own life. Amen

  Practice: If the Lord of Creation chose to be so little, let us imitate
Him today by accepting gladly one pain or trouble in our life.

Fr. Thomas Tharayil

JesusYouth, Changing the face of the youth.

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[JOYnet] Christmas !!!!!!!

2002-12-04 Thread Suresh Kumar T. Jose
Hi friends

It is me again from lanka 

As you are all exited to know latest news about Sri Lanka - LTTE problem
some updates for you. More than 20 years of war which killed around 60,000
and damaged whole north region of Sri Lanka Now both Govt & LTTE is back
to peace and political settlement. These days any where from corporate offices
to fish market all talking about peace process, There is a hope in all 
faces that
Sri Lanka will return to peace and prosperity in near future. This Month is 
devoted for peace and all religions having special prayers for a long lasting
peace in the country. Please pray for Sri Lanka.

Joy net Gatherings : So happy to hear than all UAE Joy netters are 
gathering on
6th of December. Hope it will be nice experience for all participants. Is 
it possible
for somebody to do a 'LIVE' update from the meeting hall to Joy net. 
Mathew, Giju,
Abraham, is it possible for a Live chat that time

I am wondering why our joy net is not active sharing X mas memories, 
sharing, carols,
etc etc... It is high time for us to share some thing about Christmas. When 
I hear about
Xmas first thing coming in mind is the Xmas breakfast we had those days, 
when I was
child Xmas day morning mother make a special hoppers and Beef curry. Very 
young age
it was the main attraction for me. Then bamboo stars, Night carols, 
Midnight mass,
crackers etc etc Being in Sri Lanka past 5 years I couldn't be at my 
home on
Christmas season... This year also same Anyway guys pls share ur Xmas
memories with us..

Luv, Suresh

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[JOYnet] christmas in kuwait

2001-12-29 Thread anitha dsouza

> Dear Friends,
> thanks for all the  mails i received after my last
> mail.  This year, I had a off duty for christmas and
> I
> really enjoyed every part of it.
> Adding to this joy, was the beautiful gathering
> which
> we had on 27th of this month in one of the JY's
> house.
> Around 40 of us gathered to celebrate the birthday
> of
> the one whom we love with all our hearts-JESUS.
> We started with praise and worship for half an hour,
> following which we had a small celebration. There
> were
> carols, a song with a story was being enacted, and a
> beautiful ice breaking session.
> Then we had a grand Christmas cake cutting followed
> by
> the Santa claus who kept everyone entertained.  It
> was
> all great fun.
> The program ended with a delicious christmas meal.
> It was all fun to be togethare as one family of
> Christ, enjoying in the fellowship of His chosen
> people.
> love,
> anita,
> kuwait
Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

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[JOYnet] Christmas is a Life in the Spirit Experience

2001-12-28 Thread Thomas Mathew


Christmas is a Life in the Spirit Experience



 There was a famous man in Syria. He was the Commander in chief of the
army of Syria.  His name was Naaman and he was afflicted with leprosy. 
Naaman went to Elisha the prophet, expecting a cure for his illness. 
Elisha prescribed the healing medicine and that was to dip himself in the
muddy water of the River Jordan. He was healed of leprosy. The cleansing
effect of the River Jordan brings home to us the Baptism that John
administered. He even baptized Jesus. Baptism was to cleanse the sinners
of their sinfulness and to fill them with the Holy Spirit.  Every healing
is associated with Forgiveness and inner healing. Th! e cleansing action
in river Jordan is associated with the outpouri9ng of the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus emerged from the River, the Holy Spirit came and rested on him
(Luke 3:22).


Coming to Naaman the Syrian, as he discovered the healing in his body.
Naaman was filled with gratitude. He thought that it was the prophet who
healed him. So Naaman offered gifts to the prophet but the prophet Elisha
said “I will not accept any gift” 2Kings5: 16. When Elisha didn’t accept
gifts, his servant by the name Gehazi felt bad. He knew that the prophet
had very little to survive on. That was a problem for him too. Gehazi was
was fired up to pursue the case. Mr. Gehazi considered this as a gold
mine. As Naaman and party left the house of the Prophet Elisha, Gehazi
followed the troops and Naaman alighted from his chariot as he saw
someone was following the caravan.


Gehazi  inflicted with Leprosy


Gehazi, Elisha’s servant said to Naaman, “ My master send me to tell you
that just now two members of the prophets in the hill country of Ephraim
has arrived and he would like to give them three thousand pieces of
silver and two changes of fine clothes” 2 kings 5:22


Naaman showed his gratitude by offering  six thousand pieces of silver
and Gehazi hid them in the house of the prophet. Elisha asked him

“ Where have you been” and Gehazi his servant answered the usual way “ Oh
nowhere sir”

But the Spirit of the Lord assisted Elisha and to say to Gehazi his
servant,“ Wasn’t I there in spirit when the man got out of his chariot to
meet you. This is not the time to accept gifts” 2 Kings 5:26. As a
punishment Elisha said, “ Now Naaman’s illness will fall upon you and
your descendants” 2 Kings 5: 27.  The curse became a reality in the life
of Gehazi. Gehazi left the house of Elisha with his skin as white as
snow. This is a clear proof for the Israelites that Leprosy was
associated with sinfulness.


Annanias and Sapphira lied to God and died


The Acts of the Apostles mentions about a certain Ananias and Sapphira
who joined the Christians but hid part of their wealth and lied to Peter. 
Since the husband and wife decided to lie to the Spirit, Peter said to
the husband “You haven’t lied to men. You have lied to God” As soon as
Annanias heard this he fell down dead” Acts 5:4-5. Much the same thing
had happened to his wife. Being unfaithful to God is deadly. 


Incurable Diseases as Punishment


There is also a mention in the Bible, of incurable diseases as a form of
punishment from God “ if you refuse to obey my law I will punish you.

Incurable disease and fevers that will make you blind and cause your life
to waste away” Leviticus 26:16. God said that the punishment would
inflict the Israelites in a different form. God said,“I will turn against
you so that you will be defeated” Leviticus 26:17.  God has  yet another
form of punishment for us sinners.  When God turns against us, we will be
terrified.  Having god against us, we feel frightened  to fear even our
own shadows. God said that explicitly in the Book of Leviticus “ You will
be so terrified that you will run when no one is chasing you” Lev.26.17b.
I think this is a kind of fear from which God alone could give
emancipation. Sin is so deadly that it could! inflict the people in
varied forms and with deadly impact. “The Lord will make you lose your
mind” Deu.28.28. Sin is capable of exterminating the people. “ He will
send disease after disease on you until there is none of you left in the
land” Deut. 28.21.


The Holy Book has numerous quotes about the sinfulness of mankind. When
you read this mail, you may wonder, then who can be saved?  Our doubts
reiterate the same question paused by the disciples of Jesus. They asked
Jesus “ Then who can be saved?”  I would say anyone who looks at Jesus
and believes that he is the Messiah will find life worth living and will
be saved. In this statement I do not mean that we have to disown or
disobey the teachings of the Church and the traditions. We need to look
at the hands and feet of Jesus and we need to stop doubting and we need
to believe  (Ref. John 20:27). In the Acts of the Apostles we hear Pau

[JOYnet] Christmas greetings

2001-12-25 Thread Joseph Lonth

Hi JY friends,
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas with Jesus in and out and a joyful New 
Year too.
With lots of love and blessings
Joseph Lonth uncle
Dubai, UAE

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2001-12-24 Thread Dr C.J Basil

dear brothers and sisters.
we wish u all a very happy christmas .may god bless u and yours now and for

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[JOYnet] Christmas Greeting!

2001-12-24 Thread Manoj Jons David

Wishing you all a Blessed Chirstmas!

Manoj, Jasmine, Joanne and Janice

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[JOYnet] Christmas Greeting!!

2001-12-24 Thread Berly Earnest

Dear Friends,
 Wishing you all a Merry christmas!!!
 Let this christmas be renewing of our minds in our thinking.
 And cleansing of our lives by his presence.


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[JOYnet] Christmas

2001-12-24 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters


with best regards

Sebastian, Sherine, Christy & Joel

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[JOYnet] Christmas Greetings...

2001-12-24 Thread Mathew Joseph

Dear JOYnetters,

Wishing all of you a very happy and joyful  Christmas...

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

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[JOYnet] Christmas on train !!

2001-12-22 Thread George, Vijy

Dear all 

As it was the  Asian Youth Conference in Kerala on 27th of December last
year  we, 100 odd members from Gujarat boarded on train on the Christmas
day. Christmas on train!!!... some of us couldn't absorb it first.

Preparation for the train Christmas was started well a head. We prepared
food for all for  two day journey .Some of our guys (me too)first in our
life  experienced how the  delicious chapathis are prepared and found out it
is not that easy to make it .

The real fun was when we started our journey .We wanted all of us to sit
together .Some how after two three hours of effort we almost able to  make
our seats nearby . Then came the real event... all of us went through out
the train  to wish Merry Christmas to our co-passengers .  The 100 odd youth
with smiling face and Christmas songs in their lips were treated well by
their co-passengers.

Christmas cakes were distributed to around 1000 passengers .After 3 hours
when we reached the last  compartment the cakes were almost finished... but
the members in the group were well satisfied with the bits of Cake remained
in the tray and found out as their most delicious Christmas  cake ever had
in their life!!

Merry Christmas to all my dear ones


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[JOYnet] Christmas in Harsher Tones

2001-12-19 Thread JASON

Dear JYs

 I am sorry if some of you do find this article as down right rude (some of my
friends thought it was when I fwd it to them). But I guess we all know that
Christmas is a season of living and sharing. What some of us only remember is
sharing with our near our dear ones. That is where the boundary of our
"Sharing" ends. All our deeds do matter. Whether it is putting that extra 5
rupees in the church collection box. or that little 50paise in that beggars
hand. Or that little extra leap in saying "Thank You" to our subordinates. It
does spread the message of Sharing and good will around. I have always found
it surprising. We always find over 1000 excuses for not giving for not
sharing. Yet when it comes down to giving we have very few reasons for doing
so. And the main reason is LOVE. So whatever you do this Christmas and all
your Christmases and all your life, do it out of LOVE. God gave us Jesus out
of Love. And we as Christians share that love. That is what I guess Christmas
is all about. and that is what I feel has kept JY alive till now. Sharing in
his love.

urs in faith



Now Listen!  Make it a Good Christmas for Someone!,

by Cary Branscum

"Look Daddy! I'm an elf!" I turn around and it's true. She IS an elf
and a fairy princess. She is my daughter, and we are in the mall, or,
as she thinks of it "The Mall." She stands on one foot with a satin
Santa hat perched on her head. I am fifty, and she is ten, a gift in
middle age that makes all that went before it worthwhile.

She is a vision, and as I smile back at her, I pray, "O Lord, don't let
me blow it. If nothing else, let me be a good dad."

I drive slowly back home as she sits beside me in the front seat,
humming to the radio and bouncing to the music. I drive as slowly as I
can. I don't want the ride to end. Maybe if I drive slowly enough,
she'll never grow up! My wife and I will make it a good Christmas for

I have a son in his twenties who is trying to finish college. I have
another daughter, nearly twenty, sizing up life's options. I have
another son, eighteen, and handicapped, a special blessing from God who
will live with us as long as we are able to care for him. We will make
it a good Christmas for them.

But I think of others, and this is where you come in. You see, I need
your help.

  * There is a grandma forgotten by her grandchildren. Illness and
divorce have interrupted family bonds. She stands right now, over
an old kitchen sink in a farmhouse, alone. She wonders how long she
can get on by herself. She wonders where she will go. She wonders
who will care.

  * There is a man so forgotten and despondent, that he spent Christmas
Eve on the railroad tracks, hoping for death for Christmas.

  * A young girl lingers alone in a facility for handicapped children.
It's a busy time of year, and she is forgotten. For her Christmas
is just another day in her room.

  * A college student goes home to chaos at the Christmas break, and
wonders is his parents will survive the stress in their lives.

  * An elementary student is trying so hard to believe in a God who Is
There To Help Her, when her world seems to be flying apart.

  * Right now a single dad is trying to balance a checkbook. He is
trying to keep the car, the job, the apartment, and give his
children something nice for Christmas. The kids ask for a tree, but
right now, he can buy a tree, or he can buy groceries, but not

  * A mom got fired from her job just today. Call it downsizing,
rightsizing, the economy, it doesn't matter, the results are the
same; it will be a tough Christmas.

  * Tonight, a child begins a letter to Santa. With a big round pencil
on piece of paper, in big block letters the words begin: "Dear
Santa, mom said you had a little trouble finding our house last
year," and he begins to desperately write instructions to Santa on
how to find his house.

I say NO! This can't be allowed to happen. Not here,
not anywhere! No! Not one, not any way, no how, no way does ANY child
deserve a bad Christmas! You got it?

Right now, YOU, my friend -- yeah buddy, I am talkin' to YOU! I'm not
talking to the armed forces, social services, the government, the
police or firemen. They are doing a LOT! -- I'm talkin' to YOU. In
fact, imagine me as a television evangelist. I have long gray hair
swept back and slicked down with ten pounds of hairspray. In fact, in
someone lit a match within fifty feet, I'd go up like a Christmas tree.
Imagine me in an orange polyester suit, and white patent leather shoes
with five inch tall heels. I am, "Y -- -yay -- us, I am talking-uh, to
YYUUU." So listen, or I will show up at your door and I'll be
wearing this whole outfit.

You see, you can make this a great Christmas for someone. It can be
anyone. Young or old, family, friend, or stranger. You may be the only
one who can help some people. OPEN YOUR H

[JOYnet] Christmas time !!!!

2001-12-18 Thread Suresh Kumar T. Jose

Hi Joy world,

Miss you all last few days. There was some problems with My connection to 
Internet and God. That's why you didn't see any mails from me. Still there 
are some problem with my connection.. Hope to repair it soon. So how are 
you all doing?? Thanks to all initiators for discussions. 

Now just 6 more days for X mas ! Here everywhere in Festival mood. 
Eventhough only 10 % of the population is Christians all celebrate Xmas 
here in Lanka. Next 2 weeks you can't go to any shopping centers everywhere 
you can see shopping crowds and long Queaue. You can see various sales 
promotion by Supermarkets, FM's, MNC's like KFC, McDonald, Pizza etc etc 
Offices wont be working since most of the staff will be on vacation...
it was general Election here and opposition UNP formed the new Govt.
Everybody was expecting this change so all are happy...

Here in my parish we are preparing for X mas in a nice way. Everyday after 
the Evening mass we all come out from the Church and there is a decorated 
Crib in from of Church. We all sing carols and light decoration bulbs there.
Everyday we continue it with creativity. My parish crowd is very spiritual 
people and weekdays also we have a good crowd in the church. Our daily mass 
is in Sinhala so learning few Sinhala Carol songs these days.   

party time : Yes it is party time here... For bachelors like me who is 
staying alone would know the value of a good meal... These days all my 
friends are arranging X mas party. So 2 cool weeks are waiting for me. 
Thanks to Xmas and new year. 

hey friends It is X mas time and Let's start merry making Can 
you all share some joyful X mas memories from childhood... Elders like 
Mathew, Manoj etc you can share experience from your Youth days. 
We need some joyful Xmas memories All are welcome... Also please 
write how you all celebrate X mas in your place.. other than eating, 
drinking and Going to Church. 

Few lines about Christmas in Colombo. Christmas Night start with carols 
at 10.00 Pm and Holy mass will be celebrated in three languages. Important 
prayers, Homily, songs will be in all three languages (English, Sinhala & 
Tamil). So it will take more time than our mass in India. But it is a
time where all races stand together in front of God with unity. 

Expecting many Christmas mails these days

Luv you all,

Colombo, Sri Lanka

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[JOYnet] Christmas FAQs

2001-12-18 Thread VARGHESE_TD

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Priase the Lord !
Hope you are doing well by HIS grace. I am writing to JOYnet after a
long break. But I do keep reading the mails.  
Now the time has come for us to enjoy,  Christmas, the festival of JOY.
I can't resist my self from bombing your mailbox this time.

People around the world are getting ready to receive HIM.  Let's prepare
our hearts and minds to receive HIM into our lives.


I am sending some facts about Christmas.  I think this would be useful. 
Dear old Joyneters (old !! not by your age but by your presence in
JOYnet family) , sorry for paining you with this info again this year. (
I can't help it even if you are getting pained.. I do send this again
next year. ha ha ha ha ha )

Here they go...

1. What is Christmas? 
The word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse, or "Christ's
Mass." Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of
the Christian religion. Most historians peg the first celebration of
Christmas to Rome in 336 A.D. 

2. Why is Christmas sometimes spelled Xmas? 
The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos. Christmas also got the X
because of this. The use of the shortened form Xmas became popular in
Europe in the 1500s. 

3. How Santa Claus came to be
A long time ago, a bishop named Nicholas lived in what is now the
country of Turkey. No one knows much about him. But there are stories
that he often helped children who were in need.

Many years after his death, Nicholas was made a saint. In time, he
became the patron saint of children. Today, the date of his death,
December 6, is an important date in some countries in Europe. On the
night before, children put out their shoes and hang up their stockings.
Early next morning, they rush to see what gifts Saint Nicholas left

Saint Nicholas visits towns and cities, leads parades, talks to
children, and often hands out small gifts. He is dressed as a bishop, of
course, wearing a red or white robe and a tall, pointed hat.
St. Nicholas's scary helper...
Saint Nicholas always has a helper. In the Netherlands, this helper is
called Black Peter. In Germany, he's Knecht Ruprecht. In parts of
France, he's Pere Fouettard. And in Luxenbourg, he's known as Hoesecker.

Of course, all the children love Saint Nicholas. But they're quite
afraid of his helper. For it is the helper who keeps track of who was
good and who was naughty. Naughty children may get only switches, with
which their parents can spank them! They may even be carried away in the
helper's bag until they learn to be good!

Dutch settlers in America continued to celebrate this feast day. Their
name for Saint Nicholas was Sinterklaas. And in English, this became
Santa Claus.


Enjoy in Jesus
Bangalore, India

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