RE: [JOYnet] New year resolution...

2002-01-01 Thread Josh Folks

I received this mail from the BTTB site. Thought will be useful to all those
who have made new year resolutions
Regards and prayers
Fujairah, UAE

Making the RIGHT New Year's Resolutions
by Woodrow Kroll

Wednesday, December 26th

If you're like I am, you're about to make some New Year's resolutions. "I'm
going to lose weight." "I'm going to be more organized." "I'm going to read
the Bible through." You know the kind. Sadly, we tend to break these
resolutions within a few days or weeks. Maybe you need some help. Perhaps a
few words to live by (at least to remember our resolutions by). Here are
three words of resolution.

The first word is REMEMBER.

Someone has said that memory is what tells a man his wedding anniversary was
yesterday. Make 2002 a better year by remembering the following:

Remember God. "You shall remember the Lord your God . . . " (Deut. 8:18-20;
see also Ps. 41:1-2; Eccl. 12:1).
Remember what God has done for you. "Remember His marvelous works which He
has done, His wonders, and the judgments of his mouth" (Ps. 105:5); see also
Ps. 77:11-12).
Remember God's commandments. "Remember and do all My commandments, and be
holy for your God" (Num. 15:39-40).
Remember what you were before God saved you. "Remember that you were a slave
. . ." (Deut. 5:15; see also Ex. 13:3; Deut. 15:15; Eph. 2:8-13).

If you're not entirely happy with where you are in your Christian life,
remember where you were before you came to Christ. Then set your sights
higher than last year.

LOOK is another word to assist you in making some helpful resolutions.

Here are some wonderful things for you and your friends to look for in 2002.

Look to God for salvation. "Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait
for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me" (Micah 7:7; see also Isa.
45:22; John 3:14-17).
Look to God when you are in trouble. "Listen to Me, you who follow after
righteousness, You who seek the Lord; Look to the rock from which you were
hewn" (Isa. 51:1; see also Isa. 17:7-8; Matt. 11:28-30)
Look to the fields white for the harvest. "Behold, I say to you, lift up
your eyes and look at the fields, for they are white for harvest" (John
Look to the coming redemption. "Look up and lift up your heads, because your
redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28; see also Heb. 9:27-28; Phil. 3:20

If you look for these, you'll like what you see in the new year.

LIVE is a final word of resolution for 2002.

Resolve to live a new life. God says, "Seek Me and live" (Amos 5:4; see also
Num. 21:8; John 3:14-18).
Resolve to live a faith life. "The just shall live by his faith" (Hab. 2:4;
see also Rom. 1:16-17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38).
Resolve to live an obedient life. "Keep my commands and live" (Prov. 7:2;
see also Lev. 18:5; Ezek. 18:9)
Resolve to live a Spirit-filled life. "If we live in the spirit, let us also
walk in the Spirit" (Gal. 5:25; see also Gal. 5:16, 22; 1 Pet. 4:1-2).
Resolve to live a godly life. "Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we
should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age" (Titus
Resolve to live an honorable life. "Pray for us; for we are confident that
we have a good conscience, in all things desiring to live honorably" (Heb.
Resolve to live a peaceable life. "If it is possible, as much as depends on
you, live peaceably with all men" (Rom. 12:18).

All kinds of New Year's resolutions can be made, but the ones that will
benefit us most, and please God most, are the ones rooted in His Word. This
year, make some biblical resolutions and then live by them throughout the

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mathew Joseph
Sent: 31 December 2001 11:10
To: JOYnet
Subject: [JOYnet] New year resolution...

Hello Friends,

Wishing all of you a joyful new year!!!

Inviting you all to take a new year resolution after reading the
following mail.  This is the daily bread... Very much applicable for
all of us.  Please read it and reflect on it...
Hope it will help to take a new decision for a new start

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.


Read: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. --
2 Timothy 3:16

After 30 years as a pastor, a New Jersey minister concluded, "The Bible is
the best-selling, least-read, and least-understood book." In his view,
"Biblical illiteracy is rampant."

George Gallup, the foremost religion pollster in the US, agrees: "We revere
the Bible," he says, "but we don't read it." In a recent survey, 64 per
cent of t

Re: [JOYnet] New year resolution...

2002-01-01 Thread george kuriakose

Hello Mathew,

  Thanx for the mail.The first item in the list of 
 my new year resolution is to read the Bible 
 from beginning to end at least once by the end of the
 This year is going to be powerful .If each one of us
 prayerfully SHARE this Good news with at least new 20
receptive people and they share it with 20 others this
year ,the number of people who would enjoy the Peace
and Joy of our Lord are unbeleivable is'nt it?. 
 God bless us all
--- Mathew Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Friends,
> Wishing all of you a joyful new year!!!
> Inviting you all to take a new year resolution after
> reading the
> following mail.  This is the daily bread... Very
> much applicable for 
> all of us.  Please read it and reflect on it...
> Hope it will help to take a new decision for a new
> start
> Mathew Joseph
> Bangalore, India.
> Read: 2 Timothy 3:10-17
> All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
> profitable for 
> doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
> instruction in righteousness. -- 
> 2 Timothy 3:16
> After 30 years as a pastor, a New Jersey minister
> concluded, "The Bible is 
> the best-selling, least-read, and least-understood
> book." In his view, 
> "Biblical illiteracy is rampant."
> George Gallup, the foremost religion pollster in the
> US, agrees: "We revere 
> the Bible," he says, "but we don't read it." In a
> recent survey, 64 per 
> cent of those questioned said they were too busy to
> read the Bible. The 
> average household has three Bibles but less than
> half the people in the US 
> can name the first book in the Old Testament. One
> survey found that 12 per 
> cent of its Christian respondents identified Noah's
> wife as Joan of Arc!
> The solution? Read the Bible! Join me in a
> commitment to read the entire 
> Bible through in the coming year. It will take about
> 15 minutes a day to 
> follow the reading guide in this booklet. Are we too
> busy for that?
> The goal is not information, but transformation.
> Someone summarised 2 
> Timothy 3:16 by saying: "God's Word shows us which
> road to take (doctrine). 
> It tells us when we get off track (reproof); how to
> get back on 
> (correction); and how to stay on (instruction in
> righteousness)."
> God's Word is a precious gift. So let's read it
> through this coming year. 
> -- DCM
> If you've never read the Bible through,
> There's a special joy awaiting you:
> You could start the New Year out just right
> Walking with the Lord and in His light. -- Hess
> The Bible: The more you read it, the more you love
> it; the more you love 
> it, the more you read it.

> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth
> mailing list.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> To subscribe to this mailing list, visit
> For automatic help, send a mail to
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list
> contact

Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

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[JOYnet] New year resolution...

2001-12-30 Thread Mathew Joseph

Hello Friends,

Wishing all of you a joyful new year!!!

Inviting you all to take a new year resolution after reading the
following mail.  This is the daily bread... Very much applicable for 
all of us.  Please read it and reflect on it...
Hope it will help to take a new decision for a new start

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.


Read: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for 
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. -- 
2 Timothy 3:16

After 30 years as a pastor, a New Jersey minister concluded, "The Bible is 
the best-selling, least-read, and least-understood book." In his view, 
"Biblical illiteracy is rampant."

George Gallup, the foremost religion pollster in the US, agrees: "We revere 
the Bible," he says, "but we don't read it." In a recent survey, 64 per 
cent of those questioned said they were too busy to read the Bible. The 
average household has three Bibles but less than half the people in the US 
can name the first book in the Old Testament. One survey found that 12 per 
cent of its Christian respondents identified Noah's wife as Joan of Arc!

The solution? Read the Bible! Join me in a commitment to read the entire 
Bible through in the coming year. It will take about 15 minutes a day to 
follow the reading guide in this booklet. Are we too busy for that?

The goal is not information, but transformation. Someone summarised 2 
Timothy 3:16 by saying: "God's Word shows us which road to take (doctrine). 
It tells us when we get off track (reproof); how to get back on 
(correction); and how to stay on (instruction in righteousness)."

God's Word is a precious gift. So let's read it through this coming year. 
-- DCM

If you've never read the Bible through,
There's a special joy awaiting you:
You could start the New Year out just right
Walking with the Lord and in His light. -- Hess

The Bible: The more you read it, the more you love it; the more you love 
it, the more you read it.

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