[jQuery] Re: iframes and jquery

2007-07-14 Thread Brian Cherne

Recommended reading:

I just did a quick/dirty test locally and was able to manipulate the iframe
from the parent document. Using code like:

Show Alert

   var myFrameDoc = frames['myFrame'].document;
   alert( $('a',myFrameDoc).css('background','#000').length )

I used the click event just to make sure the iframe's document had loaded
(you obviously can't access it until it's there). I haven't tested the
.load() method on an iframe.


On 7/13/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, all!

Before i open up a can of worms which i don't want to deal with, i
thought i'd ask:

Are there any special concerns for using jquery in conjunction with
iframes? e.g. if i embed a sub-page within an iframe, can the top-
level page's jq still query/manipulate that sub-page's content

Your insights would be appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Accordion + jCarouselLite Bug?

2007-07-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha

you have a javascript error in ur page that is causing u the problem...

In the snippet below you have a leading comma after the speed:500. After
removing that it works fine.

btnNext: ".imageSlider .next",
btnPrev: ".imageSlider .prev",
visible: 1,
speed: 500,

Lemme know how it goes...


On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Upgraded to latest version, still no show: http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/

On Jul 13, 2:13 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oops, forgot to mention - also get the latest version from the site.
> http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/js/jcarousellite_0.3.1.p...
> -GTG
> On 7/13/07, Ganeshji Marwaha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hey huphtur,
> > If you are using images with jCarouselLite, just give it the width and
> > height attribute. That should do the trick.
> > Eg: 
> > Lemme know if it worked for u.
> > -GTG
> > On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm trying to use both Accordion and jCarouselLite plugins
> > > but am experiencing some problems with this.
> > > I set up a quick page here:http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> > > There should be one of those image slider in "Content 2" as well.
> > > This problem might be related to:
> > >
> > > but I am unable to figure out what exactly is happening.

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jQuery Google Maps Application

2007-07-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha

This is great... This week, i was going to work on google maps again, and i
was thinking to myself, i should rather write an API simplification plugin
so that i can re-use it again and again... Man, it is as if u read my

Good job... I will provide feedback, over the next week when i am actually
using it.


On 7/13/07, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tane Piper wrote:
> Yes, just specify it in the options:
> $('#gmap').gmapp({showzoom: false});
> I've tried to make is customisable as possible, by allowing you to
> remove all the controls.  Just check out the settings at the top of
> the extend method.
> That's a good idea about the mousezoom, I'll look at adding it in the
> next version, along with the support I'm adding for GPolyline and
> GPolygon.  I'm also going to look at custom icons.
Sounds great!

Jörn Zaefferer


[jQuery] Re: Interested in porting another DOM creation plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Sean Catchpole

I know several of you are working on creating a plugin for this. I thought
I'd join the fun. =P
The syntax might be a little different, so I don't want to discourage anyone
from making their own.

Check out the source here:
And a demo here:

It's not finished, but it was a fun start.


[jQuery] Re: load different pages

2007-07-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha

try return false after the click handler...

$("#show").click( function() {
return false;
} );
$("#showb").click( function() {
return false;
} );

untested, and i know it is somewhat weird to try this, but the problem u r
facing is equally weird ;-).


On 7/13/07, matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well internet explorer comes up with a prompt to 'allow blocked
content'... if I click on the first link after that, it's fine, but
the second opens up window explorer for some reason.  In firefox...
the first link - fine.  The second for page 2 still shows page 1
content, and then appends page 2 content and then everything
disappears.  Any ideas?

On Jul 12, 6:00 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> what error are u getting?
> On 7/12/07, matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to set up a site so I can load a page based upon a certain
> > link clicked... but this is causing errors... any ideas?  This is my
> > first day using jquery... so I'm a newbee!  TIA!
> >  >www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
> > http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">
> > 
> > JQuery: Collapsible Menu
> > 
> > 
> > $(document).ready(function(){
> > $("#show").click( function() {  $(".feeds").load("testjq.html");
> > );
> > $("#showb").click( function() { $(".feeds").load("testjqb.html
> > );
> > });
> > 
> > 
> > #feeds {
> > display: block;
> > border: 4px inset #cd5c5c;
> > }
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Click to Show Click to
> > show page 2
> > 
> > 
> > 

[jQuery] Re: Release: Tooltip plugin 1.1

2007-07-14 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

On Jul 10, 11:33 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> R.RajeshJebaAnbiahwrote:
> >http://jquery.bassistance.de/tooltip/jquery.tooltip.zip/
> > jquery.tooltip.css
> > This file has the style for the demo/site too. I'd rather prefer it
> > contain only the tooltip related styles and can possibly add another
> > style say demo.css for demo related styles.
> > Another thing, the id="tooltip" is quite common thing, so it could
> > have been "jqtooltip" or so.
> Good points, thanks a lot!
> I'll seperate the demo and the plugin related styles into their own files.
> Changing the default id would break existing code. Its used only in a
> single place, to making it an option would be easy. I find it convinient
> to just define styles for #tooltip.
> What do you think?

   Apologies for the late reply. I also think the option to configure
id would be a nice idea.

   Another thing, the pretty fancy popup gets weird because of tooltip
edges. Might need different route to show the tip edge like  Oh, you have a competitor

Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/

[jQuery] Re: how to fetch data by php page from jQuery

2007-07-14 Thread mikeyao

I make a website by this way(get data from php+mysql and insert to dom
tree). But I don't konw why sometimes can list data, sometimes it is
nothing, sometimes crashed the browser. Anyone may give me advice?
thanks so mush ! http://www.midsunshine.com

On Jul 11, 8:41 am, Xinhao Zheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello everyone,
>   I am just a fresher to jQuery.I like it very much.I need some help.
> Is there any way to request a php file to fetch data from db in jQuery
> then operate on it use  js?Ajax can do it?
> which format would be the best way to return the data,json or xml?how to
> deal with that in js?
> I just want to implement a calendar and display data from db.
> Thanks

[jQuery] Re: iframes and jquery

2007-07-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Jul 14, 9:07 am, "Brian Cherne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Recommended reading:http://www.quirksmode.org/js/iframe.html

Thank you :). That's very helpful.

[jQuery] Re: return false failing with substring

2007-07-14 Thread SteelSoftware


What I was trying to do was edit the last characer based upon a few
conditions so that a show/hide function would work with and without

As well as the errors you spotted, when i was setting the href I was
setting it to #calendar .nav, and not to #calendar #navleft. The
addition of .text() on the end of .href() was just me trying things to
see if they worked. Thankfully now, the script works. The whole thing
now looks like this:

$("#calendar .arc").toggle();
$("#calendar .arc").Highlight(1000, '#ff9');

var $this = $(this);
if($this.is ('.show'))
$this.addClass('hide').empty().append('Show archived members');
var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href");
$("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');
var $ref = $("#calendar #navright").attr("href");
$("#calendar #navright").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');
$this.addClass('show').empty().append('Hide archived members');
var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href")
$("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'1');
var $ref = $("#calendar #navright").attr("href")
$("#calendar #navright").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'1');
return false;

Many thanks again Mike :)

[jQuery] feature suggestion: toggle(shownFunc,hiddenFunc)

2007-07-14 Thread Stephan Beal

Hi, all!

Code taken from a recent post:

$("#calendar .arc").toggle();
$("#calendar .arc").Highlight(1000, '#ff9');

that made me think: the highlight is useless(?) when the object is
hidden, but of course desired when it is shown. That could be
elegantly solved by adding two optional callbacks to toggle():

  $("#calendar .arg").toggle(
function(){$(this).Highlight(1000,'#ff9');}, // called when shown
function(){...} // called when hidden
  ); // toggle()
} // click()

i believe this could be done without harming backwards-compatibility?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Google Maps Application

2007-07-14 Thread Stephan Beal

Tane Piper wrote:
> Today I am pleased to announce the initial release of my jQuery plugin
> - the jQuery Google Map Application.
> http://code.google.com/p/gmapp/

What immediately strikes me is that the download is 2.5k, whereas the
download for all of the tooltip implementations i've looked at is 70k
+. ;)

Impressive, Tane :).

[jQuery] Re: feature suggestion: toggle(shownFunc,hiddenFunc)

2007-07-14 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

>  $("#calendar .arg").toggle(
>function(){$(this).Highlight(1000,'#ff9');}, // called when shown
>function(){...} // called when hidden
>  ); // toggle()
>} // click()
>i believe this could be done without harming backwards-compatibility?

Toggle already uses callbacks:


[jQuery] Re: feature suggestion: toggle(shownFunc,hiddenFunc)

2007-07-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Jul 14, 1:34 pm, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Toggle already uses 
> callbacks:http://docs.jquery.com/Events#toggle.28_even.2C_odd_.29

Doh... i was working from this page:


in which the callbacks are not mentioned. Perhaps that page should
link back to the other one in the form of "see also..."

[jQuery] Re: return false failing with substring

2007-07-14 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

>$("#calendar .arc").toggle();
>   $("#calendar .arc").Highlight(1000, '#ff9');
>   var $this = $(this);
>   if($this.is ('.show'))
>   {
>   $this.removeClass('show');
>   $this.addClass('hide').empty().append('Show archived
>   var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href");
>   $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');
>   var $ref = $("#calendar #navright").attr("href");
>   $("#calendar #navright").attr("href", $ref.slice(0,

Remember to cache your selectors. There's definite overhead in creating
instances of a jQuery object--so whenever possible you want to chain or
cache your jQuery objects.

For example:

$("#calendar .arc").toggle();
$("#calendar .arc").Highlight(1000, '#ff9');

Could be re-written:

$("#calendar .arc").toggle().Highlight(1000, '#ff9');

You can re-write:
var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href");
$("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');


var jCalNavLeft = $("#calendar #navleft");
var $ref = jCalNavLeft.attr("href");
jCalNavLeft.attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');

Also, since a document should contain only unique IDs for elements, there's
no reason to use the selector:

var jCalNavLeft = $("#calendar #navleft");

You can use:

var jCalNavLeft = $("#navleft");

As there should be only one object with the unique ID of "navLeft" in your


[jQuery] Re: Plugin idea : server language integrator

2007-07-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Jul 13, 11:20 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> pardon my ignorance... i dont understand the purpose...

The purpose would be to allow easier inclusion of jQ code from server-
side scripts (in this case PHP). As it stands now, to create jQ code
from PHP you either have to import hard-coded JS snippets (if using
static code) or create the code using strings (which can get messy for
non-trivial cases).

e.g., the above example might currently be implemented like so (in

echo <<
if(\$("test2").size() == 1){\$("#test").jqmShow(); }



but that of course can get very messy if you have a lot of server-side
conditionals which need to be processed while generating the code, and
can be messy in any case because one has to be careful to escape all
of the $ characters. Having a PHP JQuery object which can create this
code would make that much cleaner.

[jQuery] Re: feature suggestion: toggle(shownFunc,hiddenFunc)

2007-07-14 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

>Doh... i was working from this page:
>in which the callbacks are not mentioned. Perhaps that page should
>link back to the other one in the form of "see also..."

The default behavior is show/hide. If you use manual callbacks you need to
define the full behavior, so you'll want to add the show()/hide() calls to
your jQuery chain.


[jQuery] Re: feature suggestion: toggle(shownFunc,hiddenFunc)

2007-07-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Jul 14, 1:51 pm, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The default behavior is show/hide. If you use manual callbacks you need to
> define the full behavior, so you'll want to add the show()/hide() calls to
> your jQuery chain.

The intention wasn't to define the functions which do the showing/
hiding, but to provide callbacks which are called upon showing/hiding
(e.g. "onhide" and "onshow"). That would enable the original code
(taken from another post from earlier today) to cleanly do its
Highlight() only in the case of show(). As it is now, he calls
Highlight() whether the block is visible or not, which is a bit of a

Obviously, if toggle() already has an overload which takes two
callbacks then my proposal is completely incompatible with existing
code (and therefore fundamentally broken). i wasn't aware of the
toggle(even,odd) function when the idea came to mind.

Though by using another overload...

toggle(Object props)





[jQuery] Re: Interface abandoned?

2007-07-14 Thread John Farrar
OK... these are nice. Yet, will this be enough to eliminate the general 
use of things like EXT?

* Editable Grid
* Menus
* Layout Elements

Seems they are on the horizon! Good... but will they be as featured? Is 
there a standards list of features that will be in these things? The 
fact that they will be there (sorry, but if we don't set a target it is 
MUCH harder for the developer to hit it) isn't an automatic conclusion 
they will do what we need.

I am optimistic, but we need to make sure they hit the mark. If they 
aren't right out the door then it will be hard to reverse engineer them 
and maintain compatibility.

John Farrar

Glen Lipka wrote:

Information on the next gen of Interface:
Plugin Home: http://docs.jquery .com/UI 
Discussion board specifically for it: http://groups.google.com/group/ 
Codebase: http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/ui 

In progress, getting lots of attention.  Looks cool.


On 7/13/07, *Benjamin Sterling* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

John says it is still being supported, outside of that, I don't
know if there is going to be a 2.0.

On 7/13/07, * Jack Killpatrick* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

Hi All,

I need to make a decision on whether to use the Interface
plugin or not
for a new project. I think I remember a post from the author a few
months ago saying that a 2.0 version was on the horizon, along
with a
video file of an app built using it (which was pretty rockin),
but since
then I don't remember seeing anything. I've used it for
various past
projects, but if it won't be tested by the author and updated
to align
with new jquery releases, get bug fixes, enhancements, etc
and no
one else is going to take over the project, well :-|

I also know that a jquery UI project is on the roadmap, but am
not sure
if that's meant as a "replacement" for Interface, has any of the
Interface people working on it (therefore abandoning
Interface), etc.

Anyone know the scoop?


Benjamin Sterling


[jQuery] Re: Superfish 1.2.1 3rd level IE display problem

2007-07-14 Thread Joel Birch

You duplicated this message a few times - maybe you missed my last  
post in this thread? If for some reason you didn't see it, here it is  

Hi, I couldn't see anything wrong with your code so I set up a test  
page using your CSS in an effort to see where the problem was.


Only the first three submenus of the first menu item have the right  
amount of levels of submenu so only look at those ones for this  
exercise. I used your CSS exactly as you posted it the second time -  
no changes - and it works perfectly, even in IE6. The third level of  
submenu animates in just like the others do. Maybe there is other CSS  
on the page interfering with the CSS you posted?

Not sure why you are seeing it not working but hopefully my working  
test case will give you some clues. Let me know how you go.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: book learning jquery appendix C,closure question

2007-07-14 Thread Jonathan Chaffer

Yep, that looks like a mistake in the copy editing. We'll make sure  
that makes it into the errata list. Thanks for catching that!

Here's the original code; our copy editor changed the variable names  
to match the publisher's style guide.

$(document).ready(function() {
  function f() {
var a = 0;
function g() {
function h() {
  a = a + 2;
return {'g': g, 'h': h};
  var m = f();
  var n = f();

On Jul 13, 2007, at 18:16 , Guapo wrote:

the following text if copy from the book,I was confused with the
variable globVar in the innerFun2,is it a clerical error or the
variable in the statement "var globVar = outerFun();"?
thank you all!

Interactions between Closures
When more than one inner function exists, closures can have effects
that are not as easy to anticipate. Suppose we pair our incrementing
function with another function, this time incrementing by two:
function outerFun() {
var outerVar = 0;
function innerFun() {
function innerFun2() {
outerVar = outerVar + 2;
return {'innerFun': innerFun, 'outerFun2': outerFun2};
We return references to both functions, using a map to do so (this
illustrates another way in which reference to an inner function can
escape its parent). Both functions can be called through the

var globVar = outerFun();
globVar.innerFun(); // Alerts "1"
globVar.innerFun2(); // Alerts "3"
globVar.innerFun(); // Alerts "4"

var globVar2 = outerFun();
globVar2.innerFun(); // Alerts "1"
globVar2.innerFun2(); // Alerts "3"
globVar2.innerFun(); // Alerts "4"

Jonathan Chaffer
Technology Officer, Structure Interactive

[jQuery] Re: book learning jquery appendix C,closure question

2007-07-14 Thread Jonathan Chaffer

On Jul 13, 2007, at 20:53 , Stephan Beal wrote:

As i understand it, that code is wrong, as globVar.innerFun2() is not
available to the caller at this point. IMO, to be legal code,
"innerFun2()" should be replaced with "outerFun2()".

See: http://javascript.crockford.com/private.html

for why innerFun2() can be considered a "private" variable of globVar.

What you're missing here is the return statement of the outer  
function. A reference to the inner function is returned, so it can be  
called by the outside code.

Jonathan Chaffer
Technology Officer, Structure Interactive

[jQuery] Re: Superfish 1.2.1 3rd level IE display problem

2007-07-14 Thread n00bert

Hi Joel,

Thanks for your reply and the test page. Way beyond the call of duty and
hugely appreciated!

If, as you say, the css works well even in IE6 then it must be other css
interfering. Now that you've thrown me onto the correct path, I'll
investigate and post back here when I have a solution.

Again, thanks for your insights and effort! Also, congratulations on a
wonderful jquery plugin. One of, if not, the best plugin I've found.



thumblewend wrote:
> Hi, I couldn't see anything wrong with your code so I set up a test  
> page using your CSS in an effort to see where the problem was.
> http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/noobert/
> Only the first three submenus of the first menu item have the right  
> amount of levels of submenu so only look at those ones for this  
> exercise. I used your CSS exactly as you posted it the second time -  
> no changes - and it works perfectly, even in IE6. The third level of  
> submenu animates in just like the others do. Maybe there is other CSS  
> on the page interfering with the CSS you posted?
> Not sure why you are seeing it not working but hopefully my working  
> test case will give you some clues. Let me know how you go.
> Joel Birch.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Accordion + jCarouselLite Bug?

2007-07-14 Thread huphtur

Still nothing. http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/

I made the first and second section identical. The first carousel
(that's shown on load) works fine. The second (collapsed on load)
doesn't show.

On Jul 14, 12:27 am, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you have a javascript error in ur page that is causing u the problem...
> In the snippet below you have a leading comma after the speed:500. After
> removing that it works fine.
> $(".imageSlider").jCarouselLite({
> btnNext: ".imageSlider .next",
> btnPrev: ".imageSlider .prev",
> visible: 1,
> speed: 500,
> });
> Lemme know how it goes...
> -GTG
> On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Upgraded to latest version, still no show:http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> > On Jul 13, 2:13 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > oops, forgot to mention - also get the latest version from the site.
> > >http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/js/jcarousellite_0.3.1.p...
> > > -GTG
> > > On 7/13/07, Ganeshji Marwaha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > hey huphtur,
> > > > If you are using images with jCarouselLite, just give it the width and
> > the
> > > > height attribute. That should do the trick.
> > > > Eg: 
> > > > Lemme know if it worked for u.
> > > > -GTG
> > > > On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I'm trying to use both Accordion and jCarouselLite plugins
> > > > > but am experiencing some problems with this.
> > > > > I set up a quick page here:http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> > > > > There should be one of those image slider in "Content 2" as well.
> > > > > This problem might be related to:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/d97610f...
> > > > > but I am unable to figure out what exactly is happening.

[jQuery] Problem with jQuery + Dimension plugin + Autocomplete plugin + Float

2007-07-14 Thread Mark

I am using jQuery with the autocomplete plugin.
Everything was right, but I had to float the div, which contains all
input components, so the result div of the autocomplete became crazy
about finding its position.

So, I downloaded the Dimensions plugin, and the following is

In Mozilla it works fine, and the offset function gets the same
results as the autocomplete built in findPos function.

But in explorer, in order to position the window properly I had to
call dimensions.position() for the top value and dimensions.offset()
for the left value...

So I am using it now with if ($.browser.msie)...

Anyone knows why it is happening? ...maybe I am doing something wrong
with the floats...

If this is an IE bug, maybe could be fixed in the dimensions plugin.


[jQuery] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

2007-07-14 Thread Richard D. Worth

New wiki page:


Just a few to start with. Please add any questions you've seen come up a

Going forward, if you see a FAQ come up on the mailing list or in #jquery
and it's not on the page, please add it and then reply to the question with
a link. Thank you.

- Richard

[jQuery] Re: AutoCompleter question

2007-07-14 Thread AtlantaGeek

Thanks again, Dan.  Where can I see that?  In your example (yes) or
the original code (not so yes).  Remember, I have literally just
started with JQuery, so what seems obvious to you is not so obvious to

On Jul 13, 8:42 am, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> As you can see, the selected data comes back as an array in the data
> argument.
> data[0] = Item
> data[1] = Item Description
> data[2] = Qty On Hand
> data[3] = Price
> -Dan- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Interface abandoned?

2007-07-14 Thread Rey Bango

Hi John,

Everything being developed in jQuery UI is being architected with 
extensibility in mind. Things such as proper documentation, commented 
code, theming, layouts and flexibility are all being considered. Since 
this is a project being produced under the auspices of the jQuery team, 
there's a tremendous amount of forethought being given to the 
development of jQuery UI.


jQuery Team

John Farrar wrote:
OK... these are nice. Yet, will this be enough to eliminate the general 
use of things like EXT?

* Editable Grid
* Menus
* Layout Elements

Seems they are on the horizon! Good... but will they be as featured? Is 
there a standards list of features that will be in these things? The 
fact that they will be there (sorry, but if we don't set a target it is 
MUCH harder for the developer to hit it) isn't an automatic conclusion 
they will do what we need.

I am optimistic, but we need to make sure they hit the mark. If they 
aren't right out the door then it will be hard to reverse engineer them 
and maintain compatibility.

John Farrar

Glen Lipka wrote:

Information on the next gen of Interface:
Plugin Home: http://docs.jquery .com/UI 
Discussion board specifically for it: http://groups.google.com/group/ 
Codebase: http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/ui 

In progress, getting lots of attention.  Looks cool.


On 7/13/07, *Benjamin Sterling* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

John says it is still being supported, outside of that, I don't
know if there is going to be a 2.0.

On 7/13/07, * Jack Killpatrick* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

Hi All,

I need to make a decision on whether to use the Interface
plugin or not
for a new project. I think I remember a post from the author a few
months ago saying that a 2.0 version was on the horizon, along
with a
video file of an app built using it (which was pretty rockin),
but since
then I don't remember seeing anything. I've used it for
various past
projects, but if it won't be tested by the author and updated
to align
with new jquery releases, get bug fixes, enhancements, etc
and no
one else is going to take over the project, well :-|

I also know that a jquery UI project is on the roadmap, but am
not sure
if that's meant as a "replacement" for Interface, has any of the
Interface people working on it (therefore abandoning
Interface), etc.

Anyone know the scoop?


Benjamin Sterling


BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] Re: iframes and jquery

2007-07-14 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Stephan,

I suspect you'll want to roll your own solution, but daemach has put  
together a frameReady jQuery plugin to assist in dealing with this  
sort of thing:


Might be good for some ideas.


Karl Swedberg

On Jul 14, 2007, at 6:49 AM, Stephan Beal wrote:

On Jul 14, 9:07 am, "Brian Cherne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Recommended reading:http://www.quirksmode.org/js/iframe.html

Thank you :). That's very helpful.

[jQuery] Re: Release: Tooltip plugin 1.1

2007-07-14 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Jul 14, 2007, at 5:42 AM, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah wrote:

Oh, you have a competitor

"Competitor" only in the friendliest sense of the word. Jörn is my hero!

Besides, I'm sure that the clueTip and the tooltip can coexist  

... which reminds me of a quote from my Commander in Chief : "I know  
the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

(for more, read "Make the Pie Higher": http://www.snopes.com/politics/ 

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Superfish 1.2.1 3rd level IE display problem

2007-07-14 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi N00bert,

This last reply showed up in my inbox 5 times for some reason. Might  
have been something weird with my mail client, but just wanted to let  
you know in case the problem was caused by something you might have  
done. Worth investigating, in any case. No real harm done, but it's  
tough enough to keep up with the activity on this list without  
duplicate posts. ;-)

Karl Swedberg

On Jul 14, 2007, at 7:25 AM, n00bert wrote:

Hi Joel,

Thanks for your reply and the test page. Way beyond the call of  
duty and

hugely appreciated!

If, as you say, the css works well even in IE6 then it must be  
other css

interfering. Now that you've thrown me onto the correct path, I'll
investigate and post back here when I have a solution.

Again, thanks for your insights and effort!


thumblewend wrote:

Hi, I couldn't see anything wrong with your code so I set up a test
page using your CSS in an effort to see where the problem was.

Only the first three submenus of the first menu item have the right
amount of levels of submenu so only look at those ones for this
exercise. I used your CSS exactly as you posted it the second time -
no changes - and it works perfectly, even in IE6. The third level of
submenu animates in just like the others do. Maybe there is other CSS
on the page interfering with the CSS you posted?

Not sure why you are seeing it not working but hopefully my working
test case will give you some clues. Let me know how you go.

Joel Birch.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ 

Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

2007-07-14 Thread Karl Swedberg
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Richard! A welcome addition to the  
wiki. I'm especially glad to see #2.1 in there, as that question  
seems to pop up in the list eight days a week.

Karl Swedberg

On Jul 14, 2007, at 11:06 AM, Richard D. Worth wrote:

New wiki page:


Just a few to start with. Please add any questions you've seen come  
up a lot.

Going forward, if you see a FAQ come up on the mailing list or in  
#jquery and it's not on the page, please add it and then reply to  
the question with a link. Thank you.

- Richard

[jQuery] Re: : clueTip Plugin Beta

2007-07-14 Thread Karl Swedberg
That's wonderful to hear, Stephan! Please keep me posted if you run  
into any problems.


Karl Swedberg

On Jul 14, 2007, at 12:12 AM, Stephan Beal wrote:

On Jul 13, 5:49 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd let you all know that I (finally) posted a blog
entry announcing the official beta version of the clueTip plugin:


Nice :).

i was just getting ready to integrate jTip into some code, but it
looks like your tips can double as a form of popup dialog (that's
basically what sticky tips are), so i will be killing two birds with
one stone and using yours instead :).


[jQuery] Re: Accordion + jCarouselLite Bug?

2007-07-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha

So, you actually had a couple of issues, which we are fixing one by one i
guess ;-)

Anyways, Changing the order in which the calls are made did the trick for

   $(document).ready(function() {

   btnNext: ".imageSlider .next",
   btnPrev: ".imageSlider .prev",
   visible: 1,
   speed: 500

   header: 'h3'



On 7/14/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Still nothing. http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/

I made the first and second section identical. The first carousel
(that's shown on load) works fine. The second (collapsed on load)
doesn't show.

On Jul 14, 12:27 am, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you have a javascript error in ur page that is causing u the problem...
> In the snippet below you have a leading comma after the speed:500. After
> removing that it works fine.
> $(".imageSlider").jCarouselLite({
> btnNext: ".imageSlider .next",
> btnPrev: ".imageSlider .prev",
> visible: 1,
> speed: 500,
> });
> Lemme know how it goes...
> -GTG
> On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Upgraded to latest version, still no show:
> > On Jul 13, 2:13 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > oops, forgot to mention - also get the latest version from the site.
> > >
> > > -GTG
> > > On 7/13/07, Ganeshji Marwaha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > hey huphtur,
> > > > If you are using images with jCarouselLite, just give it the width
> > the
> > > > height attribute. That should do the trick.
> > > > Eg: 
> > > > Lemme know if it worked for u.
> > > > -GTG
> > > > On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I'm trying to use both Accordion and jCarouselLite plugins
> > > > > but am experiencing some problems with this.
> > > > > I set up a quick page here:http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> > > > > There should be one of those image slider in "Content 2" as
> > > > > This problem might be related to:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/d97610f.
> > > > > but I am unable to figure out what exactly is happening.

[jQuery] Re: return false failing with substring

2007-07-14 Thread Michael Geary

Great, I'm glad you got it working, Steve.

Check out Dan's followup comments for some good ideas on optimizing your

I'd add one more thing to that. I suggest using the $ prefix on variable
names only when you are storing a jQuery object in that variable.

For example:

var $this = $(this);  // good!

But I'd change:

var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href");


var href = $("#navleft").attr("href");

Following this convention really helps keep straight which variables are
jQuery objects and which aren't - the $ in the name links it visually to the
$ in a $() call.

So in Dan's example:

var jCalNavLeft = $("#calendar #navleft");
var $ref = jCalNavLeft.attr("href");
jCalNavLeft.attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');

I would use:

var $navleft = $("#navleft");
var href = $navleft.attr("href");
$navleft.attr( "href", href.slice(0,-1) + '0' );

Or, since the href variable isn't used anywhere else, simply:

var $navleft = $("#navleft");
$navleft.attr( "href", $navleft.attr("href").slice(0,-1) + '0' );

Or even this (which is probably the way I'd code it myself):

var navleft = $("#navleft")[0];
navleft.href = navleft.href.slice(0,-1) + '0';

Note that I took the $ off the navleft variable name, because in this
example it's not a jQuery object.

There's more than one way to skin a cat! :-)


> From: SteelSoftware
> What I was trying to do was edit the last characer based upon a few
> conditions so that a show/hide function would work with and without
> javascript.
> As well as the errors you spotted, when i was setting the href I was
> setting it to #calendar .nav, and not to #calendar #navleft. The
> addition of .text() on the end of .href() was just me trying things to
> see if they worked. Thankfully now, the script works. The whole thing
> now looks like this:
> $("#toggle").click(function(){
> $("#calendar .arc").toggle();
>   $("#calendar .arc").Highlight(1000, '#ff9');
>   var $this = $(this);
>   if($this.is ('.show'))
>   {
>   $this.removeClass('show');
>   $this.addClass('hide').empty().append('Show archived
>   var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href");
>   $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');
>   var $ref = $("#calendar #navright").attr("href");
>   $("#calendar #navright").attr("href", $ref.slice(0,
>   }
>   else
>   {
>   $this.removeClass('hide');
>   $this.addClass('show').empty().append('Hide archived
>   var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href")
>   $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'1');
>   var $ref = $("#calendar #navright").attr("href")
>   $("#calendar #navright").attr("href", $ref.slice(0,
>   }
>   return false;
> });
> Many thanks again Mike :)

[jQuery] Re: Accordion + jCarouselLite Bug?

2007-07-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha

a quick demo can be seen here as well


On 7/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, you actually had a couple of issues, which we are fixing one by one i
guess ;-)

Anyways, Changing the order in which the calls are made did the trick for

$(document).ready(function() {

btnNext: ".imageSlider .next",
btnPrev: ".imageSlider .prev",
visible: 1,
speed: 500

header: 'h3'



On 7/14/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Still nothing. http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> I made the first and second section identical. The first carousel
> (that's shown on load) works fine. The second (collapsed on load)
> doesn't show.
> On Jul 14, 12:27 am, "Ganeshji Marwaha" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > you have a javascript error in ur page that is causing u the
> problem...
> >
> > In the snippet below you have a leading comma after the speed:500.
> After
> > removing that it works fine.
> >
> > $(".imageSlider").jCarouselLite({
> > btnNext: ".imageSlider .next",
> > btnPrev: ".imageSlider .prev",
> > visible: 1,
> > speed: 500,
> >
> > });
> >
> > Lemme know how it goes...
> >
> > -GTG
> >
> > On 7/13/07, huphtur < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Upgraded to latest version, still no show:http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> >
> > > On Jul 13, 2:13 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> wrote:
> > > > oops, forgot to mention - also get the latest version from the
> site.
> >
> > > >http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/js/jcarousellite_0.3.1.p.
> ..
> >
> > > > -GTG
> >
> > > > On 7/13/07, Ganeshji Marwaha < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > > hey huphtur,
> >
> > > > > If you are using images with jCarouselLite, just give it the
> width and
> > > the
> > > > > height attribute. That should do the trick.
> >
> > > > > Eg: 
> >
> > > > > Lemme know if it worked for u.
> >
> > > > > -GTG
> >
> > > > > On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > > > I'm trying to use both Accordion and jCarouselLite plugins
> > > > > > but am experiencing some problems with this.
> > > > > > I set up a quick page here: http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> >
> > > > > > There should be one of those image slider in "Content 2" as
> well.
> >
> > > > > > This problem might be related to:
> >
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/d97610f.
> ..
> >
> > > > > > but I am unable to figure out what exactly is happening.

[jQuery] Re: Plugin idea : server language integrator

2007-07-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha



On 7/14/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 13, 11:20 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> pardon my ignorance... i dont understand the purpose...

The purpose would be to allow easier inclusion of jQ code from server-
side scripts (in this case PHP). As it stands now, to create jQ code
from PHP you either have to import hard-coded JS snippets (if using
static code) or create the code using strings (which can get messy for
non-trivial cases).

e.g., the above example might currently be implemented like so (in

echo <<
   if(\$("test2").size() == 1){\$("#test").jqmShow(); }



but that of course can get very messy if you have a lot of server-side
conditionals which need to be processed while generating the code, and
can be messy in any case because one has to be careful to escape all
of the $ characters. Having a PHP JQuery object which can create this
code would make that much cleaner.

[jQuery] Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I found the BlockUI plugin download here:


However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
JS can sometimes break it.


[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha


The core jquery team and most plugins use this tool to compress js.



I found the BlockUI plugin download here:


However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
JS can sometimes break it.


[jQuery] Re: return false failing with substring

2007-07-14 Thread Michael Geary

> From: Michael Geary
> var $navleft = $("#navleft");
> $navleft.attr( "href", $navleft.attr("href").slice(0,-1) + '0' );
> Or even this (which is probably the way I'd code it myself):
> var navleft = $("#navleft")[0];
> navleft.href = navleft.href.slice(0,-1) + '0';

I may have been a bit too clever there: navleft.href isn't the same as

jQuery's attr() method calls .getAttribute() on the DOM element, so it's
like doing:


That's not the same thing as navleft.href, particularly in the case where
the href is a relative URL.

navleft.getAttribute('href') returns the actual value of the href attribute.
navleft.href converts the href value to an absolute URL.

So, if your page is at http://www.example.com/test.html and you have a
relative URL in href such as "/test/foobar/", then .getAttribute('href')
will return "/test/foobar/", but .href will return

In practical terms it may not make much difference - after all both the
relative and absolute URLs will point to the same place - but if your code
was expecting to see the actual value of the href attribute, .href would not
be the way to get it.


[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the quick response.  Are there ever "subtle" errors when
compressing?  Or should I always see an error in the console if the
packed version has an error?

On Jul 14, 12:57 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://dean.edwards.name/packer
> The core jquery team and most plugins use this tool to compress js.
> -GTG
> On 7/14/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I found the BlockUI plugin download here:
> >http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#download
> > However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
> > version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
> > am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
> > JS can sometimes break it.
> > Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery hcal parser

2007-07-14 Thread Baxter

Probably, although doing what you're describing would probably be alot
simpler. I dunno, I've never dealt with hcard little too much info
there for my comfort. I need to take a look at hReview.

On Jul 13, 3:45 pm, "Tane Piper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hmm, looking at the code, this could easily be extended to support
> more Microformats.  I use them in my app, with hCards, hReview and
> hAtom.
> For example, if you have a hCard on the site, you could show an icon
> next to it that when clicked, shows a div with the contact information
> formatted for screen.  Using XSLT, this could be exported to vCard or
> PDF.  Same with hCalendar, hReview and hAtom.
> I'd be happy to chip in and help, as I could really use this functionality.
> On 7/13/07, Tane Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Looks great.  I'm thinking of mashing it with jCarousel, to provide a
> > nice calendar that shows one year, month, week or day on sceen, and
> > allows you to flick between them.  Add on Thickbox, and you can
> > display links with content loaded up in a Thickbox window.
> > I think that'll be a nice project :)
> > On 7/9/07, Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > For anyone who's interested, I just uploaded a jquery-based hcal
> > > parser:
> > >http://thebitterpill.com/07-2007/a-jquery-hcal-parser/
> > --
> > Tane Piper
> >http://digitalspaghetti.tooum.net
> > This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private
> --
> Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.tooum.net
> This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Rey Bango

I've never experienced an error when packing jQuery plugins. I've seen 
it occur with other JS scripts and its usually indicated by the calls to 
compressed code not working while the same calls to the uncompressed 
version working just fine.



Thanks for the quick response.  Are there ever "subtle" errors when
compressing?  Or should I always see an error in the console if the
packed version has an error?

On Jul 14, 12:57 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The core jquery team and most plugins use this tool to compress js.



I found the BlockUI plugin download here:
However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
JS can sometimes break it.

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Christopher Jordan

If compressing your JS breaks it, try running the code through JSLint 
(http://jslint.com). This will detect minor errors that can cause packed 
JS to fail while the unpacked version works fine. I had to do this with 
the CFJS plug-in, and now I do it to everything I compress.

Hope this helps.


Rey Bango wrote:

I've never experienced an error when packing jQuery plugins. I've seen 
it occur with other JS scripts and its usually indicated by the calls 
to compressed code not working while the same calls to the 
uncompressed version working just fine.



Thanks for the quick response.  Are there ever "subtle" errors when
compressing?  Or should I always see an error in the console if the
packed version has an error?

On Jul 14, 12:57 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The core jquery team and most plugins use this tool to compress js.



I found the BlockUI plugin download here:
However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
JS can sometimes break it.


[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Great guys, thanks for the help!

On Jul 14, 4:40 pm, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If compressing your JS breaks it, try running the code through JSLint
> (http://jslint.com). This will detect minor errors that can cause packed
> JS to fail while the unpacked version works fine. I had to do this with
> the CFJS plug-in, and now I do it to everything I compress.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> Rey Bango wrote:
> > I've never experienced an error when packing jQuery plugins. I've seen
> > it occur with other JS scripts and its usually indicated by the calls
> > to compressed code not working while the same calls to the
> > uncompressed version working just fine.
> > Rey...
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Thanks for the quick response.  Are there ever "subtle" errors when
> >> compressing?  Or should I always see an error in the console if the
> >> packed version has an error?
> >> On Jul 14, 12:57 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>http://dean.edwards.name/packer
> >>> The core jquery team and most plugins use this tool to compress js.
> >>> -GTG
> >>> On 7/14/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I found the BlockUI plugin download here:
> http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#download
>  However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
>  version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
>  am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
>  JS can sometimes break it.
>  Thanks.
> --http://cjordan.us

[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Rey Bango

Awesome! Thanks Chris! :D

Christopher Jordan wrote:

If compressing your JS breaks it, try running the code through JSLint 
(http://jslint.com). This will detect minor errors that can cause packed 
JS to fail while the unpacked version works fine. I had to do this with 
the CFJS plug-in, and now I do it to everything I compress.

Hope this helps.


Rey Bango wrote:

I've never experienced an error when packing jQuery plugins. I've seen 
it occur with other JS scripts and its usually indicated by the calls 
to compressed code not working while the same calls to the 
uncompressed version working just fine.



Thanks for the quick response.  Are there ever "subtle" errors when
compressing?  Or should I always see an error in the console if the
packed version has an error?

On Jul 14, 12:57 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The core jquery team and most plugins use this tool to compress js.



I found the BlockUI plugin download here:
However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
JS can sometimes break it.

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread John Resig

Added to the FAQ:


On 7/14/07, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Awesome! Thanks Chris! :D

Christopher Jordan wrote:
> If compressing your JS breaks it, try running the code through JSLint
> (http://jslint.com). This will detect minor errors that can cause packed
> JS to fail while the unpacked version works fine. I had to do this with
> the CFJS plug-in, and now I do it to everything I compress.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> Rey Bango wrote:
>> I've never experienced an error when packing jQuery plugins. I've seen
>> it occur with other JS scripts and its usually indicated by the calls
>> to compressed code not working while the same calls to the
>> uncompressed version working just fine.
>> Rey...
>>> Thanks for the quick response.  Are there ever "subtle" errors when
>>> compressing?  Or should I always see an error in the console if the
>>> packed version has an error?
>>> On Jul 14, 12:57 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 The core jquery team and most plugins use this tool to compress js.



> I found the BlockUI plugin download here:
> http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#download
> However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
> version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
> am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
> JS can sometimes break it.
> Thanks.

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775- (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] Re: Interface abandoned?

2007-07-14 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

Probably a stupid question, but how to retrieves these files by svn ?

Glen Lipka wrote:

Information on the next gen of Interface:
Plugin Home: http://docs.jquery .com/UI 
Discussion board specifically for it: http://groups.google.com/group/ 
Codebase: http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/ui 

In progress, getting lots of attention.  Looks cool.


On 7/13/07, *Benjamin Sterling* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

John says it is still being supported, outside of that, I don't
know if there is going to be a 2.0.

On 7/13/07, * Jack Killpatrick* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

Hi All,

I need to make a decision on whether to use the Interface
plugin or not
for a new project. I think I remember a post from the author a few
months ago saying that a 2.0 version was on the horizon, along
with a
video file of an app built using it (which was pretty rockin),
but since
then I don't remember seeing anything. I've used it for
various past
projects, but if it won't be tested by the author and updated
to align
with new jquery releases, get bug fixes, enhancements, etc
and no
one else is going to take over the project, well :-|

I also know that a jquery UI project is on the roadmap, but am
not sure
if that's meant as a "replacement" for Interface, has any of the
Interface people working on it (therefore abandoning
Interface), etc.

Anyone know the scoop?


Benjamin Sterling


[jQuery] Re: Interface abandoned?

2007-07-14 Thread Richard D. Worth

See http://docs.jquery.com/Downloading_jQuery#Subversion_.28SVN.29

On 7/14/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Probably a stupid question, but how to retrieves these files by svn ?

Glen Lipka wrote:

Information on the next gen of Interface:
Plugin Home: http://docs.jquery .com/UI 
Discussion board specifically for it: http://groups.google.com/group/
Codebase: http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/ui

In progress, getting lots of attention.  Looks cool.


On 7/13/07, Benjamin Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jack,
> John says it is still being supported, outside of that, I don't know if
> there is going to be a 2.0.
> On 7/13/07, Jack Killpatrick < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I need to make a decision on whether to use the Interface plugin or
> > not
> > for a new project. I think I remember a post from the author a few
> > months ago saying that a 2.0 version was on the horizon, along with a
> > video file of an app built using it (which was pretty rockin), but
> > since
> > then I don't remember seeing anything. I've used it for various past
> > projects, but if it won't be tested by the author and updated to align
> > with new jquery releases, get bug fixes, enhancements, etc and no
> > one else is going to take over the project, well :-|
> >
> > I also know that a jquery UI project is on the roadmap, but am not
> > sure
> > if that's meant as a "replacement" for Interface, has any of the
> > Interface people working on it (therefore abandoning Interface), etc.
> >
> > Anyone know the scoop?
> >
> > TIA,
> > Jack
> >
> >
>  --
> Benjamin Sterling
> http://www.KenzoMedia.com
> http://www.KenzoHosting.com

[jQuery] Re: Interface abandoned?

2007-07-14 Thread John Resig

Full instructions can be found here (just added):


On 7/14/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Probably a stupid question, but how to retrieves these files by svn ?

 Glen Lipka wrote:
Information on the next gen of Interface:
 Plugin Home: http://docs.jquery .com/UI
 Discussion board specifically for it: http://groups.google.com/group/
 Codebase: http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/ui

 In progress, getting lots of attention.  Looks cool.


On 7/13/07, Benjamin Sterling
> Jack,
> John says it is still being supported, outside of that, I don't know if
there is going to be a 2.0.
> On 7/13/07, Jack Killpatrick < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I need to make a decision on whether to use the Interface plugin or not
> > for a new project. I think I remember a post from the author a few
> > months ago saying that a 2.0 version was on the horizon, along with a
> > video file of an app built using it (which was pretty rockin), but since
> > then I don't remember seeing anything. I've used it for various past
> > projects, but if it won't be tested by the author and updated to align
> > with new jquery releases, get bug fixes, enhancements, etc and no
> > one else is going to take over the project, well :-|
> >
> > I also know that a jquery UI project is on the roadmap, but am not sure
> > if that's meant as a "replacement" for Interface, has any of the
> > Interface people working on it (therefore abandoning Interface), etc.
> >
> > Anyone know the scoop?
> >
> > TIA,
> > Jack
> >
> >
> --
> Benjamin Sterling
> http://www.KenzoMedia.com
> http://www.KenzoHosting.com

[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Michael Geary

> From: John Resig
> Added to the FAQ:

I tink you have a code in da doze. Dry sub Codtac:



[jQuery] Re: iframes and jquery

2007-07-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Jul 14, 5:32 pm, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I suspect you'll want to roll your own solution, but daemach has put
> together a frameReady jQuery plugin to assist in dealing with this
> sort of thing:
> Might be good for some ideas.

Thanks :). i'd like to avoid rolling my own, since i don't fully
understand the ramifications of using iframes. i have avoided (normal)
frames since the late 90's because they cause nothing but problems,
and i think i am still quite biased against them. i've still got some
learning to do about iframes before i'm fully comfortable with them.

[jQuery] JQuery AutoCompleter error

2007-07-14 Thread AtlantaGeek

Using Jörn Zaefferer' AutoCompleter at 

I'm getting an error in the function below.  The error is at line 553,
the error is "object required", this file is jquery.autocompleter.js.
This is occurring under IE 7 and it happens when I move the mouse
cursor over the drop down that is built to display the choices the
user can select.  It does not seem to happen in Firefox.

The line where the error occurs is the WHILE line.  When looking at
this I can see that the line above it should get a reference called
element to event.target.  However, if I inspect element, it reports as
null.  If I inspect event.target, it reports as an object that I can
then expand and see the tagName property (which is "UL" in this case).

function target(event) {
   var element = event.target;
   while(element.tagName != "LI")
  element = element.parentNode;
return element;

I'll have to try changing the function to:

function target(event) {
//   var element = event.target;
   while(event.target.tagName != "LI")
  element = event.target.parentNode;
return element;

Perhaps not the best solution, but I'll defer to Jörn for that.

[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Aaron Porter

I know Dean Edward's packer has already been suggested but you can try
my compressor if you'd like:


My compressor is slower than packer but the results will be smaller. It
also doesn't have a problem with things like missing semi-colons at the
end of lines because it uses Rhino for the first pass which cleans
everything up.


> I found the BlockUI plugin download here:
> http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#download
> However, I didn't find a compressed version.  Is there a compressed
> version available?  If not, could I compress it myself somewhere?  I
> am a little concerned about doing that because I know that compressing
> JS can sometimes break it.
> Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Accordion + jCarouselLite Bug?

2007-07-14 Thread huphtur

Wow, so simple. Why didn't I think of that?
Thank you Mr Marwaha for helping.

On Jul 14, 8:16 am, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, you actually had a couple of issues, which we are fixing one by one i
> guess ;-)
> Anyways, Changing the order in which the calls are made did the trick for
> me...
> $(document).ready(function() {
> $(".imageSlider").jCarouselLite({
> btnNext: ".imageSlider .next",
> btnPrev: ".imageSlider .prev",
> visible: 1,
> speed: 500
> });
> jQuery("#nav").Accordion({
> header: 'h3'
> });
> });
> -GTG
> On 7/14/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Still nothing.http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> > I made the first and second section identical. The first carousel
> > (that's shown on load) works fine. The second (collapsed on load)
> > doesn't show.
> > On Jul 14, 12:27 am, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > you have a javascript error in ur page that is causing u the problem...
> > > In the snippet below you have a leading comma after the speed:500. After
> > > removing that it works fine.
> > > $(".imageSlider").jCarouselLite({
> > > btnNext: ".imageSlider .next",
> > > btnPrev: ".imageSlider .prev",
> > > visible: 1,
> > > speed: 500,
> > > });
> > > Lemme know how it goes...
> > > -GTG
> > > On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Upgraded to latest version, still no show:
> >http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> > > > On Jul 13, 2:13 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > oops, forgot to mention - also get the latest version from the site.
> >http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/js/jcarousellite_0.3.1.p...
> > > > > -GTG
> > > > > On 7/13/07, Ganeshji Marwaha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > hey huphtur,
> > > > > > If you are using images with jCarouselLite, just give it the width
> > and
> > > > the
> > > > > > height attribute. That should do the trick.
> > > > > > Eg: 
> > > > > > Lemme know if it worked for u.
> > > > > > -GTG
> > > > > > On 7/13/07, huphtur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > > I'm trying to use both Accordion and jCarouselLite plugins
> > > > > > > but am experiencing some problems with this.
> > > > > > > I set up a quick page here:http://thehotcrew.com/acccar/
> > > > > > > There should be one of those image slider in "Content 2" as
> > well.
> > > > > > > This problem might be related to:
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/d97610f.
> > ..
> > > > > > > but I am unable to figure out what exactly is happening.

[jQuery] Re: AutoCompleter question

2007-07-14 Thread AtlantaGeek


Please excuse my ignorance on JQuery.  From Jorn's sample web page, it
appears that the findValueCallback function is executed when the user
makes a selection from the drop down.  So I took an earlier suggestion
you made and tried to combine it with this suggestion of yours to
accomplish what I was after.  My code is below but it does not work as
I had hoped.  Can you show me the error of my ways?

function findValueCallback(event, data, formatted) {

// Original code from Jorn's page.
//  $("").text( !data ? "No match!" : "Selected: " +



On Jul 13, 8:42 am, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> As you can see, the selected data comes back as an array in the data
> argument.
> data[0] = Item
> data[1] = Item Description
> data[2] = Qty On Hand
> data[3] = Price
> -Dan- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] How do you delay for a few seconds

2007-07-14 Thread goofy166

I have mastered many of the incredible features of jquery today for
the first time, but for the life of me I can't figure out how in the
heck you can get a div to display for a fixed amount of time then just
hide itself.

Sorry for such a stupid question.

[jQuery] Re: Chaining of display effects.

2007-07-14 Thread navvywavvy

Okay - first of all, thanks for you help guys - got the gears turning
until I figured out how to do it. It's pretty simple actually, and I
figured I'd post it here in case anyone else comes across this

// Show Form1
function() {
var $Form2 = $("#Form2:visible");
if ($Form2.length) {
function() {
} else {

// Don't follow the click
return false;

... And then the reverse for the other button. Cool!

On Jul 13, 5:09 pm, "Glen Lipka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jQuery uses a concept of "callbacks".  These basically say, "Dont do the
> next step until the animation is finished."
> This demo is one I made the other 
> day.http://www.commadot.com/jquery/nextrow/toggle.htm#
>   $("a#controller").click( function() {
> $("div.box:visible").slideUp("slow",function(){
>   //alert("Animation Done.");
>   $("div.box").load("text.htm",
> function() {
>   $("div.box").pause(200).slideDown("medium");
> }
>   );
> });
>   } );
> Notice how on the SlideUp function, I have a callback right after it.  This
> makes it wait.
> Additionally, I used the pause plugin to wait an additional 200ms, because
> 0ms, seemed too abrubt.
> Based on your example, I think this would work for you.
> Glen
> On 7/13/07, navvywavvy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Okay, here is an example:
> >http://cotworld.com/jquery-test/

[jQuery] Re: IE7 and jQuery Corners.....

2007-07-14 Thread Jason

That fixed it!!! Thanks!

On Jul 10, 4:28 pm, "Loren Pipes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This has to do with the background color of the header div/h1 being
> set to white, when I set them to transparent (via dev bar) the corners
> look fine.
> VP

[jQuery] Re: Chaining of display effects.

2007-07-14 Thread navvywavvy

Hmm. I didn't know about the pause function. I may end up having to go
that route. It's still a little disappointing, though. The logic I
would have preferred is:

if Button1 is clicked
 if Form2 is visible
  hide it then reveal Form1
  Reveal Form1

if Button2 is clicked
 if Form1 is visible
  Hide it then reveal Form2
  Reveal Form2

Know what I mean?

On Jul 13, 5:09 pm, "Glen Lipka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jQuery uses a concept of "callbacks".  These basically say, "Dont do the
> next step until the animation is finished."
> This demo is one I made the other 
> day.http://www.commadot.com/jquery/nextrow/toggle.htm#
>   $("a#controller").click( function() {
> $("div.box:visible").slideUp("slow",function(){
>   //alert("Animation Done.");
>   $("div.box").load("text.htm",
> function() {
>   $("div.box").pause(200).slideDown("medium");
> }
>   );
> });
>   } );
> Notice how on the SlideUp function, I have a callback right after it.  This
> makes it wait.
> Additionally, I used the pause plugin to wait an additional 200ms, because
> 0ms, seemed too abrubt.
> Based on your example, I think this would work for you.
> Glen
> On 7/13/07, navvywavvy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Okay, here is an example:
> >http://cotworld.com/jquery-test/

[jQuery] Re: How do you delay for a few seconds

2007-07-14 Thread Josh Nathanson

Some folks are lobbying for a "pause(ms)" method, but it's not in the code 

There's a plugin to do what you want though; if you dig around in the thread 
archives for "animation pause plugin" you can probably find the link for the 

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: "goofy166" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "jQuery (English)" 
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 4:52 PM
Subject: [jQuery] How do you delay for a few seconds

I have mastered many of the incredible features of jquery today for
the first time, but for the life of me I can't figure out how in the
heck you can get a div to display for a fixed amount of time then just
hide itself.

Sorry for such a stupid question.

[jQuery] Re: How do you delay for a few seconds

2007-07-14 Thread Erik Beeson

Maybe (untested):

setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);

Where 5000 is the duration to show it for, in milliseconds (i.e., 1000
= 1 second). Hope it helps.


On 7/14/07, goofy166 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have mastered many of the incredible features of jquery today for
the first time, but for the life of me I can't figure out how in the
heck you can get a div to display for a fixed amount of time then just
hide itself.

Sorry for such a stupid question.

[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Michael Geary

Sounds interesting, Aaron, thanks for the pointer.

Two questions:

How is the unpacking speed? I don't care how long it takes to pack the code
(within reason), but unpacking speed is very important, especially on slow
machines like an iPhone/Nokia/Windows Mobile phone. I saw a test report that
seemed to indicate that Dean's packer took 1.5 seconds to unpack jQuery on
the iPhone, which is way too slow. I would gladly take a slower packing time
to get faster unpacking.

Is the source code available? I can't use a compressor that I have to go to
a website to use. That's fine for testing, but for production use I need to
be able to integrate it into my build process and have it available at all



> From: Aaron Porter
> I know Dean Edward's packer has already been suggested but 
> you can try my compressor if you'd like:
> http://www.scriptingmagic.com/Topics/Compression/JavaScript%20Compressor/
> My compressor is slower than packer but the results will be 
> smaller. It also doesn't have a problem with things like 
> missing semi-colons at the end of lines because it uses Rhino 
> for the first pass which cleans everything up.

[jQuery] Re: Chaining of display effects.

2007-07-14 Thread Karl Swedberg

Looks good!

If you want to make the code a bit more efficient, you can tweak it a  
bit and cache $('Form2'), since you use it a couple times.

Here is a slightly altered version (using slideUp/slideDown because I  
think they're prettier):

function() {
var $Form2 = $("#Form2"); 
if ($Form2.is(':visible')) {
$Form2.slideUp('fast', function() {
} else {

// Don't follow the click
return false;

Karl Swedberg

On Jul 14, 2007, at 2:18 PM, navvywavvy wrote:

Okay - first of all, thanks for you help guys - got the gears turning
until I figured out how to do it. It's pretty simple actually, and I
figured I'd post it here in case anyone else comes across this

// Show Form1
function() {
var $Form2 = $("#Form2:visible");
if ($Form2.length) {
function() {
} else {

// Don't follow the click
return false;

... And then the reverse for the other button. Cool!

On Jul 13, 5:09 pm, "Glen Lipka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
jQuery uses a concept of "callbacks".  These basically say, "Dont  
do the

next step until the animation is finished."

This demo is one I made the other day.http://www.commadot.com/ 

  $("a#controller").click( function() {

  //alert("Animation Done.");
function() {

  } );

Notice how on the SlideUp function, I have a callback right after  
it.  This

makes it wait.
Additionally, I used the pause plugin to wait an additional 200ms,  

0ms, seemed too abrubt.

Based on your example, I think this would work for you.


On 7/13/07, navvywavvy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Okay, here is an example:


[jQuery] Re: Problem with jQuery + Dimension plugin + Autocomplete plugin + Float

2007-07-14 Thread Brandon Aaron

Hey Mark,

Could you possibly post an example of the issue? I'm having trouble
following what exactly is going on. Also, try grabbing the latest version of
Dimensions from SVN as it has been recently updated.

Brandon Aaron

On 7/14/07, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am using jQuery with the autocomplete plugin.
Everything was right, but I had to float the div, which contains all
input components, so the result div of the autocomplete became crazy
about finding its position.

So, I downloaded the Dimensions plugin, and the following is

In Mozilla it works fine, and the offset function gets the same
results as the autocomplete built in findPos function.

But in explorer, in order to position the window properly I had to
call dimensions.position() for the top value and dimensions.offset()
for the left value...

So I am using it now with if ($.browser.msie)...

Anyone knows why it is happening? ...maybe I am doing something wrong
with the floats...

If this is an IE bug, maybe could be fixed in the dimensions plugin.


[jQuery] Re: Problem with jQuery + Dimension plugin + Autocomplete plugin + Float

2007-07-14 Thread Brandon Aaron

Actually, what version of the autocomplete plugin are you using. It looks
like the latest depends on the dimensions plugin. Perhaps you should grab
both the latest versions of the dimensions and the autocomplete plugins.

Brandon Aaron

On 7/14/07, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Mark,

Could you possibly post an example of the issue? I'm having trouble
following what exactly is going on. Also, try grabbing the latest version of
Dimensions from SVN as it has been recently updated.

Brandon Aaron

On 7/14/07, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Hi!
> I am using jQuery with the autocomplete plugin.
> Everything was right, but I had to float the div, which contains all
> input components, so the result div of the autocomplete became crazy
> about finding its position.
> So, I downloaded the Dimensions plugin, and the following is
> happening:
> In Mozilla it works fine, and the offset function gets the same
> results as the autocomplete built in findPos function.
> But in explorer, in order to position the window properly I had to
> call dimensions.position() for the top value and dimensions.offset()
> for the left value...
> So I am using it now with if ($.browser.msie)...
> Anyone knows why it is happening? ...maybe I am doing something wrong
> with the floats...
> If this is an IE bug, maybe could be fixed in the dimensions plugin.
> Thanks
> Mark.

[jQuery] parsing xml

2007-07-14 Thread quez

my xml looks something like:

   the bio
the votes
   another bio
likewise, another vote

I'm new to jquery. I'd like to place these in an array so I can access
votes/bio easily and separately. at the moment, jquery is returning it
like this: "the bioanother bio" . Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Compressed BlockUI plugin?

2007-07-14 Thread Aaron Porter

I just ran some tests against the current version from SVN to see how
fast they load on my machine.

Firefox on Linux:
jquery.js (original uncompressed) - 158243 bytes: 66ms
jquery.pack.js - 21585 bytes: 129ms
jquery.compressed.js (my compressor) - 17005 bytes: 394ms

IE6 on XP under VMWare on the same Linux machine:
jquery.js (original uncompressed) - 158243 bytes: 15ms
jquery.pack.js - 21585 bytes: 62ms
jquery.compressed.js (my compressor) - 17005 bytes: 171ms

On a 56K modem my version will be faster on the first load then the
packed version will be faster on subsequent loads. It all depends on
what you're after.

I haven't made the source available yet but that's something I'm
considering. I'll need to clean it up first. I could get you a jar file
(it's written in Java) if you're interested.


Michael Geary wrote:
> Sounds interesting, Aaron, thanks for the pointer.
> Two questions:
> How is the unpacking speed? I don't care how long it takes to pack the code
> (within reason), but unpacking speed is very important, especially on slow
> machines like an iPhone/Nokia/Windows Mobile phone. I saw a test report that
> seemed to indicate that Dean's packer took 1.5 seconds to unpack jQuery on
> the iPhone, which is way too slow. I would gladly take a slower packing time
> to get faster unpacking.
> Is the source code available? I can't use a compressor that I have to go to
> a website to use. That's fine for testing, but for production use I need to
> be able to integrate it into my build process and have it available at all
> times.
> Thanks,
> -Mike
>> From: Aaron Porter
>> I know Dean Edward's packer has already been suggested but 
>> you can try my compressor if you'd like:
>> http://www.scriptingmagic.com/Topics/Compression/JavaScript%20Compressor/
>> My compressor is slower than packer but the results will be 
>> smaller. It also doesn't have a problem with things like 
>> missing semi-colons at the end of lines because it uses Rhino 
>> for the first pass which cleans everything up.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery AutoCompleter error

2007-07-14 Thread AtlantaGeek

Well, that wasn't a good change to that function - just did it on the
fly while typing up that post - but when I made the change to the
actual JavaScript and realized my mistakes, it did not help.  Part of
the problem was that when I originally inspected event, it was not
showing the event that was passed, but must have been showing the
event object that's part of - what? - the DOM in IE?  Anyway, changing
it to myevent and then inspecting myevent reveals a different object
structure and it does not have a target property.  So there is
something a little more complex here.  Running Jörn's sample page
reveals that it does work (I don't get the error I'm getting on my
page), so perhaps I've taken out some code that is important (I cut
out code that related to input controls on his page that I was not
interested in and changed the names in his code to match the names in
my code).  Perhaps I've cut out something pertinent that did not seem

On Jul 14, 11:48 am, AtlantaGeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using Jörn Zaefferer' AutoCompleter 
> athttp://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete
> I'm getting an error in the function below.  The error is at line 553,
> the error is "object required", this file is jquery.autocompleter.js.
> This is occurring under IE 7 and it happens when I move the mouse
> cursor over the drop down that is built to display the choices the
> user can select.  It does not seem to happen in Firefox.
> The line where the error occurs is the WHILE line.  When looking at
> this I can see that the line above it should get a reference called
> element to event.target.  However, if I inspect element, it reports as
> null.  If I inspect event.target, it reports as an object that I can
> then expand and see the tagName property (which is "UL" in this case).
> function target(event) {
>var element = event.target;
>while(element.tagName != "LI")
>   element = element.parentNode;
> return element;
> I'll have to try changing the function to:
> function target(event) {
> //   var element = event.target;
>while(event.target.tagName != "LI")
>   element = event.target.parentNode;
> return element;
> Perhaps not the best solution, but I'll defer to Jörn for that.

[jQuery] Re: Chaining of display effects.

2007-07-14 Thread Phpgogo

Maybe by following this can get your desired result

  // Hide Form2 if necessary

  // Don't follow the click
  return false;

// Show Form 2
   function() {
  // Hide Form1 if necessary

  // Don't follow the click
  return false;

On Jul 13, 10:40 am, navvywavvy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got two forms. When the page loads, both of the forms are hidden
> from view with display: none;.
> When Button1 is clicked, I want Form1 to appear.
> When Button2 is clicked, I want Form2 to appear.
> If Form1 is visible and Button1 is clicked, I want Form1 to disappear
> and THEN I want Form2 to appear.
> If Form2 is visible and Button2 is clicked, I want Form2 to disappear
> and THEN I want Form2 to appear.
> I can't seem to find a way to make these chain properly. If one of the
> forms was visible from the get-go, it could work just fine, but
> because in the beginning they're both hidden, it won't work. Here is
> my code:
> // Show Form1
> $("#Button1").click(
> function(){
> // Hide the Form2 if necessary
> $("#Form2:visible").slideUp();
> $("#Form1:hidden").slideDown();
> });
> // Show Form2
> $("#Button2").click(
> function() {
> // Hide Form1 if necessary
> $("Form1:visible").slideUp();
> $("Form2:hidden").slideDown();
> });
> Obviously the reason they are not "chaining" is because they're not
> chained in the code, but if I did it like this:
> $("Form1:visible").slideUp(function() {
> $("Form2:hidden").slideDown();
> });
> I would have the problem that I mentioned above where Form2 would only
> appear if Form1 was already visible.
> So, how can I make this work?