[jQuery] Re: :first relative to clicked element

2009-08-22 Thread Jules

I tested this and it works with FF3.0 and IE 8.0

.before(h6Click for more.../h6)
.find('h5').click(function() {

On Aug 21, 5:28 pm, Carl-Johan Lindqvist cj.lindqv...@gmail.com
 Hi Jules and thanks for your reply.

 Sadly, that didn't work (though I now use your $(this).nextAll
 ('blockquote:first') to select the blockquote, it looks better
 than .next().next() )

 Might the problem with the h6 tag has something to do with the fact
 that the whole h6More../h6 is added by jQuery itself;

 $('blockquote').prev().append( 'h6More.../h6' );


 Thanks again!

 On Aug 21, 6:20 am, Jules jwira...@gmail.com wrote:

              .find('h5').click(function() {

  On Aug 21, 3:08 am, Carl-Johan Lindqvist cj.lindqv...@gmail.com


   I'm just learning jQuery and have some troubles with the selectors.

   I'm using this (found in the basic training file) to show and hide a
   Blockquote paragraph.

   () {


   Basically I have a h5 with a title, then a p with the first
   paragraph of text, and then I have the rest of the text wrapped in a
   blockquote tag (this is all WordPress, that's why the syntax might
   be a little strange).
   Under the blockquote I have a h6Click for more.../h6 which I'd
   like to hide when the blockquote is shown.
   This is then repeated a couple of times.. something like:

   blockqoutepThe rest of the text/p/blockqoute
   h6Click for more.../h6

   blockqoutepThe rest of the text/p/blockqoute
   h6Click for more.../h6

   blockqoutepThe rest of the text/p/blockqoute
   h6Click for more.../h6

   Now the code I have works fine for the first set of lines (when I
   click the h5 the blockquote slides out and the h6 slides away.
   But h6:first is (apparently) relative to the whole document and not
   to the h5 you just clicked, so when I click the second h5 it's the
   h6 in the first set that disappears.

   How can I write it so that only the first h6 after the h5 is

   Thank you!

[jQuery] Re: Help Add variable to jquery file tree

2009-08-22 Thread 262Rui

This is how i get so far but it still does not work

$(document).ready( function() {
var contribuinte = $(#cbfv_55).text();
   $('#fileTreeDemo_3').fileTree({ root: '/' + contribuinte +
'/' , script: 'jqueryFileTree.php' }, function(file) {

What am I doing wrong? Is this the way to call my variable +
contribuinte + ?

[jQuery] Re: Cursor moves to start position in Opera Autocomplete Plugin

2009-08-22 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Just released version 1.1, which fixes this issue:


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 9:29 PM, juanefrenjuanef...@gmail.com wrote:

 With the autocomplete plugin and using Opera; When the input value, is
 not found in the suggestions the cursor moves to the beginning of the
 text, does any body knows how to solve it ?

 Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: Help with show hide function

2009-08-22 Thread 262Rui

If your divs are named #workdiv , #whatdiv, etc I would try something

  $('#work').click(function() {
return false;

Good luck

[jQuery] Re: handling of click event?

2009-08-22 Thread ak732

Actually this does follow you around everywhere, but it's more like
an often changing stray dog than a pet dog.

On Aug 22, 1:24 am, Audrey A Lee audrey.lee.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 I can't expect it to follow me around like a pet dog.

[jQuery] Re: Draggable problem

2009-08-22 Thread ak732

Draggable has an option called 'handle' with which you can specify the
element that use used as the drag handle for the draggable.

So, something like this...

   $(#wdw).draggable({handle:$(.title, this)})

...would make the element w/id wdw draggable, but only by the sub-
element w/a classname of title.

On Aug 21, 11:41 am, Stephan step...@ldstoolbar.com wrote:
 Hi there,

 I am developing a web based desktop similar to eyeOS (google it to see

 I use jQuery to power the ajax part. Everything works great so far
 except that I have a little problem with the different windows (all
 div's) that I open. I made them draggable which works but they are
 draggable wherever I click. Now inside those divs I have some content
 like a titlebar with the name of the application and maximize,
 minimize and close buttons. I want it only to be draggable if someone
 clicks on the titlebar. Is this possible??

 Here is a sample structure of a div window.
 div id=12 class=windowcase ui-resizable ui-draggable style=left:
 558px; top: 80px;
 table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=window
     tbodytr class=narrowrow
         td class=narrowcol topleft/
         td width=200 class=top/
         td class=narrowcol bottomleft/
     tr height=200
         td class=narrowcol left/
         td id=12-content class=window-contentdiv
 class=windowtitle id=12-titlediv style=float: left;Process
 Manager/divdiv class=windowicons id=12-iconsimg
 onclick=closeWindow('12'); src=themes/default/minimizewindow.jpg/img 
 onclick=closeWindow('12'); src=themes/default/

 closewindow.jpg//div/divnewdiv id=pro
 table cellspacing=0 border=1 style=font-size: 12px; width:
 tbodytrthID/ththProcess Name/ththAction/th/tr
 trtd12/tdtdProcess Manager/tdtd style=padding-top: 4px;
 padding-bottom: 0px;img onclick=closeWindow(12); src=themes/

         td class=narrowcol right/
     tr class=narrowrow
         td class=narrowcol bottomleft/
         td class=bottom/
         td class=narrowcol bottomright/

 So you see in this example I want to be able to drag the div with the
 id 12 only if someone clicks on the div 12-title.

 Is this possible?

[jQuery] Quick check over these few lines ?

2009-08-22 Thread Harri

I've used a few jquery things before, but I haven't a clue when it
comes to javascript, so I've mainly just modified variables here and
there. This is my first attempt at actually writing something, and
well.its not working :P

Im trying to send an ajax post to an external file, which simply
returns 'Complete' after updating the db. My html gives me an ul, with
li elemnts, representing names of comics. Anyway heres my code, Id
just like someone with more experience than me to tell me if im doing
anything wrong:

$(function() {
$.post(ajax_parser_update.php, {query: 
function (data) {
return false;


[jQuery] appended element problem

2009-08-22 Thread za~za

if i append an link to the page the function preventDefault() dont
work if i click on it

anyone know how to prevent default action of an appended link?

titlePage title/title
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script
script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
$(function () {
  $('#content').append('a href=index.phpAppended link/a');
a href=index.phpNormal link/a
div id=content/div

[jQuery] Problem with form validation. Help/Suggestions Appreciated!

2009-08-22 Thread TheGeekster

Please forgive my ignorance on the matter. I've only recently switched
from pHp and older JS conventions am not quite used to the varying
syntax. Here goes:

I am building out new forms for my company and am using jQuery for the
form validatin. The form has sets of hidden questions that will
display based on their country location (which they select from a
dropdown). For simpicity sake, Im just having the questions hidden/
shown based on that selection. So for the form validation, those
questions need to be answered only if they're showing. I've everything
built out up to validating the radio buttons (for the hidden
questions). I've seen cases where people have use a checkbox that when
clicked will add requirement to the selected fields. I've the function
that adds the requirement written out. But I wish to do the same but
only based on value checks (say numerical). But I'm having a hard time
with the syntax.

I have the following sample code:

rules: {
  topic: {
required: #math

What would the proper syntax be if I wanted the variable math (say
it's pulled from an input field) to be equal to 10 before it sets
that the id topic is required when it starts validaitng. Again,
please forgive me if Im not making any sense at all. Thanks again.

[jQuery] How to have a smooth transition ?

2009-08-22 Thread vishalkhialani

My aim is to have one div element move up when there is a mouse over
and another div element to become visible when the same mouse over
effect takes place.

I managed to do this you can see the video here

and the code I used is here

but my problem is that its really fast I want to slow it down. I want
it to look something like this

So my question is how to I implement a speed limit ?

Vishal Khialani

[jQuery] Re: Help with show hide function

2009-08-22 Thread Jacques Choquette - WhistlerGraphicDesign.com

This is what I ending up going with 

I seriously doubt this is the most efficient / proper way to do this
this but it's working anyways

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {

 // hides the all tabs as soon as the DOM is ready
 // (a little sooner than page load)

  // display the homeTab by default

  // set home menu state to active

 // toggles the tab on clicking the noted link

  $('#home').click(function() {




  return false;

  $('#who').click(function() {




  return false;

   $('#what').click(function() {




  return false;

  $('#where').click(function() {




  return false;

$('#work').click(function() {




  return false;


[jQuery] Problems with form validation

2009-08-22 Thread thegeekster2010

Please forgive my ignorance on the matter. I've only recently switched from
pHp and older JS conventions am not quite used to the varying syntax. Here

I am building out new forms for my company and am using jQuery for the form
validatin. The form has sets of hidden questions that will display based on
their country location (which they select from a dropdown). For simpicity
sake, Im just having the questions hidden/shown based on that selection. So
for the form validation, those questions need to be answered only if they're
showing. I've everything built out up to validating the radio buttons (for
the hidden questions). I've seen cases where people have use a checkbox that
when clicked will add requirement to the selected fields. I've the function
that adds the requirement written out. But I wish to do the same but only
based on value checks (say numerical). But I'm having a hard time with the

I have the following sample code: 

rules: {
  topic: {
required: #math

What would the proper syntax be if I wanted the variable math (say it's
pulled from an input field) to be equal to 10 before it sets that the id
topic is required when it starts validaitng. Again, please forgive me if
Im not making any sense at all. Thanks again.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] a question for ajaxStart function

2009-08-22 Thread ATPKING

I use the jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js
but when i debugged the code,Visual Studio said
Microsoft JScript Run-time error: 'f' undefined,
and VS jump to the code

jQuery.fn[ajaxStart] = function(callback) {
/// summary
/// Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX 
request begins
and there is none already active. This is an Ajax Event.
/// /summary
/// param name=callback type=FunctionThe function to 
/// returns type=jQuery /
return this.bind(ajaxStart, f);  //here throw the

 and I have the following jquery script:
 script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
.ajaxStart(function() {
}).ajaxStop(function() {
function GetTagedPage(tagedPage) {
url: DoData.ashx?page= + tagedPage,
type: json,
success: function(data) {
var tmp = eval(data);
var pageCount = tmp.PageCount;
tmp = tmp.List
$(tbody tr).remove();
$(#ul_page li).remove();
$.each(tmp, function(i) {
var row;
row = trtd + tmp[i].Name + /tdtd +
tmp[i].ID + /td;
if (pageCount  10) {
pageCount = 10;
for (var i = 1; i = pageCount; i++) {
$(lia href='#' + i + /a/
li).appendTo(#ul_page).click(function() {

and this is my html code

form id=form1 runat=server
table id=tb
ul id=ul_page
div id=loading

thx for your reading my poor English.orz

[jQuery] Re: Quick check over these few lines ?

2009-08-22 Thread MorningZ

One issue that i see right away is this:

  $.post(ajax_parser_update.php, {query: $(this).val()},

You are apparently looping through li tags  inside that each
statement $(this).val() won't work because li is not an object
that .val() works against...  use .text() or .html()

On Aug 22, 5:55 am, Harri h4rrison.ja...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've used a few jquery things before, but I haven't a clue when it
 comes to javascript, so I've mainly just modified variables here and
 there. This is my first attempt at actually writing something, and
 well.its not working :P

 Im trying to send an ajax post to an external file, which simply
 returns 'Complete' after updating the db. My html gives me an ul, with
 li elemnts, representing names of comics. Anyway heres my code, Id
 just like someone with more experience than me to tell me if im doing
 anything wrong:

                 $(function() {
                                 $.post(ajax_parser_update.php, {query: 
                                 function (data) {
                                 return false;


[jQuery] Re: Quick check over these few lines ?

2009-08-22 Thread brian

I see an error and ... something confusing.

The error is that you're using this to refer to the li inside the
success handler but it's gone out of scope. Commonly, people will
create a var self and assign this to it so as to refer to the
proper object inside a deeper scope.

The confusing bit is that you're instructing jQuery to make an AJAX
request for each LI *as the page is loading*. Normally, you'd create a
handler that does this upon the user's action of some sort (eg. a

I'm more comfortable using $.ajax() so I'll use that here.

var self = this;
url: ajax_parser_update.php,
data: $(self).text(),

But, without a use case it's difficult to say for sure what you need.
Could you describe how and why these LIs should be updated?

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 5:55 AM, Harrih4rrison.ja...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've used a few jquery things before, but I haven't a clue when it
 comes to javascript, so I've mainly just modified variables here and
 there. This is my first attempt at actually writing something, and
 well.its not working :P

 Im trying to send an ajax post to an external file, which simply
 returns 'Complete' after updating the db. My html gives me an ul, with
 li elemnts, representing names of comics. Anyway heres my code, Id
 just like someone with more experience than me to tell me if im doing
 anything wrong:

                $(function() {
                                $.post(ajax_parser_update.php, {query: 
                                function (data) {
                                return false;


[jQuery] Re: appended element problem

2009-08-22 Thread brian

That's because the new link has not been bound to the function
described in the first part. See here:


Although it's not added through an AJAX request the principle is the same.

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 11:03 AM, za~zazann...@libero.it wrote:

 if i append an link to the page the function preventDefault() dont
 work if i click on it

 anyone know how to prevent default action of an appended link?

 titlePage title/title
 script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script
 script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
 $(function () {
  $('#content').append('a href=index.phpAppended link/a');
 a href=index.phpNormal link/a
 div id=content/div

[jQuery] Re: new site on the sites using jquery list?

2009-08-22 Thread Karl Swedberg
Go for it. It's a wiki, so you just have to sign up with username/ 
password. There is a 24-hour waiting period before you can post  
something after you've registered (to help reduce spam).


Karl Swedberg

On Aug 20, 2009, at 1:38 AM, JGoodrich wrote:

Hi all-

It's been a rough month (lots of changes to be made) but, we've
converted a lot of the javascript functions on FunAdvice to use jquery
now :)

Can we get added to this page, please?


[jQuery] Re: Quick check over these few lines ?

2009-08-22 Thread MorningZ

The confusing bit is that you're instructing jQuery to make an AJAX
request for each LI *as the page is loading*

That is not true, as inside

$(function() {

the page is already ready, all the li's will be where they should

On Aug 22, 1:41 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 I see an error and ... something confusing.

 The error is that you're using this to refer to the li inside the
 success handler but it's gone out of scope. Commonly, people will
 create a var self and assign this to it so as to refer to the
 proper object inside a deeper scope.

 The confusing bit is that you're instructing jQuery to make an AJAX
 request for each LI *as the page is loading*. Normally, you'd create a
 handler that does this upon the user's action of some sort (eg. a

 I'm more comfortable using $.ajax() so I'll use that here.

                 var self = this;
                         url: ajax_parser_update.php,
                         data: $(self).text(),


 But, without a use case it's difficult to say for sure what you need.
 Could you describe how and why these LIs should be updated?

 On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 5:55 AM, Harrih4rrison.ja...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've used a few jquery things before, but I haven't a clue when it
  comes to javascript, so I've mainly just modified variables here and
  there. This is my first attempt at actually writing something, and
  well.its not working :P

  Im trying to send an ajax post to an external file, which simply
  returns 'Complete' after updating the db. My html gives me an ul, with
  li elemnts, representing names of comics. Anyway heres my code, Id
  just like someone with more experience than me to tell me if im doing
  anything wrong:

                 $(function() {
                                 $.post(ajax_parser_update.php, {query: 
                                 function (data) {
                                 return false;


[jQuery] Re: How to have a smooth transition ?

2009-08-22 Thread vishalkhialani

vishalkhialani wrote:
 My aim is to have one div element move up when there is a mouse over and
 another div element to become visible when the same mouse over effect
 takes place.
 I managed to do this you can see the video here
 and the code I used is here
 but my problem is that its really fast I want to slow it down. I want it
 to look something like this
 So my question is how to I implement a speed limit ?
 Vishal Khialani

I figured it out I used the z-index and it worked perfectly and now things
are nearly perfect.

I did find one issue if I do a mouse over from the left of the div there is
no problem but if I do a mouseover from the top of the box it kind of goes
over the loop twice or sometimes into a infinite loop.

U can have a look at the video here:

My code is :

div id=outterBox1


div id=box1
this is a a dummy text to see if it works
div id=innerBox1
script type=text/javascript
  }, 2000 );

  }, 2000);




View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] jQuery handling of URL params?

2009-08-22 Thread Audrey A Lee


Rails has a hash named params which contains information from my
current URL.

Does jQuery have something like params?

Related question:

What is the jQuery-way of getting data out of the current URL?


[jQuery] some novice questions

2009-08-22 Thread GaVrA

I have this:


which i am loading here and adding some content with jquery:


$(function() {
$.ajaxSetup ({
cache: false
var loadUrl = majice.html;
setTimeout(function() {
$(.tShirt).wrap(div class='majica'/div).after(span
style='display:block'[od 790. dinara]/span);
}, 2000);

Now, what is the best way for me to do the following:

1. count how many instances of .tShirt there is
2. after every 4th add br /

My head is blank atm and i am soo very sleepy.

[jQuery] accessing the ajax loaded content

2009-08-22 Thread kknaru

so guys..what i'm trying to do is to acces the content loaded via AJAX
but in an other way than by a callback function.

i have  a div where the data will be loaded via ajax, the data is
represented by a list of folders and when i click one of them i want
to load then the subfolders...and so on, but if i use the callback
function this is not gonna be dynamic..cause i don;t know how deep is
gonna be the tree.

for example:

if i have this html

div id=loaded_data/div

and after the data will be loaded will look like this:

div id=loaded_data
a href=folder_1folder_1/a
a href=folder_2folder_2/a
a href=folder_3folder_3/a

and the javascript looks like this:


$('div#loaded_data').load('action.php',{'path' :


('div#loaded_data').load( etc etc ...loads the subfolders in the
respective folder);



but if i do in this wayfirst time it worksso id i click a
href=folder_1folder_1/a it loads the subfolders...and if i click
then on of the subfolders loaded with ajax it wont work anymore to see
the subfolders in the respective folder i hope that i made myself
clear :D

any help will be appreciated, thanks

[jQuery] Re: some novice questions

2009-08-22 Thread GaVrA

$(function() {
$.ajaxSetup ({
cache: false
var loadUrl = majice.html;
$(#majice).load(loadUrl, function(){
$(.tShirt).wrap(div class='majica'/div).after(span
style='display:block'Autor: a href='http://www.vizioshop.com/majice/
ZmYchE'ZmYchE/abr /[od 790. dinara]/span);

I just realised that i can use callback on load...

On Aug 23, 1:19 am, GaVrA ga...@crtaci.info wrote:
 I have this:


 which i am loading here and adding some content with jquery:


 $(function() {
         $.ajaxSetup ({
                 cache: false
         var loadUrl = majice.html;
         setTimeout(function() {
                 $(.tShirt).wrap(div class='majica'/div).after(span
 style='display:block'[od 790. dinara]/span);
         }, 2000);


 Now, what is the best way for me to do the following:

 1. count how many instances of .tShirt there is
 2. after every 4th add br /

 My head is blank atm and i am soo very sleepy.

[jQuery] Re: Draggable problem

2009-08-22 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 12:12 PM, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:

 Draggable has an option called 'handle' with which you can specify the
 element that use used as the drag handle for the draggable.

 So, something like this...

   $(#wdw).draggable({handle:$(.title, this)})

That's right. But a simple selector will do:
$(#wdw).draggable({ handle: .title })

It already takes care of searching within the element.

- Richard

[jQuery] Re: Scrolling problem

2009-08-22 Thread Kevin

I kind of founf a way to do it using:


The only thing is the images disapear, but pressing the scroll
buttons, I can see the dynamic images load in the status bar so it
appears it is working, just with now invisible images.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


On Aug 15, 12:04 pm, Kevin diskhand...@gmail.com wrote:
 I guess I should mention that I'm using jcarousel and thst you need to
 click on one of the index pictures to start things up.


 On Aug 14, 10:34 pm, Kevin diskhand...@gmail.com wrote:

  I managed to get the scrolling to kinda work – if I set it up with
  static LI then I can get the scrolling to work the way I want it to,
  sans being able to pass the number of the image I want to be shown
  (unless I put it in the text field of the anchor tag, which shows with
  the image) but I have no way of passing the other variables to call my
  updating button. Also, using the static it takes much longer to load
  the page.

  I’m looking to be able to set a variable – like NewStrt – to be the
  first image in the carousel by calling a simple function such as
  ScrollTo(NewStrt) or mycarousel.ScrollTo(NewStrt). Using the “function
  mycarousel_initCallback(carousel)” scrolling function doesn’t work
  with dynamic loading, and I can’t pass my variables with static
  loading. Please help.

  If you would like to see what I'm doing to get a better idea, you can
  see it here (along with my current code):


  Thanks in advance for any assistance with this.

  Kevin- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Tablesorter: default (not initial) sort order for a column

2009-08-22 Thread Abiel

Using the Tablesorter plugin, I would like to be able to force
ascending or descending ordering on a column whenever it is clicked
after the table was previously sorted by another column. For example,
suppose that at some point in time column A is sorted ascending and
then I go and sort by column B. When I come back and sort on column A
again, it will sort descending because it was previously sorted
ascending. But I want column A to be sorted ascending, and only have
it sort descending if the user clicks on the column header a second


[jQuery] jquery form plugin. IE doesnt work

2009-08-22 Thread markstegg...@googlemail.com


Im using ajaxForm to submit my contact form at futurekode.com:

$('#contactForm').ajaxForm(function(data) {}


This works fine in all browsers except IE7/8. IE error says theres a
problem with jquery 1.3.2 and highlights this line:


Could someone take a look at my contact form in IE and see if there is
a fix for this?


[jQuery] Which event to use with form elements

2009-08-22 Thread André Hänsel


is there any event that I can use to trigger an action immediately
when a form element is changed? (And similarily when it is changed and
then looses the focus.)

I think JS does not provide such an event but maybe jQuery provides
some kind of virtual event for this case?
