[jQuery] Re: Problem with chronological order : jQuery code runs too late

2010-02-11 Thread Julien
> Solved. I dont' know exactly what was wrong (...)

Oh, I found : the parameters to $.ajax() have to been included into
json-like brackets !

$.ajax(  { parameters } );

[jQuery] Re: Problem with chronological order : jQuery code runs too late

2010-02-11 Thread Julien
Solved. I dont' know exactly what was wrong, although it was most
probably in the callback function.
Maybe the carriage returns.

But this works fine:

async: false,
url: cart_doc,
type: 'POST',
data: {action: 'retrieve_opt', name: fieldName},
dataType: 'text',
timeout: 1000,
error: function(){
alert('Error retrieving product option value');
success: function(chosenOption) {


[jQuery] Re: Problem with chronological order : jQuery code runs too late

2010-02-11 Thread Julien
Thanks, Leonardo.

This seems being the right answer. However, I fail at replacing the
$.post() request by the more general $.ajax().

Can you see any error in the manner I'm doing the ajax request ?
(The corresponding  $.post() code in my first message works fine.)

$.ajax( async: false,
type: "POST",
url: cart_doc,
data: {action: 'retrieve_opt', name: fieldName},
  function (chosenOption) {

// Some feedback about what happens.
alert('Chosen option:');

field.value=chosenOption; // Setting chosen option !
 dataType: "text"

[jQuery] Problem with chronological order : jQuery code runs too late

2010-02-11 Thread Julien

I'm trying to set the values of hidden HTML inputs storing product
options for Paypal checkout.
These values are retrieved by a "POST " ajax request. The values are
correctly retrieved but don't seem to update the form.

The jQuery code seems to run concurrently with the other Javascript
tasks all around and not respecting the chronological order.

For instance, the retrieved option values are displayed last, and not
just after the call to SetOptionStringsInPaypalForm() like they

This occurs despite my tentative to isolate the jQuery code in a
distinct function.

Any idea how to force the chronological order ?



// Retrieve product option values from session variables.

function SetOptionStringsInPaypalForm() {

var f = document.forms.paypal;

$(':input[class]', f).each( // for each input element in the
hidden PayPal form
// which has its "class" attribute
// (In this case, the on0_ / os0_, and
on1_ / os1_ elements.)
// We only seach inside the form used
for the checkout !

  function () {
var field = this;
var fieldName = this.name;
var fieldPrefix = fieldName.substr(0,3);

// only keep option strings fields
if ((fieldPrefix == 'os0') ||(fieldPrefix == 'os1') ) {

// Make an Ajax "POST" request to get the option string
value stored in the session variable.
  action: 'retrieve_opt',
  name: fieldName
function (chosenOption) {

  // Some feedback about what happens.

  alert('Chosen option:')

  // The value returned by chosenOption is OK.

  field.value=chosenOption; // Setting chosen option !

  // Setting the value, does not seem to work.


  }  // end of function

);  // end of "each()" sandwich

alert('Now the form content is :');

function SetOptionsRightNow() {




[jQuery] jQuery Form plugin and jQuery File Tree plugin

2009-10-26 Thread Julien


I can upload a file with this setup :

- the "form.js" jQuery Form plugin script

- the "files.php" which upload my files and print a validation
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $_POST
echo ($_POST["destinationpath"].$_FILES["file"]["name"]);

- an "index.php" with html upload form and a div who receive the



- my script to manage the upload :
$('#upload').bind('submit', function() {
target: '#output',
url: 'files.php',
beforeSubmit: clearOutput,
success:  writeOutput
  return false;

It works, I mean "files.php" is called, the file is uploaded and I
stay on the "index.php" which receive the message.

Well, now I want to insert the html form on a node of the file tree.
Same setup, except I got a js script where I create nodes :

Every thing works fine, my form appear on the tree, my file is
uploaded, i got the message BUT on "http://address/files.php"; (which
contains only the message...) instead of "http://address/index.php"; !

I don't understand why are there differents results...

Could you help me ? Tanks.

[jQuery] Re: Finding previous & next "siblings" encapsulated in other ?

2009-10-16 Thread Julien

I choose to keep my original approach as it was better for code
clarity in my case.

>From within my function, I could select the text input passed as
argument with variable $currentField.
I could also get the list of other text inputs located after it.
$afterFields.length correctly counts the number of those fields.

Now, for each of those text fields I must access the status of the
checkbox located just after.

Instead of ".each()", I would like to use a for loop since the loop
must be exited as soon as a checked checkbox is found.

I've been unable to access the checkbox.

function UpdateFooter(caller) {

var $currentField = ":text[name=" + caller.name + "]";
var $afterFields = $($currentField).parent().nextAll().find(":text");

// Use a for loop instead of a ".each()" handler.
var n = $afterFields.length;
if ( n > 0) {  // If there are text fields located after the current
text field.
for (var i=0; i

[jQuery] Re: Finding previous & next "siblings" encapsulated in other ?

2009-10-16 Thread Julien

Hi Karl,

Thanks for your interesting alternative approach.

On my side I was trying to set a jQuery variable using the argument
that was passed to the function.
But something seems broken if we don't use jQuery from the very
beginning for the selection.

$.tmp = caller;
alert($.tmp);// displays "object HTMLInputElement"
alert($.tmp.parent());  // Does not work.
alert($.tmp.parentElement);   //  displays "object HTMLLIElement, but
impossible to go further with find(), a.s.o.

[jQuery] Re: Finding previous & next "siblings" encapsulated in other ?

2009-10-16 Thread Julien

Thanks a lot, Karl. Your code dit it.

Now are several events (like key strokes and checkbox changes) for
which the same code must be run.
So, I would like to retrieve the siblings from within a function.

The problem I encounter with the code below is how to retrieve in
jQuery the "caller" argument passed to the function ?  Is there some
general syntax to read variables ?

 .focus( function { UpdateFooter(this) } )
 .change( function { UpdateFooter(this) } )

 .change( function { UpdateFooter(this) } );

function UpdateFooter (caller) {
());   // Which syntax to read the parameter ?

On 15 oct, 19:31, Karl Swedberg  wrote:
> Provided that all the text inputs located after it are within the same  
> , this should do it:
> $('input:text').change(function() {
>    $(this).parent().nextAll().find('input:text').doSomething();
> });

[jQuery] Re: Finding previous & next "siblings" encapsulated in other ?

2009-10-15 Thread Julien

Hi again,

My question was probably too long as I got no answer...

When a change occurs is one of the following text fields, does someone
know how to scan through all the text inputs located after it?




...assuming that there are more fields and I need some jQuery

Thanks for your help.

[jQuery] Finding previous & next "siblings" encapsulated in other ?

2009-10-06 Thread Julien


I have a form that uses several text fields to set the footer of the
current page.
The fields are "Company name", "Street", "Town" and things like that.

When a keystroke occurs in one of those fields, I update the footer
with the corresponding info, using the "onkeyup" event.
All this works fine.

My form also has some checkbox to tell if the infos in the footer must
be separated with bullet characters. In such case a bullet must be
appended to the string retrieved from the current field, but only if
the next footer info is not empty or does not start itself with a
Similarly, if the previous footer info is empty and does not end with
a bullet, a bullet must be added at the beginning of the current

So, I have to make the UpdateFooter() function here below more subtle.
>From the "this" argument passed to that function, I've been unable to
find with jQuery the previous and next -encapsulated "siblings".

This is a rather complex problem for a jQuery newbie and I'm not sure
that I really catched how to use "previous()" and "next()"

Thanks for any help.



Company name :

Street :

Town :






 function UpdateFooter (caller) {

  var blnAddBullet = false;

  var value = caller.value;

  // test
  // $('[name=footer_infos] ul li').next().css('background','yellow');

  var name = caller.name.substr(7);
  if (document.getElementById('footer_bullets').checked)
if (name != 'www') {  // if not the last field

value += ' • ';  // add bullet at the end of the
value += ' ';
  document.getElementById(name).innerHTML = value;

[jQuery] Re: How to disable text inputs lying near checkboxes ?

2009-10-02 Thread Julien

Here the way to enable/disable several text inputs depending on the
state of checkboxes located just after each one.

 $(this).prev()[0].disabled = !(this.checked);

Hope this can help others.

[jQuery] Re: How to disable text inputs lying near checkboxes ?

2009-10-02 Thread Julien


Your explanation and also you code helped me make a big step forward
in my understanding of how jQuery "thinks".

Your code works fine; I tested both solutions.

Thanks a lot.


[jQuery] Re: How to manipulate an object containaing HTML

2009-10-02 Thread Julien

On 1 oct, 20:07, Karl Swedberg  wrote:
> Sure, you can do this with html.
> Inside the success callback function, do this:
> $(html)
>    .find("td")
>      .css('padding-left','80px')
>    .end()
>     .appendTo('#myTable');

great! that's the .end() part i was missing!
Thanks, i can now sleep nicely :)

> I agree with Charlie that it's a better idea to set the style with css  
> and then just add a class to the td elements. Whether you do that  
> server-side or in the success callback is up to you.

This example was just for illustration purpose. What i need to do is
more complicated than that and actually done by server-side scripting.
I just wanted to understand exactly how jquery worked. Since when not
specifiying the context (thus working with the current document DOM)
it worked implicitly i was sure there was a way to get this done
within a specified context.

> Also, you ought to append table rows to a , not to a .

That's for sure, illustration purpose again :)
Thanks to both of you for that help!

[jQuery] Re: How to manipulate an object containaing HTML

2009-10-01 Thread Julien

On 1 oct, 17:52, Charlie  wrote:
> if it was json or xml could parse it then append, I've never tried parsing 
> html from ajax
> another  method is append  to an empty hidden table, add classes/css or 
> whatever to the td's in that table then append them to your visible table

hum... i'm still thinking there must be much more to it. See the
following example :

  url: "testAjax.html",
  cache: false,
  success: function(data){
htmlOutput = $('.fileName',data).css('padding-left','80px');

By specifying as DOM context the returned html, i'm able to work on
The only thing in this example i don't get is why htmlOutput return
only the td updated and not the surrounding tr.

Is it the way it work only? If it is, i could try parsing it as xml as
you said with the each function but i want to be sure i'm not missing
something! :)
Thanks for the help!

[jQuery] How to disable text inputs lying near checkboxes ?

2009-10-01 Thread Julien


One of my HTML forms uses pairs of "checkbox/text" inputs.
Each checkbox is printed on the left of the text input, but is written
before that field as it must be justified on the right (float:right).

Company name :

I would like to disable each text input for which the corresponding
checkbox doesn't have the "checked" status.

I could retrieve the checkboxes that are preceded by a text field and
find which ones are in unselected mode.
But I was then unable find for each unchecked checkbox the preceding
text field so that I can disable it.

The ".disabled=true" also does not disable any text field.

if(!this.checked) {
  $(':text').css('background-color','yellow'); // This works but
selects all text inputs.
  $(':text').disabled=true; // This does not work.

Thanks for any help.


[jQuery] Re: How to manipulate an object containaing HTML

2009-10-01 Thread Julien

On 1 oct, 16:26, Charlie  wrote:
> you are trying to apply css to something that isn;t in  the DOM.  $.css() 
> uses inline style attribute so if there is no html inline the attribute can't 
> be applied
> can you add class name to html server side and use css to pad?
> if not you could add class to exisitng td's before insertion of new html, 
> insert your AJAX, then do something like
> $("td").not('existTDClass').css(.

Thanks Charlie.
The answer you're giving me is what i was actually going to do.
But i'm surprised that you can't do something like that straight with

The functions find() and filter() seems to work on html returned by
jquery ajax.
It seems very close to what i need.

So there is no other way at all?

[jQuery] How to manipulate an object containaing HTML

2009-10-01 Thread Julien


i'm trying to find out how to edit (manipulate DOM) of an HTML ajax

What i have is the following :

var link = this;
  url: "testAjax.html",
  cache: false,
  data: 'href='+this.href,
  success: function(html){



Which returns rows of a table :



What i would like to do is before appending to the table something
like that :


I can't find how to do that. I tried using the find function but it
only return the td in the example.

It's probably very simple but i can't find it anywhere...

Any help much appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: abeautifulsite.net plugins : tree view and context menu together

2009-09-03 Thread Julien

LRancez comment on tree view plugin :

To add a context menu you need add some lines inside the js so you can
configure any callback function:

function showTree(c, t) {
$.post(o.script, { dir: t }, function(data) {
if( o.root == t ) $(c).find('UL:hidden').show(); else $(c).find
('UL:hidden').slideDown({ duration: o.expandSpeed, easing:
o.expandEasing });

// This is my
if( o.addedEvent != undefined )


Now, after every connector call, the plugin will call the function
that you set to the addedEvent property.
For ContextMenus you can use somethig like:

root: '/root/',
script: 'jqueryFileTree.aspx',
expandSpeed: 1000,
collapseSpeed: 1000,
addedEvent: function(data) {$(".directory A").contextMenu({
menu: 'menuFolder'
}, menuFolderCallback);}
}, function(file) {

I tried, but I don't get it. Do you ?


[jQuery] abeautifulsite.net plugins : tree view and context menu together

2009-09-02 Thread Julien


I'd like to put context menu ( http://abeautifulsite.net/notebook.php?article=80
) on each tree view item ( http://abeautifulsite.net/notebook.php?article=58

The tree have many sub directories, sub sub directories, etc... and

I need the id of the selected item (directory or file), and I don't
know how to get it.

Someone did it before ? Any help is very, very much appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Advice clone and live

2009-08-25 Thread Julien

On 25 août, 01:56, James  wrote:
> clone(true) should do the trick. Though before there was a bug with
> this function where the events would not be cloned (in IE, I think). I
> don't know if that issues still exists, but try it out.
> Documentation:http://docs.jquery.com/Manipulation/clone#bool

Thanks, but it seems it does the trick only for event "declared". For
instance if you try to clone an input with the autocomplete plugin
wich does not seem to use the event in the same place it doesnt work :

  $(".users").autocomplete('/contactSearch.html', {
  width: 300
  $("#usersTable tr:last").clone(true).appendTo("#usersTable");

Is there a way around this? We're very close to what should be done!

[jQuery] Advice clone and live

2009-08-24 Thread Julien


i'm trying to clone a row in a table with events attached to it.

I initialy have the following html code to duplicate :


On the "users" input i have the autocomplete plugin and on
"expirationDate" the datepicker one.

When i started cloning, i had the html code alright but not the
events. So i surrounded the original functions with this :  $
(".users").live("click",function(){ ending up with this :

$(".users").autocomplete('/contactSearch.html', {
width: 300,
multiple: true
  dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'

Despite the fact that it doesn't sound optimized, this work with the
autocomplete plugin but no so well with datepicker.

My question really is : there must be a better way, isn't there?

I just need to clone the element with the javascript exactly has it is
when loaded.


[jQuery] Re: Beginner needs help with jquery and ajax

2009-08-19 Thread Julien Martin
thanks Giovanni i'll try that.

2009/8/19 Giovanni Battista Lenoci 

> Julien Martin ha scritto:
>> Hello,
>> I basically want to catch any ajax request sent by my app and display an
>> alert.
>> I have tried this to no avail:
>> *jQuery("*").ajaxSend(function(event,request, settings){
>>   alert('called');
>> });*
> Try :
> $.ajaxSetup({'success': function() { alert('ajaxcall successfully
> called');});
> all the ajaxcall after the $.ajaxSetup line should fire the alert.
> I don't know what happens if you reassign a success function (queued event
> or replaced event).
> If you want to know what are the possible options for the ajaxSetup take a
> look here: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax
> bye
> --
> gianiaz.net - web solutions
> via piedo, 58 - 23020 tresivio (so) - italy
> +39 347 7196482

[jQuery] 1.3.x live event problem

2009-08-19 Thread Julien Martin

I noticed that after an ajax call, my jquery no longer works. After some
research I realized I had to use either the livequery plugin or the live
event provided out of the box by jquery 1.3.x.
However,  the live event used as follows does not work i.e.
cacherFormulaireInscription does not work after partial dom update has been
performed on the page:

jQuery("a.montrerFormulaireInscription").live("click", function(){



Can anyone please help?

Thanks in advance,


[jQuery] Beginner needs help with jquery and ajax

2009-08-18 Thread Julien Martin

I basically want to catch any ajax request sent by my app and display an

I have tried this to no avail:

*jQuery("*").ajaxSend(function(event,request, settings){

whenever an ajax request is made the alert does not show...

note that the ajax request is made by the richfaces framework using an

Can anyone please advise,

Thanks in advance,


[jQuery] Problem with jQuery Cluetip plugin and jboss Richfaces

2009-05-19 Thread Julien Martin

I am trying to "re-render" through ajax a richfaces element contained in a
cluetip tooltip div and it is not working. Can anyone help please?

Here is the code for the div:



Here is what I posted on jboss Richfaces forum:


Any comment or clue welcome,


[jQuery] Problem with the jQuery cluetip plugin and jboss Richfaces ajax submit

2009-05-19 Thread Julien Martin

I am trying to "re-render" through ajax a richfaces element contained in a
cluetip tooltip div and it is not working. Can anyone help please?

Here is the code for the div:



Here is what I posted on jboss Richfaces forum:


Any comment or clue welcome,


[jQuery] Re: Convert special characters

2008-05-29 Thread Julien de Prabère

On 22 mai, 19:19, hubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I checked, and our website is using iso-8859-1.  I see that this
> is a subset of utf8.  Is it still possible to have js correctly uncode
> the characters?

Yes but PHP work with the subset and do not work with utf-8 !
It is very important to dispose iso-8859-1 or window-1252 with ajax.

js can can theoretically use all languages with

[jQuery] Re: Convert special characters

2008-05-22 Thread Julien de Prabère

I notice with IE6.0 : Microsoft.XMLHTTP don't take care at charset and
work only with utf-8 encoded responses,
while Msxml2.XMLHTTP seems, like XMLHttpRequest, respect the charset
if it is done ( "Content-Type: text/html;
charset=ISO-8859-1" in PHP). It seems explain your difficulties with
jQuery.1.2.3 witch dispose (lines 2663) for ajax :

var xml = window.ActiveXObject ? new
ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();

while Peter Paul Kock (http://www.quirksmode.org/js/xmlhttp.html)
recommends the reverse order and other ActiveXObjects :

var XMLHttpFactories = [function () {return new XMLHttpRequest()},
function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")},
function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP")},
function () {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}];


[jQuery] jcarousel and issues in Safari

2008-04-26 Thread Julien

Hi there,

Does anybody use jCarousel successfully in Safari? That great plugin
works perfectly in IE an FF but I'm having trouble making it work with

First, Safari was freezing and giving an error message, something like
"A script on the page blabla is making Safari unresponsive". I've
updated to version 0.2.3 of jcarousel [1], and also put the
javascript under the css declaration as advised in [2]. Now I get no
error message, but the carousel still won't work: no automatic
rotation and clicking the right-left buttons don't rotate either.

Has anybody come across these issues and know how to fix them?

Thanks a lot!


[1] http://sorgalla.com/2008/04/07/jcarousel-023/

[jQuery] Re: jcarousel problem under Safari

2008-04-21 Thread Julien


Great plugin, works great in FF and IE, but not in safari. I've seen
several posts about that, but none helped.

Safari was freezing and giving an error message, something like "A
script on the page blabla is making Safari unresponsive".
I've updated to version 0.2.3 of jcarousel [1], and also put the
javascript under the css declaration as advised in [2].
Now I get no error message, but the carousel still won't work: doesn't
rotate automatically or when I click the right button.

Any idea how to fix this?

Thanks a lot!


[1] http://sorgalla.com/2008/04/07/jcarousel-023/

On Apr 4, 4:46 am, tetrix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thank you
> On Apr 3, 4:22 pm, Jan Sorgalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > On 3 Apr., 13:09, tetris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > i am experiencing this undersafari: if i do resize my browser
> > > window , the carousel gets some very weird behavior, anyone
> > > experiencing this?
> > yes, i'm also experiencing weird bahaviours insafari. I'm not sure if
> > thats a jquery.ready() or ajCarouselissue. But i'm currently working
> > on it and you can expect an update in the next few days (tomorrow
> > hopefully).
> > Jan

[jQuery] Re: jcarousel problem under Safari

2008-04-21 Thread Julien


Great plugin, works great in FF and IE, but not in safari. I've seen
several posts about that, but none helped.

Safari was freezing and giving an error message, something like "A
script on the page blabla is making Safari unresponsive".
I've updated to version 0.2.3 of jcarousel [1], and also put the
javascript under the css declaration as advised in [2].
Now I get no error message, but the carousel still won't work: doesn't
rotate automatically or when I click the right button.

Any idea how to fix this?

Thanks a lot!


[1] http://sorgalla.com/2008/04/07/jcarousel-023/

On Apr 4, 4:46 am, tetrix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thank you
> On Apr 3, 4:22 pm, Jan Sorgalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > On 3 Apr., 13:09, tetris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > i am experiencing this undersafari: if i do resize my browser
> > > window , the carousel gets some very weird behavior, anyone
> > > experiencing this?
> > yes, i'm also experiencing weird bahaviours insafari. I'm not sure if
> > thats a jquery.ready() or ajCarouselissue. But i'm currently working
> > on it and you can expect an update in the next few days (tomorrow
> > hopefully).
> > Jan

[jQuery] Re: Multiple & autocomplete selector

2008-01-17 Thread Julien

Thanks, this is a great plugin!

However, how could I add the "box" feature, that is, adding a box into
the textfield for each selected item instead of purely the item's
text? Just like it is shown at the top of this image:

On Jan 4, 1:38 am, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Julien,
> >Hello there,
> >I was wondering if you knew about a plugin, or if you knew if it was
> >easy to make a text input coupled with an autocomplete functionality
> >which adds a "box" for each item added to it. A bit like facebook does
> >to add multiple recipients for a message into a text input, as
> >illustrated here:
> >http://refreshpartners.com/fb_dev_wiki_images/fb_multiple_friend_inpu...
> You can use the Autocomplete Plug-in to do 
> this:http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/
> SVN:http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/autocomplete
> Just use the result() method to handle inserting your selections into the
> DOM.
> Look at the example 
> here:http://dev.jquery.com/view/trunk/plugins/autocomplete/
> If you enter a value into the "Single City (local):" field and then press
> enter to select it, you'll see the value appear at the bottom. The effect
> you're looking for would use the same basic concept of using the result()
> method to trigger an action when the user selects a value from the list.
> -Dan

[jQuery] Multiple & autocomplete selector

2007-12-26 Thread Julien

Hello there,

I was wondering if you knew about a plugin, or if you knew if it was
easy to make a text input coupled with an autocomplete functionality
which adds a "box" for each item added to it. A bit like facebook does
to add multiple recipients for a message into a text input, as
illustrated here: 

Many thanks!
