[jQuery] Re: image refresh problem due to browser cache

2009-11-29 Thread Kris
I'm interested in this and found this: http://drupalbin.com/8159

[jQuery] Unable to detect Ajax cross domain error (Firefox)

2009-10-07 Thread Kris Schoofs


Using Firefox 3.5.3 (and firebug) I run the Ajax code below locally
(i.e. not on the same domain as the Ajax URL). Unlike in IE, this code
is not working in Firefox due to cross-domain Ajax restrictions. Of
course, as soon as I upload the code to my PHP server on the same
domain it runs fine.

However, when running the code locally the 'error'-callback never gets
triggered. Instead, the 'success'-callback always get triggered even
though the request clearly failed (as confirmed by the fact that
'OnSuccess' is unable to show any data received from the server). Even
firebug does not report any errors. Somehow, I expected to see an
error like Permission denied to call method XMLHttpRequest.open.

I would feel much more comfortable about my code when I was 100% sure
that I can catch all errors. So, I'm wondering why I'm unable to
detect this obvious error?

    type: GET,
    url: http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/alive2.php;;,
    cache: false,
    data: para1=value1para2=value2,
    success: function(data, textStatus)
    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
    complete: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus)



[jQuery] Click event not working?

2009-08-27 Thread Kris S

I'm trying to execute a function animate_next() when a div element
is clicked, but it isn't working. Here is what it looks like..


If I put..


..then it will work fine.

Here is the div element on the page..

div id=playground style=width: 800px; height: 600px; background:

[jQuery] newbie question.

2009-07-25 Thread Kris

What does this do?
(function($) { do some stuff } )(jQuery);

[jQuery] Text manipulation : retrieve tag

2009-07-23 Thread Kris-I


I have an HTML text with text and tags

I'd like to get only the text between the tags title

Then I have this:

start text
titleText to get/title
end text

i'd like to have this result ONLY: Text to get

How can I do this ?


[jQuery] Re: Text manipulation : retrieve tag

2009-07-23 Thread Kris-I

In fact all the text/code is in a variable, it's not display on the

The page is more like this :

html*strong text*
 body {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:normal;font-size: .

body bgcolor=white
spanH1Server Error in '/' Application.hr width=100%
size=1 color=silver/H1
h2 iMyMessage/i /h2/span
b Exception Details: /bSystem.Exception: MyMessagebrbr


On Jul 23, 1:41 pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't believe title tag is valid in body tag however regardless of tag 
 placement try this 

[jQuery] Catch Exception

2009-07-22 Thread Kris-I


In my code (ASP.NET MVC using Nhibernate) , I do this :

$(document).ready(function() {
$('.DOFFDelete').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr(id);
$.post(/Customer/DayOffDelete, { customerid:
getCustomerId(), doffId: id }, function(data) {

Then I display the result in the DIV named myFormDOFF

Of course, my .NET code can generate exception. I'd like when I
receive an exception didn't change the content of myFormDOFF but
display the message send by the exception in another DIV. How can I do
this ?


[jQuery] keypress, keydown + backspace : Firefox, Chrome, IE

2009-07-21 Thread Kris-I


I check the keycode, for all input (text) of the page, like this :
$(document).ready(function() {
$(input[type=text]).bind('keypress', function(e) {

var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);

if (code != 0  code != 9  code != 45  code != 99) {

But for one specific input, I do this (number only) :
$(document).ready(function() {
$(#HourByWeek).keypress(function(e) {
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if (code != 8  code != 0  (code  48 || code  57)) {
return false;

if (code != 0) {

I'd like in the first function, place an exception for HourByWeek, how
can I do this ?

With firefox 3.x no problem, bt with Chrome 2.x and IE8, I don't have
any code for the backspace, the backspace is not catched by the
keypress. What is the best way to solve this ?


[jQuery] no intellisense ...

2009-06-01 Thread Kris-I


I'm running Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on Windows 7 RC, I installed the
KB958502, get the files jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js and jquery-1.3.2.js
placed in the root (but I tried other places) with the code below ...
no intelisense .

Do you have an idea why ?


%@ Page Language=C# AutoEventWireup=true
CodeBehind=Default.aspx.cs Inherits=jQueryTest._Default %

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://

html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; 
head runat=server

titleFollow me!/title
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.js/script

script type=text/javascript
$(pHi there!/p).insertAfter(#followMe);

form id=form1 runat=server
p id=followMeFollow me!/p

[jQuery] mod_python and ajax - no Hello world examples exist

2009-05-24 Thread kris

Im trying to implement Ajax under mod_python.
Mod_python works fine for normal pages, but i cant get a Ajax

Does somebody know of a hello world example for Ajax and mod_python
and jQuery?

My test is something like this, HTML client:
$(#test_form).submit(function() {
var nmval = $(#username).val();
var pwval = $(#password).val();
$.post(/test/ajax101, { username: nmval, password: 
pwval },
   function(data) {

With the Ajax submit of #test_form i get a small amount of (disk)
activity, but /test/ajax101.py never seems to get anything back to
the the browser (I tried an alert and write to a dom object)

Any pointers appreciated

[jQuery] combined url

2009-03-10 Thread Kris


I'm new to jquery i can't understand what the followng means.

var combinedIncludeURL = combine.php?type=javascriptfiles=;
can i modified that ?

my requirement is can i call jsp instead of this?
plz help me

[jQuery] Re: Little help please?

2009-02-16 Thread Kris

Thanks very much for your reply. It has cleared many things up for me
and can see now why I was having trouble. I will take your advice and
make an object rather than a jquery plugin.
Thanks very much.

[jQuery] Little help please?

2009-02-15 Thread Kris

Hi Guys,
I'm playing around with writing plugins. To learn I decided to write a
plugin which interfaces with Google Maps. My code is as follows:

googlemap : function(lat,lng,zoom) {
return this.each(function(){
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
map = new GMap2(this);
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, lng),
pan : function(lat,lng, delay) {
return this.each(function(){
window.setTimeout(function() {
map.panTo(new GLatLng(lat,lng));
}, delay);
infoWindow : function(lat,lng, nodeText) {
return this.each(function(){
map.openInfoWindow(new GLatLng(lat,lng),


Now, this all works wonderfully if I only have one map per page, like

$(#map).googlemap(37.4419, -122.1419, 10);

$(#map).pan(37.3, -122.2, 0);
$(#map).infoWindow(37.4419, -122.1419, Hello);


div id=map style=width: 500px; height: 300px/div

However, if I have more than one map, like so:

$(#map).googlemap(37.4419, -122.1419, 10);
$(#map2).googlemap(37.4419, -122.1419, 10);

$(#map).pan(37.3, -122.2, 0);
$(#map2).infoWindow(37.4419, -122.1419, Hello);


div id=map style=width: 500px; height: 300px/div
div id=map2 style=width: 500px; height: 300px/div

The pan and infoWindow only act on the last div. I'm sure this is
only because of a rookie javascript mistake, any help is much
Many thanks,

[jQuery] Re: validation remote

2009-02-08 Thread Kris

Another figure out the solution for this? I am having a similar

Thanks guys,

On Dec 15 2008, 4:17 am, Jet webones...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Sounds like we are having the same problem.

 I have posted about the problem in this thread.


 The thread above though refers to a field not usingremote, but I'm
 also having the same problem on another page when usingremote.


 (checkout the Username field which I'm using remote.)

 Well...sorry I'm not of much help.

 Just to bring to your attention about this similar thread and hope
 that Jörn (the author of this wonderful script) could help.

 Good luck!


 On Dec 15, 4:48 am, kemalemin kemale...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, myvalidationsummary worked quite fine before I made aremote
  username check available to it. The problem is when for the first time
  an already existing username is entered into the username box, the
  error div pops alright saying that the username already exists in the
  db. however when I go back and correct it, the error message
  disappears but the containing div still exists on the page. below is
  the code, I hope somebody can help

   var container = $('#error_container');
          // validate the form when it is submitted
          var validator = $(#frmUserRegister).validate({
              onkeyup: false,
                  errorContainer: container,
                  errorLabelContainer: $(ol, container),
                  wrapper: 'li',
                  meta: validate,
                  rules: {
              txtFullName: {
                  required: true,
                  rangelength:[3, 100]},
              txtUsername: {
                  required: true,
                  rangelength:[5, 30],
                 remote:ajaxCheckUsername.aspx}, // returns 'true' or
  'false' as string
              txtEmail: {
                  required: true,
                  email: true},
              txtPassword: {
                  required: true,
                  rangelength:[5, 20]},
              txtConfirmPassword: {
                  equalTo: #txtPassword}

          messages: {
              txtFullName: {
                  required: Please enter your strongfull name/
                  rangelength: Fullname must be strongbetween 3 and
  100 characters/strong},
              txtUsername: {
                  required: Please enter a strongvalid username/
                  rangelength: Username must be strongbetween 5 and
  30 characters/strong.,
                 remote: jQuery.format(strongu{0}/u is already
  taken/strong, please choose a different username.)},
              txtEmail: {
                  required: please provide an strongemail/strong
                  email: please provide a strongvalid email/strong
              txtPassword: {
                  required: please provide a strongpassword/
                  rangelength: Password must be strong between 6 and
  20 characters/strong},
              txtConfirmPassword: {
                  equalTo: passwords strongmust match/strong.}



      style type=text/css
          background-color: #FFE8E8;
          border: 1px solid #CC;
          color: #CC;
      padding:4px 0 0 40px;
      display: none;


  #error_container ol li {


  form.frmUserRegister label.frmUserRegister, label.error {
          /* remove the next line when you have trouble in IE6 with labels in
  list */
          color: #CC;


      form id=frmUserRegister runat=server
      div id=error_container
          strongplease review and correct the following errors:/strong
              li style=display:none;/li

   the rest of the page are the form fields...

  here, the div with the id of error_container is still being

[jQuery] Re: Prefixing all href attributes (or how to get .attr('href') to return a string)

2008-12-11 Thread Kris

Many thanks Karl, I never would have got there without help.

On Dec 10, 5:10 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Kris,

 The problem is that $(this) is referencing something other than the  
 link at that point -- either some enclosing method or the window  
 object. You can get around this by using a callback function as the  
 second argument of .attr() :

 $(#content_main a).attr('href', function() {
    return 'cms/' + $(this).attr('href');



 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Dec 10, 2008, at 9:59 AM, Kris wrote:

  I'm trying to use the below code to prefix all href's with 'cms/'...

  $(#content_main a).attr('href', 'cms/' + $(this).attr('href'));

  I end up with href's which look like this cms/undefined. I guess I
  need to get $(this).attr('href') to return a string instead of a
  JQuery object?

  Many thanks, K.

[jQuery] Re: Setting background image does not work...

2008-12-11 Thread Kris

I see, the path is not relative to the css file (../images/banner/
default.gif) that first set background, its relative to root (images/
Many thanks for confirming I had correct syntax, one of those where
you can bang your head aginst the walls for days!!

[jQuery] Re: Prefixing all href attributes (or how to get .attr('href') to return a string)

2008-12-11 Thread Kris

Okay the only issue I'm facing now and its not strictly a JQuery one,
its more an IE one...

HREF's like 'images/trucks.jpg' should be prefixed with 'cms/' giving

Firefox and Safari are okay, I get URLs like:


But in IE it adds the entire URL twice...


Why would this be, I'm guessing IE is returning the entire URL for
href, not just what is present in the attribute? Any way around this?

var path_prefix = 'cms/';
$(#content_main a:not(.external)).attr('href', function() {
  return path_prefix + $(this).attr('href');

[jQuery] Re: Prefixing all href attributes (or how to get .attr('href') to return a string)

2008-12-11 Thread Kris

Own workaround:

if(document.domain=='localhost') { var root_url = 'http://localhost/
project/'; } else { var root_url = 'http://www.mydomain.com/inprog/
project'; }
 $(#content_main a:not(.external)).attr('href', function() {
  orig_url = $(this).attr('href');
  if(orig_url.substring(0,4)=='http') { orig_url = orig_url.substr
(root_url.length,orig_url.length); } // IE Fix
  return path_prefix + orig_url;

[jQuery] Setting background image does not work...

2008-12-10 Thread Kris

I have tried both the following but neither seem to work.

$('#content-top').css('backgroundImage', url( + src + ));
$('#content-top').css(background-image, url( + src + ));

Any ideas would be welcome, thanks.

[jQuery] Prefixing all href attributes (or how to get .attr('href') to return a string)

2008-12-10 Thread Kris

I'm trying to use the below code to prefix all href's with 'cms/'...

$(#content_main a).attr('href', 'cms/' + $(this).attr('href'));

I end up with href's which look like this cms/undefined. I guess I
need to get $(this).attr('href') to return a string instead of a
JQuery object?

Many thanks, K.

[jQuery] infinite jQuery

2008-09-27 Thread Kris

Hi all,

I'm really excited about jQuery, just as all the rest here. I've found
out that it is really easy to create an animation. However, one day I
stumbled upon the following question: is it possible to run one
animation infinitely (repeat one statement the whole time, in my
Is that even possible with Javascript? And by this, I really mean:

My webbrowser always seems to crash when I do infinite javascript. And
I feel really dissapointed, because it looks like there is a constrait
here with ECMA. Should I really use other technologies like Flash or

I would like to hear your ideas about infinite loops in Javascript. Is
this a possibility? Even if you think it might be a commodity in the
future, say so. Thank you.

[jQuery] selecting div's with dynamic id's

2008-07-04 Thread Kris

Whats the best way to provide functionality (eg. toggle an 'additional
information' div) when dealing with records with unique id's.

For example lets say we are dealing with product records each one has
a unique id which is a number, so the HTML might look something like

div class=products
  div class=product id=product_1
pName: Red Widget/p
pPrice: 22.00/p
pa href=Show description/a/p
p id=description_1 style=display:none;sadasdasdasdasd/p

  div class=product id=product_2
pName: Blue Widget/p
pPrice: 24.00/p
pa href=Show description/a/p
p id=description_2 style=display:none;sadasdasdasdasd/p

etc. etc.

I want to place unobtrusive jquery that will allow the 'show
description' link to display the correct description div...

Many thanks, K.

[jQuery] ajax sending back redirect breaks history

2008-01-19 Thread Kris

I'm wondering whether there is a workaround or something I missed, or
should i file a bug.

When you make an ajax submit (with the jquery forms plugin), and you
set the dataType to 'script', and the server returns

window.location.href='some new location';

it successfully redirects, but instead of doing a location change it
actually seems to do the equivalent of a window.replace(), because the
browser no longer has the previous page in its history.

I tested this on windows xp with firefox 2 and IE 7.  If I use
prototype in the exact same manner it works as i would expect keeping
history intact, so i assume something specific is being done in the
jquery module either on purpose or by accident.

Any ideas or comments welcome.


[jQuery] Re: Jquery Location.href or load --problem

2007-09-30 Thread Kris Kowal
You might consider::

window.location.href = fullyQualifiedUrl;

``href`` is not a function, although the notion (arguably a jQuery idiom)
that assignment could be implied by application on a non-function is fun.

 Kris Kowal

On 9/29/07, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all, I would like to call up a page using location.href  or Ajax in
 the Jquery way, I ried this:


 and this


 Strangely, both methods do not work, anyone tell me what I´m doing


[jQuery] Re: using load cross site

2007-09-10 Thread Kris Zyp

Here is the JSONP proposal: 
Yahoo also uses the same approach (with a different callback
parameter): http://developer.yahoo.com/common/json.html
And I just released CrossSafe, which lets you securely use JSONP/XSS
with callback: http://www.xucia.com/page/CrossSafe

On Aug 13, 11:06 pm, Hector Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But Michael, please excuse my ignorance. I'm curious. I have to ask
 because I still do not see this JSONP XSS loophole.

 Isn't this flickr example you showed below is selft containing with
 the same site I/O? Where is the cross-site logic?

 Do you have a link to some official or 'proposal' or draft
 specification on JSONP?


 On Aug 13, 7:35 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  No, you can load *scripts* cross-site with no problem.

  It's true, a server-side proxy is the only way to do a cross-site Ajax
  download. But if the information is available in any kind of executable
  JavaScript format, you can use a script tag or a dynamic script element to
  download it.

  That's what the JSONP (JSON with callback) format is all about - wrap a JSON
  object inside a callback function whose name is given in the request URL.
  Here's an example:

  back=fotofeed jsoncallback=fotofeed

  That URL returns:

title: Everyone's photos,
link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/;,
// more stuff here, including an array of photo links and info


  If you create either a script tag or a dynamic script element with that URL
  in the src, it will call your fotofeed function (or any function you name
  in the jsoncallback= URL parameter) and pass it the JSON data.

  It doesn't have to be JSON data, of course - the script tag can execute any
  JavaScript code (which can be good or bad - obviously you need to trust the
  data provider). JSONP is just a common convention for downloading JSON data

  If you want to make sure that no rogue JavaScript code is executed, or if
  the data isn't available in JSONP or a similar executable script format,
  then you do need to Ajax and a server-side proxy.



  From: Matt Stith

  The only way around is to use a server-side script as a proxy, as loading
  scripts cross-site is a security risk, which is why browsers block that out.

  From: Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

  I am working on a website for the BBB and need to load a document cross
  site, I am getting apermissiondeniedmessage when doing so. Is there a
  way around that?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -