[jQuery] autocomplete character replace on callback

2009-12-15 Thread led
I need help with this plugin autocomplete.
with results  i also show how many , ex:

mexico (5)
los angeles (4)

How can i make the selection without the associated number.

ex: mexico
  los angeles

change event does'nt work.

[jQuery] checbox checked unchecked callback

2009-12-11 Thread led
I need a event listener for the checkbox check and uncheck event.
Should i do that with change event or there is another simple way
like .
If i use the change event hw can i manage the the state of the
checkbox, callback based on state.
If check callback1
if uncheck callback2
I think there is an elegant way of do it.

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: checbox checked unchecked callback

2009-12-11 Thread led

On 11 Dez, 18:54, led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:
 I need a event listener for the checkbox check and uncheck event.
 Should i do that with change event or there is another simple way
 like .
 If i use the change event hw can i manage the the state of the
 checkbox, callback based on state.
 If check callback1
 if uncheck callback2
 I think there is an elegant way of do it.

 Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Orkan star rating widget

2009-12-04 Thread led
Can get it, why this works:

   callback: function(ui, type, value) {
  $(#stars-wrapper1).stars(select, value);

and this dont:

$(#stars-wrapper1).stars(select, 3);

Please my friends help with this.


[jQuery] star rating pugin and firefox

2009-12-03 Thread led
I have this starnge problem in firefox 3.5.5  and chome that stop/slow
down the page. See it in

[jQuery] looping through elements with jQuery based on class

2009-12-01 Thread led
I'm try to use star rating plugin frm http://fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating/.

I need to add class 'star-rating-on' on the divs  with class 'star-
rating rater-0 auto-submit-star star-rating-applied star-rating-
live' .

I can use:

$(div.star-rating rater-0 auto-submit-star star-rating-applied star-
but it isn't working.

and also i need to do it on first X elements in page.

thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: looping through elements with jQuery based on class

2009-12-01 Thread led
Thank you Richard.

But what about to to use the example with only the first 3 '$
rating-live')' in page.
Is that i need to show the results of the rating.

if the result is 3 then add the class to only the first 3 stars.

On 2 dez, 03:21, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:53 PM, led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:
  I'm try to use star rating plugin frm

  I need to add class 'star-rating-on' on the divs  with class 'star-
  rating rater-0 auto-submit-star star-rating-applied star-rating-
  live' .

 That's not a class, it's five classes. Spaces in a class attribute value
 separate multiple class names.

  I can use:

  $(div.star-rating rater-0 auto-submit-star star-rating-applied star-

 that selector is looking for all elements of type star-rating-live within an
 element of type star-rating-applied within an element of type
 auto-submit-star within an element of type rater-0 within an element of type
 div with a class of star-rating. In this case the space acts as a descendant
 selector. That would only do if your markup looked something like this

 div class=star-rating

 and it would match the star-rating-live element, not the div.

  but it isn't working.

 If you really only want the divs with all those classes:


 or more succinctly:


 - Richard

[jQuery] Re: Values from datatable to generate ul, li

2009-11-23 Thread led

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim cn As String = Data Source=mysqlserver;Initial
Catalog=mydatabase;User ID=myuser;PWD=password
Using conn As New SqlConnection(cn)

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sp_paislocal, conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim ad As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Relations.Add(New DataRelation(pais, ds.Tables
(0).Columns(pais), ds.Tables(1).Columns(pais)))
MasterRep.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
End Using
End Sub

Protected Sub MasterRep_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs)
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item OrElse e.Item.ItemType
= ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then

Dim drv As DataRowView = TryCast(e.Item.DataItem,
Dim ChildRep As Repeater = TryCast(e.Item.FindControl
(ChildRep), Repeater)
ChildRep.DataSource = drv.CreateChildView(pais)
End If
End Sub

On 23 Nov, 11:12, CreativeMind aftab.pu...@gmail.com wrote:
 hi all!
 i m using treeview of jquery..
 if i provide the formatted html like ul,li,ul,li,/li,/ul,/li,/ul,
 the plugin works perfect.

 now i don't have ul,li rather, i've a datatable or collection
 which contains fields Id,name,parentId,depthlevel

 how can i generate ul,li list from these fields or
 is there any way to direct bind data with jquery plugin.
 u can find pluginhttp://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Treeview

[jQuery] Dialog position : relative

2009-05-02 Thread led

How can i set the position of dialog relatively to element(  as  a

[jQuery] need help with jqGrid

2009-04-17 Thread led

I' m trying to use the jquery jqGrid plugin but i can't see it working
with ASP code.
this is the xml generated file.

  page /page
  total /total
row id=191
row id=192
row id=193

and this is the html:

titlejqGrid Demo/title
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=/jqgrid/
themes/basic/grid.css /
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=themes/
jqModal.css /
script src=/jqgrid/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=/jqgrid/jquery.jqGrid.js type=text/javascript/
script src=/jqgrid/js/jqDnR.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=/jqgrid/js/jqModal.js type=text/javascript/script
script type=text/javascript
datatype: 'xml',
mtype: 'GET',
colModel :[
  {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
  {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55},
pager: jQuery('#pager'),
sortname: 'id',
sortorder: desc,
viewrecords: true,
imgpath: '/jqgrid/themes/basic/images',
caption: 'My first grid'
table id=list class=scroll/table
div id=pager class=scroll style=text-align:center;/div

I can't see what i'm doing wrong. Please help.

[jQuery] Re: help with jqgrid

2009-04-17 Thread Led

See it my friend, but i've changed and nothing

On 17 Abr, 11:55, Tony t...@trirand.com wrote:
 Please see my previous mail, remove the comma at last
 item - ie. the col model should be

   colModel :[
       {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
       {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55}
 and not
   colModel :[
       {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
       {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55},

 See the diffrence

 On Apr 17, 1:50 pm, Led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:

  i'm happy to contact with you. You have done a great job with this
  plugin , but i can't see it working. See the sample 
  I'm trying to implement this in a project but the basic sample is not
  working. Again , please...

  On 17 Abr, 11:41, Tony t...@trirand.com wrote:

   The most common error when writing is the comma.
   You have
       colModel :[
         {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
         {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55},
   --- Error

   Remove the comma and will be ok

   On Apr 17, 3:12 am, led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:

b.jgrid is undefined .

i'm having this error when everything seems to be in place . I'm just
starting to try this plugin .


thanks- Ocultar texto citado -

   - Mostrar texto citado -- Ocultar texto citado -

 - Mostrar texto citado -

[jQuery] Re: need help with jqGrid

2009-04-17 Thread Led

tony , check that is not that.

On 17 Abr, 11:46, Tony t...@trirand.com wrote:
 Already replayed. Please check your code - you have a unneeded coma in

 On Apr 17, 1:33 pm, led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:

  I' m trying to use the jquery jqGrid plugin but i can't see it working
  with ASP code.
  this is the xml generated file.

    page /page
    total /total
      row id=191
      row id=192
      row id=193

  and this is the html:

  titlejqGrid Demo/title
  link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=/jqgrid/
  themes/basic/grid.css /
  link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=themes/
  jqModal.css /
  script src=/jqgrid/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
  script src=/jqgrid/jquery.jqGrid.js type=text/javascript/
  script src=/jqgrid/js/jqDnR.js type=text/javascript/script
  script src=/jqgrid/js/jqModal.js type=text/javascript/script
  script type=text/javascript
      datatype: 'xml',
      mtype: 'GET',
      colModel :[
        {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
        {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55},
      pager: jQuery('#pager'),
      sortname: 'id',
      sortorder: desc,
      viewrecords: true,
      imgpath: '/jqgrid/themes/basic/images',
      caption: 'My first grid'

  table id=list class=scroll/table
  div id=pager class=scroll style=text-align:center;/div

  I can't see what i'm doing wrong. Please help.- Ocultar texto citado -

 - Mostrar texto citado -

[jQuery] Re: help with jqgrid

2009-04-17 Thread Led

i'm happy to contact with you. You have done a great job with this
plugin , but i can't see it working. See the sample in
I'm trying to implement this in a project but the basic sample is not
working. Again , please...

On 17 Abr, 11:41, Tony t...@trirand.com wrote:
 The most common error when writing is the comma.
 You have
     colModel :[
       {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
       {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55},
 --- Error

 Remove the comma and will be ok

 On Apr 17, 3:12 am, led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:

  b.jgrid is undefined .

  i'm having this error when everything seems to be in place . I'm just
  starting to try this plugin .


  thanks- Ocultar texto citado -

 - Mostrar texto citado -

[jQuery] Re: help with jqgrid

2009-04-17 Thread Led

please tony , help me with that. I've made the change and still not
working .
Maybe i have to drop the plugin?

On 17 Abr, 11:55, Tony t...@trirand.com wrote:
 Please see my previous mail, remove the comma at last
 item - ie. the col model should be

   colModel :[
       {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
       {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55}
 and not
   colModel :[
       {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
       {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55},

 See the diffrence

 On Apr 17, 1:50 pm, Led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:

  i'm happy to contact with you. You have done a great job with this
  plugin , but i can't see it working. See the sample 
  I'm trying to implement this in a project but the basic sample is not
  working. Again , please...

  On 17 Abr, 11:41, Tony t...@trirand.com wrote:

   The most common error when writing is the comma.
   You have
       colModel :[
         {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
         {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55},
   --- Error

   Remove the comma and will be ok

   On Apr 17, 3:12 am, led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:

b.jgrid is undefined .

i'm having this error when everything seems to be in place . I'm just
starting to try this plugin .


thanks- Ocultar texto citado -

   - Mostrar texto citado -- Ocultar texto citado -

 - Mostrar texto citado -

[jQuery] Re: need help with jqGrid

2009-04-17 Thread Led

thanks tony, but is not loading the results ... and no error

On 17 Abr, 15:36, Tony t...@trirand.com wrote:
 The version of jquery  1.3.1 that you use is not compatible with
 jqGrid version 3.4
 Download the latest 3.4.3 version of jqGrid

 On Apr 17, 2:51 pm, Led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:

  tony , check that is not that.

  On 17 Abr, 11:46, Tony t...@trirand.com wrote:

   Already replayed. Please check your code - you have a unneeded coma in

   On Apr 17, 1:33 pm, led l.r@sapo.pt wrote:

I' m trying to use the jquery jqGrid plugin but i can't see it working
with ASP code.
this is the xml generated file.

  page /page
  total /total
    row id=191
    row id=192
    row id=193

and this is the html:

titlejqGrid Demo/title
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=/jqgrid/
themes/basic/grid.css /
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=themes/
jqModal.css /
script src=/jqgrid/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=/jqgrid/jquery.jqGrid.js type=text/javascript/
script src=/jqgrid/js/jqDnR.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=/jqgrid/js/jqModal.js type=text/javascript/script
script type=text/javascript
    datatype: 'xml',
    mtype: 'GET',
    colModel :[
      {name:'id', index:'id', key:true, width:55},
      {name:'cod_casa', index:'cod_casa', width:55},
    pager: jQuery('#pager'),
    sortname: 'id',
    sortorder: desc,
    viewrecords: true,
    imgpath: '/jqgrid/themes/basic/images',
    caption: 'My first grid'

table id=list class=scroll/table
div id=pager class=scroll style=text-align:center;/div

I can't see what i'm doing wrong. Please help.- Ocultar texto citado -

   - Mostrar texto citado -- Ocultar texto citado -

 - Mostrar texto citado -

[jQuery] help with jqgrid

2009-04-16 Thread led

b.jgrid is undefined .

i'm having this error when everything seems to be in place . I'm just
starting to try this plugin .



[jQuery] Plugins/Validation/Validator/addMethod

2009-03-17 Thread led

I've post other 2 related with this issue.
I'm more like a newbie in javascript and jquery.

I've found this esample in the validate plugin based on form multipart
validation that i've found usefull for many situations.

Then i change the accordion structure because of ui1.7 css diferences
as the sample in the ui site (based on div),but this code give me

$.validator.addMethod(pageRequired, function(value, element) {
var $element = $(element)
function match(index) {
return current == index  $(element).parents(#sf + 
(index +
if (match(0) || match(1) || match(2)) {
return !this.optional(element);
return dependency-mismatch;
}, $.validator.messages.required)

it has to do with a ulli structure .

The problem is that i can't create aa accordion base on a list, just
on div like the samples in ui site.

please see this example

on the other and i have a structured accordion on div's and that
function dont work(validate just the elements on the page andnot all
the elements)

thank you , this is very important for me and i'm realy stuck on this.

[jQuery] validate plugin (validate elements)

2009-03-16 Thread led

how to just validate elements in a div

[jQuery] partial step form validate

2009-03-16 Thread led

Hi need to validate just the form elements in a step. how do i
reference the form elements in a div.

ex: $(#form).validate().element(elements in the div)

thanks in advanve

[jQuery] Re: partial step form validate

2009-03-16 Thread Led

See it here


On 17 Mar, 01:30, Stephen Sadowski d...@meta-meta.com wrote:

 I'd go with $('#form input,select,radio,textarea') to select all
 standard form elements, but the validation depends on how you're doing


 On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 18:18 -0700, led wrote:
  Hi need to validate just the form elements in a step. how do i
  reference the form elements in a div.

  ex: $(#form).validate().element(elements in the div)

  thanks in advanve- Ocultar texto citado -

 - Mostrar texto citado -

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter pager and ajax

2008-11-22 Thread led

$('#foo').click(function() {



  $('#centro').fadeIn(3000).load('results_casa_mes.asp',{ nm_mes:
document.getElementById('teste4').value, pessoas:
document.getElementById('pessoas').value, tipo: document.getElementById
('tipo').value, localidade: document.getElementById
('localidade').value });


can you help me with that. I'm starting with jquery and i'm not an
experienced programer. Thanks.

On 21 Nov, 18:30, Balazs Endresz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 inside the callback (the third argument for .load )
 // let the plugin know that we made a update

 On Nov 21, 5:43 pm, led [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've noted that tablesorter and the pager don't work in ajax response
  such as the content returned in the jquery load(), with or without
  previous Table tags
  How can i fix this .
  See this demo of the problem in  http://realferias.com/pager.asp

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter pager and ajax

2008-11-22 Thread led

$('#foo').click(function() {


  $('#centro').fadeIn(3000).load('results_casa_mes.asp',{ nm_mes:
document.getElementById('teste4').value, pessoas:
document.getElementById('pessoas').value, tipo: document.getElementById
('tipo').value, localidade: document.getElementById
('localidade').value });



I've tried this with no luck

On 21 Nov, 18:30, Balazs Endresz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 inside the callback (the third argument for .load )
 // let the plugin know that we made a update

 On Nov 21, 5:43 pm, led [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've noted that tablesorter and the pager don't work in ajax response
  such as the content returned in the jquery load(), with or without
  previous Table tags
  How can i fix this .
  See this demo of the problem in  http://realferias.com/pager.asp

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter pager and ajax

2008-11-22 Thread led

Please look at http://realferias.com/pager.asp . When the table is in
a file that is loaded,  the tablesorter and the pager fails. i?m using
the $(table).trigger(update);  but nothing.

On Nov 22, 11:03 am, Balazs Endresz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You triggered the update before the data loaded, you have to do that
 in a function as the third argument:

 $('#foo').click(function() {


     $('#centro').fadeIn(3000).load('results_casa_mes.asp', {
         nm_mes: $('#teste4').val(),
         pessoas: $('#pessoas').val(),
         tipo: $('#tipo').val(),
         localidade: $('#localidade').val()
     }, function(){  $(table).trigger(update);  } );


 On Nov 22, 11:57 am, led [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  $('#foo').click(function() {


    $('#centro').fadeIn(3000).load('results_casa_mes.asp',{ nm_mes:
  document.getElementById('teste4').value, pessoas:
  document.getElementById('pessoas').value, tipo: document.getElementById
  ('tipo').value, localidade: document.getElementById
  ('localidade').value });



  I've tried this with no luck

  On 21 Nov, 18:30, Balazs Endresz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   inside the callback (the third argument for .load )
   // let the plugin know that we made a update

   On Nov 21, 5:43 pm, led [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've noted that tablesorter and the pager don't work in ajax response
such as the content returned in the jquery load(), with or without
previous Table tags
How can i fix this .
See this demo of the problem in  http://realferias.com/pager.asp- Hide 
quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Tablesorter pager and ajax

2008-11-21 Thread led

I've noted that tablesorter and the pager don't work in ajax response
such as the content returned in the jquery load(), with or without
previous Table tags
How can i fix this .
See this demo of the problem in  http://realferias.com/pager.asp

[jQuery] ajax loading image and fadeIn content

2008-11-16 Thread led

Hi, i'm just starting in jquery and i need help on this code.
I just need to display a message (or image)before the content is
loaded and fade that content.
Here is the code, and you can see it in action on realferias.com and
click the OK button on the left.Thanks.

$(document).ready(function() {
 $('#foo').click(function() {


  $('#centro').fadeIn(slow).load('results_casa_mes.asp',{ nm_mes:
document.getElementById('teste4').value, pessoas:
document.getElementById('pessoas').value, tipo: document.getElementById
('tipo').value, localidade: document.getElementById
('localidade').value });


  $(this).append(liStarting request  /li);


[jQuery] safari chrome form plugin problem

2008-11-15 Thread led

My question is if someone report prroblems with form plugin  and the
Don't work on both.

[jQuery] load page on onload

2008-10-25 Thread led

hi , i'm just starting with jquery .
It is possible to load a page in the onload event or just calling the
load utility in a script


it's that i want to redirect to another page but i dont hnow how.
please help.