[jQuery] JQuery validation plugin - custom validation for group of html elements

2009-11-21 Thread Narasimha
I have a set of combo boxes on a HTML form which act as a Date

 div id=datecheck
select id=datecheck_y name=datecheck_y
option value=20092009/option
option value=20082008/option
 option value=/option
select  id=datecheck_m name=datecheck_m 
option value=1Jab/option
option value=2Feb/option
option value=/option
select  id=datecheck_d name=datecheck_d 
option value=11/option
option value=3131/option
option value=/option

No I want to validate whether the user has left any value (year/month/
day) as blank, or if the values form a valid date (example invalid
date: 2009(datecheck_y),Feb(datecheck_m),31(datecheck_d)

For this I wrote two custom rules in JQuery, here is my approach:

I have two custom rules (REQUIRED_DATE, VALID_DATE):

$().ready(function() {

 $.validator.addMethod(REQUIRED_DATE, function(value,
element) {
 }, Date cannot be left blank);

 $.validator.addMethod(VALID_DATE, function(value,
element) {
 return this.optional(element) || CheckDate(element);
 }, Date should be valid);

  rules: {
  datecheck: { REQUIRED_DATE:
true,VALID_DATE: true }

  messages: {
 REQUIRED_DATE: Date is required,
 VALID_DATE: Date should be valid


Here are the CheckDate, CheckDateBlank JavaScript functions for

function ValidateDate(y, mo, d, h, mi, s) {
 var date = new Date(y, mo - 1, d, h, mi, s, 0);
 var ny = date.getFullYear();
 var nmo = date.getMonth() + 1;
 var nd = date.getDate();
 var nh = date.getHours();
 var nmi = date.getMinutes();
 var ns = date.getSeconds();

 var flag = (ny == y  nmo == mo  nd == d  nh == h 
nmi == mi  ns == s);
 return (flag);

 function CheckDate(dateElement) {
 var y, mo, d, h, mi, s;

 y = document.getElementById(dateElement.id + '_y').value;
 mo = document.getElementById(dateElement.id +
 d = document.getElementById(dateElement.id + '_d').value;
 h = document.getElementById(dateElement.id + '_h').value;
 mi = document.getElementById(dateElement.id +
 s = 0;

return ValidateDate(y, mo, d, h, mi, s);


 function CheckBlankDate(dateElement) {
 var y, mo, d, h, mi, s;

 y = document.getElementById(dateElement.id + '_y').value;
 mo = document.getElementById(dateElement.id +
 d = document.getElementById(dateElement.id + '_d').value;
 h = document.getElementById(dateElement.id + '_h').value;
 mi = document.getElementById(dateElement.id +
 s = 0;

 if(y== || mo == || d==)
return false;
 return true;


This approach does not work, as I believe JQuery cannot find any input
element with name datecheck. Is there any other approach that we can

Excellent - Sr. .Net Consultant Available

2008-09-10 Thread Narasimha Murthy

  Excellent - Sr. .Net Consultant Available



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			Excellent - Sr. .Net Consultant Available
			Narasimha Murthy
			Wed, 10 Sep 2008 06:24:07 -0700


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Excellent - Sr. .Net Consultant Available
Narasimha Murthy



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[boston.jobs.com] {-Response-} Excellent - Sr. Actuate Consultant Available

2008-09-10 Thread Narasimha Murthy
*Excellent - Sr. Actuate Consultant Available*


Please send your requirements to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://us.mc464.mail.yahoo.com/mc/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
call at 734-786-3867 for more details.



· *Over 12 years of experience in Software Development Life
Cycleusing Analysis, Architecting (Design), Development, Documenting,
Testing of
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*Over 4 years experience in all the phases o;   var sel_modelo = $('select#modelo_id');
for (var i = 0; i  json.rs_modelo.length; i++)
   sel_modelo.append(new Option('text', 'value'));

  Any hints?

  Regards, Clodoaldo

[boston.jobs.com] {-Response-} Excellent - Sr. Actuate Consultant Available

-- Thread Narasimha Murthy
   Oracle 9i, 8i, 7.x, Sybase
SQLAnywhere, FoxPro, 2.5, 2.6, Postgres 8.2

*Web Server  *TOMCAT /Apache

*Application Server*  IBM Web Sphere, Pramati, Oracle
Application Server

*Development Env.* **Eclipse – RCP, PDE(Plugin development
environment) J2EE technologies including J2SE 1.3, JDBC, Servlets, Java
Beans, Java Server Pages, EJB, XML,

 Business Components for Java BC4J (Oracle), OOAD using UML

*Designing Tools*  UML (Rational Rose), Toad Data Modeller,
Eclipse 3.3

*Reporting Tools*   Actuate E.R.D Pro – 7,8.

*Business Intelligence*MicroStrategy 8.0.2, Eclipse-BIRT 2.2

Thanks and Regards,

Samrat Arora Sam

netXert Inc.
3915 Research Park Dr Suite A1
Ann Arbor MI 48108
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