[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-11 Thread OutOfTouch

On Nov 11, 9:35 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For some reason  var index = $
  (this).parent().children().index(this); returns -1  and it appears to
  be stuck in the onAfter method.

 Hmm.  Try this instead:

 function onAfter(curr, next, opts) {
     var index = opts.currSlide;

 };- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

That is working just fine without any errors in both FF 2 and IE 7,
strange. Thanks!
Do you have a paypal link? If not email me privately if possible from
this group.
Again, Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-11 Thread OutOfTouch

Hi Mike,

After several tests for some reason FF doesn't like the onAfter and
stops working for me after changing values in the select list and
getting new image data. For some reason  var index = $
(this).parent().children().index(this); returns -1  and it appears to
be stuck in the onAfter method.
Any Ideas?

Thank You.

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-10 Thread OutOfTouch

Hi Mike,

Have you been able to reproduce a similar error using php and FF?
Maybe you could try with an empty container like me and load the
slides with some data from the server, very similar to your add6

Thank You!

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-10 Thread OutOfTouch

On Nov 10, 10:02 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Have you been able to reproduce a similar error using php and FF?
  Maybe you could try with an empty container like me and load the
  slides with some data from the server, very similar to your add6

 You need to make this a little easier for me, I don't have time to
 write all the code needed to simulate your situation.  Please post a
 public demo somewhere that shows the problem.  Thanks.

I would put up a public demo if I could, but I can't or I would lose
my job.
You already have 90% of the code required in your add6 example and the
JS code I posted, the only thing is you don't need to do the fancy
prev/next shiftAndPop with the array because in my JS the images are
loaded all at once using the data from the server, when a valid value
in the dropdown is selected. The only code you would have to write is
some php method to take in a parameter to give you the images data
array for the selected value in the dropdown.
Would it help if I donated some money to your project? I probably can
donate $50.00 US dollars. Do you have a paypal link on your site

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-10 Thread OutOfTouch

On Nov 10, 11:50 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The only code you would have to write is
  some php method to take in a parameter to give you the images data
  array for the selected value in the dropdown.


 1) Starts with an empty slideshow
 2) Binds change event on select element
 3) Loads slideshow data based on selected value in select element
 4) Uses prev/next navigation

To make a long story short I found the problem but I don't know why it
is a problem, if you look at the javascript I posted in the cycle
method I set the startingslide to 0 when I remove that the problem is

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-10 Thread OutOfTouch

On Nov 10, 12:52 pm, OutOfTouch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 10, 11:50 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The only code you would have to write is
   some php method to take in a parameter to give you the images data
   array for the selected value in the dropdown.


  1) Starts with an empty slideshow
  2) Binds change event on select element
  3) Loads slideshow data based on selected value in select element
  4) Uses prev/next navigation

 To make a long story short I found the problem but I don't know why it
 is a problem, if you look at the javascript I posted in the cycle
 method I set the startingslide to 0 when I remove that the problem is

It is eithier that or the onafter that is causing a problem, sorry I
had them both removed and the problem went away, dang I need to have
the onafter.

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-10 Thread OutOfTouch

It is definately the onAfter that FF doesn't like in this scenario.

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-08 Thread OutOfTouch

I just noticed that I still need to hide everything and return false
when the Please Select a Value is chosen in the dropdown.
The bug I am seeing in FF though is going back and forth between two
real values where I get real images loaded.


var length;
var mailPieceGroups;
var slidesAdded = false;
var myFancySelector = '#' + myControlId; --- This is something
special I have to do because ASP.Net renames control id's with a
unique name under certain circumstances. Anyways myControlId is the if
of my dropdown and is defined in a script block in the head section of
my page.

$(document).ready(function() {




var selectedValue;
var myDataToSend;

url: ../MyStaticPage.aspx/GetMailPieceGroupsByAdFundTypeId,
selectedValue = $(myFancySelector).val();
//TODO: If selectedVal = NA then hide stuff and return false.
myDataToSend = {'adFundTypeId':' +  selectedValue + '}
 type: POST,
url: ../Orders/Orders.aspx/
data: myDataToSend,
contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8,
  dataType: json,
 //error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus,
errorThrown) {alert(textStatus);alert(errorThrown); this;},
  success: function(data, textStatus){mailPieceGroups = eval('('
+ data + ')'); startSlideShow(mailPieceGroups); }

function startSlideShow(mailPieceGroups)
var html = '';
var $slideshow = $('#slideshow').cycle('stop').empty();
length = mailPieceGroups.length;
for (i = 0; i  length; i++)
  html = 'a href=' +
mailPieceGroups[i].OrderFormUrl + ' id=orderFormUrl' + i +
'img src=../Images/'+ mailPieceGroups[i].FileName + '
id=mailPieceImg' + i +
' width=345 height=245 //a';



 fx: 'fade',
speed:  'slow',
timeout: 0,
  next:   '#next',
prev:   '#prev' ,
 startingSlide: 0,
after: onAfter

function onAfter()
   var index = $(this).parent().children().index(this);

 }; // End StartSlideShow


}); // End Changed Function


If I post it all it will just add to the confusion so here is the
relevant html.

p class=teaser style=text-align:center;
Click on the image for the mail piece group you want
to order.nbsp;
div id=nav class=nav
a id=prev href=#Prev/a
a id=next href=#Next/a
div id=slideshow class=pics
br /
br /
div id=output
p id=descriptionDescription Goes Here/p
p id=priceInfoPrice Goes Here/p
p(SomeMoreText Here)/p

Thanks for your help.

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-07 Thread OutOfTouch

Mike, I just wanted to say thanks for all your help again.
Everything works great in IE7, but in FF for some reason the next and
prev buttons stop functioniong after awhile
1) Page loads no images in containing div
2) Select a value from drop down get json data from server, stop
cycle, load images into containing div and start cycle. FF works fine
here when clicking next or prev
3) Select a diff value in dropdown , get json data from server, stop
cycle, load images into containing div and start cycle., then click
next or prev and it goes the next image and then stops working. --Any
ideas what might be different in FF?


[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-07 Thread OutOfTouch

On Nov 7, 6:10 pm, OutOfTouch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mike, I just wanted to say thanks for all your help again.
 Everything works great in IE7, but in FF for some reason the next and
 prev buttons stop functioniong after awhile
 1) Page loads no images in containing div
 2) Select a value from drop down get json data from server, stop
 cycle, load images into containing div and start cycle. FF works fine
 here when clicking next or prev
 3) Select a diff value in dropdown , get json data from server, stop
 cycle, load images into containing div and start cycle., then click
 next or prev and it goes the next image and then stops working. --Any
 ideas what might be different in FF?


I forgot to mention that I hide the containing div when nothing is
loaded as well as the nav container.
Then I show it in step2 maybe FF doesn't like me calling show
everytime when it is already showing?

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-07 Thread OutOfTouch

On Nov 7, 6:42 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I forgot to mention that I hide the containing div when nothing is
  loaded as well as the nav container.
  Then I show it in step2 maybe FF doesn't like me calling show
  everytime when it is already showing?

 Can you post a link?

It's an internal site on an intranet, so I can't but i could post the
javascript code and my html source. I can post it tommorrow.

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-06 Thread OutOfTouch

Ok I am actually trying stuff now and can't get the onBefore to fire.
Here is what I decided to do:
When the selected value in a dropdown changes I make an ajax call and
get JSON data back.
And load all the images at once, no images are prexsting in the
Here is my JavaScript.



   var selectedValue;
  var myDataToSend;

  selectedValue = $('#ddlAdFundSelection').val();
 myDataToSend = {'adFundTypeId':' +  selectedValue + '}

type: POST,
url: Default.aspx/GetMailPieceGroupsByAdFundTypeId,
data: myDataToSend,
contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8,
dataType: json,
success: function(data, textStatus){var mailPieceGroups = eval('(' +
data + ')'); startSlideShow(data); }

 function startSlideShow(data)

 var html = '';
 var $slideshow2 = $('#slideshow2').cycle('stop').empty();
 mailPieceGroups = eval('(' + data + ')');
 length = mailPieceGroups.length;


fx: 'fade',
speed:  'fast',
timeout: 0,
next:   '#next2',
prev:   '#prev2' ,
before: onBefore

 function onBefore(curr, next, opts)

   // make sure we don't call addSlide before it is
if (!opts.addSlide || slidesAdded){return;}
for (i = 0; i  length; i++)
  html = 'a href=' + mailPieceGroups[i].OrderFormUrl + '
id=orderFormUrl' + i +
'img src=Images/'+ mailPieceGroups[i].FileName + '
id=mailPieceImg' + i +
' width=200 height=200 //a';

slidesAdded = true;

}; // End StartSlideShow

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-06 Thread OutOfTouch

 Looks to me like '#slideshow' is empty when you call cycle.  That is
 not allowed.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Yep that was it so I guess I will have to append the images
before .cycle is called.
And use the onAfter to set my description text when the next or prev
is clicked.
Is there a way to get the index of the image in the after method?

Thanks Mike I almost finished.

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-06 Thread OutOfTouch

  Is there a way to get the index of the image in the after method?

 View source on this page to see how to get the index:


Perfect thanks!

[jQuery] Hide/Show in IE 6

2008-11-05 Thread OutOfTouch

Will this work in IE 6?


I can't remember for sure but I thought that didn't work in IE 6.


[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-05 Thread OutOfTouch

  Can I clear out what was previously loaded, so the only the selected
  category is being viewed?

 Yes.  Stop the slideshow, empty it, reload it, and then restart it.

 var $slideshow = $('#slideshow').cycle('stop').empty();
 $slideshow.append( mySlide1);
 $slideshow.append( mySlide2);

Mike, If I call  var $slideshow = $
('#slideshow').cycle('stop').empty();  when it is not running  and is
empty will it error out?


[jQuery] Re: Hide/Show in IE 6

2008-11-05 Thread OutOfTouch

Thanks, I will try it.

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-04 Thread OutOfTouch

On Nov 4, 5:59 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for the help with the change event hookup and the new example.
  Can I have no slides preloaded and just load them on the fly?

 No, when you call cycle there must be at least two slides in the

Can I still load the image but not cycle if there is only one image
and also hide the prev/next buttons?

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-04 Thread OutOfTouch

On Nov 4, 10:08 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can I still load the image but not cycle if there is only one image
  and also hide the prev/next buttons?

 Sure.  I just mean that cycle will not function with only a single
 slide.  You can manipulate the DOM however you choose, but when you
 finally decide to call cycle there should be at least two slides in
 the DOM.

Awesome, thanks.
Can I also use prepend or addslides to add something like this:  'a
href=1img src='+slides.pop()+' //a'

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-03 Thread OutOfTouch

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the help with the change event hookup and the new example.
Can I have no slides preloaded and just load them on the fly?

I have dropdown where users will choose what category they want to
view images from that will make an ajax call to get the images for the
selected category. I am also planning to show text for each image and
wrap each image in an anchor tag, so that when the image is clicked
they will go to a differrent page within my website depending on the
image clicked.

Can I clear out what was previously loaded, so the only the selected
category is being viewed?

Again thanks for all your help.

[jQuery] How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-02 Thread OutOfTouch


I am looking for some help on how to only have one image at a time in
the page using an ajax call to get the images, or get all images using
ajax, but when next or prev navs are clicked to only load the next or
previous image by cycling thru a JavaScript array. Loading alot of
images at once could be a performace problem slowing down the page

I have dropdown that will be used to make a selection on what type of
images to view, this will make an ajax call using Jquery to go get the
data from the DB, FileName, description and so on.
Then I would like to put the results into a JavaScript Array if
possible, and show the first imagefile by it's file name in the array,
then when prev or next is clicked keep track of the index, and load a
single image at a time?

Maybe I am mistaken but this example looks to me like it would
eventually load all images into the page, what if you had a 100


I am noob with Jquery, thanks for the help!

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-02 Thread OutOfTouch

 No, the add2 demo shows a way to fetch one image at a time.  Cycle
 provides the hooks to do whatever you need to do.  There are before/
 after callbacks and there is an addSlide method on the options object
 which is passed into them.  But it's up to you to determine the best
 approach for your particular needs.  The demo pages are there to give
 you ideas and to show how the options and callbacks can be used.


Hi Mike,

The plugin is very nice and one of the best out there.

The note says that two slides must be present in a slideshow, also the
example nulls out after all slides have been loaded.  I am assuming
that stops the adding of slides.

How can I make this work with the next and prev button?
Would I still need to null it out?

Can I have no img tags preloaded into the containing div and use the
next and previous buttons to load 1 img tag using 0 as the starting
index, then from there just change the src property based on the
index? So I would never have more then 1 slide tag in the containing

TotalSlideCount will change when the dropdown selection changes

I don't understand this line: var currentImageNum =
The part I don't get is /beach, this looks like cycle is doing some
regex stuff.

[jQuery] Re: How to load only one image at a time using JQuery Cycle Plugin?

2008-11-02 Thread OutOfTouch

Hi Mike,

A couple more questions.

I know this off topic but I am searching for in the Jquery
documentation how to hook into the selection changed of a dropdownlist
to implement my ajax call, if you could point me in the right
direction I would be much appreciative.

Where can I view the api documentation for the Cycle plugin?
What do before and after callbacks do? -- Sorry I am noob with
OnBefore would be executed before animation and OnAfter would occur
after animation. is that correct?
