Re: [jQuery] need help with simple jQuery problem

2010-01-22 Thread Adriana P

Hi Rory, 

I will try to give you a detailed explanation. 

The file expand.js contains two scripts: the expandAll() plug-in and the
small toggler() plug-in.

1.) expandAll()
- generates the  switch 'Expand All/Collapse All' (or, in your case, 'go
ahead.../ ...go back');
- when the 'switch' is clicked, the plug-in toggles the visibility of the
matched elements;
- when the 'switch' is clicked, the strings  'Expand All' / 'Collapse All'
(or 'go ahead... ' / ' ...go back') are swapped;
- if the HTML code consists of pairs of triggers and collapsible sections,
the plug-in toggles the class of the trigger elements. Your code does not
contain such pairs. You have only the generated 'switch', and one
collapsible section.

2.) toggler()
- this script is needed if the HTML code consists of pairs of triggers and
collapsible sections, e.g.,

div class=container
  h4 class=expandTitle 1/h4
  div class=collapse.../div
  h4 class=expandTitle 2/h4
  div class=collapse.../div

As I said above, your page does not contain such a structure.

So, you need only the expandAll() plug-in.

In your HTML code, you call the plug-ins expandAll() and toggler() with the
following chunk of code:

$(function() {
$(#outer).expandAll({trigger: span.expand, ref: div.demo});
$(#outer  div.demo span.expand).toggler({method: toggle, speed :

All you need is expandAll(). 
When you call the plug-in, you'll want to change some of the default options
because you want a 'slide' effect with duration 'slow', i.e., 600
Replace the above code with this:

$(function() {
ref: div.demo, 
showMethod: slideDown, 
hideMethod: slideUp, 
speed: 600

That's all.

Please, let me know if this explanation is clear enough.



Rory Bernstein wrote:
 Hi Adriana,
 Adriana, I am honored that you wrote in to help me; it is, or course,
 your script I am trying to work with.
 I do not understand what you are asking me to do; can you please give
 more info/context? Are you saying that I am missing the lines of code
 you put in your response? If so, where do I put the code?
 I am truly a novice, as you see.
 Thank you so much,
 On Jan 20, 9:36 am, Adriana P wrote:
 Hi Rory,

 You need only the expandAll() plug-in:

 $(function() {
     $(#outer).expandAll({trigger: span.expand, ref: div.demo,
 showMethod: slideDown, hideMethod: slideUp, speed: 600});




 Rory Bernstein wrote:


  I am a total jQuery novice, and I tried to use jQuery for a project
  but I'm having trouble.

  When you click the blue go ahead link, it expands the hidden div,
  revealing content. I want the effect to be a slide effect, as on
  this sample page:
  From these various examples, I want the slideToggle effect -
  slideToggle (slow), as shown in section 2 of the above link.

  I cannot figure out what is wrong; my toggle link does work (it
  expands the hidden div), but I do not know how to get it to slide at
  the speed shown in the sample.

  Any help would be appreciated.

 View this message in
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

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Re: [jQuery] need help with simple jQuery problem

2010-01-20 Thread Adriana P

Hi Rory,

You need only the expandAll() plug-in:

$(function() {
$(#outer).expandAll({trigger: span.expand, ref: div.demo,
showMethod: slideDown, hideMethod: slideUp, speed: 600});



Rory Bernstein wrote:
 I am a total jQuery novice, and I tried to use jQuery for a project
 but I'm having trouble.
 When you click the blue go ahead link, it expands the hidden div,
 revealing content. I want the effect to be a slide effect, as on
 this sample page:
 From these various examples, I want the slideToggle effect -
 slideToggle (slow), as shown in section 2 of the above link.
 I cannot figure out what is wrong; my toggle link does work (it
 expands the hidden div), but I do not know how to get it to slide at
 the speed shown in the sample.
 Any help would be appreciated.

View this message in context:
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

[jQuery] jQuery 1.4 cross domain post bug?

2010-01-15 Thread David P
I have a webservice sitting on my https server that accepts the POST
verb and responds with some JSON.
If I build a simple html form like

form method=post action=;
input type=submit/
input type=hidden name=emailAddress /
input type=hidden name=password value=uk /

it will return the correct json data, with content type application/
json, and the browser will ask to save the result. When I look at the
data it is 100% correct

if I try to access it with jquery using
$.post(;, { emailAddress:,
password: uk }, function(data) { alert(hi!); }, json);

the call back will never execute.  When I check firebug, in the net
panel, I can see the call go out (first the OPTIONS call which
completes successfully, then the POST) however I cannot view the
actual results.  In the Console panel, the call is in red so firebug
thinks there is some kind of error.

Is there something I'm missing with how to handle cross domain POSTs
that return json data?

[jQuery] JQuery Validate div selector issues

2009-12-23 Thread
Hi Guys

I am trying to get validate to work, but I am soo close and yet soo
I think the problem is the selector and way i append the error or
valid classes to the label, or specify the element for errors?

Can anyone see the mismatch or problem?

HTML example...
[code]div class=namedivCompany Name:/div
div class=textdiv
div class=inputdivinput name=CompanyName 
type=text  class=input-text/ value=?if(isset($this-
company_name)){ echo $this-company_name;};?/div
div class=inputrightdiv 
div class=inputbottom-text 
id=error_CompanyName?php echo
$this-error_array['company_name']; ?/div

where the inputrightdiv is what holds my todo image,
then i want it replaced with inputrightdiv-valid which shows my nice
green tick image!

Jquery Validation initialization( i have taken out extra options for
simplicity )...

$(document).ready(function() {
// validate signup form on keyup and submit
var validator = $(#recruiter_signup).validate({
rules: {
CompanyName: required

messages: {
CompanyName: Please ensure you have entered your 
company name.

// the errorPlacement has to take the table layout into account
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {

// Set Error Element
errorElement: div.inputrightdiv,
// Focus in textbox
focusInvalid: false,// show all form error at a time
// Set Error Class
//errorClass: error,
// specifying a submitHandler prevents the default submit, good 
the demo
submitHandler: function() {
// set this class to error-labels to indicate valid fields
success: function(label) {



thanks for any tips or eagle eyes :)

[jQuery] Re: ClueTip focus/blur trouble

2009-10-26 Thread karthick p
   i m karthick,i m ding MCA in VIT...for me honey well company is
coming for placement so can u give any model paper
 thank u

2009/10/26 Shawn

 Thanks Karl.  I'll look at this more in a bit.  but from what I can see I
 think you have a solution for me..


 Karl Swedberg wrote:

 Hi Shawn,

 Here is what I'd probably do:

 After you call $this.cluetip( ...), unbind the blur event:


 Then you can handle the closing of the clueTip however you want using

 Maybe something like this:

 $('#cluetip').hover(function() {
  $(this).data('hovered', true);
 }, function() {

 $this.blur(function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
if (!$('#cluetip').data('hovered')) {
  }, 100);

 You'll have to add the click handler to the list items, too, of course.

 Hope that gets you on the right track.


 Karl Swedberg

 On Oct 22, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Shawn wrote:

 Hi Gang.

 I'm working with ClueTip and have run into some oddities.

 In particular, I want to show ClueTip when a textbox receives focus. The
 source shows me that I can use activation:'focus' for this and that will
 result in the cluetip showing on focus and disappearing on blur. Showing the
 cluetip is working fine, blurring is not.

 The code I have is this:

   activation: 'focus',
   local: true,
   showTitle: false,
   sticky: true,
   mouseOutClose: true,
   arrows: true,
   closeText: strongX/strong,
   closePosition: title
   }).focus( function (){
 $(opts.source).children().removeClass(opts.hover); });

 The .focus() method that I have here is simply resetting the classes on
 the items the user may interact with.

 I'm using ClueTip to provide a rapid selection tool - similar to a drop
 down list, but without the drop down list UI.  (large number of options,
 needing HTML for formatting, etc.)  The idea is that when the cursor arrives
 at the textbox, the cluetip shows and the user can use either the mouse to
 click an item, or the up/down keys and enter to do the same.  Where I am
 running into problems is with the click selection.  If I add a blur handler
 to the above code:

 .blur( function () { $(document).trigger('hideCluetip'); })

 then things work well for keyboard selection and blurring, but if I click
 instead, the click event never happens.  Because, clicking on the cluetip
 triggers the blur of the textbox which closes the cluetip before the click
 can be handled.  I suspect this may be partly why the onblur isn't working
 within ClueTip as well - the logistics seem rather complex...

 So I'm looking for suggestions on how to get this running properly.  OR
 for a plugin that provides similar functionality already.  Thanks for any


[jQuery] Re: $.post cross domain first sends an OPTIONS verb?

2009-10-06 Thread David P

Were you able to find a solution to get it working in Firefox?

Thank you

On Oct 1, 10:25 am, Vitaly Piven wrote:
 Hello David,

 I have similar problem . $.post() sends some OPTIONS request instead
 of expected POST (according to logs of web server).

 On 25 сен, 21:32, David P wrote:

  I use $.post like so:

  $.post(;, $.toJSON({ emailAddress:
  emailAddress }), callback, json);

  this works great..the response of the POST is a json string and that
  is used in the I added https:

  $.post(;, $.toJSON
  ({ emailAddress: emailAddress }), callback, json);

  so it is now a cross domain firebug I see that instead of
  POST'ing like in the http first is sending an OPTIONS
  verb..why?  The webservice doesn't know how to respond to that and
  gives a 403 forbidden...I need it to just send the POST like it did
  when it was on the same domain...

  Any insight?

[jQuery] $.post cross domain first sends an OPTIONS verb?

2009-09-25 Thread David P

I use $.post like so:

$.post(;, $.toJSON({ emailAddress:
emailAddress }), callback, json);

this works great..the response of the POST is a json string and that
is used in the I added https:

$.post(;, $.toJSON
({ emailAddress: emailAddress }), callback, json);

so it is now a cross domain firebug I see that instead of
POST'ing like in the http first is sending an OPTIONS
verb..why?  The webservice doesn't know how to respond to that and
gives a 403 forbidden...I need it to just send the POST like it did
when it was on the same domain...

Any insight?

[jQuery] Improving jquery performance on this site..(stop stutter)

2009-08-18 Thread

Hey group!

I am near completion on a site I chose to use Jquery for rather than
Flash for a client.
While some flash is used as a background image, the content is HTML
and Jquery for effects.

The issue as i see is stuttering and not smooth jquery actions in
sliding etc on page load.
Is there a better way hold a few seconds to ensure all page data in
content and images are loaded and then trigger the flash and jquery
actions? Or maybe preload the page on the page before (index.php) and
then goto the required page?

As i say simply i want to try to help out the initial page loading
effects like the slide to stop it stuttering.

thanks for any ideas or pointers..


[jQuery] Re: get parent where

2009-08-02 Thread P I

[jQuery] Validation plugin - submit form without validation

2009-07-20 Thread Adam P

I'm using the Validation plugin for JQuery and was wondering if there
was a function to submit the form without causing it to validate the
form.  I have a table with a list of radio-buttons and above that is a
drop down list of states.  The drop down list of states is used to
filter the table rows and when the selected item changes it posts-back
to the server (via $(#frm).submit()).  I don't want this to cause
any validation to occur.  Is there another function I can call besides
submit(), or some other method?


[jQuery] Fade in and then fade out element when using slideToggle

2009-07-17 Thread P

I have a div (#slide-panel) which is hidden by default (display:none)
but shows up when a button (.slide) is clicked.
Inside the div I have a h3 which also is hidden by default
(display:none) but fades in as the div slides out.

Here's the code:

$(#slide-panel h3).fadeIn(slow);
$(this).toggleClass(.slide-active); return false;

Is it possible to make the h3 fade out as the user press the button
(.slide) and the div slides out? How?

[jQuery] append and *slowly* show new content in DOM

2009-06-20 Thread Eric P


I'm guessing this is an easy question, but I can't figure it out.

I want to add some new content to the DOM, so I have a line like this.
$('#div_container').append('phi there!/p');

However, I'd like it to slowly appear via show().

But adding show() doesn't work as I'd expect.  The new content appears 
$('#div_container').append('phi there!/p').show('slow');

Thanks for reading,
Eric P

[jQuery] Re: Form validation - Add http:// to text field if user forgot it

2009-06-03 Thread P

Thanks for your reply but unfortenately this doesnt work...

On 28 Maj, 14:59, Jörn Zaefferer
 Try this:

 $(input[name^=link]).blur(function() {
   if (!/^http:\/\//.test(this.value) {
     this.value = http://; + this.value;



 On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:19 PM, P wrote:

  In my form I have a couple of text fields into which the user enters

  input type=text name=link1 id=link1 /
  input type=text name=link2 id=link2 /
  input type=text name=link3 id=link3 /

  Now I want to create a function that runs after the user has entered a
  link. It should automatically add http://; in the beginning of the
  link if the user forgot it. How do I do that?

[jQuery] Form validation - Add http:// to text field if user forgot it

2009-05-28 Thread P

In my form I have a couple of text fields into which the user enters

input type=text name=link1 id=link1 /
input type=text name=link2 id=link2 /
input type=text name=link3 id=link3 /

Now I want to create a function that runs after the user has entered a
link. It should automatically add http://; in the beginning of the
link if the user forgot it. How do I do that?

[jQuery] A troll on jQuery in Linkedin QA board

2009-04-30 Thread S P Arif Sahari Wibowo

To those who in Linkedin, there a troll discrediting not only 
jQuery but the practise of using any library:

Quote: You don't need a generic library, period. Bank it.

Funny. :-)

       (stephan paul) Arif Sahari Wibowo
   /___  /___/ /___/ /___
  / / /   / /

[jQuery] Carousel Help Needed

2009-04-09 Thread P


I would like to have a control bar that shows dots instead of page
numbers, etc. the difference being that if you have 9 items and you
show 3 at a time, you should have 3 dots. A dot would represent a page
and not one image. Clicking on the dot, would scroll the page.

Something like CNN (top right side)

Any input would be appreciated.

[jQuery] Help showing 'Showing 3 of 12' msg in Carousel

2009-04-09 Thread P


I was wondering if anyone has used or know the link to jQuery carousel
which shows 3 vidoes at a time with ofcourse next  pre button and
message something like this: 'Showing 3 of 12'

Thanks for your help.

[jQuery] Help: Carousel Showing Current Total count

2009-04-06 Thread P

hi folks,

I'm new to JQuery can anyone help me find how to display current 
total page count on carousel.

Eg: Showing 1 of 10 Page

I'm currently using this

Please if anyone know help me figure out how to display text showing:
'Showing 1 of 10 page'.


[jQuery] .slideUp .slideDown issues in IE

2009-04-02 Thread Anton P.

I have been asked to build this slide up and down functionality on landing page. If you go to the address
underneath the large image you will see Recent and Selected works. It
seems to be working fine in all browsers, but IE displays the contents
as soon as I click on the header and then things slide down over the
contents. I have overflow:hidden applied.

Does anyone know how I could fix this IE issue? Thanks!

[jQuery] Show div in div on mouseover

2009-03-10 Thread P

I have multiple divs on my page in which contains another div with
links. These links should be hidden by default but then displayed when
the mouse is over the div.


div class=box
Lorem ipsum
div class=linksa href=#Foo/a a href=#bar/a/div

div class=box
Lorem ipsum 2
div class=linksa href=#Foo/a a href=#bar/a/div

div class=box
Lorem ipsum 3
div class=linksa href=#Foo/a a href=#bar/a/div

[jQuery] Re: Show div in div on mouseover

2009-03-10 Thread P

Ah... thats too easy. :)


On 10 Mar, 15:09, ryan.j wrote:
 sorry, i forgot to add div.links:hover { display:inline !important; }

 On Mar 10, 11:27 am, ryan.j wrote: div.links { display:none; } div.links { display:inline; }

  On Mar 10, 9:13 am, P wrote:

   I have multiple divs on my page in which contains another div with
   links. These links should be hidden by default but then displayed when
   the mouse is over the div.


   div class=box
   Lorem ipsum
   div class=linksa href=#Foo/a a href=#bar/a/div

   div class=box
   Lorem ipsum 2
   div class=linksa href=#Foo/a a href=#bar/a/div

   div class=box
   Lorem ipsum 3
   div class=linksa href=#Foo/a a href=#bar/a/div

[jQuery] Ajax request -- passing additional paramters to success method

2009-02-26 Thread P Burrows
Is anyone aware of a way to pass some additional context information to the
success function of an ajax request?
For instance, here is my code which works fine:

type: GET,
dataType: json,
url: tUrl,
success: GotNewData,
error: GetDataError,
complete: AjaxRequestComplete

To the GotNewData function, I would also like to pass some other
information. The url would be nice, but some other context info would be
fine too. A unique ID. Some random string. ...anything.

Any ideas?

Patrick Burrows

[jQuery] Re: Ajax request -- passing additional paramters to success method

2009-02-26 Thread P Burrows
Nevermind... I can do it with lambdas.

Patrick Burrows

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:50 AM, P Burrows wrote:

 Is anyone aware of a way to pass some additional context information to the
 success function of an ajax request?
 For instance, here is my code which works fine:

 type: GET,
 dataType: json,
 url: tUrl,
 success: GotNewData,
 error: GetDataError,
 complete: AjaxRequestComplete

 To the GotNewData function, I would also like to pass some other
 information. The url would be nice, but some other context info would be
 fine too. A unique ID. Some random string. ...anything.

 Any ideas?

 Patrick Burrows

[jQuery] Best practice for replacing inline HTML function calls w/several arguments with an event handler

2009-02-13 Thread Eric P


I'm fairly new to jQuery (been using a few months now).  Binding event handlers to HTML objects via jQuery is awesome, 
but I find myself struggling to find a solid (I.e., best practice) method for getting numerous arguments to the event 
handler that are pertinent to the object that triggered the event.

For example, old method:
function buy(item, color, price) { ... }
img src=item01.jpg /a href=javascript:buy('123-ABC','red',9.99)Buy 
Me!/abr /
img src=item02.jpg /a href=javascript:buy('123-ABC','blue',10.99)Buy 
Me!/abr /
img src=item03.jpg /a href=javascript:buy('456-DEF','green',29.99)Buy 
Me!/abr /

jQuery method:
$(function() {
$('.buy').click(function() { ... }
img src=item01.jpg /a class=buyBuy Me!/abr /
img src=item02.jpg /a class=buyBuy Me!/abr /
img src=item03.jpg /a class=buyBuy Me!/abr /

So in the jQuery method, what is the best way to make the multiple arguments (that were previously in the inline HTML/JS 
function call) available to the event handling function?

I've been limping along using various methods to get arguments to the event handling function (E.g., like sticking 
values in an object's id field, etc.), but I'm at a loss when it comes to a solid way to pass numerous arguments to 
the event handling function.

Thanks for reading,
Eric P.

[jQuery] Re: Best practice for replacing inline HTML function calls w/several arguments with an event handler

2009-02-13 Thread Eric P

James wrote:

I think a good way is to put the data into a separate JSON object and
give them a unique ID (eg. item01, item02...), and assign that ID
somewhere on the links to be clicked.

var productList = {
  'item01':{name:123-ABC, color:'red', price:9.99},
  'item02':{name:123-ABC, color:'blue', price:10.99},
  'item03':{name:456-DEF, color:'green', price:29.99}

$(.buy).click(function() {
 var id = $(this).attr(id);
 var product = productList[id];
 alert( + ' ' + product.color + ' ' + product.price);

img src=item01.jpg /a href=. id=item01 class=buyBuy Me!/
abr /
img src=item02.jpg /a href=. id=item02 class=buyBuy Me!/
abr /
img src=item03.jpg /a href=. id=item03 class=buyBuy Me!/
abr /

On Feb 13, 10:35 am, Eric P wrote:


I'm fairly new to jQuery (been using a few months now).  Binding event handlers 
to HTML objects via jQuery is awesome,
but I find myself struggling to find a solid (I.e., best practice) method for 
getting numerous arguments to the event
handler that are pertinent to the object that triggered the event.

For example, old method:
function buy(item, color, price) { ... }
img src=item01.jpg /a href=javascript:buy('123-ABC','red',9.99)Buy 
Me!/abr /
img src=item02.jpg /a href=javascript:buy('123-ABC','blue',10.99)Buy 
Me!/abr /
img src=item03.jpg /a href=javascript:buy('456-DEF','green',29.99)Buy 
Me!/abr /

jQuery method:
$(function() {
 $('.buy').click(function() { ... }
img src=item01.jpg /a class=buyBuy Me!/abr /
img src=item02.jpg /a class=buyBuy Me!/abr /
img src=item03.jpg /a class=buyBuy Me!/abr /

So in the jQuery method, what is the best way to make the multiple arguments 
(that were previously in the inline HTML/JS
function call) available to the event handling function?

I've been limping along using various methods to get arguments to the event 
handling function (E.g., like sticking
values in an object's id field, etc.), but I'm at a loss when it comes to a solid way to 
pass numerous arguments to
the event handling function.

Thanks for reading,
Eric P.

Your solution is elegant and robust.  It fit the bill perfectly for what I was doing. I was about to use jQuery's data() 
method to attach values to HTML objects, but your solution is much easier to digest.

Thanks for the great insight!

Good point.  It's always good to work w/the mindset that not all will have JavaScript turned on.  Fortunately, the 
functionality I'm building is for an administrative area for customers that must have JavaScript support to even log in.

Don't worry.  The code example I gave was merely an example to simplify the 
problem.  No $0.01 items for you!  ;)


[jQuery] Form field validation call out (mini pop-up) plugin?

2008-12-10 Thread Eric P


I've been digging around the net for a jQuery plugin that does a form
validation call out.  This would be a little info pop-up near a form
field notifying the user why their entry didn't validate.

This demo shows pretty much what I'm looking for.  Type in a
non-integer phone number to see the call out.

Most of the form validation notifications I found involve inline
highlighting (which is nice), but doesn't always give much room for
additional info to the user (E.g., showing an example of good input,

Thanks for reading,

[jQuery] Re: [tooltip] Problem in IE 6 with multiple tooltips of different 'extra' classes

2008-12-05 Thread Eric P



Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
 The code looks fine. Could you file a ticket for this? (requires registration)
 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Eric P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just started messing around with Jörn's tooltip plugin, and I think I found 
 a bug while using IE 6 (not a problem in IE
 7 and FF 3).

 Here's some reference code.

 In the example I'm assigning three different tooltips each with their own 
 unique extraClass to three different p blocks.

 In IE 6 only the first p tooltip works (tooltip has a blue background).  
 The other two don't use their respective
 extraClasses (different background colors, etc.).

 As I'm new to this plugin, I wouldn't be surprised if I've borked the 
 syntax, but since it works in IE 7 and FF I'm not
 so sure.

 Thanks for any ideas.

[jQuery] [tooltip] Problem in IE 6 with multiple tooltips of different 'extra' classes

2008-12-04 Thread Eric P


Just started messing around with Jörn's tooltip plugin, and I think I found a 
bug while using IE 6 (not a problem in IE
7 and FF 3).

Here's some reference code.

In the example I'm assigning three different tooltips each with their own 
unique extraClass to three different p blocks.

In IE 6 only the first p tooltip works (tooltip has a blue background).  The 
other two don't use their respective
extraClasses (different background colors, etc.).

As I'm new to this plugin, I wouldn't be surprised if I've borked the syntax, 
but since it works in IE 7 and FF I'm not
so sure.

Thanks for any ideas.

[jQuery] Re: mixing jQuery with regular JavaScript

2008-10-27 Thread Eric P

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 9:54 PM, Ryura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


window.test = function(){ console.log('hi')}


Thanks, Mike and Ryura.  That's what I needed to hear.

For some odd reason I had it pounded in my head that everything jQuery
needed to defined within the jQuery document instance.

Eric P.

[jQuery] Re: mixing jQuery with regular JavaScript

2008-10-24 Thread Eric P

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 2:25 PM, Eric P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to mix jQuery with some pre-existing JavaScript/HTML, but
 I'm having what appears to be scope issues.

 The code I'm working on already has a bunch of inline event handler
 function calls in the HTML tags, and it'd be a ton of work to change
 them all to the unobtrusive way via jQuery.  Now when I wrap all the
 pre-existing function definitions into the jQuery document instance
 (i.e., $(function(){ ... }), I'm able to slip in some jQuery.
 However, all the function definitions are now no longer available to
 the inline event handler calls.

 Here's a simple demonstration.  In this example the test() function is
 not available when the div.

function test(){ console.log('hi')}

 div onclick=test() style=background-color:red; width:300pxhi /div

Opps... small typo.

In this example the test() function is not available when the div clicked.

[jQuery] mixing jQuery with regular JavaScript

2008-10-24 Thread Eric P


I'm trying to mix jQuery with some pre-existing JavaScript/HTML, but
I'm having what appears to be scope issues.

The code I'm working on already has a bunch of inline event handler
function calls in the HTML tags, and it'd be a ton of work to change
them all to the unobtrusive way via jQuery.  Now when I wrap all the
pre-existing function definitions into the jQuery document instance
(i.e., $(function(){ ... }), I'm able to slip in some jQuery.
However, all the function definitions are now no longer available to
the inline event handler calls.

Here's a simple demonstration.  In this example the test() function is
not available when the div.

function test(){ console.log('hi')}

div onclick=test() style=background-color:red; width:300pxhi /div

Any ideas?  I'm assuming many others have run into this predicament.

Thanks for reading,
Eric P.

[jQuery] Re: jCarousel - flickr intergration

2008-10-10 Thread Jose P. Carballo
*All I'm really looking for is a solution to not having a blank picture
appearing when the it reaches the end of the photostream.*

Well if I'm correct JCarousel controls is a .png picture called
next-horizontal.png and another one called prev-horizontal.png. Usually is a
picture with 4 arrows, where the brighter arrow is the one displayed once
the scrolling reaches the end. In my implementation I just cutted out this
arrow with a photo editor (like gimp), and when scrolling reaches the end
the right arrow, or left arrow is not displayed and automatically JCarousel

*or alternatively, how to start scrolling from the beginning
I think that's called a circular feature and is also there somehwere in
sorgallascom reference.

Hope this helps.

2008/10/10 JBagley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm using's excellent jCarousel plugin on
 and integrating it with a flickr photostream:

 The problem I am having is that I don't know how to determine when the
 end of the photostream has been reached, and then disabling the
 controls, or alternatively, how to start scrolling from the beginning

 Here is the code that I'm currently using on the

 $url = '
 . $api_key .

 Other than that, I haven't made much changes to the code that is
 supplied on

 All I'm really looking for is a solution to not having a blank picture
 appearing when the it reaches the end of the photostream.

 Thanks in advance
 Jason Bagley

Jose Pablo Carballo

[jQuery] Jcarousel - Changing the starting position of the carousel according to the last page visited.

2008-10-08 Thread Jose P. Carballo

As the title says, i want to set the starting position of the jcarousel
according to the last page visited.

What I've done so far is to decompose the last url with*
document.referrer*and then process this String in order to set a value
of a variable named
*startingPosition*. Finally, in the *start* property of the configuration
hash i set start: startingPosition.

The problem is that this is somehow a slow solution, since when I load the
page where the carousel is, it starts by default in position 1, and then
after the client does the algorithm of calculating the new position it then
sets the starting point of the carousel where it should be. It's less than a
second, but it does look bad, enough for not implementing it if I don't find
a faster solution without jumps.

Please send me any ideas or suggestions. Don't consider me a pro with
Javascript or Jquery please.


PS: I add the code I'm using right now (I'm adding it in the
jquery.jcarousel.js file):

   // Splits document.referrer
var reference = document.referrer.split('/');

// Initialize startingPosition to 1
var startingPosition = 1;

// Array with test I'm looking for in the referrer to select the
starting position of the carousel
var listOfStringsImLookinFor = new Array();
listOfStringsImLookinFor[0] = text1;
listOfStringsImLookinFor[1] = text2;
listOfStringsImLookinFor[2] = text3;
listOfStringsImLookinFor[3] = text4;

// Calculates starting position
for(var i = 0; i  listOfStringsImLookinFor.length; i++)
for(var j = 0; j  reference.length; j++)
if(reference[j] == listOfStringsImLookinFor[i])
startingPosition = i + 1;

and then down in the carousel configuration: (hash defaults)

 start: startingPosition,

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jose P. Carballo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2008/10/5
Subject: About JCarousel

Hello, first of all thanks for this software and all documentation etc. Good

I have a small question, how could I change the image displaying in the
carrousel with html internal links or something.

My carrousel displays one image at a time, let's say I move until image 8,
and then i click on it and i go to another link in my site. When returnin to
the page where the carousel is in, I would want the carousel to be
positioned back on the image 8. So that if I want to check image 9 i dont
have to scroll 8 times.


Jose Pablo Carballo

Jose Pablo Carballo

[jQuery] Find / traverse to next node matching a criteria?

2008-09-05 Thread S P Arif Sahari Wibowo


Is there any feature in jQuery to find the next node matching a 
criteria, regardless of that next node a sibling or not?

I know there is next(expr) and prev(expr) methods, but 
this only works for sibling. I specifically need to have 
something to look into siblings and non-siblings.

The algorithm will probably look like this:
(a) for each subsequent siblings, check if that sibling match 
the criteria, if not, traverse down to find first tree match the 
(b) failing that, go up to parent, then do (a) again,
(c) do that until no parent exist (means not found).

Maybe there is a plugin already doing that?


  (stephan paul) Arif Sahari Wibowo
_  _  _  _
   /  // // /
  _/ /  // _/

[jQuery] Re: How to apply jQuery to an item which doesn't exist when the page is loaded.

2008-09-05 Thread S P Arif Sahari Wibowo

On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, lukas wrote:
 My PHP code creates a button which doesn't exist when my page 
 is loaded.  Hence, the according jQuery command doesn't work.

Not sure what you meant. For server-side scripting - such as PHP 
- loading a page is the only way for the script to create HTML 
objects - including buttons. So what you said does not make any 
sense. Are you talking about XMLHttpRequest / AJAX request?

Maybe you should point to an example page + source.

  (stephan paul) Arif Sahari Wibowo
_  _  _  _
   /  // // /
  _/ /  // _/

[jQuery] best practices for scripts dir structure, etc.

2008-09-04 Thread Eric P


Are there any good practices for how to keep the jQuery scripts (core, ui, 
plugins, etc.) organized?

I currently have something like this.


I don't know what exactly makes sense and don't like what I've got so far since 
I'm using version numbers
inconsistently, both in filenames and dir names, or not at all.

Any tips would be great.

Eric P.

[jQuery] Re: best practices for scripts dir structure, etc.

2008-09-04 Thread Eric P

 using versions is very handy when you want to incorporate the latest
 version on a new page in your project, but don't want to go back and
 regression test all the other pages in the application

 i've got structure like:
 - /jquery/
   - jquery.js
   - jquery.pack.js
   ..etc etc..
   - jquery.js
   - jquery.pack.js

Huge improvement over what I had.

Thanks a lot!

[jQuery] Re: and pre-rendered pages.

2008-08-27 Thread P. Skoog

Ok, Thanks for the answer.

On Aug 26, 3:08 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The problem is that i don't have access to the metadata plugin.

  So the question is still... is this possible with the built in
  function $.data?

 No, the data function does not extract data from the markup.  data
 is a convenient way of getting and storing runtime state.  You could
 write your own logic for extracting data from the markup using attr or
 hasClass for example..

[jQuery] and pre-rendered pages.

2008-08-26 Thread P. Skoog


Is it possible to store meta data in html-tags on the page without the
help of jQuery.

The problem I'm having is that I have an existing php-script rendering
tables, and I really need to store meta data in each cell for later
use by jQuery.

Is this even possible?

Patrik Skoog

[jQuery] Re: and pre-rendered pages.

2008-08-26 Thread P. Skoog

The problem is that i don't have access to the metadata plugin.

So the question is still... is this possible with the built in
function $.data?


On Aug 26, 1:20 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The metadata plugin page describes several ways to do this:


 On Aug 26, 2:55 am, P. Skoog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Is it possible to store meta data in html-tags on the page without the
  help of jQuery.

  The problem I'm having is that I have an existing php-script rendering
  tables, and I really need to store meta data in each cell for later
  use by jQuery.

  Is this even possible?

  Patrik Skoog

[jQuery] Replace multiple select box options with images

2008-08-25 Thread P

I have a select box that looks like this:

div id=ratings-box

select name=ratings2[] multiple=multiple  id=edit-ratings2
option value=11/option
option value=22/option
option value=33/option
option value=44/option
option value=55/option
option value=66/option


Now instead of showing it as an regular select box I'd like to present
images to the user.

I have one image prepared if the option is selected:
rating_x_selected.gif (where X is the number 1-6)

And one image if the option isnt selected: rating_x.gif

Can I solve this with jQuery?

[jQuery] Replacing DOM Elements While Maintaining Child Elements

2008-07-22 Thread Chris P

Ok, I have this code (I know it's horrific).

td class=ms-sbscopes ms-sbcell
select class=ms-sbscopes title=Search Scope
option value=This SiteThis Site: Hirsch Branding/option

I want to alter this so the td class=... becomes a div (I don't
need to maintain the classes) and the /td with a /div while
maintaing the select control.  I figured it's done with replaceWith
but I can't maintain the select.

[jQuery] Modifying table cell text

2008-07-02 Thread P

I have a table that looks like this:


div class=highest-rated
td class=titleLorem ipsum/td
  td class=categoryAudio/td
  td class=rating3/td
td class=titleFoo/td
  td class=categoryVideo/td
  td class=rating2/td
td class=titleBar/td
  td class=categoryVideo/td
  td class=rating2/td
td class=titleHello world/td
  td class=categoryAudio/td
  td class=rating1/td


With a little jquery magic I would like to modify the text of the
rating cell and have it display an image.
This should be the outcome:


div class=highest-rated
td class=titleLorem ipsum/td
  td class=categoryAudio/td
  td class=ratingimg src=images/rating-3.gif //td
td class=titleFoo/td
  td class=categoryVideo/td
  td class=ratingimg src=images/rating-2.gif //td
td class=titleBar/td
  td class=categoryVideo/td
  td class=ratingimg src=images/rating-2.gif //td
td class=titleHello world/td
  td class=categoryAudio/td
  td class=ratingimg src=images/rating-1.gif //td


The number of table rows may vary on different pages.
How should I do this...?


[jQuery] Re: Modifying table cell text

2008-07-02 Thread P

Thank you! Problem solved.

On Jul 2, 5:41 pm, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $(.highest-rated td.rating).each(function() {
   var rating = $(this).text();
   $(this).html('img src=images/rating-' + rating + '.gif /');


 - Richard

 On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 11:02 AM, P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a table that looks like this:


  div class=highest-rated
         td class=titleLorem ipsum/td
   td class=categoryAudio/td
   td class=rating3/td
         td class=titleFoo/td
   td class=categoryVideo/td
   td class=rating2/td
         td class=titleBar/td
   td class=categoryVideo/td
   td class=rating2/td
         td class=titleHello world/td
   td class=categoryAudio/td
   td class=rating1/td


  With a little jquery magic I would like to modify the text of the
  rating cell and have it display an image.
  This should be the outcome:


  div class=highest-rated
         td class=titleLorem ipsum/td
   td class=categoryAudio/td
   td class=ratingimg src=images/rating-3.gif //td
         td class=titleFoo/td
   td class=categoryVideo/td
   td class=ratingimg src=images/rating-2.gif //td
         td class=titleBar/td
   td class=categoryVideo/td
   td class=ratingimg src=images/rating-2.gif //td
         td class=titleHello world/td
   td class=categoryAudio/td
   td class=ratingimg src=images/rating-1.gif //td


  The number of table rows may vary on different pages.
  How should I do this...?


[jQuery] Re: Gmail Progress Bar

2008-06-06 Thread P-Do

There is a progress bar jquery plugin (I'm sure there must be more
too) here:

On May 24, 6:11 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Recently Google Added a Progress bar in gmail .. without any SWF
 uploader and any Flashes ... And it works in IE and FIrefox ... how
 could we do the same in jquery and How did they do this...?

[jQuery] Refactoring Functions

2008-06-04 Thread Chris P

I wanted a script that would make a sticky footer, and it worked
perfectly with this (where 341 is the elements to offset).

var height = $(document).height();
var height = height - 341;
$('#footer').css('margin-top', height);

Then I want this code to re-run on browser resize.  I also want to
refactor the code above to use a second time.  The problem is that (1)
it doesn't re-run on browser resize and (2) I don't want to duplicate
code.  How can I refactor?

var height = $(document).height();
var height = height - 341;
$('#footer').css('margin-top', height);

var height = $(document).height();
var height = height - 341;
$('#footer').css('margin-top', height);

[jQuery] Re: Refactoring Functions

2008-06-04 Thread Chris P

 Better yet, change line second line of stickFooter function to:

 var height = $(document).height() - 341;

 And remove the third line entirely.


Thanks for responding Carl.  This is what I ended up using as you

script type=text/javascript
var stickyFooter = function() {
var height = $(document).height() - 341;
$('#footer').css('margin-top', height);

But Firebug tells me document.body has no properties with the error
seemingly in the jQuery library.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Not Adding Class/Attributes in IE

2008-05-28 Thread Chris P

 I'm with Karl. I remember IE dying on me when I tried to set an
 expando called 'all', go figure...

 So.. use another attribute, or try setAttribute.
 Not sure whether it will fail as well or not.

Sorry for the spamming of the list.  I actually figured out why it
didn't work.  The script I was using (scrollovers -
needed what I was trying to add, but the script was loaded before the
document.ready.  So the external file (I'm guessing) parsed the DOM,
couldn't find what it needed, and just let it go.  Once I moved the
external script after the jQuery initialization it worked.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Not Adding Class/Attributes in IE

2008-05-27 Thread Chris P


On May 26, 8:32 pm, Chris P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 For some reason this is not working in IE but fine in Safari/FF.

 jQuery('ul.nav a').addClass('scrollover').attr('type','scrollover');

 You can see it on my site (  It's suppose to add it in
 the navigation bar.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Not Adding Class/Attributes in IE

2008-05-27 Thread Chris P

Anyone on this?

On May 26, 8:32 pm, Chris P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 For some reason this is not working in IE but fine in Safari/FF.

 jQuery('ul.nav a').addClass('scrollover').attr('type','scrollover');

 You can see it on my site (  It's suppose to add it in
 the navigation bar.


[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready(function() { giving error $ is not a function - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-09 Thread Fred P

A little more specific:

You're using jQuery.noConflict() which allows you to use the variable

jQuery(document).ready( function() {
jQuery(#sliding_cart).css({ display: none});

then later in your doc, you're using $ which is the same thing, if
you're not using  jQuery.noConflict(). However, it's one or the other,
not both.

 $(document).ready(function() {

 alert(Thanks for visiting!);


If you're using Prototype.js or any other JS Library that may use $,
then you need noConflict. If you're sure you'll never use any other JS
Library, then drop the noConflict and use $ instead of jQuery variable
If you're using some plugins or third party script asking you to use
noConflict for any reason, then use jQuery instead of $ (like those


[jQuery] Re: Trouble applying .show() to descendants

2008-02-14 Thread Nick P

That did it!

Thanks for the help!

On Feb 13, 2:31 am, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 13 Feb, 01:11, Nick P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The trouble comes when I try to append this cloned block to the end of
  the table.  If I just do:

  blockCopy.appendTo([EMAIL PROTECTED]:resources] tbody:first);

  It appends the clone correctly, but the hidden fields are still

 not sure, but I'd try something like this:

 blockCopy.appendTo([EMAIL PROTECTED]:resources]


 blockCopy.appendTo([EMAIL PROTECTED]:resources]

[jQuery] Trouble applying .show() to descendants

2008-02-12 Thread Nick P

I'm trying to use the show function to display elements in a jQuery
object that contains a block of code I cloned.  I'm having trouble
getting the show function to apply to all the descendants of the code
in the object.  It's probably better if I show an example than try to
describe everything:

This is something like what I've copied:

table id=itemForm:resources
... more elements, some I've previously hidden using .hide()



I clone like this:

var blockCopy = $([EMAIL PROTECTED]:resources] tr:first).clone();

The trouble comes when I try to append this cloned block to the end of
the table.  If I just do:

blockCopy.appendTo([EMAIL PROTECTED]:resources] tbody:first);

It appends the clone correctly, but the hidden fields are still

I've tried something like:;
But that (I'm assuming, since it didn't really do anything) doesn't
apply the show throughout all the block down to the last descendant.

How can I apply show to that cloned block to make the hidden fields
visible again?

Thanks in advance for any ideas and help!  I'm relatively new to
jQuery so any help is greatly appreciated!

- Nick P

[jQuery] Re: Help With Odd ID Search

2008-01-07 Thread Nick P

That did it.  Thank you so much!  I've been trying to escape the colon
using one slash :p

Thanks again!
- Nick

On Jan 7, 3:08 pm, Jonathan Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try escaping the colon: $(#itemForm\\:standards select:last)


 On 1/7/08, npetcu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm updating some of the legacy software we have at my company and
  changing much of the JavaScript to jQuery.  I'm having a bit of
  trouble with a few particular id's however.

  I'm trying to access the last select element of a block of code and
  retrieve the id like this:

  $(#itemForm:standards select:last).attr(id);

  itemForm:standards is the id of the block I'm attempting to access,
  and I'm using select:last to get the last select element.  This
  doesn't work however.  I tried the same method, but used the class
  name rather than the id and the function worked fine.

  $(.standardsBlock select:last).attr(id);

  I may be mistaken, but I think jQuery thinks I'm attempting to apply a
  selector to the id name because of the colon in the name.  How would I
  go about searching for an id like that?  Has anyone had any trouble
  with this before?

  Any help would be much appreciated.

  -- npetcu

[jQuery] Re: prototype.js and jquery.js conflict problems? (Lightbox and Thickbox) simple?

2007-08-16 Thread Stephen P

Hey Sam,

I'm not sure if you figured this out yet but here it goes.

You cannot just paste the code example found on the jQuery site. You
need to make a couple of adjustments so it is customized to your

As the documentation says, the $ character serves as a shortcut for
jQuery. By using the noConflict() function, any regular jQuery calls
you were making before now need to reference jQuery instead of the $




The snippet from jQuery uses someid as an example. If you pasted
this code without making changes, it's looking for that someid
reference, which I doubt you have used.

I hope that helps.
