[jQuery] Filter List Items w/ Sub-Lists

2009-08-05 Thread Panman

I have selected a list that contains sub-lists. Now, I'd like to
search for the list items that contain sub-lists (but not including
the sub-list-items). I think the example below will explain what I'm
trying to do.

ul class=start-here
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li

$('.start-here li').filter(':has(li)').append('span class=ui-icon ui-

The above jQuery statement selects the correct li but also all child
li's, which I do not want.

[jQuery] Using each() for multiple $('table') elements

2009-06-10 Thread Panman

I know this is a easy fix, I'm doing something wrong...

I've selected multiple tables and tried to use each for applying
cornering to each table. Inside the callback function, I try to find
the first/last table cells to apply cornering for each corner.
However, when there are multiple tables it looks at _all_ the tr
elements for the first/last rows. See example code:

// Add cornering to tables
var $table = $(this);
$table.find('tr:first :first-child').addClass('ui-corner-tl');
$table.find('tr:first :last-child').addClass('ui-corner-tr');
$table.find('tr:last :first-child').addClass('ui-corner-bl');
$table.find('tr:last :last-child').addClass('ui-corner-br');

table class=corner-me
thHeader 1/th
thHeader 2/th
tdData A1/td
tdData B1/td
tdData A2/td
tdData B2/td

table class=corner-me
tdData A1/td
tdData B1/td
tdData A2/td
tdData B2/td
tdData A3/td
tdData B3/td

[jQuery] Tablesorter UI Theme Support

2009-05-29 Thread Panman

This is a double post, at least going to be a double post from in the
jQuery Plugin list. I'm being moderated yet on that list, and it
doesn't seem to get much activity.


Hi, I'm going to post this here since the Tablesorter developer hasn't
gotten back to me yet.

I took a copy of the latest version in SVN and modified it to have
jQuery UI Theme support. It seems to work very well and anyone is
welcome to use it. Here are the features:

New Options
uiTheme: boolean true/false (default false)
uiThemeIconAsc: string 'icon-class-name' (default  'ui-icon-carat-1-
uiThemeIconDesc: string 'icon-class-name' (default  'ui-icon-carat-1-
uiThemeIconSort: string 'icon-class-name' (default  'ui-icon-carat-2-n-

New Widgets
zebraStripes - same thing as zebra, just vertically
checkers - just what it sounds like

Note: zebra and zebraStripes can be used together but zebra must be

I was hoping this would be included into tablesorter so I just threw
up the modified version on my work site for now. Let me know what you


[jQuery] CSS Style Property Assigned by Class

2009-04-30 Thread Panman

For some reason I cannot get jQuery.css('name') to return a style
property that was assigned by a class. However, it returns the
property if it was assigned by style=. Has anyone else run into this
issue? Bug? Here is my test code:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/
titleCSS Test/title
style type=text/css
.apply-border {
  border: 1px solid blue;
script src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/
jquery.min.js type=text/javascript/script
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
p id=byStyle style=border: 1px solid green;Border applied by
style = /p
p id=byClass class=apply-borderBorder applied by class = /p

[jQuery] Re: Ajax timeout doesn't call error function?

2009-04-21 Thread PanMan

I tried that without the if (see code above) and the error isn't
I also used a Jquery JSONP library, and there the error is thrown
(immediately) when the user is offline.
I'm trying to get that same behavior. Adding my own timeout has as
disadvantage that I'd have to wait for that, while the error should
happen immediately when the user is offline.
Any idea's are welcome.

On Apr 20, 4:02 pm, Mauricio \(Maujor\) Samy Silva
css.mau...@gmail.com wrote:
 A timeout is not considered an error.

 No. It's an error.

 Do the following:

 timeout: 1,
     error: function(d,msg) {

     if (msg==timeout) {
     alert(Ops! Could not load stuff - A timedout error occur);
     } else {      
     alert(Could not load stuff  - Another errorType occur);

   -Mensagem Original-
   De: Martijn Houtman
   Para: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Enviada em: segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2009 10:47
   Assunto: [jQuery] Re: Ajax timeout doesn't call error function?

   Hey PanMan,

   On Apr 20, 2009, at 12:28 PM, PanMan wrote:

     This works, but the error is never thrown. If I change the URL to

     something that's broken, I do get the error message, but on timeout it

     never happens.

     Am I doing anything wrong? Or is this a bug somewhere?

   No, this is not a bug. A timeout is not considered an error. You'd be 
 better off using manual timeouts or use some sort of ajax manager.

   For my setup I used a combination of both, in which I set a timer with a 
 certain value for connection timeout, and clear that timer when I actually 
 receive data. The timer calls an anonymous function which aborts the ajax 
 request (and in my case, calls the request again). This works fine for me.


[jQuery] Ajax timeout doesn't call error function?

2009-04-20 Thread PanMan

I'm trying to setup an ajax call which throws an error on timeout.

function getXMLfeed(url, target) {
url: url,
timeout: 1,
error: function(d,msg) {
  alert(Could not load stuff);
   success: function(data){
var json = $.xml2json(data);
gotdata(json, target);

This works, but the error is never thrown. If I change the URL to
something that's broken, I do get the error message, but on timeout it
never happens.
Am I doing anything wrong? Or is this a bug somewhere?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax timeout doesn't call error function?

2009-04-20 Thread PanMan

On Apr 20, 3:03 pm, Mauricio \(Maujor\) Samy Silva
css.mau...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm trying to setup an ajax call which throws an error on timeout.
  timeout: 1,
  error: function(d,msg) {
           alert(Could not load stuff);
  This works, but the error is never thrown. If I change the URL to
  something that's broken, I do get the error message, but on timeout it
  never happens.

 Are you sure that your request spends more than 10s ?


I tried this while offline. The jquery JsonP lib times-out directly
(which would be my preference). But I'm sure nothing loads in 10s,
since I'm offline. (this is for an app over flaky mobile connections).

[jQuery] Select Last li

2009-04-02 Thread Panman

Sounds simple but I cannot get it to work. Here is the structure.

ul class=list
  lia href=#Abc/a/li
  lia href=#Abc/a
  lia href=#Abc/a/li
  lia href=#Abc/a/li
  lia href=#123/a/li
  lia href=#Abc/a/li
  lia href=#Abc/a/li

I want to get the last a in the _sub_ list. Here is what I've tried
with no success. Ideas?

$('.list li li:last a').addClass('last-li');
$('.list li ul li:last a').addClass('last-li');
$('.list li:has(ul) li:last a').addClass('last-li');

[jQuery] jQuery.getScript and Browser Cache

2008-11-11 Thread Panman

Are browsers able to cache calls from jQuery.getScript (http://
docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getScript)? I'm just trying to determine
either to use that or just use HTML script tags to get jQuery plugin
files and such. Would like the most officiant option. The reason
being, I'd like to break out the first option into a separate
JavaScript file, like a bootstrap file.

Option 1:
script type=text/javascript src=/_assets/js/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript


Option 2:
script type=text/javascript src=/_assets/js/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=/_assets/js/jquery.ui.all.js/
script type=text/javascript src=/_assets/js/

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.getScript and Browser Cache

2008-11-11 Thread Panman

True, combining files would be the best option.

I'm thinking in the case where I would like to detect weather or not a
specific plugin is required. So if x element exists then include x
plugin. Just looking for something like the Dojo require, which loads
its' modules.

Another option I thought of is to $('head').append('script .../

On Nov 11, 3:13 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you going to always be loading these .js files into your page?

 If so, the most efficient option by far is to concatenate all of them into a
 single .js file that you load with a single script tag.

 Maybe explain more about why you want a bootstrap file, and what exactly you
 want it to do?


  From: Panman

  Are browsers able to cache calls from jQuery.getScript
  (http:// docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getScript)? I'm just
  trying to determine either to use that or just use HTML
  script tags to get jQuery plugin files and such. Would like
  the most officiant option. The reason being, I'd like to
  break out the first option into a separate JavaScript file,
  like a bootstrap file.

  Option 1:
  script type=text/javascript src=/_assets/js/jquery.js/script
  script type=text/javascript


  Option 2:
  script type=text/javascript src=/_assets/js/jquery.js/script
  script type=text/javascript src=/_assets/js/jquery.ui.all.js/
  script type=text/javascript src=/_assets/js/

[jQuery] Effect Like slideUp/Down

2008-11-05 Thread Panman

I cannot for the life of me figure this out. I know it must be easy,
just not finding the solution.

I'd like to toggle() something and use the slide effect. However, I
don't like how the UI slide effect works. It slides the content out of
view then brings whatever was below up. I'd rather have whatever is
below slide up with the content. Compare how .hide(slide,
{direction: up}, slow) and .slideUp(slow) differ. I tried using
the core toggle() with slideUp/Down but that is not reliable. Thanks
for any input!

[jQuery] Re: List ul slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-09 Thread Panman

Hi, thanks for the reply. I've uploaded what I had to my test site.

I thought the code would get the child ul, entire sub-menu, and
slide up/down. Also looked at Accordion but thought it was more than I
needed. Since, I already have the menu working with CSS I just wanted
to add the slide down/up feature.

 Hello, Panman! Welcome.

 It would help if you posted a link to your work page.

 Without seeing your actual code, it looks like you have every second-
 child li sliding up  down with every mouseover, which would kind of
 explain the problem ;)

 To make life easy you could use the jQuery UI Accordion plugin; 

 Alternatively, use an each or an iteration or a class/id to allow
 jQuery select the item you want expanded.

 Panman wrote:
  Hi, new to jQuery and very impressed. I already have a CSS menu that
  shows/hides a list menu. However, I'd like to add more dynamics and
  have the sub menus slide down and back up. So using the below code,
  I've got it to slide down and up, but repeatedly. It seems like it
  wants to keep sliding for each li and even multiple times per hover.
  Seems like it should be easy... Any ideas?

  $('#Main_Nav ul li').mouseover(function() {
  }).mouseout(function() {

  Here is a link to the type of CSS menu I have:

  However, I only have two levels of lists. Ex:


[jQuery] Re: List ul slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-09 Thread Panman

Getting closer! I changed from using the mouseover() and mouseout() to
hover(). That now seems to be working properly. The only issue at this
point is that it doesn't slide down on the first hover. When the page
loads and the mouse is over the li it just shows the list as the CSS
does. Then when the mouse goes out it will slideUp() and any
additional hovers it'll slideDown/Up. I have enclosed it in a ready()
function... Test site is updated. Thanks for any help!

$('#Main_Nav ul li').hover(
function (e) { $
(this).children('ul').slideDown('normal'); },
function (e) { $(this).children('ul').slideUp('normal'); }

On May 9, 11:25 am, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 not sure but you could try something like this, to get more

 $('#Main_Nav li:has(ul)').mouseover(function(e) {
 $(this).children('ul').slideDown('normal');}).mouseout(function(e) {



 btw you don't need the .end() method at the end ;)

[jQuery] Re: List ul slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-09 Thread Panman

Andrea, when I changed to hover() the stopPropagation() effected
negatively. Once I removed that it started working ok. Also, what is
variable e when passing it to the function? Thanks

On May 9, 11:25 am, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 not sure but you could try something like this, to get more

 $('#Main_Nav li:has(ul)').mouseover(function(e) {
 $(this).children('ul').slideDown('normal');}).mouseout(function(e) {



 btw you don't need the .end() method at the end ;)

[jQuery] List ul slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-08 Thread Panman

Hi, new to jQuery and very impressed. I already have a CSS menu that
shows/hides a list menu. However, I'd like to add more dynamics and
have the sub menus slide down and back up. So using the below code,
I've got it to slide down and up, but repeatedly. It seems like it
wants to keep sliding for each li and even multiple times per hover.
Seems like it should be easy... Any ideas?

$('#Main_Nav ul li').mouseover(function() {
}).mouseout(function() {

Here is a link to the type of CSS menu I have:

However, I only have two levels of lists. Ex:
