[jQuery] Re: yet another beginner's diary (pls review!)

2008-02-06 Thread Rabbit

 Anyway, I'm not sure if you've familiar with the thread yesterday.

Nay, I'm not, but thank you for bringing it up.

My apologies Cherry if I confused you; not my intention.

Yes, monologues do sometimes spark sudden understanding (those ah, ha!

By all means, write for yourself first, if you are your audience. =)

- Daniel


On Feb 4, 7:52 am, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, Daniel...

 You're telling Cherry almost the opposite of what she (she?) was told by
 someone on the list yesterday.

 She was complaining that there wasn't enough info out there from her
 perspective to accomplish simple tasks.  There's documentation and plug-in
 usage, but she said she was frustrated trying to do simple tasks.

 So, someone recommended that she write about jQuery based on what she
 already knew... don't worry about whether is completely accurate, thorough,
 or a best-practice... someone will come along and correct any problems.

 So that's what's she's done... written about what she knows as a beginner.

 It's probably very helpful to those who are trying to get started with jQuery
 and want to learn by doing simple tasks, rather than reading documentation.
 Better to learn by doing rather than studying theory.

 Anyway, I'm not sure if you've familiar with the thread yesterday.  I just
 don't want Cherry to think she's being jerked around by people on the list
 telling her one thing one day and something else the next.  It's frustrating
 enough trying to get started with jQuery enough, as it is.

 I know.  I started only a couple of months ago with absolutely no Javascript
 experience, so for me, it was especially frustrating.  (And in some ways, 
 still is.)

 Not trying to bust your chops on this, but trying to make sure Cherry doesn't
 get too frustrated.

 Also... reading monologues can be *very* beneficial...


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 6:56 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: yet another beginner's diary (pls review!)

  Reads like a confused monologue.

  Before you start writing, really think about what you want to convey.
  If someone reads your blog, will they come away with anything new or

  I find it often helps to explicitly answer my own questions when I
  write. In other words, write to learn. If you don't know something,
  learn it, then write about it. Writing about it will reinforce your
  understanding of the subject and probably be in a format that other
  people will readily enjoy, precisely because you set out to answer a
  very specific question.

  If you find you don't have a specific question, chances are you need
  to think about what _your_ personal goals are with jQuery (or
  anything). Do you want to create an image gallery? Do you want to make
  more usable forms? Do you want to learn how to create a modal window
  from scratch? Maybe you want to learn better ways to organize your
  code (I gleaned this as being true from your blog).

  Most often, the best teacher, and often enough, the only teacher, is
  personal experience. Fail enough times and eventually you'll have a
  foundation to write about and share with others.

  I wish you the best of luck with your blog, and hope you have a lot of
  fun with jQuery; I know I have!

  - Daniel


   Seriously, I beg for your opinions/corrections/suggestions ...



[jQuery] Re: yet another beginner's diary (pls review!)

2008-02-04 Thread Rabbit

Reads like a confused monologue.

Before you start writing, really think about what you want to convey.
If someone reads your blog, will they come away with anything new or

I find it often helps to explicitly answer my own questions when I
write. In other words, write to learn. If you don't know something,
learn it, then write about it. Writing about it will reinforce your
understanding of the subject and probably be in a format that other
people will readily enjoy, precisely because you set out to answer a
very specific question.

If you find you don't have a specific question, chances are you need
to think about what _your_ personal goals are with jQuery (or
anything). Do you want to create an image gallery? Do you want to make
more usable forms? Do you want to learn how to create a modal window
from scratch? Maybe you want to learn better ways to organize your
code (I gleaned this as being true from your blog).

Most often, the best teacher, and often enough, the only teacher, is
personal experience. Fail enough times and eventually you'll have a
foundation to write about and share with others.

I wish you the best of luck with your blog, and hope you have a lot of
fun with jQuery; I know I have!

- Daniel


 Seriously, I beg for your opinions/corrections/suggestions ...



[jQuery] Re: Attaching events to dynamic DOM IDs

2007-12-23 Thread Rabbit

Wow. Talking about mind-blowing. I read through the dummy article and
I will definitely be reading it again tomorrow. And probably the next
day, too.

Thank you so much for taking the time to explain and share; I
appreciate it!

- Daniel


On Dec 22, 5:18 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In fact, it is a closure, and it works very much like closures in Ruby and
 other languages.

 Keep in mind that a JavaScript object is reference counted and remains in
 existence as long as there are any references to the object. Once there are
 no more references to an object, it becomes available for garbage

 When you call a function, JavaScript creates a private object for that
 particular call of the function. This object has properties for the
 function's local variables and arguments. The object is not directly
 accessible from JavaScript code, but it obeys the same garbage collection
 rules as any other JavaScript object.

 The function call object has one reference added when the function is
 entered, and that reference is removed when the function exits. So, in the
 typical case where there are no other references to the function call
 object, it becomes available for garbage collection at that point.

 However, if any other code holds onto a reference to the function call
 object, then the object cannot be garbage collected until all of those
 references are removed. Similarly, if you hold a reference to any of the
 function's arguments or variables, that is also a reference to the function
 call object. So as long as there are any references to the function call
 object, all of that function's arguments and local variables are kept

 In the code I posted, the $(...).click(...) call creates a reference to the
 inner anonymous function. That function in turn contains a reference to the
 i variable in the outer function (the clicker function). So as long as
 the click handler exists that reference to the outer function's function
 call object will also exist. Therefore, all of the arguments and local
 variables for that function call remain in existence.

 Someone may be able to explain this better, but that's the general idea.

 For more info, here are a couple of articles on JavaScript closures:




  From: Rabbit

  Hmm... I didn't realize this until I was falling asleep last
  night, but what you've demonstrated is similar to a closure
  in Ruby, except not. My understanding of what you said is
  something along the lines of...

  An argument to a method becomes a local variable in that
  method and is _retained_. But, how? I get the feeling that
  when you pass an argument to a method the argument gets
  stashed away for later, but how is it that the correct value
  is recalled?

  In other words, the code you presented works (I tested it),
  and I understand that it does, but I don't understand how or why.

  Can anyone shed some light on this?

  - Daniel


  On Dec 22, 12:55 am, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   As an alternative to the other solution you posted, here is how you
   can do it with code more like the code below:

   for(var i = 0; i  30; i++)
 clicker( i );

   function clicker( i ) {
 jQuery('#day_' + i).click(function() {
   console.log('i is ' + i);
   jQuery('#day_' + i + '_modal').jqmShow();


   As you can see, all I changed was to put your code inside a
   and call that function 30 times.

   Why did your original code show i is 30 for each element? Because
   there is only a single variable i, and when you call console.log
   it's using the current value of i - not the value that i had at
   the time you added the click event.

   By moving this code into a function, a new variable i is created
   each time the function is called. You no longer have all the code
   sharing a single variable - each instance of the function
  gets its own.


From: Rabbit

The following code:

for(var i = 0; i  30; i++) {
  jQuery('#day_' + i).click(function() {
console.log('i is ' + i);
jQuery('#day_' + i + '_modal').jqmShow();

Runs, but always reports i is 30.

Now, I understand why it does that, but why doesn't the jqmShow
method work? It appears as though the code that gets
  executed is
In other words, when the click event occurs JavaScript
  looks up the
code as it was at the end of its execution, when variable
  i is 30,
instead of remembering that at one point it was something else.

Did that make sense?

Any ideas how to get around this without typing in all 30 click

[jQuery] Attaching events to dynamic DOM IDs

2007-12-22 Thread Rabbit

The following code:

for(var i = 0; i  30; i++) {
  jQuery('#day_' + i).click(function() {
console.log('i is ' + i);
jQuery('#day_' + i + '_modal').jqmShow();

Runs, but always reports i is 30.

Now, I understand why it does that, but why doesn't the jqmShow method
work? It appears as though the code that gets executed is dynamic.
In other words, when the click event occurs JavaScript looks up the
code as it was at the end of its execution, when variable i is 30,
instead of remembering that at one point it was something else.

Did that make sense?

Any ideas how to get around this without typing in all 30 click events?

[jQuery] Re: Attaching events to dynamic DOM IDs

2007-12-22 Thread Rabbit

 On Dec 22, 12:55 am, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By moving this code into a function, a new variable i is created each time
 the function is called. You no longer have all the code sharing a single
 variable - each instance of the function gets its own.

Ah, brilliant. I see that distinction/technique used a lot in jQuery.
The fact that methods are first-class objects is incredibly powerful;
I have yet to fully utilize it. Thanks for the help, Michael. :)


On Dec 22, 12:55 am, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As an alternative to the other solution you posted, here is how you can do
 it with code more like the code below:

 for(var i = 0; i  30; i++)
   clicker( i );

 function clicker( i ) {
   jQuery('#day_' + i).click(function() {
 console.log('i is ' + i);
 jQuery('#day_' + i + '_modal').jqmShow();


 As you can see, all I changed was to put your code inside a function and
 call that function 30 times.

 Why did your original code show i is 30 for each element? Because there is
 only a single variable i, and when you call console.log it's using the
 current value of i - not the value that i had at the time you added the
 click event.

 By moving this code into a function, a new variable i is created each time
 the function is called. You no longer have all the code sharing a single
 variable - each instance of the function gets its own.


  From: Rabbit

  The following code:

  for(var i = 0; i  30; i++) {
jQuery('#day_' + i).click(function() {
  console.log('i is ' + i);
  jQuery('#day_' + i + '_modal').jqmShow();

  Runs, but always reports i is 30.

  Now, I understand why it does that, but why doesn't the
  jqmShow method work? It appears as though the code that gets
  executed is dynamic.
  In other words, when the click event occurs JavaScript looks
  up the code as it was at the end of its execution, when
  variable i is 30, instead of remembering that at one point
  it was something else.

  Did that make sense?

  Any ideas how to get around this without typing in all 30
  click events?

[jQuery] Re: Attaching events to dynamic DOM IDs

2007-12-22 Thread Rabbit

Hmm... I didn't realize this until I was falling asleep last night,
but what you've demonstrated is similar to a closure in Ruby, except
not. My understanding of what you said is something along the lines

An argument to a method becomes a local variable in that method and is
_retained_. But, how? I get the feeling that when you pass an argument
to a method the argument gets stashed away for later, but how is it
that the correct value is recalled?

In other words, the code you presented works (I tested it), and I
understand that it does, but I don't understand how or why.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

- Daniel


On Dec 22, 12:55 am, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As an alternative to the other solution you posted, here is how you can do
 it with code more like the code below:

 for(var i = 0; i  30; i++)
   clicker( i );

 function clicker( i ) {
   jQuery('#day_' + i).click(function() {
 console.log('i is ' + i);
 jQuery('#day_' + i + '_modal').jqmShow();


 As you can see, all I changed was to put your code inside a function and
 call that function 30 times.

 Why did your original code show i is 30 for each element? Because there is
 only a single variable i, and when you call console.log it's using the
 current value of i - not the value that i had at the time you added the
 click event.

 By moving this code into a function, a new variable i is created each time
 the function is called. You no longer have all the code sharing a single
 variable - each instance of the function gets its own.


  From: Rabbit

  The following code:

  for(var i = 0; i  30; i++) {
jQuery('#day_' + i).click(function() {
  console.log('i is ' + i);
  jQuery('#day_' + i + '_modal').jqmShow();

  Runs, but always reports i is 30.

  Now, I understand why it does that, but why doesn't the
  jqmShow method work? It appears as though the code that gets
  executed is dynamic.
  In other words, when the click event occurs JavaScript looks
  up the code as it was at the end of its execution, when
  variable i is 30, instead of remembering that at one point
  it was something else.

  Did that make sense?

  Any ideas how to get around this without typing in all 30
  click events?

[jQuery] tablesorter options not working

2007-10-08 Thread Rabbit

Hi all. I've the following code:

sortColumn: 'Vendor',
sortClassAsc: 'headerSortUp',
sortClassDesc: 'headerSortDown',
headerClass: 'header',
stripingRowClass: [ 'even', 'odd' ],
stripeRowsOnStartup: true

The sorting portion works, but none of the options are taking effect.
Except headerClass -- that is setting the class of the th elements.
Beyond that, nothing; no striping, no table header styles.

I've included the thead and tbody elements in my table, too.

Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Session management in an Ajax app

2007-10-08 Thread Rabbit

Rey Bango wrote:
 The gist is that if you have a dashboard-type app and you need to
 determine if your session has timed out on the next Ajax request, how
 would you go about doing it. He mentioned creating a ping-like service
 that would poll the server every so often. It seems that this would
 dramatically increase the number of HTTP requests.

Disclaimer: My suggestion would probably work best for MVC-style
frameworks like Rails. That said...

I wouldn't poll the server on a timer. Instead I'd wrap the applicable
controllers in a before_filter that check the age of the session. If
the session is too old, intercept the request and render whatever is
appropriate for your application.

- Rabbit


On Oct 8, 1:34 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A buddy of mine, Raymond Camden, posted an interesting question on his

 How can you timeout a session in an Ajax-based application?


 The gist is that if you have a dashboard-type app and you need to
 determine if your session has timed out on the next Ajax request, how
 would you go about doing it. He mentioned creating a ping-like service
 that would poll the server every so often. It seems that this would
 dramatically increase the number of HTTP requests.

 Since session management is available in many server-side languages, not
 just ColdFusion obviously, I think this is a good topic that's
 applicable to most any project.

 Is there a better way of doing it?


[jQuery] Re: I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure this isn't right...

2007-09-23 Thread Rabbit

 For objects that are loaded via ajax, that you want to bind clicks to, try
 the Live jQuery plugin.

Wow! The jQuery community comes through once again, reaffirming my
belief that I made the right choice moving away from Prototype and
MooTools. Thanks, Glen, that's *exactly* what I was looking for.

So much of my code is dependent on DOM elements not yet on the page.

- Rabbit


On Sep 22, 7:31 am, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For objects that are loaded via ajax, that you want to bind clicks to, try
 the Live jQuery plugin.http://jquery.com/plugins/project/livequery
 This allows you to separate the click functions.  Then it will look normal,
 when you call the load inside in them.


 On 9/21/07, Rabbit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My code is starting to look like this...


  And I'm pretty sure that's not how it could or should look.

  Does anyone have any pointers on how one could structure their code?

  Thanks, much!

  - Rabbit

[jQuery] Ajax load callback not firing

2007-09-22 Thread Rabbit

var ClientSearch = {

  initialize: function() {

  search: function() {
$('#search_results').load('/searches/create', { query: $
('#query').val() }, this.hyperlink_search_results);

  hyperlink_search_results: function() {
console.log('This code is not being called...');



The initialize method works. Search gets called and my search results
are returned. However, the callback method is never executed.

I have the exact same code, minus the hash, and it works fine.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#start_search').click(function() {
$('#search_results').load('/searches/create', { query: $
('#query').val() }, function() {
  // Code here is run.

[jQuery] Re: Installation of UI?

2007-09-19 Thread Rabbit

Hi Christian, thanks for the reply. Here's the wiki page with the
tablesorter typo:

On Sep 18, 3:56 am, Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On what page in the wiki did you find tableSorter?

 Could you point me to the page so i can change it.


 2007/9/18, Rabbit [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Ah, of course. It's tablesorter() -- lowercase 's'. The wiki needs to
  be updated to reflect that, as it uses a capital 'S'.

  On 9/17/07, Rabbit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   [ If this is a duplicate I apologize -- it's been about 15 minutes and
   I don't see it on the list so I'm trying again. ]

   Hi all. I'm attempting to move to jQuery from MooTools, as I
   (generally) like the jQuery documentation better. However, I'm having
   trouble using the tableSorter function.

   I've downloaded jQuery 1.2.1 and UI 1.0. My JavaScript includes look

   script src=/javascripts/jquery-1.2.1.js?1190074502 type=text/
   script src=/javascripts/ui.tablesorter.js?1190019796 type=text/
   script src=/javascripts/rabbit.js?1190077112 type=text/

   jQuery works, as I use $(document).ready... (inside rabbit.js) to
   throw an alert. But calling $('#clients').tableSorter(); tells me no
   such function.

   Any ideas?

[jQuery] Installation of UI?

2007-09-18 Thread Rabbit

Hi all. I'm attempting to move to jQuery from MooTools, as I
(generally) like the jQuery documentation better. However, I'm having
trouble using the tableSorter function.

I've downloaded jQuery 1.2.1 and UI 1.0. My JavaScript includes look

script src=/javascripts/jquery-1.2.1.js?1190074502 type=text/
script src=/javascripts/ui.tablesorter.js?1190019796 type=text/
script src=/javascripts/rabbit.js?1190077112 type=text/

jQuery works, as I use $(document).ready... (inside rabbit.js) to
throw an alert. But calling $('#clients').tableSorter(); tells me no
such function.

Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Installation of UI?

2007-09-18 Thread Rabbit

Ah, of course. It's tablesorter() -- lowercase 's'. The wiki needs to
be updated to reflect that, as it uses a capital 'S'.

On 9/17/07, Rabbit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ If this is a duplicate I apologize -- it's been about 15 minutes and
 I don't see it on the list so I'm trying again. ]

 Hi all. I'm attempting to move to jQuery from MooTools, as I
 (generally) like the jQuery documentation better. However, I'm having
 trouble using the tableSorter function.

 I've downloaded jQuery 1.2.1 and UI 1.0. My JavaScript includes look

 script src=/javascripts/jquery-1.2.1.js?1190074502 type=text/
 script src=/javascripts/ui.tablesorter.js?1190019796 type=text/
 script src=/javascripts/rabbit.js?1190077112 type=text/

 jQuery works, as I use $(document).ready... (inside rabbit.js) to
 throw an alert. But calling $('#clients').tableSorter(); tells me no
 such function.

 Any ideas?

[jQuery] Installation of UI?

2007-09-18 Thread Rabbit

[ If this is a duplicate I apologize -- it's been about 15 minutes and
I don't see it on the list so I'm trying again. ]

Hi all. I'm attempting to move to jQuery from MooTools, as I
(generally) like the jQuery documentation better. However, I'm having
trouble using the tableSorter function.

I've downloaded jQuery 1.2.1 and UI 1.0. My JavaScript includes look

script src=/javascripts/jquery-1.2.1.js?1190074502 type=text/
script src=/javascripts/ui.tablesorter.js?1190019796 type=text/
script src=/javascripts/rabbit.js?1190077112 type=text/

jQuery works, as I use $(document).ready... (inside rabbit.js) to
throw an alert. But calling $('#clients').tableSorter(); tells me no
such function.

Any ideas?