[jQuery] Re: Lower speed with 1.3.1 vs 1.2.6 with simple parsing

2009-02-20 Thread Sjoland

The markup look like this:

li class=MenuItem processMenuItem id=MENUID-D
a href=processing/x/XbrProcessing/a
li class=Intro
h4If you recieve 20,000 invoices per year, you can save at least
pLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua./p
li class=News Disabled
a href=processing/x/news/ title=News summary.News text.../a
li class=Splash Disabled
a href=processing/x/splash/ title=Splash summary.Splash text.../
img src=media/splashImage.jpg
li class=Anchora href=processing/x/#OverviewOverview/a/li
li class=Anchora href=processing/x/#Introduction title=We are
experts in sorting.Introduction/a/li
li class=Anchora href=processing/x/#ArticleArticle/a/li
li class=Anchora href=processing/x/#FeaturesFeatures/a/li
li class=Anchora href=processing/x/#References title=IKEA,
Porsche, Pfizer, SAS, Tetra Pak, Carlsberg, DaimlerChrysler, LEGO,
Bosch, DFDS transport, Canon...References/a/li
li class=Anchora href=processing/x/#TechnicalTechnical/a/
li class=Anchora href=processing/x/#Integration title=Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet.Integration/a/li
li class=Anchora href=processing/x/#DownloadsDownloads/a/

The timer looks like this:
var timer = {
time: 0,
now: function(){ return (new Date()).getTime(); },
start: function(){ this.time = this.now(); },
since: function(){ return this.now()-this.time; }

...and I start the timer in the last row of the last script being

Yes, I know there are many ways to improve and optimize my methods,
BUT that's not my main issue right now, becuse any improvment like the
one Ricardobeat suggests still ends up with less speed in 1.3.1 vs


[jQuery] Re: Lower speed with 1.3.1 vs 1.2.6 with simple parsing

2009-02-20 Thread Sjoland

Ok, first of all thank you everyone in the jQuery team, it's a
fantastic tool!!!
I did all the recommended changes in my methods and these are the


$this.getProcessMenuItem = function(li) {
var type = processMenuItem;
var first = li.find('a:first');
var news = li.find('.News  a');
var splash = li.find('.Splash  a');
var item = {
id : li.attr('id'),
type : type,
title : first.text(),
URI: first.attr('href'),
preamble : li.find('h4').text(),
body : li.find('p').text(),
news : {
title : news.text(),
URI : news.attr('href'),
summary : news.attr('title')
splash : {
title : splash.text(),
URI : splash.attr('href'),
summary : splash.attr('title'),
media : splash.next().attr('src')
links : $this.getAnchorLinks(li)
return item;

The results:

FF: 310ms
Safari: 75ms
IE7: 485ms

1.3.1 (rev6170)
FF: 280ms
Safari: 75ms
IE7: 500ms

That's fantastic news! I guess I just have to improve my coding skills
to benefit from the new engine, which is not a problem for me at all

Thanks again for the fast answers,

[jQuery] Lower speed with 1.3.1 vs 1.2.6 with simple parsing

2009-02-19 Thread Sjoland


When switching between 1.3.1 and 1.2.6 i get a serious drop in speed
when collection a JSON object from static HTML content.

FF: 325ms
Safari: 75ms
IE7: 450ms

FF: 1205ms
Safari: 415ms
IE7: 1550 ms

The javascript collects data into a JSON object with a few methods
like this:

function getMenuItems(menu) {
var menuItems = [];
var item = false;
if ($(this).hasClass('processMenuItem')) item = 
if ($(this).hasClass('softwareMenuItem')) item = 
if ($(this).hasClass('listMenuItem')) item = 
if ($(this).hasClass('aboutMenuItem')) item = getAboutMenuItem($
return menuItems;

function getProcessMenuItem(li) {
var type = processMenuItem;
var item = {
id : $(li).attr('id'),
type : type,
title : $(li).find('a:first').text(),
URI: $(li).find('a:first').attr('href'),
preamble : $(li).find('li.Intro h4').text(),
body : $(li).find('li.Intro p').text(),
news : {
title : $(li).find('li.News a').text(),
URI : $(li).find('li.News a').attr('href'),
summary : $(li).find('li.News a').attr('title')
splash : {
title : $(li).find('li.Splash a').text(),
URI : $(li).find('li.Splash a').attr('href'),
summary : $(li).find('li.Splash a').attr('title'),
media : $(li).find('li.Splash img').attr('src')
links :  getAnchorLinks(li)
return item;

Anyone else experiencing drops in speed with 1.3.1 doing simple stuff
like this?
Sure, I was not expecting any major speed increase since the code is
not optimized yet, but an 80% drop is just crazy...

Please advice,