[jQuery] Strip element from inside object

2008-11-21 Thread briandichiara

I'm returning a jQuery object div that has a/aspan
class=type/spanspan class=size inside as .html().

So how do i get rid of the span class=type from the object and then
place the rest of the HTML into another element?


function otherFunction(){

function doFunction(ob){
 alert(ob.html()); // where this line alerts the a and 2 span
tags mentioned above.


[jQuery] Re: Strip element from inside object

2008-11-21 Thread briandichiara

Ok, I think I got it:

var the_val = ob.clone().find(span).remove();

On Nov 22, 12:12 am, briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm returning a jQuery object div that has a/aspan
 class=type/spanspan class=size inside as .html().

 So how do i get rid of the span class=type from the object and then
 place the rest of the HTML into another element?


 function otherFunction(){


 function doFunction(ob){
      alert(ob.html()); // where this line alerts the a and 2 span
 tags mentioned above.



[jQuery] Sliding effect not working

2008-11-10 Thread briandichiara

What could be the problem here? I am using the easing plugin to have a
panel slide up out of sight, or down into sight and it was working
before, but now it's not. The panel just quickly goes to the desired
position with no effects. Would other elements on the page affect
this? I am using the latest version of both jQuery and the Easing
plugin. Am I using the animate function incorrectly? Here's the code
I'm using:

function toggleAlert(){
$(#alert).animate( {
top: (($(#toggle).html() == show) ? -15px : 
}, 1000, easeInOutElastic);

$(#toggle).html((($(#toggle).html() == show) ? 
hide :
}, 500);

return false;

$(document).bind(ready, function(r){
$(#toggle).bind(click, function(c){ return toggleAlert(); });

[jQuery] Nested Sortables with 2 Lists

2008-11-10 Thread briandichiara

I'm trying to make a Menu builder and having trouble finding a plugin
to do what I need. On the left is the current menu. It's a nested ul
list. On the right is a list of pages not appearing in the menu. I
1. The ability to sort the menu on the left in a nested manner, so
items can contain sub-items.
2. The ability to drag items from the left to the right and vice-versa

Something like this would be great:

But I can't figure out how to make it work with nested lists. I'm also
looking at this:

But this one doesn't use the jQuery UI plugin, but some other
interface plugin. I need to combine these features so I can take an
item from list of files and move it to the navigation list. Thanks for
any help.

[jQuery] Which Event to use with Sortables and connectWith?

2008-11-10 Thread briandichiara

I am having trouble figuring out the difference between all of these
events and need to know the best one to use. I'm using 2 lists and the
ability to drag back and forth between them using connectWith. When an
item goes from the left list to the right list, I have a receive
function that simply marks that item as no longer in the menu. That's
the only event i really need on the right side, however the left side
is more complicated.

On the left side I need to update the items when the list is sorted
within itself as well as when an item is dropped from the right side.
I tried update, however it has a duplicate of the item that is sorted
in the sort list. So i used the stop function to handle the sorting,
but neither of these do anything when an item is dropped onto the
list, so I had to make a 3rd function (receive) when this event

1. this has turned out to be a whole lot of difficult to manage code
2. sometimes it will fire 4 events on 1 action

What's the best way to handle this situation?


[jQuery] Re: Trouble with this

2008-11-10 Thread briandichiara

In the case you are trying to use it, the first instance of this is
referring to the root function object. this.hello is an item inside
that object. when you create the other 2 functions, this no longer
means what it did originally. If you want to pass the information of
this, you need to replace this with obj and set obj to this in
the root function. Like this:

var MyClass = function(selector)
obj = this;
obj.hello = 'Hello World!';

alert('loaded: this = ' + obj); // -- object Object
alert(obj.hello); // -- alerts Hellow World!

var onClick = function()
alert('onclick: this = ' + obj); // -- object HTMLInputElement
alert(obj.hello); // -- does not work: undefined

var otherFunc = function()
alert('otherfunc: this = ' + obj); // -- object Window ??
alert(obj.hello); // -- does nto work: undefined

$(selector).bind(click, onClick);

var a = new MyClass('#clickme');


On Nov 10, 7:18 pm, Hector Virgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's the link to the test page:http://www.virgentech.com/sandbox/this.html


 On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Hector Virgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having trouble using this in my objects when the method is triggered
  by an event.

  Here's my basic test class. The lines that do not work as expected are in

  var MyClass = function(selector)
  this.hello = 'Hello World!';
   var onClick = function()
  alert('onclick: this = ' + this); // -- object HTMLInputElement
   alert(this.hello); // -- does not work: undefined
   var otherFunc = function()
  alert('otherfunc: this = ' + this); // -- object Window ??
   alert(this.hello); // -- does nto work: undefined
   alert('loaded: this = ' + this); // -- object Object
  alert(this.hello); // -- alerts Hellow World!

  The way this works is instantiating a new MyClass object binds the click
  event to the selector. This works fine, but this loses its scope, even
  when calling other functions.

  To see this in action, check out this page (watch out for the alerts ;)).

  Any ideas on how to keep this within scope?


[jQuery] Re: Which Event to use with Sortables and connectWith?

2008-11-10 Thread briandichiara

This is what I have right now, which has been revised a bit, but i'm
sure there's a smarter way:

function sortAction(e,ui,a){
var proceed = true;
var el_id = $(ui.item).attr('id');
id = el_id.replace(ele-,);
var params = action=update_menu_itemjsa=+a+item_id=+id;
if($(#+el_id).parents(li).length  0){
var parent_id = $(#+el_id).parents(li).attr('id');
parent_id = parent_id.replace(ele-,);
var parent_el = $(#ele-+parent_id+ ul);
} else {
parent_id = 0;
var parent_el = $(#sortable-list ul);
if(a == remove){
parent_id = NULL;
} else {
var new_order = ;
var kids = parent_el.children(li);
$.each(kids, function(e){
var tmp = $(this).attr(id);
tmp = tmp.replace(ele-,);
new_order = (new_order == ) ? tmp : new_order 
+ ,+tmp;
if(a == stop  new_order == ){
proceed = false;
} else {
params += new_order=+new_order;
params += parent_id=+parent_id;
type: POST,
url: /stoneCMS/stone/stone_ajax.php,
data: params,
success: function(result){
if(result != ){
if(result.indexOf(script) == -1){
// do something...
} else {
} else {
var newHTML = (a == remove) ? 'Item 
removed from menu.' : ((a
== receive) ? 'Item added to menu' : 'Menu updated and sort
positions saved.');
if($(#menu_result).html() == newHTML){



backgroundColor: #FFC
}, 1000);
}, 500
} else {
} // end success function
}); // end AJAX

$(document).bind(ready, function(r){
$(#sortable-list ul).sortable({
connectWith: [#selection-list ul],
receive: function(e,ui){
stop: function(e,ui){
remove: function(e,ui){
out: function(e,ui){
// secret to nested lists

$(#selection-list ul).sortable({
connectWith: [#sortable-list ul]
} // end bind ready function

On Nov 10, 9:38 pm, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1. this has turned out to be a whole lot of difficult to manage code
  2. sometimes it will fire 4 events on 1 action

 Care to post any of said code to help others help you?

 On Nov 10, 8:24 pm, briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am having trouble figuring out the difference between all of these
  events and need to know the best one to use. I'm using 2 lists and the
  ability to drag back and forth between them using connectWith. When an
  item goes from the left list to the right list, I have a receive
  function that simply marks that item as no longer in the menu. That's
  the only event i really need on the right side, however the left side
  is more complicated.

  On the left side I need to update the items when the list is sorted
  within itself as well as when an item is dropped from the right side.
  I tried update, however it has a duplicate of the item that is sorted
  in the sort list. So i used the stop function to handle the sorting,
  but neither

[jQuery] Executing Scripts returned by AJAX Request

2008-11-06 Thread briandichiara


I would like my AJAX Request to function like this:

if empty, all good, proceed.
if scripts, not good, execute the script.
if no scripts, but something in response, alert the text (some kind of

Reason I want this is when the user tries to execute an action that
requires them to be logged in and they are not or their session has
timed out, I would like to output script to the AJAX Request page so
the jQuery function can execute it and redirect the user to the login
form. Is there something built in to handle scripts received by an
AJAX Request?


[jQuery] Re: Executing Scripts returned by AJAX Request

2008-11-06 Thread briandichiara

Well, I was actually looking for a more specific answer, however I did
find out through trial and error that it works sort of like this:

$.ajax({ success: function(response){
  if(response.indexOf('script') != -1){

There's no need to strip out script tags, it already does that.

Thanks, let me know if this isn't right.


On Nov 6, 10:51 am, George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My guess you could use Eval statement...


 On Nov 6, 10:07 am, briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I would like my AJAX Request to function like this:

  if empty, all good, proceed.
  if scripts, not good, execute the script.
  if no scripts, but something in response, alert the text (some kind of

  Reason I want this is when the user tries to execute an action that
  requires them to be logged in and they are not or their session has
  timed out, I would like to output script to the AJAX Request page so
  the jQuery function can execute it and redirect the user to the login
  form. Is there something built in to handle scripts received by an
  AJAX Request?


[jQuery] Re: Highlight Table Row with Animate

2008-06-27 Thread briandichiara

That was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the quick response
and easy to follow information.

On Jun 20, 1:52 pm, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Color animations are not in core jQuery but are in jQuery UI Effects. If
 color animations is all you want (from UI Effects), you just need one file:
 effects.core.js, which you can get from the UI download build page:

 http://ui.jquery.com/download_builder/(select Effects Core)

 or directly here:


 Here's the documentation:


 - Richard

 Richard D. Worthhttp://rdworth.org/

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 11:18 AM, briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  At the end of my Ajax request, I'd like to highlight a table row, so
  to speak. Why doesn't this work:

  id = 5

  success: function(e){
 $(#address+id).animate({backgroundColor:'#FFF'}, 800);

  The first line will work, but the 2nd line does not. Any ideas?

[jQuery] Highlight Table Row with Animate

2008-06-20 Thread briandichiara

At the end of my Ajax request, I'd like to highlight a table row, so
to speak. Why doesn't this work:

id = 5

success: function(e){
$(#address+id).animate({backgroundColor:'#FFF'}, 800);

The first line will work, but the 2nd line does not. Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-09 Thread briandichiara

Thanks for the tip hj. Is that a cross-browser solution? I tested it
in FF and got the absolute URL, but in IE it returns the relative

I used

var formAction = $(elm.form).attr(action);

and that will return the same in both browsers, however I'd still like
to know how reliable that is. Thanks.


On May 9, 10:37 am, hj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could you possibly just give your form an id attribute?  Then onchange you
  could just return $(#myformid).attr(action) and not have to mess with
  any traversing.

  -- Josh

  - Original Message -
  From: briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 1:58 PM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

   Ok, I tried this:

   $(elm).parents().map(function () {

   but the FORM never shows up. Reason is because the source looks like

 There's no need for any of this; elements of a form (input, select,
 textarea) has a form property, so:

   form action=something
   select name=some_name onchange=changeAction(this);
   !-- some options --

   function changeAction(elm){
   var formAction = elm.form.action;

 And, as others have suggested, it's a better practice to do this all
 in JavaScript, so that becomes:

   form  action=something
   select id=some_select name=some_name
   !-- some options --

   jQuery(document).ready(function() {
 jQuery('select#some_select').change(function() {
   var formAction = this.form.action;



[jQuery] Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
the onchange event on a select, like so:

form action=something
select name=some_name onchange=changeAction(this);
!-- some options --

I can't figure out how to use this + a selector with jQuery,

I've tried

function changeAction(elm){
var formAction = elm.$(:parent form).attr(action);

I really have no clue how to do effectively use this + a selector.

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

what if the parent element is not a form. like:

On May 8, 2:30 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
 onchange inline like so:

 var formAction = null;

 $(select[name=some_name]).change(function() {
 formAction = $(this).parent().attr(action);


 This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
 change event of the select.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using this

  I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
  the onchange event on a select, like so:

  form action=something
  select name=some_name onchange=changeAction(this);
  !-- some options --

  I can't figure out how to use this + a selector with jQuery,

  I've tried

  function changeAction(elm){
 var formAction = elm.$(:parent form).attr(action);

  I really have no clue how to do effectively use this + a selector.

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

Also, i'd rather not commit anything i.e. using name=blah in case
the name gets changed. without me knowing.

On May 8, 2:30 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
 onchange inline like so:

 var formAction = null;

 $(select[name=some_name]).change(function() {
 formAction = $(this).parent().attr(action);


 This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
 change event of the select.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using this

  I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
  the onchange event on a select, like so:

  form action=something
  select name=some_name onchange=changeAction(this);
  !-- some options --

  I can't figure out how to use this + a selector with jQuery,

  I've tried

  function changeAction(elm){
 var formAction = elm.$(:parent form).attr(action);

  I really have no clue how to do effectively use this + a selector.

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

I don't know why my reply's aren't showing up, but:

What if the first parent is not a form (like it could be a label or
div)? and also, I would like to avoid using the name=something just
because the name could change without me knowing it.

Thanks for the help.

On May 8, 2:30 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
 onchange inline like so:

 var formAction = null;

 $(select[name=some_name]).change(function() {
 formAction = $(this).parent().attr(action);


 This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
 change event of the select.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using this

  I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
  the onchange event on a select, like so:

  form action=something
  select name=some_name onchange=changeAction(this);
  !-- some options --

  I can't figure out how to use this + a selector with jQuery,

  I've tried

  function changeAction(elm){
 var formAction = elm.$(:parent form).attr(action);

  I really have no clue how to do effectively use this + a selector.

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

Ok, I tried this:

$(elm).parents().map(function () {

but the FORM never shows up. Reason is because the source looks like

table width=460 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
tr valign=top
table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 
td valign=top colspan=2
table border=0 
cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 width=100%

form Method=Post 

colspan=4 nowrap=nowrap

span class=modQuoteShrtTicker

Select name=control_Symbol

option value=1 SELECTED=opt 1/option

option value=2opt 2/option



I won't be able to alter the source, for it is nothing i have much
control over. So, how would i get the ACTION from the FORM above on
the SELECT menu's ONCHANGE event using jQuery?

On May 8, 2:30 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
 onchange inline like so:

 var formAction = null;

 $(select[name=some_name]).change(function() {
 formAction = $(this).parent().attr(action);


 This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
 change event of the select.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: briandichiara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using this

  I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
  the onchange event on a select, like so:

  form action=something
  select name=some_name onchange=changeAction(this);
  !-- some options --

  I can't figure out how to use this + a selector with jQuery,

  I've tried

  function changeAction(elm){
 var formAction = elm.$(:parent form).attr(action);

  I really have no clue how to do effectively use this + a selector.

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

ok, i'm not sure if this is the easiest way, however, this is how I
got the form action in the following HTML:

table width=460 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
tr valign=top
table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 
td valign=top colspan=2
table border=0 
cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 width=100%
form Method=Post 
colspan=4 nowrap=nowrap

span class=modQuoteShrtTicker

Select name=control_Symbol

option value=1 SELECTED=opt 1/option

option value=2opt 2/option



I used:

var formAction = $

For some reason, it misses the form object on the way back using
parents so i move forward after hitting the FORM's parent to get the
form.  Not sure if this is browser specific, but definitely a
headache. (and the terrible HTML syntax doesn't help either)


On May 8, 4:20 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't know why my reply's aren't showing up, but:

  What if the first parent is not a form (like it could be a
  label or div)? and also, I would like to avoid using the
  name=something just because the name could change without
  me knowing it.

 Assuming you have a DOM element in 'this', you can get its parent form with:


 Since forms can't be nested, you don't actually need the :first part, but
 it's a good habit to get into if you use this technique for other element
 types that can be nested.

 BTW, nesting a select element inside a label element only works in some
 browsers (IIRC, it doesn't work in IE). Use the for=id attribute in your
 label for cross-browser compatibility.
