[jQuery] Re: Best way to Toggle

2009-01-05 Thread daweb

Oh God, it runs.

Thank you!!

On 5 Gen, 16:35, Eric \Hobo\ Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:



 .parent() has a limited scope and will return only the parent
 elements. In the example you gave, fieldset is not a parent of
 input, but an ancestor. .parents() with the s at the end will do
 an ancestral search, not just a parental search.

 The .next() will return us the next sibling to the current element,
 which in the example would be fieldset#id_2

 So just to walk thru it real quickly:
 $(this)    // The checkbox getting clicked
     .parents('fieldset')    // Fieldset#id_1, which contains the
     .next('fieldset')    // Fieldset#id_2, which is the next fieldset
 adjacent to Fieldset#id_1
     .slideToggle()    // Applied to the last element returned from the
 jQuery chain, which is Fieldset#id_2

 On Jan 5, 9:33 am, daweb davideprevo...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi everybody and sorry about my English!

  This is my markup:

  fieldset id=id_1
  dl class=campo-esteso
  input name=flag type=checkbox class=flag id=flag value=on
  tabindex=1  /
  span class=opzionaleToggle?!?!/span

  fieldset id=id_2 // this fieldset is hidden
  Some input text type

  I have 3 similar checkbox field next. What about the best way to
  toggle the next fieldset element.

  I'd try this, but it doesn't works:



  Thank you all.

[jQuery] Best way to Toggle

2009-01-05 Thread daweb

Hi everybody and sorry about my English!

This is my markup:

fieldset id=id_1
dl class=campo-esteso
input name=flag type=checkbox class=flag id=flag value=on
tabindex=1  /
span class=opzionaleToggle?!?!/span

fieldset id=id_2 // this fieldset is hidden
Some input text type

I have 3 similar checkbox field next. What about the best way to
toggle the next fieldset element.

I'd try this, but it doesn't works:


Thank you all.

[jQuery] Autopopulate multiple select plugin question

2008-02-07 Thread daweb

Hi everybody,

I'm using the plugin in object to autopopulate a multiple select. It
works nicely.

Now, I would want to select (selected=selected) the right item when
I reload the page.

I have this:

if (@$this-input-post('ajaxSelectChoose')) {

$query = $this-set-list_active_items('typologies', $this-
input-post('category'), 'url');
// this read the items from a database

$json = array();

foreach($query-result() as $row)
$json[] = '{id : ' . $row-id . ', label : ' . 
$row-name .

die ('[' . implode(',', $json) . ']');


How can I select pre-select an option that is contained in a db row?

I have this:

$json[] = '{id : ' . $row-id . ', label : ' . $row-name .

something like {selected: selected=selected}

Regards guys

[jQuery] Jeditable + Json + Multiple Select

2008-01-22 Thread daweb

Hi everybody,

excuse my bad english...

I'm using jEditable plugin, it works fine, but I have a little

I have to use it with a dynamic set of select input type.

This is my PHP code with the Json string:


div class=\optionsList\h4First/h4
span class=\clickOnThisSelect\ id=\select_1\Value One/span/

div class=\optionsList\h4Second/h4
span class=\clickOnThisSelect\ id=\select_2\Value Two/span/

div class=\optionsList\h4Third/h4
span class=\clickOnThisSelect\ id=\select_18\Value Three/span/


selectmessage: {

select_1: [ {'1':'Laminato', '2':'Cotto', '3':'Parquet', '4':'Marmo',
'5':'Granito', '6':'Cemento', '7':'Terracotta' } ] ,

select_2: [ {'8':'Stile Moderno', '9':'Stile Rustico', '10':'Stile
Barocco', '11':'Stile Country', '12':'Stile Classico' } ] ,

select_18: [ {'13':'Angela', '14':'Donato' } ] }


and this is the Js code in which I'm trying to use the plugin:

indicator : img src='?=site_url('assets/images/icons/loader.gif')?
tooltip   : ?=$this-lang-line('clickToEdit')?,
name  : newvalue,
id  : elementid,
data : data.selectmessage.select_1[0],  **
type  : select,
onblur: cancel,
 submit : OK,
cssclass : clickOnThisSelect

How can I dinamically change data.selectmessage.select_1[0] whit
data.selectmessage.n[0]? Is it possible?

Please, anyone can help me?

Thank you, regards to all.


[jQuery] Re: Jeditable + Json + Multiple Select

2008-01-22 Thread daweb

Thank for reply Mika.

Try to explain my issue. I have x number of select input type,
generated from a db query.

With an ajax call I print the select fields into the page, without
page reload obviously.

Now i wanna use your plugin to edit this select fields but I can't set
the data options with the right values. The Json string is:

selectmessage: {
select_1: [ {'1':'Laminato', '2':'Cotto', '3':'Parquet',
'5':'Granito', '6':'Cemento', '7':'Terracotta' } ] ,
select_2: [ {'8':'Stile Moderno', '9':'Stile Rustico', '10':'Stile
Barocco', '11':'Stile Country', '12':'Stile Classico' } ] ,
select_18: [ {'13':'Angela', '14':'Donato' } ] }

This code is to generate the data values dinamically

and { message: span id=select_1My selected value/span  }
[...] This code is to generate the select input fields

I don't know how to pass the right data value to the right select

tooltip   : ?=$this-lang-line('clickToEdit')?,
name  : newvalue,
id  : elementid,
data : data.selectmessage.select_1[0] ? 

I wanna change select_1 with the right value, with the id select in
which i put my mouse. Understand?

I know It's not clear in english... ahhrrgg please help me! I know
this is so simple for you... but not for me

[jQuery] .clone issue with IE

2008-01-14 Thread daweb

Hi everybody,

I'm sorry for my English...

I'm trying to add a new table row (tr) after an ajax call.

My code works perfectly with FF or Opera, but not with IE.

With the right browsers I can add multiple row, IE instead overwrite
my first row (with right content but overwrite the last inserted).

This is my code after an ajax call which insert a new record in a DB

function processJson(data) {
// 'data' is the json object returned from the server


$(#addImage).html('a href=?=site_url('admin/settings/
select_typologies_options')?/'+ data.newId+'/a');






tr id=responceRow
td class=tableCellNew id=newIdnbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newAdd
div id=addImage
?='span' . $this-lang-line('actionAddDetails') . '/span'?
td class=tableCellNew id=newNamenbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newUrlnbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew  id=newCreatednbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newLasteditnbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newStatusnbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newCheckbox
input class=checkbox type=checkbox name=toggle[] /

Have u any idea?

Many Thanks

[jQuery] An issue with .clone(true) and IE 6+

2008-01-14 Thread daweb

Hi everybody,

I'm sorry for my English...

I'm trying to add a new table row (tr) after an ajax call.

My code works perfectly with FF or Opera, but not with IE.

With the right browsers I can add multiple row, IE instead overwrite
my first row (with right content but overwrite the last inserted).

This is my code after an ajax call which insert a new record in a DB

function processJson(data) {
// 'data' is the json object returned from the server


$(#addImage).html('a href=?=site_url('admin/settings/
select_typologies_options')?/'+ data.newId+'/a');






tr id=responceRow
td class=tableCellNew id=newIdnbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newAdd
div id=addImage
?='span' . $this-lang-line('actionAddDetails') . '/span'?
td class=tableCellNew id=newNamenbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newUrlnbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew  id=newCreatednbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newLasteditnbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newStatusnbsp;/td
td class=tableCellNew id=newCheckbox
input class=checkbox type=checkbox name=toggle[] /

Have u any idea?

Many Thanks

[jQuery] Re: jquery.validation and ajax

2007-05-23 Thread daweb

Thank you for reply.

Now, the validation plugin run fine. The Ajax Call run too, because
the record I intend to save, is in my DB correctly, but..

It returns this error: uncaught exception: [object Object]

This is my complete js code, included in commenti.js (I also include
jquery.js and jquery.validation.js)

$().ready(function() {
jQuery(function() {
 show a simple loading indicator
var loader = jQuery('div id=loadingDivimg src=/operamage/
assets/operamage/images/icone/loadingAnimation.gif alt=loading... /
.css({position: relative, top: 1em, left: 25em})
jQuery().ajaxStart(function() {
}).ajaxStop(function() {

jQuery().ajaxError(function(a, b, e) {
throw e;

debug: false,
rules: {
nominativo: { required: true, minLength: 2 },
localita: { required: true, minLength: 2 },
messaggio: { required: true, minLength: 2 }
messages: {
nominativo: p class=\error\Inserisci il tuo 
localita: p class=\error\Inserisci la Localitagrave; di
messaggio: p class=\error\Inserisci il tuo Messaggio/p


var v = jQuery(#form_inserisci_commento).validate({
submitHandler: function(form) {
dataType: json,
after: function(result) {
if(result.status) {


jQuery(#reset).click(function() {

[jQuery] Re: jquery.validation and ajax

2007-05-22 Thread daweb

I've tried this solution, but nothing to do for me... umphf!!

$().ready(function() {
// validate signup form on keyup and submit
function() {$(#form_inserisci_commento).validate({
event: keyup,
rules: {
nominativo: { required: true, minLength: 2 },
localita: { required: true, minLength: 2 },
messaggio: { required: true, minLength: 2 }
messages: {
nominativo: p class=\error\Inserisci il tuo 
localita: p class=\error\Inserisci la Localitagrave; di
messaggio: p class=\error\Inserisci il tuo Messaggio/p

target: '#successDiv',
// success identifies the function to invoke when the server
// has been received; here we apply a fade-in effect to the new
success: function() {
  var t=setTimeout($('#successDiv').fadeOut();, 1);


The issue is that ajax call works but not the validation. I want call
ajax if the form is valid...

On May 22, 3:02 pm, Richard Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/22/07, daweb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I don't know if this is the problem, but the first thing that jumps out to
 me is the comma ( , ) above should be a semi-colon ( ; ).

 - Richard D. Worth