[jQuery] Re: jQuery+Cycle : slideshow with progressive image loading

2008-06-01 Thread malsup

 Meanwhile I've also tried my hand at some code and come to what seems
 to be a valid solution. It relies on image preload - slides are added
 to the Cycle randomly depending on the order in which they are
 pulled from the server, which is a way to have the slideshow run as
 soon as possible.



Looks good, Nicolas.  I've added another demo page that uses your
preload technique (hope you don't mind).




[jQuery] Re: jQuery+Cycle : slideshow with progressive image loading

2008-05-31 Thread malsup

 A previous discussion here (http://groups.google.fr/group/jquery-en/
 browse_thread/thread/319177a5a9bb22a9/01b7544ac7203748) and a recent
 addition the to the Cycle plugin 
 makes me think that creating JQuery+Cycle slideshows with progressive
 image loading à la Flash is within reach.
 In this perspective, the exemple given 
 isn't satisfactory because the slideshow stops until all extra images
 are loaded. Unfortunately I didn't find sufficient Cycle documentation
 to write a script that would simply:
 - start a slideshow with 2 images (1 isn't possible)
 - load the 3rd image while it displays the 2nd, an so on for the
 entire set
 - once all images are loaded, repeat the slideshow (without attempting
 to load the images again).

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Nicolas,

I've just improved how Cycle handles the dynamic adding of images.
The following link demonstrates your particular use case, loading
images one at a time until they are all loaded.


Be sure to download the latest version as many transitions were
updated to better support the dynamic adding capability.




[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: Magnify

2008-05-30 Thread malsup

 Got a new plugin for folks to check out - it allows you to create an image
 magnifier like those you see on a lot of e-commerce sites.  Here's the



[jQuery] Re: timing of multiple Cycle slides (Cycle Plugin)

2008-05-30 Thread malsup

 I working on a site that uses 4 instances of the Cycle plugin to
 rotate divs filled with text. The client loves it, but they don't want
 them to all cycle at the same time. They want box 1 to cycle, short
 pause, box 2 to cycle, short pause...
 And I can't figure it out (obviously). Any help would be awesome. The
 page ishttp://client.grcmc.org/wip/grcvb/visit.phpand the portion in
 question is at the bottom of the page, the Hot Happenings Around
 Town. Right now only the first 2 boxes have content to cycle.

Start the slideshows separately and use the 'delay' option.  Something
like this should stagger your 4 slideshows:

$('#hot_happenings .hh_content td .holder').each(function(i) {
delay:   -8000 + (2000 * (i+1)),
timeout:  8000,

[jQuery] Re: ajaxForm not working

2008-05-29 Thread malsup

 Here's register.php - the page with the form and the js

 and register-process.php which handles the data and was supposed to
 return something which I guess it doesn't. Without AJAX it echoed the
 responses just fine

 the #loaded div is on my index.php and is just an empty div to load

 When I click the register button, it does some ajax (My loading image
 shows ajaxStart and ajaxStop is triggered) and then just clears the
 div. No errors or responses, just empty.

Add this to the top of register-process.php:

?php header('Content-type: text/xml'); ?

[jQuery] Re: What is the white area area behind text using sIFR on jQuery Media Plugin?

2008-05-29 Thread malsup

 I was able to change the background color, but I was not able to make it
 transparent. When I enter options.bgColor = 'transparent', it creates a
 green background behind the sifr text. I have not specified that green
 anywhere within the code. Can you please tell me how to make the background
 transparent? Is there some sort of wmode = 'transparent' sort of code
 needed? Do you understand what I am asking?

 I was not able to change the font size. I saw the new code you updated on
 the sIFR demo page, but I don't understand it. The last number on the right
 changes the size of the sifr element, but not the actual font size. The
 other number does nothing as I could see.

 Also, how do I change the font attributes, such as color, spacing,
 line-height, because the sIFR text does not react to the CSS.


All these options depend on what your swf file supports and how it
supports them.  If it accepts flashvars then you need to pass
flashvars.  If it offers no styling then you're stuck with what you
have.  You can experiment with what options work and don't work by
just using plain markup and seeing how the swf responds (maybe there
is documentation at the site you used to generate the swf?).  The
media script does nothing other than generate the object/embed element
with the appropriate attributes and parameters.  With the .swf file
that I use on my demo page, simply changing the element height causes
the font size to change because that's how that swf was written.

Hope this helps.


[jQuery] Re: ajaxForm not working

2008-05-29 Thread malsup

On May 29, 8:22 am, eid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you for the response, but that doesn't seem to have any effect
 at all.

 On 29 Maj, 14:02, malsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Add this to the top of register-process.php:

  ?php header('Content-type: text/xml'); ?

What exactly do you want to have happen?  You're using the 'target'
option to send the response to a div, but your response is XML.  That
doesn't really make sense.  If you want to push the response to a div
then the response should be HTML text.  If your response is going to
be XML then you need to process it in a success handler.  For example:

var options = {
dataType: 'xml',
success:  function(xml) {
var title = $('title', xml).text();
var msg = $('body', xml).text();
var s = 'h1'+title+'/h1' + 'div'+msg+'/div';

You still need the PHP header if you're going to return XML.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Corner problem

2008-05-29 Thread malsup

 First I display a div that covers the whole page and has a black,
 transparent background.
 Then I show another div, white background, centered on the screen.
 So it's a kind of popup.
 The problem is that when I just use $(...).corner(), nothing happens.
 But if I color the corners with $(...).corner(cc:#000), I can see the
 corner, but it's black.

Hard to say without seeing the whole page, but a very simple test case
using your code works fine:



[jQuery] Re: jQuery Corner problem

2008-05-29 Thread malsup

 The background div has to be positioned absolute, because it overlays the
 actual site beneath it.
 If you do that with your example, the foreground div will also be

I see what you mean now.  With the way your markup is structured there
is no way for the corner plugin to figure out what the right color is
for the corners.  It walks the ancestor tree looking for an element
that has a background color defined.  But you should be able to
achieve the same look by nesting the divs like this:



[jQuery] Re: jQuery Corner problem

2008-05-29 Thread malsup

 Yeah, but then the foreground div is still transparent.
 The website will 'shine' through.

Not if you set your styles correctly.

[jQuery] Re: IE6 and blockUI Issue

2008-05-29 Thread malsup

 Has anyone else experienced the following issue with blockUI and IE6?

 I am using:
 jQuery version 1.2.6 (05/24/2008)
 blockUI version 2.07 (05/17/2008)

 Below is a link to a SSCCE that should demonstrate the issue.


I see what you mean.  I'll have a look at it.

[jQuery] Re: IE6 and blockUI Issue

2008-05-29 Thread malsup

 Thanks in advance to any who might have a solution.

The solution is to use standards mode on your page, not quirksmode.
So add this to the top of your page:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/

Also note that besides being in quirksmode, your page has some basic
semantic problems (such as no body element).  To paraphrase my German
friend, Klaus, Don't script on bad markup!



[jQuery] Re: What is the white area area behind text using sIFR on jQuery Media Plugin?

2008-05-28 Thread malsup

 I am using the jQuery Media Plugin and I am using a .swf font file that I
 made via an online generator. When I use the script supplied 
  I get a white area behind the
 sIFR text and I cannot control the font size with the CSS for some reason.

 Is there some sort of transparent .swf file that I need to get instead of
 what I have now or is there a workaround for the white area behind the sIFR

 Also, how can I control the font size, since the CSS won't do it for me for
 some reason? Is there a way to control the font size with the jquery?

You can control the background color using the 'bgColor' option.  I
just updated the sIFR demo page to show how to do this and also how to
control the font size using the height option:



[jQuery] Re: submit a form when an image is clicked rather than using input type=submit

2008-05-28 Thread malsup

 Here's what I figured out so far to code this that seems to work.
 Anyone see a problem with this?

 $('img#button').click(function() {
   var queryparam1 = $('#input1').val();
   var queryparam2 = $('#input2').val();
   window.location= '/processFormSubmission.cfm?


I thought you wanted to submit a form?  Your code above will cause a
page nav but it doesn't properly encode the query string.  If your
image is within the form you don't need any scripting, just use markup
like this:

input type=image src=submit.gif /


[jQuery] Re: corners plugin works in IE but fails in Firefox

2008-05-28 Thread malsup

 Can somebody help with why this example works in IE 7 but fails to
 show corners in Firefox  2 ?


That page works fine for me in FF2 and FF3 (Windows).

[jQuery] Re: corners plugin works in IE but fails in Firefox

2008-05-28 Thread malsup

 when I use the corners plugin and try to re-use the div the effect only
 applies to the first div in the chain.

 Any Idea on how to apply the rounded corners to multiple div's of the same
 id or class?

Corners work on the chain.  See demo:


This one line is cornering 7 of the divs on that page.  The others are
done one at a time because they are unique.

$(div.box, div.plain).corner();

[jQuery] Re: innerFade and delay? or Cycle and drupal 5.x ?

2008-05-28 Thread malsup

 I have a question, i'm using innerFade (http://medienfreunde.com/lab/
 innerfade/) to fade a number of images, I would actually prefer to use
 Cycle (http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/) but for some reason it
 does not work with Drupal 5??.

 Anyway innerFade do work, but I need to specify a delay before it
 changes images the first time. I can see that cycle has this feature
 (delay: 0,     // additional delay (in ms) for first transition (hint:
 can be negative)).

 Does anybody here know how one could create this feature to
 innerFade ?


 Does anybody have Cycle running with Drupal/Jquery ?

Can't you just delay when you start innerFade?  Instead of starting it
immediately, start it on a timeout?

$(document).ready(function() {
function startFade() {

setTimeout(startFade, 5000);

Also, if you can post a link to a page where Cycle is not working I
will tell you why.  I'm not aware of any incompatibilities with


[jQuery] Re: innerFade and delay? or Cycle and drupal 5.x ?

2008-05-28 Thread malsup

 I've noticed that IE6 fails to render the demo 
 The first image appears but no pager, and the javascript error is line
 30 char 30 'console' is undefined


Thanks for pointing that out.  I had some Firebug debug code in
there!  :-)  It's fixed now.

What errors are you getting with IE6 on your page?  Can you post a



[jQuery] Re: jQuery Cycle question

2008-05-27 Thread malsup

 Hello Mike,

 Thanks for your interest.

 A link is here...http://ramosus.massey.ac.nz/jQuery.htm


Since the first slideshow was never explicitly stopped you actually
have two running slideshows, one of which is cycling elements that are
no longer part of the DOM.  But that first slideshow still has its
'after' callback invoked and that's why you see two captions.  More
recent versions of the Cycle plugin automatically stop a running
slideshow if you start another one on the same container, so if you
upgrade your problem should go away.

