[jQuery] Chaining and each

2009-10-30 Thread noon
Kind of large to paste here. My script and resulting HTML can be found
at: http://jquery.pastebin.com/m3f98dd99

If you look towards the bottom you will see the following:

.parents('td.embedded td.latest')
  .each(function(i) {
  .addClass('mod' + i);

I had to add the each because if I didn't my *new_table* was being
appended 9 times.  With the each it's only appended once, but the
class is still added 9 times. Why?

[jQuery] Re: Chaining and each

2009-10-30 Thread noon
nevermind. its because parents() runs for each TD (9)

On Oct 30, 11:09 am, noon nun...@gmail.com wrote:
 Kind of large to paste here. My script and resulting HTML can be found

 If you look towards the bottom you will see the following:

 .parents('td.embedded td.latest')
       .each(function(i) {
           .addClass('mod' + i);

 I had to add the each because if I didn't my *new_table* was being
 appended 9 times.  With the each it's only appended once, but the
 class is still added 9 times. Why?

[jQuery] [validate] required that select input's option is anything other than default

2009-03-06 Thread noon

I'm trying to throw the field is required option on a select when its
selected option is my default option of dashes/0.  I might be going
about this the complete wrong way with the required (dependency-
callback). Help is appreciated.  My HTML/JS may make more sense than
this quesiton

select name=threshold id=threshold class=required
option value=0
option value=6565#37;/option
option value=7070#37;/option
option value=7575#37;/option
option value=8080#37;/option
option value=8585#37;/option
option value=9090#37;/option
option value=9595#37;/option
option value=100100#37;/option

rules: {
threshold {
// I don't want to allow the selected option be 0
required: function(element) {
return $('#threshold option:selected').val() == 

[jQuery] $.post and single quotes

2008-07-17 Thread noon

I didn't notice until now that my quotes are already being escaped
somewhere between after I call $.post() and when my php page picks
them up.  I have been using mysql_real_escape_string for the way into
the DB and strip_slashes for the way out.

I don't really want to strip_slashes before I post them to the
database, because there could be some slashes intentionally added by
the user.  But I can't mysql_real_escape_string them with the slash


[jQuery] Re: Livequery add class to new DOM elements

2008-07-16 Thread noon

livequery accepts two parameters, the first is the event to which a
function (the 2nd parameter) is bound to.

$('a.someLink').livequery('click', function() {
  // anchors with a class of 'someLink'
  // can now be dynamically inserted to the dom
  // yet still have an 'onclick' event associated with them
  // as compared to the event only being bound on document ready

On Jul 16, 2:05 pm, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to get live query to work, so that it will add a new class
 to links that have just been added to the DOM through ajax.

 Something is not right though:


 Have I done something wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: Livequery add class to new DOM elements

2008-07-16 Thread noon

sorry, I am incorrect.  I forgot there were multiple forms.  That
should work

On Jul 16, 2:29 pm, noon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 livequery accepts two parameters, the first is the event to which a
 function (the 2nd parameter) is bound to.

 $('a.someLink').livequery('click', function() {
   // anchors with a class of 'someLink'
   // can now be dynamically inserted to the dom
   // yet still have an 'onclick' event associated with them
   // as compared to the event only being bound on document ready


 On Jul 16, 2:05 pm, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to get live query to work, so that it will add a new class
  to links that have just been added to the DOM through ajax.

  Something is not right though:


  Have I done something wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: using live query howto

2008-07-15 Thread noon

If your form is dynamically created you can use livequery on that
too.  I notice you have 'onclick' in yours which is incorrect

$('#addLinksForm').livequery('submit', function() {
  $('#addLinks').livequery('click', function() {
// stuff

On Jul 15, 12:34 am, Tom  Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i am trying to use live query to bind a click to a href on a form

                  .livequery('onclick', function(event) {
         $.post(addLinks.php,{ step:'addLink',title:$
 ('#title').val(),url:$('#url').val(),pageID:$('#pageID').val()} ,
                         append(li id='link_'+data+a href='javascript://'
 id='delete' onclick='deleteitem(+data+); return false;'img
 src='img/delete.gif' //ah1+$('#title').val()+/h1p+$
                         $('#link_'+data).effect(pulsate, { times: 3 }, 

        return false;


 im not sure where i should put it, any help would be appreciated



[jQuery] Re: jquery.livequery with with variables

2008-07-15 Thread noon

Use an anonymous function wrapper.

$('li').livequery('click', function() {

On Jul 15, 4:17 am, Tom  Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i got livequery to bind but i need to be able to pass a variable to it

 lets say i have a function like deleteitem(id)
 how can i make livequery use this function with the variable
 i tried this

 $(li).livequery(click, deleteitem);

 but i get a syntax error

 how would i do something like this


[jQuery] Re: Fading images with jQuery

2008-07-15 Thread noon

fadeIn/fadeOut can take a second parameter, a callback.  I would
assume in your case that the $('app') is hidden and you are fading it
in slowly, but you don't wait until that fade in is complete and have
it fade out, therefore appearing as its doing nothing at all.

$(#app).fadeIn(slow, function() { $('app').fadeOut(slow); });

On Jul 15, 12:31 am, viewsonic712 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to fade 4 images with jQuery, 1.jpg, 2.jpg. 3.jpg. and

 I have the following code, but no luck yet :(

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js/script
 script type=text/javascript


         for(i=1; i=4; i++) {

           $(#app).html(img id='yass+i+' src='+i+.jpg')




[jQuery] Re: AJAX bugging out

2008-07-15 Thread noon

What exactly is the return from die?  Is there an id field in bttt, or
are you mistaken and it should be board_id?  Every post variable
passed is a string unless it is eval'd IIRC.

On Jul 14, 3:24 pm, jbhat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So i use $.post to call click.php.  The variables are getting posted
 to this function correctly confirmed via firebug

 id      197
 player1 false
 pos     b4
 turn    bid

 in my php code, i get them immediately, but when i use $id in mySQL,
 it seems to disappear:

         include 'dbconnect.php';
         $id = $_POST['id'];
         $pos = $_POST['pos'];
         $p1 = $_POST['p1'] == 'true';
         if($_POST['turn'] == 'bid'){
                 $turn = 0;
         }else if($p1){
                 $turn = 5;
         }else{ $turn = 6;}
         //Malfunctioning Line Below
         $str = SELECT board_id, p1bid, p2bid, play FROM bttt WHERE id =
         $query = mysql_query($str) or die($str);
         $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
                 $str2 = UPDATE bttt_board SET $pos = 'x' WHERE id= .
                 $str2 = UPDATE bttt_board SET $pos = 'o' WHERE id= .
         }mysql_query($str2) or die($str2);
         $play = $data['play'] . $data['p1bid'] . ',' . $data['p2bid'] . ',' .
 $pos . ',';
         $str3 = UPDATE bttt SET turn_state=$turn, play= . ' . $play .
 ' . WHERE id=$id;
         mysql_query($str3) or die($str3);

 die is returning

 SELECT board_id, p1bid, p2bid, play FROM bttt WHERE id =

 Why is this?? Also, quick question while i have your attention:

 is $_POST['p1'] the string or boolean 'false'?

[jQuery] Re: jMaps + livequery

2008-07-15 Thread noon

Anyone on this?

On Jul 14, 10:27 am, noon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using jMaps to add a point to my map and inside the point bubble
 I have a link to add the searched location to a favorites list.  I am
 using livequery to catch the event handler for this dynamically
 created point bubble HTML/link.  However nothing is firing.  I've
 tripled checked my ID names, and there are no errors when the page has
 finished loading and the link has been clicked (my event handler isn't

 Has anyone done something similar with an event listener on an item
 inside the bubble?

 Code is here if you're curious -http://pastebin.mozilla.org/487924

[jQuery] jMaps + livequery

2008-07-14 Thread noon

I am using jMaps to add a point to my map and inside the point bubble
I have a link to add the searched location to a favorites list.  I am
using livequery to catch the event handler for this dynamically
created point bubble HTML/link.  However nothing is firing.  I've
tripled checked my ID names, and there are no errors when the page has
finished loading and the link has been clicked (my event handler isn't

Has anyone done something similar with an event listener on an item
inside the bubble?

Code is here if you're curious - http://pastebin.mozilla.org/487924

[jQuery] Re: Calling PHP Functions from jQuery?

2008-07-14 Thread noon

No.  Suggestion: modify your php page to accept a POST/GET variable
specifying the function that you wish to be run...

On Jul 14, 10:11 am, Yavuz Bogazci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is it possible to call php functions from jquery? I knew how to call
 a .php page from jquery with $.post and to echo output or return a
 JSON Object. But my application growth and there is an increase in
 single php pages. This is very confusing and the filemanagement is
 getting complicated.

 How are you solving this problem? Is a good tutorial or info out
 there? I have searched google and couldnt find a useful answer.

 thank a lot

[jQuery] Re: slideDown hidden portion/bump

2008-07-11 Thread noon

I wrapped it in a div and slid the div.  Still same problem, visible
again at http://nunyez.googlepages.com/slidedowntest

On Jul 8, 6:37 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try wrapping the form in a div and sliding that down. That should work.

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Jul 8, 2008, at 8:31 AM, noon wrote:

  Anyone have any ideas on this one?  It's really stumping me.

  On Jul 7, 9:15 am, noon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't know why it does this.  I am experiencing hidden content (the
  username label) until the animation is complete and the bump
  occurs.  See it for yourself


  Help appreciated

[jQuery] Re: slideDown hidden portion/bump

2008-07-11 Thread noon

I figured it out.  The culprit is because I am setting the focus of
the username input box.  For whatever reason, when I remove this it is
slid correctly.

On Jul 11, 8:57 am, Liam Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 IE 7 shows scrollbarsmaybe the animation isn't making it big enough
 to display it properly ?

 Make it bigger and see what happens.


 noon wrote:
  I wrapped it in a div and slid the div.  Still same problem, visible
  again athttp://nunyez.googlepages.com/slidedowntest

  On Jul 8, 6:37 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try wrapping the form in a div and sliding that down. That should work.

  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On Jul 8, 2008, at 8:31 AM, noon wrote:

  Anyone have any ideas on this one?  It's really stumping me.

  On Jul 7, 9:15 am, noon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I don't know why it does this.  I am experiencing hidden content (the
  username label) until the animation is complete and the bump
  occurs.  See it for yourself


  Help appreciated

[jQuery] Re: Some If/Then help

2008-07-11 Thread noon

Don't understand when this could occur to make any sense for images
being inserted like this without an example, but at any rate...

You'll have to think about when and how this is triggered in order for
these if statements to be executed because as said, i don't understand

switch ($('#main').attr('class')) {
case 'aa':

case 'bb':


function insertImg(path) {
$('#main').prepend('img src='+path+'/');
return 0;

On Jul 11, 9:27 am, brendan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 I'm using Seamus Leahy's AddAClassNameAtRandomToAnElement.js (http://
 moronicbajebus.com/2006/07/30/add-a-class-randomly-from-a-set/) to add
 a random class to a div, and then trying to insert an image based on
 the random class name.

 So if I have

 div id=main class=aa

 I'd like to say if #main.aa, then insert image1.jpg; if #main.bb,
 then insert image2.jpg; etc.

 Just can't seem to get the syntax right. Or is there a better way to
 go about this? Any help is very much appreciated

[jQuery] Re: Need Help Filtering Content

2008-07-11 Thread noon

First of all, you should be assigning your content links (the ones on
the left) classes and not IDs.  Not only is it bad practice, but
jQuery will stop after it hits the first one.

Second of all,
$(a).click(function () {
var filter = $(this).attr(id);

This snippet is a terrible performer.  You have several links on that
page, and you are telling jQuery to assign an event to every single
one.  What you should be doing is $(#sources a).

Change your ID's in your list items to classes and something like this
should work (yours doesn't specify the hash symbol, #, before the
filter, but is faulty anyways as aforementioned)
$(#sources a).click(function () {
var filter = $(this).attr(class);
$(#News li).not(.+filter);

On Jul 11, 11:22 am, Willie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am building a test site with jquery. The site lists links from
 several rss feeds. On the right side of the page there is a sources
 legend. I would like to be able to click a source and show only links
 from that source while the others hide. Then when I click a different
 source, those links appear, and the others hide.

 Each link has a ID of the source that it is associated with. I figured
 it would be easier to toggle them when they had a similar name. I
 can't get a handle on how to pass along what feed (source) I want to
 be visible when a user clicks.

 Can you take a look and give me some advice?


[jQuery] Re: Button Click

2008-07-11 Thread noon

Should you? Well if thats the only javascript on the page there isn't
much point in including a library for something like that.

However you could do it by saying:

// jQuery's document ready
$(function() {
  // grab the button and assign event
  $(#Cancel).click(function() {
window.location.href = /some/url/here;

On Jul 11, 12:39 pm, shapper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a button which redirects to a page:
 button  class=Cancel  type=button onclick=location.href='/Tag/
 List?page=1' id=CancelCancel/button

 Should I remove the onclick from the button and do this with JQuery?

 And how can I do that using JQuery?


[jQuery] Re: Display (or not display) content based on url hash

2008-07-09 Thread noon

You're going to have to read up more on javascript.  Mozilla has great
online documentation at http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/JavaScript
, particularly the core guide for you.  Also there are some great
books out there, O'Reilly's definitive guide can be a little dry at
times but does more than explain things.

As another hint, I wouldn't recommend reloading the page so that your
if or switch statements pick up the hash.  I would use a class
selector since every link/thumbnail on the left is of class .cross-
link.  But since class selectors are inefficient I would contain the
class selector to the containing ul, #portfolioThumbs.  From there I
assume you want the image box on the right to slide to the correct
photo.  You have packed so i couldn't guess the method or function to
make it slide, but i'm sure they have it documented.  Regardless,
you'll need another type of hook to figure out which thumbnail was
clicked.  Whether it be easily identifiable thumbnail image names (eg,
thumb-mayTheCats.gif), the href, another class name, an id, a rel
attribute, etc.

This example is much more sensible for your current situation

Example: (not tested, but should work or close to working)

// jQuery's document on ready
$(function() {

// handle a hash on load
var hash_id = document.location.toString().split('#')[1];

// if there wasn't a hash in the url i think hash_id will be null
// or false
if (hash_id) {

// call our custom function with hash_id as first parameter


// handle a click event
$('#portfolioThumbs .cross-link').click(function() {

// call our custom function with the $(this) jQuery object
// as a parameter which is the item that was clicked
// leave first parameter false as its for hash_id
handlePanelSlide(false, $(this));

}); // end jQuery's document on ready

// custom sliding function
function handlePanelSlide(id, elem) {

// id is false if its a click event
// if click event:
// assume these links' ID's were numbered 0 through n
// this could also be the href, would have to use
// the substring function to remove the hash
id = id || $(elem).attr('id');

// this is how many pixels the slider will move
var offset = (Number(id) * -600).toString() + 'px';

// move the slider
// of course you would want to use the easing or
// coda method for a smooth transition, but this
// is ultimately what it does
$('#slider1 .panelContainer').css('left', offset);

On Jul 8, 7:30 pm, mitchel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you again. That certainly helped. But I still don't quite
 understand what to do with the event handler. I gave the links ids of
 cross-link1, cross-link2, etc. and tried this:

 $('#cross-link1').click(function() {


 but it doesn't really do anything.

 Thanks again, you've been a giant help thus far.

 On Jul 8, 12:23 pm, noon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I the if/else statement doesn't seem to be working.

  You're if statement is using the equals sign as an assignment operator
  (=) instead of comparison which is double equals (==).

   Also, it only
   reads the current hash on a manual refresh of the page. Here is the
   link if helps any:http://www.mitchmckenzie.com/index.php

  That piece of javascript is only evaluated when the page loads.  If
  you want you're changes to occur onclick you'll have to assign event
  handlers to each clickable item -OR- an event handler generically to
  every click and check its target.

  Event handler (assuming you've added ID's to each link with the class
  $('#cross-link1').click(function() {
    // do some javascript


  Generic handler:
  $('a').click(function() {
    // you arent sure what was clicked, so lets determine before doing
    var the_links_rel_property = $(this).attr('rel'); // $(this) refers
  to what was clicked
    switch (the_links_rel_property) {
      case 'img1':
        // do something
      case 'img4':
        // do something


  Hope that helps

  On Jul 8, 2:51 pm, mitchel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks! I think that gets me started in the right direction. However,
   I am still having some issues. Here is what I have so far:

                           var current =

                           if (current = 1) {document.write( h2Title
   1/h2br /pBody text./p ); }
                           else if (current = 2)
   {document.write( h2Title 2/h2pBody text./p ); }
                           else if (current = 3)
   {document.write( h2Title 3/h2pBody text./p ); }
                           else if (current = 4)
   {document.write( h2Title 4/h2pBody text

[jQuery] Re: jMaps and other G* functions

2008-07-08 Thread noon

I'm aware that it binds opening to the click function but I want to
open without click.

On Jul 7, 6:19 pm, Colin Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 noon wrote:
  All jMaps functions never seen to return a handler that I can use, but
  only fire the callback if provided.  I used jMaps to add a marker and
  centered the map. On this newly created marker, how can I get to the
  other G* methods such as openInfoWindow?

 When adding a marker you can pass the option pointHTML which will
 automatically assign a openInfoWindow to the click event of your marker.

 I've said to Tane (the author) I will help him come up with some more
 features and better docs on this plugin in the coming weeks/months :)


[jQuery] Re: slideDown hidden portion/bump

2008-07-08 Thread noon

Anyone have any ideas on this one?  It's really stumping me.

On Jul 7, 9:15 am, noon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know why it does this.  I am experiencing hidden content (the
 username label) until the animation is complete and the bump
 occurs.  See it for yourself


 Help appreciated

[jQuery] Re: Display (or not display) content based on url hash

2008-07-08 Thread noon

alert(document.location.toString().split('#')[1]) will get you the
hash. From there an if statement or a switch/case would serve you.

On Jul 8, 8:54 am, mitchel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Admittedly, I know very little about jQuery or javascript in general
 but it seems like it should be able to do what I need it to do fairly

 I am trying to create a div on a page which would display different
 content based on the hash in the url. Is there a way to create several
 hidden divs on a page with the content I want and have a class that
 makes one visible based on the current hash in the URL? Any ideas on
 how would I do this?


[jQuery] Re: Fade in background image.

2008-07-08 Thread noon

I see your problem now.  What about using a z-index and have them
float on top of each other?  This way no element is kicked out of
position.  I don't know your CSS savvy but having a container for the
item with a position of relative, and then the children with absolute
positioning would have them absolutely float only inside their
container versus the entire page.

On Jul 8, 12:47 pm, Liam Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe try using hoverIntent ?


 lamy wrote:
  Hi there!

  I'd like to create an effect like the one on the jquery Ui website. Someone
  hovers over an item and is changes its background color smoothly.

  This is how far I've got:

     if($(this).css(background-image).length = 4)
             var obj = $(this).clone(true);


     if($(this).css(background-image).length  4)

  It works.
  The problem is, that if the user hovers too quickly, the js code can't keep
  up with cloning and fading in  that div so that the item vanishes. Check


  Any solutions?

[jQuery] Re: Display (or not display) content based on url hash

2008-07-08 Thread noon

 I the if/else statement doesn't seem to be working.
You're if statement is using the equals sign as an assignment operator
(=) instead of comparison which is double equals (==).

 Also, it only
 reads the current hash on a manual refresh of the page. Here is the
 link if helps any:http://www.mitchmckenzie.com/index.php
That piece of javascript is only evaluated when the page loads.  If
you want you're changes to occur onclick you'll have to assign event
handlers to each clickable item -OR- an event handler generically to
every click and check its target.

Event handler (assuming you've added ID's to each link with the class
$('#cross-link1').click(function() {
  // do some javascript

Generic handler:
$('a').click(function() {
  // you arent sure what was clicked, so lets determine before doing
  var the_links_rel_property = $(this).attr('rel'); // $(this) refers
to what was clicked
  switch (the_links_rel_property) {
case 'img1':
  // do something
case 'img4':
  // do something

Hope that helps

On Jul 8, 2:51 pm, mitchel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks! I think that gets me started in the right direction. However,
 I am still having some issues. Here is what I have so far:

                         var current =

                         if (current = 1) {document.write( h2Title
 1/h2br /pBody text./p ); }
                         else if (current = 2)
 {document.write( h2Title 2/h2pBody text./p ); }
                         else if (current = 3)
 {document.write( h2Title 3/h2pBody text./p ); }
                         else if (current = 4)
 {document.write( h2Title 4/h2pBody text./p ); }
                         else if (current = 5)
 {document.write( h2Title 5/h2pBody text./p ); }
                         else  {document.write( h2Title 1/h2br /

 pBody text./p ); }

 I the if/else statement doesn't seem to be working. Also, it only
 reads the current hash on a manual refresh of the page. Here is the
 link if helps any:http://www.mitchmckenzie.com/index.php

 Any further help would be greatly appreciated.

 On Jul 8, 8:00 am, noon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  alert(document.location.toString().split('#')[1]) will get you the
  hash. From there an if statement or a switch/case would serve you.

  On Jul 8, 8:54 am, mitchel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Admittedly, I know very little about jQuery or javascript in general
   but it seems like it should be able to do what I need it to do fairly

   I am trying to create a div on a page which would display different
   content based on the hash in the url. Is there a way to create several
   hidden divs on a page with the content I want and have a class that
   makes one visible based on the current hash in the URL? Any ideas on
   how would I do this?


[jQuery] slideDown hidden portion/bump

2008-07-07 Thread noon

I don't know why it does this.  I am experiencing hidden content (the
username label) until the animation is complete and the bump
occurs.  See it for yourself


Help appreciated

[jQuery] Re: How to replace a div content?

2008-07-07 Thread noon

Cut and pasted your example. Works fine for me. Do you not have an
onready opening function, eg $(function() {}?

On Jul 7, 10:04 am, SimDigital [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How could i replace a html content inside the div?

 I have 1 div (div id=elemini text/div) and everytime i click a
 button, i want to replace the html content inside the #ELEM to new

 I try to use:

 jQuery(#button).click(function() {
         jQuery(#elem).html('bmy text/b');


 but everytime i click the button, the html is not replaced, resulting
 something like:

  bmy text/bbmy text/b

 What is the solution?

[jQuery] jMaps and other G* functions

2008-07-07 Thread noon

All jMaps functions never seen to return a handler that I can use, but
only fire the callback if provided.  I used jMaps to add a marker and
centered the map. On this newly created marker, how can I get to the
other G* methods such as openInfoWindow?

[jQuery] Element's inner/children

2008-07-02 Thread noon

I have the following HTML structure:

div id=new-msgs
div class=msg.../div
div class=msg.../div

I have the following code:

.wrap('div id=p'+pCurrent+'/div');

I want everything inside #new-msgs to be appended to #prev-msgs, and
not #new-msgs as well.  Using a selector of #new-msgs * loses the
hierarchical structure that I want to maintain (div.msg has
children).  Also using .html() on #new-msgs and then appending
+wrapping results in multiple wraps.

What's the best way to get the contents of a container and append them
somewhere else?

[jQuery] Dynamic event listener?

2008-06-27 Thread noon

I have the following code which is clearing the contents of an input
box and modifying its css.


After a user enters a message into this box and submits the
information some DOM manipulation occurs and another input box with
the class of untouched is inserted.  However, no onfocus function is
tied to this newly inserted node because jQuery isn't actively polling
the DOM.

Do I have to register an event handler for all clicks and check the
target?  Does anyone have some sample code for this?

Or is there a way to attach the event listener to the new input node
during insertion? Without hardcoding onfocus=? If so, is it better
to do it this way or handle all clicks?

[jQuery] Toggle(fn,fn1) not working as expected

2008-05-06 Thread noon

$(p.more a).click(function() {
function() {$(this).html(laquo; Less); alert('1');},
function() {$(this).html(More raquo;); alert('2');}

I am referring to p.more a when mentioning a click. The first time I
click no alert is fired. The second time I click 1 is alerted. The
third time I click 2 is alerted then 1 is alerted. The fourth time I
click 2 is alerted, 1 is alerted, 2 is alerted.  And so on.  Every
time div.overflow is toggled correctly.

Why is it recursively operating like this?

[jQuery] Re: Toggle(fn,fn1) not working as expected

2008-05-06 Thread noon

Thanks a lot !

[jQuery] IE6 flicker/display problem

2008-04-25 Thread noon


This url used to display fine in IE6 (im pretty sure...) and now when
I open it, the 2-column content is hidden as soon as jQuery fires (on
ready).  Why is this happening? I've tested this on two machines
running IE6.  Is this happening to others as well?  Is there a fix?
Or at least a culprit?

[jQuery] Re: new to jquery

2008-04-04 Thread noon

=== jQuery code ===
if ( $(this).parent(fieldset).hasClass(collapsed) ) 

else {


=== HTML ===

fieldset class=collapsible collapsed group_5
a class=toggle href=javascript:void(0)Board Meeting
Minutes and Resolutions/a
div class=container oddRow
div class=doc-date02/13/2007/div
div class=doc-titleLetter of Resignation - Vice President
of Human Resources eff. 02/28/07/div

=== Notes ===
Doesn't error, but it sure doesn't do anything either.  Tried alerting
some attributes like class or the typeof $(this).parent(fieldset)
but kept coming up with undefined.  There isn't any other fieldset
above that one.  I used to have the code -- if ($
(this.parentNode.parentNode).hasClass(collapsed') -- and it worked.
Can't determine what .parent() is doing for me here, besides

Appreciate any help or advice

[jQuery] new to jquery

2008-04-03 Thread noon

Hello, i've been writing javascript for a while now.  So, as you can
imagine I am struggling just a bit.  I browsed a few of the beginner
tutorials and didn't see what I was looking for.  I understand that
methods like .is or .hide are special to the jquery library and you
can't access these using regular DOM elements.  But I don't want to
type $(this.parentNode.parentNode) every time I want to do something
to it.  Assigning var target = $(this.parentNode.parentNode); still
doesn't let me use jquery methods against target.

Can someone point me in the right direction here?

[jQuery] Re: code minimization / abstraction

2007-09-05 Thread Joe Noon

 Instead, make your code a static function:


You're a huge help! That all makes much more sense now.  Here is what
I ended up with:

(function( $ ) {
  $.rjax = function(options) {
  dataType: script,
  beforeSend: function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader(Accept,
  }, options));

  $.remoteLink = function(selector, options) {
$(function() {
  $(selector).click( function() {
  url: this.href
  }, options));
return false;
})( jQuery );


