[jQuery] Re: Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-23 Thread rafald
Hi ,
please check this:

As you can see:
- sortable list works
- accordion works
- POPUP 'update'  does not come

what could be wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-23 Thread rafald
Hi ,
please check this:

As you can see:
- sortable list works
- accordion works
- POPUP 'update'  does not come

what could be wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-23 Thread rafald
Hi ,
please check this:

As you can see:
- sortable list works
- accordion works
- POPUP 'update'  does not come

what could be wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-23 Thread rafald
Hi ,
please check this:

As you can see:
- sortable list works
- accordion works
- POPUP 'update'  does not come

what could be wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-23 Thread rafald
Hi Peter,
Indeed! It works ;-) THANKS!
It was enough to remove line with  $(#elements).sortable(); 

So, what is the right place to put:

in my example:
the first place was outside $(document).ready(function()
the second place (where I added event) was inside $

What are the rules  here and what will be difference if I put inside
or outside ?
Could you please explain this to me ?


[jQuery] Send XML to the server gets Type Mismatch error in IE, though works fine with Firefox

2010-02-23 Thread rafald

When I checked the google forum for jQuery I was told its not
monitored anymore. Instead of this another forum is proposed.
So few days ago I created a post here:

This is for the problem with XML

Unfortunatelly nobody replied. Maybe on this forum is somebody who
knows how to send XML file to the server without errors ?

Thank you in advance for all sugestions.


[jQuery] Re: Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-22 Thread rafald
On 22 Lut, 03:43, Nathan Klatt n8kl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Rafal,

 In what way does it not work? I transcribed your code into jsbin and
 it seems to be fine, though I don't have any roundbox styling being




I am not surpised you don't get it rounded ;-) . I presented only part
of the code for rounded corners, because this is not my problem here
(anyway: if you need rounded check this: 
...and make sure you download images from the style as well.).

My problem is different:
Each time when the user sorts something, I would like to see what is
the current order of items. I need to trigger a code each time when
user moves something.

In other words: I do not see popup 'update' which I expect to see
(see : alert('update')  in my code above)

What could be wrong ?


[jQuery] Re: Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-22 Thread rafald
ok...I see on you page it works...I double checked my code.
Here what happens

WHEN I replace THIS:
$(function() {
   update: function(event, ui) { alert('update') }
$(div.roundbox) .wrap('div class=dialog'+
'div class=bd'+
'div class=c'+
'div class=s'+
$('div.dialog').prepend('div class=hd'+
'div class=c/div'+
.append('div class=ft'+
'div class=c/div'+

With code from your page:

$(function() {
   update: function(event, ui) { alert('update') }
$(div.roundbox) .wrap('div class=dialog'+
'div class=bd'+
'div class=c'+
'div class=s'+
$('div.dialog').prepend('div class=hd'+
'div class=c/div'+
.append('div class=ft'+
'div class=c/div'+

...the it WORKS ;-)

but the problem is I need accordion as well.

For my code it is enough that I remove THIS part:
$(function() {

then it works

so I have to reorganize the code.

Could you advise me what will be the best solution here ?


[jQuery] Sortable list - even when list is changed

2010-02-21 Thread rafald

I just started to user jquery. Its very good , though as the beginner
I have some issues ;-)

I have sortable llisty build like this:
ul id=elements
li id=li1Item 1/li

in functions.js I have this:


This make the whole list perfectly sortable and works fine.

My problem is with events I would like to add.
I have read that following should work:

   update: function(event, ui) { alert('update') }

Since I am using list in round corner div, my whole code looks like

   update: function(event, ui) { alert('update') }
$(div.roundbox) .wrap('div class=dialog'+
'div class=bd'+
'div class=c'+
'div class=s'+
$('div.dialog').prepend('div class=hd'+
'div class=c/div'+
.append('div class=ft'+
'div class=c/div'+

but it does not work!
I need to execute a function each time when order of item on the list
will change.
I my example I just wanted to test function, and therefore I added
Could anybody advise me what is wrong here?
