[jQuery] [validate] form is sending despite the fact the form is not complete

2009-04-09 Thread sebastian

Just like the subject says, my form is sending despite the fact that
the form is not complete. The same happens if there are errors in the
form. I've attached the JS and the HTML. Any help is greatly
appreciated. I'm testing it locally right now.

rules: {
firstname: {
lettersonly: true,
required: true
last: {
lettersonly: true,
required: true
address: {
required: true
city: {
lettersonly: true,
required: true
state: {
required: true,
drop: true,
required: true
zip: {
zipcode: true,
required: true
numfirst: {
digits: true,
required: true
numsecond: {
digits: true,
required: true
numthird: {
digits: true,
required: true
tickets: {
drop: true,
required: true
email: {
email: true,
required: true
messages: {
firstname: Please enter a valid first name,
last: Please enter a valid last name,
address: Please enter a valid address,
city: Please enter a valid city,
state: Please enter a valid state,
zip: Please enter a valid zip code,
numfirst: Please enter the first three numbers of your 
numsecond: Please enter the second three numbers of 
your phone
numthird: Please enter the first last four of your 
phone number,
tickets: Please enter a number of tickets you would 
email: Please enter a valid email address
errorPlacement: function(error, element){
if(element.attr('name') == 'email')
$('br /').insertBefore('label.error');
else if(element.attr('name') == 'numfirst')
else if(element.attr('name') == 'numsecond')
$('br /').insertAfter(element);

form id=reserve method=post action=http://localhost/agraboats/
First Name: input type=textvalue= name=firstname
id=firstname /br /

Last Name: input type=textvalue= name=last id=last 
/br /
Address: input type=textvalue= name=address id=address 
br /
City: input type=textvalue= name=city id=city /br /
select name=state size=1 id=state
option value=ALAlabama/optionoption 
optionoption value=AZArizona/optionoption value=ARArkansas/
optionoption value=CACalifornia/optionoption
value=COColorado/optionoption value=CTConnecticut/
optionoption value=DEDelaware/optionoption value=DCDist of
Columbia/optionoption value=FLFlorida/optionoption
value=GAGeorgia/optionoption value=HIHawaii/optionoption
value=IDIdaho/optionoption value=ILIllinois/optionoption
value=INIndiana/optionoption value=IAIowa/optionoption
value=KSKansas/optionoption value=KYKentucky/optionoption

[jQuery] [validate] Errors are not clearing in my Validate jQuery

2009-01-24 Thread sebastian

Here's the code.

   rules: {
   title: {
   lettersonly: true,
   required: true
   messages: {
   title: Enter a valid title!
   errorPlacement: function(error, element){
   $('br /').insertAfter(element);

The id of the field is id=title, of course. Two thing, however. The
errors never clear out, even if the parameters are true. I used the
same format for another site, and it worked properly, so I copied the
code and changed what I needed to change. It still never works.

I have the same form for editing things, with the same names and
everything, but with that form, the Validation doesn't work at all. It
doesn't even give me errors when it should.


[jQuery] [validate] Errors are not clearing in my Validate jQuery code.

2009-01-24 Thread sebastian

Here's the code.

rules: {
title: {
lettersonly: true,
required: true
messages: {
title: Enter a valid title!
errorPlacement: function(error, element){
$('br /').insertAfter(element);

The id of the field is id=title, of course. Two thing, however. The
errors never clear out, even if the parameters are true. I used the
same format for another site, and it worked properly, so I copied the
code and changed what I needed to change. It still never works.

I have the same form for editing things, with the same names and
everything, but with that form, the Validation doesn't work at all. It
doesn't even give me errors when it should.


[jQuery] jQuery Form Plugin - success callback function isn't called

2008-10-23 Thread Sebastian

Hey guys,

I'm working with the jQuery Form Plugin and I'm having some trouble
with it.
In my HTML I have a button, which, when clicked, inserts a form via
jQuery. To then register the form's submit event, I use the
livequery plugin in my (document).ready function:

(document).ready(function($) {
  var options = {
target: '#editable_content',   // target element(s) to
be updated with server response
success:   function(responseText, statusText)
{ alert(responseText); },  // post-submit callback
  $('.edit_contact').livequery('submit', function() {
return false;

The form submits as it should, using an AJAX call. When I add a
beforeSubmit callback function to the options array, that gets called
as well, as it should. Only the success callback (the alert) isn't
called and I don't know why.

Can anyone help???



[jQuery] Inconsistent behaviour of [autocomplete]

2008-05-21 Thread Sebastian


the plugin http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/
has a slight inconsistency.

With multiple not set (default=false), I have different behaviour if I
select a value with 'Enter' or with a mouse click.
The return executes a $input.blur() the mouse click not.

I would appreciate if the blur is removed to have the cursor rest in
the input field. The user can then press 'tab' to get into the next
field instead of being forced to click in the next field.

Best Regards


... snip ...

if( selectCurrent() ){
// make sure to blur off the current field
if( !options.multiple )

[jQuery] Re: [validate] validation doesn't work for radio buttons associated with hidden field

2008-04-25 Thread sebastian

Hi, to solve my problem I had to change the idorName function in

idOrName: function(element) {
if (element.type != hidden) {
return this.checkable(element) ? element.name : element.id ||
if($(input[name='+element.name+'][type='radio']).length  0){
return element.name;

and created a new method in additonal-methods:

jQuery.validator.addMethod(chosen, function(value, element) {

if(value != ){
return true;
if($(input[name='+element.name+']:checked).length  0){
return true;

return false;

}, Select an option);

I thought this might help someone, and possibliy be added to a new
release of the jquery.validate.


On Apr 22, 1:31 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sebastian schrieb:

  Hi, the problem i have is that I have a group of radio buttons
  associated with a hidden field like this:

  input type=hidden name=data[User][gender] value=
  id=UserGender_ /
  input type=radio name=data[User][gender] id=UserGenderF
  value=f  /
  label for=UserGenderFFemale/label
  input type=radio name=data[User][gender] id=UserGenderM
  value=m  /
  label for=UserGenderMMale/label

  and I have the following validation rule for the element:


  the validation doesn't work , it always shows an error whether the
  radio buttons are selected or not.

  Please help.

 The required-method doesn't support mixed types. In your setup, only the
 hidden field is validated, which is always invalid.

 You could implement a custom required-method for this case. Take a look
 at the current required-implementation for reference validating the
 group of radio buttons.


[jQuery] Re: [validate] value is trimmed before getting to validation function

2008-04-22 Thread sebastian

Thank you very much!!!

On Apr 22, 1:27 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sebastian schrieb: Hi, i'm developing a costum validation method for a 
 password field,
  the password must not contain spaces. I thought my method worked fine
  until during a test i put a space at the end of the password, my
  method returned that the password was correct, and i noticed that the
  problem was that the value of the field is trimmed before it is sent
  to the validation method. And I thought it might be a good idea not to
  trim the values before they are sent to the validation methods, what
  do you think?

 Instead of using the trimmed value in your method, use the second
 argument, which points to the element itself, and get the value from
 there, via element.value


[jQuery] Re: [validate] validation doesn't work for radio buttons associated with hidden field

2008-04-22 Thread sebastian

Thank you very much for your answer!!!

On Apr 22, 1:31 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sebastian schrieb:

  Hi, the problem i have is that I have a group of radio buttons
  associated with a hidden field like this:

  input type=hidden name=data[User][gender] value=
  id=UserGender_ /
  input type=radio name=data[User][gender] id=UserGenderF
  value=f  /
  label for=UserGenderFFemale/label
  input type=radio name=data[User][gender] id=UserGenderM
  value=m  /
  label for=UserGenderMMale/label

  and I have the following validation rule for the element:


  the validation doesn't work , it always shows an error whether the
  radio buttons are selected or not.

  Please help.

 The required-method doesn't support mixed types. In your setup, only the
 hidden field is validated, which is always invalid.

 You could implement a custom required-method for this case. Take a look
 at the current required-implementation for reference validating the
 group of radio buttons.


[jQuery] [validate] validation doesn't work for radio buttons associated with hidden field

2008-04-21 Thread sebastian

Hi, the problem i have is that I have a group of radio buttons
associated with a hidden field like this:

input type=hidden name=data[User][gender] value=
id=UserGender_ /
input type=radio name=data[User][gender] id=UserGenderF
value=f  /
label for=UserGenderFFemale/label
input type=radio name=data[User][gender] id=UserGenderM
value=m  /
label for=UserGenderMMale/label

and I have the following validation rule for the element:


the validation doesn't work , it always shows an error whether the
radio buttons are selected or not.

Please help.

[jQuery] How can I access methods of an applet element using jQuery?

2008-04-19 Thread Philip Sebastian Immanuel Reinhardt Kim

Hi all,

I have some problem using methods of an applet element when I use
jQuery syntax.

How can I solve this problem?

Please refer to the following source code:

APPLET id=ch01
code=sooo.AppletXYLine /APPLET

script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript

// addValues() is a method defined in AppletXYLine.class

returnValue = document.getElementById(ch01).addValues(strValue); //
this works well

returnValue = $(#ch01).addValues(strValue); // doesn't work



[jQuery] Interface sortable: Limit of elements which can be dragged into a droppable

2007-05-05 Thread Sebastian Giffhorn


Please have a look at my sample at http://hosting-saar.de/jquerytest/index.html

The situation is:

I have 2 sortables, one is the pool which contains all available
icons the other should be an ui where you can place icons from the

The problem is: There are more icons in the pool than place for
icons in the ui. So is there a way to prevent icons to be dropped into
the ui when its already full?

