[jQuery] Send XML to web service

2009-06-01 Thread vani

How would one go about sending an XML file to a web service? I'm
guessing the data parameter of $.ajax function has something to do
with it, but I could not find a working example in the documentation.

[jQuery] Passing arguments to event handler

2009-03-11 Thread vani

I'm trying to pass arguments to a function that's called from within
anonymous function that acts as an event handler for the click event.
The problem is that once a thumbnail(gallery.images[i]) is clicked the
startSlideshow function gets the final iteration's values passed as
the arguments, instead I would like for it to get the values(filename,
folder, width, height) of the loop iteration it was created in.

The code in question is:

slideshow.startSlideshow(filename, img/gallery/ +
_gallery.subpage + /, w, h)

...the whole loop:

for(i=0; i_gallery.numThumbs; i++){
node = $(_gallery.xmlFileList).find
filename = $(node).attr(filename);
w = $(node).attr(width);
h = $(node).attr(height);

tmbDim = slideshow.scaleFactoring
tmbW = Math.round(tmbDim[0] * 0.85);
tmbH = Math.round(tmbDim[1] * 0.85);

_gallery.images[i] = new Image();
$(_gallery.images[i]).load( function(){
$(this).css({top: Math.round($
(this).parent().height() / 2 - $(this).outerHeight() / 2)});
$(this).css({left: Math.round($
(this).parent().width() / 2 - $(this).outerWidth() / 2)});

$(this).data(mydim, {w:$(this).width(),h:

   slideshow.startSlideshow(filename, img/
gallery/ + _gallery.subpage + /, w, h)

currDiv = document.createElement(div);


_gallery.images[i].src = thu.aspx?img= +
filename + w= +tmbW + h= + tmbH +path=img/gallery/ +
_gallery.subpage + /;

Sorry for poor english(I've been at javascript for 8hrs straight),
please help.

[jQuery] Surefire way to animate thumbnails upon load

2009-03-02 Thread vani

I'm trying to add pulse effect to thumbnails in my gallery, so that
they animate one after another upon load.
If you look at the code you'll probably notice I'm using fxqueue
plugin for queuing animation, but the problem persists even if I don't
use it.
This is the code, and it works in my virtual machine setup and on the
web, but some thumbnails fail to fire the load event if I connect to
my virtual machine from the host(thumbnails probably load before the
code has a chance to attach the event):

$(document).ready(function() {
$(.dlPicturesImg).each(function() {
$(this).load(function() {
$(this).data(tmbWidth, $(this).width());
$(this).data(tmbHeight, $(this).height());
}).attr(src, this.src);

/*$('.dlPicturesImg').bind('readystatechange load',
}).attr('src',this.src);//.appendTo('body');  */

function pulseTmb(tmb) {
var tmbWidth = $(tmb).width();
var tmbHeight = $(tmb).height();
var parWidth = $(tmb).parent().width();
var parHeight = $(tmb).parent().height();

$(tmb).data(tmbWidth, tmbWidth);
$(tmb).data(tmbHeight, tmbHeight);

$(tmb).css(margin-left, Math.round(parWidth / 2) +
$(tmb).css(margin-top, Math.round(parHeight / 2) +

   // $(tmb).css(display, inline);
$(tmb).animate({ borderWidth: %=tmbBorder% + px,
marginLeft: Math.round((parWidth - (tmbWidth + %=tmbBorder% *2)) /
2) + px, marginTop: Math.round((parHeight - (tmbHeight + %=tmbBorder
% *2)) / 2) + px, width: tmbWidth + px, height: tmbHeight +
px }, { queue: pulseTmbs, speed: 200, wait: 10, callback: function
() { bindMouseToTmb(tmb); } });

function fadeTmb(tmb) {
$(tmb).data(tmbWidth, $(tmb).width());
$(tmb).data(tmbHeight, $(tmb).height());

//$(tmb).fadeIn(slow, bindMouseToTmb(tmb));
//$(tmb).fadeIn({ queue: fadeTmbs, speed: 300, preDelay:
50, postDelay: 50, complete: function() { bindMouseToTmb(tmb); } });
$(tmb).fadeIn({ queue: fadeTmbs, speed: 200, wait: 10,
callback: function() { bindMouseToTmb(tmb); } });

[jQuery] Re: Animated resize of a thumbnails inside a table

2009-01-08 Thread vani

Great stuff Mike, thanx!

On 3 sij, 18:47, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  Here's an example that may help:


 I decided to make a little plugin for this:


[jQuery] Animated resize of a thumbnails inside a table

2009-01-03 Thread vani

I'm (still) trying to create a hover effect over a thumbnail image, a
simple animated grow is what I'm looking for.
Has anyone done this and is interested to share some insight?
I'm tripping on the first step, changing the thumbnail position to
absolute (of 4 major browsers that I'm using to test the site, every
one of them has a different idea of where the thumbnail top and/or
left position should be.

This is what I've got so far:

$(.dlPicturesImg).bind(mouseenter, function() {
// if (bResizing) return;

var parDivWidth = $(this).parent().width();
var parDivHeight = $(this).parent().height();
var tmbWidth = $(this).outerWidth();
var tmbHeight = $(this).outerHeight();
var newTmbWidth = Math.round(tmbWidth * 1.2);
var newTmbHeight = Math.round(tmbHeight * 1.2);
var newLeft = Math.round((parDivWidth / 2) -
(newTmbWidth / 2)) + px;
var newTop = - + Math.round(newTmbHeight / 2) +

prevTmbWidth = $(this).width();
prevTmbHeight = $(this).height();

$(#txaDebug).val($(#txaDebug).val() + over + 
nw: + newTmbWidth +  nh: + newTmbHeight +  nt: + newTop +  nl:
+ newLeft + \n);

var pos = $(this).position();

$(this).css({ top: - + Math.round(parDivHeight / 2)
+ px, left: pos.left, position: absolute });
/* $(this).css(left, newLeft);
$(this).css(top, newTop);

//bResizing = true;
//$(this).animate({ top: newTop, left: newLeft, width:
newTmbWidth, height: newTmbHeight });

return false;


[jQuery] Re: Resize an element without affecting the layout

2008-11-21 Thread vani

I made some progress as you can see here: http://tinyurl.com/645ow4 ,
but I've ran into problem with jquery hover function. Its over and out
functions fire too many times while the cursor is still over the same
image. That happens only if I use the animate effect inside the over
function, if I just switch the size of the images it works without a

On 20 stu, 13:08, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 erm, best way to explain is to show an example.

 lets say the image is 400x400 to get it in the center you will need to
 set top and left to half that.


 If I'm right this should work, and you can use this in jquery animate.

 vani wrote:
  That's it, weehee! Now if only I could somehow position the center of
  the images to coincide with the center of parent cell? Any ideas on
  that one, and perhaps compatible with jquery animated resize?

  On 20 stu, 12:43, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ok, got it.
  Un comment the div in the td, and apply the position relative to that.
  for some reason position relative doesn't seem to work on a table cell.

  Ivan Svaljek wrote:

  Here is the link, but it changes often:http://tinyurl.com/634p9s

  On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

      do you have a live example I can see?

      vani wrote:
       That made it work in IE, but firefox and opera exhibit serious
       problems with it. Firefox sets the top/left to document
      top/left, and
       opera sets it to table top/left, only IE sets it to cell's top/left.

       On 20 stu, 11:03, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

       make sure you have made the td position:relative

       Ivan Svaljek wrote:

       If I do that, they all pile up on each other at the top/left
      corner of
       the table, like this:http://tinyurl.com/5tdmgm

       On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Liam Potter
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

           set the css on them to this


           vani wrote:
            I've taken out the div, but it doesn't matter because as
      soon as I
            change the images positioning to absolute they change
      their top/left
            coordinates to the center of the cell, like this:

            On 20 stu, 09:57, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

            is the div necessary?
            Try taking it out.

            vani wrote:

            Thanks for replying, but I'm still having trouble
      making it
           work. I
            tried to set the table to relative and img to absolute
      but it
            work as intended.
            This is the layout of the table:
            tddivimg //div/td
            tddivimg //div/td
            tddivimg //div/td

            ...I'm trying toresizethe img elements.

            On 19 stu, 18:15, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

            use absolute positioning and set the parent element
      to relative.

            vani wrote:

            Is it possible to create an animatedresizeof an
            affecting the layout of the parent element table?
            I'm usingjQuery1.2.6 and possibly personalized
     jQueryUI, if

[jQuery] Re: Resize an element without affecting the layout

2008-11-21 Thread vani

I have thus far tried the hover, mouseover/out, and bind methods with
pretty much the same effect, over and out happen unexpectedly...

On 21 stu, 11:14, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 rather then using hover try binding the mouseenter and mouseleave events
 to it.

 $(img).bind(mouseenter, function () {
     animate stuff});

 $(img).bind(mouseleave, function () {
  back to normal

 vani wrote:
  I made some progress as you can see here:http://tinyurl.com/645ow4,
  but I've ran into problem with jquery hover function. Its over and out
  functions fire too many times while the cursor is still over the same
  image. That happens only if I use the animate effect inside the over
  function, if I just switch the size of the images it works without a

  On 20 stu, 13:08, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  erm, best way to explain is to show an example.

  lets say the image is 400x400 to get it in the center you will need to
  set top and left to half that.


  If I'm right this should work, and you can use this in jquery animate.

  vani wrote:

  That's it, weehee! Now if only I could somehow position the center of
  the images to coincide with the center of parent cell? Any ideas on
  that one, and perhaps compatible with jquery animated resize?

  On 20 stu, 12:43, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ok, got it.
  Un comment the div in the td, and apply the position relative to that.
  for some reason position relative doesn't seem to work on a table cell.

  Ivan Svaljek wrote:

  Here is the link, but it changes often:http://tinyurl.com/634p9s

  On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

      do you have a live example I can see?

      vani wrote:
       That made it work in IE, but firefox and opera exhibit serious
       problems with it. Firefox sets the top/left to document
      top/left, and
       opera sets it to table top/left, only IE sets it to cell's 

       On 20 stu, 11:03, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

       make sure you have made the td position:relative

       Ivan Svaljek wrote:

       If I do that, they all pile up on each other at the top/left
      corner of
       the table, like this:http://tinyurl.com/5tdmgm

       On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Liam Potter
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

           set the css on them to this


           vani wrote:
            I've taken out the div, but it doesn't matter because as
      soon as I
            change the images positioning to absolute they change
      their top/left
            coordinates to the center of the cell, like this:

            On 20 stu, 09:57, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

            is the div necessary?
            Try taking it out.

            vani wrote:

            Thanks for replying, but I'm still having trouble
      making it
           work. I
            tried to set the table to relative and img to absolute
      but it
            work as intended.
            This is the layout of the table:
            tddivimg //div/td
            tddivimg //div/td
            tddivimg //div/td

            ...I'm trying toresizethe img elements.

            On 19 stu, 18:15, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

            use absolute positioning and set the parent element
      to relative.

            vani wrote:

            Is it possible to create an animatedresizeof an
            affecting the layout of the parent element table?
            I'm usingjQuery1.2.6 and possibly personalized
     jQueryUI, if

[jQuery] Re: Resize an element without affecting the layout

2008-11-20 Thread vani

I've taken out the div, but it doesn't matter because as soon as I
change the images positioning to absolute they change their top/left
coordinates to the center of the cell, like this: http://tinyurl.com/5vmb42

On 20 stu, 09:57, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is the div necessary?
 Try taking it out.

 vani wrote:
  Thanks for replying, but I'm still having trouble making it work. I
  tried to set the table to relative and img to absolute but it didn't
  work as intended.
  This is the layout of the table:
  tddivimg //div/td
  tddivimg //div/td
  tddivimg //div/td

  ...I'm trying to resize the img elements.

  On 19 stu, 18:15, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  use absolute positioning and set the parent element to relative.

  vani wrote:

  Is it possible to create an animated resize of an element without
  affecting the layout of the parent element table?
  I'm using jQuery 1.2.6 and possibly personalized jQuery UI, if

[jQuery] Re: Resize an element without affecting the layout

2008-11-20 Thread vani

That made it work in IE, but firefox and opera exhibit serious
problems with it. Firefox sets the top/left to document top/left, and
opera sets it to table top/left, only IE sets it to cell's top/left.

On 20 stu, 11:03, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 make sure you have made the td position:relative

 Ivan Svaljek wrote:
  If I do that, they all pile up on each other at the top/left corner of
  the table, like this:http://tinyurl.com/5tdmgm

  On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

      set the css on them to this


      vani wrote:
       I've taken out the div, but it doesn't matter because as soon as I
       change the images positioning to absolute they change their top/left
       coordinates to the center of the cell, like this:

       On 20 stu, 09:57, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

       is the div necessary?
       Try taking it out.

       vani wrote:

       Thanks for replying, but I'm still having trouble making it
      work. I
       tried to set the table to relative and img to absolute but it
       work as intended.
       This is the layout of the table:
       tddivimg //div/td
       tddivimg //div/td
       tddivimg //div/td

       ...I'm trying to resize the img elements.

       On 19 stu, 18:15, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

       use absolute positioning and set the parent element to relative.

       vani wrote:

       Is it possible to create an animated resize of an element
       affecting the layout of the parent element table?
       I'm using jQuery 1.2.6 and possibly personalized jQuery UI, if

[jQuery] Re: Resize an element without affecting the layout

2008-11-20 Thread vani

That's it, weehee! Now if only I could somehow position the center of
the images to coincide with the center of parent cell? Any ideas on
that one, and perhaps compatible with jquery animated resize?

On 20 stu, 12:43, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ok, got it.
 Un comment the div in the td, and apply the position relative to that.
 for some reason position relative doesn't seem to work on a table cell.

 Ivan Svaljek wrote:
  Here is the link, but it changes often:http://tinyurl.com/634p9s

  On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

      do you have a live example I can see?

      vani wrote:
       That made it work in IE, but firefox and opera exhibit serious
       problems with it. Firefox sets the top/left to document
      top/left, and
       opera sets it to table top/left, only IE sets it to cell's top/left.

       On 20 stu, 11:03, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

       make sure you have made the td position:relative

       Ivan Svaljek wrote:

       If I do that, they all pile up on each other at the top/left
      corner of
       the table, like this:http://tinyurl.com/5tdmgm

       On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Liam Potter
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

           set the css on them to this


           vani wrote:
            I've taken out the div, but it doesn't matter because as
      soon as I
            change the images positioning to absolute they change
      their top/left
            coordinates to the center of the cell, like this:

            On 20 stu, 09:57, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

            is the div necessary?
            Try taking it out.

            vani wrote:

            Thanks for replying, but I'm still having trouble
      making it
           work. I
            tried to set the table to relative and img to absolute
      but it
            work as intended.
            This is the layout of the table:
            tddivimg //div/td
            tddivimg //div/td
            tddivimg //div/td

            ...I'm trying toresizethe img elements.

            On 19 stu, 18:15, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

            use absolute positioning and set the parent element
      to relative.

            vani wrote:

            Is it possible to create an animatedresizeof an
            affecting the layout of the parent element table?
            I'm usingjQuery1.2.6 and possibly personalized
     jQueryUI, if

[jQuery] Resize an element without affecting the layout

2008-11-19 Thread vani

Is it possible to create an animated resize of an element without
affecting the layout of the parent element table?
I'm using jQuery 1.2.6 and possibly personalized jQuery UI, if

[jQuery] Re: Resize an element without affecting the layout

2008-11-19 Thread vani

Thanks for replying, but I'm still having trouble making it work. I
tried to set the table to relative and img to absolute but it didn't
work as intended.
This is the layout of the table:
tddivimg //div/td
tddivimg //div/td
tddivimg //div/td

...I'm trying to resize the img elements.

On 19 stu, 18:15, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 use absolute positioning and set the parent element to relative.

 vani wrote:
  Is it possible to create an animated resize of an element without
  affecting the layout of the parent element table?
  I'm using jQuery 1.2.6 and possibly personalized jQuery UI, if