[jQuery] Superfish - Last-child and Parent class at the same time

2009-11-05 Thread Goh Hao-Wei

How do I get a li item to have both the Parent and the Last-Child
class at the same time? Reason is, I'm making use of Last-child class
to control the borders for the last item in a sub menu, but I'm having
difficulties when the last-child has its own sub menu, making it only
having the parent class without the last-child class.

[jQuery] Class problem with parent item but also a last-child

2009-11-05 Thread Goh Hao-Wei

I've been experimenting with SF menu on my experimental site at

From my understanding, any last item will be assigned the class .last-
child and if the item has submenus under it, it will be
assigned .parent instead.

If my last item has submenus, then it loses the .last-child class and
is replaced by the .parent class.
How do I make sure both classes are assigned?

Reason I need that is because I'm making use of the .last-child class
to control the borders. Each item has borders top, left and right. The
last-child has the same, but with the bottom border as well.

I'm not a PHP expert. I tried playing around with default.php but
still could not get it right. Maybe there's a better way to do what
i'm trying to achieve? Thanks!

[jQuery] Why no entire text is replaced when I pick a date on the datepicker?

2009-09-13 Thread wei

I have a datapicker on the date field with a format of -mm-dd.
After selecting a date on the datepicker, only a portion of the
default value is replaced. Can someone tell me what is missing and how
to resolve this problem?

Thanks very much in advance.

[jQuery] A few novice questions on Datepicker

2009-07-30 Thread wei

I just plug in the JQuery into my Spring application. It looks great.
I have a few questions in the regards:

1. how to configure the Datepicker so that only the current and future
date can be picked?
2. how to let the initial date shown as the date format used in the
3. what are the forward and backward arrow icon names? I make a very
minor modification on the CSS file so that the datepicker will popup
on top of my page. I can't find the arrow icon names in the CSS file.


[jQuery] Ajax callback hits problem on IE6/7 when the load up page is JSP/JSF

2008-01-03 Thread Wei

hi all, (i posted my msg but i don't see it on the message board.. now

i am using the following two libraries:

script src=js/jquery/jquery-1.2.1.js type=text/javascript/
script src=js/jquery/jquery.ui-1.0/ui.tabs.js type=text/

what i am trying to do is to load up the tab content when the user
clicks the tab. so i think ajax page load up comes handy here. so i
used :

$('#example ul').tabs({ fxSlide: true, fxFade: true, fxSpeed:
'normal', cache: false });



div id=example class=flora
 lia href=cheap.htmlspanone/span/a/li
lia href=bad.htmlspantwo/span/a/li
lia href=hello.facesspanthree/span/a/li


everything is running and dancing in firefox. but in IE6/7, i can load
up the first two tabs without any problem, though for tab three, it
doesn't load up. here is the code for hello.jsp.

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
%-- jsf:pagecode language=java location=/src/pagecode/Hello.java
--%%-- /jsf:pagecode --%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] language=java contentType=text/html; charset=UTF8
[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri=http://java.sun.com/jsf/core; prefix=f%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri=http://java.sun.com/jsf/html; prefix=h%
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF8

h:form styleClass=form id=form1
h:inputText styleClass=inputText 

what have i done wrong? please help.. thanks a lot..
