[jQuery] jQuery+Cycle - IE 7 8 png images in rotation getting black border - applied truetype bg - not working

2010-02-02 Thread rc cola
any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] jQuery and IE 8

2010-01-06 Thread Mauricio Cirelli
Hello guys,

I'm developing a web site for a friend and I'm worried about a
The Url is: http://www.futuragames.com.br/radioboy

As you will see, it works perfectly on Firefox and Google Chrome, but
I get a mysterious when running on IE 8.

The error message is: Invalid argument on line 53 of the jQuery
library file. I don't know what does it mean and how can I figure it
out. Can anyone help me, please?


[jQuery] JQuery slideToggle IE visibility problem and jumpy animation

2009-10-28 Thread umix

Hey yaa!

I have a big problem with my jquery.
I finally made it that my slidetoggle runs in firefox.
The animation is a little bit jumpy in the end of the animation.
I read a lot of workarounds, but somehow nothing helped me really.
Perhaps anyone of you can rescue me out of this dilemma.

The other bigger problem is that the hidden divs are unfortunately
shown directly on start in internet explorer. I tested it in IE67.
And the sliding effect is also very strange.

Does anyone of you know if I have to give additional styling for IE???

Here is my site I am working on:


the red titles are slideable in the content area and the two Slide words on
the right panel.

I noticed that Internet Explorer runs the first Slide word on the right
panel correctly.
Here its div is first hidden and only shows up when we click and let it
slide down.
But for the other divs they are shown in the beginning which is very sh.

Please help meee

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Jquery Corner IE issues

2009-10-14 Thread Paul

Hi there,

When using Jquery Corner in Firefox  Safari it works like a charm,
but in IE 7  8 I only get four ugly black corners... How can I solve
this: http://www.cornelisdehoutman.nl/futureisnow

[jQuery] jQuery cycle IE issue

2009-09-15 Thread kcory


I've tried implementing jQuery cycle on my portfolio and it works in FF3 and
Safari but not in IE. I've spent 24 hours researching and I just don't know
how to fix it. I've checked for commas, I've tried altering the cleartype
and cleartypeNoBg because I'm using .pngs but that still doesn't make a
difference. I've disabled all of my other jquery scripts and it still
doesn't work.

I have 4 images in my slideshow and the first image shows but I think the
problem is that in IE the height and width of the rest of the images is set
to 0px. I'm also getting the error '[cycle] DOM not ready, queuing

This is my jQuery:

!--[if lte IE 7]
script src=http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.0(beta3)/IE7.js

script type=text/javascript

script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery.scrollTo-min.js'/script
script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery.localscroll-min.js'/script
script type='text/javascript' src='js/init.js'/script

script type=text/javascript src=js/easySlider1.7.js/script
script type=text/javascript
controlsBefore: 'p id=controls',
controlsAfter:  '/p',
auto: false, 
continuous: false

controlsBefore: 'p id=controls2',
controlsAfter:  '/p',
prevId: 'prevBtn2',
nextId: 'nextBtn2'

script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery.cycle.all.min.js/script

script type=text/javascript

fx: 'fade', 
cleartype: true,
speed:  1000, 
timeout: 0,
prev:   '#prev',
next:   '#next'

fx: 'fade',
cleartype: true, 
speed:  1000, 
timeout: 0,
prev:   '#prev2',
next:   '#next2'

This is my css:

.slideshow-image {
 margin: 63px 0 0 57px;
 position: absolute;
 display: block;

.pics { 
 height: 463px; 
 width: 841px; 
 overflow: hidden 

.pics img { 
 height: 463px; 
 width: 841px; 
 padding: 0px; 
 border: none; 

All of this is from http://www.katherinecory.com. Does anyone have any
ideas? I'd be eternally grateful if you do!

Thank you.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] jquery + cycle + IE

2009-08-09 Thread nspace

Having a bit of an issue with my setup with jQuery + Cycle


There are two divs that control the photos, #controller, and #prevNext
which has two href's in it that link to #next and #prev anchors like
in the demos from the Cycle website.

I am using the Cycle pager technique like this:

script type=text/javascript

.before('div id=controller')
fx: 'scrollHorz',
speed: 'fast',
timeout: 0,
pager: '#controller',
next: '#next',
prev: '#prev'


Works fine in Safari and Firefox so far, but for whatever reason, both
of those controllers will not show up in IE6 or IE7. I am a little bit

[jQuery] jQuery on IE

2009-07-09 Thread Paulo Henrique
Hello people...
I've been working with jQuery for some time now, but mostly on Firefox. But
i was finishing an old project, and needed javascript, so I decided to use
jQuery on it too.
It worked perfectly on Firefox, but on IE it ain't working.
The code is as it follows:

 var nome = ;
 var pos = ;
 var html = document.createElement(div);
 $(html).attr(id, submenu);

But the IE complains about the $ before (document), saying that an object is
expected (object expected at line X character 1).

Anyone out there could know what might be the reason?
Waiting for your help, and thanks in advance for your time.

Paulo Henrique Vieira Neves
Bsc. Sistemas de Informação
+55 38 9141 5400
MSN: paulode...@live.com
GTALK: paulode...@gmail.com
SKYPE: paulodemoc

[jQuery] Jquery and IE

2009-04-30 Thread Ítalo

I'm new in here, english sucks.
I've got a problem with this function:


$(#caixa_disciplinas ul li).each(function(){
hora = 
cod = 
dia = 

function selecionaDisciplina(elemento, tipo){
case 'I':

selecionaDisciplina(elemento, 'E');
case 'E':

selecionaDisciplina(elemento, 'I');
return false;
return false;

It works perfectly in FF but never works in IE7.
The script lock and close the browser.

Any Idea?

[jQuery] jquery lightbox - ie height problem

2009-04-23 Thread Titti

Hi, i'm using jquery lightbox, but when i open an image from ie,
lightbox background' s height doesn't cover all website.
Take a look here


I tried using z-index or changhing height, but problem persist.

Thank you


[jQuery] jQuery and IE

2009-02-24 Thread Bob O

So im stumped..I have my jquery file in the headers, and it works in
Opera, Safari, FF on mac, and FF on Windows, but i get nothing in
IE..its there, its just broken.

i recently added the validation plugin?

could there be something im missing?

[jQuery] jQuery / XML / IE

2008-11-13 Thread Jemo

OK, this works marvelously in Safari and Firefox for the Mac as well
as Firefox for the PC but it doesn't work worth spit in IE. I would
appreciate any assistance.

It's just reading form a simple XML file to output information in


[jQuery] jquery history_remote IE bug?

2008-10-13 Thread Leanan

I'm not sure if this is a bug so I thought I'd ask folks and see what
they had to say.

I have some export links on a page, and despite me not using $.remote
or $.history (I use $.click) when a user clicks on these export links
in IE, if they use the browser back button afterwards, it tries to re-
do the export.  I'm not exactly sure what to do about this.  I've
looked at my code and looked at the plugin code, and nothing jumps out
as me as the cause of this issue.

Firefox handles it beautifully.

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX IE Error

2008-05-06 Thread MediaJunkie

The offending jQuery code:

type: POST,
url: /?ct=ratingrt_v=rrrt_rk= + 
dataType: html,
success: function(dataSet) {
var status = $(status, 
if (status == ERROR) {

The error IE gives:

Line: 173
Character: 6
Code: 0
Error Message: 'undefined' is null or not an object

Line 173 is:

 if (status == ERROR) {

This code works just fine in FF and Safari.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

- Brad

[jQuery] jQuery + SelectBox + IE don't work

2008-02-11 Thread Mr Bola A Bola

There is some problem with this script working in IE. It works in
FireFox. The whole thing consists of HTML page, JS file and CSS file.
The following html page is validated XHTML. It contains Select box and
two anchors for filtering the content of that select box.
One filter filters options by first letter. The other filter is toggle

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; 
charset=utf-8 /

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=style.css /
script type=text/javascript src=jquery/jquery-1.2.3.js/
script type=text/javascript src=script.js/script
a id=toggle href=Just own/Not just own/a
br /
a id=alphabetall href=#Все/a
a class=alphabet href=#A/a
a class=alphabet href=#B/a
a class=alphabet href=#C/a
a class=alphabet href=#P/a
br /
select id=market
option class=product own value=0/option
option class=product own A value=11Apple/option
option class=product own B value=12Banana/option
option class=product own A 
option class=product P value=21Potato/option
option class=product own P value=14Peach/option
option class=product C value=22Carrot/option
option class=product C value=23Cabbage/option

Script file is quite simple and follows:

$(.alphabet).click(function() {
var al = $(this).html();
if(onlyown==0) {
} else if(onlyown==1) {
return false;

//*When All is clicked show all records
$(#alphabetall).click(function() {
if(onlyown==0) {
return false;
} else if (onlyown==1) {
return false;

//*When this is toggled show only OWN or ALL records
var onlyown=0;
$(#toggle).click(function() {
if(onlyown==0) {
} else if (onlyown==1) {
return false;

Just in case here is CSS:

.product {
.own {

[jQuery] jQuery, AJAH IE 7

2008-01-24 Thread Vlad Mazek


I have a bit of a problem with Internet Explorer 6/7 specifically, the
code works perfectly fine in Firefox.

What I am essentially doing is creating a dynamic form. Based on the
inputs, different forms are sent back into different div containers
as the user moves through the application. The first request receives
the set of forms (really just prefilled html/form markup) just fine.

Working with this second set of forms and jQuery in Internet Explorer
7 seems to be futile - no response at all to any jQuery functions. All
my posts push the browser forward, calls to my javascript functions
come back with Error - Object Expected, none of my jQuery effects
seem to work.. even though all the forms are on the same page.

I'm afraid I'm missing something pretty grand in terms of concepts
here and was hoping someone would be kind enough to explain just where
I am going wrong about this. Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Jquery and IE problem

2007-08-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All!

I have a problem with my jquery code in IE browser. See bellow:

I have two select: first - brand auto, second - model of auto.
select with models is generated depending of brand using jquery


$(document).ready(function() {
$('select#id_brand').change(function() {
var url = '/ajax/brand/';
$.getJSON(url, {id: $(this).val()}, function(j) {
var options = '';
for (var i = 0; i  j.length; i++) {
options += 'option value=' + j[i].id + '' + j[i].name + '/

This code work in many browsers but not in IE. Can anybody help me? TIA