[jQuery] Masked Input plugin, changing values

2010-01-14 Thread Brett Ritter
I have a user request that a month entry (99/) allow the user to
input just a single-digit month (9/) and the page will auto-pad.

Thus if I type "1/1999" I should get "01/1999".
In general, I'm trying to use the masked input plugin all around.

I thought I'd just place a keydown event to trigger on the "/" and
modify the input value to insert the preceeding zero, and let the
plugin run as normal.  Unfortunately the plugin events maintain an
internal idea of the state of the field, so this doesn't work.

Removing and reapplying the mask wipes the existing value of the field.

I can tweak the plugin to do what I want, but now I'm running a fork.
Has anyone else dealt with this?  Am I missing an obvious way of doing

Brett Ritter / SwiftOne

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin 1.2.2 Released

2009-03-10 Thread Josh Bush

There is now a new version of my Masked Input Plugin (http://
digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/) for jQuery.  This is
primarily a bugfix release which addresses some edge cases.
Additionaly, I made a few changes that I feel make the plugin behave
more natural so that the user experience isn't affected too much by
using the plugin.

A few other things worth noting:  This is my first build for this
plugin that uses a build script.  No longer am I compressing the
javascript by hand.  I'm hoping to extend the script further so that
future releases are easier.  Also, I'm now compressing the script with
YUI Compressor.

This release has been tested with jQuery 1.3.2 and 1.2.6.

Fixed bug which blocked apple meta key.  This was keeping copy and
paste via keyboard shortcut from working on Mac.
Fixed bug that caused mask literals to be pushed into the mask
placeholder positions when verifying the data.
Fixed bug that prevented user input from completing when mask ended in
mask literal.

Changed behavior on focus to select all text if focusing on a
completed mask.
No more masking on readonly inputs.
Changed escape behavior to put the input back to the original value
instead of just blanking the text.
Increased range of accepted characters for input.

Josh Bush

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin

2009-01-13 Thread Joel Lobo

I need a customization in my mask. The mask does not have a fixed
format. As the user types in the it can be changed.

The year(after the bar) can be with 2 or 4 digits.

Initial mask "9.99/99-99"

If the user type another character mask must change to

Masked Input Plugin 1.2.1
Richfaces 3.2.1.GA

Joel Lobo
Fortaleza - Brazil

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin 1.2.1 Released

2008-12-22 Thread Josh Bush

There is now a new version of my Masked Input Plugin (
http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/ ) for jQuery.
Version 1.2.1 moves one step closer to my bigger picture for the
plugin.  I had to make a few breaking changes to do so, but I feel
that the end result is worth it.  This release adds a lot more polish
to the 1.2 release.  Here's what we've got.

* BREAKING CHANGE: Removed deprecated $.mask.addPlaceholder method.
Use the "$.mask.definitions['']="";" syntax instead.  I said I was
going to do this on the last release and now seems just as good a time
as any.
* BREAKING CHANGE: Removed "allowPartial" option in favor of new mask
syntax I'll describe below.  A discussion and code exchange with
Michael Bray inspired this change.  I hate that it's a breaking
change, but the new way makes a lot more sense.
* New mask syntax option '?'.  Anything listed after '?' within the
mask is considered optional user input.  The common example for this
is phone number + optional extension.  The new syntax will look like
this: "(999) 999-? x9"
* I got rid of the awkward input behavior where users typed over top
of existing input.  The plugin acted like a word processor Insert
mode.  This has always agrivated me, so now the input shifts on input
and backspace/delete.
* Now calling .change() on blur if the value has changed since the
plugin prevents the change event from being fired naturally.
* Pasting incomplete test no longer wipes the input.  Instead, the
cursor is just placed where the input leaves off.
* Fixed backspace detection for iPhone.  Plugin is now iPhone
* Fixed pasting bug when mask starts with a literal and caret position
is on the literal character.

I feel really good about this release.  I made some changes that I
feel are good for the direction of the plugin.  Iif you don't like
some of the changes please let me know and I'll look at adding them
back in as options.  I'm trying hard not to bloat things up, but I
don't want to remove features that are needed.

Merry Christmas!

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin 1.2

2008-12-08 Thread Josh Bush

There is now a new version of my Masked Input Plugin for jQuery(http://
digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/). After a long absence
with this project, I finally decided to tackle some of the more
requested features that have been sent to me. I also did some big
reorganization to make room for some future enhancements. With all the
changes, it seemed appropriate to bump this version from the 1.1

*Paste support for more browsers. It should now work in IE7, Firefox
3, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.
*Fixed backspace bug in Opera.  I had originally put in special
handling for Opera to get past a bug that appears to be fixed in
current releases.  This code is now removed.
*Calling .mask() with no arguments will now return the value of the
input without the literals.
*Added option "allowPartial" that will allow partial input to remain
when focus is lost.
*Exposed the hash table of the mask definitions directly to replace
the $.mask.addPlaceholder() method.  The old method remains for now,
but will be removed in a future relase.  You should now add custom
mask definitions by "$.mask.definitions[char]=regex;"
*Code refactoring and  house cleaning.  I made things more jQuery like
and removed some crufty code in the process.  The end result is better
organization to build on for future enhancements.

Please let me know if you have any troubles with this release.  I'm
excited about the changes and I am looking forward to a few future
enhancements after this release gets stabilized.  I think the biggest
request has been to allow for incomplete input into the masks, so
hopefully a lot of you will be happy.


[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin 1.1.3

2008-04-16 Thread Josh Bush

Hello everyone, I've been away from the mailing list for a bit.  I
just released an updated version of the masked input plugin to take
care of a bug that several people pointed out.  The buffer was not
being cleared properly, and when a character got shifted, it would
appear twice (once in the old position and once in the new).

You can download the latest version at: 
or from the jQuery plugins repository.

Thank You
Josh Bush

[jQuery] Masked input plugin for hour

2008-01-23 Thread Bruno Eustáquio F. Andrade
How accept only the minutes 00, 15, 30, 45 using the masked input plugin for

[jQuery] Masked input plugin for hour

2008-01-21 Thread brunoefa

How accept only the minutes 00, 15, 30, 45 using the masked input plugin for
hour? thanks
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin 1.1.2

2007-11-29 Thread Josh Bush

I just released version 1.1.2 of my Masked Input Plugin for jQuery.
Felix Geisendörfer helped me mash out a few things with this release.
He fixed the bug for Mac/Firefox with the backspace key and got me to
open up the caret positioning functions. Thanks Felix!

Here are the changes for this release

* Fixed a bug in Mac Firefox with backspacing.
* Fixed a bug where delete at end of mask produced an extra
placeholder character.
* Exposed the caret positioning and retrieval methods as a jQuery
function extension. You can now call $().caret() to get a caret
position and $().caret(start [,end]) to set a caret position.

Please go check out the latest version at 

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin Direction

2007-10-19 Thread Josh Bush

A lot of people seem to need dynamic width number masking.  Where
currency symbols, decimal separators, and thousands separators are
applied automatically.  I'm thinking about taking this on, but I have
a few questions.

1.Should is be a part of the masked input plugin or a separate new
  *It seems like the only similarities between the two would be the
caret positioning stuff.

2.Regardless of separation, should I modify the namespacing to
accomodate both?
   a.  $(selector).mask.fixed(mask,options);  //current behavior
   b.  $(selector).mask.variable(mask,options); //new proposed

Also, the biggest thing that's running through my head is this.
What's the easiest way to denote this?  Ideally I'd like to say
mask.variable("-$9.99") or something similar, but that doesn't really
give me any kind of idea on how to do this for other nationalities.
Should I leave all of the i18n stuff as options?
{decimalSeparator:",",thousandsSeparator:"."}  This seems clunky to
me.  Is there any good way to read internationalization and
globalization stuff from the browser?My head is swimming with
ideas here, I just need some direction.


[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin 1.1.1

2007-10-02 Thread Josh Bush

Okay, I had to make a quick fix on this today because I basically
broke the plugin for IE.  I made the mistake of using $.each() on a
string and each character was showing as undefined.  Does anyone know
if $.each is supposed to work on strings?  It seems to work just fine
in every other browser except IE.

Regardless, bug or not, the fix is lise on the plugin page at


[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin 1.1

2007-10-02 Thread Josh Bush

I just released version 1.1 of my Masked Input Plugin for jQuery. I
have more features in the pipeline to add to 1.2, but I wanted to get
a few fixes out the door before doing so. The only thing new this time
is an unmask method.

In addition to code changes, I've made a few more enhancements. I've
added a packed version for those who want the smallest possible
footprint. I've also given the project page a face lift to make things
easier to find.

Below is a list of changes this time:

* NEW FEATURE: unmask() method to remove masking for a previously
masked input.
* Safari cursor position fix.
* Cursor position behavior change: Cursor goes to the end of the
input on a completed input. Cursor goes to the first placeholder
position on a blank input.
* Fixed improper escaping of certain mask characters.
* Code refactoring to reduce size and complexity.

Please check it out at: http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin

Thank You

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin RC3

2007-07-02 Thread Josh Bush

I keep coming across a few bugs here and there that need fixing.  I've
released the 3rd RC for my masked input plugin.  This one has breaking
changes, so if anyone is using it, please proceed carefully.

Here's what I managed to get into this release.

* BREAKING CHANGE: The mask function has been changed to more closely
match the style of the jQuery library. Instead of
calling .maskedinput(), you will need to call .mask(). Additionally
the .AddMaskDefinition() has been moved to a namespace and renamed.
Instead, you should make a call to .mask.addPlaceholder().
* Fixed a bug where the buffer was wiped when text was selected and a
non-typeable character was pressed.
* Fixed a bug where the buffer was not cleared, but the text was when
pressing the escape key.
* More code cleanup.

Please check it out at http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin

Thank You

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin RC2

2007-06-27 Thread Josh Bush

Hey there, I'm back at it trying to push to a 1.0 release.  I made
some code changes, so I would like some verification that all is well
before I move this to a v1.0 status.

The following is a list of changes for this release.
 * Now supports user defined placeholder characters by calling
"$.AddMaskDefinition(char,regex)" .  There is an example on my site.
 * Fixed a bug where backspace from the first character position
deleted the mask.
 * General code cleanup.

Please check it out at:

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin RC1a

2007-06-22 Thread Josh Bush

Hey guys and gals.  I learned about the .call() functionality today
and decided to modify the behavior of the optional mask completed
function.  Now you don't need to specify an parameter when you define
your function; you can simply use "this".

{alert("You typed the following: "+input.val());}});

{alert("You typed the following: "+this.val());}});

It's not a necessary change, I just wasn't happy with forcing the user
to add a param to their functions.  It seemed a bit kludgey to me.

The new version is up at: http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin
and also at the official jQuery plugin repository:

Thank You

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin RC1

2007-06-21 Thread Josh Bush

I'm getting there. I've released another revision to my Masked Input
Plugin for jQuery. I'm calling this release candidate 1 because this
is the feature set I wish to implement for v1.0 and I don't anticipate
any breaking API changes.

The following is a list of changes for this release.

* Fixed a Safari issue where backspace deleted wrong characters
and messed up cursor position.
* Fixed an issue where pre-filled input (value="something") was
deleted on focus.

Please check it out at: http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin
or on the new jQuery plugin repository at: 


[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin Beta 2a

2007-06-13 Thread Josh Bush

I've released a minor update to the second beta of my Masked Input
Plugin for jQuery.  This release fixes a small bug where the mask
disappears on focus when the input box has no data.

Please check it out at: http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/

[jQuery] Masked Input Plugin Beta 2

2007-06-12 Thread Josh Bush

I'm proud to announce the second beta of my Masked Input Plugin for
jQuery. This release fixes a few bugs from Beta 1 and adds a few

The following is a list of changes for this release.

* BREAKING CHANGE: If you were using the optional placeholder
argument, you will need to change it to a hashmap syntax. Please see
the example above for reference.
* Fixed an issue with pasted values not persisting after a blur/focus.
* Added an optional user defined function to execute when the mask has
been completed. I'm using this for my personal projects to advance
focus to another area of the form, but this could also be used to
validate the value inside the input box. Please see example above.
* Fixed the naming convention to conform to the jQuery standard of
* Moved the project files to a more logical location on the web

Please head on over to http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin
to check it out.