[jQuery] Modal dialog?

2009-11-08 Thread Mech7
I have a problem where i might have more then one modal dialog in the
same page.. I want to use a class for this, and select it on the
position in the DOM...

But after I open it one time JQuery UI seems to move the dialog
windows to the bottom... so I cannot search for it in the same
location again to reopen it. Is there anyway to avoid this?

[jQuery] Modal dialog validation problem

2009-10-13 Thread cerberos

I have a form in a modal dialog which I submit with $.post().
Validation is set so that the name field has a min length of 2.

* enter 'a' in name and submit
* validation works, form not submitted, error displayed
* submit again (still with 'a' for name)
* validation fails, form gets submitted and record is created with
invalid name ('a' - too short)

Any ideas why validation is not being called the second time?

  function addNewPlace(parentID, heading, placeType, fade, remove,
$(#addPlace).remove(); // remove any previous forms

  $(data).dialog({modal:true, resizable:false, draggable:false,
title:heading, width: 400});

placeName = $(form#addPlace #id_name).val();

$.post(/places/add-place, $(#addPlace).serialize(),
  updateSelect(parentID, fade, remove, backup, placeName)

return false;

rules: {
  name: {
required: true,
minlength: 2
errorElement: p,
errorClass: errorField,
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
  error.appendTo( element.parent() );
highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) {

[jQuery] Modal Dialog with a datepicker inside, works one time, then never...

2009-09-28 Thread alexbariv

Hi everybody.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm a developer located in Venezuela (latin america), and i have like
2 years using Jquery in every project that came to my hands. Its a
pleasure to meet you all.

For begin, i have a little problem that i hope you can giveme some
light here:

I have created a modal dialog inside a tab with a simple form that has
a datepicker:

div id=tabs-3 style=font-size:11px;

div style=padding-left:75%;
a href=javascript:void(0)
Add Valuation

div id=idValuation style=display:none;padding:2px
td valign=topComments: /td
tdtextarea type=text name=comment_omit
tdDate: /td
script type=text/javascript
input type=text name=date id=idFIV
size=10 class=calendario

So, as you can see i call a function dateSelector and this function
calls the datePicker like this:

function dateSelector(id) {

$(document).ready(function() {

  { showOn: 'button',
buttonImage: 'images/iconos/calendar.png',
buttonImageOnly: true



The dialog its created like this:

function modalForm(id, url, tittle) {

if ( !$(#+id).dialog( 'isOpen' ) ){

bgiframe  : true,
closeOnEscape : true,
resizable : false,
width : 500,
modal : true,
title : tittle,
beforeclose: function(event, ui) {
buttons   : {
'Cancel' : function() {
'Add Record' : function() {




This works just perfect, the dialog appear, i can select the date, add
a record to the database, and then just call again the dialog using
the link.

The thing is that when i use this the first time, works perfect, when
i try to add a second record, the date picker doesnt refresh the
field. It shows the calendar, but when i select a value, this doesnt
appear in the input, and even more strange, if i close de dialog and
then reopen, it appears the value that i tried to select, selected,
but the same problem again.

What i am doing wrong with this ? Why works only the first time and
then breaks?

Thanks in advance for all your help! :-D

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Modal Dialog

2009-09-13 Thread NM


Thanks, but I have already tried this way and the issue that I am
facing in this is that the whole dialog in which that div is contained
is not being able to be dragged and the only portion that i making it
draggable is dragged...

Footer div is dialog1.

Please let me know if I am doing something wrong and how can i make
the whole dialog draggable or from footer just like currently it is
from title...

I am putting sample HTML of what I am using it...

!doctype html
html lang=en
titlejQuery UI Dialog - Basic modal/title
link type=text/css href=../../themes/base/ui.all.css
rel=stylesheet /
script type=text/javascript src=../../jquery-1.3.2.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=../../ui/ui.core.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=../../ui/ui.draggable.js/
script type=text/javascript src=../../ui/ui.dialog.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=../../external/bgiframe/
link type=text/css href=../demos.css rel=stylesheet /
#draggable, #draggable2 { width: 100px; height: 100px; padding:
0.5em; float: left; margin: 0 10px 10px 0; }
#draggable p { cursor: move; }

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,

div class=demo

div id=dialog title=title

div id=dialog1 class=ui-widget-content
p class=ui-widget-headerI can be dragged only by this handle/p

!-- Sample page content to illustrate the layering of the dialog --
div class=hiddenInViewSource style=padding:20px;
pSed vel diam id libero a href=http://example.com;rutrum
convallis/a. Donec aliquet leo vel magna. Phasellus rhoncus faucibus
ante. Etiam bibendum, enim faucibus aliquet rhoncus, arcu felis
ultricies neque, sit amet auctor elit eros a lectus./p
input value=text input /br /
input type=checkbox /checkboxbr /
input type=radio /radiobr /
/selectbr /br /
textareatextarea/textareabr /
/div!-- End sample page content --

/div!-- End demo --

div class=demo-description

pA modal dialog prevents the user from interacting with the rest of
the page until it is closed.  To add a semi-transparent layer that
dims out the page content behind the dialog, set the background color
and opacity of the codeoverlay/code option./p

/div!-- End demo-description --


On Sep 12, 9:12 pm, samma89 samma89frien...@gmail.com wrote:
 yeah..there is a way..add a div to footer or anywhere you want to use
 as the handle.after that write this in the draggable code  handle:
 'div's id or class'.thats it.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Modal Dialog

2009-09-12 Thread NM

Hi anyone,

Any update on this..

On Sep 10, 8:35 pm, NM nehamalhotra262...@gmail.com wrote:

 Iusedthejquerymodaldialogfrom thejqueryui.com, that is
 currently draggable from the title only. is there any way i can make
 that draggable by inserting a div at the footer of thedialogor  make
 it draggable from everywhere in thedialog.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Modal Dialog

2009-09-12 Thread samma89

yeah..there is a way..add a div to footer or anywhere you want to use
as the handle.after that write this in the draggable code  handle:
'div's id or class'.thats it.

[jQuery] Jquery Modal Dialog

2009-09-10 Thread NM


I used the jquery modal dialog from the jqueryui.com, that is
currently draggable from the title only. is there any way i can make
that draggable by inserting a div at the footer of the dialog or  make
it draggable from everywhere in the dialog.

[jQuery] Modal Dialog Window (same as Prototype Window Class - PWC)

2008-11-02 Thread Jesus Manuel Olivas

I am been developing and CMS

So far the app was build with mysql, jpa, java, jsf, richfaces
using netbeans IDE (running over tomcat)

The front end have some OS look using
Prototype Window Class (PWC) http://prototype-window.xilinus.com/
and dock using interface fisheye http://interface.eyecon.ro/docs/fisheye

See image here

I tried some modal windows using jQuery also the UI but can not
get this window approach, any fo you know if there are anything on
jQuery I can use to have same results (this is the only reason for
using prototype and my app also genetared web sites use only jQuery no

Some CMS features
Let you add new jQuery plugins to display content (pages,
galleries, products, forms)
Generates RSS 2.0 and pure  plain HTML
It will be more than just a CMS some CRM and DMS, webmail and
calendar capabilities are part of the app, hope next January will be
the release date for the beta suite

Best Regards and sorry for my english is not my first language, I am
from Mexico

[jQuery] Modal Dialog and scrolling

2008-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everyone. I want to display a long list of elements inside a modal
Dialog(). I want that list to scroll when it reaches the edge of the
Dialog box. For some reason, the bars appear but they wont scroll down
nor up. (For information purposes, elements (divs) are dynamically
added to #feedback-list in the javascript.) Thanks for your time.

Heres the html

div id=feedback

  form id=feedback-form method=post action=.
  div class=title{{ form.title }}/div
 input type=submit value=Submit or a href=#
 div id=feedback-list/div


and  my javascript snipet:

$(#feedback-list).css({overflow: scroll});

modal: true,
overlay: {
opacity: 0.5,
background: black
buttons: {
Ok: function() {
Cancel: function() {

[jQuery] Modal Dialog in blockUI

2008-05-06 Thread Adam

Is it possible to show an external webpage inside of a blockUI modal
dialog?  I'd like to call another page via ajax and populate the
dialog instead of using a reference to a hidden div, etc.