[jQuery] Re: Superfish - CSS questions ?

2008-02-04 Thread Simon

Hi Joel,

Thanks you VERY much for your answer (Much faster than mine, I'm
reading a lot of JS stuff for the moment ;-))

Superfish is really great, I've been looking a lot around, and it's
the best for me!

BUT, I still don't get some few things :-)

You can have a look here = http://ugo.celeonet.fr/testsimon/

And my CSS file is here = http://ugo.celeonet.fr/testsimon/css/nav2.css

By default, I highlight the main tab called item 4, no problem here,
it's easy, but when you try the submenu (item C, item D, etc.) you can
see one of my problems, the drop-down menu don't fade out after the
delay (default setting)...

Do you know what's I'm doing wrong ?

Also, I don't know why, but I would like to put the subnav item (item
C, item D, etc.) in bold (strong) when the drop-down menu is
activated, but then, all the drop-down menu is in bold as well, I've
tried everything, I don't know what I missing, again...

Tons of thanks in advance !!!


[jQuery] Re: Superfish - CSS questions ?

2008-01-31 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Simon,

It looks like you may not want to use the pathClass option for this
type of menu. When you do, it removes the class you pass in ('current'
in your case) and replaces it with your hover class ('sfHover'). This
is necessary to restore and keep open the path to your current page on
idle, but that might mean one of your third level submenus (one of the
vertical ones) would remain open which I doubt you would want. The
pathClass feature has not been properly tested with more than two
levels of menu.

This means that if you just remove that option then you can style your
'current' class however you wish (it seems to look correct with JS

I notice you are calling Superfish using many of the default options
which is unnecessary as they are already set within the plugin. You
only need to pass in options that differ from the defaults. So call
Superfish like this in your case:

delay   : 300,
speed   : 'fast'

My apologies if I have misunderstood your issue.

Joel Birch