[jQuery] Re: jquery.Flash plugin

2009-08-29 Thread unsustainableDesign

Got the above working with slightly different code. Also realized my
non flash content had to be displayed then my flash content would be
displayed only if flash was present.

My code is below. I do not recommend this method since I will have
duplicate information on my site and it may interfere with the SEO

In my header I have this --

script type=text/javascript

$.ajaxSettings.cache = false; //This is for IE.

 // uncomment the alert to actually see the content go from
non flash to flash.
//alert('Once clicked you will see the flash version of the

$('#flashHere').flash(null, null, function (htmlOptions){

my_flash.html is a page with all my flash stuff on it that will remove
my content in the div with an ID of flashHere found in the body of my

In my body I have the following div --
div id=flashHere class=entry hello
I am non flash content and I am seen by all!br
Once flash is noticed my flash replace stuff 
goes here!
Not a bad idea. Too bad I am not very smart and 
did not realize
this sooner.

Hope this helps out other people.


[jQuery] Re: jquery.flash plugin with parameter and variables.

2007-12-13 Thread starepod

So, i looked at the plugin and found this line:

 * @desc The default set of options for the object or embed tag.

and added the following lines:

allowscriptaccess: 'always',
allowfullscreen: 'true'

and that did the trick. Although, I may still play with a method that
does not involve tinkering with the plugin.

On Dec 13, 9:55 am, starepod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I'm a little out of my depth and am looking for a some help. I am
 attempting to use the a href=http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?
 item=JW_FLV_PlayerJW FLV Player/a with the a href=http://
 jquery.lukelutman.com/plugins/flash/jQuery Flash Plugin/a by Luke

 The issue I am running into is how to pass both parameters, in this
 case 'allowscriptaccess' as well as flash variables through the
 script. The intended outcome would be along the lines of:

 embed type=application/x-shockwave-flash src=flvplayer.swf
 id=player name=player quality=high allowfullscreen=true
 allowscriptaccess=always flashvars=file=/

 Right now I am using the plugin to replace this:

 a class=media href=CHIPPROMO320X240.flv rel=video/
 previewchip.jpgThe Chip Video/a

 with this:

 embed flashvars=amp;file=CHIPPROMO320X240.flvamp;image=video/
 pluginspage=http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer; src=video/flvplayer.swf
 type=application/x-shockwave-flash height=218 width=264a
 style=display: none; class=media href=CHIPPROMO320X240.flv
 rel=video/previewchip.jpgThe Chip Video/a

 using this (inside (document).ready()) :

 $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]flv]').flash(
   { src: 'video/flvplayer.swf', height: 218, width: 264 },
   { version: 7 },
   function(htmlOptions) {
 $this = $(this);
 htmlOptions.flashvars.file = $this.attr('href');
 htmlOptions.flashvars.image = $this.attr('rel');
 htmlOptions.flashvars.width = '264';
 htmlOptions.flashvars.height = '218';
 $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]flv]').hide();
 );// end flash embedder

 So I have flash variables working just fine. I am not certain where to
 add additional parameters. The params i am going to use will be the
 same for all of the videos. I need to add: allowfullscreen=true and

 Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.