[jQuery] Superfish not working with Wordpress version jQuery 1.3.2

2009-10-14 Thread Go4


I have used your great plugin for a menu in Wordpress 2.8.4 and I
wanted to use the default Wordpress jQuery library jquery.js?ver=1.3.2
but your plugin Superfish wouldn't work. I added the
jquery-1.2.6.min.js file and it did work OK. Since there is no reason
to have calls to two jQuery libraries which are doing the same thing I
wanted to only  use the default Wordpress jQuery version.  After some
searching I found an answer at this site:

The offending code was here: $(document).ready(function(){

I changed this to: jQuery(document).ready(function($){

Notice the $ function being moved.

This now works OK using the default Wordpress jQuery version 1.3.2.
and I imagine with the latest version of jQuery.



[jQuery] Superfish Not working

2009-03-24 Thread Cory

I am using Epic as my template and can not get superfish to work.
It keeps pulling a Dark Blue lettering for the menu items and some of
them are white.

I need help as I have beta testers checking the site and this is the
only problem I am having.

I am scheduled to launch the site April 1st.

Please let meknow if you can help me.

Site - www.gstcbsa.org/Council.

You should see that some of the items are in Dark Blue and Some in
I can see it this way in FF and IE 7

[jQuery] SuperFish not working

2009-03-03 Thread imageshackuza

I am trying to build my FIRST joomla 1.5 site. I am am using rochen
hosting (they host joomla.org etc) and i have a template installed
from yootheme. I installed my joomla using a fantastico script
provided to me by my host. I have had absolutely no issues installing
any plugins or themes. Prior to installing the superfish module, the
only other extension i have installed is JCE. In other words, this is
a pretty clean install.
I was shocked to find that a simple feature such as a dropdown menu,
was not possible out of the box in joomla 1.5! Anyway, that led me to
search the extensions, which led me to find this plug in.
The problem is that the default installation of this plug in does not
seem to work. You can view my site at


Right there on the homepage, in 3 different browsers, FF3, IE7, and
Safari, there is a problem with the submenus. There are supposed to be
items under both the about us and information tabs. These items
only show up once when you mouse over, and they disappear when u try
and mouse over a second time. I have not touched anything. I have not
tweaked the javascript or touched the css. All i have done is select
the menu type from the parameters option on the right of the module
admin aread, and publish the module in the menu position, and
reference my (now unpublished) mainmenu so that the extension would
know what navigation to follow. What could i be doing wrong?
For joomla extensions, is it necessary to add any javascript tags to
the index.php?

I have been going nuts for hrs trying to figure out what should be a
pretty simple implementation.

Any help will be appreciated.


[jQuery] Superfish hover working improperly in IE

2008-10-11 Thread DaveByDesign

First, kudos to Joel Birch for creating a wonderful menu plugin in
Superfish, but I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that what works
fine in Firefox causes trouble in IE.  In my case, it is simply the
MouseOut being triggered prematurely in IE, so that the drop-down menu
hides when you are still hovering over a menu item.

I have a very basic example at http://bb.allourbooks.com/1.11/ and
would be eternally greatful if someone could point out why this IE
malfunction is occurring.

Thank You,
-David Coon

[jQuery] Superfish not working on PHP page

2007-09-24 Thread Jangla

I've got a page that dynamically loads an xml file and transforms it
into a menu.  I had wanted to use the nice fade effects of superfish
but for some reason, no matter what I do, the animation won't happen!

I've used the latest version of jQuery and made sure I use the
provided CSS and all other included files but no joy.

Will this even work on a PHP page?