[jQuery] using setTimeout to apply fade-in effect to multiple divs in sequence

2009-01-10 Thread legofish


I have 20 divs all with the class .box on my page.
I want to apply the fadeIn() effect to all of them.
I dont want them to all fade in at the same time.
I want them to fade-in one by one, with a slight time offset.
I dont want to use callback functions, because I dont want to wait
until the fade is completely finished on one div before fading the
next div. I want the fade effect on the next div to start a short time
after the effect on the previous one has started.

So I think I need to use setTimeout and some kind of a recursive
method, but I'm not very good with JS so I was hoping someone would
find this trivial and could help answer my question.

my thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Using setTimeout with a callback (callback appends function content)

2008-01-18 Thread WolfZombie

I'm trying to create a simple image slideshow that is timed based on
when the image is loaded.  I'm having a problem when using callback
functions and setTimeout.  The callback function seems to append each
time the function is called.  I was wondering how to resolve this
Order of events:
1. Click Play
2. Play message is shown.
3. First image switch Set message is shown
4. Play message is shown.
5. Second image switch Set message is shown twice.
6. Play message is shown.
7. Third image switch Set message is shown three times.
etc to n Set messages.

The function in question is the $.Play() function.  I appreciate any
guidance on what could solve the problem I am having.

return false;
return false;
$(#play).fadeOut(200, function(){
$(#pause).fadeIn(200, function(){
//timerT = setTimeout($.Play(),2000);
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
$.LoadImage = function(callback) {
$(#imagebox).fadeOut(500, function(){
$(#ssimage).fadeOut(10, function(){
$(#loadbox).fadeIn(10, function(){
$(#imagebox).fadeIn(500, function(){



$(#loadbox).fadeOut(10, function(){

$(#ssimage).fadeIn(500, function(){



$.CalculateDimensions = function(callback) {
var width = images[count][2];
var height = images[count][3];
var doc_width = $(document).width();
var doc_height = $(document).height();
$(#showbox).height(doc_height - 50);
$(#showbox).width(doc_width - 50);
$(#imageboxwrapper).height($(#showbox).height() - $
var max_height = $(#imageboxwrapper).height() - $
(#imagetext).height() - 40;
if(height  max_height){
ratio = max_height/height;
width = ratio * width;
height = ratio * height;
$(#imagebox).css(width, Math.floor(width));
$(#loadbox).css(height, Math.floor(height));

$.Play = function(callback) {
timerT = setTimeout($.Play(),4000);

[jQuery] Using setTimeout()

2007-09-01 Thread barophobia


I'm trying to delay the appearance of $.ajaxStart() using setTimeout()
but I've been unable to get it to work.

I've used it once before in something else and I'm basically just
trying to copy that for $.ajaxStart().


When I run that code I get t has no properties,
jquery-1.1.4-compressed.js line 11.

How do I do this properly?

On a related note, what would be really great is a delay option for
$.ajaxStart() itself. My goal is simply to delay the appearance of the
Loading... div until the ajax calls runs beyond a set time limit.
