[jQuery] jCarousel Question

2009-05-26 Thread West


I have a question regarding jCarousel usage.

I am able to configure jCarousel to display items on more than one
horizontal line?

For example:

back 1 2 forward
--  3 4 -

4 items per section, 2 on each line.

Thank you!

[jQuery] jcarousel question

2009-02-10 Thread Michal


I am using jcarousel and i love it! BUT there is just one thing i use
the autoscroll and static controls. could we add a class to the active
control to change the css...

so when the carousel scrolls to the second image the number 2 static
control gets a class like active or something...

[jQuery] [jCarousel] Question about weird autoscrolling

2008-11-27 Thread jjsanders

Hello everyone,

I am using jcaousel autoscoll autoscrolling based on  this example:

In stead of pictures I am using just plain text:

div style=padding-bottom:10px
ul id=mycarousel class =jcarousel-skin-tango
p class=kopKlein style=width:120pxArtikel 1/p

p class=tekstVak style=width:120px
bLees alles over onze nieuwe content rotator/b
 a href=http://mbalance/news/news_item/7;read moregt;/a
p class=kopKlein style=width:120pxArtikel 2/p
p class=tekstVak style=width:120px

bBlaat je /b
 a href=http://mbalance/news/news_item/5;read moregt;/a
p class=kopKlein style=width:120pxArtikel 3/p
p class=tekstVak style=width:120px
bDit gaat nergens over /b

 a href=http://mbalance/news/news_item/6;read moregt;/a
p class=kopKlein style=width:120pxArtikel 4/p
p class=tekstVak style=width:120px
btest head/b
 a href=http://mbalance/news/news_item/4;read moregt;/a

p class=kopKlein style=width:120pxArtikel 5/p
p class=tekstVak style=width:120px
bInteresting subhead/b
 a href=http://mbalance/news/news_item/2;read moregt;/a


I got it all working but there is one weird thing. When the page loads
it starts by Artikel 1, then it jumps to artikel 4 en goes to artikel
5. Than it jumps back to artikel 1 and starts over again.

These are my settings:

function mycarousel_initCallback(carousel)
// Disable autoscrolling if the user clicks the prev or next
carousel.buttonNext.bind('click', function() {

carousel.buttonPrev.bind('click', function() {

// Pause autoscrolling if the user moves with the cursor over the
carousel.clip.hover(function() {
}, function() {

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
auto: 2,
wrap: 'last',
initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

[jQuery] jCarousel question

2008-05-30 Thread Amos


I am using jCarousel within a jqModal box (http://dev.iceburg.net/
jquery/jqModal/). The problem is that sometimes the jCarousel style
sheet does not seem to operate. In short, sometimes the elements in
the carousel to do display horizontally but display as a list.
Occasionally, the carousel will display as a list and then pop into
horizontal display.

In the style sheet, I removed all references to vertical styles.

The misbehavior is the same in IE 6 and FF 2 and 3.

Site: www.satterlee.com/bec

Any hints on how to handle this will be much appreciated.


[jQuery] jCarousel: question and feature reqs

2008-05-03 Thread bobh


allow me to start with my feature requests:

- I'd like to see multiple ajax carousels on one page. the problem I'm
facing now is calling multiple txt/php files. any tips maybe?
- is it possible to take on a more graceful content loading? now
things are loaded dynamically in between ul tags. that just seems
strange to me because it is se hard to customise. I would prefer
something like this:

div id=carousel
  div class=previous-button/div
  div class=next-button/div

my questions then: how dynamic is loading the carousel images from a
php file exactly? do they all get loaded in the background no matter
what or are they only loaded when they appear in the clipped area? I'm
confused because there's no loading indication and both the official
demo and my own don't seem to have any loading lag. the project I'm
working on should eventually have 4 ajax carousels with up to 150
images each.


[jQuery] jCarousel question

2007-08-03 Thread Fasita

Hi, quick question about jCarousel:

I have 3 items in the carousel, showing only one at a time. What I'm
trying to accomplish is have the middle item showing on start, so you
can scroll one item left or right.

When I set the 'start: 2' option, it does start on the middle item,
but when scrolling left nothing appears, and when scrolling right the
middle item repeats, even though the content for each item is
different. This is repeated in all browsers. Am I doing something
wrong or going about this the wrong way?

Thanks in advance for the help!