[jQuery] jquery.Flash plugin

2009-08-29 Thread unsustainableDesign

I was looking at the jquery.flash plugin and it looks like what I need
to get the job done but I am not able to figure out how to do it.

Here is some sample code from the plugin site

$('.custom').flash(null, null, function(htmlOptions){
// do stuff

Below is the code I tried using

script type=text/javascript
var strToAdd = 'my text to add'


$('#flashHere').flash(null, null, function (htmlOptions){

In the end what I would really like to do is replace one div with one
other if flash is not found, this will help me make an iPhone friendly
version of a site with a lot of flash video on it.
Any suggestions or help would be great!

[jQuery] Jquery.flash plugin causes flickering

2009-03-09 Thread ToTalTim


Im using Jquery Flash plugin for embedding Flash movies into my

When doing this the HTML-version shows up before it gets overwritten
by the flash-version, how to get rid of this slight flickering?

Way i use it:

$('#headertext').each(function() {
var inhoud = $(this).text();
src: root_url + '/grfx/header/swf/header.swf',
width: 700,
height: 30,
wmode: 'transparent',
menu: 0,
flashvars: { koptekst: inhoud }

And in CSS file:

.alt {display:none;}

Hope somebody knows how to deal with this issue;



[jQuery] jquery.flash plugin with parameter and variables.

2007-12-13 Thread starepod

Hello everyone,

I'm a little out of my depth and am looking for a some help. I am
attempting to use the a href=http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?
item=JW_FLV_PlayerJW FLV Player/a with the a href=http://
jquery.lukelutman.com/plugins/flash/jQuery Flash Plugin/a by Luke

The issue I am running into is how to pass both parameters, in this
case 'allowscriptaccess' as well as flash variables through the
script. The intended outcome would be along the lines of:

embed type=application/x-shockwave-flash src=flvplayer.swf
id=player name=player quality=high allowfullscreen=true
allowscriptaccess=always flashvars=file=/

Right now I am using the plugin to replace this:

a class=media href=CHIPPROMO320X240.flv rel=video/
previewchip.jpgThe Chip Video/a

with this:

embed flashvars=amp;file=CHIPPROMO320X240.flvamp;image=video/
previewchip.jpgamp;width=264amp;height=218 pluginspage=http://
www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer src=video/flvplayer.swf
type=application/x-shockwave-flash height=218 width=264a
style=display: none; class=media href=CHIPPROMO320X240.flv
rel=video/previewchip.jpgThe Chip Video/a

using this (inside (document).ready()) :

$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]flv]').flash(
  { src: 'video/flvplayer.swf', height: 218, width: 264 },
  { version: 7 },
  function(htmlOptions) {
$this = $(this);
htmlOptions.flashvars.file = $this.attr('href');
htmlOptions.flashvars.image = $this.attr('rel');
htmlOptions.flashvars.width = '264';
htmlOptions.flashvars.height = '218';
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]flv]').hide();
);// end flash embedder

So I have flash variables working just fine. I am not certain where to
add additional parameters. The params i am going to use will be the
same for all of the videos. I need to add: allowfullscreen=true and

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.