Re: Resultset MovePrevious

1999-12-06 Thread Elena Palanca

Are you using a JDBC-ODBC Bridge? Because in this case the JDBC-ODBC Bridge that is
included in the Java 2 Platform (jdk1.2.x) initial release does not support the new
features in the JDBC 2.0 API (methods as previous(), first(), etc..).
I had the some problem and currently the only way is to create a JDBC connection
with the DB other wise you have to wait for the new version of the Bridge that
support the new features.
You can find some information about this at


Reeta Mittal wrote:

 Hello Everyone,

 I am trying to make a navigation bar. But in JDK1.1.5 only move next method
 is available. In jdk1.2.2 move previous, move last, move first methods are
 available but when I am trying to use them then I am getting that method is
 not available. Can anyone please tell me the reason of this problem ?

 Thanx and Regards,

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Forward Problem

1999-12-06 Thread Legros, Bertrand

Hi all,

Hope someone will be able to help me.

I have a default html page with a login.  When submitted, the following
servlet doPost is in charge of
1) generating the Bean which will create the needed results for JSP
2) forward to the appropriate JSP Page.

I am running on NT, Java 2 and JSWDK 1.01

The problem is :
When doPost is called, the system crashed (Dr Watson) when it reaches
All the code linked to the HelperBean has been tested separately and is ok.
The target page ("home.jsp") is in examples/jsp/BugTrackerJSP/home.jsp
and the url used for the request dispatcher is :

Can someone help with this forward problem?
Thanks for replying directly to my email address.


Here is some code from my servlet.

public synchronized void doPost (HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse
res) throws ServletException,IOException {


String command = req.getQueryString();
Hashtable parms = new Hashtable(20);
String parmName;
String parmValue;
session = req.getSession(true);
HelperBean hb;
Hashtable results;

// get the parameters
for (Enumeration e =
req.getParameterNames();e.hasMoreElements();) {
parmName = (String) e.nextElement();
parmValue = req.getParameter(parmName);

//determine the command
if (parms.get("Transaction")!=null) {
command = (String)parms.get("Transaction");

//get the Helping JavaBeans
// return the class to instantiate
String helperBeanName =

try {
Class c = Class.forName(helperBeanName);
hb = (HelperBean)c.newInstance();
// send the parameter to HelperBean
results = hb.execute(parms);
// results should contain target(JSP) and Vector for
String url = (String)results.get("JSPTarget");
System.out.println("Target received : "+url);
ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
System.out.println("Context get");
RequestDispatcher rd = sc.getRequestDispatcher(url);
System.out.println("dispatcher received");
System.out.println("forward done");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cne) {

} catch (InstantiationException ie) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {

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tracking initialization and destruction of JSP objects

1999-12-06 Thread heyhey

Hello ,

I am developing JSP system that works with some persistent data on the
server. I don't wont to fix the persistence mechanism - persistence
engine should be easily replaced with another one (DBManager,
FileManager, XMLManager) - and my problem is that I don't know how to
implement the initialization / destruction of the Persistent Manager

the ideal solution would be
// pseudo JSP page code
some code that will be invoked when new JSP object is initialized -
  will initialize the PersistenceEngine or increment a counter
some code that will be invoked when this JSP object is destroyed
  will decrement the counter and destroy the PersistenceEngine if
  counter == 0

normal code that handles JSP page request // we know that the
persistence engine is initialized

(I have working prototype with Servlets, but generating complex
dynamic web pages from servlet is ... simple nightmare :(

there  is  probably  some  very simple (standard) solution, but I work
with JSP only for three days ...

Thank you :) and excuse my English.

Best regards,
 heyhey  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: tracking initialization and destruction of JSP objects

1999-12-06 Thread Legros, Bertrand


I don't know if it can help, but have a look at the code below.  It provides
you a way to have a single PersistenceManager on the server and to track the
number of clients


public class PersistenceManager

   static private PersistenceManager instance;
   static private int clients;

   private PersistenceManager()

   static synchronized public PersistenceManager getInstance()
  if (instance == null)
 instance = new PersistenceManager();
  return instance;
 public synchronized void release()
  // Wait until called by the last client
  if (--clients != 0)

 -Original Message-
 From: heyhey [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 11:43 AM
 Subject:  tracking initialization and destruction of JSP objects

 Hello ,

 I am developing JSP system that works with some persistent data on the
 server. I don't wont to fix the persistence mechanism - persistence
 engine should be easily replaced with another one (DBManager,
 FileManager, XMLManager) - and my problem is that I don't know how to
 implement the initialization / destruction of the Persistent Manager

 the ideal solution would be
 // pseudo JSP page code
 some code that will be invoked when new JSP object is initialized -
   will initialize the PersistenceEngine or increment a counter
 some code that will be invoked when this JSP object is destroyed
   will decrement the counter and destroy the PersistenceEngine if
   counter == 0

 normal code that handles JSP page request // we know that the
 persistence engine is initialized

 (I have working prototype with Servlets, but generating complex
 dynamic web pages from servlet is ... simple nightmare :(

 there  is  probably  some  very simple (standard) solution, but I work
 with JSP only for three days ...

 Thank you :) and excuse my English.

 Best regards,
  heyhey  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: tracking initialization and destruction of JSP objects

1999-12-06 Thread Stephen Summerfield

 -Original Message-
 From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification
 and reference

 I am developing JSP system that works with some persistent data on the
 server. I don't wont to fix the persistence mechanism - persistence
 engine should be easily replaced with another one (DBManager,
 FileManager, XMLManager) - and my problem is that I don't know how to
 implement the initialization / destruction of the Persistent Manager

 the ideal solution would be
 // pseudo JSP page code
 some code that will be invoked when new JSP object is initialized -
   will initialize the PersistenceEngine or increment a counter
 some code that will be invoked when this JSP object is destroyed
   will decrement the counter and destroy the PersistenceEngine if
   counter == 0

 normal code that handles JSP page request // we know that the
 persistence engine is initialized

Just think of JSPs as auto-generated servlets, which they are.
So presumably, therefore, you can override the init() method to do any one
time initialisation and destroy() to save/cleanup - just like you would in a

You can store information, common to all requests, in objects outside of the
service method (ie Page scope) using the %!  % tags.

You can store information for each current user, for all requests in the
session object (session scope) - also available across pages/servlets.

If you want to store information common across a number of pages you can use
static objects within one of the pages/servlets (Application scope).

The bean mechanism in JSP makes things a little easier (in some ways) by
allowing you to create bean objects in which you can set the 'scope' - ie
request, page, session, application - without having to get your hands too
dirty. I always feel it helps to understand what's going on underneath the
bonnet (hood), personally :-)
You could make the constructor of your 'persistance', Page scope, bean read
a db for example and write out to the db in it's finalize() method.

Of course, beware of thread synchronisation issues whenever using objects
which have Page or Application (and potentially Session) scope.

 (I have working prototype with Servlets, but generating complex
 dynamic web pages from servlet is ... simple nightmare :(

I know what you mean :-)



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1999-12-06 Thread sacheendra


Re: How to compress JSP pages using Content Encoding

1999-12-06 Thread Volker Turau

You can do content encoding in jsp, I did it. Just make sure that the page
does not access the implicit variable out at all (e.g do not have blanks
outside scripts).

But I think that jsp is not the right tool to do that. The JSP-Container
should do that for you.

The code is roughly:

%@page .%
response.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
GZIPOutputStream gos = new
byte[] b = "html bla bla .../html".getBytes();

volker turau
FH Wiesbaden Fachbereich Informatik
Tel.: +49-611-9495-205 FAX +49-611-9495-210

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Re: JSP develoment tool

1999-12-06 Thread WHITESIDE, CHIP

JDeveloper 3 for WINNT is now available for download

-Original Message-
From: Gerry Palmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 12:31 PM
Subject: FW: JSP develoment tool

Yes, Oracle JDeveloper 3 which will be available from the
site this month allows you to write, view, debug, and run JSPs all within
the IDE. Runs under NT and Win98 only.


-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vladyslav Kosulin
Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: JSP develoment tool

Maciejowski wrote:

 Does it exist any tool for developping and debuging jsp files ?

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Try to look at IBM VisualAge for Java 3.0 Professional (Windows, OS/2,
AIX). They have Linux version, too, but I'm not sure it does support JSP
Sincerely yours,
Vladyslav Kosulin, Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Frames problem with servlets

1999-12-06 Thread pankajg

Please excuse me for a servlet Question, but I couldn't go anywhere for
I am using frameset in my HTML to generate a HTML framed page. On click
of a submit button of one frame a servlet needs to send results to the
other frame. Servlet open's a new window as it looses the frame context.
How can I send the frameset info to my servlet.
Pankaj Grover

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1999-12-06 Thread Serge Baduk

Jrun UTF-8

1999-12-06 Thread Wang, Dapeng


maybe somebody has had the same problem. If I use any german umlaut in my
JSP, the JRun complains that it got
javax.servlet.ServletException: Invalid UTF-8 code. (bytes: 0xfffc 0xa).

By adding the page declaration %@ page contentType="text/html;
charset=ISO-8859-1" % which I think should be the default, the error
message is produced, but the special characters are showed as '?'. Is it a
Jrun bug or do I miss something. (BTW, I'm using JRUN 2.33).


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Re: Frames problem with servlets

1999-12-06 Thread Stephen Summerfield

 -Original Message-
 From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification
 and reference

 Please excuse me for a servlet Question, but I couldn't go
 anywhere for
 I am using frameset in my HTML to generate a HTML framed
 page. On click
 of a submit button of one frame a servlet needs to send results to the
 other frame. Servlet open's a new window as it looses the
 frame context.
 How can I send the frameset info to my servlet.

You can use the TARGET attribute of a FORM tag to specify where the
results of the form submission should be displayed - ie you name each of
your frames with the 'NAME' attribute.

You can use JavaScript to submit forms eg form.submit(), so from one frame
you can submit a form in another frame - use links/buttons instead of real
submit buttons.


You can rebuild the frameset from scratch each time you submit the form by
submitting to the frameset's parent window.

To communicate between successive pages you have a variety of methods:
-Add parameters to the end of the action url
-Add hidden form elements
-Use objects stored in session variables
-Use cookies

Hope that helps,


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Re: What's the use of beans?

1999-12-06 Thread Kien Kiong Ng

One fantastic feature of bean is it allows Visual IDE to provide visual
design feature, I think this is the major advantage of javabean spec came
Tool like IBM Websphere Studio will provide this feature I guess. It helps
increase productivity, even a lot of 'good' html programmers don't agree,
they would prefer coding by hand :)

Ng Kien Kiong.

  I'm wondering what's the use of beans with JSP. In my (humble) opinion,
  beans are useless... everything I can do with beans can be done with
  "normal" java objects as well.

In general, it's much easier to maintain a web application if you keep
the code in the JSP pages to a minimum (see the archives for tons of
discussions about this). Using beans, and custom actions, is a good way
to achieve this goal.

  For example,
  jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean" scope="session"
  can easily be replaced by
  % MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
 session.put("myBean", myBean); %

No, jsp:useBean only creates an instance if the bean can't be
found in the specified scope.

  Moreover, beans obviously have some disadvantages:
  - the syntax is very awkward. Instead of writing jsp:setProperty
  name="myBean" property="prop" value="val" I can write
  myBean.setProp("val"), which seems much smoother
  - Construction of beans seems to be limitied to using the
  (argument-less) standard constructor. Constructors with arguments are
  not supported.
  - Using jsp:setProperty, only String properties can be set. If I want
  to set any other properties, I have to access the bean directly anyway.

No, jsp:setProperty can be used to set properties of any type (see the
JSP specification for details).

  So, I'd really like to know what's the big deal about beans? I would
  rather write my JSP pages without using beans, but I'm wondering if I'm
  missing something? What's the reason that beans were introduced to JSP
  in the first place? Are there any situations in which the use of beans
  provides a real advantage over the "traditional" approach?

The main reason to use beans is to minimize the amount of code in the
JSP pages, see above. I look at beans primarily as carrier of information,
for instance all information about a customer. The bean can be created
by a servlet, e.g. getting the info from a database, and then passed to
a JSP page where the properties are displayed using jsp:getProperty.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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JSP .92 vs 1

1999-12-06 Thread Cory L Hubert

Right now I am using the .92 with JRUN.   Should I, can I upgrade to 1.0?
Opinions, Suggestions.

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Re: tracking initialization and destruction of JSP objects

1999-12-06 Thread Stephen Summerfield

 -Original Message-
 From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification
 and reference

 overriding init() and destroy is ok - I have only one question
 'Is it standard (will it always work ?)' :)

Good question - this should answer it, extract from JSP1.0 JavaDocs:

|public abstract interface JspPage
|extends javax.servlet.Servlet
|This is the interface that a JSP processor-generated class must satisfy.
|The interface defines a protocol with 3 methods; only two of them:
jspInit() and jspDestroy() are part of this
|interface as the signature of the third method: _jspService() depends on
the specific protocol used and cannot
|be expressed in a generic way in Java.
|A class implementing this interface is responsible for invoking the above
methods at the apropriate time based
|on the corresponding Servlet-based method invocations.
|The jspInit(0 and jspDestroy() methods can be defined by a JSP author, but
the _jspService() method is
|defined authomatically by the JSP processor based on the contents of the
JSP page.

So I would say a definite YES, but use the renamed versions defined in
JspPage (jspInit/jspDestroy) interface rather than the normal servlet ones
(init/destroy) to be safe.

Btw I just learnt something new too :-)



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Re: What's the use of [jsp:useBean tag]?

1999-12-06 Thread Phil

As I understood it, Heiko was asking why use JSP tag jsp:useBean... when
you can do the same by creating an instance of the java "bean" object...
(the original e-mail subject line may have sent the conversation in a
different direction).

It seems the jsp:useBean tag is redundant. According to the specs, a bean
is just a java component, requiring "serialization support" and "get/set
accessors." According to the-wally-project tutorials, "JSP is an html
friendly servlet." Other than limits imposed by design preference, what ever
you can do in a servlet you can do in JSP, including:

%  MyBean mybean = new MyBean() ;
mybean.setSomeVar( "somevalue" ) ;  %

So, why use JSP tag jsp:useBean...?


-Original Message-
From: Cory L Hubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 06, 1999 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: What's the use of beans?

What you suggested would be fine if you want to bang out a whole
project in
a perl/hackish fashion.  But if you want to be able to reuse code, in your
project and in others the best way to do it is by encapsulating code in

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Heiko Gottschling
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 7:10 PM
Subject: What's the use of beans?


I'm wondering what's the use of beans with JSP. In my (humble) opinion,
beans are useless... everything I can do with beans can be done with
"normal" java objects as well.

For example,

jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean" scope="session"

can easily be replaced by

% MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
   session.put("myBean", myBean); %

Moreover, beans obviously have some disadvantages:

- the syntax is very awkward. Instead of writing jsp:setProperty
name="myBean" property="prop" value="val" I can write
myBean.setProp("val"), which seems much smoother
- Construction of beans seems to be limitied to using the
(argument-less) standard constructor. Constructors with arguments are
not supported.
- Using jsp:setProperty, only String properties can be set. If I want
to set any other properties, I have to access the bean directly anyway.

So, I'd really like to know what's the big deal about beans? I would
rather write my JSP pages without using beans, but I'm wondering if I'm
missing something? What's the reason that beans were introduced to JSP
in the first place? Are there any situations in which the use of beans
provides a real advantage over the "traditional" approach?


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How do I make a JSP work in PWS

1999-12-06 Thread Anupam_Khandelwal


What are things required by me to run a jsp file through personal web server
in NT4.0 workstation.. What do I have to install and from where can I get

Can please somebody help me out?? I need help desperately!!

Thanks in advance..

Anupam K
"Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten."
-B. F. Skinner

Anupam K

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Re: Request for HTTP documentation, tutorials, and/or workshops

1999-12-06 Thread Steven Owens

David Chisolm writes:

 I was having a very strange caching problem - different from the kind
 normally posted here, and I needed to really understand how caching
 directives are supposed to work.
 [ ... ]
 error.  Of course, everything worked just fine in IE.  (For the version
 conscious, I tested this with NS 4.08, 4.5, 4.6  4.7, and IE 4.0  5.0)

 Hm, are you sure?  I've seen some really odd behavior with IE5
not obeying caching directives.  Particularly annoying is that both NS
and IE seem to always cache POST arguments no matter whether the pages
before and/or after the POST are no-cached.

 Anyway, the only headers that I set now are:

   response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache");
   response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache" );
   response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-store" );

 This fixed the problem, and my pages do not go into the cache.

 Hm, I didn't have the no-store header, and from what you said,
the expires header actually caused a problem?  I'll have to try it
this way.

Steven J. Owens

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1999-12-06 Thread Mohan K Reddy

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Re: JSP .92 vs 1

1999-12-06 Thread D. J. Hagberg

Cory L Hubert wrote:
 Right now I am using the .92 with JRUN.   Should I, can I upgrade to 1.0?

Yes.  Migrate now while (presumably) your code base is small.  At the
very least, avoid the LOOP, INCLUDEIF, and EXCLUDEIF tags in your jsp
0.92 pages as they are very difficult to mechanically convert to jsp
1.x.  The USEBEAN, SETFROMREQUEST, and SETONCREATE tags can be converted
mechanically as well as some page/errorpage directives.

Main reasons to switch:
- closer to XML compliance (I don't know what XML validators do with the
%...% directives and scriptlets) so you'll have better support from
visual XML page editors and validators.
- support for jsp 0.92 will probably be diminishing over the next year.
- (eventual) support for custom taglets.
- 1.0/1.1 will probably be the documented version in any upcoming books.
- *much* closer to jsp 1.1 compliance.

We're in the process of converting the site
from JSP 0.92 to 1.0.  The biggest pain has been with LOOP, INCLUDEIF,
and EXCLUDEIF tags.

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Re: What's the use of beans?

1999-12-06 Thread Martin Leboeuf

While on the subject :

If the property I am trying to extract from my bean is an array or a vector,
on which I will eventually want to loop, then the jsp:getProperty tag is
useless, since it returns one big string containing all elements of the
array/vector. Unless I missed something. Any comments ?

Martin Leboeuf

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using ResultSet with JSP?

1999-12-06 Thread Guilherme - PerConsult

Hi all...

I have to make a query on a DB, and I made this code:



pgui 1/p

%@ page import =


String url = "jdbc:odbc:teste";
Connection con;
Statement stmt;

public void jspInit()
System.out.print("starting conection");
   con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");
   stmt = con.createStatement();
catch(SQLException sql)
  System.out.println("init error");
catch(ClassNotFoundException fnf)
  System.out.println("init error");
public void jspDestroy()
System.out.print("closing conection");
catch(SQLException sql)
  System.out.println("init error");


String pesquisa = "select * from pessoa where nome = 'gui2'";




On Control Panel I set my database as "teste" (the bridge). I have some
data on the table "pessoa"  to make the query also..

Well  the code is okay. But I don`t know how to print the result of
this query on the screen in the JSP file...

Can anybody help me???

Thank you,

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What is the Default page that gets loaded for JavaWebServer2.0.

1999-12-06 Thread Rick L Sample

I am running using jswdk-1.0.1to learn JSP,beans,etc.
We will be using JavaWebServer2.0 but no access to it yet.
I looked in the webserver.xml and startserver.bat but could not fine.

In IIS, it is default.html then, default.asp if HTML does not exist,
or define our own.
So, when a user comes in to a JavaWebServer2.0 site like,, what is the first page that fires?



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Re: What's the use of beans?

1999-12-06 Thread Spencer Ridder

Hi Heiko,

Are you saying that beans should not be used or that tags like
jsp:useBean .  and jsp:setProperty   should not be apart of
the JSP spec?
Actually, These tags follow the same semantics as laid out by the 'tag
extension' mechanism in JSP 1.1 . So really they are just a required
standard set of custom tags for the benefit of web page designers.
If this is not exactly true than, imho, it should be.

Spencer Ridder

Heiko Gottschling wrote:


 I'm wondering what's the use of beans with JSP. In my (humble) opinion,
 beans are useless... everything I can do with beans can be done with
 "normal" java objects as well.

 For example,

 jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean" scope="session"

 can easily be replaced by

 % MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
session.put("myBean", myBean); %

 Moreover, beans obviously have some disadvantages:

 - the syntax is very awkward. Instead of writing jsp:setProperty
 name="myBean" property="prop" value="val" I can write
 myBean.setProp("val"), which seems much smoother
 - Construction of beans seems to be limitied to using the
 (argument-less) standard constructor. Constructors with arguments are
 not supported.
 - Using jsp:setProperty, only String properties can be set. If I want
 to set any other properties, I have to access the bean directly anyway.

 So, I'd really like to know what's the big deal about beans? I would
 rather write my JSP pages without using beans, but I'm wondering if I'm
 missing something? What's the reason that beans were introduced to JSP
 in the first place? Are there any situations in which the use of beans
 provides a real advantage over the "traditional" approach?


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Re: JSP .92 vs 1

1999-12-06 Thread Phil

 Migrate now while (presumably) your code base is small.

We configured our server to parse .jsp files through the .9x parser and
.jsp1 files through the 1.0 parser. This may ease pressure of


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Re: What's the use of [jsp:useBean tag]?

1999-12-06 Thread Stephen Summerfield

 -Original Message-
 From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification
 and reference
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Phil

 As I understood it, Heiko was asking why use JSP tag
 jsp:useBean... when
 you can do the same by creating an instance of the java
 "bean" object...
 (the original e-mail subject line may have sent the conversation in a
 different direction).

 It seems the jsp:useBean tag is redundant. According to the
 specs, a bean
 is just a java component, requiring "serialization support"
 and "get/set
 accessors." According to the-wally-project tutorials, "JSP is an html
 friendly servlet." Other than limits imposed by design
 preference, what ever
 you can do in a servlet you can do in JSP, including:

 %  MyBean mybean = new MyBean() ;
 mybean.setSomeVar( "somevalue" ) ;  %

 So, why use JSP tag jsp:useBean...?

I was wondering the same myself, coming from a background of servlet
development. I don't currently use the bean tags at all and was wondering
what I was missing...
I do however make extensive use of beans in my JSPs, I just create/use them
conventionally as per your example.

One reason might be that the jsp:... bean tags are language neutral, so
that a user of a bean can work with minimal knowledge of Java. This might
become more important when using JSP with XML and tag libraries as these
could prove to be a powerful combination even for those who don't know Java
at all - they merely need to know what the various tags and beans can do and
what the attributes/interfaces/properties are.

As someone else said here, JSP builder tools will soon be available (eg
Visual Cafe 4 Enterprise Edition) which will provide integrated WYSIWYG
JSP/HTML building and debugging - I expect beans will be important for this.

When using beans with application, page or session scope I suppose it does
simplify things a little too - particularly application scope.

Btw seems like servlet beans don't even seem to have to strictly be beans at
all - ie don't even have to be marked as serializable - any class will do -
implementation specific I would guess though.


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FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Re: What's the use of [jsp:useBean tag]?

1999-12-06 Thread Kayser William

Yes, I've always wondered this myself.  Surely we're all missing something very


Phil [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/06/99 09:58:42 AM

Please respond to Phil [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 cc:  (bcc: Bill Kayser/Worldstreet)

 Subject: Re: What's the use of [jsp:useBean tag]?

As I understood it, Heiko was asking why use JSP tag jsp:useBean... when
you can do the same by creating an instance of the java "bean" object...
(the original e-mail subject line may have sent the conversation in a
different direction).

It seems the jsp:useBean tag is redundant. According to the specs, a bean
is just a java component, requiring "serialization support" and "get/set
accessors." According to the-wally-project tutorials, "JSP is an html
friendly servlet." Other than limits imposed by design preference, what ever
you can do in a servlet you can do in JSP, including:

%  MyBean mybean = new MyBean() ;
mybean.setSomeVar( "somevalue" ) ;  %

So, why use JSP tag jsp:useBean...?


-Original Message-
From: Cory L Hubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 06, 1999 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: What's the use of beans?

What you suggested would be fine if you want to bang out a whole
project in
a perl/hackish fashion.  But if you want to be able to reuse code, in your
project and in others the best way to do it is by encapsulating code in

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Heiko Gottschling
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 7:10 PM
Subject: What's the use of beans?


I'm wondering what's the use of beans with JSP. In my (humble) opinion,
beans are useless... everything I can do with beans can be done with
"normal" java objects as well.

For example,

jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean" scope="session"

can easily be replaced by

% MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
   session.put("myBean", myBean); %

Moreover, beans obviously have some disadvantages:

- the syntax is very awkward. Instead of writing jsp:setProperty
name="myBean" property="prop" value="val" I can write
myBean.setProp("val"), which seems much smoother
- Construction of beans seems to be limitied to using the
(argument-less) standard constructor. Constructors with arguments are
not supported.
- Using jsp:setProperty, only String properties can be set. If I want
to set any other properties, I have to access the bean directly anyway.

So, I'd really like to know what's the big deal about beans? I would
rather write my JSP pages without using beans, but I'm wondering if I'm
missing something? What's the reason that beans were introduced to JSP
in the first place? Are there any situations in which the use of beans
provides a real advantage over the "traditional" approach?


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Re: using ResultSet with JSP?

1999-12-06 Thread Stephen Summerfield

 -Original Message-
 From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification
 and reference
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Guilherme - PerConsult
 Sent: 06 December 1999 17:32
 Subject: using ResultSet with JSP?

 Hi all...

 I have to make a query on a DB, and I made this code:



 pgui 1/p

 %@ page import =


 String url = "jdbc:odbc:teste";
 Connection con;
 Statement stmt;

 public void jspInit()
 System.out.print("starting conection");
con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");
stmt = con.createStatement();
 catch(SQLException sql)
   System.out.println("init error");
 catch(ClassNotFoundException fnf)
   System.out.println("init error");
 public void jspDestroy()
 System.out.print("closing conection");
 catch(SQLException sql)
   System.out.println("init error");


 String pesquisa = "select * from pessoa where nome = 'gui2'";




 On Control Panel I set my database as "teste" (the bridge). I
 have some
 data on the table "pessoa"  to make the query also..

 Well  the code is okay. But I don`t know how to print the
 result of
 this query on the screen in the JSP file...

 Can anybody help me???

executeQuery() returns a ResultSet object which allows you to iterate
through each row of the results of the query. You access the values of the
columns using getXXX() methods - eg getString( "BOB" ) gets the BOB column
as string.

eg in your example:

String pesquisa = "select * from pessoa where nome = 'gui2'";
ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(pesquisa);
while( ) {
out.println( "BOB=" + result.getString( "BOB" ) + "BR" );

This will display all the values (if any) of the BOB column, found in your

(replace "BOB" with a column name in your table).

See the API docs for java.sql for more information.

Hope that helps,


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Re: Structuring model-2 applications

1999-12-06 Thread Danny Trieu


what is a RequestDispatcher ?
 RequestDispatcher rd=getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/myapp/showinfo.jsp");

I can't find the ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(...) from the API.

Govind Seshadri wrote:

 My article "Understanding JSP Model 2 architecture" in this
 month's issue of Javaworld may be helpful. Please see:


 Greg Hodges wrote:
  Hi all,
  I need help understanding and implementing the Model-2 Architecture advocated by 
folks like Craig.
  What I would really like someone to describe is the how, and more importantly the 
where of implementing the Model-2 Architecture. I'll attempt to describe a 
"HelloWorld-ish" application I created to use Model-2 techniques as I understand them.
  Let's say I have a jsp page called userinfo.jsp. userinfo.jsp exist in a folder 
called myapp on the root of my webserver.  So it would be accessed like 
http://servername/myapp/userinfo.jsp.  Now, I have two Java classes: StoreUser, which 
is the "controller" servlet and UserBean which is a Bean which holds info entered in 
the form on userinfo.jsp. Finally, I have another jsp page called showinfo.jsp whose 
purpose in life is to display info. stored in the UserBean.
  Now, userinfo.jsp "calls" the StoreUser servlet(FORM action="/myapp/StoreUser"). 
 StoreUser creates a session, a UserBean, and attempts to store the UserBean in the 
session.   Then StoreUser forwards the request to showinfo.jsp--
  Next, in showinfo.jsp I have the following at the top of showinfo.jsp:
  %@ page session="true" import="learn.UserBean" %
  jsp:useBean id="idBean" scope="session" class="learn.UserBean" /
  Finally in showinfo.jsp I have a line like:
  %= idBean.getUserID() %
  I mapped /myapp/StoreUser to the StoreUser servlet, which exist in directory 
structure of my servlet container, JRun.
  I'm sure I've done a number of things incorrectly, but my biggest source of 
confusion is how do I get the jsp files that exists under the directory structure of 
my webserver to know about the session created by the StoreUser servlet which exist 
under the directory structure of JRun.
  I simply don't know where to place all the directories and files so that they 
"share" the same context, session, etc.
  I would appreciate as much info./example code/example dir. structures as anyone is 
willing to provide.
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 Govind Seshadri [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Your Gateway to the Java Universe

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jspInit, jspDestroy

1999-12-06 Thread Augusto Sellhorn

I'm new to JSPs and this list so excuse the newbie question ...

I just read a message that had code in the JSP page for init and destroy,
pretty much like a servlet.

Now, I know that JSPs map to servlets, but is it common convention to
implement these methods (init/destroy) ? It would seem to that adding
this type of code to a JSP page is a bit much. Wouldn't it be better to
do DB connections in a bean and/or some type of singleton object outside
of the page ?

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Re: What is the Default page that gets loaded for JavaWebServer2. 0.

1999-12-06 Thread Martin Leboeuf

It should be server_root/public_html/index.html where server_root is the
directory in which you installed JWS, which is JavaWebServer2.0 by default
(for the 2.0 version).

Martin Leboeuf

-Original Message-
From: Rick L Sample
Sent: 12/6/99 1:47 PM
Subject: What is the Default page that gets loaded for JavaWebServer2.0.

I am running using jswdk-1.0.1to learn JSP,beans,etc.
We will be using JavaWebServer2.0 but no access to it yet.
I looked in the webserver.xml and startserver.bat but could not fine.

In IIS, it is default.html then, default.asp if HTML does not exist,
or define our own.
So, when a user comes in to a JavaWebServer2.0 site like,, what is the first page that fires?



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FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Re: What's the use of beans?

1999-12-06 Thread Danny Trieu

I can't use setProperty() with any other type then String.  I am weblogic4.5, and I

believe its jsp engine implement the 1.0 spec.  So is this mean 1.1+ allow you use
setProperty with other datatype?

Hans Bergsten wrote:

 Heiko Gottschling wrote:
  I'm wondering what's the use of beans with JSP. In my (humble) opinion,
  beans are useless... everything I can do with beans can be done with
  "normal" java objects as well.

 In general, it's much easier to maintain a web application if you keep
 the code in the JSP pages to a minimum (see the archives for tons of
 discussions about this). Using beans, and custom actions, is a good way
 to achieve this goal.

  For example,
  jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean" scope="session"
  can easily be replaced by
  % MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
 session.put("myBean", myBean); %

 No, jsp:useBean only creates an instance if the bean can't be
 found in the specified scope.

  Moreover, beans obviously have some disadvantages:
  - the syntax is very awkward. Instead of writing jsp:setProperty
  name="myBean" property="prop" value="val" I can write
  myBean.setProp("val"), which seems much smoother
  - Construction of beans seems to be limitied to using the
  (argument-less) standard constructor. Constructors with arguments are
  not supported.
  - Using jsp:setProperty, only String properties can be set. If I want
  to set any other properties, I have to access the bean directly anyway.

 No, jsp:setProperty can be used to set properties of any type (see the
 JSP specification for details).

  So, I'd really like to know what's the big deal about beans? I would
  rather write my JSP pages without using beans, but I'm wondering if I'm
  missing something? What's the reason that beans were introduced to JSP
  in the first place? Are there any situations in which the use of beans
  provides a real advantage over the "traditional" approach?

 The main reason to use beans is to minimize the amount of code in the
 JSP pages, see above. I look at beans primarily as carrier of information,
 for instance all information about a customer. The bean can be created
 by a servlet, e.g. getting the info from a database, and then passed to
 a JSP page where the properties are displayed using jsp:getProperty.

 Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gefion Software

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Re: What is the Default page that gets loaded forJavaWebServer2. 0.

1999-12-06 Thread Rick L Sample

Is that the default page most use for starting their apps?
Or, can we make a webserver config change?


 "Martin Leboeuf" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/99 01:58PM 
It should be server_root/public_html/index.html where server_root is the
directory in which you installed JWS, which is JavaWebServer2.0 by default
(for the 2.0 version).

Martin Leboeuf

-Original Message-
From: Rick L Sample
Sent: 12/6/99 1:47 PM
Subject: What is the Default page that gets loaded for JavaWebServer2.0.

I am running using jswdk-1.0.1to learn JSP,beans,etc.
We will be using JavaWebServer2.0 but no access to it yet.
I looked in the webserver.xml and startserver.bat but could not fine.

In IIS, it is default.html then, default.asp if HTML does not exist,
or define our own.
So, when a user comes in to a JavaWebServer2.0 site like,, what is the first page that fires?



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Re: What's the use of [jsp:useBean tag]?

1999-12-06 Thread Matt Krevs

Maybe one of the things we are all missing is that most of us on this forum
(I assume) are programmers and are used to seeing java code embedded in
things. Consider for a second that one major reason JSP was developed was to
separate presentation from business logic. One advantage of the usebean tag
provides a HTMLish tag that non-programmers can more easily use in their

Granted it may be fairly simple for Java programmers to simply use
%  MyBean mybean = new MyBean() ;
mybean.setSomeVar( "somevalue" ) ;  %

instead of


but the useBean tag is much easier to use for non-programmers.

I guess another possibly more important reason to use the useBean tag is
that it hides the specific implementation of 'bean' scoping from the
programmer. What happens if suddenly, behind the scenes, the way that
application scope beans are stored/retrieved is changed in a future JSP
release or implementation? If you have hardcoded java code in your JSP pages
(eg getServletContext().setAttribute( key, value ) ) then  chances are you
have a very large search/replace task on your hands. If you instead used the
'usebean' tag then you dont have anything to worry about.

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kayser William
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: What's the use of [jsp:useBean tag]?

Yes, I've always wondered this myself.  Surely we're all missing something


Phil [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/06/99 09:58:42 AM

Please respond to Phil [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 cc:  (bcc: Bill Kayser/Worldstreet)

 Subject: Re: What's the use of [jsp:useBean tag]?

As I understood it, Heiko was asking why use JSP tag jsp:useBean... when
you can do the same by creating an instance of the java "bean" object...
(the original e-mail subject line may have sent the conversation in a
different direction).

It seems the jsp:useBean tag is redundant. According to the specs, a bean
is just a java component, requiring "serialization support" and "get/set
accessors." According to the-wally-project tutorials, "JSP is an html
friendly servlet." Other than limits imposed by design preference, what ever
you can do in a servlet you can do in JSP, including:

%  MyBean mybean = new MyBean() ;
mybean.setSomeVar( "somevalue" ) ;  %

So, why use JSP tag jsp:useBean...?


-Original Message-
From: Cory L Hubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 06, 1999 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: What's the use of beans?

What you suggested would be fine if you want to bang out a whole
project in
a perl/hackish fashion.  But if you want to be able to reuse code, in your
project and in others the best way to do it is by encapsulating code in

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Heiko Gottschling
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 7:10 PM
Subject: What's the use of beans?


I'm wondering what's the use of beans with JSP. In my (humble) opinion,
beans are useless... everything I can do with beans can be done with
"normal" java objects as well.

For example,

jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean" scope="session"

can easily be replaced by

% MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
   session.put("myBean", myBean); %

Moreover, beans obviously have some disadvantages:

- the syntax is very awkward. Instead of writing jsp:setProperty
name="myBean" property="prop" value="val" I can write
myBean.setProp("val"), which seems much smoother
- Construction of beans seems to be limitied to using the
(argument-less) standard constructor. Constructors with arguments are
not supported.
- Using jsp:setProperty, only String properties can be set. If I want
to set any other properties, I have to access the bean directly anyway.

So, I'd really like to know what's the big deal about beans? I would
rather write my JSP pages without using beans, but I'm wondering if I'm
missing something? What's the reason that beans were introduced to JSP
in the first place? Are there any situations in which the use of beans
provides a real advantage over the "traditional" approach?


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No Errors. No Data?!*

1999-12-06 Thread Cory L Hubert

I just switch from jsp .92 to 1.  I did a little test to see how it reacts
to beans.  I get no error.  And I get no data back from the bean.  What
could be wrong?

titleBean Testin/title


jsp:useBean id="BeanTest" scope="session" class="harman.BeanTest" /

jsp:getproperty name="BeanTest" property="name" /

jsp:getproperty name="BeanTest" property="title" /

jsp:getproperty name="BeanTest" property="company" /


--BEAN -

package harman;

public class BeanTest extends Object
private String name = "Cory L Hubert";
private String title = "Site Developer";
private String company = "Plumb Design";

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public String getTitle() {
return title;

public void setTitle(String Title) {
this.title = title;

public String getCompany() {
return company;

public void setCompany(String company)
{ = company;

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Re: Request for HTTP documentation, tutorials, and/or workshops

1999-12-06 Thread David Chisholm

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: Request for HTTP documentation, tutorials, and/or workshops

 David Chisolm writes:

  I was having a very strange caching problem - different from the kind
  normally posted here, and I needed to really understand how caching
  directives are supposed to work.
  [ ... ]
  error.  Of course, everything worked just fine in IE.  (For the version
  conscious, I tested this with NS 4.08, 4.5, 4.6  4.7, and IE 4.0  5.0)

  Hm, are you sure?  I've seen some really odd behavior with IE5
 not obeying caching directives.  Particularly annoying is that both NS
 and IE seem to always cache POST arguments no matter whether the pages
 before and/or after the POST are no-cached.

  Anyway, the only headers that I set now are:
response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache");
response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache" );
response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-store" );
  This fixed the problem, and my pages do not go into the cache.

  Hm, I didn't have the no-store header, and from what you said,
 the expires header actually caused a problem?

Well, at least given the way that I was specifying the date value, it was
causing a problem.  I was told later that Netscape is very picky about date
values and would only work with the standard date format (though the spec
says clients should respect zero ('0')).

Here's the message that I got about Netscape and Dates:

You say everything works OK in Netscape if you leave out the
setDateHeader() call. This reminds me of a similar problem I had with
Netscape. It's pretty picky with the date format (it actually expects it
to follow the relevant standard), so toString() of the Date class (which
I suspect your code indirectly uses) won't do. Try to set up a
SimpleDateFormat - it's quite easy. This piece of code works for me:

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss z");

Date now = new Date();
String nowPlus= df.format(now);
// Unfortunately SimpleDateFormat throws in a TimeZone
// of "GMT+00:00", and we only need "GMT". We therefore
// must get rid of "+00:00" like this:
String nowOK = new StringTokenizer(nowPlus, "+").nextToken();

You may of course format all Dates this way.

Morten Norby Larsen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Magister Ludi Multimedia Lab   Phone: +39 02 26 11 72 80
Via Battaglia 8, I-20127 Milano, Italy Fax:   +39 02 26 11 67 33

 I'll have to try it
 this way.

 Steven J. Owens

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Q:File Upload How To

1999-12-06 Thread Victor Vasilica

Hi, folks!
I'm thinking about how could be made in JSP(or servet) technology a
(secure)HTTP file upload mechanism.
I mean the server side part, the bean(s).
On the other hand, secure HTTP is supported by JSP(Sun implementation)?
Could this be really done in JSP working with Sun's jsp engine?
Any ideas, suggestion, hints, links are welcome.
Thanx in advance,

FREE! The World's Best Email Address
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Jason Hunter's File upload servlet

1999-12-06 Thread David Wall

Has anybody seen this recent problem (I've only seen it with 
IE5 so far) that appears with Jason Hunter's file upload servlet (actually 

The servlet throws: Corrupt form data: no leading 

So, I put in a trace, and I sometimes have no problem with the 
upload and the first line matches the boundary. But in the exception condition, 
they are not quite the same...

DEBUG: boundary: 
-7cf2bca2f8DEBUG: length: 6552Read first 
line: -7cf280a2f8

Is this a new bug with IE5 under some unknown 
circumstances? After all, I can repost the form and it will work just 
fine. There's something odd since I had not seen it before for several 
months of using the Hunter class.


Re: What is the Default page that gets loaded forJavaWebServer2. 0.

1999-12-06 Thread Chris Wilson

in the jswdk 1.0 and later look at the welcomefiles setting in the file that should be in the WEB-INF directory of your web

mine is:

but i can be whatever you want


chris wilson

tel + 616.471.9142
fax + 616.471.6900



 -Original Message-
 From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rick L Sample
 Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 4:35 PM
 Subject: Re: What is the Default page that gets loaded
 forJavaWebServer2. 0.

 Is that the default page most use for starting their apps?
 Or, can we make a webserver config change?


  "Martin Leboeuf" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/99 01:58PM 
 It should be server_root/public_html/index.html where server_root is the
 directory in which you installed JWS, which is JavaWebServer2.0 by default
 (for the 2.0 version).

 Martin Leboeuf

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick L Sample
 Sent: 12/6/99 1:47 PM
 Subject: What is the Default page that gets loaded for JavaWebServer2.0.

 I am running using jswdk-1.0.1to learn JSP,beans,etc.
 We will be using JavaWebServer2.0 but no access to it yet.
 I looked in the webserver.xml and startserver.bat but could not fine.

 In IIS, it is default.html then, default.asp if HTML does not exist,
 or define our own.
 So, when a user comes in to a JavaWebServer2.0 site like,, what is the first page that fires?



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Re: Q:File Upload How To

1999-12-06 Thread Steve Nguyen

Take the oreilly classes ( for files uploading.

Steve Nguyen
KBMail Java Servlet Hosting Provider

- Original Message -
From: Victor Vasilica [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 7:12 AM
Subject: Q:File Upload How To

 Hi, folks!
 I'm thinking about how could be made in JSP(or servet) technology a
 (secure)HTTP file upload mechanism.
 I mean the server side part, the bean(s).
 On the other hand, secure HTTP is supported by JSP(Sun implementation)?
 Could this be really done in JSP working with Sun's jsp engine?
 Any ideas, suggestion, hints, links are welcome.
 Thanx in advance,

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Re: Jason Hunter's File upload servlet

1999-12-06 Thread David Wall


Sure, lucky to be able to keep IE5 out while the rest of us must suffer ;-)

Well, the file upload worked just fine on your site.

That's not really surprising, since the errors we were seeing did not even
include a file to be uploaded (the uploaded file is optional on our form),
but about 7 form fields and one bigger TEXTAREA input form.  The total
uploaded data was only about 6k.

I was able to work around the problem just by not throwing that exception.
Instead, I just output an error and then continue on, and things seem to
work okay even when the error message is produced.  It's definitely hit or
miss, since I can use the form several times under IE5 without any problem,
and then it occurs.  I have a hunch it's somehow related to new
sessions/cookies, but only because it seems to occur more when a fresh
session is created than not, yet it doesn't always seem to be for that
reason. (I'm using an older JRun running the 0.92 JSP spec until I can get
enough breathing room to move forward).

The code change I made was as follows in readRequest()

// Verify that the line is the boundary
if (!line.startsWith(boundary)) {
  // throw new IOException("Corrupt form data: no leading boundary");
  System.err.println("Corrupt form data: unexpected leading boundary --
trying to continue??");
  System.err.println("Corrupt form data: boundary   = " + boundary);
  System.err.println("Corrupt form data: first line = " + line);

I had no idea what would happen, but it seemed to work.  However, I don't
know if it will really work even if there is a file to be uploaded too.  The
boundary and line have different numbers to define their parts.


- Original Message -
From: "Jason Hunter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "David Wall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Jason Hunter's File upload servlet

 David Wall wrote:
  Has anybody seen this recent problem (I've only seen it with IE5 so
  far) that appears with Jason Hunter's file upload servlet (actually
  The servlet throws: Corrupt form data: no leading boundary
  So, I put in a trace, and I sometimes have no problem with the upload
  and the first line matches the boundary. But in the exception
  condition, they are not quite the same...
  DEBUG: boundary: -7cf2bca2f8
  DEBUG: length: 6552
  Read first line: -7cf280a2f8
  Is this a new bug with IE5 under some unknown circumstances?  After
  all, I can repost the form and it will work just fine.  There's
  something odd since I had not seen it before for several months of
  using the Hunter class.

 Yes, I've started to get reports on this now and then, only from people
 using IE5.  So if you're using IE5, please do a test upload to (50K max)
 and email me privately with your "yea" or "nay" success results.
 Explanations and solutions you come up with by looking at the
 MultipartRequest code are welcome too.  :-)  (I don't have IE5
 installed anywhere, and would like to keep it that way.)


 Jason Hunter
 2.0 to 2.1:
 2.1 to 2.2:

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New to JSP

1999-12-06 Thread pankajg


I have been using servlets for quite some time.We also use Javascrit for
client side validation of the fields etc.
I am curious to know whether JSP is only a server side solution . Does
the scipting gets executed on the client side to offer an alternative to
client side Javascript.
If not then is javascript a good combination with JSP for client side


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generically passing info to included JSP files

1999-12-06 Thread Matt Krevs

Below is an example to describe a design problem I am having

Lets say I have a customer.jsp that displays surname, first name etc.
customer.jsp includes address.jsp.
Another Jsp, phone.jsp is included 3 times within customer.jsp, allowing the
user to enter up to 3 phone numbers for a customer.

The customer details are stored in a bean -- CustomerBean
CustomerBean has a few methods for getting the details. The details are
returned as XML

String getCustomer()
String getAddress()
String getPhones()

Now I need to somehow let each phone.jsp know what phone number to display.
My main problem is that phone.jsp can call customerBean.getPhones() but
doesnt know what phone numbers have already been displayed by other
'instances' of phone.jsp included on the same page.

I would rather have one phone.jsp included on a page multiple times rather
than have phone1.jsp, phone2.jsp etc.

Anyone have a solution to this problem?


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1999-12-06 Thread Tran, Fon Francis (CAP, GECF, Japan)

Hi guys,

  I've been trying to getRequestDispatcher working in my servlet
  with JSDK 2.0 and it doesn't seem to work. Is it because I must use
  JSDK 2.1 or is there anything else I am missing? I have Apache,
  JServ and GNUJSP 1.0 configured. If someone could help me out. Thanks!


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Re: New to JSP

1999-12-06 Thread Matt Krevs


Forgot to mention that JSP is purely server side.

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of pankajg
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 4:03 PM
Subject: New to JSP


I have been using servlets for quite some time.We also use Javascrit for
client side validation of the fields etc.
I am curious to know whether JSP is only a server side solution . Does
the scipting gets executed on the client side to offer an alternative to
client side Javascript.
If not then is javascript a good combination with JSP for client side


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Re: New to JSP

1999-12-06 Thread Augusto Sellhorn

JSP scripts are executed in the server.

JavaScript could be used for JSP scripting (if the JSP engine supports it),
but this is not what you seem to want (client side scripting).

pankajg [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:


I have been using servlets for quite some time.We also use Javascrit for
client side validation of the fields etc.
I am curious to know whether JSP is only a server side solution . Does
the scipting gets executed on the client side to offer an alternative to
client side Javascript.
If not then is javascript a good combination with JSP for client side


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