Re: Offtopic: Quick Java programming question...

2000-05-17 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

From: "Bip Thelin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Try exchange "return (Hashtable[]) stuff.toArray()" with:
 "return (Hashtable[]) stuff.toArray(new Hashtable[0])" It should do the

This is more efficient:

return (Hashtable[]) stuff.toArray(new Hashtable[stuff.size()]);

because the data will be put in the same array you pass to toArray().  In
the previous code, the data can't fit in the zero-element parameter, so
toArray() creates a new array, using the parameter only to know the type.
This creation uses reflection, so it's even slower than a normal new.

And the following is even faster (by a hair):

Hashtable ret = new Hashtable[stuff.size()];
stuff.toArray(new Hashtable[ret]);
return ret;

because you avoid the evil typecheck.

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Re: Offtopic: Quick Java programming question...

2000-05-17 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

Oops.  I actually wanted to type this:
And the following is even faster (by a hair):

Hashtable ret = new Hashtable[stuff.size()];
return ret;

because you avoid the evil typecheck.

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Re: garbage collection

2000-05-16 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

From: "Kathy Wargo" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 we are developing a java application using servlet but after a few runs
the application slows down. We noticed that this happens once the JVM's heap
size reaches 16M. I would assume the garbage collection would be invoked and
clear up the heap but this does not seem to be happening. We have tried to
use finalize() methods and system.gc() also in the objects that are being
created so that the garbage collector can free up the memory but nothing
seems to be bringing the heap size down. Even leaving the computer idle for
some time does not seem to be freeing up the resources. Any clues?

You should analyze the app with some memory monitoring tool (NuMega's, etc.)
Garbage collection cannot dispose objects if you have contention bugs (i.e.,
failing to eliminate all references to objects you don't need anymore).  And
maybe there's no problem at all; you should expect memory usage to increase
and reach a higher plateau after a few runs, because the servlet engine will
load servlet classes, set up thread and connection pools, maybe cache static
content, and god knows what else.  Server-side architectures are optimized
for speed rather than memory usage; 16Mb is a rather small tiny heap, and
unless you're running on extremely tight hardware or using a very old JVM,
a heap that small shouldn't have any impact on performance.

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Re: Apache With Tomcat

2000-05-10 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

 From: Gogia Nitin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 What's the use of using Apache With Tomcat when Tomcat itself can
 service all the requests for servlets ?

I just put in production a JSP app running on top of TomCat alone.  We had
considered using Apache, but because nearly 100% of the pages are
dynamically served and the webserver is dedicated to this application, it
was better to just set up TomCat for port 80 and forget about Apache.

You want to combine TomCat to a full-featured webservfer like Apache if:

1) You have a significant volume of static content.  Apache will probably be
   more efficient here (I don't think TomCat will even cache static
2) You need advanced features, like those provided by Apache modules, which
   are not available in TomCat's basic webserver.
3) You worry about security.  Apache is recognized as a robust, secure
   server. TomCat is very new and it might have security bugs/backdoors.
   My app is in the intranet, so I don't care -- no kids trying to steal
   data, replace the homepage with some porn, or put it down with DoS.
4) The webserver will handle multiple web sites/applications, and TomCat is
   not ideal for all of them.

On the other hand, using only TomCat is more efficient for dynamic content
(because you skip an expensive routing of everything through Apache) and
it's one thing less to install and admin.

Now, the following is inaccurate:

From: "peter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OK here is an attempt
 Apache provides the basic tcp/ip protocol stack to service web
 Tomcat provides a specific protocol for servlet /jsp communication and
 is built on top of apache(an additional application layer
 protocol).Without apache the lower layers would be missing and tomcat
 will not be able to communicate to the network.
 Please point out any inaccuracies or mistakes you may find that way we
 all learn.

TomCat serves HTTP directly, it doesn't need Apache at all.  TomCat (just
like other servlet engines) can communicate with Apache (or other full-
featured httpd's) through a bridge.  For TomCat/Apache, the bridge is the
JServ module that you put in apache.  It's the bridge that uses a special
protocol or binary interface, so the webserver an servlet engine might
pipe requests and responses back and forth.

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Re: *** Oracle hates JDBC Servlets?

2000-05-09 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein


I'm using Oracle 8.1.5 but I downloaded 8.1.6's "" and it works
fine for me (Java2+TomCat3.1).  As long as Oracle doesn't change their
network DB protocol, you can use the latest-and-greatest driver with
previous versions of Oracle.  It may be a better solution.

- Original Message -
From: Germán López Castro
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: *** Oracle hates JDBC Servlets?


I got the answer to my trouble with Servlets that connect to *EVIL*
Oracle8i databases. The question why they don't wanna work using
Oracle JDBC drivers but they do with JDBC-ODBC driver is the

I am using Resin Web Server, which runs over JDK 1.2 environment.
My version of Oracle8i is which internally works on JRE
1.1.7 (JDK 1.1 compatible).
When I try to connect the servlet to the database (of course it's
done by means of my web server), I have two choices:

1. Use jdbc\lib\ . This zip file contains the db
classes that come with Oracle8i. These classes are JDK 1.1 compliant.
So the system is able to load the driver into memory (a Class.forName
() opperation) but the server can't handle jdbc requests.

2. Use . This is the zip file containing the db classes
to work with JDK 1.2 . So the system loads the driver, connect
succesfully to the database, but when it asks to the database for a
result, the database can't handle jdbc requests.

1. Use JDBC-ODBC drivers. It's platform-dependent (works only over
Windows) and is coming obsolete, but ***IT WORKS***
2. Use another web server that is JDK 1.1 compliant (e.g. Apache Web
Server + Apache JServ works over JDK 1.1.8) and use .
Apache is powerful and the most used web server, but setup is awful,
because it uses its own directives.
3. Download Oracle8i 8.1.6, which is JDK 1.2 compliant, and use

I hope it can be useful for somebody.


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Re: Java VM memory

2000-05-08 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

Hi Leon,

- Original Message -
From: "Leon Daanen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am using the Tomcat server. If the tomcat server is started 64 Mb of
 memory is allocated (which seems to be default). I use an upload jsp file
 through which I will be able to upload big files (perhaps 100Mb or more).
 changed the tomcat.bat file by adding the java -Xmx100m piece (which
 allocate 100Mb of memory for the jvm). But this is not working. I am
 an OutOfMemory error when I am uploading a file which is bigger than 50

I believe that the JVM *is* working as expected.  The problem is working
with a single object that's larger than 50% of the free space in the heap.
This will make some garbage collectors very unhappy, when they need to
move stuff around.  You may succeed using a different JVM or even bigger
-mx, but you should really change your code -- loading a 50-megger to
memory in a single chunk is insane (for a single upload, anyway).

 Below the piece of the tomcat.bat file where the jvm is started and should
 allocate 100Mb for the java virtual machine.

 echo Starting tomcat in new window
 echo Using classpath: %CLASSPATH%
 start java -Xmx100m -Dtomcat.home=%TOMCAT_HOME%
 org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
 goto cleanup

 Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong.

 Thank in advance,


 name:   Leon Daanen
 Tel.:   +31 77 359 5172
 Fax.:   +31 77 359 5337
 Location:   3G20

 Oce Technologies B.V.
 Tel.:   +31 77 359 
 P.O. Box 101
 5900 MA Venlo
 The Netherlands
 Opinions and views expressed in this message
 are my own, they do not necessarily represent
 those of Océ

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Re: 64K limit

2000-04-24 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

From: "Howard Lee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi guys,
 I'm using Tomcat, and one of my JSPs got pretty big, and I'm getting this
 error message. "Code of a method longer than 65535 bytes" Is there any way
 to get around to it? Is there a way to increase this limit? Thanks.

This limit is imposed by the Java VM Specification, because the .class file
format uses 16-bit numbers for code indices in the exception tables, line
number tables and local variable tables.  Some older VMs failed to enforce
this rule (you could get away with big methods having no debug info or
exceptions), but current ones don't.

You should try to make the generated method shorter, by moving big chunks of
Java into new methods, or some other trick.

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Re: Thread and JVM

2000-04-23 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

From: "Scott Stirling" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This is an operating system question.  Every operating system I know of
has a
 default limitation on how many threads a single process can run.  On
Windows NT
 I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) the limit is 2048.  On some UNIXes
 1024.  On Solaris 8 I want to say it's theoretically unlimited.
 it's a limit set by the operating system, it's usually tuneable, and the
JVM has
 nothing to do with it.
 Scott Stirling

Well, not all Java implementations map Java threads to OS threads.  AFAIK
the JRockIt VM does a N-to-N mapping btw Java/OS threads, and Tower's static
compiler implements their own threading instead of using the OS's.  So, if
you're using anything other than the vanilla, "standard" Sun JDK, the
question should be routed to the vendor.

 - Original Message -
 From: Laura Duong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000 4:36 PM
 Subject: Thread and JVM

  Hi ...
  It ' s a great place to learn here...
  Question: "How many thread can a VM handle ? max ?  and  why?
  Please help -
  Laura Duong

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Re: Resin from Caucho

2000-04-20 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

- Original Message -
From: "Scott Ferguson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Resin/IBM  620   529 553   4384
 Orion/JDK1.2   192   190 428549
 Resin/JDK1.2   267   212 234671

I just put in production a JSP app running on TomCat 3.1, which performance
looks very good right now (in a few months the system should grow
significantly in # of users, so maybe I'll need a commercial engine...).

Anyway, I see that you don't test Orion on IBM JDK.  I suppose Orion
requires Java2 and you're running IBM 1.1.8.  Why don't you try IBM 1.2.2,
it's available inside DirectDOM (you can grab this thing from AlphaWorks).

 Also, after a certain point, the servlet engine performance really doesn't
 matter.  You'll be stuck with database overhead or your own code.

Well, this is true for a dumb server with low-level database code (e.g.
JDBC).  Gotta use a persistence engine including a good object cache.  Reads
vastly dominate creates  updates in most database apps, so all you gotta do
is not destroying your persistent objects immediately after they're used,
only to reincarnate them in the next millisecond when a new request comes.
Maybe even a decent JDBC driver with a good client-side cache would serve.
But I agree that the application code will outweight everything else, if
it's not a simple read-database-write-HTML toy.

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Re: multiplication error

2000-04-04 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

From: "Sylvain Roche" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm using Blackdown's 1.2.2 JDK, but I remember having the same trouble in
 the past with others jdk too. I must be misdoing something :
 take two floats and multiply them : it works in most cases. Most cases ?
 for example (float)0.05 * (float)2179 = 108.950005 instead of 108.95

You ain't doing anything wrong, nor is Java.  It's the other languages which
are wrong.  :-)  As you may know, floating point maths is not exact.  Many
numbers, like 0.05 AND 2179, are impossible to represent exactly. The
encoding of both numbers is very small, but multiplying scales the error.

Differently from many other languages, Java defaults to a larger precision
when formatting FP numbers, that's why sometimes you get an exact result in
C++ or VB but a ugly thing terminating in 0.01 or .9 in Java.

 in some cases, an operation like x / ( 1/y) works. In some others
 (including this one) it doesn't.

If you mean 0.05/(1/2179), the result should be "Infinity" and it's right,
you are dividing by zero. Try 0.05 / (1.0 / 2179).  Integer numbers are not
promoted to floating-point types only because you're dividing.

 The margin error is always less than 0.1.
 Is it a cast problem, or is it worse. (By the way, the same thing happens
 also in javascript both in IE and Netscape).

Yes, they are all correct!  If you want more precision, use doubles.
If you want total precision, use bigdecimals.  Otherwise, live with that.
And please don't ever apply equality operators (==, !=) to FP numbers;
error propagation often make results just wrong enough to fail in exact
equality tests.  Use ,,=,= only.

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Re: Tomcat-as-a-reference implementation?

2000-02-17 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

From: "Scott Ferguson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Tomcat isn't really a reference implementation.  It's the Apache group's
 servlet implementation.  Sun has chosen, for its own reasons, to select
 the Apache group as its preferred servlet vendor.  Calling Tomcat a
 "reference implementation" is just marketing fluff.

 Orion is a better reference implementation than Tomcat in the sense of
 "if my implementation doesn't do the same thing, then it's probably
 wrong."  Orion implements the specs more faithfully than Tomcat does.

 Unfortunately, this diminishes Sun's credibility as an impartial
 standards arbiter, but that's Sun's choice.  Microsoft doesn't even
 pretend to be impartial with its ASP standard, and it's rather
 successful, so maybe it's not a bad decision.

This is very funny:

if (Sun doesn't do real open source)
Sun is evil;
else // Sun does real open source
Sun is evil;

I agree that TomCat shouldn't be considered a reference implementation.  Sun
should give us: a) a good specification, b) a good compliance-checking tool,
which would let us know which implementations are true to item 'a'.

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Re: ASP vs JSP

2000-02-14 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

 As opposed to Jason I generally feel safer drawing conclusions based on
 assumption that Microsoft is in fact "quite that dumb" until proven
 So my money would say that ASP is _not_ compiled to an executable state
 cached in memory.

I agree, and the evidence you expose is excellent.  But I thought MS would
at least be smart enough to convert the ASCII text to an intermediate
(tokenized) form.  Tips like "not using comments" mean they do everything
(even parsing) each time.

OTOH, it's not true that "jsp must always be interpretted from byte code".
You're supposed to have a high-performance JVM (including a JIT compiler) in
your server, ain't you?

 Evidence?  Read some documentation on how to improve ASP performance.
 special note of statements such as:
 "Avoid using comments in ASP code."
 "Avoid using uneccessary server-side #include directives to include
 "Group multiple Response.Write statements, and delimit them with one set
 %% delimiters."
 "Use only one scripting language per page."

 These are factors that are only likely to slow down a compiler, not an
 interpreter.  If ASP was only compiled once for each application start-up
 then these performance tips would make no sense.

 Furthermore, if ASP was compiled all the way to native code and run in
 process then it's performance would almost certainly outstrip that of JSP
 comfortably (as jsp must always be interpretted from byte code).  However
 experience shows that JSP is around 50% faster than ASP for identical
 (functionally) scripts.  Of course the much nicer tiered architectures
 you can easily put together with JSP/EJB increases performance by another
 magnitude altogether.

 Haven't seen ASP3 running on IIS5 yet, but MS better hope it's foundations
 aren't "quite that dumb".

 Dave Elliot

  -Original Message-
  From: Jason Boehle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 2:19 PM
  Subject: Re: ASP vs JSP
   ASP scripts get interpretted everytime a user requests the
  .asp page.
  Ummm, do you really think the people developing the ASP
  engine at MS are
  quite that dumb?  A compiled ASP page is cached in memory,
  and I'm sure
  THAT is why speed is comparable to JSP.
  Jason Boehle
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Re: JRUN-MS Access connection question

2000-01-09 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

From: "arthur alexander" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SUN want's to divest Microsoft of any ownership
 or even participation in the JAVA bandwagon, and
 to crush it's competitor M$ (as it is often abbreviated
 by anit-MS bigots).  Why would they want to promote
 the use of free ODBC drivers when they and their
 partners can get more $UN dollars out of you by
 promoting the alternative drivers.

An obvious soltion for this problem would be an open-source JdbcOdbc bridge.
Or we could get the sources of Sun's driver, improve it and have the result
in the next JDK, but the SCSL has yet to be accepted by most of the OSS

 As an example, why is it that SUN has done so much work
 providing good CORBA integration into the JAVA environment,
 and not a single API initiative to support bridging the COM
 based interfaces to JAVA?  Many will counter with " CORBA
 is an open source API, and COM is not ".  That is a truly false
 argument, and a red-herring.  While it is technically correct on
 the face, it does not address the real motives at work behind
 the sceens.

 The COM interface APIs are widely documented, and even
 the network protocol for Distributed COM is in the public domain.
 SUN could easily provide an API to support a bridge to COM,
 but that would only foster the use of COM, and that is not what
 SUN makes money on.  In fact, the worse MS does in the market
 the more opportunity there is for SUN to advance it's more costly
 solutions to the same problem.  Have you ever priced the market
 average for a complete CORBA infrastructure?  Thousands of
 dollars and more complex Servers and technology to support,
 with the requisite increase in support personell and skills.

 Now why would anyone opt for that when COM is free, and is
 already used by more than 70% of those companies that have
 begun to use JAVA?  It is nearly impossible to make a case for
 it on the basis of ROI, unless you take into account the volume
 use of the technology, the so called Scalability factor.

There are free, open-source implementations of CORBA orbs.  You only need a
commercial ORB if you really need its advantages like cute admin tools,
superior performance or robustness (and I say that as an ORB reseller).
Actually, the basic ORB product is rapidly being commoditized; vendors will
make money in services and application servers.

There is a significant synergy between teh Java and CORBA worlds.  They are
a great match for many reasons, and OMG follows Java as much as Sun follows
CORBA today.  The same is not true for Java/COM, and I can see no technical
reason to include COM support in Java (only the practical reason of
supporting a popular technology).  Finally, a Java/CORBA program wll be WORA
while a Java/COM program will not -- although COM has been ported to
non-Windows platforms, these ports are outdated, incomplete (for server
side) and expensive, and basically nobody uses them, so COM is "de facto"
non-multiplatform.  I support entirely Sun's position of not including as a
standard Java feature any support for a single-platform technology.  Of
course this is sometimes posible, when the technology in question is masked
by a neutral API (e.g. Java3D supporting Direct3D)... we could have a JNDI
provider supporting Microsoft's new directory services and things like that.

If Microsoft produced a JavaCOM API that would run on any compliant JVM,
then I think Sun should make this available as an extension.  But when
Microsoft produced COM libraries that work only on Win32, and particularly,
only on Microsoft's own JVM, Microsoft lost any moral rights to ask Sun to
support COM.


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Re: Check this

2000-01-06 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

 Do not open this file !!! Tuan is a fucker man !!!

I'd rather say he's dumb enough to open executable attachments in anonymous
emails... I guess the listserver could just reject ALL attachments,
considering that 99% of us hate attachments of ANY kind in public lists
(including vCards, zipfiles, HTML, JPGs from porn spammers - I hate 'em

 Tuan muon gi, loai lo dich ?

 -Message d'origine-
 De : tuan tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date : jeudi 6 janvier 2000 10:37
 Objet : Check this

 Have fun with these links.

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Re: How to pre-compile jsp pages under JRUN and JSWDK/TOMCAT

2000-01-05 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

Hi Lam,

It seems this is the purpose of TomCat's isWorkDirPersistent configuration
(check out your SERVER.XML).  If you set this flag to "true" for a
particular context, TomCat will keep the generated servlets and reuse them
if you shutdown/restart TomCat.  You could visit all pages in your
development site and zip the work directory and distribute it.

Unfortunately, this option causes the JVM (1.2.2 and 1.3.0beta, Win32) to
crash.  I have just filed a bug report.  Maybe other versions (JSWDK? JDK
1.2.0/1.2.1?) will work?

- Original Message -
From: "Lam, Kelvin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: How to pre-compile jsp pages under JRUN and JSWDK/TOMCAT

 For the benefit of this list, I got 2 replies on this question:

 1.  Switch to another JSP engine:
 To try GNUJSP compiler.
 jsp -- java -- class

 (I don't really know what it means but I thought all JSP will go
 thru this steps, but since I am not using GNUJSP, it does not apply to me

 2.  Use a faster java compiler:
 Not sure what platform you're using, but I'm using the IBM Jikes
 compiler on RedHat 6.1 and it flies! I've also tested the Symantec
 compiler - sj.exe - on NT and it is much faster than javac. Also,
 you're using NT and happen to have a copy of the MS vm, you can
 jvc.exe, which is very fast too.

 (None seems to suggest that it is possible to "pre-compile" all my JSP
 pages.  So I guess I am out of luck.  Thanks anyway.
 By the way, I am on NT platform.  But my problem should apply to any
 platform, ie. how can you "pre-load" the web application and eliminate the
 .jsp to .class step and provide a more consistant response time on jsp


  From: Lam, Kelvin[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Reply To: Lam, Kelvin
  Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2000 11:47 AM
  Subject:  How to pre-compile jsp pages under JRUN and JSWDK/TOMCAT
  Anyone knows how you can "pre-compile" all your JSP pages under JRUN or
  JSWDK or Tomcat?  I would like to eliminate the long (relatively) delay
  the first time access to the jsp pages.  (I know, I know, you can always
  visit every pages personally, but it is getting tiresome after
  Can it be done?
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Re: A Basic doubt !

1999-12-30 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein

Yes, you can get JServ from the Apache group.

- Original Message -
From: "Parshwanath" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 10:03 AM
Subject: A Basic doubt !

 If I want to use apache [I have been using IIS  JRUN before] do I need
 jsp/servlet engine [like jrun] to run my jsps  ?
 Thankx for all the replies.

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