Re: [julia-users] Extreme garbage collection time

2015-04-04 Thread Tim Holy
Devectorization should never slow anything down. If it does, then you have 
some other problem. Here, M is a global variable, and that's probably what's 
killing you. Performance tip #1:


On Friday, April 03, 2015 09:43:51 AM Adam Labadorf wrote:
 I am struggling with an issue related to garbage collection taking up the
 vast majority (99%) of compute time on a simple nested for loop. Code
 excerpt below:
 # julia version 0.3.7
 # counts is an MxN matrix of Float64
 # N=15000
 # M=108
 # h_cols and c_cols are indices \in {1:M}
 using HypothesisTests, ArrayViews
 ratios = Array(Float64,M)
 function compute!(S,tot_i::Int64,i::Int64,j::Int64)
 ratios = view(counts,:,i)./view(counts,:,j)
 #for k=1:M
 #  ratios[k] = counts[k,i]/counts[k,j]
 #ratios = counts[:,i]./counts[:,j]
 t = UnequalVarianceTTest(ratios[h_cols],ratios[c_cols])
 S[tot_i] = (pvalue(t),i,j)
 for i=1:N-1
   @time for j=(i+1):N
 tot_i += 1
 The loop begins fast, output from time:
 elapsed time: 1.023850054 seconds (62027220 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.170916977 seconds (45785624 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.171598156 seconds (45782760 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.173866309 seconds (45779896 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.170267172 seconds (45777032 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.171754713 seconds (45774168 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.170110142 seconds (45771304 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.175199053 seconds (45768440 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.179893161 seconds (45765576 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.212172824 seconds (45762712 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.252750549 seconds (45759848 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.254874855 seconds (45756984 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.231003319 seconds (45754120 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.235060195 seconds (45751256 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.235379355 seconds (45748392 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 0.927622743 seconds (45746168 bytes allocated, 77.65% gc time)
 elapsed time: 0.9132931 seconds (45742664 bytes allocated, 78.35% gc time)
 But as soon as it starts doing gc the % time spent in increases almost
 indefinitely, output from time much later:
 elapsed time: 0.174122929 seconds (36239160 bytes allocated)
 elapsed time: 18.535572658 seconds (36236168 bytes allocated, 99.22% gc
 elapsed time: 19.189478819 seconds (36233176 bytes allocated, 99.26% gc
 elapsed time: 21.812889439 seconds (36230184 bytes allocated, 99.35% gc
 elapsed time: 22.182467723 seconds (36227192 bytes allocated, 99.30% gc
 elapsed time: 0.16984 seconds (36224200 bytes allocated)
 The inner loop, despite iterating over fewer and fewer indices has
 massively increased the gc, and therefore overall, execution time. I have
 tried many things, including creating the compute function, devectorizing
 the ratios calculation (which really slowed things down), using view and
 sub in various places, profiling with --trace-allocation=all but I can't
 figure out why this happens or how to fix it. Doing gc for 22 seconds
 obviously kills the performance, and since there are about 22M iterations
 this is prohibitive. Can anyone suggest something I can try to improve the
 performance here?

[julia-users] Spark and Julia

2015-04-04 Thread Viral Shah
I am changing the subject of this thread from GSOC to Spark. I was just 
looking around and found this:

The real question is with all the various systems out there, what is the 
level of abstraction that julia should work with. Julia's DataFrames is one 
level of abstraction, which could also transparently map to csv files 
(rather than doing readtable), or a database table, or an HBase table. Why 
would Spark users want Julia, and why would Julia users want Spark? I guess 
if we can nail this down - the rest of the integration is probably easy to 
figure out.


On Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 1:14:51 AM UTC+5:30, Jeff Waller wrote:

 Well with very little time lest (15 minutes?)  I'd like to reiterate the 
 of Julia-Spark.  Simply put, the basic idea is too allow big data to flow 
 into Julia
 via Spark. 

[julia-users] Re: GPU-ODE

2015-04-04 Thread Viral Shah
Do you mean writing ODE solvers in Julia that run on GPUs? If so, the 
answer is no. You can easily ccall CUDA/opencl solvers though.


On Friday, April 3, 2015 at 11:18:35 AM UTC+5:30, pauld11718 wrote:

 Is it possible in Julia - GPU based ODE solvers?
 There are ~250 Independent systems, each system has ~350 equations. So, 
 was looking for GPU based ODE solvers.
 Any experiences?
 If yes, how?
 If no, any suggestion to do the same ?

[julia-users] Re: GPU-ODE

2015-04-04 Thread pauld11718
ok no problem

Is julia capable yet of creating a standalone executable?
If no, any time soon to expect such?

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:19:56 PM UTC+5:30, Viral Shah wrote:

 Do you mean writing ODE solvers in Julia that run on GPUs? If so, the 
 answer is no. You can easily ccall CUDA/opencl solvers though.


 On Friday, April 3, 2015 at 11:18:35 AM UTC+5:30, pauld11718 wrote:

 Is it possible in Julia - GPU based ODE solvers?
 There are ~250 Independent systems, each system has ~350 equations. So, 
 was looking for GPU based ODE solvers.
 Any experiences?
 If yes, how?
 If no, any suggestion to do the same ?

Re: [julia-users] Re: GPU-ODE

2015-04-04 Thread Viral Shah
You can already compile your user code into the julia system image and provide 
that to someone. Standalone executables are not too far away. Most likely it 
will happen in 0.5.


 On 04-Apr-2015, at 1:52 pm, pauld11718 wrote:
 ok no problem
 Is julia capable yet of creating a standalone executable?
 If no, any time soon to expect such?
 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:19:56 PM UTC+5:30, Viral Shah wrote:
 Do you mean writing ODE solvers in Julia that run on GPUs? If so, the answer 
 is no. You can easily ccall CUDA/opencl solvers though.
 On Friday, April 3, 2015 at 11:18:35 AM UTC+5:30, pauld11718 wrote:
 Is it possible in Julia - GPU based ODE solvers?
 There are ~250 Independent systems, each system has ~350 equations. So, was 
 looking for GPU based ODE solvers.
 Any experiences?
 If yes, how?
 If no, any suggestion to do the same ?

[julia-users] Unexpected behaviour when running parallelized code on single worker

2015-04-04 Thread Nils Gudat
There's something weird happening in my recently parallelized code. When 
running it without adding some worker processes first, the results are 
completely off and after some investigation I found that this was due to 
assignment operations going wrong - results of computations were assigned 
to different Arrays than the intended ones. A small working example 
illustrating the point:

x1 = linspace(1, 3, 3)
x2 = linspace(1, 3, 3)
x3 = linspace(1, 3, 3)

function getresults(x1::Array, x2::Array, x3::Array)
  result1 = SharedArray(Float64, (3,3,3))
  result2 = similar(result1)
  result3 = similar(result1)
  @sync @parallel for a=1:3
for b=1:3
  for c=1:3
result1[a,b,c] = x1[a]*x2[b]*x3[c]
result2[a,b,c] = sqrt(x1[a]*x2[b]*x3[c])
result3[a,b,c] = (x1[a]*x2[b]*x3[c])^2
  return sdata(result1), sdata(result2), sdata(result3)

(r1,r2,r3) = getresults(x1, x2, x3)

nprocs()==CPU_CORES || addprocs(CPU_CORES-1)
(r1_par,r2_par,r3_par) = getresults(x1, x2, x3)

When I run this on my system  (v0.3.6), the parallelized version works as 
intended, while running the code without adding workers first gives the 
expected results for r1 and r3, but r2 holds the same results as r3. The 
behaviour in my original problem was similar, the code returns three 
Arrays, but running it without additional workers those Arrays all return 
the same contents.

Is there something in the @sync or @parallel macros that causes this? How 
should a code be written to ensure that it works both with one and multiple 

[julia-users] macros generating macros in modules

2015-04-04 Thread Abe Schneider
I should start off, not entirely sure this is an okay thing to do with 
Julia. Suppose I want to create a macro that generates another macro, I can 

macro meta_macro(x)
macro foo(y)

and then call it and the generated macro:

# 8

Okay, wasn't entirely sure that was going to work, but it appears to. 
However, if I try to move the exact same macro code into a module, it no 
longer works:

module meta_macro_mod

export @meta_macro, @foo

macro meta_macro(x)
macro foo(y)


Even without trying to invoke `@foo`, when I execute `@meta_macro`, I get:

ERROR: syntax: invalid macro definition

It seems like how the macro gets evaluated changes when it's in the module. 
If I change it to a module to just doing an 'include', everything works 

[julia-users] mapping to colums of a matrix

2015-04-04 Thread Tamas Papp

Suppose I have a function that maps an atom of type T, eg Float64, into
Vector{T}, and takes another argument n that determines its length.

What is the idiomatic/fast way of collecting the values in the columns
of a matrix?

Currently I am using this:

@doc Map elements of `x` into columns of a matrix using `f`.
Result is assumed to have the same element type as `x`. -
function maptocols{T}(f,x::Vector{T},n)
  k = length(x)
  b = Array(T, n, k)
  for j = 1:k
b[:,j] = f(x[j],n)


julia maptocols((x,n) - x.*[1:n;], [1,2,3,4], 4)
4x4 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  2   3   4
 2  4   6   8
 3  6   9  12
 4  8  12  16

which is OK but of course I would prefer a one-liner if there is one
provided by the language (could not find it though).



[julia-users] Re: Spark and Julia

2015-04-04 Thread Jeff Waller

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 2:22:38 AM UTC-4, Viral Shah wrote:

 I am changing the subject of this thread from GSOC to Spark. I was just 
 looking around and found this:

Hey, wow, that's interesting, is this an attempt to reimplement Spark or 
create a binding? 


The real question is with all the various systems out there, what is the 
 level of abstraction that julia should work with. Julia's DataFrames is one 
 level of abstraction, which could also transparently map to csv files 
 (rather than doing readtable), or a database table, or an HBase table. Why 
 would Spark users want Julia, and why would Julia users want Spark? I guess 
 if we can nail this down - the rest of the integration is probably easy to 
 figure out.

As a potential user, I will try to answer in a few parts

There are currently 3 official language bindings (Java, Scala, Python) and 
some unofficial ones as well
and R in the works; one thing that users would want is whatever the others 
get but in the language they
desire with an abstraction similar to the other language bindings so that 
examples in other languages
could be readily translated to theirs.

Whatever the abstraction turns out the be, there are at least 3 big things 
that Spark offers; simplification,
speed, and lazy evaluation.  The abstraction should not make that 

For me, the advantage of Julia is the syntax, the speed, and the connection 
to all of the Julia packages
and because of that the community of Julia package authors.  The advantage 
of Spark is the machinery
of Spark, access to mlib and likewise the community of Spark users.

How about an example?  This is simply from Spark examples -- good old 
K-means.  This is assuming
the Python binding because probably Julia and Python are most alike, how 
would we expect this to 
look using Julia?

from pyspark.mllib.clustering import KMeans
from numpy import array
from math import sqrt

# Load and parse the data
data = sc.textFile(data/mllib/kmeans_data.txt)
parsedData = line: array([float(x) for x in line.split(' ')]))

# Build the model (cluster the data)
clusters = KMeans.train(parsedData, 2, maxIterations=10,
runs=10, initializationMode=random)

# Evaluate clustering by computing Within Set Sum of Squared Errors
def error(point):
center = clusters.centers[clusters.predict(point)]
return sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in (point - center)]))

WSSSE = point: error(point)).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)
print(Within Set Sum of Squared Error =  + str(WSSSE))

Re: [julia-users] mapping to colums of a matrix

2015-04-04 Thread Tim Holy
Try the cat, hcat, vcat family of functions.

On Saturday, April 04, 2015 05:04:21 PM Tamas Papp wrote:
 Suppose I have a function that maps an atom of type T, eg Float64, into
 Vector{T}, and takes another argument n that determines its length.
 What is the idiomatic/fast way of collecting the values in the columns
 of a matrix?
 Currently I am using this:
 @doc Map elements of `x` into columns of a matrix using `f`.
 Result is assumed to have the same element type as `x`. -
 function maptocols{T}(f,x::Vector{T},n)
   k = length(x)
   b = Array(T, n, k)
   for j = 1:k
 b[:,j] = f(x[j],n)
 julia maptocols((x,n) - x.*[1:n;], [1,2,3,4], 4)
 4x4 Array{Int64,2}:
  1  2   3   4
  2  4   6   8
  3  6   9  12
  4  8  12  16
 which is OK but of course I would prefer a one-liner if there is one
 provided by the language (could not find it though).

[julia-users] [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-04-04 Thread Simon Danisch
Hi there,

FileIO has the aim to make it very easy to read any arbitrary file.
I hastily copied together a proof of concept by taking code from Images.jl.

JuliaIO is the umbrella group, which takes IO packages with no home. If 
someone wrote an IO package, but doesn't have time to implement the FileIO 
interface, giving it to JuliaIO might be a good idea in order to keep the 
package usable.

Concept of FileIO is described in the readme:

Meta package for FileIO. Purpose is to open a file and return the 
respective Julia object, without doing any research on how to open the file.

f = filetest.jpg # - File{:jpg}read(f) # - Imageread(filetest.obj) # - 
Meshread(filetest.csv) # - DataFrame

So far only Images are supported and MeshIO is on the horizon.

It is structured the following way: There are three levels of abstraction, 
first FileIO, defining the file_str macro etc, then a meta package for a 
certain class of file, e.g. Images or Meshes. This meta package defines the 
Julia datatype (e.g. Mesh, Image) and organizes the importer libraries. 
This is also a good place to define IO library independant tests for 
different file formats. Then on the last level, there are the low-level 
importer libraries, which do the actual IO. They're included via Mike Innes 
Requires package, so that 
it doesn't introduce extra load time if not needed. This way, using FileIO 
without reading/writing anything should have short load times.

As an implementation example please look at FileIO - ImageIO - 
ImageMagick. This should already work as a proof of concept. Try:

using FileIO # should be very fast, thanks to Mike Innes Requires 
packageread(filetest.jpg) # takes a little longer as it needs to load the IO 
libraryread(filetest.jpg) # should be fastread(File(documents, images, 
myimage.jpg) # automatic joinpath via File constructor

Please open issues if things are not clear or if you find flaws in the 

If you're interested in working on this infrastructure I'll be pleased to 
add you to the group JuliaIO.



Re: [julia-users] Extreme garbage collection time

2015-04-04 Thread Patrick O'Leary
Silly me, ignoring all the commented out lines assuming they were 
comments...yes, this is almost certainly it.

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 3:24:50 AM UTC-5, Tim Holy wrote:

 Devectorization should never slow anything down. If it does, then you have 
 some other problem. Here, M is a global variable, and that's probably 
 killing you. Performance tip #1: 


 On Friday, April 03, 2015 09:43:51 AM Adam Labadorf wrote: 
  I am struggling with an issue related to garbage collection taking up 
  vast majority (99%) of compute time on a simple nested for loop. Code 
  excerpt below: 
  # julia version 0.3.7 
  # counts is an MxN matrix of Float64 
  # N=15000 
  # M=108 
  # h_cols and c_cols are indices \in {1:M} 
  using HypothesisTests, ArrayViews 
  ratios = Array(Float64,M) 
  function compute!(S,tot_i::Int64,i::Int64,j::Int64) 
  ratios = view(counts,:,i)./view(counts,:,j) 
  #for k=1:M 
  #  ratios[k] = counts[k,i]/counts[k,j] 
  #ratios = counts[:,i]./counts[:,j] 
  t = UnequalVarianceTTest(ratios[h_cols],ratios[c_cols]) 
  S[tot_i] = (pvalue(t),i,j) 
  for i=1:N-1 
@time for j=(i+1):N 
  tot_i += 1 
  The loop begins fast, output from time: 
  elapsed time: 1.023850054 seconds (62027220 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.170916977 seconds (45785624 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.171598156 seconds (45782760 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.173866309 seconds (45779896 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.170267172 seconds (45777032 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.171754713 seconds (45774168 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.170110142 seconds (45771304 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.175199053 seconds (45768440 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.179893161 seconds (45765576 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.212172824 seconds (45762712 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.252750549 seconds (45759848 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.254874855 seconds (45756984 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.231003319 seconds (45754120 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.235060195 seconds (45751256 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.235379355 seconds (45748392 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 0.927622743 seconds (45746168 bytes allocated, 77.65% gc 
  elapsed time: 0.9132931 seconds (45742664 bytes allocated, 78.35% gc 
  But as soon as it starts doing gc the % time spent in increases almost 
  indefinitely, output from time much later: 
  elapsed time: 0.174122929 seconds (36239160 bytes allocated) 
  elapsed time: 18.535572658 seconds (36236168 bytes allocated, 99.22% gc 
  elapsed time: 19.189478819 seconds (36233176 bytes allocated, 99.26% gc 
  elapsed time: 21.812889439 seconds (36230184 bytes allocated, 99.35% gc 
  elapsed time: 22.182467723 seconds (36227192 bytes allocated, 99.30% gc 
  elapsed time: 0.16984 seconds (36224200 bytes allocated) 
  The inner loop, despite iterating over fewer and fewer indices has 
  massively increased the gc, and therefore overall, execution time. I 
  tried many things, including creating the compute function, 
  the ratios calculation (which really slowed things down), using view and 
  sub in various places, profiling with --trace-allocation=all but I can't 
  figure out why this happens or how to fix it. Doing gc for 22 seconds 
  obviously kills the performance, and since there are about 22M 
  this is prohibitive. Can anyone suggest something I can try to improve 
  performance here? 

[julia-users] Error messages related to macros

2015-04-04 Thread Nehal Patel
Hi -- I've only used Julia for about three months now, but I think it's 
great;  Thanks to everyone involved in its creation!

I've also accumulated a set of questions during this time that I'm finally 
getting around to asking... 

So first question:  Are there plans to improve the messages related to 
errors that occur while using macros?   

Obviously error messages in general can be a difficult engineering problem, 
but Julia's error messages related to macros are particularly problematic. 
 At one point I tried to catalog many different error scenarios, which I 
collected here: Macro Errors
 The notebook is perhaps a little too disorganized to follow completely, 
but essentially it explores many different cases where, for example, the 
reported line numbers don't seem correlated to anything useful (they are 
just plain wrong).  

Here is my explanation of why this is important to me.  There are a few 
packages that attempt to provide powerful macros that are meant to be a) 
fairly general purpose  and b) typically used to wrap fairly large 
expressions (as opposed to, say, @show).  Examples are @match from Match.jl 
and maybe @as from Lazy.jl .  So for instance, when I first came across 
Match.jl, it seemed perfect for quickly writing simple interpreters or code 
generators  that used some subset (or all) of Julia's syntax.  But 
basically this ends up being difficult in practice due to the error 
messages -- tiny typos generate opaque messages that make progress 

I've made a (somewhat feeble) attempt to understand what the issues might 
be.  As far as I can tell I don't believe it's related to optimizations 
that happen during compilation.  Rather  the Julia macro system (very 
nicely!) tries to mitigate hygiene issues by auto-gensym'ing (not sure 
what else to call it) unescaped locals in the expression returned by the 
macro.  This is not an easy analysis and it happens in the bowels of 
femtolisp, and somewhere in this process, the line number tracking/error 
context information is getting garbled (I could be totally wrong about 

The combination of theory of programming languages + numerical computation 
+ systems-level core(e.g.libuv,libunwind) trifecta that is Julia makes my 
heart sing, and making sure Julia remains much more than a better matlab 
is very important to me, so, obviously I'd like to help fix things, but I'm 
not entirely sure I know how to fix this particular issue.   I'm curious if 
others (the authors of Match.jl or Lazy.jl?) feel the same as I do about 
this, and would appreciate any comments on the topic. 

Cheers, nehal



Re: [julia-users] Re: GPU-ODE

2015-04-04 Thread Daniel Høegh
To complile it in sysimg you need to use the script in: I 
have only used it for building a small application.

[julia-users] Re: GPU-ODE

2015-04-04 Thread Michael Stumpf
You could try cuda-sim using PyCall:

I will try to see what we can do about getting this to work with Julia in a 
more streamlined fashion.

On Friday, April 3, 2015 at 6:48:35 AM UTC+1, pauld11718 wrote:

 Is it possible in Julia - GPU based ODE solvers?
 There are ~250 Independent systems, each system has ~350 equations. So, 
 was looking for GPU based ODE solvers.
 Any experiences?
 If yes, how?
 If no, any suggestion to do the same ?

[julia-users] Re: [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-04-04 Thread Paulo Castro
That' s a very nice idea. Having a common way to load files with different 
backends is very neat and very useful. Even the idea of having a file_str 
macro is a very Julian way to do thing, I believe.

Maybe FastaIO could benefit from this model (and also other parsers for 
biological data). We should contact BioJulia and FastaIO guys to see what 
can be done.

Em sábado, 4 de abril de 2015 12:41:14 UTC-3, Simon Danisch escreveu:

 Hi there,

 FileIO has the aim to make it very easy to read any arbitrary file.
 I hastily copied together a proof of concept by taking code from Images.jl.

 JuliaIO is the umbrella group, which takes IO packages with no home. If 
 someone wrote an IO package, but doesn't have time to implement the FileIO 
 interface, giving it to JuliaIO might be a good idea in order to keep the 
 package usable.

 Concept of FileIO is described in the readme:

 Meta package for FileIO. Purpose is to open a file and return the 
 respective Julia object, without doing any research on how to open the file.

 f = filetest.jpg # - File{:jpg}read(f) # - Imageread(filetest.obj) # - 
 Meshread(filetest.csv) # - DataFrame

 So far only Images are supported and MeshIO is on the horizon.

 It is structured the following way: There are three levels of abstraction, 
 first FileIO, defining the file_str macro etc, then a meta package for a 
 certain class of file, e.g. Images or Meshes. This meta package defines the 
 Julia datatype (e.g. Mesh, Image) and organizes the importer libraries. 
 This is also a good place to define IO library independant tests for 
 different file formats. Then on the last level, there are the low-level 
 importer libraries, which do the actual IO. They're included via Mike Innes 
 Requires package, so 
 that it doesn't introduce extra load time if not needed. This way, using 
 FileIO without reading/writing anything should have short load times.

 As an implementation example please look at FileIO - ImageIO - 
 ImageMagick. This should already work as a proof of concept. Try:

 using FileIO # should be very fast, thanks to Mike Innes Requires 
 packageread(filetest.jpg) # takes a little longer as it needs to load the 
 IO libraryread(filetest.jpg) # should be fastread(File(documents, 
 images, myimage.jpg) # automatic joinpath via File constructor

 Please open issues if things are not clear or if you find flaws in the 

 If you're interested in working on this infrastructure I'll be pleased to 
 add you to the group JuliaIO.



[julia-users] Re: macros generating macros in modules

2015-04-04 Thread Abe Schneider
The issue I'm dealing with is that I have a macro that I want to pass a 
list of functions that the macro can employ for parsing grammars. The macro 
itself exists already, and it currently has its own static list of 
functions. I'm trying to figure out a way to allow the user of the library 
to customize it.

For example:
@grammar foo begin
  start = list(integer, r, )

where `list` is a user supplied function. The issue that I keep running 
into is that there doesn't seem to be any easy way of just passing in a 
function to a macro. Turning an expression into a function is problematic, 
because `eval`s are: (a) only work in the modules namespace, and (b) are 
frowned on.

I've thought about manually looking up the symbol name in the various 
namespaces, but while I've found methods to list the functions, I haven't 
found a way to do the reverse.

Ideally, it would be nice to generate an expression with `call` that took a 
symbol and a namespace, that way no lookups would have to be done.

Having hit a dead end in this direction, it occurred to me that it might be 
possible to do something like this:
@set_parsers(list, etc)
@grammar foo begin

where '@set_parsers` would generate the `@grammar` macro with the static 
list it already has plus whatever else the user adds in.

Which works, except for the whole module issue.


On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:41:27 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:04:10 AM UTC-5, Abe Schneider wrote:

 I should start off, not entirely sure this is an okay thing to do with 
 Julia. Suppose I want to create a macro that generates another macro...

 I'm not sure whether this should work or not, but either way I'm not sure 
 how it's any more expressive than macros alone? Can you describe what it is 
 you want to do at a high level in a little more detail? There might be 
 another way. 

Re: [julia-users] Re: R's splineDesign in Julia

2015-04-04 Thread Kyle Barbary
Hi Tamas,

I'm not familiar with R's splineDesign, so I'm not sure this helps, but you
can get internal spline coefficients in Dierckx with `get_coeffs(spl)`
where `spl` is a Spline1D object. Or look into the internals here: .

- Kyle

On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Tamas Papp wrote:

 I have looked at Dierckx.jl, but could not figure out how to evaluate
 the B-spline basis (all the functions in the documentation appear to do
 fitting directly). Can you please give me a hint?



 On Sat, Apr 04 2015, pauld11718 wrote:
  (use with PyCall)
  (R and Julia Interfacing)
  On Sunday, April 5, 2015 at 12:57:28 AM UTC+5:30, Tamas Papp wrote:
  I am looking for a function (library) that allows evaluation of a
  basis (specified by the knots and the order), at given points, _and_
  also allows the evaluation of derivatives for the same family. R's
  splineDesign in the splines package has this, but looking at the splines
  libraries in Julia I could not find one that does B-splines and
  derivatives. Using internals from some library would be fine, too.
  (Knowing that there is no such thing at the moment would also be useful,
  I might implement it, but would prefer to avoid that because B-spline
  special cases are tricky).

Re: [julia-users] Re: macros generating macros in modules

2015-04-04 Thread Abe Schneider
I don't understand how what I'm trying to do falls outside the domain of 
transforming code. My main goal is to take a user-defined grammar and 
create relevant code.

More to the point, I think the general ability to generate expressions 
based on functions/namespaces is also solidly in the domain of transforms. 
I can imagine plenty of use-cases for language-bindings, communication, etc.

Yes, there are many simple macros one can create, which are useful, but 
there exists many useful things one can do with macros that can get more 


On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 10:11:25 PM UTC-4, Jameson wrote:

 I think the underlying issue may be that you are trying to have the macro 
 do too much, when you should instead be just doing source-code transforms 
 and preprocessing. One such example of a great use of a macro is simply:

 macro special_foo(syntax_tree)
 return quote
 special_foo( $(QuoteNode(syntax_tree) )

 On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 8:05 PM Abe Schneider 
 javascript: wrote:

 The issue I'm dealing with is that I have a macro that I want to pass a 
 list of functions that the macro can employ for parsing grammars. The macro 
 itself exists already, and it currently has its own static list of 
 functions. I'm trying to figure out a way to allow the user of the library 
 to customize it.

 For example:
 @grammar foo begin
   start = list(integer, r, )

 where `list` is a user supplied function. The issue that I keep running 
 into is that there doesn't seem to be any easy way of just passing in a 
 function to a macro. Turning an expression into a function is problematic, 
 because `eval`s are: (a) only work in the modules namespace, and (b) are 
 frowned on.

 I've thought about manually looking up the symbol name in the various 
 namespaces, but while I've found methods to list the functions, I haven't 
 found a way to do the reverse.

 Ideally, it would be nice to generate an expression with `call` that took 
 a symbol and a namespace, that way no lookups would have to be done.

 Having hit a dead end in this direction, it occurred to me that it might 
 be possible to do something like this:
 @set_parsers(list, etc)
 @grammar foo begin

 where '@set_parsers` would generate the `@grammar` macro with the static 
 list it already has plus whatever else the user adds in.

 Which works, except for the whole module issue.


 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:41:27 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:04:10 AM UTC-5, Abe Schneider wrote:

 I should start off, not entirely sure this is an okay thing to do with 
 Julia. Suppose I want to create a macro that generates another macro...

 I'm not sure whether this should work or not, but either way I'm not 
 sure how it's any more expressive than macros alone? Can you describe what 
 it is you want to do at a high level in a little more detail? There might 
 be another way. 

[julia-users] Re: Error messages related to macros

2015-04-04 Thread Miles Lubin
This doesn't address all of your questions, but it's definitely a 
recognized issue that the error messages from macros leave much to be 
desired. See the discussions at:

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 11:33:08 AM UTC-4, Nehal Patel wrote:

 Hi -- I've only used Julia for about three months now, but I think it's 
 great;  Thanks to everyone involved in its creation!

 I've also accumulated a set of questions during this time that I'm finally 
 getting around to asking... 

 So first question:  Are there plans to improve the messages related to 
 errors that occur while using macros?   

 Obviously error messages in general can be a difficult engineering 
 problem, but Julia's error messages related to macros are particularly 
 problematic.  At one point I tried to catalog many different error 
 scenarios, which I collected here: Macro Errors
  The notebook is perhaps a little too disorganized to follow completely, 
 but essentially it explores many different cases where, for example, the 
 reported line numbers don't seem correlated to anything useful (they are 
 just plain wrong).  

 Here is my explanation of why this is important to me.  There are a few 
 packages that attempt to provide powerful macros that are meant to be a) 
 fairly general purpose  and b) typically used to wrap fairly large 
 expressions (as opposed to, say, @show).  Examples are @match from Match.jl 
 and maybe @as from Lazy.jl .  So for instance, when I first came across 
 Match.jl, it seemed perfect for quickly writing simple interpreters or code 
 generators  that used some subset (or all) of Julia's syntax.  But 
 basically this ends up being difficult in practice due to the error 
 messages -- tiny typos generate opaque messages that make progress 

 I've made a (somewhat feeble) attempt to understand what the issues might 
 be.  As far as I can tell I don't believe it's related to optimizations 
 that happen during compilation.  Rather  the Julia macro system (very 
 nicely!) tries to mitigate hygiene issues by auto-gensym'ing (not sure 
 what else to call it) unescaped locals in the expression returned by the 
 macro.  This is not an easy analysis and it happens in the bowels of 
 femtolisp, and somewhere in this process, the line number tracking/error 
 context information is getting garbled (I could be totally wrong about 

 The combination of theory of programming languages + numerical computation 
 + systems-level core(e.g.libuv,libunwind) trifecta that is Julia makes my 
 heart sing, and making sure Julia remains much more than a better matlab 
 is very important to me, so, obviously I'd like to help fix things, but I'm 
 not entirely sure I know how to fix this particular issue.   I'm curious if 
 others (the authors of Match.jl or Lazy.jl?) feel the same as I do about 
 this, and would appreciate any comments on the topic. 

 Cheers, nehal



[julia-users] Re: derivatives of Chebyshev polynomials

2015-04-04 Thread Spencer Lyon

I have a function that will compute the derivative matrix operator that 
transforms coefficients of a Chebyshev interpolant on interval [a, b] of 
degree n (so n+1 total Chebyshev basis functions T_0, T_1, … T_n) into the 
coefficients of a degree n-1 chebyshev interpolant on [a, b] that is the 
exact derivative of the first interpolant. Maybe it could help you:

# derivative matrix
function der_matrix(deg::Int, a::Real=-1, b::Real=1)
N = deg
D = zeros(Float64, N, N+1)
for i=1:N, j=1:N+1
if i == 1
if iseven(i + j)
D[i, j] = 2*(j-1)/(b-a)
if j  i || iseven(i+j)
D[i, j] = 4*(j-1)/(b-a)


On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 10:38:48 AM UTC-4, Tamas Papp wrote:


 Can someone point me to some Julia code that calculates a matrix for the 
 derivatives of the Chebyshev polynomials T_j, at given values, ie 

 d^k T_i(x_j) / dx^kfor i=1,..n, j for some and vector x. 

 The Chebyshev polynomials themselves are very easy to calculate using 
 the recurrence relation, but derivatives are not. Alternatively, maybe 
 this can be extracted from ApproxFun but I have not found a way. 




[julia-users] Re: derivatives of Chebyshev polynomials

2015-04-04 Thread Spencer Lyon

Oh I forgot to say how to use it. If c are your coefficients for a degree n 
interpolant on [a, b] then the coefficients of the derivative of that 
interpolant are der_matrix(n, a, b) * c

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 11:39:49 PM UTC-4, Spencer Lyon wrote:

I have a function that will compute the derivative matrix operator that 
 transforms coefficients of a Chebyshev interpolant on interval [a, b] of 
 degree n (so n+1 total Chebyshev basis functions T_0, T_1, … T_n) into the 
 coefficients of a degree n-1 chebyshev interpolant on [a, b] that is the 
 exact derivative of the first interpolant. Maybe it could help you:

 # derivative matrix
 function der_matrix(deg::Int, a::Real=-1, b::Real=1)
 N = deg
 D = zeros(Float64, N, N+1)
 for i=1:N, j=1:N+1
 if i == 1
 if iseven(i + j)
 D[i, j] = 2*(j-1)/(b-a)
 if j  i || iseven(i+j)
 D[i, j] = 4*(j-1)/(b-a)


 On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 10:38:48 AM UTC-4, Tamas Papp wrote:


 Can someone point me to some Julia code that calculates a matrix for the 
 derivatives of the Chebyshev polynomials T_j, at given values, ie 

 d^k T_i(x_j) / dx^kfor i=1,..n, j for some and vector x. 

 The Chebyshev polynomials themselves are very easy to calculate using 
 the recurrence relation, but derivatives are not. Alternatively, maybe 
 this can be extracted from ApproxFun but I have not found a way. 





Re: [julia-users] Re: macros generating macros in modules

2015-04-04 Thread Jameson Nash
I think the underlying issue may be that you are trying to have the macro
do too much, when you should instead be just doing source-code transforms
and preprocessing. One such example of a great use of a macro is simply:

macro special_foo(syntax_tree)
return quote
special_foo( $(QuoteNode(syntax_tree) )

On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 8:05 PM Abe Schneider

 The issue I'm dealing with is that I have a macro that I want to pass a
 list of functions that the macro can employ for parsing grammars. The macro
 itself exists already, and it currently has its own static list of
 functions. I'm trying to figure out a way to allow the user of the library
 to customize it.

 For example:
 @grammar foo begin
   start = list(integer, r, )

 where `list` is a user supplied function. The issue that I keep running
 into is that there doesn't seem to be any easy way of just passing in a
 function to a macro. Turning an expression into a function is problematic,
 because `eval`s are: (a) only work in the modules namespace, and (b) are
 frowned on.

 I've thought about manually looking up the symbol name in the various
 namespaces, but while I've found methods to list the functions, I haven't
 found a way to do the reverse.

 Ideally, it would be nice to generate an expression with `call` that took
 a symbol and a namespace, that way no lookups would have to be done.

 Having hit a dead end in this direction, it occurred to me that it might
 be possible to do something like this:
 @set_parsers(list, etc)
 @grammar foo begin

 where '@set_parsers` would generate the `@grammar` macro with the static
 list it already has plus whatever else the user adds in.

 Which works, except for the whole module issue.


 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:41:27 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:04:10 AM UTC-5, Abe Schneider wrote:

 I should start off, not entirely sure this is an okay thing to do with
 Julia. Suppose I want to create a macro that generates another macro...

 I'm not sure whether this should work or not, but either way I'm not sure
 how it's any more expressive than macros alone? Can you describe what it is
 you want to do at a high level in a little more detail? There might be
 another way.

Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Match.jl v0.1.0 released

2015-04-04 Thread William Macready

I posted a small problematic test case Kevin.

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 2:06:38 PM UTC-7, William Macready wrote:

 I'm using Julia Version 0.3.7-pre+19.

 Later today, I'll build a small test and open an issue.


[julia-users] Re: holoviews in julia

2015-04-04 Thread Zahirul ALAM
I just checked out the holoviews. This is awsome. may be @pyimport will 

On Saturday, 4 April 2015 19:47:02 UTC-4, Philipp Rudiger wrote:

 Great to see this is getting some interest. I'm one of the authors of 
 HoloViews and put together that initial (and poor) attempt at a Julia 
 integration. If someone is interested in developing this further, I'd be 
 glad to provide assistance in putting together a proper interface, although 
 I'm afraid I won't be much help on the Julia end.


 On Saturday, 4 April 2015 00:23:46 UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I just found this as a starting point

 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 1:21:00 AM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Are you guys familiar with ?
 Is anyone working on a Julia interface or port?


[julia-users] Re: holoviews in julia

2015-04-04 Thread Zahirul ALAM
I just checked out the holoviews. This is awsome. may be @pyimport will 

On Saturday, 4 April 2015 19:47:02 UTC-4, Philipp Rudiger wrote:

 Great to see this is getting some interest. I'm one of the authors of 
 HoloViews and put together that initial (and poor) attempt at a Julia 
 integration. If someone is interested in developing this further, I'd be 
 glad to provide assistance in putting together a proper interface, although 
 I'm afraid I won't be much help on the Julia end.


 On Saturday, 4 April 2015 00:23:46 UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I just found this as a starting point

 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 1:21:00 AM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Are you guys familiar with ?
 Is anyone working on a Julia interface or port?


[julia-users] Re: Spark and Julia

2015-04-04 Thread wildart
Spark integration is a tricky thing. Python and R bindings go in a great 
length to map language specific functions into Spark JVM library calls. I 
guess same could be done with JavaCall.jl package in a manner similar to 
SparkR. Look at slide 20 from here:

Spark is a clever distributed data access paradigm which grew from Hadoop 
slowness and limitations. I believe that Julia could provide competitive 
model for a distributed data storage given Julia's parallel computing 
approach. Right now, I am writing Julia bindings for Mesos. The idea is to 
provide, though ClusterManager, access to any Mesos-supervised distributed 
system and run Julia code that environment. In conjuction with 
DistributedArrays and DataFrames, it will create powerful toolbox for 
building distributed systems.
After all, machine learning on JVM, really?!.

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 11:21:35 AM UTC-4, Jeff Waller wrote:

 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 2:22:38 AM UTC-4, Viral Shah wrote:

 I am changing the subject of this thread from GSOC to Spark. I was just 
 looking around and found this:

 Hey, wow, that's interesting, is this an attempt to reimplement Spark or 
 create a binding? 


 The real question is with all the various systems out there, what is the 
 level of abstraction that julia should work with. Julia's DataFrames is one 
 level of abstraction, which could also transparently map to csv files 
 (rather than doing readtable), or a database table, or an HBase table. Why 
 would Spark users want Julia, and why would Julia users want Spark? I guess 
 if we can nail this down - the rest of the integration is probably easy to 
 figure out.

 As a potential user, I will try to answer in a few parts

 There are currently 3 official language bindings (Java, Scala, Python) and 
 some unofficial ones as well
 and R in the works; one thing that users would want is whatever the others 
 get but in the language they
 desire with an abstraction similar to the other language bindings so that 
 examples in other languages
 could be readily translated to theirs.

 Whatever the abstraction turns out the be, there are at least 3 big things 
 that Spark offers; simplification,
 speed, and lazy evaluation.  The abstraction should not make that 

 For me, the advantage of Julia is the syntax, the speed, and the 
 connection to all of the Julia packages
 and because of that the community of Julia package authors.  The advantage 
 of Spark is the machinery
 of Spark, access to mlib and likewise the community of Spark users.

 How about an example?  This is simply from Spark examples -- good old 
 K-means.  This is assuming
 the Python binding because probably Julia and Python are most alike, how 
 would we expect this to 
 look using Julia?

 from pyspark.mllib.clustering import KMeans
 from numpy import array
 from math import sqrt

 # Load and parse the data
 data = sc.textFile(data/mllib/kmeans_data.txt)
 parsedData = line: array([float(x) for x in line.split(' ')]))

 # Build the model (cluster the data)
 clusters = KMeans.train(parsedData, 2, maxIterations=10,
 runs=10, initializationMode=random)

 # Evaluate clustering by computing Within Set Sum of Squared Errors
 def error(point):
 center = clusters.centers[clusters.predict(point)]
 return sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in (point - center)]))

 WSSSE = point: error(point)).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)
 print(Within Set Sum of Squared Error =  + str(WSSSE))

Re: [julia-users] Re: macros generating macros in modules

2015-04-04 Thread Patrick O'Leary
Let me ask the question slightly differently. Without constraining yourself 
to legal Julia syntax, what would you like to go in, and what do you want 
to come out? I get the feeling there's a design here that doesn't have this 
complexity--my intuition is that a generic function can be used to drive 
this just fine (called within a macro to facilitate the final splice.) But 
that's still hard to concretely suggest. 

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:39:57 PM UTC-5, Abe Schneider wrote:

 I don't understand how what I'm trying to do falls outside the domain of 
 transforming code. My main goal is to take a user-defined grammar and 
 create relevant code.

 More to the point, I think the general ability to generate expressions 
 based on functions/namespaces is also solidly in the domain of transforms. 
 I can imagine plenty of use-cases for language-bindings, communication, etc.

 Yes, there are many simple macros one can create, which are useful, but 
 there exists many useful things one can do with macros that can get more 


 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 10:11:25 PM UTC-4, Jameson wrote:

 I think the underlying issue may be that you are trying to have the macro 
 do too much, when you should instead be just doing source-code transforms 
 and preprocessing. One such example of a great use of a macro is simply:

 macro special_foo(syntax_tree)
 return quote
 special_foo( $(QuoteNode(syntax_tree) )

 On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 8:05 PM Abe Schneider wrote:

 The issue I'm dealing with is that I have a macro that I want to pass a 
 list of functions that the macro can employ for parsing grammars. The macro 
 itself exists already, and it currently has its own static list of 
 functions. I'm trying to figure out a way to allow the user of the library 
 to customize it.

 For example:
 @grammar foo begin
   start = list(integer, r, )

 where `list` is a user supplied function. The issue that I keep running 
 into is that there doesn't seem to be any easy way of just passing in a 
 function to a macro. Turning an expression into a function is problematic, 
 because `eval`s are: (a) only work in the modules namespace, and (b) are 
 frowned on.

 I've thought about manually looking up the symbol name in the various 
 namespaces, but while I've found methods to list the functions, I haven't 
 found a way to do the reverse.

 Ideally, it would be nice to generate an expression with `call` that 
 took a symbol and a namespace, that way no lookups would have to be done.

 Having hit a dead end in this direction, it occurred to me that it might 
 be possible to do something like this:
 @set_parsers(list, etc)
 @grammar foo begin

 where '@set_parsers` would generate the `@grammar` macro with the static 
 list it already has plus whatever else the user adds in.

 Which works, except for the whole module issue.


 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:41:27 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:04:10 AM UTC-5, Abe Schneider wrote:

 I should start off, not entirely sure this is an okay thing to do with 
 Julia. Suppose I want to create a macro that generates another macro...

 I'm not sure whether this should work or not, but either way I'm not 
 sure how it's any more expressive than macros alone? Can you describe what 
 it is you want to do at a high level in a little more detail? There might 
 be another way. 

[julia-users] Re: macros generating macros in modules

2015-04-04 Thread Patrick O'Leary
On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:04:10 AM UTC-5, Abe Schneider wrote:

 I should start off, not entirely sure this is an okay thing to do with 
 Julia. Suppose I want to create a macro that generates another macro...

I'm not sure whether this should work or not, but either way I'm not sure 
how it's any more expressive than macros alone? Can you describe what it is 
you want to do at a high level in a little more detail? There might be 
another way. 

[julia-users] Re: Unexpected behaviour when running parallelized code on single worker

2015-04-04 Thread Patrick O'Leary
Have you tried this with a normal Array instead of a SharedArray for the 
outputs? (There may or may not be other problems and/or bugs in Julia, but 
I do know that SharedArray is considered experimental.)

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:20:48 AM UTC-5, Nils Gudat wrote:

 There's something weird happening in my recently parallelized code. When 
 running it without adding some worker processes first, the results are 
 completely off and after some investigation I found that this was due to 
 assignment operations going wrong - results of computations were assigned 
 to different Arrays than the intended ones. A small working example 
 illustrating the point:

 x1 = linspace(1, 3, 3)
 x2 = linspace(1, 3, 3)
 x3 = linspace(1, 3, 3)

 function getresults(x1::Array, x2::Array, x3::Array)
   result1 = SharedArray(Float64, (3,3,3))
   result2 = similar(result1)
   result3 = similar(result1)
   @sync @parallel for a=1:3
 for b=1:3
   for c=1:3
 result1[a,b,c] = x1[a]*x2[b]*x3[c]
 result2[a,b,c] = sqrt(x1[a]*x2[b]*x3[c])
 result3[a,b,c] = (x1[a]*x2[b]*x3[c])^2
   return sdata(result1), sdata(result2), sdata(result3)

 (r1,r2,r3) = getresults(x1, x2, x3)

 nprocs()==CPU_CORES || addprocs(CPU_CORES-1)
 (r1_par,r2_par,r3_par) = getresults(x1, x2, x3)

 When I run this on my system  (v0.3.6), the parallelized version works as 
 intended, while running the code without adding workers first gives the 
 expected results for r1 and r3, but r2 holds the same results as r3. The 
 behaviour in my original problem was similar, the code returns three 
 Arrays, but running it without additional workers those Arrays all return 
 the same contents.

 Is there something in the @sync or @parallel macros that causes this? How 
 should a code be written to ensure that it works both with one and multiple 

Re: [julia-users] macros generating macros in modules

2015-04-04 Thread Jameson Nash
using functions is often much simpler to write and use:

function meta_foo(x)
function foo(y)

foo2 = meta_foo(5)
# 8

On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 10:04 AM Abe Schneider

 I should start off, not entirely sure this is an okay thing to do with
 Julia. Suppose I want to create a macro that generates another macro, I can

 macro meta_macro(x)
 macro foo(y)

 and then call it and the generated macro:

 # 8

 Okay, wasn't entirely sure that was going to work, but it appears to.
 However, if I try to move the exact same macro code into a module, it no
 longer works:

 module meta_macro_mod

 export @meta_macro, @foo

 macro meta_macro(x)
 macro foo(y)


 Even without trying to invoke `@foo`, when I execute `@meta_macro`, I get:

 ERROR: syntax: invalid macro definition

 It seems like how the macro gets evaluated changes when it's in the
 module. If I change it to a module to just doing an 'include', everything
 works again.

[julia-users] R's splineDesign in Julia

2015-04-04 Thread Tamas Papp

I am looking for a function (library) that allows evaluation of a B-spline
basis (specified by the knots and the order), at given points, _and_
also allows the evaluation of derivatives for the same family. R's
splineDesign in the splines package has this, but looking at the splines
libraries in Julia I could not find one that does B-splines and
derivatives. Using internals from some library would be fine, too.

(Knowing that there is no such thing at the moment would also be useful,
I might implement it, but would prefer to avoid that because B-spline
special cases are tricky).



Re: [julia-users] [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-04-04 Thread Simon Danisch
I might not understand you correctly.
FileIO basically just includes all meta packages like ImageIO and MeshO, as
it needs to know of all the possible IO libraries in order to read/write
arbitrary files. The actual implementation of read(file::File{sometype})
happens in the low level IO packages like WavefrontObj.jl or ImageMagick.jl.

To mitigate this tasks, I introduced a layer in between, which breaks this
tasks up into more manageable chunks (the different file categories).
This way, FileIO doesn't have to change much and can stay very stable, as
all of the fun happens in the other layers.
But this is not the only reason for the second layer of abstraction like
There are a lot of packages, that are only interested in the datatype, but
not in the functionality of that. So in GLAbstraction I don't need
imfilter, etc, etc. I just need some image IO and the Image datatype, in
order to load image files to the GPU.
In essence, every library that extends the image type, without actually
needing the rest of the functionality, only needs ImageIO.
Images.jl itself can than use ImageIO, to define functionality like
imfilter, etc.

I hope this makes sense!


2015-04-04 23:47 GMT+02:00 Steve Kelly


 I think this is a great idea! However I am kind of confused with the
 separation of interface here. Is the idea that FileIO.jl will have
 definitions for each package?

 I think the power of the Require.jl package is that packages can define
 their own interface. For example Meshes.jl can have `@requires FileIO begin
 ... end`. I think FileIO is more likely to have a stable API than Meshes,
 so it seems better IMO to keep the FileIO method extensions in Meshes. In
 the case of Images.jl, putting the FileIO behind a @requires
  would eliminate the need for the ImageIO package and make it easier to
 update if types change in Images.


 On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Matt Bauman wrote:

 Very cool. I've been intersted in doing something like this myself for
 quite some time now. Have you seen ?

 I'll take a look when I get a chance.

Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Match.jl v0.1.0 released

2015-04-04 Thread William Macready

I'm using Julia Version 0.3.7-pre+19.

Later today, I'll build a small test and open an issue.


On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 1:55:36 PM UTC-7, Kevin Squire wrote:

 Sorry to hear that--I can't seem to reproduce that problem.  Can you open 
 an issue at with a small test 
 case that I can use to reproduce?  What version of Julia are you using?


Re: [julia-users] [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-04-04 Thread Steve Kelly

I think this is a great idea! However I am kind of confused with the
separation of interface here. Is the idea that FileIO.jl will have
definitions for each package?

I think the power of the Require.jl package is that packages can define
their own interface. For example Meshes.jl can have `@requires FileIO begin
... end`. I think FileIO is more likely to have a stable API than Meshes,
so it seems better IMO to keep the FileIO method extensions in Meshes. In
the case of Images.jl, putting the FileIO behind a @requires
 would eliminate the need for the ImageIO package and make it easier to
update if types change in Images.


On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Matt Bauman wrote:

 Very cool. I've been intersted in doing something like this myself for
 quite some time now. Have you seen ?

 I'll take a look when I get a chance.

[julia-users] Can one force a newline in the epilog of Argparse help?

2015-04-04 Thread Peter Simon
I'm using the remarkable Argparse package, and in the help epilog, I would 
like to include several examples of calling the program, with each example 
separated from its predecessor by a newline.  Is this possible?  For 
example, if the user types `myprog -h`, then at the end of the help output 
I would like something along the lines:

Example 1:  myprog arg1 arg2 --flag1 --opt1 5  does 
lots of good stuff.

Example 2:  myprog arg1  --opt2 0  does something
completely different.

Right now I get instead the following, where the lines are all 
automatically wrapped:

Example 1:  myprog arg1 arg2 --flag1 --opt1 5  does 
lots of good stuff.  Example 2:  myprog arg1  --opt2 0  
does something completely different.

Is there some way to force a newline within the epilog text string?

Thanks in advance,

[julia-users] Re: R's splineDesign in Julia

2015-04-04 Thread pauld11718
(use with PyCall)
(R and Julia Interfacing)

On Sunday, April 5, 2015 at 12:57:28 AM UTC+5:30, Tamas Papp wrote:


 I am looking for a function (library) that allows evaluation of a B-spline 
 basis (specified by the knots and the order), at given points, _and_ 
 also allows the evaluation of derivatives for the same family. R's 
 splineDesign in the splines package has this, but looking at the splines 
 libraries in Julia I could not find one that does B-splines and 
 derivatives. Using internals from some library would be fine, too. 

 (Knowing that there is no such thing at the moment would also be useful, 
 I might implement it, but would prefer to avoid that because B-spline 
 special cases are tricky). 



Re: [julia-users] Re: R's splineDesign in Julia

2015-04-04 Thread Tamas Papp
I have looked at Dierckx.jl, but could not figure out how to evaluate
the B-spline basis (all the functions in the documentation appear to do
fitting directly). Can you please give me a hint?



On Sat, Apr 04 2015, pauld11718 wrote:
 (use with PyCall)
 (R and Julia Interfacing)

 On Sunday, April 5, 2015 at 12:57:28 AM UTC+5:30, Tamas Papp wrote:


 I am looking for a function (library) that allows evaluation of a B-spline 
 basis (specified by the knots and the order), at given points, _and_ 
 also allows the evaluation of derivatives for the same family. R's 
 splineDesign in the splines package has this, but looking at the splines 
 libraries in Julia I could not find one that does B-splines and 
 derivatives. Using internals from some library would be fine, too. 

 (Knowing that there is no such thing at the moment would also be useful, 
 I might implement it, but would prefer to avoid that because B-spline 
 special cases are tricky). 



[julia-users] Re: ANN: Match.jl v0.1.0 released

2015-04-04 Thread William Macready
Thanks for looking into this Kevin

after updating to 0.1.3 I get the error:
ERROR: type: isa: expected Type{T:Top}, got Function

On Friday, April 3, 2015 at 9:22:36 PM UTC-7, Kevin Squire wrote:

 Okay, it was a little more subtle than that: if your code was already 
 using Compat.jl, then everything would have worked.  If not, then 
 fieldnames isn't defined at all (as you found out).

 I believe I've fixed this issue, and I've tagged a new version of 
 Match.jl.  Please try it and let me know if you still have problems.


Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Match.jl v0.1.0 released

2015-04-04 Thread Kevin Squire
Sorry to hear that--I can't seem to reproduce that problem.  Can you open
an issue at with a small test
case that I can use to reproduce?  What version of Julia are you using?


On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 1:34 PM, William Macready

 Thanks for looking into this Kevin

 after updating to 0.1.3 I get the error:
 ERROR: type: isa: expected Type{T:Top}, got Function

 On Friday, April 3, 2015 at 9:22:36 PM UTC-7, Kevin Squire wrote:

 Okay, it was a little more subtle than that: if your code was already
 using Compat.jl, then everything would have worked.  If not, then
 fieldnames isn't defined at all (as you found out).

 I believe I've fixed this issue, and I've tagged a new version of
 Match.jl.  Please try it and let me know if you still have problems.


[julia-users] [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-04-04 Thread Matt Bauman
Very cool. I've been intersted in doing something like this myself for quite 
some time now. Have you seen ?

I'll take a look when I get a chance. 

[julia-users] Re: [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-04-04 Thread Simon Danisch
Oh brilliant, this is looks very similar :D 
I should follow Julia's issues more closely...
Looking forward to your feedback! There are still quite some problems to 
figure out!

Am Samstag, 4. April 2015 17:41:14 UTC+2 schrieb Simon Danisch:

 Hi there,

 FileIO has the aim to make it very easy to read any arbitrary file.
 I hastily copied together a proof of concept by taking code from Images.jl.

 JuliaIO is the umbrella group, which takes IO packages with no home. If 
 someone wrote an IO package, but doesn't have time to implement the FileIO 
 interface, giving it to JuliaIO might be a good idea in order to keep the 
 package usable.

 Concept of FileIO is described in the readme:

 Meta package for FileIO. Purpose is to open a file and return the 
 respective Julia object, without doing any research on how to open the file.

 f = filetest.jpg # - File{:jpg}read(f) # - Imageread(filetest.obj) # - 
 Meshread(filetest.csv) # - DataFrame

 So far only Images are supported and MeshIO is on the horizon.

 It is structured the following way: There are three levels of abstraction, 
 first FileIO, defining the file_str macro etc, then a meta package for a 
 certain class of file, e.g. Images or Meshes. This meta package defines the 
 Julia datatype (e.g. Mesh, Image) and organizes the importer libraries. 
 This is also a good place to define IO library independant tests for 
 different file formats. Then on the last level, there are the low-level 
 importer libraries, which do the actual IO. They're included via Mike Innes 
 Requires package, so 
 that it doesn't introduce extra load time if not needed. This way, using 
 FileIO without reading/writing anything should have short load times.

 As an implementation example please look at FileIO - ImageIO - 
 ImageMagick. This should already work as a proof of concept. Try:

 using FileIO # should be very fast, thanks to Mike Innes Requires 
 packageread(filetest.jpg) # takes a little longer as it needs to load the 
 IO libraryread(filetest.jpg) # should be fastread(File(documents, 
 images, myimage.jpg) # automatic joinpath via File constructor

 Please open issues if things are not clear or if you find flaws in the 

 If you're interested in working on this infrastructure I'll be pleased to 
 add you to the group JuliaIO.



[julia-users] Re: holoviews in julia

2015-04-04 Thread Philipp Rudiger
Great to see this is getting some interest. I'm one of the authors of 
HoloViews and put together that initial (and poor) attempt at a Julia 
integration. If someone is interested in developing this further, I'd be 
glad to provide assistance in putting together a proper interface, although 
I'm afraid I won't be much help on the Julia end.


On Saturday, 4 April 2015 00:23:46 UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I just found this as a starting point

 On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 1:21:00 AM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Are you guys familiar with ?
 Is anyone working on a Julia interface or port?
