Re: [julia-users] Re: optim stopping without reaching convergence

2016-01-25 Thread Brendan Tracey
We have an alternate implementation at gonum that's BSD.

Should be pretty easy to wrap your function through command line calls. I'm 
happy to help if you'd like it.

On Monday, January 25, 2016 at 3:39:16 AM UTC-7, Tim Holy wrote:
> If you think there's a bug, one thing you can do is compare Julia's 
> implementation to another implementation for the same problem and same 
> starting point. You have to be careful not to read code that has an 
> incompatible license (either proprietary or GPL), or you become "tainted" 
> and 
> can't contribute fixes related to anything you read. 
> One safe thing to do is modify your own objective function simply to print 
> out 
> the location it's being fed for evaluation---that way you can find out 
> whether 
> the sequence of points is the same, without ever looking at the 
> algorithm's 
> source code. You can control the initial step with the `initial_step` 
> keyword. 
> --Tim 
> On Monday, January 25, 2016 12:15:16 AM Patrick Kofod Mogensen wrote: 
> > How did you verify that? Or are you guessing? Did you @show the 
> iteration 
> > counter's increment? If not, how do you know it starts high? 
> > 
> > On Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 7:45:48 PM UTC+1, 
> wrote: 
> > > thanks but that s not the issue. for some reasons. the number of 
> > > iterations is really high to begin with 
> > > 
> > > On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 7:01:56 PM UTC-6, Kristoffer Carlsson 
> wrote: 
> > >> Look at the source 
> > >> 
> > >> The number of iterations is not necessarily the same as the number of 
> > >> objective function evaluations 

[julia-users] Re: Fw: Fwd: [External-faculty] Silicon Valley Start-Up Software Engineer Position

2015-12-03 Thread Brendan Tracey
I got that email too!

Re: [julia-users] Re: Order of multiple for-loops

2015-10-30 Thread Brendan Tracey

On Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 9:11:27 PM UTC-6, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> On Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 1:24:23 PM UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
>> Yes, this is an unfortunate consequence of mathematics being column-major 
>> – oh how I wish it weren't so. 
> I'm not sure what you mean by "mathematics being column major".  Fortran 
> is column-major, and a lot of the linear-algebra libraries (LAPACK etc.) 
> are column-major in consequence, and Matlab is column-major.
> However, if Julia had chosen row-major, it would have been possible with a 
> little care to call LAPACK and other column-major libraries without making 
> a copy of any data, basically because for every linear-algebra operation 
> there is an equivalent operation on the transpose of the matrix.

It's not that simple. QR decomposition (dqeqrf) does not allow you to 
specify the transpose of the matrix directly.  Sure, you can compute A^T 
instead, but then it's trickier to use the result to do the follow-on 
operations like linear solving and computing the condition number.

[julia-users] Re: Help on optimization problem

2015-10-23 Thread Brendan Tracey

> 2. (JuMP Specific) - Should I specify my known positions as model 
> variables with equality constraints, or just normal julia variables that 
> show up in my objective function? 

Don't specify them as equality constraints. Build your function with those 
variables removed from the optimization altogether. Perhaps that's what you 
meant by "normal julia variables"? In any event, unconstrained optimization 
is much more robust and mature, and you will likely get better results the 
fewer constraints you give.  

Re: [julia-users] Julia and Object-Oriented Programming

2015-10-23 Thread Brendan Tracey
On Friday, October 23, 2015 at 7:38:37 AM UTC-6, Abe Schneider wrote:
> An OO approach is really just specifying an interface in a formal manner. 
> The second you write any type of interface, you always risk making a choice 
> that will haunt you down the road. I don't see the difference between:
> class Foo {
>   float getX() { ... }
>   float getY() { ... }
> }
> and:
> type Foo { ... }
> function getX(f::Foo) -> float { ... }
> function getY(f::Foo) -> float { ... }
> except that an instance of `foo` is being passed implicitly in the first 
> case. To that extent, I would say Julia OO (i.e. on the dispatching). Where 
> it is not OO is in the layout of the data.

In some  languages there is no difference. In Go, a method is exactly a 
function that can be called with a special syntax. One can do

c := mat64.NewDense(5, 5, nil)
c.Mul(a, b)
or one can do
(*mat64.Dense).Mul(c, a, b)

There aren't many cases where one would actually want to do the latter, but 
it makes the definition of behavior clear.

I think the difference in Julia would be the interaction with multiple 
dispatch. In the former case, it seems like getX would live in its own 
namespace (only accessible through the Foo class), while in the latter case 
it would add to the many definitions of getX.

It is true that with a more OO language, because of its formalism, you run 
> the risk of declaring variable types in a parent class that might not be 
> correct in the child classes, so some planning is required. However, what 
> you gain is better code in the long run. For example, I might have:
> abstract Baz
> type Foo <: Baz {
>   x::Float
> }
> type Bar <: Baz {
>   x::Float
> }
> and an interface:
> getX{T <: Baz}(b::T) -> Float = b.x
> which works fine, except maybe someone else comes along and writes:
> type Blob <: Baz {
>   myX::Float
> }
> Now to fix your interface, you have to write a separate `getX` for `Blob`. 
> This might not seem like a big deal, except you might not catch this issue 
> until run time (I don't think there is a way a static-checker could 
> identify the problem). Imagine a large library or base of code, with many 
> people working on the code, and you suddenly are exposed to a large number 
> of issues.

This seems more like an issue of compiler vs. no compiler issue than one 
with OO vs. multiple dispatch.
You can do OO without inheritance (or OO like things if your definition of 
OO includes inheritance). In Go, one would define 

type GetXer interface {
 GetX() float64

I could then write a function
func SquareX(g GetXer) float64 {
 v := g.GetX()
 return v * v

Now, any type that has a GetX method can be passed to SquareX. There is no 
inheritance necessary to make this happen.

Re: [julia-users] Julia and Object-Oriented Programming

2015-10-23 Thread Brendan Tracey

On Friday, October 23, 2015 at 7:22:28 AM UTC-6, Abe Schneider wrote:
> Ah, okay, that is different then. What's the advantage of creating a new 
> method versus copying the fields? I would imagine there is a penalty with 
> each deference you have to follow in order to make that work.

The advantage is simplicity. A unicycle is a Frame, a Seat, and a Wheel, no 
more, no less (unless we added more to the definition of course).  
Inheritance gets complicated fast in C++ (again, can't speak for Scala) 
with virtual functions, virtual vs. nonvirtual descructors. Additionally, 
Unicycle doesn't inherit from anything. It's not a subclass of anything. It 
can be used however. 

As to dereferencing, types in Go are not boxed like in Java (for example). 
We could construct Unicycle as 
type Unicycle struct {

or as 
type Unicycle struct {

or any combination you'd like. In the latter case they are pointers, and in 
the former they are not. So, first of all you can avoid the dereferencing 
by not having pointers. Secondly, in Go all of the types are known at 
compile type, so I believe you can call the function without going through 
extra deferencing, even in the case where they are pointers.

Re: [julia-users] Julia and Object-Oriented Programming

2015-10-22 Thread Brendan Tracey

> I do like this approach to composition/delegation, but it requires 
> automatically adding a lot of methods to the delegator, i.e.  Unicycle in 
> this example, from all of its components, which feels kind of nasty and 
> dangerous, especially since we allow dynamic addition of methods 
> after-the-fact. In other words, you might add a method to Wheel, Frame or 
> Seat at any time, which would presumably then also apply to Unicycle 
> objects, potentially with unexpected consequences. It would be nice if the 
> delegation was more limited than that. Go doesn't have this problem since 
> you can't dynamically add methods – everything is known at compile time.

Yea, it's this kind of thing that makes it tricky in Julia. The obvious 
problem is that you add a method (say cushiness to Frame) which makes 
dispatch ambiguous. One could add higher-level dispatch rules, but that's 
likely to add a lot of complexity.

On Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 7:03:43 AM UTC-6, Abe Schneider wrote:
> I think this is generally in-line with what I've been advocating for, and 
> not that different from Scala's mix-ins:
> trait Wheel {
>   // ...
> }
> trait Frame {
>   // ...
> }
> class Unicycle extends trait Wheel, Frame {
>// ...
> }
> is essentially doing the same thing (i.e. copying the member variables and 
> methods over).
I'm not familiar with Scala, so sorry if I'm telling you something you 
know, but in go the member variables and methods are not copied over. The 
Unicycle struct in go does not itself have those fields, the fields of the 
struct do. In other words, defining

type Unicycle struct {

Is exactly like declaring 

type Unicycle struct {
   Frame Frame
   Wheel Wheel

except that in the former case one can call unicycle.Cushiness() , and in 
the latter one must call unicycle.Seat.Cushiness(). In particular, if you 
swap out one Frame in the unicycle for a different Frame, the field values 
change (the methods won't, since methods are with a type).

Re: [julia-users] Julia and Object-Oriented Programming

2015-10-20 Thread Brendan Tracey

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 3:39:00 PM UTC-6, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
> ScalaJulia is a skunkworks project Martin and I have been working on for a 
> while now. The hardest part so far has been deciding between whether to 
> call it ScalaJulia or JuliaScala. Other names we considered: Julala, Scalia.

The US Supreme Court may get involved if you call it Scalia. Hard to know 
in which direction.

> Above, a relatively simple macro can replace all the "Type..." with the 
fields of the composed types, applying multiple inheritance of the 
structures without the baggage required in classic OOP.  Then you can 
compose your type from other types, but without having to write 
"unicycle.wheel.radius"... you can just write "unicycle.radius".

As Stefan mentioned, Go is not traditional OO. This "composition-based" 
approach is part of Go's OO approach. In go, a type can have named fields 
of different types (like most OO languages), but also has "embedding". For 
example, if one declared

type Unicycle struct {

then you could access the individual fields directly. So, if "u' is of type 
Unicycle, then you could access/set u.Cushiness directly. Similarly, if the 
embedded types had methods, i.e. frame.Color(), they can be called directly 
through unicycle, u.Color(). This is similar to, but distinct from, 
inheritance (the difference is that the Unicycle type doesn't actually have 
these fields, just the ability to call them easily, which is significant 
because of interfaces). In the case of clashes, the program must specify 
which is meant, so if both Seat and Frame had a Color() method, the user 
would have to specify u.Frame.Color vs. u.Seat.Color. In Go, this is 
handled by the compiler, and would need to be handled somewhere in the 
Julia runtime/REPL. It's a very nice paradigm, but would have to be made to 
fit within the broader Julia context.

[julia-users] Re: lu factorization with partial pivoting

2015-09-09 Thread Brendan Tracey
The documentation for lu(A) says

lu(*A*) → L, U, p

Compute the LU factorization of A, such that A[p,:] = L*U.

This is an LU decomposition with partial pivoting. The P matrix is the 
pivot table.