Re: [julia-users] Juno stopped working - error message

2015-09-23 Thread Haoran Jiang
I have tried this before, but i can try it again now. Just want to make 
sure in ahead, I need to delete the Julia in where I installed, plus the 
.julia file in C drive, is that be all? 
to answer your second question, I didn't type anything, I just installed 
julia, then unzip the lighttable file, use the plugin manager installed the 
juno, and then this appears after all the other messages showing some other 
files completely installed

在 2015年9月22日星期二 UTC-7下午10:20:11,Spencer Russell写道:
> Is it possible you have multiple versions of Julia installed, or maybe 
> leftover packages in your .julia folder from a previous installation?  It 
> might be worth trying to delete (or move out of the way) your .julia 
> directory and re-install the packages.
> Also if possible can you include the whole backtrace, not just the last 
> part with the error message? That’s helpful to see what chain of function 
> calls is actually triggering the error.
> -s
> On Sep 23, 2015, at 12:54 AM, Haoran Jiang < 
> > wrote:
> here is the screen copy of my error message,what do you suggest i to do?
> 在 2015年9月22日星期二 UTC-7下午8:50:00,Spencer Russell写道:
> Can you cut/paste your session with the error into a gist? That might help 
> track down more specifically what’s causing the issue.
> -s
> On Sep 22, 2015, at 11:46 PM, Haoran Jiang <> wrote:
> Hi Spencer:
> Thanks for the reply! However, I just tried the method you told me but it 
> still doesn't work. 
> I also tried to pinned back everything just like how Serge was doing, but 
> it still doesn't work, here is my status now.
> 在 2015年9月22日星期二 UTC-7上午11:13:50,Spencer Russell写道:
> Hi Haoran,
> Try pinning the Compat package by running `"Compat", v"0.7.0")`
> If you're running Julia 0.3.11 that should be the newest version that will 
> install, so I'm not sure how you ended up with Compat 0.7.3 (which is 
> currently tagged to be 0.4 and newer). That's a pretty recent change 
> though(yesterday evening), but if you just installed today I'd think you'd 
> be good to go.
> -s
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015, at 02:58 AM, Haoran Jiang wrote:
> Hi Greg, I am new to Julia and Juno, I just installed this software today 
> and I have the same error message as you do, can you tell me what did you 
> do to make it right? this is my Pkg.status. I never had it worked 
> before(since it is my first day install it) so i dont know what file to 
> change and where to change them, Thanks!
> 在 2015年9月20日星期日 UTC-7下午6:09:56,Greg Plowman写道:
> Serge,
> Below is output of Pkg.status():
> I had previously tried removing many packages, but nothing is pinned (so 
> not sure if rolling back will result in same config)
> The only error message I receive using Juno is:
> symbol could not be found jl_generating_output (-1): The specified 
> procedure could not be found.
> but after this everything seems to work as normal.
> Hope this helps.
> -- Greg
>_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
>   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
>_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
>   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
>   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.11 (2015-07-27 06:18 UTC)
>  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
> |__/   |  x86_64-w64-mingw32
> julia> Pkg.status()
> 9 required packages:
>  - Dates 0.3.2
>  - Distributions 0.8.6
>  - HDF5  0.5.5
>  - ImageView 0.1.16
>  - Images0.4.47
>  - JLD   0.5.4
>  - Jewel 1.0.6
>  - Optim 0.4.2
>  - ZMQ   0.2.0
> 39 additional packages:
>  - ArrayViews0.6.3
>  - BinDeps   0.3.15
>  - Blosc 0.1.4
>  - Cairo 0.2.30
>  - Calculus  0.1.10
>  - ColorTypes0.1.4
>  - ColorVectorSpace  0.0.3
>  - Colors0.5.3
>  - Compat0.7.1
>  - Compose   0.3.15
>  - DataStructures0.3.12
>  - Docile0.5.18
>  - DualNumbers   0.1.3
>  - FactCheck 0.4.0
>  - FixedPointNumbers 0.0.10
>  - Graphics  0.1.0
>  - HttpCommon  

[julia-users] Re: Juno stopped working - error message

2015-09-22 Thread Haoran Jiang
Hi Greg, I am new to Julia and Juno, I just installed this software today 
and I have the same error message as you do, can you tell me what did you 
do to make it right? this is my Pkg.status. I never had it worked 
before(since it is my first day install it) so i dont know what file to 
change and where to change them, Thanks!

在 2015年9月20日星期日 UTC-7下午6:09:56,Greg Plowman写道:
> Serge,
> Below is output of Pkg.status():
> I had previously tried removing many packages, but nothing is pinned (so 
> not sure if rolling back will result in same config)
> The only error message I receive using Juno is:
> symbol could not be found jl_generating_output (-1): The specified 
> procedure could not be found.
> but after this everything seems to work as normal.
> Hope this helps.
> -- Greg
>_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
>   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
>_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
>   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
>   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.11 (2015-07-27 06:18 UTC)
>  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
> |__/   |  x86_64-w64-mingw32
> julia> Pkg.status()
> 9 required packages:
>  - Dates 0.3.2
>  - Distributions 0.8.6
>  - HDF5  0.5.5
>  - ImageView 0.1.16
>  - Images0.4.47
>  - JLD   0.5.4
>  - Jewel 1.0.6
>  - Optim 0.4.2
>  - ZMQ   0.2.0
> 39 additional packages:
>  - ArrayViews0.6.3
>  - BinDeps   0.3.15
>  - Blosc 0.1.4
>  - Cairo 0.2.30
>  - Calculus  0.1.10
>  - ColorTypes0.1.4
>  - ColorVectorSpace  0.0.3
>  - Colors0.5.3
>  - Compat0.7.1
>  - Compose   0.3.15
>  - DataStructures0.3.12
>  - Docile0.5.18
>  - DualNumbers   0.1.3
>  - FactCheck 0.4.0
>  - FixedPointNumbers 0.0.10
>  - Graphics  0.1.0
>  - HttpCommon0.1.2
>  - IniFile   0.2.4
>  - Iterators 0.1.8
>  - JSON  0.4.5
>  - JuliaParser   0.6.2
>  - LNR   0.0.1
>  - Lazy  0.10.0
>  - LibExpat  0.0.8
>  - MacroTools0.2.0
>  - NaNMath   0.1.0
>  - PDMats0.3.5
>  - Reexport  0.0.3
>  - Requires  0.2.0
>  - SHA   0.1.1
>  - SIUnits   0.0.5
>  - StatsBase 0.7.2
>  - StatsFuns 0.1.3
>  - TexExtensions 0.0.2
>  - Tk0.3.6
>  - URIParser 0.0.7
>  - WinRPM0.1.12
>  - Winston   0.11.12
>  - Zlib  0.1.9
> Julia>
> On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 9:44:24 AM UTC+10, Serge Santos wrote:
> Hi All,
> I tried to roll back to JuliaParser v0.6.2 and it didn't work. 
> If someone still manages to successfully run Juno with Julia 0.3.11, can 
> you please send the list of packages with version numbers that does not 
> create any issues with Juno (i.e,, output from Pkg.status()). I was not 
> able to figure out what combination of versions work. 
> Many thanks in advance
> Serge
> On Monday, 21 September 2015 00:16:27 UTC+1, Greg Plowman wrote:
> Hi All,
> On 2 different PCs where Juno works (almost without error) Pkg.status() 
> reports JuliaParser v0.6.2
> On PC that has Juno errors, Pkg.status() reports JuliaParser v0.6.3
> Rolling back to JuliaParser v0.1.2 creates different errors.
> So it seems we need to revert to JuliaParser v0.6.2
> I'm not at a PC where I can see if we can pin v0.6.2, in light of the 
> following:
> Before this JuliaParser was at version v0.6.3, are you sure we should try 
> reverting to v0.1.2?
> See the tagged versions 
> So that’s the 
> next latest tagged version. You could probably checkout a specific commit 
> prior to the commit that’s causing the breakage instead though.
> Also, I don't want to play around with Pkg.ANYTHING on a working 
> configuration at the moment :)
> -- Greg
> On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 4:50:37 AM UTC+10, Tony Kelman wrote:
> What's temporarily broken here is some of the packages that 
> Light-Table-based Juno relies on to work. In the meantime you can still use 
> command-line REPL Julia, and while it's not the most friendly interface 
> your 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Juno stopped working - error message

2015-09-22 Thread Haoran Jiang
Hi Spencer:
Thanks for the reply! However, I just tried the method you told me but it 
still doesn't work. 
I also tried to pinned back everything just like how Serge was doing, but 
it still doesn't work, here is my status now.

在 2015年9月22日星期二 UTC-7上午11:13:50,Spencer Russell写道:
> Hi Haoran,
> Try pinning the Compat package by running `"Compat", v"0.7.0")`
> If you're running Julia 0.3.11 that should be the newest version that will 
> install, so I'm not sure how you ended up with Compat 0.7.3 (which is 
> currently tagged to be 0.4 and newer). That's a pretty recent change 
> though(yesterday evening), but if you just installed today I'd think you'd 
> be good to go.
> -s
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015, at 02:58 AM, Haoran Jiang wrote:
> Hi Greg, I am new to Julia and Juno, I just installed this software today 
> and I have the same error message as you do, can you tell me what did you 
> do to make it right? this is my Pkg.status. I never had it worked 
> before(since it is my first day install it) so i dont know what file to 
> change and where to change them, Thanks!
> 在 2015年9月20日星期日 UTC-7下午6:09:56,Greg Plowman写道:
> Serge,
> Below is output of Pkg.status():
> I had previously tried removing many packages, but nothing is pinned (so 
> not sure if rolling back will result in same config)
> The only error message I receive using Juno is:
> symbol could not be found jl_generating_output (-1): The specified 
> procedure could not be found.
> but after this everything seems to work as normal.
> Hope this helps.
> -- Greg
>_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
>   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
>_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
>   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
>   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.11 (2015-07-27 06:18 UTC)
>  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
> |__/   |  x86_64-w64-mingw32
> julia> Pkg.status()
> 9 required packages:
>  - Dates 0.3.2
>  - Distributions 0.8.6
>  - HDF5  0.5.5
>  - ImageView 0.1.16
>  - Images0.4.47
>  - JLD   0.5.4
>  - Jewel 1.0.6
>  - Optim 0.4.2
>  - ZMQ   0.2.0
> 39 additional packages:
>  - ArrayViews0.6.3
>  - BinDeps   0.3.15
>  - Blosc 0.1.4
>  - Cairo 0.2.30
>  - Calculus  0.1.10
>  - ColorTypes0.1.4
>  - ColorVectorSpace  0.0.3
>  - Colors0.5.3
>  - Compat0.7.1
>  - Compose   0.3.15
>  - DataStructures0.3.12
>  - Docile0.5.18
>  - DualNumbers   0.1.3
>  - FactCheck 0.4.0
>  - FixedPointNumbers 0.0.10
>  - Graphics  0.1.0
>  - HttpCommon0.1.2
>  - IniFile   0.2.4
>  - Iterators 0.1.8
>  - JSON  0.4.5
>  - JuliaParser   0.6.2
>  - LNR   0.0.1
>  - Lazy  0.10.0
>  - LibExpat  0.0.8
>  - MacroTools0.2.0
>  - NaNMath   0.1.0
>  - PDMats0.3.5
>  - Reexport  0.0.3
>  - Requires  0.2.0
>  - SHA   0.1.1
>  - SIUnits   0.0.5
>  - StatsBase 0.7.2
>  - StatsFuns 0.1.3
>  - TexExtensions 0.0.2
>  - Tk0.3.6
>  - URIParser 0.0.7
>  - WinRPM0.1.12
>  - Winston   0.11.12
>  - Zlib  0.1.9
> Julia>
> On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 9:44:24 AM UTC+10, Serge Santos wrote:
> Hi All,
> I tried to roll back to JuliaParser v0.6.2 and it didn't work. 
> If someone still manages to successfully run Juno with Julia 0.3.11, can 
> you please send the list of packages with version numbers that does not 
> create any issues with Juno (i.e,, output from Pkg.status()). I was not 
> able to figure out what combination of versions work. 
> Many thanks in advance
> Serge
> On 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Juno stopped working - error message

2015-09-22 Thread Haoran Jiang
here is the screen copy of my error message,what do you suggest i to do?

在 2015年9月22日星期二 UTC-7下午8:50:00,Spencer Russell写道:
> Can you cut/paste your session with the error into a gist? That might help 
> track down more specifically what’s causing the issue.
> -s
> On Sep 22, 2015, at 11:46 PM, Haoran Jiang < 
> > wrote:
> Hi Spencer:
> Thanks for the reply! However, I just tried the method you told me but it 
> still doesn't work. 
> I also tried to pinned back everything just like how Serge was doing, but 
> it still doesn't work, here is my status now.
> 在 2015年9月22日星期二 UTC-7上午11:13:50,Spencer Russell写道:
> Hi Haoran,
> Try pinning the Compat package by running `"Compat", v"0.7.0")`
> If you're running Julia 0.3.11 that should be the newest version that will 
> install, so I'm not sure how you ended up with Compat 0.7.3 (which is 
> currently tagged to be 0.4 and newer). That's a pretty recent change 
> though(yesterday evening), but if you just installed today I'd think you'd 
> be good to go.
> -s
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015, at 02:58 AM, Haoran Jiang wrote:
> Hi Greg, I am new to Julia and Juno, I just installed this software today 
> and I have the same error message as you do, can you tell me what did you 
> do to make it right? this is my Pkg.status. I never had it worked 
> before(since it is my first day install it) so i dont know what file to 
> change and where to change them, Thanks!
> 在 2015年9月20日星期日 UTC-7下午6:09:56,Greg Plowman写道:
> Serge,
> Below is output of Pkg.status():
> I had previously tried removing many packages, but nothing is pinned (so 
> not sure if rolling back will result in same config)
> The only error message I receive using Juno is:
> symbol could not be found jl_generating_output (-1): The specified 
> procedure could not be found.
> but after this everything seems to work as normal.
> Hope this helps.
> -- Greg
>_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
>   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
>_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
>   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
>   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.11 (2015-07-27 06:18 UTC)
>  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
> |__/   |  x86_64-w64-mingw32
> julia> Pkg.status()
> 9 required packages:
>  - Dates 0.3.2
>  - Distributions 0.8.6
>  - HDF5  0.5.5
>  - ImageView 0.1.16
>  - Images0.4.47
>  - JLD   0.5.4
>  - Jewel 1.0.6
>  - Optim 0.4.2
>  - ZMQ   0.2.0
> 39 additional packages:
>  - ArrayViews0.6.3
>  - BinDeps   0.3.15
>  - Blosc 0.1.4
>  - Cairo 0.2.30
>  - Calculus  0.1.10
>  - ColorTypes0.1.4
>  - ColorVectorSpace  0.0.3
>  - Colors0.5.3
>  - Compat0.7.1
>  - Compose   0.3.15
>  - DataStructures0.3.12
>  - Docile0.5.18
>  - DualNumbers   0.1.3
>  - FactCheck 0.4.0
>  - FixedPointNumbers 0.0.10
>  - Graphics  0.1.0
>  - HttpCommon0.1.2
>  - IniFile   0.2.4
>  - Iterators 0.1.8
>  - JSON  0.4.5
>  - JuliaParser   0.6.2
>  - LNR   0.0.1
>  - Lazy  0.10.0
>  - LibExpat  0.0.8
>  - MacroTools0.2.0
>  - NaNMath   0.1.0
>  - PDMats0.3.5
>  - Reexport  0.0.3
>  - Requires  0.2.0
>  - SHA   0.1.1
>  - SIUnits   0.0.5
>  - StatsBase 0.7.2
>  - StatsFuns 0.1.3
>  - TexExtensions 0.0.2
>  - Tk0.3.6
>  - URIParser 0.0.7
>  - WinRPM0.1.12
>  - Winston   0.11.12
>  - Zlib  0.1.9
> Julia>
> On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 9:44:24 AM UTC+10, Serge Santos wrote:
> Hi All,
> I