[julia-users] Re: SI prefixes (M, k, m, u, n, ...)

2016-03-19 Thread MA Laforge
Thanks Eric,

I will see if the SIUnits group/Keno wants to absorb this functionality.

If not, I suppose I will try registering it as a separate package.


[julia-users] SI prefixes (M, k, m, u, n, ...)

2016-03-15 Thread MA Laforge
I often find it useful to display values using SI prefixes.

For example, I find:

to be more readable than:

...So I created a module for this functionality:

Should I be publishing this to METADATA?  It seems a bit heavy to register 
an entire module for this simple functionality.

Is there something else to do that would be more appropriate (a better 
place for this functionality)?

This module makes use of Grisu, which I do not believe is a public feature 
of Julia... So I am not convinced it is technically "acceptable" to rely on 
it from an external module.


Re: [julia-users] Fortran-formatted files

2016-01-13 Thread MA Laforge
Hi all,

Maybe I am missing something myself...  I too seem to find the Julia 
textfile reading facilities inadequate (or maybe I am using them wrong).

As Jacob Quinn suggested, I tried using readdlm, but it only seems to work 
for text files with a regular structure.  For example:
#Comments at start
#Comments at start
#Comments at start

#Regular table of data:
data1, data2, data3, ... dataN
data1, data2, data3, ... dataN
data1, data2, data3, ... dataN

..But alot of existing file formats are *not* this regular

..So I have developped a temporary workaround (still waiting for someone to 
show me what I am doing wrong).

My solution is not as flexible as the scanf() tool, but it works well with 
the 90% of file formats that don't need that level of control.  It is 
provided as part of the FileIO2 module:

The solution is based on a new type called "TextReader", constructed with:
reader = TextReader(::IO, splitter= [' ', '\t'])
(As with readdlm, you can add ',' to splitter for CSV files)

The goal of the TextReader object is to take control of an ::IO stream, and 
provide higher-level read functionnality.

To use it, you can open a text file using the "Base.open" method:
reader = open(FileIO2.TextReader, "MYTEXTFILE.TXT")

You can therfore read a regular file with the following pattern:
while !eof(reader)
data = read(reader, Int)
println("Read: $(typeof(data))(`$data`)")

And you can read a more irregular data with the following:
dataid = read(reader, AbstractString)
dataval = read(reader, Int)
dataid = read(reader, AbstractString)
dataval = read(reader, Int)

Note that the current method for `read(stream::IO, DataType)` considers the 
data stream to be binary... not text.  However, by dispatching on a 
TextReader object, we can re-define the behaviour to be more appropriate 
for the task at hand.

You can also let parse() auto-detect the type, for quick-and-dirty 
dataany = read(reader, Any) #Might return an Int, String, Float, ...

Feel free to use it... but I suggest making a copy of the code.  The 
FileIO2 interface is still in the experimental phase. It *will* 
change/break your code.

*FileIO2 Comment*
The solution in the FileIO2.jl module looks a bit complicated because it 
ties into a File{}-type-based-system.  The different File{} types are used 
by Julia's dispatch system to call the appropriate open/read/write method 
(unique Julia signature).  This is not possible when using simple Strings 
to pass the filename.

FYI: Using the higher level API, one can use the simple, high-level call:
reader = open(File(:text, "MYTEXTFILE.TXT"))

This call uses Julia itrospection to detect text readers from any currently 
loaded module.

Note that only the "FileIO2.TextReader" object performs this service at the 



On Friday, March 7, 2014 at 4:20:30 PM UTC-5, Jacob Quinn wrote:
> Have you checked out `readdlm`? It's flexibility has grown over time and 
> serves most of my needs.
> http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/stdlib/base/#Base.readdlm
> -Jacob

[julia-users] Re: PyPlot does not work with Julia Version 0.4.0-rc1+5

2016-01-08 Thread MA Laforge

First: I usually find PyPlot very robust... but am having trouble lately 
(sounds similar to your problems).

*I try to keep my environment simple/clean:*
Xubuntu 14.04
+Install Anaconda 2.4.1 (Newer version)
+Install Julia 0.4 using :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:staticfloat/juliareleases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install julia

Anyways, it seems like PyPlot is having issues working with certain 
combinations of numpy, matplotlib, and the graphic systems (looking at the 
compile error messages).

*My Solution*
After playing around a bit, I got PyPlot to work by using the following 

conda install numpy=1.9.2 matplotlib=1.4

Though it seems like specifying an older cairo can help sometimes
conda install numpy=1.9.2 cairo=1.12.2 matplotlib=1.4

NOTE: This solution seems very similar to the solution from Daniel Høegh:
("PyPlot not working on 0.4.0")

...But his solution does not work for me.

I do not really understand the root cause of this issue, but I can say the 

   1. Installing numpy 1.9.3 or higher breaks my PyPlot.
   2. Installing matplotlib 1.5 breaks my PyPlot.
   3. "conda install" seems to work better if you sepcify all simultaneous 
   requirements in a single statement.
*Debug Tips*

I can quickly determine if my Anaconda/PyPlot solution is working, by using the 
following steps:

   1. Change the active group of python packages
   conda install ...
   2. Rebuild pyplot & try loading it (which compiles as well):
   using PyPlot #Re-compilation might/might not fail

Re: [julia-users] linspace-like range generators and keyword ordering

2015-11-17 Thread MA Laforge
Thanks for clarifying that Josh.

I thought my issues were because of a subtlety of Julia's type system that 
I did not understand.

Re: [julia-users] linspace-like range generators and keyword ordering

2015-11-17 Thread MA Laforge
Thanks Matt,

I kind of like the explicit nature of "Exactly".  I will have to let the 
idea sink in a bit more.

Re: [julia-users] linspace-like range generators and keyword ordering

2015-11-14 Thread MA Laforge

> This looks like overengineering of what should be a simple problem. Why do 
> you want turn the keywords into arguments for dispatch? Dispatch is best 
> when you need different behavior for different types but here all your 
> input and output types are fixed.

I suppose there is some truth to that.  I also look at Julia's dispatch 
system as an alternative to a case statement.  But, unlike the case 
statement, you don't need to register the new function in the case 
statement.  The function signature (that includes KD) takes care of that.

You may have already known, but you can work with your keywords by doing 
> `kwdict = Dict(kwargs)`. That will let you do stuff like `haskey(kwdict, 
> :ts)` to decide which timespace algorithm to use.
Interesting... I never thought of that (not sure why).  Thanks.

> Some other points for future reference:
>   - `immutable KD{Symbol} end` does not force the type parameter to be a 
> symbol. It does the same thing as the more typical 'T' (which could be 
> :tfund, Int, Array{Symbol,2}, or anything else).
Hmm... I have been having trouble with this one.  I know I have succeeded 
with things like "abstract KD{T<:Number}" - but I don't seem to be able to 
do "abstract KD{T<:Symbol}", or "abstract KD{T::Symbol}".  I don't 
understand why I cannot get this level of control.  I would appreciate if 
you would have more insight on this part.

>   - timespace() and timespace(; kwargs...) are not separate methods. The 
> second one actually overrides any definition in the first one.
I should have known better than this.  I did not notice that mistake.  

Re: [julia-users] linspace-like range generators and keyword ordering

2015-11-13 Thread MA Laforge
OK, I'll give it a try (sorry about the length of the reply).

*Idea behind "timespace":*
Generates time vector (range) from sampling period & fundamental
Automatically computes # of time steps, N.
Why? Computation of N can easily be off-by-1 - if specified directly.
So... with timespace, users can focus on the quantities that are truly of 
interest to them.

Here is the current solution I have for timespace (called timespace2 here):
#NOTE: first argument is targeted argument (will not get rounded - to 1st 
timespace2(primary::Symbol, v1, secondary::Symbol, v2; kwargs...) =
timespace2(KD{primary}(), KD{secondary}(), v1, v2; kwargs...)
timespace2{T1, T2}(::KD{T1}, ::KD{T2}, args...; kwargs...) =
throw(ArgumentError("timespace2 does not support combination (:$T1, 

Now, here is the version where the sampling period (timestep), ts is most 
important parameter:
#Will throw error if "suggested" fundamental period does not land on the 
function timespace2(::KD{:ts}, ::KD{:tfund}, ts, tfund; tstart=0)
const ABSTOL = .05
ns = tfund/ts
ins = round(Int, ns)
if abs(ns-ins) > ABSTOL
throw("tfund must be approx. an integer multiple of ts.")
return tstart+(0:ts:((ins-1)*ts))

...and here is the version where the Fundamental period, tfund, is most 
important parameter:
#Will throw error if fundamental period does not land on the "suggested" 
function timespace2(::KD{:tfund}, ::KD{:ts}, tfund, ts; tstart=0)
const ABSTOL = .05
ns = tfund/ts
ins = round(Int, ns)
if abs(ns-ins) > ABSTOL
throw("tfund must be approx. an integer multiple of ts.")
ts = tfund/ins #Re-compute most accurate possible version of timestep
return tstart+(0:ts:((ins-1)*ts))

Now here is how you generate the ranges:
#The timestep is the important parameter... must not change:
t1 = timespace2(:ts, 1e-9, :tfund, 20e-9, tstart = 2e-9)

#The fundamental period is key... this version will do *minimal* rounding
#(because I know of no range function that is directly specified using 
# and maximum(t2) <> tfund)... it is "ts" away from that point).
t2 = timespace2(:tfund, 20e-9, :ts, 1e-9, tstart = 2e-9)

Note: This syntax is not terrible, but when I wrote it up, I realized it 
was just a bit of syntactic sugar away from keyword arguments almost 

The nice thing with this type of solution is that I also don't need a 
different function name if I *do* want a version that takes number of 
timesteps (:n) as an argument (instead of either tfund or ts).

Hope this helps clarify what I am trying to achieve.



[julia-users] linspace-like range generators and keyword ordering

2015-11-12 Thread MA Laforge
Hi users,

I want to be able to generate ranges using a syntax similar to:
t1=timespace(tstart = 2e-9, ts=1e-9, tfund=20e-9);
t11=timespace(fs=1/1e-9, tfund=20e-9, tstart=3e-9);
t2=timespace(tfund=20e-9, tstart=4e-9, ts=1e-9);

*Why not just use different function names?*Simply put, I would rather not 
have to use long, ugly names like (timespace1, timespace2, timespace_tfund, 
timespace_ts, timespace_fs, ...)

*What is unusual/difficult about this solution:*

   - linspace uses "number of points" - presumably because specifying both 
   timespan, and timestep might result in non-integer number of points (poorly 
   - So...  in this case, I want *timespace* to use the first argument 
  (ignoring tstart) to dictate which algorithm to select.  For example: 
  timespace(ts=1, tfund=20.5), the sampling period, ts is assumed to be 
  exact, and the fundamental period (tfund) will be adjusted to get an 
  integer number of points.
  - It would be preferable to use Juila's dispatch system to dispatch 
   on the keyword names (which it does not - at least not directly).
  - Since *all *arguments here are keywords, Julia will only support a 
  single master function "timespace(; kwargs...)".
*Attempted Solution*
I have a solution, but it depends on keyword ordering... and I don't know 
if this is a dangerous thing to do: I believe keyword ordering is *not* 

Anyways, here is the solution...
#Dispatchable keyword type (make name short - expect heavy use)
immutable KD{Symbol}; end #Not kraft dinner

#Convert kwargs to a list of dispatchable elements:
function dispatchable(kwargs::Vector{Any})
result = Any[] for (k,v) in kwargs
push!(result, KD{k}())
push!(result, v)
return result

timespace() = throw("timespace requires arguments")
timespace(;tstart=0, kwargs...) =
timespace(dispatchable(kwargs)..., tstart=tstart)

function timespace(::KD{:ts}, ts, ::KD{:tfund}, tfund; tstart=0)
println("FUNCTION1 (priority on ts): ts=$ts, tfund=$tfund, 

#Similar to previous, but expects fs = 1/ts
function timespace(::KD{:fs}, fs, ::KD{:tfund}, tfund; tstart=0)
println("FUNCTION1.1 (priority on fs): fs=$fs, tfund=$tfund, 

function timespace(::KD{:tfund}, tfund, ::KD{:ts}, ts; tstart=0)
println("FUNCTION2 (priority on tfund): tfund=$tfund, ts=$ts, 

This solution works (for the time being).  The generic 
timespace(;kwargs...) function catches all the keyword argument, and 
converts the to normal arguments.  After that, Julia's dispatch system 
finds the appropriate specialization.

The problem is that I don't know how safe it is to rely on the order of the 
keyword arguments, as done here.

Is there maybe an alternative solution to this problem that would still 
keep the solution/naming succinct and easy to understand?

(NOTE: this might be better suited for julia-dev, because it has to do with 
the intended use of the keyword arguments)

I hope someone out there has an answer, or a better solution to this 



[julia-users] Re: [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-10-19 Thread MA Laforge
Thanks for that Simon.

I think I did see the query() function...  But it did not register until 

Indeed, I would prefer hierarchy in my file types... but experience tells 
me that's not trivial.  Sometimes there are more than one useful 
hierarchies, so building a useful one can be difficult (I gave it my best 
shot for now).

The "Union" solution:
I am sort of reluctant to use unions (I don't quite find it as elegant as 
the inheritance system).  Also, there is a change in Union syntax from 
v0.3->v0.4.  But, since Julia's current release is finally at v0.4, I 
should really migrate ASAP.

That being said, I still like your suggestion:  The good thing about your 
Union solution is that it allows the *user* to select which filetypes are 
grouped, and how.  I must give this serious thought.

As for the dynamic loading:  I can't really comment yet.  I will have to 
get used to that system a bit more before I can have a real opinion.


[julia-users] Re: [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-10-16 Thread MA Laforge
Hi Simon,

Thanks for the comments.

>In the end, I would rather like to have the hierarchy in the Julia objects 
that get returned by load (e.g. AbstractString <: UTF8String etc)

Hmm... Did not think of this... I guess because an encoding is not 
technically a string, but maybe that does not matter...

>- There are many IO libraries which should get dynamically loaded when the 
format is detected (first argument for registry)

I don't think I really understand this part... I usually like to explicitly 
pick which libraries I want my program to use...  But it looks like FileIO 
auto-loads libraries.  I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing... 
I'm just not used to thinking that way.

>- we utilize magic bytes to recognize file formats (second argument for 

Indeed that part is great!  I just don't need it at the moment - because 
with the code I am writing (right know) I already know the file type.

That said: I *know* I can make use of the magic byte detection in the 
future.  Thanks for that!

>- there are multiple IO libraries for the same formats and we need to 
choose one dynamically.

Maybe that's one of the things I don't get fully... I would expect that if 
you have two PNG reader libraries:

using MyPNGLib
using ThisGuysEvenBetterPNGLib

Then, whichever library was "using"d should have registered itself with 
FileIO, and would then be used when the user calls:
img = load(File{format"PNG"}("thisimage.png"))

>>but something seems a little off about how I use/generate objects
>I'm not really sure what you mean by that.

Indeed... I'm not sure either... I'm trying to figure that out:

At the moment, one thing I can think of are issues I expect when building 
an image editor program:

module MyImageEditor #Think of something like GIMP

#This would be a high-level open function that does everything necessary to
#"open" the file to a new canvas:
function open{T<:PixelImageFormat}(file::File{T})
data = FileIO.load(file)
#Create new canvas
#Populate canvas with data
#Show canvas

function open{T<:VectorImageFormat}(file::File{T})
#Ask user what resolution they want for the rendered bitmap
data = FileIO.load(file)
#Create new canvas
#Render vector image to canvas
#Populate canvas with data
#Show canvas

#For any other file:
function open{T}(file::File{T})
throw("Cannot open this kind of file... not a (recognized) image")

#When the user clicks "ok":
function imgopendlg_ok(dlg::ImgOpenDlg)
#I assume FileIO could have an "autodetect" function that tries to
#determine the most likely file type from the extension, then confirm
#everything is ok using magic byes
file = FileIO.autodetect(dlg.filepath)
#Now file is a File object with type information.

catch e

end #module

As far as I can tell: If I were to try to open a large movie instead of a 
pixel image, I expect the following issues:

1) The current implementation of FileIO will try to auto-load the movie 
libraries I don't want to include with my program (because the code to 
register file readers is actually *inside* the FileIO module?? - I think?)

2) I would have to wait until my program has loaded the movie file before I 
can detect it was a movie file, and *then* I can finally catch it as an 

function open(file::File) #In MyImageEditor
data = FileIO.load(file)
if !isimage(data)
throw("Cannot open this kind of file... not a (recognized) image")
#Create new canvas
#Populate canvas with data
#Show canvas

isimage(data::PNGData) = true
isimage(data::BMPData) = true
isimage(unknowndata) = false

...Or something similar.

To be fair: I am almost certain the the biggest reason for my unease with 
FileIO is that I have not seen enough examples on how to use the module 

Can you point me to good example projects/other modules that use FileIO as 
intended?  I am only getting a vague feel for its use by reading the 
included tests.

Otherwise: I guess I will wait until more examples are available - or keep 
trying to play around with FileIO's capabilities when I have time.

Best Regards,


Re: [julia-users] Re: [ANN] JuliaIO and FileIO

2015-10-14 Thread MA Laforge
Hi all,

I myself have met a similar need for a file object.  That way, I can use 
the dispatch engine to overload the open function:
f = File(format"test.jpg")
s = open(f)

instead of what I consider to be less attractive solutions:
f = "test.jpg"
s = open_jpeg(f)
s = MyModule.open(f) #My module's JPG reader

I like the idea of the FileIO module, but I am less a fan of having to 
register new filetypes with the module.  ...Yet I must admit there is 
something nice about how FileIO appears to automate type creation (Sorry: I 
do not fully understand the module yet).

I played a bit with FileIO, but something seems a little off about how I 
use/generate objects (I'm not sure why that is, though).

Anyways, I tried getting similar functionality (attempts at solving my own 
problems dispatching read/open on different file types) by relying more 
heavily on the Julia type system:


   - FileIO2 does not have as many bells & whistles as FileIO - but I think 
   it has potential for that.
   - FileIO2 even has facilities to dispatch on different file encodings 
   (ex: binary, UTF8, ASCII, ...) if one would desire such a thing (Though I 
   prefer not to do so, in most cases).

Sample Code:
#Generate a reference to a text file:
file = File{TextFmt}("generictextfile.txt")

#Easily display the entire contents of an ASCII file:
typealias ASCIIFile File{ASCIIFmt} #For convenience

...So I figured I would just put this out there in case the FileIO group 
finds something of value in the FileIO2 solution.


[julia-users] Re: Defining a function in different modules

2015-05-04 Thread MA Laforge
Hi David,

Thanks for the sample code.  I must admit this is not exactly what *I* am 
looking for, but it is very interesting.

I am not particularly good with macros  code that deal with symbols... so 
this is very appreciated.  I think there are enough elements here to 
achieve the effect I am looking for myself.

I will see if I can get some time to try it out myself... But I don't see 
that happening for a little while.


On Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 7:00:04 PM UTC-4, David Gold wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I've been working on implementing the merging functionality that Jeff 
 Bezanson noted earlier in this thread. For those interested, the project 
 can be found here: https://github.com/davidagold/MetaMerge.jl. People 
 should feel free to do whatever they find useful (if anything) with the 
 code. Here's an example of it in action in Julia 3.7:

Re: [julia-users] Defining a function in different modules

2015-05-01 Thread MA Laforge
*Need help creating my package!*

I am writing a program to perform a Monte-Carlo simulation of a plane's 
normal vector in Julia.  I want to publish my Geometry package for others 
to use it... because it is awesome!

Please do not ask me why I would want run such a simulation.  Also: please 
don't ask why my code is so inelegant (using simple Vectors instead of 
defining a Coordinate type).  It is a secret.  All I can say is that I 
will make billions of dollars selling this to people in a parallel universe 
where everybody is high... all the time.

I am following this thread because I see people having similar problems to 
mine.  But apparently, there are no issues reported by the developers of 
the major Julia packages... so I am willing to accept I am doing something 
wrong.  I just want someone (anyone) to tell me what that is (I just can't 
figure it out).

Here is part of my program:
#I'm running Monte-Carlo, so I need that awesome Distributions package:
using Distributions

#This is my awesome Geometry module that I want to distribute to others:
module Geometry
#I define a plane with 3 points... because using its normal is for 
type Plane

#Then I waste the CPU's time computing the normal... 'cuz I'm awesome:
Normal2(x::Plane) = cross(x.point2-x.point1, x.point3-x.point1)

export Plane
export Normal2

#Of course, I want to use that module using Julia's great succinct syntax:
using Geometry

#Bet you can't guess why varying the z-coordinate will make me billions of 
#That's why I am a genous:
function varyzdim(x::Vector, amount::Number)
result = copy(x)
result[3] *= 1+amount
return result

#Principal algorithm:
function simulate_monte_carlo(nruns::Integer)
plane = Plane(Float64[0,0,0], Float64[1,0,0], Float64[0,1,0])
n = Normal2(plane)
dist=Normal(0, .01)
return [varyzdim(n,x) for x=rand(dist, nruns)]

#Step 1: Run simulation
result = simulate_monte_carlo(3)
@show result

#Step 2: ...

#Step 3: Profit!


   - I was not able to call Geometry.Normal2 as Geometry.Normal... because 
   it collided with Distributions.Normal.
   - I *could* define Normal(x::Plane) to extend 
   Distributions.Normal... but then my friend will not be able to use my 
   awesome module.  Apparently, the universe where *he* is selling his 
   software will be destroyed by Schrödinger's cat if the code is not 
   deterministic.  He tells me the cat will loose it or something...  I don't 
   know...  I don't think I really care as long as he is happy.
   - In any case, I don't *want* to extend Distributions.Normal, because 
   Geometry.Normal is very much orthogonal to the former.
   - I guess it would work if Normal was defined in Base...  I mean 
   pretty much *everybody* will want to use Julia's Base module anyways  
   But it's not really practical for me to fork Julia just to add method 
   Normal to module Base.
   - If I decide to keep the method name as Normal2... how do I know no 
   other module out there won't try to use the same workaround as mine?  Then 
   I will not be playing nice with *that* module (I am getting a little 
   anxious now...).
   - I could write this in C++... But I don't think I have the patience 
   anymore (after getting hooked on Julia).

*So what am I missing here?*

   1. Am I doing something wrong?  What is it about Julia's module system 
   that I am not understanding.
   2. Am I being too fussy?  Is it unreasonable for me to expect that my 
   Monte-Carlo simulation can take advantage of multi-dispatch on *both* 
   Geometry.Normal and Distributions.Normal without needing to explicitly 
   import Normal from their respective modules?
   3. Is this case not considered common enough to warrant improvements to 
   Julia's module/namespace system in the future?  Should I accept that the 
   best solution in the long term is to only import Geometry.  Is the best 
   solution to explicitly qualify my version of Normal as Geometry.Normal 
   whenever two modules export the same symbol... despite having un-ambiguous 
   signatures (AFAIK)?
   4. Am I wrong about not being able to extend Base?  Is it in fact 
   possible for me to extend base in order to add the symbol Normal without 
   forking?  ...But then what do I do about having broken the Distributions 
   module (because Base would then own Normal)?

*Please! I would appreciate the input of *anyone* who can help me make the 
Geometry package work harmoniously with other packages (present  future) 
in Julia's ecosystem.*

I could understand if a solution to this problem is non-trivial...  I can 
also understand if this is simply not a high priority for the core team 
right now...  But that's not the principal message I am getting from this 
thread at the moment.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Defining a function in different modules

2015-04-29 Thread MA Laforge
Hi Lex,

I think we agree here.  I also got the same impression as you regarding 
your statement it might be possible for Julia to determine that there is 
no overlap between the methods simply, it is my understanding that in 
general it could be an expensive whole program computation.

For me, I think this impression is derived from one of Jeff's posts:

Comparing method signatures is computationally difficult (exponential worst 
case!), while looking for a symbol in a list is trivial. Warnings for name 
conflicts may be annoying, but at least it's dead obvious what's happening. 
If a subtle adjustment to a signature affects visibility elsewhere, I'd 
think that would be much harder to track down. 

...But I am not absolutely certain I am following some of this discussion 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Defining a function in different modules

2015-04-29 Thread MA Laforge
*Scott and Michael:*
I am pretty certain I understand what you are saying, but I find your 
examples/descriptions a bit confusing.  I think (hope) I know why Stafan is 

I think Scott has a valid point but I disagree that exported functions 
from a module must reference types defined in that module.  It is my 
strong belief that Scott is merely focusing on the symptom instead of the 

Fortunately, I am certain that this is not the crux of the problem...  And 
I agree completely with Stefan: Limiting exports to this particular case is 
extremely restrictive (and unnecessary).  I also agree that, this 
restriction *would* keep developers from developing very useful monkey 
patches (among other things).  So let's look at the problem differently...

*Problem 1: A module owns its verbs.*
See discussion above discussion (
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/sk8Gxq7ws3w/ASFlqZmVwYsJ) if 
you are not familiar with the idea.

*Problem 2: Julia has 2 symbol types (for objects/methods/...)*
Well, this is not really a problem... It is terrific!  Julia's 
multi-dispatch engine allows us to overload methods in a way I have never 
seen before!

In fact, the multi-dispatch system allows programmers to DO AWAY WITH 
namespaces altogether for the new type of symbol (at least to a first 

*So what are the symbol types?*
1) Conventional Type: Used in most other imperative languages
2) Multi-Dispatch Type: Symbols of methods whose signature can be uniquely 

By this definition, if a symbol is not associated with a unique signature, 
it is simply a conventional symbol.

And, as defined, conventional symbols run a high potential for signature 
collisions... because the signature is insufficient to uniquely identify 
whether we are referring to Foo.CommonSymbol(???) or Bar.CommonSymbol(???).

*So why do we need namespaces?*
Namespaces were created to let programmers use succinct symbol names 
without the problem of running into never-ending name collisions.  Instead 
of dealing with symbol bloat 
(Foo.FoosSpecialSymbolThatCannotCollideWithAnybody) - we use scopes to give 
symbols a nice hierarchy (namespaces are basically named scopes).  When 
writing code in the native scope, all symbols are nice and short... and you 
can even *import* the symbol names to your own scope to interact with the 
module.  Now the user gets to use short names - not just the module 

*So what about the multi-dispatch-ed symbols (type 2)?*
Technically, they could *all* be located at the global scope.  You don't 
really need to say Foo.run... because the call signature is unique (by 
definition) - so there is no ambiguity.

*Ok, then where is the problem for module developers?*
Simply put: Julia is trying to cram those beautiful multi-dispatchable 
methods into a construct (namespaces) that *is not technically needed* for 
type 2 symbols.  As a consequence, the current Julia implementation 
actually makes it *difficult* for module developers to use multi-dispatch.  
Of course, everything is just peachy when you work from within Base :).

Unfortunately, I believe this has caused a little more collateral damage: 
Since it is easier to work within Base, it has become this sort of god 
module.  I believe Jeff has mentioned developers are getting reluctant to 
make it grow any further.

*The Distributions module: Can it remain elegant?*
The short answer is yes :)!

Stefan has a valid concern: you either have to keep using full symbol paths 
(Distributions.Normal), or
you'd have to explicitly import every Distributions type and generic stats 
function that you want to use. Instead of being able to write `using 
Distributions` and suddenly having all of the stats stuff you might want 
available easily, you'd have to keep qualifying everything or explicitly 
importing it. Both suck for interactive usage - and frankly even for 
non-interactive usage, qualifying or explicitly importing nearly every name 
you use is a massive and unnecessary hassle.

I agree.  We don't want this... what a pain!  Let's not go there.

*So where do we start?*
In this case, Normal is a relatively common name, and I cannot say its 
argument list is sufficiently unique to qualify it as a type 2 method.  The 
signature only involves two ::Number arguments.

Good rule of thumb: If an argument list is made up solely from base types 
(number/char/string/...) is likely to collide with a function in another 
module (say, a Geometry module).

That was easy!: That means Normal is a type 1 symbol.  As such, Normal 
*should* be export-ed by module Distributions... Nothing changes in the 

*Now how do we generate numbers with a normal distribution?*
The Distributions package includes a rand() function.  Interestingly 
enough, the signature for rand makes it a type 2 method - and so it has a 
very low probability of signature collisions.

Here is a simplified definition of the rand function (Not using 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Defining a function in different modules

2015-04-29 Thread MA Laforge

I am sorry, but my experience leads me to disagree with your statement that 
Julia is unable to dispatch a function dynamically (@ runtime).  Quote 

module Foo
export f
immutable F end
f(::F) = this is Foo

module Bar
export f
immutable B end
f(::B) = this is Bar

julia using Foo, Bar

julia f(rand(Bool) ? Foo.F() : Bar.B()) # which `f` is this?

Which `f` is intended to be called here? It cannot be statically determined 
– it's not well-defined since it depends on the value of rand(Bool). Some 
dynamic languages are Ok with this kind of thing, but in Julia, the 
*meaning* of code should be decidable statically even if some of the 
behavior may be dynamic. Compare with this slightly different version of 
the above code (works on 0.4-dev):

Indeed, running this code, I get a misleading error message.  Whenever the 
code tries to run f(Foo.F()), I get the following message:

ERROR: `f` has no method matching f(::F)

*Here is the problem:*
The error actually happened when Bar tried to declare f() - which was 
already exported by Foo, then using-d by the module user.

So, in order to play nice, Bar would have to extend Foo.f()... even though 
(in an ideal world) Bar should never need to know that Foo owned f().

To make matters worse (on v.0.3.6), Bar then takes control of f() - and 
steals it from Foo... as a warning - not an error.

To make my case, I submit a workaround for this example:
#Sorry: My version of Julia does not have rand(Bool)...
Base.rand(::Type{Bool}) = randbool()

module Foo
export f
immutable F end
f(::F) = this is Foo

module Bar
#export f #Nope... cannot do this... Foo defined first: it owns f
immutable B end

#Sad but true: Foo owns f... so we must adhere to this reality:
import Foo
Foo.f(::B) = this is Bar

using Foo, Bar

#No problem... Julia has an algorithm to dispatch functions
#even if the compiler cannot resolved the call statically.
#Of course, a statically resolved dispatch would be faster than a dynamic 
for i in 1:10
println(f(rand(Bool) ? Foo.F() : Bar.B()))

...So your statement confuses me a little...

On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 4:41:38 PM UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 Tom, this is a very legitimate concern. A simple solution is to have a 
 coding standard not to use `using` when writing packages. Google has 
 created coding standards for both C++ and Python, which are now widely used 
 beyond the company.

 Automatic function merging goes in the opposite direction: with this 
 feature it becomes impossible to even say which package a function comes 
 from – it's not even a meaningful question anymore. That is the point of 
 Jeff's Base.sin versus Transgression.sin example – map(sin, [1.0, greed, 
 2pi, sloth]). There is no answer to the question of which of the function 
 Base.sin and Transgreassion.sin the `sin` function refers to – it can only 
 refer to some new `sin` that exists only in the current module and calls 
 either Base.sin or Transgressions.sin depending on the runtime values of 
 its arguments. Perhaps this can be made clearer with an even nastier 
 example, assuming hypothetical code with function merging:

 module Foo
 export f
 immutable F end
 f(::F) = this is Foo

 module Bar
 export f
 immutable B end
 f(::B) = this is Bar

 julia using Foo, Bar

 julia f(rand(Bool) ? Foo.F() : Bar.B()) # which `f` is this?

 Which `f` is intended to be called here? It cannot be statically 
 determined – it's not well-defined since it depends on the value of 
 rand(Bool). Some dynamic languages are Ok with this kind of thing, but in 
 Julia, the *meaning* of code should be decidable statically even if some of 
 the behavior may be dynamic. Compare with this slightly different version 
 of the above code (works on 0.4-dev):

 module Sup
 export f
 f(::Void) = nothing # declare generic function without a la #8283 

 module Foo
 export f
 import Sup: f
 immutable F end
 f(::F) = this is Foo

 module Bar
 export f
 import Sup: f
 immutable B end
 f(::B) = this is Bar

 julia using Foo, Bar

 julia f(rand(Bool) ? Foo.F() : Bar.B())

 Why is this ok, while the previous code was problematic? Here you can say 
 which `f` is called: Foo and Bar share `f` so the answer is well-defined – 
 `f` is always `Sup.f`.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Defining a function in different modules

2015-04-28 Thread MA Laforge
I can see that this issue is convoluted.  There appears to be competing 
requirements, and getting things to start humming is non trivial.

Instead of dealing with what if-s... I want to start with more concrete 
what does...

First, I don't fully understand Jeff's talk about Transgressions.sin.  I 
disagree that you can't get both behaviors with map(sin, [1.0, sloth, 
2pi, gluttony]).

I tried the following code in Julia, and everything works fine:
module Transgressions
Base.sin(x::String) = Sin in progress: $x

using Transgressions #Doesn't really do anything in this example...
map(sin, [1.0, sloth, 2pi, gluttony])

This tells me that when one uses map on an Array{Any}, Julia dynamically 
checks the object type, and applies multi-dispatch to execute the expected 

I admit that one could argue this is not how object oriented design 
usually deals with this... but that's duck typing for you!

Ok... so what is the *real* problem (as I see it)?  Well, the problem is 
that Julia essentially decides that Base owns sin... simply because it 
was defined first.

The workaround here was to extend Base.sin from module Transgressions.  
This works reasonably well when one *knows* that Base defines the sin 
family of methods... but not very good when one wants to appropriate a 
new verb (enable, trigger, paint, draw, ...).

Why should any one module own such a verb (family of methods)?  This 
makes little sense to me.

*As for Michael Turok's idea of the SuperSecretBase*
As some people have pointed out, SuperSecretBase is a relatively elegant 
way to define a common interface for multiple implementations (Ex: 
A/BConnectionManager).  However, this is not really appropriate in the case 
when modules want to use the same verb for two completely different domains 
(ex: draw(x::Canvas, ...) vs draw(x::SixShooter, ...)).

And, as others have also pointed out: the SuperSecretBase solution is not 
even that great for modules that *do* want to implement a common 
interface.  If company A needs to convince standards committee X to settle 
on an interface of accepted verbs... that will surely impede on product 
deployment.  And even then... Why should standards committee X own that 
verb in the first place???  Why not standards committee Y?

*Regarding the comment about not using using*
Well, that just seems silly to me... by not using using... you completely 
under-utilize the multi-dispatch engine  its ability to author crisp, 
succinct code.

==And I would like to point out: The reason that multi-dispatch works so 
well at the moment is because (almost) everyting in Julia is owned by 
Base... so there are no problems extending methods In base Julia

*Some improvements on Transgressions.sin*
FYI: I don't really like my previous example of Transgressions.sin.  The 
reason: The implementation does not make sufficient use of what I would 
call hard types (user-defined types).  Instead, it uses soft types 

Hard types are very explicit, and they take advantage of multiple 
dispatch.  On the other hand, a method that takes *only* soft types is more 
likely to collide with others  fail to be resolved by multiple dispatch.

I feel the following example is a *much* better implementation to resolve 
the sin paradox:
module Religion
#Name Transgressions has a high-likelyhood of name collisions - don't 
type Transgressions; name::String; end

#Personally, I find this Transgressions example shows that base 
should *not* own sin.
#Multi-dispatch *should* be able to deal with resolving ambiguities...
#In any case, this is my workaround for the moment:
Base.sin(x::Transgressions) = Sin in progress: $x

#Let's hope no other module wants to own method absolve...
absolve(x::Transgressions) = Sin absolved: $x

export absolve #Logically should have sin here too... but does not work 
with Julia model.

using Religion
Xgress = Religion.Transgressions #Shorthand... export-ing Transgressions 
susceptible to collisions.

map(sin, [1.0, Xgress(sloth), 2pi, Xgress(gluttony)])

Initially, creating a type Transgressions seems to be overdoing things a 
bit.  However, I have not noticed a performance hit.  I also find it has 
very little impact on readability.  In fact I find it *helps* with 
readability in most cases.

Best of all: Despite requiring a little more infrastructure in the module 
definition itself, there is negligible overhead in the code that *uses* 
module Religion.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Defining a function in different modules

2015-04-27 Thread MA Laforge
I am not sure I understand Scott's last comments, but I first want to 
correct something from my last entry.

Sorry about the last entry:

2) using seems to pull names/symbols into the global namespace/scope 
(Main?) instead of the local one (whichever module the code resides).
3) Module developers export functions that cannot be resolved by multiple 

Statement 2 is wrong (I have not thought of this in a while).  I would like 
to re-state it:

2) using seems to apply at the module-level.  I think dealing with name 
collision would be much easier if using applied to arbitrary scopes.

Also, I should point out that I only know how to deal with item 3 through 
good programming practices, again, as outlined in:

Again, my apologies.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Defining a function in different modules

2015-04-26 Thread MA Laforge

I cannot speak about limitations during the compile process, but at a high 
level, I don't see why (with a few small tweaks) Julia's multiple dispatch 
system cannot deal with most of the issues discussed here.

From what I see, there appears to be 3 issues that cause most of the 

1) A module seems to own a function.
2) using seems to pull names/symbols into the global namespace/scope 
(Main?) instead of the local one (whichever module the code resides).
3) Module developers export functions that cannot be resolved by multiple 

I believe items 2  3 are well covered in Using ModX: Can scope avoid 
collisions  improve readability?:

As for item 1, the next section should provide clarification:

*A module seems to own a function*
Well, my biggest problem is that if you want to reuse the word open for 
your particular application, you need to re-implement base.open(...). This 
requirement seems a bit awkward.

Should you not just be able to implement your own MyModule.open as long 
as it can uniquely be resolved through multiple dispatch?

In that case applying using Base  using MyModule should be able to merge 
the two open functions without ambiguity... as long as Base.open was 
defined with an interface that is unique:

#Sample Base module:
module Base
abstract Stream
abstract FileType : Stream
type BinaryFile : FileType ...; end

function open(::Type{BinaryFile}, ...)

export Stream, FileType, BinaryFile
export open
end #Base

#Implement my own socket communication:
module MySocketMod
type MySocket : Base.Stream ...; end

function open(::Type{MySocket}, ...)

export MySocket
export open
end #MySocketMod

#Try out the code:
using Base
using MySocketMod #No problem... open ambiguities are covered by 

#Great! No abiguities:
myfile = open(BinaryFile, ...)
mysocket = open(MySocket, ...)

Sure, the extra argument in open *seems* a bit verbose compared to other 
languages, but it is a bit easier to read... and the argument *not* really 

Indeed, I can see that this solution would require extra compiler 
complexity - depending on which items are being addressed:

A) Merging function specializations from different modules might have to be 
done at run time - not ideal.
B) using/importing module functions in a local scope makes the symbol 
tables much larger - not great either.

Having said that, I don't see actual ambiguities here, only additional 
complexity in the implementation.

[julia-users] Re: Using ModX: Can scope avoid collisions improve readability?

2015-03-06 Thread MA Laforge
ele...: I did not know about this sys.modules thing.  Good to know.

Josh  ele...:
Agreed.  I don't think pollution happens until the using modX call 
happens.  So, I don't really understand why we can't have scope-level 
using commands.

And yes, maybe Julia *should* use a different keyword than using when 
applied to arbitrary scopes (as opposed to when we use it at the 

...So linking back to Patrick's comment:
The export list sort of tells the module user what functions are meant to 
be used.  It just happens that Julia's implementation of using pulls in 
all export-ed elements into the current module namespace.  This works 
extremely well with the multi-dispatch engine.

However, I can also see a place for a slightly weaker directive: Let's call 
it provide for now.  The provide directive could be used to tell the 
user what other elements (like constructors) are supported by the 
module.  The provide-ed elements would not be pulled in by the using 
statement.  Only export-ed values do that.  Instead, provide-ed 
elements would *only* be pulled-in when a user calls using namespace 
modX (or some other keyword).

This would allow developers to use shorter names.  Names that would 
otherwise collide if they were to be export-ed:
module Electroncis
type Circuit

abstract IndepCktElem
abstract drivePattern
type Vsrc : IndepCktElem ...; end
type SineWave : drivePattern ...; end

connect(c::Circuit, x::CktElem, n::NodeList) = ...
drive(c::Circuit, x::IndepCktElem, n::NodeList, p::drivePattern) = ...

export connect, drive  #No problem: Can be handled by multi-dispatch
provide Circuit#Dangerous: Cannot always be resolved by 
provide Vsrc, SineWave #Also a little dangerous

Now, in the user's module, you can do the following:
using Electronics #Brings in connect  drive, as usual

#Eventually gets a little verbose when dealing with elements that cannot 
#be resolved by multi-dispatch (provide-ed elements):
function make_circuit()
c = Electronics.Circuit(Myckt) 
drive(c, Electronics.Vsrc(), [:SUPPLY, :GND], Electronics.SineWave(1e9))
return c

#But this function *could* be made more succinct:
function make_circuit2()
using namespace Electronics #Also brings in all other legitimate 
c = Circuit(Myckt) #More succinct constructor call

#Things gets even nicer with more complex expressions:
drive(c, Vsrc(), [:SUPPLY, :GND], SineWave(1e9))
return c

On Friday, March 6, 2015 at 6:36:44 PM UTC-5, ele...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is essentially the method used by Python (as I believe I understand 
 it, import is the worst documented thing in Python).  Python puts a 
 reference to all modules into sys.modules, no matter where they are 
 imported.  And sys.modules is always the first thing searched before path. 
  So all modules are imported and initialized once (excepting users 
 explicitly deleteing or reloading).  An no matter where the imports happen 
 the first will actually load and initialize the module and all the others 
 will just use that copy.  But since modules are referenced by sys.modules, 
 not the top level namespace, there is no pollution until a user explicitly 
 imports into that namespace.

 On Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 5:48:11 AM UTC+10, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 So then your results would indicate that putting 'using MyModule' inside 
 a function *could* actually bring the exported names into only the local 
 scope *if* the module had already been constructed in the global scope. 
 I know I've seen some people discuss name pollution by 'using' too many 
 modules. It might be part of a wider solution to enable local scope 
 'using', either with a new keyword or just having 'using' check if the 
 module already exists.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Functions in degrees

2015-03-04 Thread MA Laforge
Fair enough.  I don't want to stifle the adoption of Julia by other 

Maybe Ivar is correct: This might be better suited to be implemented as a 
3rd party library.  Maybe SIUnits (https://github.com/Keno/SIUnits.jl)

On Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 9:04:30 AM UTC-5, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 2:57:28 PM UTC-6, Stuart Brorson wrote:

 Since types should be used sparingly, I don't think it a good idea to 
 replace convenience functions like sind and cosd with a type-driven 
 invocation mechanism -- ordinary users will be confused.

 You also can't replace all of them, since the inverse functions can't be 
 dispatched in this way. Anecdotally, I use atan2d more than any of the 
 other *d functions, typically as a step on the way to making a plot. 

[julia-users] Re: Using ModX: Can scope avoid collisions improve readability?

2015-03-04 Thread MA Laforge
I do not fully appreciate the details of how modules get imported either.  
Here is what I can gather:

module moda
export modvar, setmodvar
modvar = 1
setmodvar(x) = (global modvar=x)

module modb
export modvar, setmodvar
modvar = 2
setmodvar(x) = (global modvar=x)

module modc
using moda
import modb
println(using moda)
@show modvar, moda.modvar, modb.modvar
@show setmodvar(5)
@show modvar, moda.modvar, modb.modvar
@show modb.setmodvar(3)
@show modvar, moda.modvar, modb.modvar

module modd
import moda
using modb
println(using modb)
@show modvar, moda.modvar, modb.modvar
@show setmodvar(8)
@show modvar, moda.modvar, modb.modvar

This gives the following results:
using moda
(modvar,moda.modvar,modb.modvar) = (1,1,2)
setmodvar(5) = 5
(modvar,moda.modvar,modb.modvar) = (5,5,2)
modb.setmodvar(3) = 3
(modvar,moda.modvar,modb.modvar) = (5,5,3)
using modb
(modvar,moda.modvar,modb.modvar) = (3,5,3)
setmodvar(8) = 8
(modvar,moda.modvar,modb.modvar) = (8,5,8)

So it looks like it is the same code in the background (at least the 
variables appear to be in a common address space).

So... it looks like import merely makes visible  the code at a module 
And using first imports, then provides a shortcut to the exported 

But as far as I can tell, compilation is done on demand.  I believe that 
the real compile step is done when we call a particular version of the 
code.  Compilation is actually a separate step from using and import

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 11:48:53 AM UTC-5, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 I'm curious about that workaround suggested in the FAQ, where you wrap the 
 function inside its own module. What is happening under the hood there? 
 Does it reinitialize the desired module entirely inside of the wrapper 
 module or does it just make a reference to some other compiled and 
 initialized top-level area? This is assuming the module has already been 
 built elsewhere and you just want easy local access to the exported symbols.

 On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 5:59:30 PM UTC-5, ele...@gmail.com wrote:

 The C++ using namespace and Julia using module are not quite the same 
 thing.  The C++ namespace is a top level entity that is created and 
 initialized as part of the C++ startup code and the using just makes the 
 names of these global entities available within the scope.   The Julia 
 using imports, and thus creates, the module for the first time, and Julia 
 modules can contain statements that run at initialization, whereas C++ 
 namespaces can only contain declarations.  

 But if the Julia using is within the function, when should the actual 
 import and initialize and execute the statements be done?  Every time the 
 function is called is very expensive.  Hoist the import out of the function 
 to the top level, but doing this naively (ie putting the hoisted import 
 just before the function) will then affect all code following the function 
  Have a pseudo top- level visible only to the function adds a complete 
 new complication to the name management code.  But then what happens if the 
 module is imported into two functions, how is its initialization managed? 
 Or the top level and the function?

 So for now the simpler is better approach is to have the user manage 
 importing at the top level only.


 On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 7:23:33 AM UTC+10, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 It's discussed in the FAQ so there must be a good reason for it, though 
 no rationale is mentioned.


 On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 3:00:21 PM UTC-5, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 11:06:38 AM UTC-6, MA Laforge wrote:

 C++ provides using namespace X to make available the contents of X 
 to the current scope.  This even works on un-named scopes within a 


 I know this is something that's come up before, and I think rejected--I 
 think because it causes conflicts with multiple dispatch? But I can't seem 
 to find the thread(s).

 I can't create a hard conflict in a quick mental search for an example, 
 but I can create some level of confusion:

 module Foo
 bar::Int = 1

 module Baz
 bar::Float64 = 27.3
 with module Foo # not current Julia syntax
 bar #which bar is this?

[julia-users] Re: Using ModX: Can scope avoid collisions improve readability?

2015-03-04 Thread MA Laforge
Indeed this appears to be the intent: export tells the user what you want 
to be his/her interface.

But I have also noticed myself omitting exports in order to avoid 
collisions with elements that cannot be resolved by multi-dispatch (like 
type constructors):

module Electronics
type Circuit ... end #Name is very common... don't export

module RailSystem
type Circuit ... end #Name is very common... don't export

using Electronics
using RailSystem #No collision with Circuit: because it is not exported

eckt = Electronics.Circuit(rectifier)
railckt = RailSystem.Circuit(Line A)

Otherwise, I would have to use more verbose names (which just seems silly 
to me):
Electronics.Circuit - Electronics.ElectronicCircuit #Not a common name: 
should be ok to export
RailSystem.Circuit - RailSystem.RailCircuit #Not a common name: should be 
ok to export

...And maybe that's simply how modules should be defined: Never export 
elements that cannot be resolved by multi-dispatch.

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 8:52:20 AM UTC-5, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:45:02 PM UTC-6, MA Laforge wrote:

 Your comment sounds alot like what Stefan said:

 I admit I don't fully appreciate why this is a *technical* problem.  Most 
 scoping rules would dictate that you should be referring to the *most 
 local* version of the value.  In your case bar would come from module Foo.

 One counterargument to that is that it makes the most local thing 
 nonlocal--it's an unexported part of Foo. The export list is in part a 
 declaration of I'm okay with these things sharing namespace if you want, 
 and if you did `export bar` from Foo, then `import Foo`, you'd get what you 

 (There's a side discussion about things happening inside functions; I'm 
 not concerned about that here because that can only make things more 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Functions in degrees

2015-03-02 Thread MA Laforge
That's a good point.  I have myself experienced problems calculating mean 
when periodicity is not taken into account.

As for dimensionless quantities: I see no issue assigning a type to them 
(other than a potential re-design of the Julia libraries... gross). In 
fact, I expect alot of convenience with *typical* use cases.

The real question is how much programming overhead is required to use these 
types (assuming the compiler does the grunt work reducing the *performance* 

For example, you can easily/quickly obtain typeless values with val:
abstract Unit
val(x::Unit) = x.v
abstract Angle : Unit
immutable type Radians{T:Number} : Angle
unitlessVal = val(Radians(pi))


On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 8:14:27 AM UTC-5, Yuuki Soho wrote:

 One advantage of having a Radian type would be to have circular statistics 
 built-in, mainly mean, var, std or cor. Other languages usually have 
 special functions or packages for that (circmean).

[julia-users] Re: Using ModX: Can scope avoid collisions improve readability?

2015-03-02 Thread MA Laforge
Indeed.  I think that is the problem: Julia's using statement is tightly 
coupled to the module import functionality.

From my understanding, the C++ using namespace N1::N2::N3 directive 
simply informs the compiler to use shorthand notation for all 
variables/functions present in namespace N1::N2::N3.  You do not actually 
Import anything new.  In fact, with C++: the contents of that module are 
usually compiled independently in another library file anyways.  I don't 
think the using directive affects the linker either (at least not directly).

On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 5:59:30 PM UTC-5, ele...@gmail.com wrote:

 The C++ using namespace and Julia using module are not quite the same 
 thing.  The C++ namespace is a top level entity that is created and 
 initialized as part of the C++ startup code and the using just makes the 
 names of these global entities available within the scope.   The Julia 
 using imports, and thus creates, the module for the first time, and Julia 
 modules can contain statements that run at initialization, whereas C++ 
 namespaces can only contain declarations.  

 But if the Julia using is within the function, when should the actual 
 import and initialize and execute the statements be done?  Every time the 
 function is called is very expensive.  Hoist the import out of the function 
 to the top level, but doing this naively (ie putting the hoisted import 
 just before the function) will then affect all code following the function 
  Have a pseudo top- level visible only to the function adds a complete 
 new complication to the name management code.  But then what happens if the 
 module is imported into two functions, how is its initialization managed? 
 Or the top level and the function?

 So for now the simpler is better approach is to have the user manage 
 importing at the top level only.


 On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 7:23:33 AM UTC+10, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 It's discussed in the FAQ so there must be a good reason for it, though 
 no rationale is mentioned.


 On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 3:00:21 PM UTC-5, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 On Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 11:06:38 AM UTC-6, MA Laforge wrote:

 C++ provides using namespace X to make available the contents of X 
 to the current scope.  This even works on un-named scopes within a 


 I know this is something that's come up before, and I think rejected--I 
 think because it causes conflicts with multiple dispatch? But I can't seem 
 to find the thread(s).

 I can't create a hard conflict in a quick mental search for an example, 
 but I can create some level of confusion:

 module Foo
 bar::Int = 1

 module Baz
 bar::Float64 = 27.3
 with module Foo # not current Julia syntax
 bar #which bar is this?

[julia-users] Re: Using ModX: Can scope avoid collisions improve readability?

2015-03-02 Thread MA Laforge
Your comment sounds alot like what Stefan said:

I admit I don't fully appreciate why this is a *technical* problem.  Most 
scoping rules would dictate that you should be referring to the *most 
local* version of the value.  In your case bar would come from module Foo.

On the other hand, I can envisage a scary situation arising by adding 
variables to the Foo module *after* the code for Baz has been completed  
verified.  To avoid this potentially disastrous event: the Julia compiler 
might have to err out.

On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 3:00:21 PM UTC-5, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 I know this is something that's come up before, and I think rejected--I 
 think because it causes conflicts with multiple dispatch? But I can't seem 
 to find the thread(s).

 I can't create a hard conflict in a quick mental search for an example, 
 but I can create some level of confusion:

 module Foo
 bar::Int = 1

 module Baz
 bar::Float64 = 27.3
 with module Foo # not current Julia syntax
 bar #which bar is this?

Re: [julia-users] Re: Functions in degrees

2015-03-01 Thread ma . laforge . 49
I like that idea as well, but I would argue that radians should indeed have 
their own type *despite* being unitless.  Julia's multi-dispatch system 
would make calling angle-dependent functions safer, and promote the use of 
shorter names.

As an added benefit, unit conversion could be easily achieved on a 
function-by-function basis (I feel blanketed auto-promotion for units might 
be dangerous).

I built a very simple mockup to try it out.  I used Inch - Meter 
conversion as an example (hoping it might capture a broader audience), but 
I think it would deal perfectly with this very issue:
https://github.com/ma-laforge/testcases/tree/master/units_test (see 

I do not fully appreciate what would be needed to retrofit Julia's basic 
operations, but I would guess you could comment on that.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 10:40:41 AM UTC-5, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 What's particularly nice about having Degree and Turn and such is that you 
 can apply the same exact generic code to any mixture of angular 
 measurements in different units and still get the correct answers. I'm a 
 little concerned about the need to redefine so many basic operations for 
 angular quantities, but maybe that's ok.

 On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Stefan Karpinski ste...@karpinski.org 
 javascript: wrote:

 I rather like the Degree type idea. Radians are unitless so they don't 
 need a type – i.e. PiMultiple is just the default for all trig functions. 
 You could, however, also have things angular units like Turns.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Functions in degrees

2015-03-01 Thread MA Laforge
Good to know.  The proposed method does not appear to have issues dealing 
with this.  Multi-dispatch can still pick up the appropriate trig() 
function.  See snippet I just added for angles:

As the code shows: Functions are easy to add once types are defined:
Base.sin(x::Radians) = sin(val(x))
Base.sin(x::Degrees) = sind(val(x))
Base.sin(x::Angle) = sin(Radians(x))

Typed angles should help maintain a compact namespace (even if we include 
Revolutions as an angle).

As for Stuart's comment:
Maybe Julia modules should include a Matlab compatibility submodules to 
reduce clutter:
module Trigonometry #Probably excessive
   module MatlabCompatibility

module Algebra #Probably excessive
   module MatlabCompatibility

using Trigonometry
using Algebra
using MatlabCompatibility

On Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 5:00:24 PM UTC-5, Steven G. Johnson wrote:

 The errors in sin and cos can be much larger than 1ulp for sin or cos of 
 large phase angles ( 360) in degrees, because pi is not exactly 
 representable in fp while 180 is. 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Functions in degrees

2015-03-01 Thread MA Laforge
Oops. Please disregard comment on Matlab compatibility.
I am almost certain Julia cannot support it in this way.

On Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 11:46:49 PM UTC-5, MA Laforge wrote:

 Good to know.  The proposed method does not appear to have issues dealing 
 with this.  Multi-dispatch can still pick up the appropriate trig() 
 function.  See snippet I just added for angles:


 As the code shows: Functions are easy to add once types are defined:
 Base.sin(x::Radians) = sin(val(x))
 Base.sin(x::Degrees) = sind(val(x))
 Base.sin(x::Angle) = sin(Radians(x))

 Typed angles should help maintain a compact namespace (even if we include 
 Revolutions as an angle).

 As for Stuart's comment:
 Maybe Julia modules should include a Matlab compatibility submodules to 
 reduce clutter:
 module Trigonometry #Probably excessive
module MatlabCompatibility

 module Algebra #Probably excessive
module MatlabCompatibility

 using Trigonometry
 using Algebra
 using MatlabCompatibility

[julia-users] Using ModX: Can scope avoid collisions improve readability?

2015-02-28 Thread ma . laforge . 49
Hi Julia developers,

I am not sure where I should post this, so here goes...

I am really impressed with the Julia language.  It does many things well.  
But there is one aspect of C++ that I miss dearly:

C++ provides using namespace X to make available the contents of X to 
the current scope.  This even works on un-named scopes within a function:

   - See 

In Julia, the closest functional equivalent appears to be the using 
directive.  However, my experiments show that using really only works at 
the module-level:

   - See 

Admittedly, the overall module system in Julia is superior to C++ 
namespaces.  I simply wish the using directive could be applied to 
arbitrary scopes.

Scope-level using directives are particularly useful when the 
multi-dispatch system cannot resolve ambiguities.  For example, an 
Imperial module might provide c in feet/s.

*Effect on coding style*
Without scope-level using directives, it seems impractical to rely on 
module hierarchy to limit the name length of factory elements (those 
unresolvable by Julia's multi-dispatch system):

   - See 

In C++, it is very natural and easy to use compact names for these factory 
elements (ex: classes/constructors/constants...):

   - See 


   1. Is there a subtlety of Julia's use model that I might be 
   misunderstanding here?
   2. If not: would it be feasible to implement scope-level using in 

I did notice others out there posting issues regarding namespaces and 
clobbering.  One that stands out right now is a post by Edmund:

   - https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/T5YYKQzl-Cc/oJVwnMz9zroJ

It appears these posts have died down lately.  Indeed, Julia's current 
module system does provide reasonably adequate options.  I just wanted to 
suggest a way to improve it slightly.

[julia-users] Using ModX: Can scopes avoid collisions improve readability

2015-02-28 Thread ma . laforge . 49
Hi Julia developers,

I am not sure where I should post this, so here goes...

I am really impressed with the Julia language.  It does many things well.  
But there is one aspect of C++ that I miss dearly:

C++ provides using namespace X to make available the contents of X to 
the current scope.  This even works on un-named scopes within a function:

   - See 

In Julia, the closest functional equivalent appears to be the using 
directive.  However, my experiments show that using really only works at 
the module-level:

   - See 

Admittedly, the overall module system in Julia is superior to C++ 
namespaces.  I simply wish the using directive could be applied to 
arbitrary scopes.

Scope-level using directives are particularly useful when the 
multi-dispatch system cannot resolve ambiguities.  For example, an 
Imperial module might provide c in feet/s.

*Effect on coding style*
Without scope-level using directives, it seems impractical to rely on 
module hierarchy to limit the name length of factory elements (those 
unresolvable by Julia's multi-dispatch system):

   - See 

In C++, it is very natural and easy to use compact names for these factory 
elements (ex: classes/constructors/constants...):

   - See 


   1. Is there a subtlety of Julia's use model that I might be 
   misunderstanding here?
   2. If not: would it be feasible to implement scope-level using in 

I did notice others out there posting issues regarding namespaces and 
clobbering.  One that stands out right now is a post by Edmund:

   - https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/T5YYKQzl-Cc/oJVwnMz9zroJ

It appears these posts have died down lately.  Indeed, Julia's current 
module system does provide reasonably adequate options.  I just wanted to 
suggest a way to improve it slightly.