Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-17 Thread Tim Holy
Works for me on 0.4.1. What release are you on?


On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 06:50:37 AM NotSoRecentConvert wrote:
> Is there a special way of documenting a module and its functions?
> When I document the module itself I am able to get full markdown formatting
> but when I move on to the functions it will do the title but the rest
> defaults to code formatting despite all of my efforts.
> "# Test
> `This` will work."
> module Test
>"# This Title Works
>`The rest` here is shown literally."
>function x
> end

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread NotSoRecentConvert
Hmm, the little example works but my code still doesn't. I've trimmed my 
code down to something smaller that still misbehaves.

"# Eddy Meas Module

The Eddy Meas module is a collection of functions to work with SLT files 
generated by EddySoft and, more specifically, EddyMeas.

`sltload`: Load SLT files based on dates

`sltheader`: Load SLT header info

`sltread`: Read SLT file converting everything except mV signals

`sltconfig`: Load CFG data

`slttimeshift`: Shift a set of SLT files' time

`sltwrite`: Write data to an SLT file

`slttrim`: Remove columns from SLT files

For more information see each function's help.


* DataFrames
* dirlist.jl
* findnewton.jl"
module Test

export slttrim

function slttrim()
println("##  slttrim  ##")
println("\tsource::ASCIIString = Source directory, \"K:\\Data\"")
println("\tdestination::ASCIIString = Destination directory, 
println("\tmindate::DateTime = Start of period to process")
println("\tmaxdate::DateTime = End of period to process")
println("\tmaxanalogcols::Int64 = Maximum number of columns that 
should remain")
end # slttrim()

"# slttrim

Remove columns from SLT files, source files must not have all equal 
numbers of columns

* source::ASCIIString = Source directory, `\"K:\\Data\"
* destination::ASCIIString = Destination directory, `\"K:\\Data\"
* mindate::DateTime = Start of period to process
* maxdate::DateTime = End of period to process
* maxanalogcols::Int64 = Maximum number of columns that should remain"
function slttrim(f1::ASCIIString,f2::ASCIIString,mindate::DateTime,

Julia Version 0.4.1
Commit cbe1bee (2015-11-08 10:33 UTC)
Platform Info:
  System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-3.3

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread Michael Hatherly
Single-quoted strings don't strip leading whitespace, which means that in 
the second docstring is being treated as an indented code block.

For any docstring longer than a single line triple-quoted strings should be 
used instead.

- Mike

On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 11:38:25 UTC+2, NotSoRecentConvert wrote:
> Hmm, the little example works but my code still doesn't. I've trimmed my 
> code down to something smaller that still misbehaves.
> "# Eddy Meas Module
> The Eddy Meas module is a collection of functions to work with SLT files 
> generated by EddySoft and, more specifically, EddyMeas.
> `sltload`: Load SLT files based on dates
> `sltheader`: Load SLT header info
> `sltread`: Read SLT file converting everything except mV signals
> `sltconfig`: Load CFG data
> `slttimeshift`: Shift a set of SLT files' time
> `sltwrite`: Write data to an SLT file
> `slttrim`: Remove columns from SLT files
> For more information see each function's help.
> ---
> \n
>  Requirements\n
> * DataFrames
> * dirlist.jl
> * findnewton.jl"
> module Test
> export slttrim
> function slttrim()
> println("\n###")
> println("##  slttrim  ##")
> println("###")
> println(
> "slttrim(source,destination,mindate,maxdate,maxanalogcols)")
> println("\tsource::ASCIIString = Source directory, \"K:\\Data\"")
> println("\tdestination::ASCIIString = Destination directory, 
> \"K:\\Data\"")
> println("\tmindate::DateTime = Start of period to process")
> println("\tmaxdate::DateTime = End of period to process")
> println("\tmaxanalogcols::Int64 = Maximum number of columns that 
> should remain")
> end # slttrim()
> "# slttrim
> Remove columns from SLT files, source files must not have all equal 
> numbers of columns
> `slttrim(source::ASCIIString,destination::ASCIIString,mindate::DateTime,maxdate::DateTime,maxanalogcols::Int64)`\n
> * source::ASCIIString = Source directory, `\"K:\\Data\"
> * destination::ASCIIString = Destination directory, `\"K:\\Data\"
> * mindate::DateTime = Start of period to process
> * maxdate::DateTime = End of period to process
> * maxanalogcols::Int64 = Maximum number of columns that should remain"
> function slttrim(f1::ASCIIString,f2::ASCIIString,mindate::DateTime,
> maxdate::DateTime,maxanalogcols::Int64)
> end
> end
> Julia Version 0.4.1
> Commit cbe1bee (2015-11-08 10:33 UTC)
> Platform Info:
>   System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>   LLVM: libLLVM-3.3

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread NotSoRecentConvert
That was it. It works perfectly now. Thanks!

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread NotSoRecentConvert
When I fix it in the Test module it works but when I do the *exact same 
thing* in my module nothing is different. 

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread Michael Hatherly
Not sure what the trouble is then. If possible could you post the entire 
module that's misbehaving as a gist,

- Mike

On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 12:25:48 UTC+2, NotSoRecentConvert wrote:
> When I fix it in the Test module it works but when I do the *exact same 
> thing* in my module nothing is different. 

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread NotSoRecentConvert
After further testing I think it has to do with caching. I copied more and 
more functions from the original module to the test one, testing each time. 
By the end I just copied and pasted everything, changing only the module 
name to Test in the test module. It worked with no problems. Then I tried 
the original module again and the same old errors came up.

How do I reset the documentation cache of a module?

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread NotSoRecentConvert
It's a bit strange though. If I document functions which had no previously 
been documented in the original module and then try to load the 
documentation in REPL it *does* indeed show the new documentation but with 
incomplete formatting. When it's then copied and pasted into the Test 
module it then shows up correctly.

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread Michael Hatherly
Docs gets captured at macro expansion time so there's no simple way to 
reset the module's docstring cache other than just reloading the module 

What are the steps you're going through when reloading the modules, which 
commands are you using? Are you restarting Julia between each try, or 
perhaps using `workspace()`?

- Mike

On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 16:02:07 UTC+2, NotSoRecentConvert wrote:
> After further testing I think it has to do with caching. I copied more and 
> more functions from the original module to the test one, testing each time. 
> By the end I just copied and pasted everything, changing only the module 
> name to Test in the test module. It worked with no problems. Then I tried 
> the original module again and the same old errors came up.
> How do I reset the documentation cache of a module?

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-18 Thread NotSoRecentConvert
I restart Julia. As far as I know it's the most thorough way of making sure 
it's reloaded properly. Then it's just the usual way of loading a module, 

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-19 Thread NotSoRecentConvert
Turns out it was a problem with the file. I still have no idea why but I 
just renamed the original as a backup and then renamed my test module to 
what I wanted. It worked!

Before I did that I moved ~/.julia/v0.4 to check for caching issues. After 
it was done reloading everything it still didn't work so I moved on to the 
renaming test I mentioned above.

Re: [julia-users] Module documentation not formatting properly

2015-11-19 Thread Michael Hatherly
Just a follow up from further discussion between NotSoRecentConvert and 
myself about this off-list:

Turns out the differences in behaviour between the two files was that they 
had different line endings... namely `\r\n` and `\n`. Related:

- Mike

On Thursday, 19 November 2015 11:03:06 UTC+2, NotSoRecentConvert wrote:
> Turns out it was a problem with the file. I still have no idea why but I 
> just renamed the original as a backup and then renamed my test module to 
> what I wanted. It worked!
> Before I did that I moved ~/.julia/v0.4 to check for caching issues. After 
> it was done reloading everything it still didn't work so I moved on to the 
> renaming test I mentioned above.