Re: [Kde-pim] Problems with infrastructure

2014-12-15 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Dec 15, 2014 10:24 AM, "Aaron J. Seigo"  wrote:
> On Monday, December 15, 2014 10.02:47 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > Just as a datapoint: phabricator is what blender is using now:
> >
> and many more (and larger):
> looks like a pretty cool system. the command line integration (arc) is
> nice and powerful.

Yeah. Wikimedia just switched to it for bug tracking. More will follow.
Made my life as product manager there a lot easier already.


> --
> Aaron J. Seigo

Re: [Kde-pim] Problems with infrastructure

2014-12-15 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Jan Kundrát  wrote:
> On Monday, 15 December 2014 10:46:03 CEST, Lydia Pintscher wrote:
>> Yeah. Wikimedia just switched to it for bug tracking. More will follow.
> My understanding of the reason behind this switch is that they are PHP
> programmers, so they prefer to work with software written in PHP,

That's part of the reason. Another is very good upstream support for us.

>> Made my life as product manager there a lot easier already.
> I do see a plan for "migrate from Gerrit to Phabricator" on your wiki now,
> but the same page also says "We need help learning about the possibilities
> of Phabricator in this area: what is missing, what exists in a different
> way, what is remarkably interesting, which are the blockers that should be
> reported upstream?". Considering that this is different than what I heard a
> month ago, and given that there's AFAIK no code review in your deployed UI
> now, I wonder what the plan is.

Experiments and investigations are underway now. I don't know what the
timeline of the team working on that is but is their


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE e.V. Board of Directors / KDE Community Working Group -

Re: Changes to our Git infrastructure

2015-01-03 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Thiago Macieira  wrote:
> For Gerrit:

I think before checking Ben's list against specific implementations we
should make sure the list is actually correct and complete. It's the
basis for an important decision so let's do this step-by-step? :)


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE e.V. Board of Directors / KDE Community Working Group -

release schedule calendar

2010-11-28 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

toma is awesome and because he's awesome he created after I asked him to. We've had
ics files for each cycle already but you'd need to subscribe to the
new one each cycle. This one now combines them all and you can
subscribe to it in your favorite calendar application and never forget
an important release schedule date again.


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

Re: [Digikam-devel] Suspending mailinglists due to lack of moderators.

2011-01-08 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 23:32, Tom Albers  wrote:
> - Original Message -
>> On Saturday 01 January 2011 21:25:23 Tom Albers wrote:
>> > 28 dot-stories
>> What's the differences between that list and kde-promo? Do we really
>> need a dot-stories mailing list?
>> Regards
>> Damnshock
> I think it is an internal list where new dot submissions end up, not sure 
> though.

No those go to dot-edit...@ko. This one I think is for new articles -
newsletter-like for people to subscribe to - iirc. Riddell should have


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

GSoC ideas needed - 20 days until org application - last call

2011-02-08 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

We have 20 days left until org application opens for GSoC 2011. By
that point we should have as many rocking ideas as possible on this
wiki page:  It will be used
to evaluate our application. Please add your ideas. It'd be awesome if
we could offer a few ideas related to accessibility this time.

If you have questions or are unsure about ideas please let me know.

Cheers and thanks

PS: Please forward to other potentially interested groups in KDE - I
just made a selection from last year's list.

Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

Re: [GSOC?] Porting KDELibs to Android

2011-02-27 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 16:37, Markus Slopianka  wrote:
> I can't speak for the others but IMO the GSOC program introduced an unhealthy 
> attitude
> into FOSS:
> Get into a FOSS project solely for the money, patch something up in pre-alpha 
> quality
> that's not yet good enough to be merged into the main tree, and leave after 
> the money is
> collected.
> While I'd like to see an Android port, it would be of no use if the GSOC 
> student
> disappears after the payment and no longer maintains it...

Yes this does happen. But it doesn't happen with all the students and
it also happens outside of GSoC.
Overall GSoC as a program and the students and mentors taking part in
it have made a great contribution to KDE. Let's not forget that. And
they will continue to do so. Last year alone we've had 46,5
successfully completed projects plus 8 on top of that for Season of
KDE. There is no other program I know achieving anything similar. As a
community our retention rate is very good when looking at all orgs
taking part especially when taking into account that we're the largest
org. Let's be thankful for what the students do and give them the
necessary incentive to stay even when no longer paid by Google. TO a
large extend that is in our hands.


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

Re: 4.6 branches created in git again

2011-03-22 Thread Lydia Pintscher
We have a lot of people in our community who have not worked with git
at all yet or only for a few days. Talking down on them is not
helping. Neither does it make them learn git nor does it make them
like git.
So lets try to teach them so they can actually continue their work on
KDE. Their knowledge of git is not an indication of how valuable they
are to our community.


also: git supporters shouldn't be git's worst enemy - something I get
the feeling that is the case though

Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

Season of KDE project on speed optimization

2011-04-29 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Hi :)

Aaditya applied for a Season of KDE slot. He wants to work on speed
optimization. Do we have a nice project for him?


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

Re: Season of KDE project on speed optimization

2011-05-01 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 12:52, Lydia Pintscher  wrote:
> Hi :)
> Aaditya applied for a Season of KDE slot. He wants to work on speed
> optimization. Do we have a nice project for him?

Ok this case is settled now. Thanks everyone!
However I'd be really grateful if some more mentors can step up. I
have 55 applications now and am trying to match them up with projects
and mentors and I expect more to come. Helping hands are needed :D


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

Re: Qt5 -> KDE5?

2011-05-09 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Folks please. Let's not make this an endless bikeshedding exercise.
Let's keep this focused.
This is not the right place for users to complain about KDE 4.0.


Lydia, k-c-d moderator

Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

Re: Qt5 -> KDE5?

2011-05-09 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 22:37, Alexander Neundorf  wrote:
> On Monday 09 May 2011, Lydia Pintscher wrote:
>> Folks please. Let's not make this an endless bikeshedding exercise.
>> Let's keep this focused.
>> This is not the right place for users to complain about KDE 4.0.
> I have seen only one email with a complaint in this still short and young
> thread.
> Not sure this makes it necessary to step in as moderator ?

I think it does given how needed this discussion is and how much
potential it has for bikeshedding and becoming useless.
Besides that I have been asked to step in.


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

Desktop Summit registration

2011-07-12 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

everyone who is coming to the Desktop Summit and has not registered
yet please do so asap. This is important. You'll for example not get
wifi at the beginning if you don't and your registration on site will
take longer.

Cheers and thanks

Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

Re: Formal complaint concerning the use of the name "System Settings" by GNOME

2011-07-25 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

This whole debate is way too heated and I'd like to take this out of
the arena. Are there 2 or 3 people on the GNOME side that are
available to talk this through and find a solution? Ideally whoever
maintains system settings on the GNOME side would be one of them.
I'd like to work with them and Ben on finding a good solution.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

Re: Formal complaint concerning the use of the name "System Settings" by GNOME

2011-07-28 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 10:07, Mark  wrote:
> Perhaps the involved people from KDE and Gnome should just sit down in
> an IRC chat room and talk about it.

That is pretty much exactly what I'm trying to organize. But I need to
know who that would be from the GNOME-side.

> note: congrats on the KDE 4.7 release!



Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

Re: Formal complaint concerning the use of the name "System Settings" by GNOME

2011-07-28 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 11:24, Olav Vitters  wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 10:11:32AM +0200, Lydia Pintscher wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 10:07, Mark  wrote:
>> > Perhaps the involved people from KDE and Gnome should just sit down in
>> > an IRC chat room and talk about it.
>> That is pretty much exactly what I'm trying to organize. But I need to
>> know who that would be from the GNOME-side.
> gnome-control-center maintainers are listed at:
> and to see who actually commits things:

Thanks Olav. I'll send some emails.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

smallish project needed

2011-08-08 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

I'm at the Desktop Summit and was asked by someone for a smallish
project that he could hack on in KDE and that needs help. Ideally he'd
like to start hacking on it tomorrow and work more on it over the next
couple of days during the workshops.
If you have nice ideas please let me know quickly.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

Re: smallish project needed

2011-08-09 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 03:15, Michael Pyne  wrote:
> On Monday, August 08, 2011 18:44:40 Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
>> Juk is an easy target, and in need of love.
> Honestly I was going to recommend the same thing.
> I don't agree that it's (all) easy (although there is certainly a lot of "low-
> hanging fruit"), but it does have the advantage that I'm at least available by
> email to help guide/mentor.
> In addition I will be completing school very soon, which hopefully should add
> some time per day (although that may be offset by the new job I will be
> rotating to soon which will probably involve a longer commute).
> Either way, JuK could use some love, there's still someone mostly-active who
> can show interested parties around the codebase and I should have piped in on
> one of these requests awhile ago (but I've always assumed someone else has
> need the help more ;( )

Thanks guys. I've suggested him to take a look at JuK.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

mentor needed for start-up optimization Season of KDE student

2011-09-27 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

I've got an eager SoK student who needs a mentor for a bit of
hand-holding in the coding part of his project. He's already done
extensive research but is stuck on the implementation part because his
initial mentor isn't responding. The project is about optimizing
start-up time. Anyone able to pick this up? You'd totally land on my
list of people who seriously rock. I'd hate to let this enthusiastic
student leave just because of an unresponsive mentor.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

teacher needed for Ada Lovelace Day tutorial

2011-09-27 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

Ada Lovelace Day is on 7th of October and I and a few other people
would love to have a programming tutorial on IRC on that day. It'd be
a "for women and their friends" event, meaning men are welcome if
they're nice but the main focus are women). The goal of the tutorial
would be writing a first small KDE application or fixing a bug. If we
have teachers for both we could also do two tutorials.
I'm looking for a teacher for this. I and others will help with
promotion. Any takers?


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

Re: teacher needed for Ada Lovelace Day tutorial

2011-09-28 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 19:08, Tomaz Canabrava  wrote:
> Must be a woman - teacher?

Not necessarily but it would of course be nice.

> what about annma?

She said she can't promise she'll be available that day so can't do it.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

Re: mentor needed for start-up optimization Season of KDE student

2011-09-29 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Thanks so much Martin and Dario. I'll get you in contact with the student.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member -

Teaching the next Adas – join KDE for Ada Lovelace Day tutorials

2011-10-03 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

I'm really excited to announce that we'll have tutorials for Ada
Lovelace Day (7. Oct) at KDE. Learn how to become a bugmaster or write
your own little application. Find out more at

Please send me a quick email if you're planning to attend and spread
the word to your friends.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

tasks for Google Code-in

2011-10-15 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

Google Code-in 
has been announced again for this year. Org applications will start on
Monday and we'll try to get in again given last year's success. The
kids were wonderful.
Google changed the rules a bit this time. If we're accepted we need to
add a large number of tasks at the beginning and can only add a second
round in the middle of the program again. This means we need to start
thinking of good tasks for the kids now. All this small stuff you wish
you had time for - make it a task. If you're unsure if it's suitable
find me in #kde-soc and I'll help you. Tasks can come from the
following areas:
* Code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
* Documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents
* Outreach: Tasks related to community management and outreach/marketing
* Quality Assurance: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of
high quality
* Research: Tasks related to studying a problem and recommending solutions
* Training: Tasks related to helping others learn more
* Translation: Tasks related to localization
* User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user
interface design and interaction

Please think of tasks. I'll go around with a wiki page or similar
later to collect them.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: [KDE Usability] tasks for Google Code-in

2011-10-15 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 16:31, todd rme  wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Lydia Pintscher  wrote:
>> Heya folks :)
>> Google Code-in 
>> (
>> has been announced again for this year. Org applications will start on
>> Monday and we'll try to get in again given last year's success. The
>> kids were wonderful.
>> Google changed the rules a bit this time. If we're accepted we need to
>> add a large number of tasks at the beginning and can only add a second
>> round in the middle of the program again. This means we need to start
>> thinking of good tasks for the kids now. All this small stuff you wish
>> you had time for - make it a task. If you're unsure if it's suitable
>> find me in #kde-soc and I'll help you. Tasks can come from the
>> following areas:
>> * Code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
>> * Documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents
>> * Outreach: Tasks related to community management and outreach/marketing
>> * Quality Assurance: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of
>> high quality
>> * Research: Tasks related to studying a problem and recommending solutions
>> * Training: Tasks related to helping others learn more
>> * Translation: Tasks related to localization
>> * User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user
>> interface design and interaction
>> Please think of tasks. I'll go around with a wiki page or similar
>> later to collect them.
> Some ideas (they may or may not be appropriate for this):
> 1. Rewrite individual or small numbers of plasma widgets in QML
> 2. Write comprehensive unit tests for a particular module
> 3. Make sure a particular module conforms to its coding style
> 4. I noticed openSUSE is working on something called openQA for
> automated testing of software.  It might be worth seeing if that could
> be useful
> 5. Some sort of easy-to-use tracking and display of page hits and/or
> search terms for userbase so we know what people are trying to find
> out or learn
> 6. Integrate the amarok feedback system into one or more other applications
> 7. Improve detection and handling of duplicates in Dr. Konqi, such as
> detecting duplicate backtraces
> 8. Some sort of fuzzy duplicate search, ideally with some sort of
> learning algorithm, in (or bugzilla in general) that can
> rank reports in terms of how likely they are to be duplicates to help
> triagers focus their searches.  Bug reports could also be run through
> this before submission to help users find out if their bugs are
> duplicates.  This could be too difficult for such a project, though.
> 9. Something in to let users report a bug as likely fixed
> or a likely duplicate.  These sorts of reports should probably be
> prioritized over normal comments since they can help reduce the
> overall noise in, so having a dedicated way to do that
> would be helpful.  Maybe a general way for users to report bugs that
> should probably be closed but that they do have permission to close
> themselves.  Once again this might be better done in upstream
> bugzilla.
> 10. Scientific and technical QML components like plots, axes, meters,
> dials, LEDs, thermometers, etc.  Each person would either do one such
> component or a small number of them.  The goal would be to reproduce
> the stuff offered by the QWT project in QML.
> 11. Remove all Qt3support or KDE3support instances from one
> application or part of one application (depending on the size of the
> application and number of such instances)
> 12. Integrate a simple, low-bitrate screencast tool into both KDE and
> userbase so it is easy to make and upload visual walkthroughs of
> various tasks.  It should ideally be dedicated to this tasks, with
> annotations and automatically pausing after each stage so the user can
> do it themselves.
> 13. Make an interactive problem solver for Userbase that directs
> people to particular articles based on their responses to a series of
> questions.
> 14. Integrate userbase with the existing KDE help system.  This would
> probably involve two projects, one to have userbase search in the help
> system (but would just show links that open the page in a web
> browser), and a second to display userbase web pages directly in the
> help browser.
> 15. Fix the search in KDE help.  Maybe use strigi to index the help
> and man files.  A second project could be something in nepomuk to
> automatically cross-reference help pages based on th

Re: [KDE Usability] tasks for Google Code-in

2011-10-15 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 17:33, Dashamir Hoxha  wrote:
> Probably some kind of IdeaToRent program could be
> useful for collecting and developing ideas in a
> systematic way:

No Google has its own system for that later that we need to use. Also
the tasks are not of a scope that needs a lot of

> This could even be one of the tasks for the students.

We need the tasks before the kids start.

Again: no need to cross-post to all lists. For questions/discussions
find me in #kde-soc or email me please.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: tasks for Google Code-in

2011-10-17 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Ok it's time to actually collect the tasks :)

Here's a blog with information:
and here is the ideas page:
Last years ideas page for inspiration:
Please add a lot of tasks. We can only add new ones half-way through
the program. We need at least 5 tasks in each area.

For questions find me in #kde-soc please.

Cheers and thanks

Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: Suggestions for some KDE default options

2011-12-12 Thread Lydia Pintscher
2011/12/12 Ingo Klöcker :
> On Sunday 11 December 2011, Eike Hein wrote:
>> This isn't k-c-d material, obviously flamy and bikesheddy,
>> and most likely a case of our esteemed list mods having
>> had a too luxurious breakfast on this fine Sunday morning.
> I'm sorry, but censorship is not part of my job description. I share
> your opinion about this message. Nevertheless, I chose to approve the
> message.

List admins are not just there for spam control. You could have
rejected it with a note to resend after more research or similar. Or
replied right after approving it to keep replies in the right
direction like Eike did. This is a moderator's duty.

> Markus made exactly the right reply, constructive (except for the
> "whining" bit) and to the point. You didn't. Your reply was not really
> helpful. In fact, I, as one of your "esteemed list mods", find it
> outright insulting.
>> Thank you for thinking of our list climate!
> I'm wondering why you ask from others what you don't do.
> Regards,
> Ingo (moderator)

Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

KDE at the next Qt Contributors' Summit

2012-03-14 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks,

Is anyone taking care of KDE's presence at the next Qt Contributors'
Summit?  If
not it'd be really great if someone could step up. We should show up
again. I don't have the time to help with the planning. I might
however have a couch to crash on by that time for someone.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: KDE at the next Qt Contributors' Summit

2012-03-19 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

I just wanted to let you know that we might be able to sponsor a very
limited number of people to go to the Q Contributors' Summit in
Berlin. If you should be there and need sponsoring please email the
board asap.

Also a quick reminder: Akademy accommodation/travel sponsorship
deadline for round one is April 1st. Please do not wait until the last
minute. We'd like to check most requests before the deadline so that
we can make final decisions quickly in the next board call on April
2nd and get back to everyone.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

letter from digia

2012-08-09 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Hi folks,

as you might have heard digia is acquiring Qt. The board received a
letter that we were asked to distribute to the community. It's
A dot story will hopefully follow soon.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Description: Adobe PDF document

call for presentations: Qt Developer Conference

2012-09-03 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

The call for presentations for this year's Qt Developer Conference is
published. It is important to have KDE represented there in the talk
program. If you have something interesting to talk about please do
submit something. The deadline is September 23rd.
If you need feedback on your submission please poke me.


PS: Please let me know if you submit something.

Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Fwd: [Development] Two days left: Qt Developers Conference CFP

2012-09-21 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

2 days left to propose a talk. Let's have a great KDE presence there.
If you need help with your submission let me know.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Thiago Macieira 
Date: Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:41 PM
Subject: [Development] Two days left: Qt Developers Conference CFP

This is the right mailing list :-)

The Qt Developers Conference Call for Papers is still open. If you haven't
yet, please submit your presentation proposal for the conference. We're
looking for topics by developers, for developers, about Qt: developing with
it, developing it; what's coming, what's already present, how to use it with
or on other technology (devices, architectures, other libraries, frameworks,

Be creative and submit your proposal at
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
 Intel Sweden AB - Registration Number: 556189-6027
 Knarrarnäsgatan 15, 164 40 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden

Development mailing list

Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Google Code-in tasks needed

2012-11-03 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 3:01 PM, Lydia Pintscher  wrote:
> Heya folks :)
> Sorry for mass-mailing but this concerns pretty much everyone. Google
> Code-in applications have started. I just submitted our application.
> To be successful we now need to add tasks to this list:
> Please only add tasks you are willing to mentor (or if you know
> someone else is)!
> A few things to keep in mind:
> * this is not just about code. We also need other tasks (likely even
> more than coding tasks)
> * we need at least 5 tasks in each category
> * a task should take a normal KDE contributor about 2 hours (This is
> to give you some idea of how much work a task should be. If you have
> doubts/questions please come to me.)
> * there are no translation tasks this time
> * there are no easy/normal/hard tasks - all the same this time
> * we get to choose 2 grand-price winners among our best kids. This
> means students are much more likely to stick with one org this time.
> * the kids don't get money this time
> * Google expects a turn-around time on tasks of less than 36 hours.
> I'd like to us try to get to less than 24 hours if at all possible.
> * check the timeline
> ( If you're
> not available to approve and review tasks for some of that time please
> add that to the task description
> We need this list finished latest by November 5th but earlier would be
> a lot better.
> Please spread the word to everyone who's not yet aware of it but should be.
> Cheers and thanks for your help
> Lydia
> PS: Please CC me on replies as I am not subscribed to all lists.

Hey :)

Just a quick reminder that tasks that will be considered to decide if
KDE takes part or not need to be on the wiki by Monday. Please make
sure you have as many of your tasks there as possible by the deadline.
Thanks to everyone who already added tasks.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Get ready for GSoC! KDE++ aka Polishing Existing Things

2013-02-23 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

It's time to prepare for Google Summer of Code 2013. In order to have
a kick-ass application we need to have a great ideas page. Please help
fill this page soon:
Students are already looking around for ideas so try not to wait too
long please.

This year's theme, should we be accepted again, is "KDE++ aka
Polishing Existing Things". It'd be great if you offered ideas that
fit it. (We will however also accept other ideas.)
has more details. Please spread the word.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

submit proposals for Akademy talks

2013-02-23 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

Akademy is getting closer and it is time to submit proposals for
talks. This is your chance to present your work and ideas to the KDE
community in person. The call for papers is here: It has all the details.
I'm sure there's something interesting you could talk about in Bilbao.
Don't wait! If you have questions or are unsure I'm happy to help.
Just send me an email.

Important: deadline for submissions is March 15th, 23:59:59 CEST. But
please do your program committee a favor and don't wait until the last
minute ;-)


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: Possible GSOC ideas

2013-02-26 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Sebastian Kügler  wrote:
> On Sunday, February 24, 2013 11:33:50 todd rme wrote:
>> Although I will not be able to mentor, I have come up with a few
>> possible ideas for GSOC fitting with this year's "polish existing
>> things" theme.  They may or may not be appropriate or even desirable,
>> so feel free to ignore any or all of them:
> On the mailing list, these will get lost. Please add them to the wiki. (Wether
> or not they make sense (I cannot judge), will be decided by the students and
> the proposal selection process, I suppose.)

Please only add ideas to the wiki which have a mentor and which we're
actually willing to follow through with. I'd like to not open up the
ideas page on the wiki to random crap (not saying these suggestions
are) without a mentor. It'll just disappoint students and make it
really hard for them to say what is worth putting time into.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

sponsorship request deadlines for Akademy and call for paper reminder

2013-03-09 Thread Lydia Pintscher
Heya folks :)

KDE e.V. will once again provide travel and accommodation support to a
number of people who need it to be able to attend Akademy. For details
about this please see the reimbursement policy:

The board will approve requests in 3 rounds. The budget is limited.
You want to be in the first round! The deadlines for requests are:
first round: March 15
second round: April 15
third round: May 15

To post a request please register for Akademy on During the registration process you'll be able
to indicate it.

Please also remember to submit your talk proposals. The deadline for
that is March 15.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: Get ready for GSoC! KDE++ aka Polishing Existing Things

2013-03-24 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Lydia Pintscher  wrote:
> Heya folks :)
> It's time to prepare for Google Summer of Code 2013. In order to have
> a kick-ass application we need to have a great ideas page. Please help
> fill this page soon:
> Students are already looking around for ideas so try not to wait too
> long please.
> This year's theme, should we be accepted again, is "KDE++ aka
> Polishing Existing Things". It'd be great if you offered ideas that
> fit it. (We will however also accept other ideas.)
> has more details. Please spread the word.

Heya folks :)

If you've been putting off adding ideas to please do it _now_. We need
to finish our ideas page to be able to submit a good organisation
application. The ideas page is a major decision point for that.

Please also add ideas for the FOSS Outreach Program for Women:  (for this program we
can also offer non-coding ideas!)


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: Requesting freeze exception for JtG

2013-04-28 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 2:51 AM, Pau Garcia i Quiles
> Hi,
> Last weekend we had the KDE eV Sprint at Berlin.
> For various reasons, financial mainly, it was clear we need to raise
> visibility of the Join the Game campaign in order to get more users to
> sign up. One of the decisions taken was to add a bit of the Join the
> Game text to KDE applications.
> Screenshots available here:
> To avoid confusion with the Join the Game program, there are slight
> changes in "About KDE":  "Join KDE" and "Support KDE" have been
> relabeled to "Get involved" and "Donate" respectively.
> Why is it important that we get this in now?
> - Because 4.8 is probably the last release before 5.0
> - Given our history with 4.0, I wouldn't be surprised if users and
> distributions avoid 5.0 as the default, or even altogether
> - This means either the Join the Game propaganda goes in for 4.8, or
> it will not arrive to our users before 18-24 months (~12 months till
> 5.0 + 6 months for 5.1 + distributions delay + ...). No matter how
> optimistic we are about releasing 5.0 soon, history shows there are
> always delays.
> - We cannot wait 18 months
> There are no API changes involved. This is not exactly a "feature" either.
> Code is available in the origin-KDE/4.7 branch here:
> If you'd rather see it in web:
> Given that we are already feature frozen, I am hereby requesting a
> freeze exception for the following:
> - Adding a new menu subheader ("Support KDE: Join the Game")
> - Adding new dialog with three tabs (KJoinTheGame). The text of these
> tabs is essentially the same as the first three columns in
> This will require a message freeze exception, which I have already requested.

Heya :)

I'd like to bring this up again. Where are we with this? Is now a
better time to get this in? What needs to be done still and who can
make it happen?


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: Requesting freeze exception for JtG

2013-05-07 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 12:41 AM, Albert Astals Cid  wrote:
> I guess now that we have a "not totally frozen" kdelibs you could just commit
> it to master and merge to frameworks and be done with it.
> Obviously needs to happen before the Soft/Hard Freeze.

Is there anyone willing and able to do this? I can't unfortunately.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

Re: Requesting freeze exception for JtG

2013-05-08 Thread Lydia Pintscher
On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 12:23 AM, Albert Astals Cid  wrote:
> Personally I don't think it looks nice in our menus, but i'm not the kdeui
> maintainer. I'll let people with an opinion discuss if we want it in or not.
> Meanwhile i've done the grunt work.

Thank you! Much appreciated.


Lydia Pintscher -
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -